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The Liurgy of our Faher among he Sains, Sain Gregory The Wesern Orhodox Liurgy The Archdiocese of New Yor Missa De Angelis 6-2014


The Preliminary Rubrics of The Liurgy The Divine Liurgy of he Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Chris, according o he resored Orhodox Wesern Rie, is normaively celebraed as a Solemn Liurgy, ha is, wih he assisance of a Deacon and Subdeacon. When hese assising minisers are no presen, and when here is no choir or singing, i is celebraed as a Simple Liurgy, he Celebran assuming he funcions of he Deacon and Subdeacon in addiion o his own. More han one Liurgy should no be celebraed on he same alar in a single day, Chrismas and Easer alone exceped, unless o consecrae he Sacramen for a person who is sic or dying. When several priess are presen, no obligaed by pasoral necessiy o celebrae separaely, hey may concelebrae wih he Recor of he church, or he Bishop if he be presen, vesed in Eucharisic vesmens, and sanding a heir assigned places abou he alar wih him. Excep on he Feass of Chrismas and Easer, when by a very old cusom, he Liurgy is celebraed boh a midnigh and in he day, here generally should no be more han one celebraion of he Eucharis unless pasorally necessary. The Minisers of he Liurgy each concelebrae according heir order. Priess as priess, deacons as deacons, laymen as readers, servers, singers, ushers, or simply as he Lord's People, he Church. For he good order of he Liurgy, and ha he signs of our faih be no obscured, only he principle celebran performs he manual acs. Inclinaions, bows, or he sign of he cross are o be performed by all ordained concelebrans according o heir order and funcion. If a ex is sung by he choir, all clerical and lay, should join in. The Liurgy mus always be a corporae ac of worship celebraed decenly and in good order. A he ime of he Liurgy, he Animension is placed open and fla upon he alar which shall be covered by a whie linen alar cloh, and wo lighs shall burn upon i. Tradiionally, when a Bishop is presen, anoher candle may be placed beside he Boo. The Boo lies open upon he alar, or on a sand nearby, or held by an assisan convenienly disposed for he celebran o read. Noe well, Silence is ep afer every reading of Scripure. Those wishing o use alar bells will find his symbol where a single mued sroe is used. I is no necessary o ring he bell a each of hese imes. 3

4 The Order of Procession

The Preparaion of he Gifs for he Liurgy Before a Solemn Liurgy, he sacred vessels sand upon a Table of Preparaion, or a he Credence Table, prepared wih bread, wine, and waer for he Holy Liurgy. Before a Simple Liurgy he sacred vessels may sand, veiled, upon he ouspread animensium (or upon an ouspread Corporal if he animensium is ep permanenly beneah he alar clohs) in he mids of he alar. In such case, he gifs are prepared a he ime of he Preparaion during he Liurgy. A a convenien ime before a Solemn Liurgy, he Deacon or Pries, vesed in amice, cincure, alb, maniple, and sole, and sanding a The Table of Preparaion, maes he sign of he cross saying: Glory o he Faher, and o he Son, and o he Holy Spiri. As i was in he beginning, is now and ever, for all ages of ages. Amen. Taing as much bread as is needed for he Liurgy, he now lighly scores each on he underside, in he form of a cross and places i on he paen, saying nohing, or: Accep, mos Holy Faher, his bread, le i become for us he holy Body of your only begoen Son, Jesus Chris by he power of he Holy Spiri. 5

Taing he chalice, he pours ino i firs wine saying: Accep, mos Holy Faher, his wine, le i become for us he holy Blood of your only begoen Son, Jesus Chris by he power of he Holy Spiri. For from his side came forh blood and waer for he forgiveness of sins. and hen a lile waer saying: By he mysery of his waer and wine may we come o share in he diviniy of Chris who humbled himself o share in our humaniy. Bowing, he Deacon or Pries says quiely: Wih a spiri of humiliy, and a conrie hear, le us be accepable o you, O Lord; and le hese gifs be so offered in your sigh his day, ha hey be pleasing o you, our Lord and our God. If a Deacon prepared he gifs he now urns o he Pries and says: Faher (Maser) Bless! The Pries says quiely Come, O Sancifier, and bless hese gifs se apar for he glory of your Holy Name Then he veils are placed upon he vessels. The above prayers for preparing he gifs are from he venerable Ambrosian Rie. 6

The Preparaion of he Sacred Minisers in he Sacrisy When all are vesed he Pries may use hese or oher prayers: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: In he name of he Faher, and of he Son, and of he Holy Spiri. Amen. I will go o he alar of God. To he God of my joy and gladness. Send ou your ligh and your ruh ha hey may lead me, and bring me o your holy hill and o your dwelling-place; And I will go o he alar of God, he God of my joy and gladness; and on he harp I will give hans o you O God my God. Why are you so sorrowful O my soul? And why are you so disquieed wihin me? Pu your rus in God! For I shall ye praise him who is he help of my counenance, and my God. Glory o he Faher, and o he Son, and o he Holy Spiri: As i was in he beginning, is now and ever, for all ages of ages. Amen. I will go o he alar of God. To he God of my joy and gladness. Our help is in he name of he Lord. The maer of heaven and earh. 7

