HYMNS AND SONGS. me: close. fast ebbs. foe cross. with. e - deep - dim, grace weight, gloom. ens; its can and and. ness grow thy no.

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HYMNS AND SNGS Abide Me 73 1. A 2. Swift 3. I 4. I 5. Hold bide need fer thou The Erth's Wht Ills She drk joys but hve through its no ness grow no When oth Chnge Who like Where Hev'n's morn er de deth's g Help Through I In thou who cloud tri umph life, me: close fst ebbs pres ence foe cross deep dim, grce weight, gloom help cy self stg? breks ens; its cn ers my Where, Words: Henry Frnc Lyte, 1793 1847 EVENTIDE Music: Willim H. Mk, 1823 1889 10 10 10 10 fs out ev e fore life's ery t my e lit pss h clos ven tle g g Lord, glo foil ters pot ries no me me pss tempt bit er's ter fil guide grve, erth's help less, chng est sun she, still, if deth, not, Lord thou Lord, v com forts round I sty cn vic sh dows bide bide bide bide bide tide; dy; hour. bless, eyes. bide. wy. power? ness. skies. flee, see.? ry? flee; me. me. me. me. me.

75 Adoro Te Devote V bbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbbbb[bbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbmbbbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbbb[bbxxxx 1. A dó ro te de vó te, l tens Dé i ts, Quæ sub fi gú r 2. Vi sus, tc tus, gus tus te fál li tur, Sed u dí tu so lo 3. In cru ce l té bt so l Dé i ts, At hic l tet si mul 4. Pl gs, si cut Tho ms, n tú e or: De um t men me um 5. me mo ri á le mor t Dó mi ni, P n vi vus, vi tm, 6. Pi e pel li cá ne, Je su Dó mi ne, Me im mún dum mun d 7. Je su, quem ve lá tum nunc s pí ci o, ro, fi t il lud V bbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbmbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbokbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbb[bbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbmbbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbxxxxxbb 1. ve re lá ti ts: Ti bi se cor me um tum súb ji cit Qui 2. tu cré di tur: Cre do quid quid di xit De i Fí li us: Nil hoc 3. et hu má ni ts: Am bo t men cre dens t que cón fi tens, Pe 4. te c fí te or: Fc me ti bi sem per m g cré de re, In te 5. præstns hó mi ni, Præs t me æ men ti de te vi ve re, Et te 6. tu o sán gui ne, Cu jus u n stil l sl vum fá ce re To tum 7.quod tm sí ti o: Ut te re ve lá t cer nens fá ci e, Vi su V bbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbmbbbbbbbb[bbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbmbbbbbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbbbbbbxxxxxxxxxxsdszxxzzxxawxczzz}cbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxxxxbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzx 1. te c tém plns tum dé fi cit. (7) Amen. 2. ver bo ve ri tá t vé ri us. 3. quod pe tí vit l tro pæ ni tens. 4. spem h bé re, te di li ge re. 5. il li sem per dul ce sá pe re. 6. mun dum quit b om ni scé le re. 7. sim á tus tu æ gló ri æ. Words: Thoms Aqus, 1225 1274 Music: Chnt, Mode V See hymn #141 for trnslti. ADR TE DEVTE 65 65 D

77 All Cretures ur God Kg 3 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All Thou Thou Der Let cre rush flow mo thou, tures g g r ye most thgs wd w erth, men kd ir our tht ter, who Cre God rt pure dy ten gen so by der tle r Kg, strg, cler, dy hert, Deth, bless, Lift Ye Mke Un For Wit up clouds mu fold giv g wor your tht sic est g ship voice us sil for hev'n Lord bles sgs our oth ers, tke your hush our lt est him hum ble sg lg, her, wy, prt, breth, ness, Al Al le le lu pre lu pre sg pre pre i, him, i, him, ye, him! him, Al Al Al Al Al Al Al le le le le le le le lu lu lu lu lu lu lu i! i! i! i! i! i! i! Thou Thou Thou The Ye Thou Pre, burn r fire g g so sun morn, ms ter gold pre ful en re flow'rs fruits tht e who lg p sor row led est home child pre F r, pre m, joice, bright grow, r, God, S Thou Ye Thou Let Pre sil lights giv m God Chrt pre ver est our mo eve mn glo Lord Spir ng, both ry him it, st fd wrmth l cst wy Three er so your hth glem, voice: light, show: cre: trod. ne. pre him, pre him, Al le lu i, Al le lu i, Al le lu i! Words: Bsed Frnc Assi, 1182 1226 Tr. by Willim H. Drper, 1855 1933 Music: Getliche Kirchengesänge, Cologne, 1623 LASST UNS ERFREUEN 88 8 88 Refr

All To All Glory, Lud, Hor 78 glo ry, lud, h or To e, Re deem er, whom lips chil dren Mde sweet ho sn ns Kg! rg. 1. Thou 2. The 3. The 4. To 5. Thou rt com peo e didst p ple c Kg ny fore cept ir Is n He ps pr r el, gels brews si es; Thou Are With They Ac D pr plms sng cept com n lt light vid's g ir roy e fore hymns pryers l e we Words: Theodulph rlens, c. 760 821 Tr. by John M. Nele, 1818 1866, lt. Music: Melchior Teschner, 1584 1635 est, thgs ms ed, est, The Cre Be ur Thou S, high; went: pre: brg, Who ur To Who mor pre e, tl now Kg fore ted, e mel good o Bless mke we dy gr ed re pre we cious Lord's men, pryers high good ne. ply. sent. re. Kg. Nme ex de D.C. ST. THEDULPH 76 76 D

79 All Hil Power Jesus Nme 1. All 2. Ye 3. Let 4. hil cho ev tht pow'r Je sus' nme! Let n gels pros sen seed Is rel's rce, Ye rn somed from 'ry k dred, ev 'ry tri, n t ter res y der s cred thrg, We t t feet trte tril my f; f, b, f, Brg Hil To We'll forth him him jo who roy sves mj ev l you es er di by ty lst s g dem grce, cri, sg, crown crown crown crown him him him him di by ty lst s g Lord Lord Lord Lord dem grce, cri, sg, crown crown crown crown ; ; ; ; him him him him Brg Hil To We'll forth him him jo Lord Lord Lord Lord who roy sves mj ev.... l you es er Words: Edwrd Perret, 1726 1792 CRNATIN Alt. by John Ripp, 1751 1836 86 86 86 Music: liver Holden, 1765 1844

All People Tht Erth Do Dwell 80 1. All 2. Know 3. 4. For 5. To 6. * Pre peo tht en why? F God, ple ter The r, tht Lord n Lord S, our erth God gtes God Ho from whom bless do ly gs dwell, deed; pre; good: Ghost, flow; Sg With Ap H The Pre out proch mer God him, our cy whom Lord id joy hev'n cre he for tures cheer did courts ev erth here ful us un er voice; Him mke; We ; Pre, sure; H dore, From low; Pre serve re lud, truth men him t mirth, folk, bless from bove, he times ye pre doth nme firm n hev'n forth us l ly gel ly tell, Come feed, wys, For sod, host Be host: Pre ye for it sh pre from F r, Words: Ps 100:1 4 Willim Ke, c. 1530 c. 1608 Alt. s Scotth Pslter, 1650 Vs. 6: Thoms Ken, 1637 1711 Music: Pseumes octnte tro de Dvid, Genev, 1551 Attr. Lou Bourgeo, c. 1510 c. 1561 * The fl verse my sung le or s n lternte verse 5. fore sheep seem ge glo S, him he ly doth so ge ry ev Ho re us en er ly joice. tke. do. dure. more. Ghost. LD HUNDREDTH LM

