Star MORNING. Celebrating the Everlasting Light of Christmas 65/2075 & 76L SATB. Music by Lloyd Larson Orchestration by Ed Hogan

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65/2075 76L SATB MORNING Star Celerating the Everlasting Light of Christmas Music y Lloyd Larson Orchestration y Ed Hogan Editor: Lloyd Larson Music Engraving: eanette Dotson Cover Design: atti effers 2016 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in the USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution

2 oreord Light is a prominent theme throughout scripture The things of God, goodness, and eternal life are generally associated ith light In contrast, the things of Satan, evil, and death are associated ith darkness As God s chosen people, Israel aaited the promised Messiah Enslaved in Egyptian ondage, they held to the faint glimmer of hope that one day their Savior ould come and release them from their captivity And so in God s perfect timing He did come: esus, the light of the orld The Morning Star did rise, a Star that still shines in the darkest of nights for people then and for us no The Christmas story is one of hope, one of redemption, and one of fulfilled promises from God As Isaiah said, The people ho alked in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shado of death a light has daned (Isaiah 9:2) This message, though, is not limited to a chosen nation of people e oserve in the Old Testament It is not an exclusive invitation given only to a small and of disciples devoted to a humle teacher from Nazareth And it is not a memers only event for first century persons ho ere eye itnesses to amazing healings and miracles This is a message for each of us at any stage of life s ourney: the child or teenager ho finds himself in a home unexpectedly aandoned y a parent; the young mother ho finds her life s dreams shattered ith nes of a maor health crisis; the middle-aged man hose successful career has een unexpectedly derailed ith a o termination; the elderly oman ho struggles ith the emptiness of living out her remaining years ithout a eloved spouse It is for these people and all of us that the message of Christ, the Light of lights, needs to e heard Each of us has experienced our on days, perhaps extended seasons, of darkness But esus said, I am the light of the orld He ho follos Me shall not alk in darkness, ut have the light of life (ohn 8:12) This is the promise of Christmas! As you partner ith me and others in the presentation of this musical, I pray that you ill find hope in its message and encouragement in the unconditional love of God Hold fast to the promise that even in the darkest of nights, the Morning Star ill rise! Arise, shine for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you (Isaiah 60:1) roduction Notes Lloyd Larson Morning Star is exily conceived for Advent and/or Christmas programming Each individual anthem may e presented during the eeks leading up to Christmas, or the entire cantata may e performed as a hole in a single orship experience, depending on programming needs Small and large choirs alike ill find the choral riting appealing and versatile Accompaniment options ranging from piano only to full orchestra ith CD accompaniment or live instruments ensures maximum exiility for your unique programming needs Some of the cover-art images and graphics from this ork are availale as free donloads We hope that you can use them to assist in the making of your ulletins, posters, yers, esite and email announcements, and in any other ay that s ithin your organization and in conunction ith performances of this ork To access these files, please visit lorenzcom/donloads and navigate to the desired folder C users should right click and choose Save Target As and Macintosh users should click and hold the link, then choose Save Target As We have provided standard file formats that should e usale in most page layout or ord processing softare Due to the vast numer of differences in computer system setups, e are unale to provide technical support for donloadale images/graphics y either phone or email 65/2075 76L-2

Contents 3 Come, O Come, Emmanuel Narration16 Morning Star 17 Narration2 Chosen y God 25 Narration3 O Little Ton of Bethlehem 35 Narration 5 He Come from the Glory6 Narration 57 Why Do the Shepherds Sing58 Narration69 Morning Star (inale)70 Companion roducts 65/2075L SATB Score 65/2079L SAB Score 65/2076L SATB Score ith erformance CD 99/3633L Stereo Accompaniment CD 99/363L Split-track Accompaniment CD 99/3635L SA/TB art-dominant Rehearsal CDs, Reproducile 99/3636L Bulk erformance CDs (10 pack) Orchestration y Ed Hogan for l 1-2, O (Sop Sax, Cl), Cl 1-2, Bsn (Bs Cl), Hn 1-2 (Alto Sax, Cl), Tpt 1, Tpt 2-3 (Alto Sax), Tn 1-2 (Bari TC, Ten Sax), Tua, Timp, erc 1-2, Harp, no, Vln 1-2, Vla (Cl), Cello, Dl Bass, Digital String Reduction 30/3369L ull Score 30/3370L Set of arts 30/3371L CD ith rintale arts 30/3372L ull Score and arts plus CD ith rintale arts 65/2075 76L-3 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass # #

