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Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 283 Let Pre d) Pre To ev' Pre Pre To Vrts fter Brcki: ) breth The Verses Pre Tone 1 pg 283 Tone 5 pg 322 Tone 2 pg 292 Tone 6 pg 333 Tone 3 pg 303 Tone 7 pg 343 Tone 4 pg 312 Tone 8 pg 353 The Verses Pre Tone 1 ) ry breth b) pre ll due high pre hev you ll due! n H c) song. gels hosts. est.! b) song. en. H! c) d) hev en. Pre high est. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

284 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 1) To ex e cute on m judge ment writ ten: Th ry ll H sts. Chrt, sv g Ps sion do pre. Res ur rec tion do ri fy. Pre H snc tu ry! Pre H might y fir m ment. didst sub mit cross did bol h deth, did re from ded, pre serve lives,. Sce lone rt l might y. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 285 (Tone 1) Pre H pow ers! Pre c cord g H ex ceed g gret ness! Chrt hs red men hst held by h des cp Res ur rec tive, tion. Mke us wor thy pre Thee with pure herts; ri fy Thee. Pre with trum pet sound! Pre pslms hrp! We ri fy ly con des cen sion sg Chrt. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

286 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I ws did cross, from did yet wst born sep r ble from suf will chm fer s g ly sub ber tht Glo did ry mit might re F Vir from est sve g r; mn, mb world.. (Tone 1) s Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 287 The ppoted Gospel Sticheron sung here (see pgs 269282) Now The Theokion Tone 1 ev er un ges ges. A men. You re most bless ed, Vir g The o kos! For through ne ws born you, hell hs been cp tured A dm re clled! The curse hs been n nulled Eve set free! Deth hs been sl, so re giv en life. Where e, cry loud ex l g song: Bless ed Chrt, se good will it ws, ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

288 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Glo Glo ry on We Je ry wor thnk erth pre The Gret Doxology Tone 1 Thee pece, ship sus Thee hst good hev en ly Kg,, Chrt, on Lmb tk est wy ss shown will us bless high wrds light! est, men. ri fy gret F ly be, Son world Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) r l ry! might y! got ten Son ly Spir hve it! F cy on r,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 289 tk est wy hve Ev nme Vouch Bless And A sit cy on lone ery dy test t rt ry I ss For will right ev er, un sfe, ed rt pred, men. Let keep world, h c lone rt Je bless F sus cept ho F pryer. r. A Thee ges us th ri fied cy, dy be with Chrt, f nme up out r, men. pre on ges! rs. ly, (Tone 1) s. ev er. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) us

290 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I s (twice) Bless (third time) Bless tech on hve ed rt, ed rt gen me In me, hst set been stt hope tech on Thee! me stt er tion. I hel I my hve rt Con ti nue my soul, fled light! re I fuge from sid: un Thee! For with shll cy on hve Thee those sned Tech Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) gen me see hve utes! (Tone 1) utes! er tion gst foun do know Thee. t light! Thee! cy will, life.

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 291 (thrice) ly, (1st & 2nd endg) ly Im mor tl hve (third time with th endg) now ly Im Glory Let He ev F mor er ly Im To tl hve ly Might r, Son, ly, ly Im us dy sl sg u thor hs un mor tl hve mor ges tl hve cy on cy on y, ly Spir ly Might ges. A cy on men. cy on Troprion Resurrection Tone 1 giv en us v tion hs life! vic ry rose come Hv g de from stroyed gret y, deth (Tone 1) it, world! ded, by cy! deth. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

292 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I ) The Verses Pre Tone 2 Let eve ry breth pre! Pre from hev en! Pre high est! To due song! Settg fter Brcki: ) Let eve ry breth pre! Pre from hev en! Pre high est! To due song! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 293 Pre Pre To To Th Eve fies ex ll you e cute on ry ry breth tht For by Res might eve n m ll ll due ry cre Cross est mn ur rec tion lone rt gels i fest Lov from H judge h ture hosts! H! song! ment writ sts! ten: (Tone 2) ri didst er ll ded; bo lh deth, n tions mn kd. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

294 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 2) Pre H snc tu ry! Pre H might y firm ment! An sr, Jews, how ws it tht gurd sol diers lost Kg m y re gurd g? Why ws it tht sne could not re t Book Life? Ei or r, re e must wor ship you de liv er hs r ws bur ied, en shout g: Glo Sv ry ior, boun Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ti ful ry cies, Thee!