Pries: I confess o Almighy God, o blessed Mary ever Virgin, o blessed Michael he Archangel, o blessed John he Bapis, o he holy Aposles Peer and Paul, o all he sains, and o you, brehren ha I have sinned exceedingly in hough, word, and deed, hrough my faul, hrough my faul, hrough my very grea faul. Therefore, I beseech blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael he Archangel, blessed John he Bapis, he holy Aposles Peer and Paul, all he sains, and you, brehren, o pray o he Lord our God for me. Server: Pries: May Almighy God have mercy on you, forgive you your sins, and lead you o life everlasing. Amen. Server: I confess o Almighy God, o blessed Mary ever Virgin, o blessed Michael he Archangel, o blessed John he Bapis, o he holy Aposles Peer and Paul, o all he sains, and o you, Faher, ha I have sinned exceedingly in hough, word, and deed, hrough my faul, hrough my faul, hrough my very grea faul. Therefore, I beseech blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael he Archangel, blessed John he Bapis, he holy Aposles Peer and Paul, all he sains, and you, Faher, o pray o he Lord our God for me. Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Almighy God have mercy on you, forgive you your sins, and bring you o life everlasing. Amen. May he almighy and merciful Lord gran us pardon, absoluion, and remission of our sins. Amen. Turn o us, O God, and bring us o life. And your people shall rejoice in you. 8

Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Pries: Server: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. And gran us your salvaion. O Lord, hear my prayer, And le my cry come o you. The Lord be wih you. And wih your spiri. Le us pray: Purify us, O Lord, we pray, ha we be accouned worhy o go ino he holy of holies wih cleansed minds hrough Jesus Chris our Lord. Amen. Peace be wih you. And wih your spiri. Deacon: Le us go forh in peace! All: In he name of Chris. Amen! The Procession now forms (see above) and proceeds o he Alar. The radiional order is Thurifer, Subdeacon wih he cross, wo acolyes wih candles, Maser of Ceremonies, Deacon carrying he Gospel, and Pries. The Preparaion of he People: The Asperges wih Holy Waer On Sundays only he Asperges or Vidi Aquam (during Pascha) is used. The Sacred Minisers process o he Alar The pries wears a cope. The pries receives he vessel of Holy Waer from he miniser; and afer inoning he following Aniphon, which all coninue, he sprinles he alar, himself, he oher minisers, he choir, and he people as a reminder of heir bapism. 9

Asperges Me for Sundays: a d j Sprin - le me O Lord a d v n z z z z Wih hys - sop, and I shall be pure. a d z z z z Wash me, O Lord, and I shall be whi - er han snow. a d z z Have mer - cy up - on me, O God, a d z z z z ac - cord - ing o your lov - ing ind - ness. a d z z Glo - ry o he Fa-her and o he Son and o he Ho - ly Spir - i; a d z as i was in he be - gin - ning, is now and ev - er, a d z z z j j for all a-ges of a - ges. A - men Sprin -le me O Lord a d v n z z z z Wih hys - sop, and I shall be pure. a d z z z z Wash me, O Lord, and I shall be whi - er han snow. 10

Vidi Aquam for Sundays During Pascha: a f s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s z I saw wa - er, com-ing forh from he righ side of he em - ple, a f s s s s s s s j s s s s s s s s s s s s s s al - le - lu - ia.; and all who came o ha wa - er were saved, a f s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s and hey shall say: al - le - lu - ia. al - le - lu- a f s s s s o s s s s s s s s s s s s s - ia. O give hans o he Lord for he is good: a f s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s for his mer-cy en-dures for - ev-er. Glo-ry o he Fa-her and o he Son, a f s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s and o he Ho - ly Spir- i; as i was in he be - gin - ning, a f s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s is now and ev - er, for all a-ges of a - ges. A-men I saw wa - er, a f s s s s s s s s s s z s s s s s s s j com-ing forh from he righ side of he em - ple, al - le - lu - ia.; a f s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s and all who came o ha wa - er were saved, and hey shall say: a f s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s o al - le - lu - ia. al - le - lu - ia. He reurns o he alar, sands before i, and sings he following: Show us your mercy, O Lord. (Alleluia) Copyrigh 2006 All Righs Reserved And gran us your salvaion. (Alleluia) 11

