SAINT MEINRAD Entrance and Communion Antiphons for the Church Year. Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation SET TO MUSIC BY

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SAINT MEINRAD Entrance and Communion Antiphons for the Church Year SET TO MUSIC BY COLUMBA KELLY, OSB

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SAINT MEINRAD Entrance and Communion Antiphons for the Church Year SET TO MUSIC BY COLUMBA KELLY, OSB

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30130292 SAINT MEINRAD Entrance and Communion Antiphons for Church Year Modal Settings Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation SET TO MUSIC BY COLUMBA KELLY, OSB CANTOR/KEYBOARD EDITION Advent through Christmas Season Edition 30130292

Saint Meinrad Entrance and Communion Antiphons for Church Year Volume 1: Advent through Christmas Season Cantor/Keyoard Edition Fr. Columa Kelly, OSB 2014, OCP 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 5032811191 Antiphon texts from English translation The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in Liturgy Corporation, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Psalm texts from The Revised Grail Psalms 2010, Conception Aey/The Grail, administered y GIA Pulications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Excerpts from The Ne American Bile, revised edition, 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Magnificat Luke 1:46 55 and Benedictus Luke 1:68 79 translations Saint Meinrad Archaey. All rights reserved. Congregational Refrain texts y Columa Kelly, OSB, 2012, Saint Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y OCP. All rights reserved. Psalm tones 1973, 1993, Saint Meinrad Archaey. All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Antiphon and Congregational Refrain settings y Columa Kelly, OSB; keyoard accompaniments arranged y Raymond Henderson, 2012, 2014, Saint Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y OCP. All rights reserved. None pages in this ook may e reproduced in any ay ithout ritten permission from pulisher. CREDITS John J. Lim, Pulisher Joanne Osorn, Manager, Pulishing Plan Eric Schumock, Director, Music Development and Outreach Rick Modlin, Manager, Music Development Barara Bridge, Ken Canedo, Music Development John Vogler, Director, Product Development Angela WesthfJohnson, Manager, Music Editorial Craig Kingsury, Project Editor Travis Poers, Editing Assistance Tia Regan, Manager, Music Engraving; William Strau, Engraver Judy Uren, Art Director; Stephanie Taylor, Graphic Designer Photo courtesy Saint Meinrad Archaey Assemly Edition...edition 30128557 Compact Disc Excerpts...edition 30128558 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Full Set...edition 30128559 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Advent/Christmas Season...edition 30130053 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Lent/Holy Week...edition 30130054 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Easter through Pentecost...edition 30130055 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Ordinary Time, Sundays 2 17...edition 30130056 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Ordinary Time, Sundays 18 3...edition 30130174 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Solemnities and Proper Saints...edition 30130057 Edition 30130292 Edition 30130292

Tale Contents Introduction...4 First Sunday Advent Entrance Antiphon...6 Communion Antiphon...8 Second Sunday Advent Entrance Antiphon...10 Communion Antiphon...12 Third Sunday Advent Entrance Antiphon...14 Communion Antiphon...16 Fourth Sunday Advent Entrance Antiphon...18 Communion Antiphon Ps. 19[18]...20 Communion Antiphon Lk. 1:46 5...24 The Nativity Lord At Mass during Night Entrance Antiphon...26 Entrance Antiphon...28 Communion Antiphon Ps. 98[97]...30 Communion Antiphon Ps. 147B[147]...32 The Nativity Lord At Mass during Day Entrance Antiphon Ps. 98[97]...34 Entrance Antiphon Is. 9...36 Communion Antiphon...38 The Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph Entrance Antiphon Ps. 128[127]...40 Entrance Antiphon Ps. 68[67]...42 Communion Antiphon...44 Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God Entrance Antiphon...46 Entrance Antiphon 2 Ps. 93[92]...48 Entrance Antiphon 2 Is. 9...50 Communion Antiphon...52 The Epiphany Lord At Vigil Mass Entrance Antiphon...54 Communion Antiphon...58 The Epiphany Lord At Mass during Day Entrance Antiphon...60 Communion Antiphon Ps. 72[71]...62 Communion Antiphon Ps. 97[96]...64 The Baptism Lord Entrance Antiphon Ps. 45[44]...66 Entrance Antiphon Ps. 29[28]...70 Communion Antiphon Ps. 29[28]...74 Communion Antiphon Ps. 104[103]...76 Scriptural Index...79 Edition 30130292