81 All You Who Seek Comfort Sure 1. All 2. You Wht "All Je Chrt At you who her how ev er sorrow you tht l bor sus, who Je sus, seek comfort sure In trouble kd ly he vites; You her gve joy him vex come pens you s cred trct ed by those lov g md, me, r self for you Up sts high, The hert; words h, To guilt I words will soul op give you hope you cross s ners tht we hert lift dtress, so blest: drw our press, rest." die, here, nigh. pryer. Words: Lt, 18th cent. Quicumque certum querit Tr. by Edwrd Csw, 1814 1878 Music: Trditil Englh folk sg KINGSFLD CMD 82 Allelui! Allelui! Herts Heven 1. Allelui! Allelui! Herts hev n voices re; Sg God hymn gldness, Sg God hymn pre. He, who cross s Svior For world s slvti bled, Jesus Chrt, Kg glory, Now ren from ded. 2. Now ir brs re broken, Chrt from deth life born, Glorious life life immortl, n t resurrecti morn. Chrt hs triumphed, we cquer By mighty enterpre, We him life eternl By resurrecti re. 3. Allelui! Allelui! Glory God high; Allelui Svior Who hs w vicry; Allelui Spirit, Fount love snctity; Allelui! Allelui! To Triune Mjesty. Words: Chrpher Wordsworth, 1807 1885 Music: Ludwig vn Beethoven, 1770 1827 Adpt. by Edwrd Hodges, 1796 1867 HYMN T JY 87 87 D

Allelui! Allelui! Let Holy Anm Re 83 1. Alle lu i! Al le lu i! Let ho ly n m 2. Alle lu i! Al le lu i! Like sun from out 3. Alle lu i! Al le lu i! Blessed Je sus, mke us He From Let He's My With He's hs your choirs heven chnt it In tem ple r en up tri umph From drkness life t cor rup ti To life tht never mounts skip gldness, joy ful vl leys splen dor n t, He's lmp end less glo ry our por ti When dys time re Hosn ns high est To our Sv ior our ver y Lord glo ry Who r en up ded sh wk ened By trumpet's might y re, wve, re skies; grve, dies. rg dy; pst, Kg. dy. blst. Words: Edwrd Csw, 1814 1878 Music: Trditil Americn melody ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! 87 87 D

84 Allelui! Sg Jesus! 1. Al le 2. Al 3. Al 4. Al 5. Al le le le le lu lu lu lu lu i! i! i! i! i! Sg Not Bred Kg Sg s e Je or n ter Je sus! phns gels, nl, sus! H Are Thou Thee H we scep ter, left erth our Lord scep ter, H sor food, lords H row our we thre. now; sty; own; thre. Al Al Al Al Al le le le le le lu lu lu lu lu i! i! i! i! i! H He Here Born H tri ner s M tri umph, us, ful ry, umph, H Fith Flee Erth H Thy vic lieves, Thee foot vic nor from sol, ry ques dy Hev'n ry t Thy le. how; dy: thre: le. Hrk! Though sgs cloud In Thou ter ces Hrk! sgs from sor, pece sight Friend veil pece ful re hst ful Zi ceived Him, s ners, en tered, Zi Thun der When Erth s Re Rod Thun der like migh ty for ty dys were deem er, pled for flesh, our gret high like migh ty flood, o'er, me, priest: flood, Je sh Where Thou Je sus our sus out herts sgs erth out for both ev get priest ev ery H ery n pro s vic n ti me, less tim ti Hth I Sweep In Hth re m re deemed cross Eu deemed us you ch us by ev crys r by H er tl tic H blood. more? se. fest. blood. Words: Willim C. Dix, 1837 1898 Music: Rowl H. Prichrd, 1811 1887 HYFRYDL 87 87 D

5. A Alm Redempr Mter 85 BàDRGYbbbbbbbbbbgb<bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbxxbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxbbhbbbbbbbbxxjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxkbbbbbbbbxgb<bbbbbbbb{bbbbbbxdbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbxsbbbbbbbbxdbbbbbbbbbxxxxfbbbbbbbbbbbbxhbbbbbbbxgb<bbbbbbb[bbbhbbbbbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbbxkbbbbbbbbbxxjbxxxxxbb L m * Redemptór Mter, quæ pérvi cæli port mnes, Et stell Bbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbgb<bbbbbbbbxxxxbb]bbbxxxbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbxxgb<bbbbbbbbbxxxxbx[xxxbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbxbbxxbxxxxkbbbbbbbbxjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxxlbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbkb/bbbbbbxxxxxxbb]bbxxbbbxxxxxxxxbxbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbblbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbb[xxxbb mr, succúrre cdénti, súrgere qui curt, pópulo : Tu quæ genu ísti, BbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbbb[xxbbbbdbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbxxxxxxxxxxxxbbbxhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbxdbbbbbbbbbSEbbbbbbbxxxxxxbbrdbM,bbbbbbbbbbbb]bbbbbbxkbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbxxhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbfbbbbxxbbbbbgb<bbbbbbbbb{bb ntúr mi ránte, tu um snctum Geni tó rem, Virgo pri us c posté ri us, Bbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbkbbbbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbhbbbbbbbxbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbxfbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbb[bbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbxxxbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbgb<bbbbbbbb{bbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbygbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbxfbbbbbbbbbxsbbbbbbxxxxbNbbbbb}cczzzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxx Gbri é l b ore sumens illud Ave, pecc tórum me ré re. Trnslti: Lovg Mor our Redeemer Lord, Str se portl skies, Un fen people help fford Fen, but strivg still new re. Words: Hermnus Ctrctus, 1013 1054 Music: Chnt, Mode V Thou who didst ce, while wderg worlds dored, Ber Crer, Virg n s now, by holy joy t Gbriel s word, Pity sners who fore e bow. 1. My country, t e, Sweet l lirty, f e I sg: L where my frs died, L pilgrims pride, From every mountside Let freedom rg! 2. My ntive country, e, L noble free, Thy nme I love: I love rocks rills, Thy woods templed hills; My hert rpture thrills Like tht bove. Americ 86 3. Let music swell breeze, rg from trees Sweet freedom s sg: Let mortl ngues wke; Let tht bre prtke, Let rocks ir silence brek, The sound prolg. 4. ur frs God, Thee, Author lirty, To Thee we sg: Lg my our l bright With freedom s holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Gret God, our Kg. Words: Smuel F. Smith, 1808 1895 AMERICA Music: Thesurus Musicus, Ld, 1744 66 4 666 4

87 Americ Beutiful 1. utiful for spcious skies, For mr wves gr, For purple mount mjesties Above fruited pl! Americ! Americ! God shed H grce e, crown good brorhood From se shg se! 2. utiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impssied stress A thoroughfre for freedom t Across wilderness! Americ! Americ! God mend the ev ry flw, Cfirm soul selfctrol, Thy lirty lw! 3. utiful for heroes proved In lirtg strife, Who more thn self ir country loved, mercy more thn life! Americ! Americ! My God gold refe, Till success nobleness, ev ry g dive! 4. utiful for ptriot drem Tht sees, yd yers, The lbster cities glem, Undimmed by humn ters! Americ! Americ! God shed H grce e, crown good brorhood From se shg se! Words: Kre L. Btes, 1859 1929 Music: Smuel A. Wrd, 1848 1903 MATERNA CMD 88 Angels We Hve Herd High 1. Angels we hve herd high, Sweetly sgg o er pls, mounts reply Echog ir joyous strs. Refr: Glori excels Deo! Glori excels Deo! 2. Shepherds, why t jubilee? Why your joyous strs prolg? Sy, wht my tidgs, Which spire your hev'nly sg? Refr 3. Come Bethlehem see Him Whose birth ngels sg; Come, dore nded knee Chrt Lord, newborn Kg. Refr 4. See Him mnger lid, Whom choirs ngels pre; Mry, Joseph, lend your id, While our herts love we re. Refr Words: French crol, 18th cent. Tr. by Jmes Chdwick, 1813 1882 Music: French crol GLRIA 77 77 Refr