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 295 (Tone 2) Pre H pow ers! Pre c cord g H ex ceed g gret ness! Re joice, n tions, be ex ceed g ly gld; n gel hs st on sne grve, giv en us gld ti dgs, sy g: Chrt He Re joice, hs Sv ior filled n world ll tions with be r en from ded. ex ceed set g ly gld! scent. Pre with trum pet sound! Pre pslms hrp! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

296 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 2) Ver i ly, my, be e con cep tion n n gel pece did come her full grce. And now n n gel hs rolled sne from door The first mb, mde r n gel spke 'ious by signs joy Res ur rec tion. sted sor row. And lt ter brought us gld tid gs giv eth life sted deth. There e do ll Glo shout ry un Thee: Ben! e fc r Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 297 The ppoted Gospel Sticheron sung here (see pgs 269282) The Theokion Tone 2 Now ev er un ges ges. A men. You re most bless ed, Vir g The o kos! For through ne ws born you, hell hs been cp tured A dm re clled! The curse hs been n nulled, Eve set free! Deth sl, so re giv en life. Where e, cry loud ex l g song: Bless ed Chrt, se good will it ws, ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

298 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Glo Glo on We ry ry erth pre ri fy might Je The Gret Doxology Tone 2 Thee pece, y! sus Chrt,, thnk hev tk est wy Lmb ss good bless Thee hst shown will en ly Kg,, on world, us gret high wrds wor ly be ly Spir Son hve light! est, men. ship F ry! r l got ten Son F it! cy on r, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 299 tkest wy ss For Je Bless Let s world sittest t right h F lone rt sus Chrt, Eve ry dy I Glo will ev er, un Vouchsfe, ed rt, And pred hve ly, ry bless c cept r, hve Thee ges keep ri fied cy, set hope us be lone F r. A pre rt (Tone 2) pryer. cy on th nme dy F with men. nme ges! out s. rs. ev er. A men. up on on us Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

300 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (twice) (Tone 2) Bless ed rt, tech me stt utes! (third time) Bless ed rt, tech me stt utes! hst been re fuge from gen er tion gen er tion. I sid: hve cy on me hel my soul, I hve sned gst Thee. I hve fled un Thee! Tech me do will, rt my! For with Thee foun t life. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 301 (Tone 2) In light shll see light! Con t ue cy on those know Thee! (thrice) ly, ly Might y, ly Im mor tl hve cy on Glo ry F r, Son, ly Spir it, now ev er un ges ges. A men. ly Im mor tl hve cy on (slor) ly, ly Might y, ly Im mor tl hve cy on Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

302 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Troprion Resurrection Tone 2 By r g from mb, didst de stroy bonds deth. By de stroy g con dem n tion deth, didst de liv er ll men from snres en e my. By re vel g self pos tles, didst send m pro clim Thee. Through m hst giv en pece u ni verse, on ly ci ful ne! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 303 ) Let Pre b) eve! The Verses Pre Tone 3 ry breth pre Pre To To Pre Pre Vrts fter Brcki: ) Let b) eve ry breth Pre ll ll due c) you H due from n hosts! hev high en! song! gels H! est! pre c) due song!! high song! est! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

304 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I To Th hs ex e cute on come ry pow er And Chrt been ws hs To Pre m geth er ll r Pre The gurds cru bur Sv ll you dred judge H peo ful sec ior E ci fied en from let us ied will hve bow H pub ded down H might snc lhed it ment writ Sts! ten: ple know ter nl wor ret; (Tone 3) Word, ske g ly. sve tu Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ll. ship. ry! y firm ment! brod,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 305 pro flse clim g ll hood filled ir won right ders. But h s sem with Thk g tht re by y might con cel Res ur rec which Pre c All met sit seek cord gld M n world cre ri fies. g H tures re ti ry Mg n tg on est thou H pow Where e, hve ex filled ceed dgs Res d lene, com gel sne, liv cy on ers! Pre will g gret joy ur rec g brill when y bly bribes. re (Tone 3) tion ness. tion; g grve, t robe mong sid, ceived why ded? Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