Lord, hear our prayer. And le our cry come o you. The Lord be wih you. And wih your spiri. Le us pray. O Holy Lord, Faher Almighy, Everlasing God, hear us we pray and send your Holy Angel from heaven o guard, cherish, proec, visi and evermore defend all who gaher in his dwelling place; Through Chris our Lord. Amen. The Inroi The Inroi is sung as he procession goes o he alar; if he Asperges is used on a Sunday, he Inroi is inerruped, and hen coninued a he conclusion of he final prayer. The pries arrives a he alar; he uncovers his head, and silenly prays: O Lord, ae our sins from us ha we be worhy o ener ino he Holy of Holies wih pure minds hrough Chris our Lord. Amen The clergy iss he alar where he animensium is, saying: We beseech You, O Lord, by he prayers of Your Sains whose relics lay here, and of all he Sains, ha you mercifully forgive all our sins. Amen The Pries ses on incense and blesses he hurible saying: Le his incense be blessed by him in whose honor i is burned. Amen. 12

The pries now censes he cross, bows, and censes around he alar counerclocwise reurning o he middle. As he hands he hurible bac o he miniser he says quiely: Lord, indle in us he fire of your love, and he flame of everlasing chariy. The Kyrie: Kyrie eleison Chrise eleison Kyrie eleison (vi/ ix) Or The old Roman Liany from he Gelasian Sacramenary: The Deacon sands a he head of he nave and sings: Deacon: a s s s s s s s s s Wih all our hears and all our minds and in peace a s s s s s s s s s s s s le us pray o he Fa - her, he Son, and he Ho - ly Spir - i: a s s s s s Lord hear us and have mer -cy. People: a Lord have mer -cy. 13

Deacon: Tha he riches of spiriual gifs may be poured ou upon he spoless Church of he living God: Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For holy bishops, priess, deacons, and clergy of our mighy God, and for all people worshipping he rue God, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For all who are eaching righly he Word of Truh, he manifold Wisdom of he Word of God, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For hose who eep hemselves pure in mind and body for he sae of he ingdom of heaven, and who oil in spiriual labor; and for an abundan oupouring of gifs of he Spiri: Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For all civil rulers and for all soldiers, who love jusice and righ judgmen, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. 14

Deacon: For agreeable weaher and rain in is season, for he pleasures of caressing vial breezes, and he prosperiy of righly ordered seasons, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For hose who are iniiaed ino he name of Chris, and who now burn wih desire for heavenly grace, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For hose in he weaness of he infirmiies of humaniy, in envy of spiriual wicedness, and various errors of he world, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For hose who suffer he dangers and hardship of ravel, are oppressed by he cruely of unjus auhoriy, or he afflicion of he enemy Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For hose deceived by he wicedness of aposasy, infeced by heresy, or pagan supersiion, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. 15

Deacon: For hose who do good wors, and hose who, wih broherly concern, come o he aid of people in need, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For all wihin his holy house of he Lord, ha we may be urned o pure hears and devou prayers, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For he healing of our souls and bodies, and he forgiveness of all our sins, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For refreshmen of he souls of he faihful, especially of priess of he holy Lord, who guide and serve his Caholic Church, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For deah o sin in our minds and bodies and a quicening of he life of faih, Le us as of he Lord: People: a Gran his, O Lord. 16

Deacon: For a holy fear and a rue love of he Lord, Le us as of he Lord: People: Gran his, O Lord. Deacon: For a pleasan ordering of life and a holy deah, Le us as of he Lord: People: Gran his, O Lord. Deacon: For an angel of peace and he comfor of he sains, Le us as of he Lord: People: Gran his, O Lord. Deacon: Le us commend ourselves and all ha is ours o His mercy and providence: For wha has come o us, and wha, hrough our Lord we have done, wha we receive from him as giver, and wha we have under his care we give hans o he Lord: People: a A men. The Deacon reurns o his place a he alar. When appoined, he following, or anoher is sung, all sanding; he Gloria is omied in Adven, Len, Requiems, and on penienial days and ferias. The celebran begins he following hymn which is coninued by all. 17

Gloria V Tradiional Faher Anhony J Bondi, Jr a d d j j j j Glo -ry o God in he High -es! And on earh peace, o men a d d z j z j z j of good will. We praise you. We bless you. a d d j j j We wor - ship you. We glo - ri - fy you. a d d z z j We give hans o you in your grea glo - ry. a d d z z j z j Lord God, hea-ven-ly King, al - migh - y God and Fa - her a d d z z j O Lord he on - ly be - go - en Son, Je - sus Chris a d d z j z j Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of he Fa - her, a d d j j z j You ae a - way he sin of he world, have mer - cy on us. a d d j 18 You ae a - way he sin of he world, re - ceive our Copyrigh 2001 by Faher Anhony J Bondi, Jr All Righs Reserved

a d d z j z pra - yer. You si a he righ hand of God he Fa - her, a d d z j j j have mer - cy on us. For you a - lone are ho - ly, a d d z j j You a - lone are Lord. You a - lone are mos high, a d d j j z Je - sus Chris. Wih he Ho - ly Spir - i a d d z j j j in he glo - ry of God he Fa -her. A - men. THE LITURGY OF THE WORD Pries: People: Pries: The Collec For The Day The Lord be wih you. And wih your spiri. Le us pray: The Collec is read wih hands exended; a he conclusion all respond: People: Amen. 19