4 As Gldness Men DIX ld 77 7789 1. 2. 3. 4. As As As Ho y ly gld joy Je ness ful fered sus! men steps gifts Ev y most 'ry old sped rre dy Did To At Keep tht tht us guid low mn g ly ger str mn rude nr ger row hold; d, bre; wy; As There So my, when joy nd we erth y ly hiled knee ho thgs its ly re light, fore joy, pst, Led Him Pure Brg g whom our wrd, m hev'n erth free from s's rn somedsouls g l t bright; dore; loy, lst So, So All Where most my our y gr we cost need cious liest no Lord, will tres str my g ures we feet brg, guide, Ev Ev Chrt, Where Words: Willim C. Dix, 1837 1898 DIX Music: Crd Kocher, 1786 1872 77 77 77 er er no more seek e, clouds our led mer hev'n glo cy ly ry e. set. Kg. hide.

90 At Cross Her Stti Keepg 1. At 2. Through her 3. h, how cross hert, sd her st sor sore ti row d keep shr tressed g, g, Sod All Ws tht mourn ful bit ter moth er moth er n guh high ly weepg, r g, blest Close Now f t Je length sole sus sword got hd ten lst. pssed. ne! 4. Chrt bove rment hngs; She neth holds pngs f her dyg glorious S. 5. Is re e who would not weep, Whelm'd meries so deep Chrt's der Mor hold? 6. Cn humn hert refr From prtkg her p, In tht Mor's p unld? 7. Bru'd, derided, curs'd, defil'd, She held her tender child All bloody scourges rent. 8. For ss H own nti, Sw Him hng desolti, Till H spirit forth He sent. 9. thou Mor! fount love! Touch my spirit from bove; Mke my hert the ccord. 10. Mke me feel s thou hst felt; Mke my soul glow melt With love Chrt our Lord. 11. Holy Mor! pierce me through; In my hert ech wound renew f my Svior crucified. 12. Let me shre e H p, Who for my ss ws sl, Who for me rments died. 13. Let me mgle ters e, Mourng Him who mourn'd for me, All dys tht I my live. 14. By cross e sty, There e weep pry, T I sk e give. 15. Virg virgs blest, Lten my fd request: Let me shre grief dive. 16. Let me, my ltest breth, In my body r deth f tht dyg S the. 17. Wounded H ev'ry wound, Steep my soul till it hth swo'd In H very blood wy. 18. Be me, Virg, nigh, Lest flmes I burn die, In H wful Judgment dy. 19. Chrt, when Thou shlt c me hence, Be Thy Mor my defence, Be Thy cross my vicry. 20. While my body here decys, My my soul Thy goodness pre, Sfe Prde Thee. Words: Attr. Jcope d Todi, c. 1230 1306 STABAT MATER DLRSA Tr. by Edwrd Csw, 1814 1878, lt. 887 Music: Mtzch Gesngbuch, 1661

1. At 2. Where 3. Might y 4. Es ter At Lmb s High Fest We Sg 91 Lmb's ps Vic tri rious Kg, shes neth s e de sword; lie; stroy. Flow g from Through Thou hst wve brought Souls new born, love di ve Blood ws shed, deth sgs p p, pre, Gives Bod With s cer Thou R hst en o Lord, y i pened high chl tim umph, fest blood from Es we ter sg poured, high, joy, Who Is Thou From tht us for ty Gives Ps Now F Pr pre hth rel's hst ss wshed hosts c pow'r pierc ed drowns life Lord, side; foe. light: e. chl no r, fest, love de, e s vic more un Pre Deth's Hell's These us tri quered do cred tim, Chrt Et With we drk fierce um thou our n pow'rs le phnt set Pre we Pre we Now no Hymns blood ps grve e vic tim, mn n e Spir it for chl en we tide go fight, free vic gel do him whose Chrt, whose more cn glo ry, we, bred; thr; re: Chrt from sts ev sh er priest. bove. re.. Words: Ad reg Agni dpes Tr. by Rort Cmpll, 1814 1868, lt. Music: Jkob Htze, 1622 1702 SALZBURG 77 77 D

92 At Nme Jesus Words: Crole M. Noel, 1817 1877 KING S WESTN Music: Rlph Vughn Willims, 1872 1958 65 65 D 3 2 At Hum Bore In Broth 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. bled it your ers, Nme for up herts t tri en Lord Je se um thre Je sus s, phnt, him; sus Ev To With There Sh 'ry re its let re knee ceive hu him turn sh mn sub bow, Nme light, due g, Ev From Through All With 'ry tht ngue lips rnks F c not r's fess s cre ho glo him ners, tures, ly, ry Kg Un To All 'er tht glo whom cen erth ry he trl not now; cme, height, true: reign; 'T Fith To Crown For ful him F ly thre s wreths r's he your ples bore God Cp em ure it hed, t pire We Spot To In Meet should less temp up c F t him r's ti's Lord, lst, brest; hour; brow, Who Brought Filled Let from it it our bck will herts vic en c g glo fold fess ng rious, ry you him Ws When f In Kg from tht its might deth per light glo y he fect ry rest. pow'r. now. Word. pssed.

Attende, Dome 93 Bbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbgb<bbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgb<bbbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbNbbbbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb A T ténde, Dóme, et me ré re, qui peccá vimus ti bi. BbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSEbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbb 5. 1. Ad te, Rex sum me, óm ni um Re dém pr, ó cu los nos tros sub 2. Déx te r P tr, l p n gu lá r, vi s lú t, já 3. Ro gá mus, De us, tu m m jes tá tem: áu ri bus s cr gé 4. Ti bi f té mur, crí mi n d mís s: c trí cor de pán 5. In no cens c ptus, nec re pú gnns du ctus; tés ti bus fl s pro Bbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbmbbbbbbb{bbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxbhbbbbbbbbbxxbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbxbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbxxxbbbbbbbbbbbbgb<bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxxbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbxbbbbbbbxbbsbbbbbbbbbxbbbbbbbNbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} 1. le vá mus flen tes: ex áu di, Chri ste, sup pli cán tum pre ces. + 2. nu cæ lés t, áb lu e nos tri má cu ls de lí cti. + 3. mi tus ex áu di: crí mi n nos tr plá ci dus dúl ge. + 4. di mus oc cúl t: tu, Re démp r, pí e ts i gnó sct. + 5. ím pi d mná tus: quos re de mí sti, tu, c sér v Chri ste. + Trnslti: + Herken, Lord, hve mercy, for we hve sned gst Thee. 1. Cryg, we re our eyes Thee, Sovereign Kg, Redeemer. Lten, Chrt, ples supplicnt sners. + 2. Thou rt t Right H God Fr, Keysne, Wy slvti Gte Heven, clense sts our ss. + 3. God, we seech Thy mjesty her our grs; forgive our ss. + 4. We cfess Thee our csented ss; we declre our hidden ss ctrite hert; Thy mercy, Redeemer, forgive m. + 5. Thou wert cptured, g nocent; brought bout out restnce, cdemned by impious men flse witnesses. Chrt keep sfe those whom Thou hst redeemed. + Words: Lt, 10th cent. Music: Chnt, Mode V

