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Douglas e HE GD HEHERD acred Cantata or enor, Mixed Chorus, and rgan Liretto comiled rom the Holy critures and the hymns o hyllis Wocher and Douglas e M057 ocal core douglasecom

HE GD HEHERD 1 CHRU: He hall eed His lock Like a heherd 1 2 RI: I m the Good heherd 10 CHRU: he Lord Is My heherd 16 CENE: eed hee 25 5 HYMN: avior o the Wandering hee

he Good heherd or enor, Mixed Chorus, and Chamer rchestra 1 CHRU: He hall eed His lock Like a heherd [Isaiah 0:11, DC :2] He eed his lock like a sheherd: He gather the lams ith his arm, and carry them in his osom, and gently lead those ith young, ye nations o the earth, ho ot ould I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her ings, ut yet ould not! 2 RI: I m the Good heherd [ohn 10:11,1; Matt 11:280; DC 112:1, erm 0:22; Nehi 15:2, Rev 21:] I am the good sheherd, and kno shee I am the good sheherd: the good sheherd giveth his lie or the shee Ye are shee Come unto me, all ye that laour and are heavy laden, and I ill give you rest ake yoke uon you, and learn o me; or yoke is easy, and urden is light Ye are shee I am the good sheherd ake yoke uon you, and learn o me ake u your cross, ollo me, and eed shee Come unto me, all ye that laour and are heavy laden, and I ill give you rest ake yoke uon you, and learn o me; or yoke is easy, and urden is light Ye are shee iii

CHRU: he Lord Is My heherd [salm 2] he Lord is sheherd, thereore can I lack nothing He eed me in a green asture, and lead me orth eside the aters o comort He convert soul, and ring me orth in the aths o righteousness, or his Name s sake Yea, though I alk through the valley o the shado o death, I ill ear no evil, or thou art ith me, thy rod and thy sta they comort me hou shalt reare a tale eore me against them that troule me hou hast anointed head ith oil, and cu e ull ut thy loving kindness and mercy ollo me all the days o lie nd I ill dell in the house o the Lord or ever CENE: eed My hee [ohn 21:17,10,12,1517; Matt 11:29; DC 112:1] CHRU (omen) here ere together imon eter, and others o the disciles at the sea imon eter saith unto them, I go a ishing CHRU (men) We also go ith thee CHRU (omen) hat night they caught nothing ut hen the morning as come, esus stood on the shore, ut the disciles kne not that it as esus ENR Children, have ye any meat Cast the net on the right side o the shi, and ye ind CHRU (omen) hey cast thereore, nd no they ere not ale to dra it or the multitude o ishes iv

CHRU (men) It is the Lord ENR ring o the ish hich ye have caught Come and dine CHRU (men) It is the Lord ENR imon, son o onas, lovest thou me more than these CHRU (men) Yea, Lord; thou knoest that I love thee ENR imon, son o onas, lovest thou me CHRU (men) Yea, Lord; thou knoest that I love thee ENR imon, son o onas, lovest thou me CHRU (men) thou knoest all things; thou knoest that I love thee ENR eed shee ENR ake yoke uon you, and learn o me ake u your cross, ollo me, and eed shee CHRU He eed his lock like a sheherd: He gather the lams ith his arm, and carry them in his osom eed shee 5 HYMN: avior o the Wandering hee [hyllis Wocher and Douglas e] avior o the andering shee, Good heherd o the holy kee, Hear yearning, sorroing sighs v

h hear cries, h hear cries! Carry me uon thy reast, o saely dell ithin thy rest Guide me through this earthly toil, noint me ith thy healing oil Wash me in atoning lood, Deliver me, God o love Carry me uon thy reast, o saely dell ithin thy rest avior, no I truly see, hine undersheherd I must e; inding rest ith thee aove, y taking on the yoke o love Carrying uon reast, hy shee Lam, lease give them rest he Good heherd as commissioned y a consortium o choirs including the olloing: t homas Eiscoal Church, Cincinnati, H, righam Young UniversityIdaho, Rexurg, ID, and airax United Methodist Church, ariax Dr he irst erormance as ril 17, 2016 at t homas Eiscoal Church, errace ark, H conducted y Dr Carlton Monroe and eaturing Dr ason est as tenor soloist INRUMENIN oe English Horn assoon enor (esus) Mixed Chorus tring Quartet (or small string sections) Doule ass rgan Duration c25 minutes vi

