CHORAL COMMUNIO RICHARD RICE. English Anthems for Mixed Choir on the Communion Chants of the Modern Graduale Romanum

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CHORAL COMMUNIO Engish Anthems for Mixed Choir on the Communion Chants of the Modern Graduae Romanum Excerpt: Seven Communion Chants ad ibitum RICHARD RICE

First edition copyright 2012 Hostia Laudis Co. A rights reserved. Visit and

FOREWORD Chora Communio is intended for intermediate mixed choirs who want to expand their anthem and motet repertoire to incude authentic iturgica texts in Engish from the corpus of Mass Propers. The coection covers Sundays and Soemnities of the Church Year, aong with the aternates given for the three-year Lectionary cyce. Each two- or three-page piece uses the text of the Communion chant found in the Graduae Romanum, the Church s officia book of iturgica song. Each incudes a setting for three voices of two suppementa Psam verses, taken from the set of verses recommended by the Graduae, foowed by a repeat of haf the Communion Proper, which becomes a chora refrain. The anthems may be sung a cappea or supported with organ accompaniment. Some of the meodies coud be used as congregationa refrains, but the music is specificay intended to encourage the unique and integra ministeria roe of the iturgica choir. I decided to use the most comprehensive and readiy avaiabe source for Engish transations of the Graduae chants, which is the Gregorian Missa, pubished by the Abbey of Soesmes in 1990. For the verses, I chose the od Douay-Rheims Engish transation. Besides avoiding perennia copyright issues, I find Douay generay styish and eegant, yet open to modification in the rare instances where a more famiiar modern idiom works better. The uxtaposition of the od-fashioned Engish of Douay with the modern Engish of Soesmes turned out to be not as arring as I first thought, and is mitigated by the texture of the verses, which are aways trios in various voicings. These trios may be sung as such, if the soo singers are competent, or by a semi-choir, but are effective with the specified sections of the fu choir. Shoud more singing be needed, the fu Proper chant may be repeated after the abbreviated refrain, in an ABA A form. I have resorted to the most convenient stye of chora score, that of the hymna. There are ceary advantages to using open chora scores, especiay when the textua underay deviates from the true homophony of hymns. However, I wanted the music to be accessibe to organ accompanists, without adding a reduction, which woud have increased the size of the voume substantiay. In cases where the parts differ in their rhythms by ust one note, I have paced the text syabe between them. For more substantia rhythmic differences, I have had to incude aternate word underay in smaer itaicized script when necessary for the various parts. Other than carefu word surs, I have not indicated which part gets the aternate underay, and it is up to the director to make this cear in the first rehearsa. Aternate text above the score is aways sung by the top voice; that beow the score by the bottom voice; but that which appears in the midde of the score may appy to any of the voices, individuay or in pairs. I apoogize in advance for the confusion this may cause. The Graduae Romanum (p. 391) ists seven Communion chants that may be used ad ibitum during the year. I have extracted these seven from the fu coection as a sampe, with the hope that choirs may find them usefu and interesting enough to want the compete set. Pease visit or emai with comments and suggestions.

COMMUNION CHANTS ad ibitum Ego sum vitis (5th Sunday of Easter B & C)... 2 Gustate et videte (14th Sunday)... 4 Hoc corpus (Hoy Thursday)... 6 Manducaverunt (6th Sunday)... 8 Panem de cæo (18th Sunday)...10 Panis quem ego (19th Sunday A & B)...12 Qui manducat (Corpus Christi A & B)...14

The music of faith ooks for the integration of the human being in the sursum corda Joseph Cardina Ratzinger A New Song for the Lord 1

_ 2 Fifth Sunday of Easter B & C Ego sum vitis, Jn 15: 5 v. Ps 79: 9, 12 ====================== & b 4 Œ. J I am the true vine, and you are the q = 96 L======================? b4 Œ _ «_ «_«_«. % ====================== & b ««Œ n branch - es; he who a - bides in L======================? b Œ ====================== & b # b.. n me and I in him, he it is who _«_ L======================? b «b..... _ J ====================== & b. Œ bears much fruit, a - e - u - _ L======================? b «. J _ «. Œ «====================== & b Fine w ia, a - - e - u - ia. _«_ L======================? b «_«w_. w