94 Ave Mri 1. A Bxxfbbbbbbxxxxxxxxxxbbbbbbbbbbxxxxbbbsbbxb\bbbbbS67bbbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbbbb[bbbbbbhbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbGYbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbb[bbbbhbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbsbmbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbxxxxxxxxhbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbfb,bbbbbbbb[bbDRbbbbbbbxxxxb VE M rí,* gráti plen, Dómus tecum, nedíct tu BbbbbgbbbbbbbbxxrdbbbbbbbbxsbbbbbbbbbbAWbbbbbbbbbbbbsbmbbbbbbxxxbbbx{xxxbbbxxbbbdbbbbbbbbxbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbxbxbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbxxxxxbbgbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbxAWbbbbbbbbbbS4bm,bbbbbbbxxzbbb]bbbbbxxbzxxbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbijbbbbbbbgb<bbbbbbbxxxxxxxxx mu li é ri bus, et nedíctus fructus ventr tu i, Jesus. Snct M rí, BbxxbbbgbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbGYbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbxxzz{bbbbzzxzhbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbtfbbbbbsbbbbbbbbxxxxxxxxxxxfbbbbbbxxbbrdbbbbbbbbSEbbbbbxbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbNbbbzzbbbbb{bbbbxxxxxxxxxsbbbbbbbbxxxxxxbbbbbbbbbbbbS4bbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbFTbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbxxxxxxxbfbbbbbbbbbbbbGYbbbbbbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbxxb Mter De i, or pro nob pecc tóribus, nunc et ho r mort nostræ. Bbbbbbbsbmbbbbbbbbbbsbmbbbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccccccccccxxxxxxx Amen. Hil Mry, full grce, Lord e. Blessed rt thou mgst women, blessed fruit womb, Jesus. Holy Mry, Mor God, pry for us sners, now t hour our deth. Amen. Words: Lt, 13th cent. Music: Chnt, Mode I 95 Ave Reg Cælorum 6. A Bfbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbfb,bbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbxxxbbhbbbxxxxxxxxxxxbbbxgb<bbbbbbbb{bbbbbxbxxxbbxxfbbbxbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbxbbbbbxxxxx ve, Re gín cæló rum, * Ave, Dóm Angeló rum : Slve rdix, Bbbbbxsbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbb{bbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbfb,bbbbbbbb]bbbbxxxxxxxfbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbb[bxxxxxxxxbbkbbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbbhbbxxxxxxxbb slve port, Ex qu mundo lux est ort : Gude,Virgo glo ri ó s, Su per om Bbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbfb,bbbbbbb]bbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbfYbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbkbbbbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbbjKbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbxxgbbbbbbbbbxbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbgbgbbbbbbxbxxxf,bbbbbbbbxxxx} nes speci ó s : Vle, o vlde decó r, Et pro no b Chrtum ex ó r. Hil, Queen Heven enthred! Hil, by ngels Mtress owned! Root Jesse, Gte morn, Whence world s true Light ws born: Words: Lt, 12th cent. Music: Chnt, Mode VI Glorious Virg, joy e, Loveliest whom heven y see: Firest thou where re fir, Pled Chrt our ss spre.

6. A Ave Verum Corpus 96 BfGYbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbfb,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbGYbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbtfb<Mbbbbbbz}bbbbbxbbbbbfGYbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbxgbbbbbbbbxxbbfb,bbbbbbxxxxxxx\bbbbjbbbbbbxxbxxxxb ve verum * Corpus n tum de M rí Vírge : Ve re pssum, im Bbbxbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbb{bbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbGYbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbtfb<Mbbbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbxbbbbblbbbbbbbbkb/bbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbGTbbbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbb{bbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbx7b^%bbbbbbxxxxxxhbbbbbbbbbbbygbbxxxx mo lá tum cruce pro hóme : Cu jus ltus perforá tum fluxit qu BbbbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbbbGYbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbtfbM<bbbbbbbbzzz}bbbbbbbbzxzzbbhbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbxxxxxxxxlbbbbxxxxbbbbkb/bbbbbbbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbxbhbbbbxxbbbbGTbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbbbzzb{bbxzbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbb7b^%bbbbbbbbygbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbbbGYbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbtfbM<bbbbbzz}bbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx et sángui ne : Es nob prægustá tum mort ex ámi ne. BbxxbFT6bbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbb\bbbbjb>bbbbbbxb\bbbb7b^%bbbbbbbhb.bbbbb}bbbbbbbbbFT6bbbbbbbbfbbbb\bbbbjb>bbbbbb\bbbb7b^%bbbbhb.bbbbbb}bbbbbbbxxxbhb.bbbbbklkbbbbb\bbbb7b^%bbbbbhb.bbbbbxxxbfbbbbbbbbGYbbbbbb\bbbbjbbbbbbbbygbbbbbbtfbM<bbbbbbb}cczzzzzxxxxxxxx Je su dul c! Je su pi e! Je su fi li Mrí æ. Hil, true Body, truly born f Virg Mry mild, Truly fered, rcked rn, n Cross for mn defiled, From whose lovepierced, scred side. Flowed true Blood s svg tide: Be foretste sweet me In my deth s gret gy, thou lovg, gentle ne, Sweetest Jesus, Mry s S. Words: Lt, 14th cent. Music: Chnt, Mode VI Awy Mnger 97 1. Awy mnger, no crib for d The little Lord Jesus lid down H sweet hed. The strs bright sky looked down where He ly, The little Lord Jesus, sleep hy. 2. The cttle re lowg, poor bby wkes, But little Lord Jesus, no cryg He mkes; I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from sky sty by my crdle till morng nigh. 3. Be ner me, Lord Jesus; I sk Thee sty Close by me forever, love me, I pry. Bless der children Thy tender cre, fit us for heven, live Thee re. Words: Vss. 1 2: Little Children s Book for Schools Fmilies, Phildelphi, 1885 CRADLE SNG Vs. 3: John T. McFrl, 1851 1913 11 11 11 11 Music: Willim J. Kirkptrick, 1838 1921

98 Be Joyful, Mry, Hevenly Queen 1. Be 2. The 3. The joy S Lord ful, you hs M bore r ry, by en hev'n ly hev en's from Queen, grce, ded, Gu de M rí : Your Did He S rose Al le lu who our Words: Lt, 17th cent. Tr. Psite, St. Lou, 1901 Music: Ctholicum Hymnologium Germnicum, 1584 died guilt might ws s i! Le æ liv s he g ef hd tá re, M seen, fce, sid, rí. REGINA CAELI, JUBILA 85 84 Refr

1. Be 2. Be 3. High thou thou Kg All I My Thou Thou Hert else ev I my my er rech my my st gret my vi si, w dom, hev en, nought hev e en's me, joys, thought, F r, hert, Be Thou My Vi 100 when by the wht Lord thou vic Words: Irh, c. 700, versified by Mry Elizth Byrne, 1880 1931 SLANE Tr. by Elenor H. Hull, 1860 1935 10 10 9 10 Music: Irh folk sg my t'ry sve thou bright tht hev my true thou me, en's dy or by own my I ev er Wk g or sleep g, pres ence Thou me dwell g, I e Still my vi si, Rul er my hert; word; w, rt. Lord; Sun! night, : f, light. e..