ext: rom the Holy critures and the Hymns o hyllis Wocher and Douglas e rgan 9 trings ndante oco ruato, loing q = 80 8 lute to Dr Carlton Monroe and the arish Choir at t homas Eiscoal Church, Cincinnati, H HE GD HEHERD or enor, Mixed Chorus, and rgan sostenuto 1 He hall eed His lock Isaiah 0:11, DC :2 n n n n He Music y: DUGL EW (1980) armly exressive olo eed trings cant his 18 25 lock like a she herd, he gath er the lams n ith his n arm, car ry them, and car ry them in his os om, and gen n n n n cresc and tly Coyright 2016 y Douglas e and lue hore Music ll rights reserved International coyright secured douglasecom, lueshoremusiccom

2 2 n lead those ith young He eed his lock like a n lead those ith young He eed his He trings lute n 9 she herd, he gath er the He eed his lock, lams n he ith his arm, gath er the and lams, and lock like a she herd, he ga ther the lams ith his arm, eed his lock like a she herd, n n n

5 car and and car ry them, and car car ry them, and car ry them in his o som, ry them, and car ry them in his o som, car ry them in his o som, and shal gen ry them in his and and o som and tly 51 gen tly lead those ith young gitato q = c112 gen lead tly lead those ith those ith young young declamatory, ye declamatory na tions o the lead those ith young, ye na tions o the gitato q = c112

57 declamatory Ho ot I ould have declamatory n, ye na tions, ho ot I ould have earth, n ho ot I ould have earth, ho ot I ould have n n 61 n gath ered you as a hen gath 'reth her chick n ens gath ered you as a hen gath 'reth her chick n ens gath ered you as a hen gath 'reth her chick ens gath ered you as a hen gath 'reth her chick ens n n n n n n n

5 66 n un der her ings, ut ye ould not! n n un der her ings, ut ye ould not! un der her ings, ut ye ould not! un der her ings, ut ye ould not! n n n n n n 72 declamatory n n, ye declamatory na tions o the earth,, ye na tions o the earth, n declamatory, ye n n n n

6 76 ho long I ould have gath ered you as a declamatory ho long I ould have gath n ered n you as a n Ho ot I ould have gath ered you as a na tions, ho ot I ould have gath ered you as a n n n n 81 n n hen gath 'reth her chick ens un der her ings, hen gath 'reth her chick ens un der her ings, hen gath 'reth her chick ens un der her n ings, n hen gath 'reth her chick ens un der her ings, n n n n n

7 86 ut ye ould n rall > not! >not! n arm He arm ut ye ould > He arm ut ye ould not! > He arm ut ye ould not! He n rall n trings n 91 ndante q = 80 8 eed his lock like a she herd, he gath er the lams ith his eed his lock like a she herd, he gath er the n lams ith his eed his lock like a she herd, he gath er the lams ith his eed his lock like a she herd, he gath er the lams ith his ndante q = 80 8 trings cant olo n n

8 97 arm, and car ry them, and car ry them in his os om, arm, and n car ry them, and car ry them in his os om, arm, and car ry them, and car ry them in his os om, n n arm, and car ry them, and car ry them in his os om, n n n 10 and n gen tly n lead those ith young and gen tly lead those ith young and gen tly lead those ith young He eed his n and gen tly lead those ith young trings n n

9 111 He n n eed his lock, He eed, he eed his lock, lock, He eed his lock, He eed his lock, lute sostenuto trings n n n n 118 n he eed his lock, he eed his he eed his lock, he eed his lock he eed his lock, he eed his he eed his lock, he eed his

10 125 oco meno rall lock lock lock oco meno n n rall 2 I m the Good heherd t ohn 10:11, 1; t Matt 11:280; DC 112:1; erm 0:22, Nehi 15:2; Rev 21: esus dagio q = c69 I am the good sheherd, and kno rgan trings â * EHn ä ä ä ä * lay cues in ascense o ind layers