Introduction Guidelines for singing and accompanying chant in English The texts for antiphons have een taken directly from ne Roman Missal, Third Edition. The melodies for se antiphons are, for most part, inspired y Latin Gregorian chants as found in Roman Gradual. They follo modality and imitate melodic patterns original Latin chants. No, hoever, y use rhythm and flo Midestern American English, as typified y recordings T.S. Eliot cf. itunes e site speaking his on poetry. The Congregational Refrains are ased on antiphons to hich y are attached. Both antiphon and its refrain and psalm verses that are chosen should e sung as if speaking text ith great conviction and natural rhythm ords. For nine audio examples ho one might sing se antiphons and refrains, go to: Singing Saint Meinrad Psalm Tones The Saint Meinrad psalm tones should produce an effect sung speech. Each ord accent is given its due intensity and lengning, hile all or syllales n flo rapidly eir to or from that accent. The final ord accent each line in psalm i.e., in Grail edition ill e ster and ill ring line to a gentle ending. End each line ith a full reath that acts as a springoard to next line. The effect ill e that a Roman arch that rises in intensity and speeds up at eginning line and n coasts to a quiet rest at end each line. For cantors it should produce physical feeling a pendulum singing from one accent to next until it comes to rest at end each line. Neir piano nor organ is help for rhythm or variations in intensity; y can only support pitches and provide harmonic ackground. For this reason it is suggested that repeated notes in loer voices accompaniments e tied over. It ould e etter for accompanist to omit one or to lack notes that occur efore last open note at each doule ar; se notes should e sung quickly and lightly y cantor. Accompaniments should only e noticed hen singers stop singing! Raymond Henderson s accompaniments that are provided in this edition give just such a ackground for singing se antiphons, refrains and psalm verses. Singing Antiphons and Congregational Refrains When re are to or more notes over a syllale, singer should move quickly from first note to last note, hich is n given full length time for syllale. The effect ill e like that alking ith a ounce in your step! To help reak hait singing every note as eing equal value, choir and cantors might practice Entrance antiphon for First Sunday Advent y speaking text in folloing manner: 1 Start ith a full reath hile singing your right arm from 6 o clock to 3 o clock; 2 Sing your arm ack from 3 o clock to 9 o clock hile saying To you 3 Sing your arm ack from 9 o clock to 3 o clock hile saying I lift up my soul, 4 Continue singing ack and forth eteen folloing underlined accents: O my God, in you I have trusted; let me not e put to shame. Nor let my enemies exult over me; and let none ho hope in you e put to shame. 5 Repeat four steps hile singing melody Entrance Antiphon. Sing ord accents ith greater intensity and a leaning forard toard each ne accent until one coasts to last accent piece ith a stening voice. Sing nonaccented ords and 4 Edition 30130292

syllales very lightly and quickly. The danger ill e to sing se pieces too sloly and in too evenedout a manner. Rememer that chant is really a form sung speech. The assemly ill tend to imitate style and tempo y hear from choir or cantor. Practice refrain in same manner: To you, O God, I lift up my soul. Repeated notes over a single syllale are to e sung as separate voel sounds e.g., God : is n sung as: Gahahd. These notes ill have a staccato mark a dot over m. Sometimes staccato mark ill have a tenuto a small dash over it, hich indicates that se repeated notes are to e sung ith a little lengning and ith greater intensity, if it is a ord accent. A tenuto mark over a ord e.g.: you in aove example indicates roadening out that ord or note allargando. A note ith a avy line over it marks quilisma sign, hich is actually a question mark; it indicates a note to e glided over lightly ith strong emphasis on note that follos. Practice to notes y saying in a shocked voice: ooh The incise mark i.e., vertical line that cuts only top staff line in se chants is alays to e interpreted as adding some lengning to preceding note and reaking sound y taking a quick reath. These incise marks indicate a sense unit in text that needs a reak in sound to make phrasing audile for listener. Every incise mark indicates a reak in sound, a quick reath, and a little delay efore picking up speed again ith next phrase. When re are several notes for a syllale, note at end an internal slur alays has some emphasis, or extra tension. The antiphon may e sung: Guidelines for structuring use se antiphons and refrains Alone as a Call to Worship or efore a hymn: Antiphon is sung y choir or cantor, n a hymn is sung y assemly. Repeated ith psalm verses: Antiphon is sung y choir; psalm verse is sung y cantor; antiphon is n repeated y choir, etc., concluding ith antiphon. As a complete Entrance or Communion procession: Antiphon is sung y choir or cantor, folloed y Congregational Refrain sung y a cantor and repeated y assemly; psalm verses are sung y cantor, alternating ith Congregational Refrain, and n antiphon is again sung y choir or cantor to conclude. In simpler form, hen resources and/or rehearsal time are limited: Congregational Refrain is sung first y a cantor and n repeated y assemly. The cantor continues ith psalm verses alternating ith community s refrain as needed. The antiphon is omitted. Folloing practice Roman Gradual, a Doxology e.g., Saint Meinrad Doxology should e used as last psalm verse to signal that antiphon ill e sung again as conclusion processional rite. This ould e practice for guidelines 2, 3 and 4 as given aove. An appropriate antiphon or refrain from this collection may e sung during Preparation Gifts, using one structures descried aove. 5 Columa Kelly, OSB Edition 30130292

Entrance Antiphon Mode 8 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis To you I lift up my soul, trust First Sunday Advent Entrance O my God. In you, I have Cf. Ps. 2524:1 3 ed; let me not e put to shame. Nor let my en e mies ex. ult o ver me;. Congregational Refrain To you, O God,.. and let none ho hope in you I lift up my soul. e put to shame. ẇ Edition 30130292 6

First Sunday Advent, cont. 2 VERSE 1: Psalm 2524:4 5 O LORD, make me teach me; kno your for you are God VERSES 2, 3: Psalm 2524:6, 7 Rememer your compas Do not rememer sins In your merciful love ays. Teach me my sal vation. your paths. I have Guide me in your truth, hoped in you all sion, O LORD, and your merci ful my youth, nor my trans re memer me, for y ecause your are from goodness, O day long. love, gressions. and old. LORD. Edition 30130292 7

First Sunday Advent, cont. 3 Communion Antiphon Communion Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The Lord ill e sto his oun ty, yield its in crease. ẇ Congregational Refrain. O Lord, you have fa vored your land.. and our earth shall Cf. Ps. 8584:13 Edition 30130292 8