101 Bethlehem, Noblest Cities 4 1. Beth 2. Fir 3. By 4. So 5. Ho le er its lemn ly hem, thn lm thgs Je nt sus, no sun u mys blest t ty tic ci morn guid men bright ties g ed g: ness Ne Ws See In To cn cense ce str est doth Gen tht ern tile e ld kgs God world com p d d pre; birth; per; close, plyed, Thou To See Gold With m le ls nd, roy F ir ir l r Lord God gifts child from n pro he noun clim Spi ven cg, fer, eth, rit Didst Seen Gifts Myrrh End for less us flesh fu pre ly cense, ture cr form gold mb e nte for r. erth. myrrh. shows. pid. Words: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 348 413 STUTTGART Tr. by Edwrd Csw, 1814 1878 87 87 Music: Chrtin F. Witt's Pslmodi Scr, Goth, 1715 Adpt. by Henry J. Guntlett, 1805 1876

104 Chrt Is Mde Sure Foundti 1. Chrt 2. To 3. Grnt, 4. Lud t we mde tem pry, ho ple, nor sure where foun d ti, Chrt hed we c e, Come, Lord peo ple, All grce F r, Lud ho y nor cor ner sne; Cho sen hosts, sk dy; g; With Wht y wt g ed from S. Lud ho nor Lord lov e pre g kd for ev Spir cious, ness Words: Urs t Jeruslem, Lt, 7th cent. WESTMINSTER ABBEY Tr. by John M. Nele, 1818 1866, lt. 87 87 87 Music: Henry Purcell, 1659 1695 er it, Bd g Church e; Ho ly Zi 's Her ser vnts s y pry, full est With bless ed re t, here f ter Ev er three ev er e. ne might help n e for ev e dic glo glo er, her ti Shed ry Ev er ry, While un c more end fi dence le. its bright r ry. e reign. g ges run.

106 Chrt Lord Is Ren Tody 1. Chrt 2. Lives 3. Love's 4. Sor re we Ss Where, Fought Fol Lord r'n g our glo deem g work now where Chrt l'wg men deth, fight, our ex n now bt lt rious hs gels tle ed dy, Kg; de, led, sy! stg? w. hed; Al Al le lu le lu i! i! Re your nce he Deth Mde like joys died v him, our for like Sg, Where Chrt urs ye hs tri souls bids him umphs him we hev'ns, erth re vic ry, o pened pr cross, grve, Words: Chrles Wesley, 1707 1788 Music: Attr. Rort Willims, 1781 1821 Joseph Prry s Perorieth Hyfryd, 1837 high, sve, re; re, ply, grve? de. skies. Al Al le lu i! le lu i! LLANFAIR 77 77 Allelu

Chrt Lord Is Ren Tody 107 1. Chrt 2. Chrt, 3. Sy, 4. Chrt, who Lord Vic wd' ce tim rg for r'n dy; un de filed, M ry, sy, s ners bled, Chrtins Mn Wht thou Now hste God sw first your hth est born vows rec from py; ciled; wy; ded, At Met Emp Lives ty Ps geth mb reigns Lmb hp glo Hope hth py ry bled, dy, bright high! f When I Thred chl er for fer ye strnge held end Vic deth n ev S Hste f Hil, tim's gels er feet, life; tw. more. your where less less thou joy r Kg your en pr w Chrt might For Chrt I Hil, s vows Lord Vic es ful hd meet strife l, pow'r, sheep ins, held e ter ner's sted; py. Light; ry! t nl Chrt Chrt Chrt, Hil, my thou Lord Lord hope, Prce r'n r'n r'n Life high; high; g; dored! Now Now Now Help he he he lives, lives, lives, sve no no us, more more lives gr cious die. die. reign. Lord! Words: Attr. Wipo Burgundy, c. 1000 c. 1050 Tr. by Jne E. Lees, 1807 1881 Music: Ktholches Gesngbuch, Detroit, 1859 Reved Ctholic Youth s Hymn Book, 1871 VICTIMAE PASCHALI 77 77 D

108 Chrtus Vcit Chri stus v cit, Chri stus re gnt, Chri stus, Chri stus im pe rt. Trnslti: Chrt cquers, Chrt reigns, Chrt comms! Words: Lt, 8th cent. Music: Trditil 109 Chrtus Vcit Cnr: Chri stus v cit, Chri stus re gnt, Chrtus ím pe rt. All: Chri stus v cit, Chri stus re gnt, Chrtus ím pe rt. Trnslti: Chrt cquers, Chrt reigns, Chrt comms! Words: Lt, 8th cent. Music: Chnt

110 CoMe down, o love dive 1. Come down, Love di ve; Seek thou t soul 2. let it free ly burn, Till erth ly ps s 3. Let ho ly chr i ty My out wrd vest ure 4. so yerng strg, With which soul will me, turn, lg, To Sh True For Words: Binco d Sien, d. 1434 Tr. by Richrd F. Littledle, 1833 1890 Music: Rlph Vughn Willims, 1872 1958 v it it the own r dor glow g. dust sh es its het c sum g; low li ness come my ner cloth g; fr out pss pow'r hu mn tell g. Comfort er, drw ner, With my hert p let glo rious light She ev er my low li ness hert, Which tkes hum bler ne cn guess its grce, Till he come per, sight, prt, plce Where k dle it, ho ly flme sw g. clo me round, while my pth il lum g. o'er its own short com gs weeps lothg. Ho ly Spir it mkes dwellg. DWN AMPNEY 66 11 D

3 & b4 & b & b 1. Come, Ho ly Ghost, 2. Com fort blest, 3. Pre e, up God Three Words: Veni, Crer Spiritus Attr. Rbnus Murus, c. 776 856 Tr. by Edwrd Csw, 1814 1878 Music: Lou Lmbillotte, 1796 1855, lt. Cre r blest, e we cry, Fr S, Come, Holy Ghost 111 Ï Ï Ï ú Ï Ï Ï ú Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï ú To The most fill sweet gifts tht rest; high, e; herts not from Come Thou which g ft my grce life S Thou our hev'nly Ho ly hev'n fire us 1. 2. herts gift Spir Ï Ï Ï ú Ï Ï Ï ú Ï Ï Ï ú Ï Ï ú Ï ú thou from Spir hst it mde. bove. flow. ly id love, sw ú mde. bove. flow. tke it, LAMBILLTTE LM

112 Come, My Wy, My Truth, My Life 1. Come, my 2. Come, my 3. Come, my breth; fest; move; Such Such Such Wy, Light, Joy, my my my Truth, Fest, Love, my my my Life: Strength: Hert: Such Such Such truth fest love life strength hert s s s s s s ends mends ne cn kill mkes joys wy light joy s s s gives us shows ne cn strife; length; prt; eth Such Such Such deth. guest. love. Words: George Herrt, 1593 1633 THE CALL Music: Rlph Vughn Willims, 1872 1958 77 77

113 CoMe, thou AlMighty Kg 1. Come, 2. Come, 3. Come, 4. To nme deth wit pri thou thou Ho e, Al might y Kg, Help us In cr nte Word, Who for us ly Com for ter, Thy s cred Tr i ty, E ter nl sg, Help us en dured, ur pryer t ness ses r In for t ev gld er pre. tend; hour: more! F r glo ri ous, 'er vic ri ous, Come peo ple bless, give word success; To us grce im prt; rule ev 'ry hert! Thy sov 'reign mj es ty My we glo ry see, Come, Fill us Nev er reign from e Words: Collecti Hymns, 1757, Ld ITALIAN HYMN Music: Felice de Girdi, 1716 1796 664 6664 o ver us, An cient right us eousness, de prt, Sv Spir ior it ter ni ty Love Dys. friend. pow'r! dore!