1 Sloly q = ca 66 * Break orth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light Come, O Come, Emmanuel n Arranged ith Ne Music y Lloyd Larson n # 3 n 6 n # 9 # # # # n cresc # n # n 12 # n n indicates CD track numer *Tune: ERMUNTRE DICH y ohann Schop, 161; harm y S Bach, 173 2016 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution 65/207576L- THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC D

5 15 dim rit 2 2 2 Quickly, steadily q = ca 116 Narrator 1: Words of hope sustained God s chosen people as they aaited the promised 18 21 Messiah A star ill come out of ao; a sceptor ill rise out of Israel (Numers 2:17) 2 SA * O Come, O Come, Emmanuel TB Ó O come, O come, Em - man - u - *Words: Latin Hymn, 12th c, tr y ohn M Neale, 1851 Tune: VENI EMMANUEL, lainsong, adapt y Thomas Helmore, 185 65/207576L-5

6 27 el, and ran - som cap - tive Is - ra - 30 el, that mourns in lone - ly 33 ex - ile here un - til the Son of 65/207576L-6

36 7 n God ap - n pear 39 3 Ó O come, Thou Day - spring, 2 come and cheer our spir - its y Thine O come and cheer our 65/207576L-7

Morning Star 17 Words y Susan Bentall Boersma Music y Lloyd Larson # # Tenderly, expressively q = ca 72 3 10 p 3 3 3 3 SA 7 # # # # 3 3 3 TB Draped a - cross a mid-night 3 3 sky, a veil of hid-den 11 deep ith-in the stars, a shroud of si - lent 3 night; 3 201, this arrangement 2016 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 65/207576L-17 lorenzcom D

18 # # 10 veil, an az-ure spark, a urst of glo - ry 3 3 right Em-man - u - 13 # # el, Em - man - u - el, # ith Your n 3 3 ril - liance mark g the # # # n 16 hour Set us g free from sin s dark # # po r, an - ish n 65/207576L-18

# # 19 mel Shat - ter dark - ness ith Your 19 shad - os of the n night 22 12 light, Em - man - u - el p 26 3 3 3 3 mel Ris - ing 65/207576L-19

16 ensively, very freely h = ca 56 2 p 2 Chosen y God, 25 Words and Music y Lloyd Larson Quoting ICARDY, Traditional rench Melody, 17th c 5,, 10, 15, ẇ rit n 3 3 19 17 Tenderly q = ca 88 3 3 2016 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 65/207576L-25 lorenzcom LT

26 23 poco rit n a tempo 27 Solo (or SA) Cho - sen y God, you ve een cho - sen y God, the 31 an - gel said un - to me You shall 35 ear the Son of the Most High God; He shall 65/207576L-26

39 18 27 come to set His peo - ple free 3 Solo (or TB) g 3 Cho - sen y God, you ve een cho - sen y God, the 7 an - gel n said un - to me You shall 51 raise the Son of the Most High God; He shall 65/207576L-27

28 55 19 SA 59 come to set His peo - ple g e a - fraid, free the TB Do not an - gel 62 said, this Child is sent from 65/207576L-28

Words y hillips Brooks, 1868, and Lloyd Larson 23 Tenderly, freely q = ca 76 p O Little Ton of Bethlehem 35 Arranged ith Ne Music y Lloyd Larson Tunes: IRBY y Henry Gauntlett, 189, and OREST GREEN, Traditional English Melody 7 10 2 2 rit 13 2 Steady tempo q = ca 108 2016 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 65/207576L-35 lorenzcom D

