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j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

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Table of Contents. Published with the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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- - - er have si. that. shall cert. see, ring, ev ev. er-more. * Call to Worship The Rev. Ron Williams 8:00 The Rev. Mark Davis 9:30/11:00

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Selected Refrains. in the 8 Gregorian Modes. For Congregational Singing. (Organ Accompaniment)

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ONTENTS MEMORY TRESURES: HYMNS HYMN TITLE 2 Svior Ntis, ome 38 rom ven bove Erth I ome 103 lory Be Jesus 111 Set Moments, Rich Blessg 152 I Kno Tht My Redeemer Lives 170 Dr Us Thee 173 On hrt s scensi I No Build 183 Ho Spirit, Light Dive 200 Mighty ortress Is Our od 208 ret od, Wht Do I See r 234 Pre Lord, lmighty 282 Lord, Open No My rt r 284 Ho Precious Is Book Dive 293 od s Word Is Our ret ritge 304 Jesus Sners Does Receive 319 On My rt Imprt Y Imge 333 bide, O Derest Jesus 348 Jesus, Jesus, On Jesus 358 Ho Set Nme Jesus Sounds HYMN TITLE 379 mzg rce Ho Set Sound 391 od Loved World So Tht ve 411 Wht riend We Hve Jesus 422 Jesus, Led Us On 429 Wht od Ords Is lys ood 432 I m Jesus Little Lmb 436 Jesus, Shepherd Sheep 441 O od, Our lp ges Pst 469 Tke My Life Let It Be 478 With Lord Beg Y Tsk 485 We ive Thee but The On 490 Love hrt Is Strg Livg 506 Oh, Blest House, Whte er Befll 573 Hrk! The Voice Jesus ryg 587 No Rest Beneth Night s Shdo 588 bide With Me 596 Let Me Be Ys orever 606 or Me Live Is Jesus 610 No Thnk We ll Our od

mbrose & b b 4 Dm 1 Sv ior n tis, come; m & b b. Svior Ntis, ome Hymn 2 J Vir g s S, mke & bb Mr vel no, O here y home. Eb hev n erth, eystliche gesngk Buchleyn & bb Dm Tht Lord chose m such birth.

rom ven bove Erth I ome Hymn 38 Mrt Lur etliche lieder uffs ne gessert & 4 1 rom 2 To 3 Th 13 h, hev n you der th est bove night hrt, Je sus, erth born od ho I most come child high, hild, J To Of Who Pre r Mr hers pre good y, y & nes cho sd d, E ev ry home; ld ti dgs gret oy sen vir g mild; Th lit tle child lo bit ter cry; ill him self y Sv st, un de filed With hert, mde clen I ior & brg, birth ne, J Where Shll rom ll qui I y et Dm 7 no oy ss chmb ill er sy ll set kept you for. sg: erth. free. you. Œ

lory Be Jesus Hymn 103 riedrich ilitz & b 4 1 lo 2 rce 6 Lift ry, life n, e Dm Je ter voic E sus, Who bit nl In tht blood es, Sll might ter I y ps fd; flood; & b Ped Blest Loud for me life blood rom h s h com ps si, In fi nite er still loud er Pre pre 7 cred cious ves. kd. blood!

Wlter Shirley & b 4 1 Set 2 re 5 Lord, mo rest lov & b Which ll ix fore ss herts & b Life re Till helth see tste ments, rich der, g c tem re y & b Dm Bb rom rom nd Set Moments, Rich Blessg Hymn 111 y s sc un bless vie pl cross Je eyes sus spend, lid; you Bb pece demp full ner s dy ri fice veiled glo Erbulicher Musiclcher hrtenschtz pos ti sl sess flo v 7 g he ry friend. mde. vie. g, g ti g g ti

Smuel Medley & # # 4 4 D 1 I 2 3 7 8 B m kno, # m & # D # & # # Wht D com,, Oh,,, tht tri ll fort e he ll set & # D B m # I I Kno Tht My Redeemer Lives Hymn 152, kno ex tht um bless grnts glo E m Re phnt me me ry th set ter nl pled for I shll Jes us, D D/#, glo hun mn oy. ev lt help brg D deem from ith di E m sen me c still er h h D/# tence quer E m ho ce s rious gry soul si th sen pre tence er ed me Re D/ liv re time sfe deem 7 g er 7 ; grve; love; breth; nme! gives! sve. bove. deth. sme. D d! high. need. re.! John. Htn ded; sky; feed; pre; gives:

Dr Us Thee Hymn 170 riedrich uncke & b b 4 Bb Eb Π1 Dr us 3 Dr us & b b Eb steps rod & b b. ge stry for. e, e;. or Oh, ev er nd hs hev en! Di rect To nd Eb from ith thy e, pths Eb Bb n grnt shll tht Eb der ten m 7 Sv driv y Bb ior. en. Wlk My lk thy Eb Where Lest s hymnodus scer thou rt should

On hrt s scensi I No Build Hymn 173 Josu Wegel & b 4 4 1 On hrt s s cen si. I no build The Etlich rtlich lider hope & b s Bb & b.. cen si. Th hope le hs. l ys stilled ll doubt p pre hen si; or Bb & b here hed, Dm & b. re dll When n. re s ll I Bb J hrt shll come 7 Bb. J kno h mem rs 7. cll m.

Ho Spirit, Light Dive Hymn 183 ndre Reed & # D # 4 1 Ho 3 Ho 4 Ho # m Spir Spir Spir it, it, it, & # # She heer Dll up th ith sd & # D # hse ill st me d gloom ith ev th dened th y ry D Light Joy Po r di di di ve, ve, ve, 7 hert hert hert me; me; me; night hev n i dol Orlo ibbs y; pece; thre; # m & # # Turn Let Reign it su drk gro preme ness still reign E m 7 D dy. crese. le.

& Œ & Œ 1 2 With 3 Though 4 The So ll Nor & & Œ from up & Ċ oe;, ill, kill & fight; od; de! ; trust re e n /E ev vl fer. The You Th nd might might dev Word Dm7 y ils y for s ll still /E tress cn shll nught orld let Dm should re y shield p ; helps loss ef fect ed. But for ger de v us, We trem y thnks hve for it; s by Dm Œ 7 ry need Tht hs us no int e Whom od him self no ill; They shll not o pl With h good gifts old sk, orld s do Mighty ortress Is Our od Hymn 200 Deep The Though Dm7 Œ Dm7 / # guile l cn ll On One The e Who prce ht /B might hrm my erth holds lit kg vil my y gret y us tle dom s foe th? still ill might Lord. ne. ge, No Je Scol Hte, Œ o er tk e lect ver po r Spir mens sus fierce stel, Œ re nd s Our h re s udged; vic us us ble 7 Dm ded hrt s hurt, od, de; fill, m, free fights not, side en. ed. us. it. it he or dred no 7 not field ord s h for cn for e ev fell ev Mrt Lur rms oth deed ry qul. er. him. er! er