4 Come, Thou LgExpected Jesus 114 1. Come, thou 2. Is rel's 3. Born 4. By the lg strength peo own ex ple e pect c ter ed so de nl Je l liv Spir sus, ti, er, it Born Hope Born Rule set child, our peo erth yet herts ple thou free; rt: kg, le; From Der Born By our de the fers sire reign suf ss ev us fi re 'ry for cient lese n ev mer us; ti, er, it Let Joy Now Re us us fd ev gr our 'ry cious rest lg kg glo g dom rious e. hert. brg. thre. Words: Chrles Wesley, 1707 1788 STUTTGART Music: Chrtin F. Witt s Pslmodi Scr, Goth, 1715 87 87 Adpt. by Henry J. Guntlett, 1805 1876

115 Come, Ye Fithful, Re Str 1. Come, ye fith ful, re str f tri um phnt gld ness; 2. 'T sprg souls dy; Chrt hth burst pr, 3. Now queen se ss, bright With dy splen dor, 4. Nei r might gtes deth, Nor mb's drk por tl, God With Nor Loosed All Comes But hth from from brought Is r el In joy from sd three dys' sleep deth As sun hth r roy l fest fests, Comes its joy ren wtch ers, nor sel Hold e s mor ness; en; der; tl; Ph roh's bit ter yoke J cob's ss dughters; w ter our ss, Lg drk, fly g gld Je ru s lem, Who true f fec ti dy midst twelve Thou didst st, sw g Led m un mo tened foot Through Red Se w ters. From light, whom we give Lud pre un dy g. Wel comes un we ried strs Je sus' res ur rec ti. Tht pece which ev er more Pss eth hu mn know g. Words: John Dmscus, c. 675 c. 754 Tr. by John M. Nele, 1818 1866 Music: Gesngbuch der Brüder Behemen und Merherrn, Nuremrg, 1544 GAUDEAMUS PARITER 76 76 D

116 CoMe, ye thankful people, CoMe 1. Come, 2. For 3. Ev All From Gth God, Give There, ye thnk ful Lord our en so, Lord, er sfe ly field sh our for Mk er, n gels ev er Words: Henry Alford, 1810 1871, lt. Music: George J. Elvey, 1816 1893 Come, But God's own fruit ful Come, the peo God quick ered tht ple ple, sh ly dy, doth chrge pu tem gr n gth peo prot ri ple gels, vide lst fied, come, come come Re Brg sh sg tke fi Ere w ter All fen ses Free from sor row, come; sre come; For In In our wnts fire pres nl hrveshrveshrvest srms purge free ence Re sg In gr ner Re glo rious from home; home; home; g; wy; s; tres supplied cst, bide: hrvesev er more. home. hrvest home. ST. GERGE S WINDSR 77 77 D

Comfort, Comfort Ye My People 117 1. Comfort, com fort ye my peo ple, Spek ye pece, thus sith our 2. Hrk, voice e tht cri eth In des ert fr 3. Mke ye strightwht lg ws crook ed, Mke rough er plce es God; ner, pl; Comfort those who sit drkness, Mourng 'neth ir sor row's lod. Bid dg men re pentnce Sce kgdom now here. Let your herts true hum ble, As fits ho ly reign. Spek ye tht For Tell her Let Je ru s lem f pece tht wits for m; wrng cry o y! Now pre pre for God wy; glo ry Lord Now o'er erth shed brod; tht her vl leys flesh sh ss re see I cov er, her wr fre now o ver. meet him hills bow down greet him. ken Tht word nev er bro ken. Words: Johnnes lerius, 1611 1684 GENEVA Tr. by Cre Wkworth, 1827 1878, lt. 87 87 77 88 Music: Pseumes octnte tro de Dvid, Genev, 1551 Attr. Lou Bourgeo, c. 1510 c. 1561

118 Crer Strs Night 1. Cre 2. Thou, 3. Thou 4. At 5. 6. To griev cm'st whose Thou God r g dred whose tht Bride nme, co F groom m mg r, strs n jes God cient tic night, curse bride, now, dred S, Thy Should As All To peo doom drew knees judge God ple's must ev deth world nd, doom Spi er rit, lst u ev herts quick Three g ni ng must light, verse, tide; bow; ded, ne, Je Hst Pro Pre Lud, sus, found ceed thgs serve ho Re g ce us, nor, deem me from les while might, er, d'ce til we sve full vir Thee dwell glo us g sh ry, grce shre, own, low, her To sve The spot thgs From ev From ge Thy less ter 'ry ser hel Vic res ge Words: Crer lme siderum, Lt, 9th cent. Tr. The Hymnl 1940 Music: Chnt, Mode IV vnts tim tril, sult e when ru Lord ter y ed di nl c. rce. ve: le. foe. ly. A men. CREATR ALME SIDERUM LM

1. Crown him 2. Crown him 3. Crown him 4. Crown him 5. Crown him Crown Him Mny Crowns 119 mn y crowns, The Lmb up Lord life, Who tri umphed o'er Lord love, Be hold hs Lord pece, Whose pow'r scep Lord yers, The Po ten tte ter thre; grve, side, swys time, Hrk! how hev'n ly n m drowns All mu sic but its own. rose vic rious strife For those he cme sve. Rich woundsyet v i ble bove In u ty glo ri fied. From pole pole, tht wrs my cese, Absord pryer pre. Cre r rollg spheres, In ef f bly sublime, A wke, my soul, sg f him who H glo ries now we sg, Who died No n gel sky Cn full y H reign sh know no end, 'round All hil, Re deem er, hil! For thou hst died rose r pierc died for tht ed for e, high, sight, feet me; hil him s mtchless KgThrough e ter ni ty. Who died, e ter nl life brg, lives tht deth my But downwrd nds burn g eye At mys ter ies so Fir flow'rs Pr de ex tend Their fr grnce ev er Thy pre glo ry sh not fil Throughout e ter ni die. bright. sweet. ty. Words: Vss. 1, 3 5: Mtw Bridges, 1800 1894 Vs. 2: Godfrey Thrg, 1823 1903 Music: George J. Elvey, 1816 1893 DIADEMATA SMD

120 Dily, Dily Sg Mry 1. 2. 3. 4 Di She Sg, ly, my di might ngue, ly y sg Vir her g's M pled tro ry; g phies, Sg Ten Who der for joy us her her her pr lov Mk es g er due! cre; bore, All Ev For her er fests, wtch curse her ful, c un old t der h st flict or g, ed, With All Pece our hert's sor bless de rows g vo she ti will re true. shre. sre. Lost Gifts Sg w hev sgs d'rg en c she pre tem hs un pl giv end ti, en, g, Be no C her ble up mj l es dy, her ty lov c our g fessed! rce, ly: C Hev Set her en's Moth bless w er, gs dom, c she Gte her d Words: Bernrd Cluny (Morlix), c. 1140 Tr. by Henry Bittlesn, 1818 1886 Music: Trditil Germny Melody Alte Ktholche Getliche Kirchengesäng Vir pens hev g, es en, Hp n Morn py our g Mo s Str r, ful up Vir hu g mn blest! rce. se. ALLE TAGE SING UND SAGE 87 87 D