36 16 19 SA Ó 3 O lit - tle ton of 22 Beth - le - hem, ho still e see thee lie! A - 25 25 ove thy deep and dream - less sleep the si - lent stars go 65/207576L-36

28 SA Ó 37 y TB Ó Yet in thy dark streets shin - eth the 31 Ó the hopes and fears of ev - er - last - ing Light; 3 26 all the years are met in thee to - night 65/207576L-37 cresc poco a poco

6 He Come from the Glory Words y ean Anne Shafferman and Traditional Arranged ith Ne Music y Lloyd Larson Incorporating THE VIRGIN MARY HAD A BABY BOY, Traditional West Indian Spiritual 3 SA 32 oyous, steady tempo q = ca 116 (in 2 ) 6 Solo Ba - y in the man - ger Solo Where did He come from Where did He come from 2009, this arrangement 2016 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 65/207576L-6 lorenzcom The TB D

8 Ma ry s a y oy A TB - - Solo TB - Where did He come from 7 10 sleep - in in the man - ger He come, come from the glo - 12 - ry Yes, He come, He come from the glo - 33 ry > 65/207576L-7

15 He come from the glo ry, He come from the - 18 glo ri ous King dom He come from the glo ry, - - - - 21 He come from the 3 glo ri ous King dom And I on der Solo - - - - 8 65/207576L-8

58 Words y ohn arker 39 Why Do the Shepherds Sing oyously q = ca 120 Music y Lloyd Larson SA TB Shep-herds ere liv - ing out in the field # > f > - 7 keep - ing their atch one night, Ó hen # 2001, this arrangement 2016 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 65/207576L-58 lorenzcom

59 9 sud - den - ly split - ting the east - ern sky, there - 11 0 shone a heav - en - ly light # # 13 Ó Run - ning, they came in - to Run - ning and shout - ing, they came in - to ton, pro - 65/207576L-59 n

60 15 ton ith oy - ous mirth, tell -ing the peo - claim -ing ith oy - ous mirth, ple hat 18 they had heard a - out a glo - ri - ous 20 1 f # n irth f Why do they sing f 65/207576L-60 # > > n

61 23 Why do they shout What is this cel - e - ra-tion a - out 26 What is the mean - ing of the nes they ring 28 Why do the shep - herds sing Why do the shep - herds 2 65/207576L-61

70 Morning Star (inale) 7 Tenderly, expressively q = ca 76 3 p 3 Arranged ith Ne Music y Lloyd Larson 5 * Silent Night! Holy Night! SA p Oo TB p Oo 9 p Oo *Tune: STILLE NACHT y ranz Gruer, 1818 2016 Lorenz ulishing Company, a division of The Lorenz Corporation All rights reserved rinted in USA Reproduction of this pulication ithout permission of the pulisher is a criminal offense suect to prosecution THE CCLI LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT ERMISSION TO HOTOCOY THIS MUSIC 65/207576L-70 lorenzcom D

13 71 Oo 17 21 Oo n n n 65/207576L-71

72 25 n Oo n n n n 3 29 poco rit a tempo rit n Oo n poco rit a tempo rit 32 8 Slightly faster, gently q = ca 8 Lift Slightly faster, gently q = ca 8 65/207576L-72

36 * Morning Star up your eyes, your Light has come O hear the an - gels sing! 73 or 0 Christ is orn in Beth-le-hem, Mes - si-ah, King of Ó kings! The Morn-ing Star no shines a - ove, the Ev-er - last - ing Light *Words and Music y Lloyd Larson 65/207576L-73

7 8 Re -ceive the Light The King poco rit is 52 55 orn 9 to - to - orn to - g 12 8 12 8 12 8 12 8 oyously qk = ca 120 night! night, night, Go, share the Light to - night! to - night! oyously qk = ca 120 King poco rit is This lit - tle Light of mine, * This Little Light of Mine *African American Spiritual 65/207576L-7