306 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I He As He Pre not sid, Pre with For Ms light rt v tht fy hve ll He will go with ter r en from tion cre cy up here be but e you trum pslms r G li lee. pet sound! do Lov er rce ded, be tion my hold lone rt Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) on mn, mn grnt en! hrp! kd, light. (Tone 3) g sl with ri out s,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 307 The ppoted Gospel Sticheron sung here (see pgs 269282) Now ev The Theokion Tone 3 er un ges ges. A men. You re most bless ed, Vir g The o kos! For through ne ws born you, hell hs been cp tured A dm re clled! The curse hs been n nulled Eve set free! Deth hs been sl so re giv en life. Where e, cry loud ex l g song: Bless ed Chrt, se good will it ws, ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

308 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Glo Glo ry ry on We erth pre fy Je The Gret Doxology Tone 3 Thee sus thnk pece, Thee bless hst good hev en ly Kg,, Chrt, tk est wy tk on Lmb shown gret will F us high wrds wor ship light! est, men. ri ry! r Al might y! ly be got ten Son, ss, est wy ss Son world, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) ly Spir hve world c cept F it! cy on r, pryer!

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 309 hve Eve sit cy on lone ry dy test t rt ry ev er un Vouch th dy Let And s I sfe, pred with hve For will right ges out s. bless F f h lone rt Thee Je r. A Bless F ly, (Tone 3) r, sus Chrt, pre keep ed rt ri fied be nme cy, set be hope up men. rs. ges!, nme us ev er. A men. on on us Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

310 tech (thrice) Bless ed rt me hst been gen er tion. I hel For with In Con t (thrice) my I will, hve Thee soul, light ue fled ly, ly Im mort, stt re fuge from sid: I shll cy on rt hve gen er hve tech my foun sned me utes! (Tone 3) tion cy on! gst those t see ly Might l hve Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I know cy on Life. light! me, Thee! do Thee! y,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 311 Glo ry now ev F r, er ly Im ly, ly Im un mort mort Son, ges l hve ly Spir ges. A ly Might l hve cy on cy on men. y, it, (Tone 3) Let To Hv He us dy sl sg Troprion Resurrection Tone 3 v tion hs uth g de hs giv en us stroyed vic or deth come ry rose gret by from world! ded, life! deth. cy. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

312 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I ) Let The Verses Pre Tone 4 ev ery breth pre! Pre from hev en! Pre To, high due est! song! Settg fter Brcki: ) Let eve ry breth pre! Pre from hev en! Pre high est! To, due song! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 313 (Tone 4) Pre ll you n gels H! Pre ll H hosts! To, due song! To ex e cute on m judge ment writ ten: Th ry ll H Sts! suf fered cru ci fix ion deth, didst re from ded; Al might y ri fy Res ur rec tion! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

314 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 4) Pre H snc tu ry! Pre H might y firm ment! By Cross, Chrt, hst freed us from first curse. And by deth didst bn h sur gen cy De vil pre vilg o ver n ture. And Res ur rec tion didst fill ll with joy. Where e, cry : didst re from ded, ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 315 Pre (Tone 4) H pow ers! Pre c cord g H ex ceed g gret ness! Chrt, Sv ior, didst re from ded, led us by Cross right h, sve us from snre en e my. Stretch th The rm re us re fll en ss, Lov er mn kd, through ter ces sion Sts. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

316 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I but with Pre on ws not be cuse didst didst im with ly Son mor trum pslms pet sound! sep r ted from out suf love chnge fer cru re from ci fix tl i ty; mn didst didst ion di v ded, Pre (Tone 4) F come r's bos be deth kd come hrp! erth, om; mn. flesh, i ty suf fers not. grnt g mn lone rt Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) kd might y.