11 esus 7 shee I am the good she herd: the good ä â â â â esus 1 n n n n n she herd giv eth his n ä n n lie n ä or the shee n ä n n n n n Ye are â shee n n n olo n esus 20 molto rall n n oco meno q = 60 6 arm, inviting Come un to me, all ye that la our and are hea vy â n nn n n n n n n n olo (ot) arm esus 25 la den, and I ill give you rest ake yoke u on you n

12 esus 0 n n and learn o me, or yoke is ea sy and ur den is n end ot solo n n esus n molto rall meno mosso light n n n n n olo esus 7 n n emo I o q = c69 n olo n n n n n n n trings EH ä I am ä the good she herd ä esus 2 ä ake yoke u on you, and learn o ä me â â ake u â â your cross,

1 esus 8 esress n n n ä ol lo me, ol lo ä n n me, n ä and eed shee, n ä n n n and eed n esus 5 n n ndante q = c76 2 oco agitato shee n olo n n U n U U n n n n n n 2 2 2 oco agitato nd e ie a ay Ó esus 59 all tears rom their eyes; and there e no more Ó esus 61 death, nei ther sor ro, nor n

esus 1 6 cry ing, nei ther there e a ny more ain esus 65 rall nd ye e eo le and I ill e your God n n esus 68 oco meno arm, inviting Come un to me, all ye that la our and are hea vy la den, esus olo (ot) 72 arm n and I ill give you rest ake yoke u on you

15 esus 76 n n and learn o me, or yoke is ea sy and ur den is n end ot solo n n esus 79 molto rall Ó meno mosso light n n n n olo n esus 8 rall n n n n U n U n U

16 he Lord Is My heherd salm 2 orano dagio, oco ruato q = 69 72 Ó π dolce he Lord is she herd, lto Ó π dolce enor π π sim he Lord is she herd, ass π ẇ π ẇ she herd she herd sim ẇ ẇ *rgan dagio, oco ruato q = 69 72 π ẇ edals (ad li) ẇ Ó ẇ π ẇ 8 there ore can I lack noth ing he Lord is she herd, there ore can I lack there ore can I lack noth ing he Lord is she herd, there ore can I lack she herd she herd ẇ ẇ ẇ ẇ ẇ ẇ *his movement should e erormed unaccomanied, ut an organ art has een rovided or rehearsal and may also e used in erormance i necessary

17 15 moving orard somehat Ó noth ing, she herd He eed in a noth ing, she herd He eed me in a green as ture, she herd she herd Ó she she herd herd cantaile He He moving orard somehat Ó 21 ẇ green as ture, and lead me orth e side the He eed me in a green as ture, and lead me orth e side the eed me, in green as ture, and lead me orth e eed me, in green as ture, and lead me orth e

18 25 n at ers o com ort, and lead me orth e side the at ers o com ort n at ers o com ort, and lead me orth e side the at ers o com ort side, e side the a ters o com ort and lead me orth e side the a ters o n side, e side the a ters o com ort and lead me orth e side the a ters o n n n 29 rall oco meno mosso sostenuto, stagger reathing dolce He con vert soul, and ring me orth in the aths o com ort He con sostenuto, stagger reathing vert soul, and ring me orth in the aths o com ort He con vert soul, and ring me orth in the aths o rall oco meno mosso

19 Larghetto q = c60 π π right eous ness, or his Name's sake his Name's sake right eous ness, or his Name's sake, or his Name's sake right eous ness, or his Name's sake, or his Name's sake Larghetto q = c60 ẇ π 1 π π she herd, she herd, she herd she herd, sim sim π dolce π Yea, though I dolce alk through the val ley o the sha do o Yea, though I alk through the val ley o the sha do o π

20 8 cresc molto cresc molto she herd, she herd, death, I ill ear no cresc molto cresc molto e vil, she herd, esress or thou art ith me, thy she herd, rod and thy sta death, I ill ear no e vil, or thou esress art ith me, thy rod and thy sta 55 she herd hou shalt re esress are, a ta le e they they she she herd com ort com me ort herd me hou shalt re are a ta le e esress hou shalt re are a ta le e hou shalt re hou shalt re are a ta le e are a ta le e