First Sunday Advent, cont. 4 VERSES: Psalm 8584 O LORD, you have fa vored your land, and rought ack cap tives Bring us ack, O God, our savior! Put an end to your griev ance a Will you not re store a gain our life, that your people may re joice in Merciful love and faithful ness have met; justice and peace have You forgave guilt You averted Will you e Let us see, O Faithfulness shall your all angry ith us LORD, spring from people, your for your rage; ever mercy, earth, and covered all ir you turned ack Will your anger and and justice heat last from grant us look age your don sins. your to sal from Jaco. gainst us. you kissed. anger. age vation. heaven. Edition 30130292 9

Second Sunday Advent Entrance Antiphon Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. Entrance O peo ple Si on, e hold,. Cf. Is. 30:19, 30 Lord ill come to save na tions, and Lord ill make glo ry his voice heard Congregational Refrain The Lord ill come in joy your heart. to save his peo ple. Edition 30130292 10

Second Sunday Advent, cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 8079 O shepherd Isra O God, ring Ho long, O LORD, God enthroned on You have fed m ith You have made us taunt el, us hear us, ack; hosts, cheruim, tears for shine ir our neighors; forth read, you ho lead Joseph ill you e angry at prayer upon Ephraim, Benjamin, an aundance tears for Rouse up your let your face shine on us, and our foes like Man ir a your flock: people asseh. drink. might and come to save us. e shall e saved. mock us among m selves. Edition 30130292 11

Second Sunday Advent, cont. 3 Communion Antiphon Communion Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. Je ru sa lem, a rise and stand up on heights,. and e hold joy Congregational Refrain Be hold joy hich comes to you from God. hich comes to you from God. ẇ Bar. 5:5, 4:36 Edition 30130292 12

Second Sunday Advent, cont. 4 VERSES: Psalm 147B147 O Jerusalem, He sends out his He hurls don He reveals his glorify ord to hailstones ord He has strengned He sends forth his He has not dealt He estalished peace ars like to ord thus ith on your LORD! earth, crums; Jaco; your and it oth er orders; gates; melts m; nations; O Sion, efore such cold, to Israel, his de he has lessed your he gives you your fill and siftly at loing his reath he has not praise ho crees your can and God! stand judgments. chil dren ith in you. fin runs his a taught m est com ters his heat. mand. flo. judgments. Edition 30130292 13

Third Sunday Advent Entrance Antiphon Entrance Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Re joice in Lord al ays; a gain I say, re joice. In Congregational Refrain deed, n Re joice, re joice in Lord; n n n for he comes! n Lord is near. ẇ Phil. 4:4 5 Edition 30130292 14

Third Sunday Advent, cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 8584 O LORD, you have fa vored your land, and rought ack cap tives Bring us ack, O God, our savior! Put an end to your griev ance a Will you not re store a gain our life, that your people may re joice in You forgave guilt You averted Will you e Let us see, O all angry ith us LORD, your your for your people, rage; ever mercy, and covered all ir you turned ack Will your anger and heat last from grant us age your Jaco. gainst us. you sins. your to sal anger. age vation. Edition 30130292 15

Third Sunday Advent, cont. 3 Communion Communion Antiphon Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. Say to faint heart: God ill come, Congregational Refrain Be strong. Be hold, our God ill come, and do not fear. and he ill save us. and he ill save us. Be hold, our Cf. Is 35:4 16 Edition 30130292

Third Sunday Advent, cont. 4 VERSES: Isaiah 35 6. The ilderness and parched land ill The glory Leanon ill e given Strengn hands that For aters ill urst forth in The urning sands ill e A highay ill 6. No one unclean 6. Like crocus it shall They ill see glory Then lame shall leap The aode here may ex ult; Araah ill re joice and to are it, feele, splendor make firm knees Car mel that and are ilderness, come pools, and thirsty ground, springs e re, called ho ly pass over it, ut it ill e for loom a undantly, and re like a LORD, stag, and mute and jack als crouch ill e a marsh for no traveler, not even fools, shall his joice ith splendor tongue streams reed go a joy sing in and stray loom; Sharon; eak, ater; ay; people; ful our for pa on song. God. joy. Araah. pyrus. it. Edition 30130292 17

Fourth Sunday Advent Entrance Antiphon Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Entrance. n Drop don de. n n n from a ove, you heav ens, n A n. and let clouds rain don Just One; A A n. o pened and ring forth a Sav ior. Congregational Refrain Let earth ring forth a Sav ior. n n Cf. Is. 45:8 n n n let earth e Edition 30130292 18

Fourth Sunday Advent, cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 1918:2 6 The heavens declare No speech, no ord, hose There he has placed a all from his his hands. earth, tent, night im ounds champion to parts run his glo voice tent ry goes for un Day unto day con knoledge. orld. course. God, heeded; sun; veys and firmament proclaims ork ir sound goes forth through it comes forth like a ridegroom coming message, and night unto ir message to utmost rejoices like a 19 Edition 30130292

Fourth Sunday Advent, cont. 3 Communion Antiphon Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Communion Be hold, a Vir gin shall con ceive and his name Congregational Refrain. Be hold,.. n n n and ear a son; n n n ill e called Em man u el.. ẇ Lord our God is ith us! Is. 7:14 Edition 30130292 20