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 317 The ppoted Gospel Sticheron sung here (see pgs 269282) Now The Theokion Tone 4 ev er un ges ges. A men. You re most bless ed, Vir g The o kos! For through ne ws born you, hell hs been cp tured A dm re clled! The curse hs been n nulled, Eve set free! Deth hs been sl, so re giv en life. Where e, cry loud ex l g song: Bless ed Chrt se good will it ws, ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

318 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Glo Glo fy Al Je ry ry on We erth pre might The Gret Doxology Tone 4 pece, hev Thee good bless thnk Thee y! sus Chrt,, hst will shown en ly Kg, Lmb tk est wy ss, on high us wrds wor ship gret ly be ly Spir Son world, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) hve est, men. F light! ry. ri got ten Son F it! cy on r r,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 319 tk est wy ss For Je Bless Let sit test t lone rt sus Chrt, Ev ery dy I right h ev er, un Vouch sfe, ed rt, And pred will ho world, ly, c cept F r hve ry bless keep ri fied cy, be upon us (thrice) Bless ed rt, Thee ges us th nme lone rt F r. A pre dy pryer. cy on f with men. ges! nme out s. rs. (Tone 4) ev er. A men. s hve set hope on tech me stt Thee! utes! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

320 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I gen hel er In Con t (thrice) Glo now hst been tion. I my I rt soul, hve my fled! light ue ly, ly Im ry ev re sid: I Thee! fuge from hve Tech For with Thee shll cy on mor tl hve F r, er un Son, those hve sned me see (Tone 4) gen er tion do cy on gst me; Thee! foun t life. know ly Might ges Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) cy on light! Thee! y, ly Spir ges. A men. will, it,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 321 ly Im ly, ly Im mor tl hve mor tl hve cy on ly Might cy on y, (Tone 4) By By By de Troprion Resurrection Tone 4 r g from mb, didst de stroy stroy g didst re Through de liv er ll didst on vel m con men g send ly hst m giv dem n tion from self en pece Mer snres pro clim bonds deth, en deth. e my. pos tles, u ci ful ne! Thee. ni verse, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

322 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Let Pre To d) ev Pre The Verses Pre Tone 5 ery breth b) Pre To To Th ex ry c), from hev pre due ll, e cute on you ll )! en! Pre n high H e) song! due m ll judge H gels hosts! est! H! song! ment writ Sts! ten: Vrts fter Brcki: )! c) high est! b) d) from hev e) song! en! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 323 The (Tone 5) grve, hv g been seled by trns gres sors lw, didst e ge from with like s wst born The o kos; bod i less n gels did not know how wst cr nte: Like didst we, re; gurd sol se two diers re mt ters re not con wre when celed from ll seek ers. But won ders p pered those wor shipped mys t'ry fith. There e, grnt us fer pre: Joy gret cy. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

324 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Pre (Tone 5) H snc tu ry! Pre H might y firm ment! hst de mol lhed ev er lst g gtes bro ken sun der chs, didst re from Tomb lev g be hd wrp pgs ot ments grve, test i mon y three dy bur i l, didst go be e Gl i lee. wst kept cve. Gret, Sv re e, re ior, hve cies, cy up In ef f ble on Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 325 Pre (Tone 5) H pow ers! Pre c cord g H ex ceed g gret ness. The wo men did hst en didst suf mb be hold fer And when y r rived drw g ner y sw n gel sit tg on sne rolled bck from fer. And he shout ed m sy g: The r en, go tell d ci ples tht Sv ior souls r en from ded. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

326 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Pre Pre show which For doors sce But Gret, Sv didst with en ter pslms trum be g closed s didst come out g didst sce suf didst fer g c cept, rt rt ree, re ior, hve sub Sv mit Son seed d ci hrp. pet flesh ior, ps seled didst cies, p D sound! ples, (Tone 5) mb, long suf fer g. tient ly vid. lib er te world. cy up Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) Incompre hen on si ble