21 60 Ó ore me Ó hou hast a ore me a gainst them that trou le me Ó hou hast a ore me a gainst them that trou le me hou hast a ore me, thou shalt re ore me, thou shalt re are me a gainst those that are me a gainst those that trou le me hou hast a noint ed trou le me hou hast a noint ed Ó 6 n noint noint ed head, thou hast a noint ed head ith ed head, thou hast a noint ed head ith head head ith ith oil, thou hast a n oil, thou hast a n noint ed noint ed head head ith ith n n

22 68 rall oco meno mosso oil dolce oil, oil, and oil, and and cu sostenuto, stagger reathing cu e sostenuto, stagger reathing cu e e ull, and ull, and ull, and cu e cu e cu e ull ull, e ull, e rall oco meno mosso 7 Ó n ut n ut moving orard somehat semlice semlice thy lov ing kind ness and mer cy, thy mer cy thy lov ing kind ness and mer cy, thy mer cy n n Ó n semlice ull Ó ut n semlice thy lov ing kind ness ull ut thy lov ing kind ness moving orard somehat n n Ó nn

2 78 oco a oco cresc ol lo me all the days o lie nd I ill dell in the oco a oco cresc ol lo me all the days o lie nd I ill dell in the oco a oco cresc ol lo me all the days o lie nd I ill dell in the oco a oco cresc ol lo me all the days o lie nd I ill dell in the oco a oco cresc 8 molto esress oco a oco rall ƒ house o the Lord or e ver, or e molto esress ƒ ver, or house o the Lord or e ver, molto esress or e ver, ƒ or house o the n Lord or e ver, molto esress or e ƒ ver, or house o the Lord or e ver, or e ver, or n oco a oco rall ƒ

2 89 or Ó emo I o q = 69 72 e ver, or e Ó ẇ ver, e ver Ó he Lord is she herd there ore e ver he Lord is she herd, there ore e e ver ver ẇ ẇ she herd, she herd, emo I o q = 69 72 Ó ẇ 95 ẇ or e ver, or e ver, can I lack no thing, the Lord is she herd, the can I lack no thing, the Lord is she herd, the ẇ ẇ ẇ she herd, she herd, ẇ

25 rall 101 the Lord is or e she herd ver π π men U U the Lord is she herd men π U Lord Lord she herd, she herd she herd, she herd rall π π ot ( ) men U men U U ( ) eed My hee t ohn 21:27, 10, 12, 1517; t Matt 11:29; DC 112:1 rgan ndante q = 76 *Winds rall trings Largo q = c5 sostenuto trings sostenuto 6 rall ndante q = 76 rall oco meno semlice,, Winds trings trings, izz here ere to ge ther i mon e ter, and Ó Ó *lay cues in ascense o ind layers

26 10 2 Largo q = c5 o thers o the dis ci les at the sea i mon e ter said un to them, 2 2 Winds trings sim 2 sim 1 > Ó dagio q = c69 I go a ish ing > We al so go ith thee Winds sterious Ó 17 hat night they caught â noth ing ut hen the morn ing as come, e sus Ó

27 20 stood on the shore, n ut the dis ci les kne not that it as e sus trings π Ó esus 2 arm, esress 2 Child ren, have you a ny meat Cast the net on the right side o the trings ä EH ä ä ä 2 2 2 esus 28 2 Largo q = c5 shi, and ye ind 2 Ó > hey cast there ore, and no they ere not ä 2 ä n 2 trings 2 sim

28 2 2 Ó Ó a le to dra it or the mul ti tude o ish es 2 ith onder It is the Lord n 2 2 2 esus dagio q = c69 arm, esress ring o the ish hich ye have caught Come and 2 dine trings â EH ä ä ä ä 2 2 ä 2 esus 0 Largo q = c5 2 ndante q = 72 76 2 arm, esress sim Ó 2 U Ó 2 i mon, son o o nas, It is the Lord trings 2 2 2 2 oco agitato Ó sim 2 2