Fourth Sunday Advent, cont. 4 VERSES: Psalm 1918:2 9 6. The heavens declare No speech, no ord, hose There he has placed a At one end heavens is The The all from runs vives 6. den 6. his his its hands. earth, tent, course. soul. heart. glo voice tent rising la precepts ry goes for LORD LORD un is are Day unto day conveys The decrees LORD The command LORD night im ounds champion to cealed from its isdom light parts run urn to to his ing knoledge. orld. course. heat. simple. eyes. are is God, heeded; sun; sun; perfect; right; and firmament proclaims ork ir sound goes forth through it comes forth like a ridegroom coming to its furst end it it re y glad message, steadfast; clear; and night unto ir message to utmost rejoices like a There is nothing con y give it gives Edition 30130292 21

Fourth Sunday Advent, cont. 5 VERSES: Psalm 1918:10 15 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 The They are So in m your From pre May spoken fear more to e de servant sumption re ords LORD is pure, aid ing for sired than gold, than quanti ties finds strain in your my struction; servant; mouth, great reard is may thoughts in it ir not my The judgments LORD And seeter are y But ho can detect ir Then shall I in favor in your sight, are than on e O true; honey, errors lameless, LORD, y are, than honey From my all floing hidden clean rock and from faults from my m, ac grave re ever. gold. keeping. rule me. heart, just. com. quit me. sin. deemer! 22 Edition 30130292

Edition 30130292

Fourth Sunday Advent, cont. 6 Or: Communion Antiphon Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Be hold, a Vir gin shall con ceive and his name Congregational Refrain. Be hold,.. n n n and ear a son; n n n ill e called Em man u el.. ẇ Lord our God is ith us! Is. 7:14 Edition 30130292 24

VERSES: Luke 1:46 55 My soul All people His mercy ex He He has alays helped ho up lov his re ing magni fies Lord, no ill call me lessed tends through gen er ations, has de throned poerful, Isra el, his servant, handmaid. vere him, loly. kindness, and my spirit scattering rich have een to Araham and his de re The Almighty has shon me He has revealed his arm The famished have een filled ith just as he promised joices in God my holy is his proud in ir on con sent a ay scend ants for savior. name. ceit. empty. ever. Fourth Sunday Advent, cont. 7 for he has loved loliness toard those and lifted true to his great in his our favor, poer, ounty, fars, 25 Edition 30130292

Entrance Antiphon 1 Decemer 25 The Nativity Lord [Christmas] At Mass during Night Entrance Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. The Lord said to me:.. You are my Son.. It is I ho have e got ten you this day... Congregational Refrain Bless ed are e ho trust in Lord! Ps. 2:7 Edition 30130292 26

The Nativity Lord [Night], cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 2:1, 6 7, 9 11 Why do It is I ho have ap With a rod I ill announce de So no, O Serve LORD nations con spire, pointed my king on Sion, my ho ly iron you ill rule m; like a potter s jar you ill ith cree kings, fear; LORD: un der stand; The LORD said to me, take arning, and peoples It is I ho have e exult ith tremling, pay You rulers are mountain. shatter m. my plot gotten you him in this your Son. earth. vain day. homage. Edition 30130292 27

The Nativity Lord [Night], cont. 3 Or: Entrance Antiphon 2 Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis n Let us all re joice in Lord, for our Sav ior has een orn in orld. has come don to us A ẇ Congregational Refrain 28 To n day A n n n true peace n n n from heav en. To day, a Sav ior has een orn for us, al le lu ia! Edition 30130292

The Nativity Lord [Night], cont. 4 VERSES: Psalm 2:1, 6 7, 9 11 Why do It is I ho have ap With a rod I ill announce decree So no, O kings, Serve LORD na tions con spire, point ed my king on Sion, my ho iron you ill rule m; like a potter s jar you ith un der fear; stand; LORD: The LORD said to me, take arning, and peoples It is I ho have e gotten exult ith tremling, pay You rulers plot you him ly ill are in this your mountain. shatter m. my vain day. homage. Son. earth. 29 Edition 30130292

The Nativity Lord [Night], cont. 5 Communion Antiphon Mode 6 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Communion The Word e came flesh, and e have seen his glo ry... Congregational Refrain.. The Word e came flesh, and is dell ing a mong us. Jn. 1:14 Edition 30130292 30

The Nativity Lord [Night], cont. 6 VERSES: Psalm 9897 6. O sing a ne song The LORD has made knon All ends Sing psalms to LORD Let sea and all ith He ill judge His right He has re With trumpets and Let 6. to his earth ith in orld sound rivers sal have it ith LORD, vation, seen harp, thunder; justice, hand and his ho ly memered his mer ci ful clap ir reak forth into at presence LORD, 6. joy ous for he song, comes, for he has shon his deliverance salvation ith harp and orld, and arm love horn, hands, and his and raise a and Shout to and have truth for sing shout efore he comes to peo has to sound those LORD, hills ring orked our ho all out onders. nations. God. song. dell in it. ir rought house out King, judge ples sal your ith earth; joy vation. Israel. praise. LORD. earth. fairness. Edition 30130292 31

The Nativity Lord [Night], cont. 7 Or: Communion Antiphon The Word e came flesh, and e have seen his glo ry. Mode 6 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis... Congregational Refrain. The Word e came flesh, and is dell ing a mong us. Jn. 1:14 Edition 30130292 32

The Nativity Lord [Night], cont. 8 VERSES: Psalm 147B147 O Jerusalem, glori fy He sends out his ord to He hurls don hail stones He reveals his ord He has strengned He He sends forth his He has not dealt He estalished peace like to ars shoers don ord thus ith LORD! earth, crums; Jaco; sno and oth your like it er on your orders; O Sion, and siftly runs efore such cold, to Israel, his de gates; ool; melts m; nations; praise his ho crees he has lessed your he gives you your he scatters at loing his he has not fill hoar reath taught your com can and God! mand. stand judgments. chil dren ith in you. fin frost a m est like ters his heat. ashes. flo. judgments. Edition 30130292 33