The Scripure Readings The Old Tesamen (or Acs during he Paschal season) is announced by he Lecor saying: A Reading from he boo of... A he conclusion of he Reading he Lecor says Lecor: a d The Word of he Lord. People: a d Thans be o God! The Gradual or a psalm is sung. The Episle (or Acs during he Paschal season) is announced by he Sub-Deacon or Lecor saying: A Reading from he Episle of blessed Paul he Aposle o he... A he conclusion of he Lesson he Reader says: Lecor: a d The Word of he Lord. People: a d Thans be o God! 20

The acolye moves he Missal o he Gospel Side of he Alar, he acolyes ge candles, and he hurifer brings incense and boa o he pries. All sand as The Alleluia is sung: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! In Len he Trac is sung in place of he Alleluia wih he response: Praise o you Lord Jesus Chris King of endless glory. The Deacon aes he Gospel Boo from he alar, bows o he alar, and quiely says: Cleanse my hear and my lips Almighy God, as you cleansed he lips of he prophe Isaiah wih a burning coal. Send me, purified by your gracious mercy, ha I may worhily proclaim your holy Gospel, hrough Chris our Lord, Amen. The Deacon aes he boo o he Bishop/Pries and ass a blessing. Deacon: Maser/ Faher, as a blessing. Pries: The Lord be in your hear and upon your lips ha you may worhily and fiingly proclaim he Holy Gospel. Deacon: Amen He hen isses he bishop s / pries s hand and he Gospel Boo. He hen bows and goes o he place appoined accompanied by a Subdeacon, Acolyes wih lighs, and a Thurifer wih incense carried before. Sanding, all urn oward him, as he announces he Gospel: Deacon: People: a d The Lord be wih you. a d And wih your spir -i. The Deacon races a cross on he boo hen his forehead, lips and ches. 21

Deacon: a d s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s People: 22 The Con - in-u - a - ion (Be- gin- ning) of he Ho-ly Gos-pel ac- cord-ing o N. a d s s s Glo-ry o You, O Lord! He incenses he boo forward, righ, lef, and sings he Gospel. A he conclusion is sung: Deacon: People: a d s s s The Gos-pel of The Lord! a d s s Praise o you O Chris! The Gospel Boo is issed by he Celebran and he may bless he people wih he Gospel Boo. The Sermon If Bapism and Chrismaion is adminisered here he Creed is no repeaed. A pries may use he radiional dismissal of he Caechumens if he sees fi. They approach him when he Deacon dismisses hem as he sands a he head of he nave. They receive he pries s blessing and quiely leave. Today, in many churches hey wihdraw o he Narhex or he las pew. The Dismissal of he Caechumens Deacon: All caechumens, depar! Depar, caechumens! Le no caechumen remain.

Deacon: Rise up, ye caechumens, beg for yourselves he peace of God hrough His Chris: a peaceable day free from sin, now and for he res of your life, and a Chrisian end of i; he compassion and mercy of God and he forgiveness of your ransgressions. Dedicae yourselves o he only unbegoen God, hrough His Chris. Bow down your heads, and receive he blessing. As he deacon calls ou he name of each caechumen he people say, Lord, have mercy upon him/her and each comes forward and bows his head. And when hey have all assembled, le he pries bless hem saying: Pries: O Almighy God, inaccessible and un-begoen, who alone are he rue God, he God and Faher of your only begoen Son: he Chris; he God who sends forh he Comforer, and Lord of he whole world; who by Chris appoined your disciples o be eachers of piey. Loo down upon your servans, who are receiving insrucion in he Gospel of your Chris, and give hem a new hear, and renew a righ spiri wihin hem ha hey may boh now and do your will wih full purpose of hear, and wih a willing soul. Gran hem a holy admission and union wih your holy Church, and mae hem paraers of your divine myseries, hrough Chris, who is our hope, and who died for hem; by whom glory and worship be given o you in he Holy Spiri for all ages of ages. Amen. And afer his, le he deacon say: Go ou, caechumens, in peace. The Nicene Creed Deacon: Le us, he faihful, in peace proclaim our Faih. 23