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 327 The ppoted Gospel Sticheron sung here (see pgs 269282) now The Theokion Tone 5 ev er un ges ges. A men. You re most bless ed, Vir g The o kos! For through ne ws born you, hell hs been cp tured A dm re clled! The curse hs been n nulled Eve set free! Deth hs been sl so re giv en life. Where e, cry loud ex l lg song: Bless ed Chrt, se good will it ws, ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

328 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Glo The Gret Doxology Tone 5 ry Thee hs shown us light! Glo ry high est, on erth pece good will wrds men. We pre bless wor ship ri fy thnk Thee gret ry! hev en ly Kg, F r Al might y! on ly be got ten Son Je sus Chrt, ly Spir it! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 329 (Tone 5), Lmb, Son F r, tk est wy ss world, hve cy on tk est wy ss world, c cept pryer. sit test t right h F r, hve cy on For lone rt ho ly, lone rt Je sus Chrt, ry F r. A men! Ev ery dy I will bless pre nme ev er, un ges ges! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

330 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Vouch (Tone 5) sfe, keep us th dy with out s. Bless ed rt, f rs! And pre ri fied Nme ev er. A men. Let cy, be up on us s hve set hope on Thee! Bless ed rt, tech me stt utes! Bless (third time) ed rt, tech me stt utes! hst been re fuge from gen er tion gen er tion. I sid: hve cy on me, hel my soul, I hve sned gst Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 331 (Tone 5) I hve fled tech me do will, rt my! For with Thee foun t life. In light shll see light! Con t ue ly, cy on those ly Might know Thee! y, (third time) ly Im ly, mort l hve ly Might cy on y, ly Im mort l hve cy on Glo ry F r, Son, ly Spir it, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

332 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I now (Tone 5) ev er un ges ges. A men. ly Im mort l hve cy on ly, ly Might y, ly Im mort l hve cy on Troprion Resurrection Tone 5 To dy sl v tion come world! Let us sg rose from ded, Auth or life! Hv g de stroyed deth by deth. He hs giv en us vic ry gret cy! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 333 The Verses Pre Tone 6 ) Let ev ery breth pre! Pre from hev en! Pre high est! To, due song! Settg fter Brcki: ) Let ev ery breth pre! Pre from hev en! Pre high est! To, due song! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

334 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 6) Pre ll you n gels H! Pre ll H hosts! To, due song! To ex e cute on m judge ment writ ten: Th ry ll H Sts! Cross, Life Res ur rec tion peo ple. And it do trust. Where e, Thee do pre, r en : Hve cy on Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 335 might Pre bur H snc y fir mn Hve i l, Ms kd. Where e, s pre Pre ex ceed With let r tu ry! ter hs Pre m ment! o pened pr es cpe cor rup (Tone 6) H de tion en : cy on us F H pow ers! Pre g gret r r Spir en from it let ded, c cord g us pre cry. ness! Chrt H Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

336 hve rt Pre Life Res cy on with trum pet sound! Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I ur rec Pre (Tone 6) tion, pslms hst r en from Chrt. mb hrp! three dys hst s it red ws writ ten, with Thee ) Where e, doth pre e mn f rs. kd Res ri fy sur rec tion! Thee ) Where e, doth mn kd ri fy Thee Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 337 The ppoted Gospel Sticheron sung here (see pgs 269282) Most Now bless ev The Theokion Tone 6 er ed re you, un Vir ges g The o ges. A men. kos: For A Eve by cr nte dm Where Bless it re set clled from hve e, ed rt thus ll cry, ples been hell free, g, en through ded, deth loud ex Chrt led you curse cp dod with, ll be g mde se ry cme tive, sl life. void, song: sight Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

338 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I The Gret Doxology Tone 6 Glo ry Thee Who hst shown us light! Glo ry on We erth Pre pece, good bless ri fy will high est, wrds men. wor give ship thnks Thee gret ry! hev en ly Kg, F r Al might y; on ly be got ten Son, Je sus Chrt; ly Spir it., Lmb, Son F r, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 339 tht tk est tht hve ho Bless Let Ev pre Vouch wy ss tk est wy ss tht ly, sit test t cy on ry ery dy ed rt sfe, And pred nme, world, right lone rt I ev er, keep world, F will For hve h un ri fied cy, us be re Je r. A th nme bless up cy on ceive F (Tone 6) pryer. r, lone rt sus Chrt, ges dy f with men. ges. out s. rs! ev er. A men. on us Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