Entrance Antiphon Decemer 25 The Nativity Lord [Christmas] At Mass during Day Entrance Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. A child is orn for us, and a son is giv en to us; Cf. Is. 9:5. his scepter po er rests up on his shoul der, and his name ill e called Congregational Refrain A child is orn for us,. Mes senger great coun sel.. ho is Sav ior orld! m m Edition 30130292 34

The Nativity Lord [Day], cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 9897 6. 6. 6. O sing a ne song to The LORD has made knon his All ends earth Sing psalms to LORD ith Let sea and all ithin He ill judge orld Shout to Let rivers LORD, all clap His right hand and his He has rememered his mer With trumpets and sound at presence LORD, sal have it LORD, vation, seen harp, thunder; ith justice, ir ho ci for earth; hands, ly ful he arm love horn, comes, for he has has shon his deliverance to salvation ith harp and sound orld, and those reak forth into joy and hills ring out and his and raise a he and have truth for sing shout efore comes to peo ous ir rought house out King, judge ples orked our ho onders. nations. God. song. dell in it. song, joy sal your vation. Israel. praise. LORD. earth. ith fairness. Edition 30130292 35

The Nativity Lord [Day], cont. 3 Or: Entrance Antiphon Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. A child is orn for us, and a son is giv en to us; Cf. Is. 9:5. his scepter po er rests up on his shoul der, and his name ill e called Congregational Refrain A child is orn for us,. Mes senger great coun sel.. ho is Sav ior orld! m m Edition 30130292 36

VERSES: Isaiah 9:1 2, 5, 6 The Nativity Lord [Day], cont. 4 The people ho alked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those ho lived in a land gloom a For a child is orn to us, a son is giv His dominion is vast and forev er peaceful, Upon David s throne, and o light en ver has to his shone. us; kingdom, You have rought m aundant Upon his shoulder do hich he con They rejoice efore you as people rejoice They name him Wonder Counselor, By judgment as y exult hen di vid Far For ever, The zeal LORD ing Prince hosts at God and ill harvest. Hero, justice, spoils. Peace. do this! joy and great re joicing; min ion rests. firms and sus tains oth no and for ever. Edition 30130292 37

The Nativity Lord [Day], cont. 5 Communion Antiphon Communion Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. All ends earth our God. Congregational Refrain The ends earth have seen sal va tion. have seen sal va tion our God. Cf. Ps. 9897:3 Edition 30130292 38

The Nativity Lord [Day], cont. 6 VERSES: Psalm 9897 6. 6. 6. O sing a ne The LORD has made All Sing psalms to Let He ill onders. nations. God. song. dell in it. song knon ends LORD sea and all ith judge to his earth ith in orld sal have it ith Shout to LORD, Let rivers His right hand and his He has rememered his With trumpets and at presence ho merci sound LORD, for all clap ir earth; hands, LORD, vation, seen harp, thunder; justice, reak and for he has shon his deliverance salvation ith harp and orld, and forth into hills ring joy out has to sound those ous ir ly arm have rought sal ful love and his and truth for sing house out your he horn, comes, raise a shout efore he comes to King, judge and peo ples ith orked our ho song. joy vation. Israel. praise. LORD. earth. fairness. Edition 30130292 39

The Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph Entrance Antiphon Mode 5 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The shep herds ent in haste, and found Ma ry and Jo seph N and In fant ly ing in a man ger. Congregational Refrain ẇ We are like shoots ol ive a round ta le Lord. Lk. 2:16 Edition 30130292 40

The Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph, cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 128127 Blessed are all ho fear Your ife like a fruit May LORD less you your children like shoots all days By laor your hands Indeed thus ful from LORD, vine Sion. and alk in heart May you see your you shall shall e olive life! eat. lessed a May you see your On Jeru round chil in sa his your lem your dren s You ill e man ho lessed fears Is ra ays! house; prosper tale. children. and el, prosper. LORD. peace! Edition 30130292 41

The Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph, cont. 3 Or: Entrance Antiphon Mode 5 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The shep herds ent in haste, and found Ma ry and Jo seph N and In fant ly ing in a man ger. Congregational Refrain ẇ We are like shoots ol ive a round ta le Lord. Lk. 2:16 Edition 30130292 42

The Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph, cont. 4 VERSES: Psalm 6867:2, 5 7, 33 36 Let God O sing Far orphans, defender You kingdoms earth, sing to God, praise His glory is Extol One ho rides on God gives desolate a home Aesome is God in his ho a to on to ly clouds. dell in; place. rise; God; idos: LORD Israel; let his make music such is God in his ho rides on heavens, his might is The LORD he leads prisoners forth in He is God, foes to ho an in e his ly cient scattered. name. place. heavens. skies. is his name; to pros perity, God Israel. Let those ho hate him flee from his ex ult at his ut reels must dell in a Behold, he thunders his voice, his might y voice. Come, acknoledge po er He himself gives strength and poer to his people. Blest e presence. presence. parched land. God. God! Edition 30130292 43

The Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph, cont. 5 Communion Antiphon Communion Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Our God has ap peared on earth, mong Congregational Refrain us. Bar. 3:38 and lived a Our God has ap peared and lives a mong us. ẇ Edition 30130292 44