Drw Ner Tke Body Thy Lord 122 1. Drw ner tke bo dy 2. Sved by bod y, hl lowed by 3. Sl v ti's giv er, Chrt, 4. With hev'n ly bred he mkes hun 5. Be fore pres ence, Lord, peo With By Gives In drk fith blood for you souls re freshed we give our thnks der cross blood vic liv g w ters thirst t fest love ly gry ple Lord, blood, S, whole, bow. out poured; God. t'ry w. g soul. us now. Words: Sncti, venite, Chrte corpus sumite, Lt, 7th cent. CŒNA DMINI Tr. by John M. Nele, 1818 1866, lt. 10 10 Music: Arthur S. Sullivn, 1842 1900

E 7. Ecce Pn Angelorum 125 VbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbblbbbbbbbbb;bbbbbbbbblbbbbbbbbbijbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbjbbbbb CCE pn Angeló rum, Fctus cibus vi tórum: Vere pn fi li ó Vbjb>bbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbb rum, N mit téndus cánibus. In figúr præsigná tur, Cum I sá c immo Vbbbjbbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbblbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblbbbbbbbbbbbbijbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbbb{bbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbhbbbb látur: Agnus Pschæ deputá tur, Dtur mnn pá tri bus. Be psr, pn VbbbbJIbbbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbbbb{bbbbbbkbbbbbbbbblbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbtfbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbb ve re, Iesu, nostri me ré re: Tu nos psce, nos tu ére, Tu nos b fc vi VbbbbfbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbbbb{bbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbHUbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbJIbbbbbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbblbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbtfbbbbb dére In terr vivénti um. Tu qui cunct sc et v les: Qui nos psc hic mor Vbhbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbb{bbbbbbdbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbjb>bbbbbbbb{bbbbbbbjbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbb{bbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHUbbbbbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbdbbbbbbbdbMbbbbb}bbb táles: Tu os i bi commensáles, Coherédes et sodá les Fc snctórum cívi um. VbbbbdfdbbbbbbbbbbSEbMNbbbbbbb[bbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbrdbbbbbbbbbdbMbbbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb A men. Alle lú i. Words: Thoms Aqus, 1225 1274 Music: Chnt, Mode VII See p. 189 for trnslti.

126 Eternl Fr, Strg Sve E ter nl F r, strg sve, Whose rm doth Chrt, Lord hill pl 'er which our Spir it, whom F r sent To spred Tr i ty love pow'r, ur breth ren rest less wve, Who bidd'st might y o runs m By moun t pss or vl fir m ment; Wd hev en, by dn ger's hour; From rock tem pest, fire 1. 2. 3. 4. own ev tect cry gurd wtch re Words: Vss. 1, 4: Willim Whitg, 1825 1878, lt. MELITA Vss. 2, 3: Rort N. Spencer, 1877 1961, lt. 88 88 88 Music: John B. Dykes, 1823 1876 cen ley p pot ed lim its keep: her us er, Lord, breth ren go, Pro tect m who dre e gle's flight, keep m m where so e'er y go; Thus ev er e For those per il g h From ev 'ry per il ful cre From ev 'ry per il e Gld pre from ir l deep low; might foe, bd trf brod shield fic Its Where Sve Pro when by by more we sh se. l. ir. se.

1. Fir 2. Fir 3. Fir 4. Beu est re ti rod S thou Thee Je Je Glo Lord will I sus sus shes ry ful Je med sun Sv sus, ows, she, ior! God bloom tw God cher fir bright h h, er, er, or, my mkes soul's for glo woe n ev ry, ful gels er g klg Firest Lord Jesus 127 rul er fir er fir er Lord still still mn grb str S Thee Je Je pre, joy, hert hev'n more ry will sus I sus shes do cn n ture, wood ls, mo light, n t! S, sprg: host: Mn! h pur pur r crown. sg. bost. The. or, Thou, er, Who er, thn ti, now Words: Münster Gesngbuch, Münster, 1677 Tr. Anymous, c. 1850 Vs. 4: tr. by Joseph A. Ses, 1823 1904 Music: Silesin folk melody Schlesche Volkslieder, Leipzig, 1842 ST. ELIZABETH Irregulr

128 Fith ur Frs 1. Fith our f rs, liv 2. ur f rs, ched pr 3. Fith 4. Fith our our f f rs, rs, M we g s ry's will still, drk, pryers love In spite Were still Sh w Both friend dun ge, fire hert c n foe t un high chil comes love dren's from knows Fith our joy, fte God, how science our sword; free; e; strife; how blest through prech our would e, When e'er we her tht glo If we, like m, should die Mn kd sh n deed By kd ly deeds vir f rs, ho ly fith! herts truth o, t ir tht s Words: Frederick W. Fr, 1814 1863 ST. CATHERINE Music: Henri F. Hemy, 1818 1888 88 88 88 Adpt. by Jmes G. Wln, 1821 1905 We will true rious for tuous e till word: e. free. life. deth.

130 For All Sts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For Thou But From wst my blest lo! erth's ir com There wide sts, rock, sol mun breks bounds, who ir diers, i, from from for fith fel yet o ir tress, ful, low more cen's l true, ship glo fr bors ir di rious st rest, might; bold, ve! dy; cost, Who Thou, Fight We The Through e Lord, s fee sts gtes by ir bly tri fith cp sts strug um perl t who gle, phnt strems fore no y re bly world well fought glo bright count c fought ry r less fessed, fight; old, she; ry; host, Thy Yet The nme, Thou, w, Kg Sg re g Je drk m, e glo F sus, ness ry r, drer, vic e, pss S, for ir r's for es ev e crown Ho er true re ly blest. light. gold. the. wy. Ghost. Al le lu Words: Willim Wlshm How, 1823 1897, lt. Music: Rlph Vughn Willims, 1872 1958 i! Al le lu i! SINE NMINE 10 10 10 Allelu

1. For u ty 2. For 3. For u joy ty 4. For Church, tht 5. For self, st pr hs free ent, ly skies, night, child, bove, giv'n; Sun For Her Pece e ver pure mo, gen sc erth we re For Beuty Erth 131 hu ev Gift ech mn er Di erth, hour love, more ve! For Hill Friends f For tle ri f'rg tht love vle, erth, up gret, which gret round us strs thoughts fice joy T our hymn lies: light: mild: love: hev'n: For f Broth Lift To er, eth our from tree friends ev love our 'ry glo ry dy s ter, ho ly rce so birth flower, bove; shore the, Lord, grte ful pre. Words: Folliot S. Pierpot, 1835 1917, lt. DIX Music: Crd Kocher, 1786 1872 77 77 77

132 For Fruits H Creti For In For 1. For 2. In 3. For fruits just hr gifts help good For In our For Fu In Most we we re vests ev give wrd plow g, sowgtsk cr rep worldwidw ders tht s und ture needs hr, vests tht Words: Fred Prtt Green, 1903 2000 AR HYD Y NS Music: Trditil Welsh Melody 84 84 88 84 1970, Hope Publhg Compny. All rights reserved. Used by permsi. cre ti, l bor, Spir it, 'ry n ti, our neigh bor, her it, erth's we love g, g us, Thnks God's will Thnks Thnks God's Thnks will Si lent growth For hun For truths sfekeere shr g, g, hs found us, while gry tht Thnks God's Thnks God. de. God. we re de still c will God. de. God. sleepg, spirg, found us, God. de. God.