Credo III a f Copyrigh 2001 The Very Rev Anhony J Bondi Jr. s s s s s s s n s s s s s s s n I be - lieve in one - God, he Fa - her al - migh - y, a f s I s o o ma - er of hea - ven and earh, of all hings, vi si - ble, a f s s s and s s s s o s s s s in - vi-- - si ble. And in one Lord Je - sus Chris, a f s s s s s he on - ly be - go - en Son of God, a f s s s s s s s s s n s s born of he Fa - her be - fore all a-ges. God from God, a f s s s s s n o Ligh from Ligh, rue God from rue God. a f s s s s s s be - go - en, no made, con - sub - san - ial wih he Fa - her. a f o s s s s s s s s s Through him all hings were made; For us men and for our sal -va - ion a f o s s s s s s s s s He came down from hea-ven, Was in - car - nae by he Ho-ly Spir - i n 24

a f o s j o of he Vir - gin Ma - ry and be - came Man. a f s s s s s s s s s s s o a f Cru - ci - fied al - so for us un - der Pon - ius Pi - lae, s s s s s o He suf-fered deah and was bur -ied. And rose a -gain on he hird day a f s s s s s s o s s a f a f s s s s in ac - cor- dance wih he scrip -ures. He as-cend - ed in- o hea - ven s s and is sea - ed a he righ hand of he Fa - her. a f s s s s s s s o He will come a - gain, in glo - ry, o judge he liv - ing and he dead. s s s s o His ing - dom will have no end. And in he Ho - ly Spir - i, he Lord, a f s s he giv - er of life, who pro - ceeds from he Fa her. a f s s a f s s o s j s s o who wih he Fa - her and he Son is wor - shipped and glo - ri - fied. s s s s s s o s s who has spo - en hrough he pro - phes. And One, Ho - ly, Cah - o - lic, s s s s o o 25

a f o and A - po - so - lic Church. I con - fess one bap - ism a f s s s s s s for he for - give - ness of sins. a f I loo for - ward o he re - sur - rec - ion of he dead a f s s o s s s and he life of he age o come. A - - - - - - - - a f s s s s - - - - - - men. The Prayers of Supplicaion of Sain Marin During Len, The Solemn Prayers may be used insead. o Pries: People: Pries: The Lord be wih you. And wih your spiri. Le us pray: The Deacon, sanding in he mids of he people sings: Deacon: Le us pray wih all our hear and all our mind o God who loos upon he earh and maes i remble; Lord hear us and have mercy: People: Lord have mercy. 26

Deacon: For he greaes peace and ranquiliy in our imes, for he Holy Caholic and Aposolic Church which is from one end of he earh o he oher. Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For all Orhodox Pariarchs, our Archbishop N., for Bishop N. and for all bishops, presbyers, deacons, subdeacons, porers, lecors, exorciss, acolyes and singers, for all mons and nuns and for he holy people of God, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For our counry, sae and ciy and fellow ciizens, for our Presiden, Legislaors, and Magisraes, and for he armed forces, Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For virgins, widows, and orphans, Le us pray o he Lord. People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For hose who ravel by land, waer, air and space, for peniens, caechumens and prisoners; Le us pray o he Lord. People: Lord have mercy. Deacon: For hose who, in he holy church, enjoy and share he fruis of mercy. Le us pray o he Lord: People: Lord have mercy. 27

Deacon: Re membering Blessed Mary he Virgin Moher of God, he holy aposles and maryrs, [Blessed N.] and all he sains, Le us commend ourselves and one anoher and all our life o Chris our God: People: To You, O Lord! Deacon: Tha we be given a holy life and a peaceful deah, Le us as of he Lord: People: Gran his, O Lord! Deacon: Tha he Lord may preserve he sanciy, puriy and ruh of he Caholic and Aposolic Faih: Le us as of he Lord: People: Gran his, O Lord! Deacon: Tha he divine bond of peace, uniy, and love remain among us, Le us as of he Lord: People: Gran his, O Lord! The Deacon moves o he Episle Side of he alar sep. Pries: People: Faher, hear he prayers of your people: gran us your pardon and peace, ha we, who live in ha peace by he power of he Holy Spiri, exend i o ohers, worhily bring our gifs o your alar, and give you glory hrough Jesus Chris our Lord. Amen. 28

Pries: Chris is in our mids. or Peace be wih you. People: He is and ever shall be. And wih your spiri. Deacon: Le us gree one anoher wih a holy iss. The "Holy Kiss" is a riple embrace saring o your righ. I begins wih he celebran and is passed o he Deacon and Subdeacon, and by hem o he acolyes and congregaion orderly and quiely as befis a holy ac. THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST In a Simple Liurgy he celebran uncovers he vessels, quiely places bread upon he paen, aes he chalice, pours in some wine and hen a lile waer saying: From he side of he Lord Jesus Chris came forh Blood and Waer for he forgiveness of our sins. Placing he chalice behind he paen, he exends, elevaes, and joins his hands saying: In he Name of he Faher and of he Son, and of he Holy Spiri, Amen. In a Solemn Liurgy he Pries goes o he sedilia. The Deacon spreads a whie linen cloh on he alar while he Offerory Chan is sung. The Subdeacon, wearing a humeral veil, and wo Acolyes bearing lighs, preceded by a Thurifer, go o he credence able, hen, bearing he prepared gifs and offerings go o he sancuary sep. The Deacon receives he gifs and arranges hem upon he alar hen while he hymn below is sung: 29