The Holy Family Jesus, Mary and Joseph, cont. 6 VERSES: Psalm 9897 6. 6. 6. O sing a ne The LORD has made All ends Sing psalms to Let sea and all ith He ill judge His right He has rememered his Shout to Let at presence song to knon his earth LORD ith in orld sal have it ith LORD, vation, seen harp, thunder; justice, hand and his ho ly arm mer ci ful love LORD, all earth; rivers clap ir hands, LORD, for he comes, for he has shon his deliverance salvation ith harp and orld, and those ho reak With trumpets and and have and his truth for and raise a shout efore he comes to and has to sound dell forth into sound hills ring orked our in joy out ous ir rought house sing out King, judge peoples sal your ith onders. nations. God. song. it. song. horn, joy vation. Israel. praise. LORD. earth. fairness. Edition 30130292 45

January 1 Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God Entrance Antiphon 1 Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Entrance m Hail, Ho ly Moth er, m ho rules heav en and earth for ev er. Congregational Refrain All your chil dren ill praise you ho gave irth to King from age to age. Edition 30130292 46

Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God, cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 4544:2, 11, 12 My heart over flos ith no le Listen, O daughter; pay heed and give So ill ords. ear: king de sire your eauty. To king I address song forget your on people and your my tongue as nimle as He is your LORD, pay I fa pen homage have r s a to made, house. scrie. him. 47 Edition 30130292

Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God, cont. 3 Or: Entrance Antiphon 2 Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis To day a light ill shine up on us, and he ill e called Won drous God, for Lord is orn for us;. Prince peace, Far fu ture a ges: and his reign ill e ithout Congregational Refrain To day, a light has shone up on us. Cf. Is. 9:1, 5; Lk. 1:33. end. ẇ Edition 30130292 48

VERSES: Psalm 9392:1, 2, 5 The LORD is king, ith majesty The orld you made firm, not to Truly your decrees are to he has From all e O LORD, un girded him ternity, O til en e e self LORD, end Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God, cont. 4 roed. The LORD has roed him moved; your throne has stood firm trusted. Holiness is fitting ith you poer. are. time. self from to ith your might; old. house, Edition 30130292 49

Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God, cont. 5 Or: Entrance Antiphon 2 Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis To day a light ill shine up on us, and he ill e called Won drous God, for Lord is orn for us;. Prince peace, Far fu ture a ges: and his reign ill e ithout Congregational Refrain To day, a light has shone up on us. Cf. Is. 9:1, 5; Lk. 1:33. end. ẇ Edition 30130292 50

VERSES: Isaiah 9:1 3, 5 6 The people ho alked in darkness have seen a For yoke For a child His dominion is vast and forev Upon those ho lived in a land gloom a pole a son is giv From David s throne, and o joy and great firms and re sus joicing, tains great that is er Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God, cont. 6 light; urdened m, orn to us, peaceful, light has shone. You have rought m aundant on ir shoulder, en to us; ver his kingdom, hich he con They rejoice efore you as people rejoice at By judgment as y ex ult hen divid ing The rod ir taskmaster you have smashed, as on day They name him Wonder Counsel or, God Hero, Far For ever, Prince oth no and for ever. The zeal LORD hosts and harvest. justice, ill spoils. Midian. Peace. do this! Edition 30130292 51

Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God, cont. 7 Communion Communion Antiphon Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Je sus Christ is same yes ter day, to. and for ev er.. Congregational Refrain Your reign, O Lord, ill e ith out end. day, He. 13:8 Edition 30130292 52

VERSES: Luke 1:46 55 My soul All people His mercy ex He He has alays helped his re ing handmaid. vere him. loly. kindness, and my spirit re scattering rich have een to Araham and his de Solemnity Mary, Holy Mor God, cont. 8 magni fies Lord, no ill tends through call gen me er lessed, ations, for he has loved loliness toard those ho has de throned poerful, and lifted up Isra el, his servant, true to his lov The Almighty has shon He has revealed his The famished have een filled just as he prom joices in holy God, is my his proud in ir on con sent a ay scend ants for me arm ith ised savior. name. ceit. empty. ever. great in his our favor, poer, ounty, fars, Edition 30130292 53

Entrance Antiphon Mode 8 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis A rise, Je ru sa lem, The Epiphany Lord At Vigil Mass Entrance. and look to East. and your chil dren gath ered from ris ing to setting sun. Congregational Refrain All kings shall ring him gifts. Cf. Bar. 5:5 see ẇ Edition 30130292 54

The Epiphany Lord [Vigil], cont. 2 VERSES 1, 4: Psalm 7271:1 2, 8 9 O God, give your judgment He shall rule from that he may judge your peo Let desert dellers to sea ple fall VERSES 2, 3, 5: Psalm 7271:3 4, 5 7, 10 11 May mountains ring forth peace He shall endure like sun The kings Tarshish to king, sea, in e for and and justice, fore him, to a king s son from River to ounds people, moon islands and your and his enemies poor in lick and through all gen shall pay your right hills er him justice, earth. judgment. dust. justice. ations. triute. Edition 30130292 55

The Epiphany Lord [Vigil], cont. 3 He shall descend like rain The kings She and save children In his days shall Before him all kings on a jus shall tice fall and meado, Sea needy, flourish, prostrate, May he defend poor like shoers that ater shall ring and and great peace till all crush moon is nations him op no shall people, earth. gifts. pressor more. serve him. Edition 30130292 56