340 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I s tech Bless tech hve Bless hve me ed rt gen set ed rt me, hst, been st hope st on re Thee. tutes! fuge from er tion. I I rt hve my cy on I sned flee! un Thee! me! Tech For with Thee Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) Hel gen sid: tutes! (Tone 6) er tion my gst Thee! me do foun t soul, will, life.

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 341 And light shll see light. (Tone 6) Con ti nue cy un those know Thee. (thrice) ly, ly Might y, ly Im mor tl hve cy on us! Glo ry F r, Son, ly Spir it, now ev er un ges ges. A men. ly Im mor tl hve cy on us! ly, ly Might y, ly Im mor tl hve cy on us! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

342 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Troprion Resurrection Tone 6 By r g from mb didst de stroy bonds deth. By de stroy g con dem n tion deth, didst de liv er ll men from snres en e my. By re vel g self pos tles, didst send m pro clim Thee. Through m hst giv en pece u ni verse, n ly ci ful ne! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 343 Pre Let ev The Verses Pre Tone 7 ery ) from breth pre b) hev! en! Pre high est! c) To, due song! Pre ll you n gels H! Pre ll H hosts! To, due song! Vrts fter Brcki ) breth b) pre! hev en! c) To, due song! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

344 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I To Th Chrt loos Be ex e cute on hs ry r en g ye good hev Pre cheer m en from ens pre Pre See let Who g us wor Res ship lone gret H ll bonds judge H ment writ ded, Sts! joy, ry H snc deth. ten. might ur rec tion ho ly Je with Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) erth;! tu ry! y fir m ment! Chrt, out sus Chrt. s. (Tone 7)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 345 Pre H pow (Tone 7) ers! Pre c cord g H ex ceed g gret ness! We un ces g ly wor ship Res ur rec tion Chrt, re sved from ss. ly Je sus Chrt did Pre mn i fest with Res ur rec tion! trum pet sound! Pre pslms hrp! With wht shll re wrd ll tht He hs giv en us? As ske dlt mongst men; Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

346 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 7) cor rupt n ture Word be cme flesh dlt mongst The Be ne fc r grtes, Sv ior cp tives, h Son Ps Res jus tice those sion less on des, Life ur rec tion lie Cross, drk deth, Light fll en. ness, Where e do, cry ry ; Thee. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 347 The ppoted Gospel Sticheron sung here (see pgs 269282) The Theokion Tone 7 Now ev er un ges ges. A men. You re most bless ed, Vir g The o kos! For through ne ws born you, hell hs been cp tured A dm re clled! The curse hs been n nulled Eve set free! Deth hs been sl so re giv en life. Where e, cry loud ex ll g song: Bless ed Chrt, se good will it ws, ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

348 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I The Gret Doxology Tone 7 Glo ry Thee hst shown us light! Glo ry high est, on We erth wor pre pece, good ship will bless wrds men. ri fy thnk Thee gret ry! hev en ly Kg, F r Al might y! n ly be got ten Son Je sus Chrt, ly Spir it! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 349, Lmb, Son F r, (Tone 7) tk est wy ss world, hve cy on tk est wy ss world c cept pryer. sit test t right h F r, hve cy on For lone rt ho ly, lone rt Je sus Chrt, ry F r. A men. Ev ery dy ev er, un I will bless Thee ges pre nme ges! Vouch sfe, keep us th dy with out s. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

350 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Bless ed rt, f rs! (Tone 7) And pred ri fied nme ev er! A men. Let cy, be up on us s hve set hope on Thee! (thrice) Bless ed rt, tech me stt utes! hst been re fuge from gen er tion gen er tion. I sid: hve cy on me hel my soul, I hve sned gst Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 351 I hve fled Thee! Tech me (Tone 7) do will, rt my! For with Thee foun t life. In light shll see light! Con t ue cy on those know Thee! ly, ly Might y, ly Im mor tl hve cy on Glo ry F r, Son, ly Spir it, now ev er un ges ges. A men. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