S ==================== & b 4 A... J = V. Thou hast brought a vine-yard out of E - Ó_ _ B L====================? b4 = ====================== & b Œ _«. J. gypt; thou hast cast out the Gen - L======================? b _ Œ ====================== & b _«. Œ n_ «_«ties and pant - ed it. It stretched forth its L======================? b. J Œ ====================== & b. J Œ _«branch - es un - to the sea, and its boughs L======================? b Œ D.S. a Fine ====================== & b. Œ «J _ n_ _«un - to the riv - er. He who L======================? b Œ 3 a-[bides]

_ 4 Fourteenth Sunday Gustate et videte, Ps 33: 9 v. 2, 3 ====================== & b 4 Œ Œ _«O taste and see, O taste q = 90 _«_«. _«L======================? b4 Œ _ Œ ====================== & b. J.. and see the sweet - ness, the sweet - ness ««L======================? b _ _ «_ «.. _ % ====================== & b. J # Œ. # n of the Lord; bess - ed, bess - ed is the L======================? b Œ # «. _ «_ J _ ====================== & b Œ. J man who trusts in him, who trusts, _ «_«L======================? b n Œ ====================== & b Fine # #ww trusts in him. who trusts, who trusts in him. L======================? b ««_ «_ ww

==================== & b 4 _ A _«n.. = V. I wibess the Lord at a times, T L====================? b4 n B. J.... = ====================== & b «.. the Lord sha my sou be praised; L======================? b _ ««_ «. _«_«n.. ====================== & b ««Œ _«his praise sha be a-ways in my mouth. In _«L======================? b _«. Œ ====================== & b. et the meek hear and re- oice. L======================? b «b «. J. J # D.S. a Fine ========= & b Œ # Bess - ed, L=========? b Œ # _ 5

_ _ _ 6 Hoy Thursday Hoc corpus, 1 Cor 11: 24, 25 v. Ps 22: 4, 5 ====================== & # 4 # # n n This is my bod - y which is giv - en q = 90 L======================? #4. #_ «n_ 4 _.. _ J ====================== & #. J Œ. J up for you; this is the cup of the L======================? # _«. J Œ ====================== & # ««n. new cov - e -nant in my bood, says the L======================? # # ««_ J ====================== & # % Œ # n. Lord. Each time that you par - take there- L======================? # _ Œ n # n. # # «====================== & # Œ.. _«of, do it in mem - o - ry, in mem - L======================? # Œ n.

============= & # Fine. w - o - ry of me. L=============? # «. J _ w S A B ====== & # 4 3 = V. Though I shoud L======? #3 4 _ n = ====================== & #.. J.... wak in the midst of the shad - ow of death, thy L======================? # _ #. ====================== & #.... J #_ Œ rod and thy staff they have com-fort - ed me. Thouhastpre- L======================? #. J Œ ====================== & #.. J ĵ pared a ta - be for me, and my cha - ice is L======================? # _ J # D.S. a Fine #4 ====================== & 4 Œ # o - ver fow - ing. Each time that L======================? #4 4 n Œ n # 7

_«_ 8 Sixth Sunday Manducaverunt, Ps 77: 29, 30 v. 23, 24 ====================== & 2 3 Œ _«. They did eat and were fu - y sat - is - fied; h = 54 L======================? 2 3 Œ _ ====================== & Œ.. J the Lord gave them a that they de - L======================? Œ _«_«Œ ====================== &. J _«_«sired; they were not de-fraud - ed of L======================? Œ «_«====================== &. Œ. J their de - sires, they were not de - fraud -. _«Œ L======================? _ _«Fine ==================== &.. J w. #w_ ed of their de - sires. L====================? _«w. w. %