Edition 30130292

The Epiphany Lord [Vigil], cont. 4 Communion Antiphon Communion Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The right ness God il lu mined ho ly cit y Je ru sa lem, and na tions Congregational Refrain.. The na tions ill alk y its light. Cf. Rev. 21:23 ill alk y its light. ẇ Edition 30130292 58

The Epiphany Lord [Vigil], cont. 5 VERSES: Psalm 7271 6. 7. O God, give your judgment to May mountains ring forth peace for He shall rule from sea The kings Tarshish and For he shall save needy hen May his name endure Blest e LORD, God The kings 6. 7. that he may judge your peo In his days shall Before him all kings 6. Every trie shall e 7. Shea ple jus shall lest to y for and in tice fall in king, people, sea, islands cry, ever, Israel, Sea justice, flourish, prostrate, him, to a king s and shall his name continue shall ring son pay like and your poor in and great peace till moon is from River to ounds all na tions poor, and those ho all nations shall call ho a lone your hills him him right no shall are him orks justice, justice. triute. sun. gifts. judgment. more. earth. serve him. helpless. lessed. onders. 59 Edition 30130292

Entrance Antiphon Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The Epiphany Lord At Mass during Day Entrance Be hold, Lord, Might y One, has Cf. Mal. 3:1; 1 Chr. 29:12 n come; n and king ship is in his grasp, and po er and do min ion. Congregational Refrain The kings all earth shall ring him gifts. Edition 30130292 60

The Epiphany Lord [Day], cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 7271:1 11 O God, give your May mountains ring forth He shall endure like He shall rule from The kings that he may judge your May he defend He shall descend like Let desert The kings In his Before him all days shall kings judgment to peace for sun and sea Tarshish and to peo poor rain dellers She ple on fall a jus tice shall fall in e and king, people, moon sea, islands justice, people, meado, fore him, Sea flourish, prostrate, to a king s and through all from River to ounds shall and save like shoers that and your and and great peace till and his enemies all children a shall ter ring son gen pay your hills er him him poor in crush moon is lick nations right op no shall justice, justice. ations. earth. triute. needy, earth. gifts. judgment. pressor more. dust. serve him. Edition 30130292 61

The Epiphany Lord [Day], cont. 3 Communion Antiphon Communion Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis We have seen his star in East,. gifts. Congregational Refrain We have seen his star, Cf. Mt. 2:2 and have come ith to a dore Lord. let us a dore Lord. Edition 30130292 62

The Epiphany Lord [Day], cont. 4 VERSES: Psalm 7271 6. 7. 6. 7. 6. 7. O God, give your May mountains ring forth He shall The kings For he shall save May his Blest e The kings She that he may judge your peo In his days shall Before him all kings Every trie shall e judgment peace rule from Tarshish needy name en LORD, ple jus shall lest to for sea and hen dure God a in tice fall in and to y for Sea justice, flourish, prostrate, him, king, people, sea, islands cry, ever, Israel, shall to a king s son and shall pay his name continue like and your and great peace till from River to all poor, and all nations ho ring poor moon ounds na those shall a in is tions ho call lone your hills him him right no shall are him orks justice, justice. triute. sun. gifts. judgment. more. earth. serve him. helpless. lessed. onders. Edition 30130292 63

The Epiphany Lord [Day], cont. 5 Or: Communion Antiphon Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis We have seen his star in East,. gifts. Congregational Refrain We have seen his star, Cf. Mt. 2:2 and have come ith to a dore Lord. let us a dore Lord. Edition 30130292 64

The Epiphany Lord [Day], cont. 6 VERSES: Psalm 9796 The LORD is king, let earth re joice; let many islands A fire pre pares his path; it urns up his foes on ev The mountains melt like ax efore face Let those ho serve idols e a shamed, those ho oast ir orth For you in deed are LORD, most high aove all 6. The LORD loves those ho hate evil; he guards souls 7. Light shines forth for just one, and joy for upright 6. 7. 6. 7. efore face All you Cloud and dark His lightnings light daughters Ju Rejoice in LORD angels, all or ship earth. him. The skies pro Sion claim hears and ness sur round him; justice and right are foun dation up orld; earth looks all peoples dah re joice ecause your judg exalted far a he sets m free LORD, you just; to memory his holi his is e ery less his on see ments, ove from ness glad. side. LORD, gods. earth, faithful; heart. justice; glad; his and his O all give throne. tremles. glory. LORD. gods. icked. thanks. Edition 30130292 65

Entrance Antiphon Mode 8 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The Baptism Lord Entrance Cf. Mt. 3:16 17 Af ter Lord as ap tized, heav ens ere o pened, and Spir it de scend ed up on him like a dove, and voice Fa r thun dered: This is my e lov ed Son, ith hom I am.. ell pleased. ẇ 66 Edition 30130292

The Baptism Lord, cont. 2 Congregational Refrain This is my e lov ed Son, lis ten to him! VERSE 1: Psalm 4544:3 You are most handsome sons for God has lessed you forev er more. men, and graciousness is poured out upon your lips, Edition 30130292 67

The Baptism Lord, cont. 3 VERSES 2, 3: Psalm 4544:4 5, 7 8 Gird your sord upon your thigh, O Your throne, O God, shall en In your majesty ride on Your love is for justice; your hatred May your right hand sho your ith oil gladness a might y dure for one, ever. ith your splendor and A scepter justice is scepter tri umphant in cause truth, meek for evil. Therefore God, your God, on drous ove oth er deeds. kings. ness, has and a your your majesty. kingdom. justice. nointed you Edition 30130292 68