Le All Moral Flesh Keep Silence Le all moral flesh eep silence, and wih awe and rembling sand; Ponder nohing earhly minded, for wih blessing in his hand Chris our God o earh descends, our full homage o demand. He, himself, comes forh o be offered, in remembrance sacrificed; Life and deah and resurrecion, here unfold before our eyes As we ener now he imeless mysery, le us lay aside earhly cares. King of ings, ye born of Mary, as of old on earh he sood, Lord of lords in human vesure, in he Body and he Blood He will give o all he faihful His own self for heavenly food. Ran on ran he hos of heaven, spreads is vanguard on he way, as he Ligh of Ligh descends now, from he realms of endless day, ha he powers of hell may vanish, as he darness clears away. A his fee he six-winged seraph; cherubim wih sleepless eye, veil heir faces o he Presence, as wih ceaseless voice hey cry, * "Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Lord Mos High!" * During Len: Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho- - - ly! Ho-ly is he Lord Mos High! Having prepared he gifs, he Deacon bows o he Alar and Pries. The Pries comes o he cener, bows o he Church; he urns, goes o he alar and sanding before i says quiely: 30 Sancify O Lord, hese gifs offered by us, and cleanse us from he sains of our sins; hrough Jesus Chris our Lord.

The Incensaion On Sundays and Feass, he Celebran ses on incense, offered by he Subdeacon or Thurifer which he blesses saying: Through he inercession of Blessed Michael he Archangel, sanding a he righ hand of he alar of incense, and of all your elec, Lord bless his incense and receive from i an odor of sweeness; hrough Chris our Lord. Amen. Afer incense is se, he Pries censes he gifs and he alar saying: Le his incense arise before You, O Lord, and Your mercy descend upon us. He wals around he alar wih he Deacon before and Subdeacon behind him censing and saying: Le my prayer, O Lord, arise lie incense before You; he lifing up of my hands, lie he evening sacrifice. He reurns o he cener and gives he hurible o he Deacon saying: Lord enindle in us he fire of your love and he flame of everlasing chariy. The Deacon hen censes he Pries, he Subdeacon he Deacon, he Thurifer he Subdeacon. Then he censes he acolyes and he people. During which he Acolyes presen waer, basin, and a owel and he Pries washes his hands saying quiely: I will wash my hands in innocence, O LORD, * ha I may go in procession round your alar, Singing aloud a song of hansgiving * and recouning all your wonderful deeds. 31

LORD, I love he house in which you dwell * and he place where your glory abides. Do no sweep me away wih sinners, * nor my life wih hose who hirs for blood, Whose hands are full of evil plos, * and heir righ hand full of bribes. As for me, I will live wih inegriy; * redeem me, O LORD, and have piy on me. My foo sands on level ground; * in he full assembly I will bless he LORD. The Gloria Pari is no said a Requiems or during Passionide. Glory o he Faher, and o he Son, and o he Holy Spiri: * As i was in he beginning, is now and ever, for all ages of ages. Amen The Pries a he mids, inclines, hands joined, and prays his quiely: Accep, mos Holy Triniy, his offering which we are maing o You in remembrance of he passion, deah, resurrecion, and ascension of Jesus Chris, Our Lord; and in honor of blessed Mary, ever Virgin, and of all he Sains; ha i may add o heir honor and aid our salvaion. May hey deign o inercede in heaven for us who honor heir memory here on earh. Through he same Chris our Lord. Acolye. Amen. 32

The pries urns o he congregaion, exends his hands and says: Pries: Pray for me, Brohers and Sisers, ha my sacrifice and yours be accepable o God he Faher Almighy He hen crosses his hands over his ches and bows as hey respond All: The Lord accep he sacrifice a your hands for he praise and glory of his Name, for our benefi, and ha of all his holy Church. Pries: Amen. The Prayer over he Gifs: The Second Collec He hen begins he second collec which "secres or ses apar he gifs for he anaphora. He ends he prayer singing: Pries: People: a d z z z Amen! for all a - ges of a - ges. A - men THE PREFACE TO THE ANAPHORA The Pries exends his hands while singing: a d z j Pries: The Lord be wih you. People: a d z j And wih your spir - i. 33