352 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I ly Im mor tl hve cy on (Tone 7) (slor) ly, ly Might y, ly Im mor tl hve cy on Troprion Resurrection Tone 7 To dy sl v tion come world! Let us sg rose from ded, Auth or life! Hv g de stroyed deth by deth, He hs giv en us vic ry ) gret cy! ) gret cy! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 353 ) Let The Verses Pre Tone 8 ev! hev To Pre Pre To en! Pre Settg fter Brcki: ) Let Pre Pre To ll ev ll H ery ery ll H, you breth Pre Pre due n high hosts! song! gels H! from due breth pre hosts! from song! hev! est! en! due song! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

354 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I To ex Th by gh throne Pi e cute on ry from didst Pre H didst de didst ll st m H lte, sit re bond ge might give us judge tg with from y H Cross, vil,, Sts! judge ment writ ten: ment, didst not strn ded, re F con v snc fir (Tone 8) demned cte les g tu ry! Pre un ger. r. world m ment! s ble Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) be pon hold gst

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 355 (Tone 8) its pow er does fer trem ble. For it r es ded hs n nulled deth. Where e, do wor ship bur i l Res ur rec tion. Pre H pow ers! Pre c cord g H ex ceed g gret ness! And sol diers gurd s tre Jews did ed Thee sure plce life Thee y grve s like sleep seled ded, g kg. Thee. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

356 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I (Tone 8) But didst re grnt cor rupt bil i ty souls. Pre with trum pet sound! Pre pslms hrp! The n gel pro clim g Res ur rec tion, did fright en gurds; but wo men he cried out sy g: Why seek ye liv g mongst ded? Be g He r en, grnt g life u ni verse! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 357 The ppoted Gospel Sticheron sung here (see pgs 269282) Now The Theokion Tone 8 ev er un ges ges. A men. You re most bless ed, Vir g The o kos! For through ne ws born you, hell hs been cp tured A dm re clled! The curse hs been n nulled Eve set free! Deth hs been sl so re giv en life. Where e, cry loud ex l lg song: Bless ed Chrt, se good will it ws, ry Thee! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

358 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Glo Glo fy ry ry We Je on erth pre The Gret Doxology Tone 8 pece, thnk bless Thee hst good heven ly Kg, on sus Chrt,, Lmb shown will wor us ) high light! est, wrds men. ship gret ly be, Son F ri ry! r Al might got ten Son ly Spir F it! y! r, ) wrds men. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 359 (Tone 8) tk est wy ss world hve cy on tk est wy ss world c cept pryer. hve sit cy on Glo lone test t rt ry For right F h Je lone rt r. A F ly r sus Chrt, men. Ev ery dy I will bless Thee pre nme ev er, un ges ges! Vouch sfe, keep us th dy with out s. Bless ed rt, F rs. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

360 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I Let s tech And pred hve (thrice) Bless gen For er hel with ri fied cy, set ed rt hst my I been me tion. I Thee hve soul, fled re hope, nme be stt fuge from sid: I Thee! rt Tech my foun on ev er. A men. up hve gen hve me Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) sned on us! er Thee! utes! (Tone 8) tion cy on gst Thee. do me will, t life.

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I 361 (Tone 8) In light shll see light! Con t ue cy on those know Thee! (thrice) ly, ly Might y, ly Im mor tl hve cy on Glo ry F r, Son, ly Spir it, now ev er un ges ges. A men. ly Im mor tl hve cy on ly, ly Might y, ly Im mor tl hve cy on Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

362 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume I By By By de Troprion Resurrection Tone 8 r g from Tomb, stroy g didst re Through de liv er ll vel g didst on m send ly hst con men didst dem n from self m giv en pece Mer de stroy tion snres pro bonds deth, en deth. e my. pos tles, clim u ci ful ne. Thee. ni verse, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)