S ==================== & 4 3 A. ««= V. He had com- mand - ed the couds from a- bove, L====================? 3 n_ _ 4 B = heav - en. ====================== & Œ. Œ andhad o-pened the doors of heav - - en. L======================? Œ _ Œ heav - en.. ====================== &.. And had rained down man - na up - on them to L======================? _ ====================== & Œ ««eat, and had giv - en them the bread, the L======================? Œ ====================== & 3 D.S. a Fine 2. #. Œ J. n J bread from heav - en. They were L======================? 2 3 Œ 9

_ 10 Eighteenth Sunday Panem de cæo, Wis 16: 20 v. Ps 77: 24, 25, 29 ====================== & # #3 4. J # Œ You gaveus bread from heav - en, O Lord, q = 84 L======================? # # 4 3 Œ ====================== & # # _«n. J. J Œ you gaveus bread from heav - en, O Lord, L======================? # # # «_ Œ % # # ====================== &. hav - ing in it a that is de - L======================? # # _ # # ====================== & # Œ n. J.. i - cious, and the sweet - ness, the L======================? # _«_«# Œ _«.. ====================== & # sweet - ness of eve #. # - ry taste.... sweet- ness, the sweet - ness of eve -ry taste. L======================? # «# ««. _«# _ «.. Fine

# # 3 A ==================== & 4 _ _«_«n. _«_ «_«_«= V. He rained down man - na up - on them to L====================? # # 3 ««T 4 # B. J.. J = bread ====================== & # # _«. _«eat, and gave them the bread, the L======================? # ««««#. _ heav - en. ====================== & # #. Œ. bread from heav-en. Man ate the bread of L======================? #. _«_. # J Œ. J ====================== & # #.. _«_«. _«an - ges; he gave them their heart s de - L======================? # _«. #. #. # J ============= & # D.S. a Fine # Œ #. J n sire. Hav - ing in L=============? # # Œ n from 11

12 Nineteenth Sunday A & B Panis quem ego, Jn 6: 52 v. Ps 110: 2, 3, 5, 9 ====================== & bc. The bread which I wi give h = 48 _«L======================? b C «====================== & b Ĵ«is my fesh, my fesh for the L======================? b «J «====================== & b. Œ ife of the word, my fesh _ L======================? b «_ «_. ««_«Œ ====================== & b Fine. #w for the ife of the word. L======================? b «w S ==================== & bc A «n.. = V. Great are the works of the Lord; his work T L====================? b C n. = _ %

====================== & b. hath giv - en food to them that fear him, that L======================? b. J _ him; ====================== & b. Œ J _. J _ «fear him; he hathsent re - demp - tion, re - L======================? b. Œ J ====================== & b. n J Œ is praise and mag-nif - i - cence. He L======================? b _. J _ _ Œ D.S. a Fine ====================== & b. Œ demp-tion to his peo - pe. It is my L======================? b Œ fear 13

_ 14 Corpus Christi A & B Qui manducat, Jn 6: 57 v. Ps 118: 103, 49 ====================== & bb 4. n J # b. Œ He who eats my fesh and q = 84 L======================? bb 4 _ «. n # Œ # ====================== & bb n b n. # Œ drinks my bood, anddrinks my bood, a - L======================? bb n # b. Œ # % ====================== & bb. n # J. J b. Œ bides in me, and I in him, a - _ L======================? bb «n _ # Œ # ====================== & bb n b n.. bides in me, and I in him, says L======================? bb n #. J. n ============= & bb Fine nw _«w the Lord. L=============? bb w w

Œ ==================== & bb 3 A 4. = V. How sweet are thy words to T L====================? bb 4 3 n _«. J b = B _ ====================== & bb Œ _«_«. my pa - ate, more than hon - ey L======================? bb # _ Œ n. J ====================== & bb Œ ««n to my mouth. Be thou mind - fu of thy L======================? bb # Œ # _ # _ ====================== & bb... word to thy ser - vant, in which thou hast L======================? bb _«_. «J «n. n J J _«b. J D.S. a Fine ==================== & bb 4. Œ n _«w # = giv - en me hope. He L====================? bb 4 ««ŵ «n # Œ # # = 15 a-[bides]