SAMPLE PSALM 104: SEND FORTH YOUR SPIRIT,O LORD. Asus4 A7 Fine. the face of the earth. it, O Lord, and re. Send. Bless the. great you are!

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PSALM 104: SEND RTH YUR SPRT, LRD Melody RERAN: 1st time: anr, All repeat; reafter: All A ine Keyboard *VERSE 1: man anr/hoir y / Bls th r works, r Spir soul, it, re is new full face. how great! r rich! ine How D.. D.. *Alternate vers Easter Vigil may found page 3 this sg. Text: Based Psalm 104:1, 24, 29 30, 31, 34; 1 2, 5 6, 10, 12, 13 14, 24, 35; hrispher Walker, b. 1947. Music: hrispher Walker. Text music 1984, 1985, hrispher Walker. Published by P. All rights rerved. 22675-Z1

PSALM 104: SEND RTH YUR SPRT, LRD, ct. (2) VERSE 2: anr/hoir take back r Spir it, y die, back dust from which y came; send th r Spir VERSE 3: anr/hoir r glo ry will last May / / it, thoughts y pleas cre at ed, is re newed! D.. ev er, may re joice in all r works., find D.. D.. al fine joy in Lord. D.. al fine

PSALM 104: SEND RTH YUR SPRT, LRD, ct. (3) D.. glo placed birds give rich ry o heav cat / cean en tle maj dwell grass like a ir ir ty ro, banks, food,. clod; y wa make plants Bls ters ir nts crops as y light! s. grown. soul! D.. ALTERNATE VERSES R THE EASTER VL: oun The n da val send wis Bls ti leys down dom r rain flow all se anr/hoir soul, sure, sprs; ths. st riv All ers r run y firm bls how from s great age tween num r! age. hills;. ls. With r

Dcant PSALM 104: SEND RTH YUR SPRT, LRD RERAN: 1st time: anr, All repeat; reafter: All div. ine Melody man VERSE 2: send VERSE 3: y *VERSE 1: anr/hoir anr/hoir th r anr/hoir r glo Bls / / ry will / th r Spir th r take back r Spir Spir it, r works, y cre last ev er, Spir it, re new face. soul, it, y die, it, re at ed, back may new is full dust re joice r from which y came; is re in how great! rich! newed! all r works. face. A ine How D.. D.. D.. al fine May thoughts pleas, find joy in Lord. *Alternate vers Easter Vigil may found next page. Text: Based Psalm 104:1, 24, 29 30, 31, 34; 1 2, 5 6, 10, 12, 13 14, 24, 35; hrispher Walker, b. 1947. Music: hrispher Walker. Text music 1984, 1985, hrispher Walker. Published by P. All rights rerved. 22675-Z2

PSALM 104: SEND RTH YUR SPRT, LRD, ct. (2) glo placed birds give rich ry o heav cat / cean en tle maj dwell grass like a ir ir ty ro, banks, food,. clod; y wa make plants Bls ters ir nts crops as y light! s. grown. soul! D.. ALTERNATE VERSES R THE EASTER VL: oun The n da val send wis ti leys down dom Bls r rain flow all se soul, sure, sprs; ths. anr/hoir st riv All ers r run y firm bls how from s age tween num great r! age. hills;. ls. With r

Dcant PSALM 104: SEND RTH YUR SPRT, LRD RERAN: 1st time: anr, All repeat; reafter: All div. ine Melody man VERSE 2: send VERSE 3: y *VERSE 1: anr/hoir anr/hoir th r anr/hoir r glo Bls / / ry will / th r Spir th r take back r Spir Spir it, r works, y cre last ev er, Spir it, re new face. soul, it, y die, it, re at ed, back may new is full dust re joice r from which y came; is re in how great! rich! newed! all r works. face. A ine How D.. D.. D.. al fine May thoughts pleas, find joy in Lord. *Alternate vers Easter Vigil may found next page. Text: Based Psalm 104:1, 24, 29 30, 31, 34; 1 2, 5 6, 10, 12, 13 14, 24, 35; hrispher Walker, b. 1947. Music: hrispher Walker. Text music 1984, 1985, hrispher Walker. Published by P. All rights rerved. 22675-Z2

PSALM 104: SEND RTH YUR SPRT, LRD, ct. (2) glo placed birds give rich ry o heav cat / cean en tle maj dwell grass like a ir ir ty ro, banks, food,. clod; y wa make plants Bls ters ir nts crops as y light! s. grown. soul! D.. ALTERNATE VERSES R THE EASTER VL: oun The n da val send wis ti leys down dom Bls r rain flow all se soul, sure, sprs; ths. anr/hoir st riv All ers r run y firm bls how from s age tween num great r! age. hills;. ls. With r

PSALM 104: SEND RTH YUR SPRT, LRD SL NSTRUMENT & RERAN a 2 div. ine VERSES Solo Music: hrispher Walker, b. 1947, 1984, 1985, hrispher Walker. Published by P. All rights rerved. SL NSTRUMENT in B & RERAN VERSES a 2 div. ine Music: hrispher Walker, b. 1947, 1984, 1985, hrispher Walker. Published by P. All rights rerved. D.. 8 D.. 22675-Z3