1. For ty 2. Sh not 3. Then if 4. Keep, For ty Fst g Vic r Tht dys we S keep tn, us, Forty Dys Forty Nights 133 dys for ty nights un cesmy p pryer, wil der ness, e we per Thou Flesh Ev wst from Words: George H. Smyttn, 1822 1870, lt. HEINLEIN Music: Nürnrgches GesngBuch, Nuremrg, 1676 77 77 Attr. Mrt Herbst, 1654 1681 or er fst g erth ly spi rit c stnt tempt ed, yet Gld Grnt we e my not At 'e th e ter nl for ty nights sorrow shre, us press, Sv ior der, wild; joys bsts sil, by side; un suf ft Est de fer nor er filed. p? fil. tide. From All Thy Sts Wrfre 134 1. 2. 3. To Who From Thy sts wrfre, For Thy sts A pos tles, pro phets, mrtyrs, s Then pre we God F r, pre we God Thee, wer God t cred bless ed Je sus, All pr es d spot less ri ment, Who re ceseless Ho ly Spi rit, E ter nl Three rest, thrg S, dressed; sg; ne; Thou, Lord, didst w bt tle Tht y might cquerors ; For se, pssed fore us, Sv ior, we Thee dore, Till rnsomed numr F down fore Thre, Their, crowns liv g glo ry Are lit rys from wlk g ir foot steps, Would serve Thee more ho nor, power glo ry As cri God Words: Hortio Nels, 1823 1913 Music: Melchior Teschner, 15841635 Thee. more. le. ST. THEDULPH 76 76 D

3 & b2 & b 1. 2. 3. 4. Glo rious thgs See! The strems Round ech hb Blest hb God; love, per blood! & b for fer tht kgs & b found riv bn r & b & b pose? suge? dy, kgs: smile fils gives thnk Words: John Newn, 1725 1807, lt. Music: Attr. Benjm F. White, 1800 1879 The Scred Hrp, Phildelphi, 1844 Glorious Thgs Thee Are Spoken 136 Ï Ï ú ú Ï Ï Ï Ï ú Ï Ï ú ú Ï Ï He Well For Je ed, er ner, es With Grce Sfe whose sup sus, own wnt Lord priests i i e re liv g t ti tnts word ply glo whom re sl which, y s Wht Ev Light cn ry ir bode; move. ner. God. cn er by ver spo w hov Zi ken, Zi ters, Sprg 'rg, See, Wshed not ss souls re n Who Thus 'T shke will night, self cn de, g bro dugh cov ly Rock ft, riv love ir ci from cloud ken ters 'rg, when g ty our e ter nl fire p Re deemer's w Ï Ï ú ú Ï Ï Ï Ï ú Ï Ï sure trust shde reign v ti's ws sur round ed, like Lord, giv er, feed u p mn n priests, sol emn pr es Formed e Show g Mkes m ú ú Ï Ï w Ï Ï ú ú Ï Ï ú ú Ï Ï ú w t from m ful ge when y f'rg foes. ge. pry. brgs. A ges such from ir peo ple ú Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï ú ú Ï Ï Ï Ï ú Ï Ï ú ú Ï Ï w re s by s Thou my'st Nev Which Ech er he for BEACH SPRING 87 87 D

137 Go, Tell It Mount Go, tell it Go, tell it 1. While 2. The 3. Down mount, ver hills ev 'ry where; moun Words: Adpt. by John W. Work, Jr., 1871 1925, lt. Music: AfricnAmericn t Tht Je sus Chrt shepherds kept ir wtch g 'er si lent flocks shepherds fered trem bled When lo! bove low ly mn ger The humble Chrt Be hold, throughout hevens There she ho ly Rng out n gel cho rus Tht hiled our Sv ior's God sent us sl v ti Tht bless ed Chrtms born. by ws G, TELL IT N THE MUNTAIN 76 76 Refr night, erth born, light. birth. morn. D.C.

God ur Frs 138 1. God our f rs, whose l migh ty 2. Thy 3. From love wr's di ve lrms, hth from led ded us ly pes ti 4. Re fresh peo ple ir il some Leds In Be Led f Be Thy fill ur Thy Thy sh thou true forth t us grte Word boun glo free strg from u l rm night Words: Dniel C. Rorts, 1841 1907, lt. NATINAL HYMN Music: George W. Wrren, 1828 1902 10 10 10 10 ty str ry e our lot our e ver sure de nev er end g g worlds splen dor through our rul er, gurd in, guide, re li our lives gi love our herts grce di ful sgs fore thre our lw, pths our cho sen teous good ness nour h us ry, lud, pre e ver h pst; lence, wy; b cst; fense; dy; skies, sty, crese; ve, re. wy. pece. the.

139 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 1. God rest you 2. In Beth le 3. From God our 4. The shepherds 5. Now Re mem r lid un left ir true To The How T mer hem hev'n t Lord sve which tht went ho us ly joy; Words: Englh crol, 18th cent. Music: Englh crol, 18th cent. ry, ly those sg gentlemen, Jew ry F tid r gs pr es, Chrt our Sv ior mn ger cer t shep herds flocks feed g love brorhood Moth Beth Beth tide from er le le noth g you d my; bless ed B ws born, bless ed n gel cme, Re joic ed much md, All you t plce, Let T A Ws Up Brought In Ech S M hem hem Chrt tn's pow'r ry ws born strightwy, ms When Did The The Doth born tid tem oth t gs pest, er Chrtms dy, bless ed morn: sme; srm, wd, now em brce. we noth S S brg were g re ge stry: tke God God by scorn: nme: fd: deemg grce. tid gs com fort joy, comfort tid gs com fort joy! GD REST YU MERRY 86 86 86 Refr

141 Godhed Here Hidg Words: Thoms Aqus, c. 1225 1274 ADR TE DEVTE Tr. by Gerrd M. Hopks, 1844 1889 65 65 D Music: Chnt, Mode V 7. God See n I Like Je 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 5. hed g, m thou, wht sus, here uch cross not our ten whom g, like re der I hid tst God Thom md tles look g g hed s, er tell t Whom Are Mde Wounds f f Shroud I no I ed do e sign cn Cru Pe here de not ci li dore, ceived; men; see, fied, cn, low, Msked How Here But Liv B I by sys I g me, se trust ver pl Bred, Je seech bre y y ly sus e, shd her mn c life Lord, send ows, g? hood e me Shpe Tht Stels Lord Us Wht Wht sh from for I noth hu God whom bo thirst g mn s he som for more, lieved; ken: he: died, rn, so, Lost, Truth Di There All him I ly lost self pry mke thou world blest speks me for for w tru pry hrd sweet give ev der ly er er ness ness er At r f Hope Mn f With re's ws its God noth dy der ment world glo thou g g er ry's rt. true. thief. love. fd. s. sight. A men. See, Wht Both T Lend Blood Some Lord, God's re fith t tht dy t S my ech life but hs c dy e gze ser ld fes deep me, drop vice me, si, er n; e Low Tke Both Be Feed Hs Fce lies for re my here truth my hold fest pow'r fce I g my hert do; lief,, md, w light,

1. Good 2. Good 3. Good Give Now Now x He Cs Chrt Chrt Chrt Chr tin Chr tin Chr tin ye heed ye her ye need hs you ss oped e ws ws born born born not Good Chrtin Friends, Rejoice 142 friends, friends, friends, wht end fer fore hev'n cs for re re re we less joice joice joice sy: bls: grve: With With With Je Je Je hert hert hert sus Chrt sus Chrt sus Chrt soul soul soul ws ws born born born voice; voice; voice; dy! for t! sve! him bow, he mnger now. ly door, mn bless ed ev er more. you To g ev er lst g h. dy! Chrt born t! sve! Chrt Chrt ws born ws born for dy! t! sve! Words: Germn crol, 14th cent. IN DULCI JUBIL Tr. by John M. Nele, 1818 1866, lt. 66 77 78 55 Music: Germn crol, 14th cent Getliche Lieder, Wittenrg, 1533