29 esus cresc (reerring to the ish) lov est thou me more than these Ó nervous Yea, Lord; Ó Winds > > esus 7 oco meno ndante q = 72 76 esr, oco agitato i mon, son o o nas, lov est thou me > trings sostenuto thou kno est that I love thee,,, n n 51 Ó quite nervous oco meno > 2 Winds Yea, Lord; thou kno est that I trings sim sim love thee,,, 2 2 2

0 esus 5 2 iù mosso, agitato chastising, ut not angry i mon, son o o nas, lov est thou me 2 2 n n 2 Ó 58 Ó eildered, deensive, imloring ä oco meno ä thou kno est all things; thou kno est that I Winds trings esus 61 dolce molto rall eed shee ä love thee molto rall

1 esus 65 dagio q = 6 66 arm, inviting n ake yoke u on you and learn o me ake u arm esus 69 n cross, ol lo me, ol lo me, ol lo me and eed n n n n n n n esus 7 rall shee armly exressive Ó Ó He armly exressive n n n rall n

2 esus 76 dagio armly exressive eed shee eed his lock like a she herd, he gath er the dagio trings cant esus 81 eed shee eed n cresc lams ith his n arm, and cresc car ry them, and n n

esus 86 n shee eed shee n n os om car ry them and car ry them n n in his os n n n n n esus 91 oco a oco rall eed shee eed shee om eed shee eed shee oco a oco rall U U

orano lto enor ass iano reduction 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ndante av Guide av ior me ior, 5 avior o the Wandering hee hyllis Wocher and Douglas e o through no the this I av ior o the an d'ring shee, Good he herd o the ho Guide me through this earth ly toil, a noint me ith thy heal av ior, no I tru ly see, thine un der sheherd I av ior o the an d'ring shee, Good he herd o the ho Guide me through this earth ly toil, a noint me ith thy heal av ior, no I tru ly see, thine un der sheherd I av ior o the an d'ring shee, Good he herd o the ho ly Guide me through this earth ly toil, a noint me ith thy heal ing av ior, no I tru ly see, thine un der she herd I must ander earth tru ing ly ly shee, Good toil, see, a thine he herd o the noint me ith thy un der sheherd ho heal I ly ing must kee, oil e; ly ing must ly ing must kee, oil e; kee, oil e; kee, oil e; 5 Hear Wash ind me ing yearn in rest ing, a ith Hear yearn ing, sor r'ing sighs h hear Wash me in a ton ing lood, de liv ind ing rest ith thee a ove, y tak sorro ing ton thee ing a sighs lood, ove, h de y,,,, hear liv tak er ing cries, me, on h the er ing cries, me, on h the,, hear God yoke o o cries! love love n hear God yoke o o cries! love love 5 Hear Wash ind yearn ing, sorro ing sighs h hear me in a ton ing lood, de liv ing rest ith thee a ove, y tak Hear yearn ing, sor r'ing sighs h hear Wash me in a ton ing lood, de liv ind ing rest ith thee a ove, y tak,, er ing cries, me, on h the, er ing cries, me, on h the, hear God yoke hear God yoke o o o o cries! love love cries! love love n

9 9 dagio Car Car Car ry ry ry Car Car Car ry me u on thy reast, to sae ly dell ith ry me u on thy reast, to sae ly dell ith ry ing u on reast, thy Car Car Car Car Car Car ry me u on thy reast, to sae ly dell ith ry me u on thy reast, to sae ly dell ith ry ing u on reast, thy ry me u on thy reast, to sae ly dell ith ry me u on thy reast, to sae ly dell ith ry ing u on reast, thy me me ing n u u u n on on on thy thy reast, reast, reast, n n to to thy 12 sae sae ly ly 12 dell dell n n n n ith ith 5 15 in in thy thy in in thy thy rest rest rest rest shee shee n Lam, Lam, lease n lease give give n them n them rest rest n in in thy thy rest rest shee Lam, lease give them rest in in thy thy rest rest shee Lam, lease give them rest 15 n n n n n