He lifs up his hands: a d z z j Pries: Lif up your hears. a d z j z j People: We lif hem o he Lord. He joins his hands ogeher and bows: a d z Pries: Le us give hans o he Lord our God. a d z People: I is mee and righ so o do. Again, exending his hands he sings: Pries: z z j I is ruly righ and jus, our joy and helpful o salvaion, ha we, always and everywhere give hans o you, O Lord, holy Faher, Almighy and eernal God: Here a Proper preface is sung on all Sundays, and as appoined. Therefore we praise you, joining our voices wih Angels and Archangels and wih all he company of heaven, who forever sing his hymn o proclaim he glory of your Name: The Deacon goes up o he righ and he Subdeacon o he lef of he Pries and bow deeply for he Sancus. j 34

People: Missa de Angelis: Sancus VI a ff j j j j j j Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly a ff f f j f j j Lo - rd, God a ff j j j j of Sa - ba - oh, hea - ven and earh a ff f f j f j j j are fu - ll of your glo - ry. Ho-san - na a ff j j j in he high - es. a ff j f fj j Bless - ed is he who comes a ff j j f j j in he name of he Lord. Ho - san - na a ff j j j j j in he high - es. The Church now sands aenively, reverenly, as he Pries leads The People in he celebraion of he mos sacred par of he Liurgy. 35


The Anaphora of our Faher among he Sains, Gregory Thurifer & four acolyes-orches sand facing he alar inside he alar rail. The pries exends his hands eeping his humbs and forefingers joined. To you, herefore, mos gracious Faher, we humbly pray hrough Jesus Chris your Son our Lord He joins his hands, places his lef hand on his breas, blessing he offering: ha you accep and bless hese pure and holy gifs which we offer o you in sacrifice. He sreches ou his hands: We offer hem on behalf of your holy caholic Church: wach over her, gaher her, guide her and gran her peace, proecion, and uniy hroughou he whole world wih your servans: he Orhodox Pariarchs, N. our Archbishop, Bishop N., and all Orhodox believers who hold he Caholic and Aposolic faih. Remember, Lord, your faihful people, and your servans sanding here around your alar, nowing how firmly we believe in you and dedicae ourselves o you. He joins his hands, prays briefly, hen, wih hands ousreched coninues: We offer o you his sacrifice of praise and hansgiving for ourselves and for all hose who are dear o us. We pray o you our living and rue God, for our well being and redempion and for hose whose faih and devoion are nown o you alone. 37

Communicanes (Proper Communicanes are below) In communion wih he whole Church, we venerae firs he glorious and ever virgin Mary, Moher of our Lord and God, Jesus Chris; and also your blessed aposles and maryrs Peer, Paul, Andrew [ James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Barholomew, Mahew, Simon, and Thaddaeus, Linus, Cleus, Clemen, Sixus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian,] [Blessed N.], and all your sains whose meris and prayers gain for us your consan help and proecion. PROPER FORMS OF THE COMMUNCANTES On he Naiviy of he Lord and hroughou he Ocave In communion wih he whole Church, and celebraing he mos sacred nigh [day] on which blessed Mary he mos pure virgin brough forh he Savior for his world, we venerae above all ohers he memory of ha same glorious ever-virgin Mary, Moher of our Lord and God, Jesus Chris; and also your blessed aposles and maryrs, Peer, Paul, Andrew [ James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Barholomew, Mahew, Simon, and Thaddaeus, Linus, Cleus, Clemen, Sixus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian,] and all your sains whose prayers gain for us your consan help and proecion. 38

On he Epiphany of he Lord In communion wih he whole Church, and celebraing he mos sacred day on which your Only-begoen Son, eernal wih you in your glory, appeared in a human body, ruly sharing our flesh, we venerae firs he glorious and ever virgin Mary, Moher of our Lord and God, Jesus Chris; and also your blessed aposles and maryrs, Peer, Paul, Andrew [ James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Barholomew, Mahew, Simon, and Thaddaeus, Linus, Cleus, Clemen, Sixus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian,] and all your sains whose prayers gain for us your consan help and proecion. From he Paschal Vigil unil he Second Sunday of Easer: In communion wih he whole Church, and celebraing he mos sacred nigh [day] of he Resurrecion of our Lord Jesus Chris in he flesh, we venerae firs he glorious and ever-virgin Mary, Moher of our Lord and God, Jesus Chris; and also your blessed aposles and maryrs, Peer, Paul, Andrew [ James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Barholomew, Mahew, Simon, and Thaddaeus, Linus, Cleus, Clemen, Sixus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian,] and all your sains whose prayers gain for us your consan help and proecion. On he Ascension of he Lord In communion wih he whole Church, and celebraing he mos sacred day on which your Only-begoen Son, our Lord, se a he righ hand of your glory our wea human naure, which he had unied o himself, we venerae firs he glorious and ever-virgin Mary, Moher of our Lord and God, Jesus Chris; and also your blessed aposles and maryrs, Peer, Paul, 39