Edition 30130292

The Baptism Lord, cont. 4 Or: Entrance Antiphon Mode 8 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Cf. Mt. 3:16 17 Af ter Lord as ap tized, heav ens ere o pened, and Spir it de scend ed up on him like a dove, and voice Fa r thun dered: This is my e lov ed Son, ith hom I am.. ell pleased. ẇ 70 Edition 30130292

The Baptism Lord, cont. 5 Congregational Refrain This is my e lov ed Son, lis ten to him! VERSES 1, 3, 5: Psalm 2928:1 2, 5 6, 10 11 Ascrie to LORD, you heav The voice LORD The LORD sat enthroned a Ascrie to LORD glory he makes Leanon leap The LORD ill give strength en ly poers, ascrie to LORD glory and shat ters cedars, LORD shatters cedars ove flood; LORD sits as king for like to his a his name; calf, people, o don efore and Sirion LORD ill less his LORD, majestic like a people strength. Leanon; ever. in young ith holiness. ild ox. peace. Edition 30130292 71

The Baptism Lord, cont. 6 VERSES 2, 4: Psalm 2928:3 4, 7 9 The voice LORD up on aters, God glo The voice LORD flashes flames fire. The voice LORD shakes LORD shakes ilder voice LORD and strips full for ness est poer; are. Kadesh; LORD on immensity voice LORD rends voice LORD In his temple y full all ry cry, thunders; ilderness, aters; oak tree splendor. Glory! 72 Edition 30130292

Edition 30130292

The Baptism Lord, cont. 7 Communion Antiphon Communion Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Be hold One tes ti fied Congregational Refrain We have seen and e lieve hom John said: that this is Son God. ẇ that you are Son God! I have seen and Jn. 1:32, 34 Edition 30130292 74

The Baptism Lord, cont. 8 VERSES: Psalm 2928 Ascrie to LORD, you The voice LORD up The voice LORD The voice LORD The LORD sat enthroned a heaven ly poers, ascrie to LORD glo ry and strength. on aters, God glo ry thunders; shat ters cedars, LORD shatters ce dars Leanon; flashes flames fire. The voice LORD shakes ilderness, ove flood; LORD sits as king for ever. Ascrie to LORD glory LORD on im mensi he makes Leanon LORD shakes The LORD ill give leap ilderness strength and strips for est ty like to are. his name; aters; a calf, Ka desh; his people, voice voice o don efore LORD, ma voice LORD and Sirion like a In his temple y LORD ill less his LORD LORD full rends jestic full young all people in ild cry, ith poer; oak tree holiness. splendor. ox. Glory! peace. Edition 30130292 75

The Baptism Lord, cont. 9 Or: Communion Antiphon Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Be hold One tes ti fied Congregational Refrain We have seen and e lieve hom John said: that this is Son God. ẇ that you are Son God! I have seen and Jn. 1:32, 34 Edition 30130292 76

The Baptism Lord, cont. 10 VERSES: Psalm 104103:1 2, 3, 24, 31, 34 Bless You stretch out Ho many are your May glory The LORD sat enthroned a great lish made in king you your m his for are, delling. all. orks! ever. rapped in you ride on The earth is I ill re LORD ill less his LORD, O heavens like orks, LORD last ove my a O for clod in You May my thoughts e The LORD ill give light as ith ings full joice in people a your ith soul! tent. LORD! ever! flood; roe! ind. creatures. LORD. peace. majes make pleas strength O LORD my God, ho On aters you esta In isdom you have May LORD rejoice LORD sits as ty clouds ing to and your to his honor, chariot; him. people, 77 Edition 30130292

Edition 30130292

Scriptural Index 1 Chronicles 29:12... 60 Psalm 2:1, 6 7, 9 11...27, 29 Psalm 2:7... 26 Psalm 1918...19, 21 Psalm 2524:1 3... 6 Psalm 2524... 7 Psalm 2928:1 4, 10 11... 71 Psalm 2928... 75 Psalm 4544:2, 11, 12... 47 Psalm 4544... 67 Psalm 6867:2, 5 7, 33 36... 43 Psalm 7271...59, 63 Psalm 7271:1 11...55, 61 Psalm 8079... 11 Psalm 8584:13... 8 Psalm 8584...9, 15 Psalm 9392... 49 Psalm 9796... 65 Psalm 9897... 31, 35, 39, 45 Psalm 9897:3... 38 Psalm 104103... 77 Psalm 128127... 41 Psalm 147B147...13, 33 Isaiah 7:14...20, 24 Isaiah 9:1, 5...48, 50 Isaiah 9:1 2, 5 6... 37 Isaiah 9:1 3, 5 6... 51 Isaiah 9:5...34, 36 Isaiah 30:19, 30... 10 Isaiah 35:4... 16 Isaiah 35... 17 Isaiah 45:8... 18 Malachi 3:1... 60 Baruch 3:38... 44 Baruch 5:5... 54 Baruch 5:5, 4:36... 12 Mat 2:2...62, 64 Mat 3:16 17...66, 70 Luke 1:33...48, 50 Luke 1:46 55...25, 53 Luke 2:16...40, 42 John 1:14...30, 32 John 1:32, 34...74, 76 Philippians 4:4 5... 14 Heres 13:8... 52 Revelation 21:23... 58 Edition 30130292 79