Andrew [ James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Barholomew, Mahew, Simon, and Thaddaeus, Linus, Cleus, Clemen, Sixus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian,] and all your sains whose prayers gain for us your consan help and proecion. On Penecos Sunday In communion wih he whole Church, and celebraing he mos sacred day of Penecos, on which he Holy Spiri appeared o he Aposles in ongues of fire, we venerae firs he glorious and ever-virgin Mary, Moher of our Lord and God, Jesus Chris; and also your blessed aposles and maryrs, Peer, Paul, Andrew [ James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Barholomew, Mahew, Simon, and Thaddaeus, Linus, Cleus, Clemen, Sixus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian,] and all your sains whose prayers gain for us your consan help and proecion. He exends his hands forward over he offerings before him saying: Faher, we humbly as ha you accep his offering of our service and ha of your whole Church. Order our days in your peace, save us from eernal damnaion, and number us among hose you have chosen; (hrough Chris our Lord.) 40

From he Vigil of Pascha o he Second Sunday of Pascha: Faher, we humbly as ha you accep his offering of our service and ha of your whole Church; especially hose whom you have been pleased o give he new birh of waer and he Holy Spiri, graning hem forgiveness of all heir sins. Order our days in your peace, save us from eernal damnaion, and number us among hose you have chosen. He joins his hands, places his lef hand on his breas, blessing he offering: Bless and approve our offering, O Faher; mae i accepable o you. By he power of he Holy Spiri, le i become for us he body and blood of Jesus Chris, your only Son, our Lord. The Deacon removes he purificaor and pall The Pries joins his hands and prays: On he day before his suffering and deah, He lifs he paen wih he Lamb slighly. our Lord Jesus Chris oo bread ino his holy and venerable hands; and wih eyes lifed up o heaven, o you his almighy God and Faher, he gave hans o you, (pause) said he blessing, broe he bread, and gave i o his disciples, saying: 41

He bows and sings he following words slowly: 42 "Tae, ea: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do his in remembrance of me." He pauses for a momen hen replaces he paen. Afer supper, in a lie manner, he oo he cup ino his holy and venerable hands; He lifs he chalice slighly. and when he again had given hans, (pause) said he blessing, gave he cup o his disciples, saying, He bows and sings he following words slowly: "Tae his all of you, and drin of i: This is my Blood, The Blood of he new and eernal covenan, which shall be shed for you and for many for he forgiveness of sins. He pauses for a momen hen replaces he chalice. Do his in remembrance of me." The Deacon seps forward and replaces he purificaor and pall. The Pries sreches ou his hands eeping his humbs and forefingers joined. Faher, we celebrae he remembrance of Chris your Son: We, your servans and your holy people, call o mind his passion, his resurrecion from he dead, and his ascension, unil he comes again in glory.

We offer o you, he God of glory and majesy, from he many gifs you have given us, his perfec and pure sacrifice: he holy bread of life and he chalice of eernal salvaion. Loo wih favor upon hese offerings, and accep hem as once you acceped he gifs of your jus servan Abel, he sacrifice of Abraham, our faher in faih, and he bread and wine offered by your high pries Melchisedech. He joins his hands, places his lef hand on his breas, signing himself. Faher, we pray ha you send down your Holy Spiri upon us and blesses he offering, and upon hese offerings: mae his bread he Body of your Chris, and he wine wihin his cup he precious Blood of Chris, being changed by ha same Holy Spiri. He crosses his arms on his ches ouching his shoulders wih his fingers and all bowing profoundly he prays: Almighy God, we humbly pray ha hese Gifs be carried by he hands of your Holy Angel, o your alar on high in he presence of your Divine Majesy; hen, as we receive from his alar he Sacred Body and Blood of your Son, He sands uprigh, places his lef hand on his breas and signs himself. fill us wih every grace and heavenly blessing; (hrough Chris our Lord.) He joins his hands. 43

He exends his hands eeping his humbs and forefingers joined Remember, Lord, hose who have died and have gone before us sealed wih he sign of faih, and who res in he "sleep of peace." He joins his hands, prays briefly, hen, wih hands ousreched, coninues Le hese, and all who res in Chris, find in your Presence ligh, refreshmen, and peace; (hrough Chris our Lord.) To us, also, your sinful servans, who hope in your abundan mercies, graciously gran ha we may share in he fellowship of your holy aposles and maryrs: wih John he Bapis, Sephen, Mahias, Barnabas [Ignaius, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peer, Feliciy, Perpeua, Agaha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, Anasasia] and all your sains. Though we are sinners, we rus in your love and mercy. Do no consider wha we ruly deserve, bu gran us your forgiveness and admi us, we beg you, ino heir company no weighing our meris, bu freely graning us pardon He joins his hands. hrough Jesus Chris our Lord. The Deacon and Subdeacon sep up beside he Pries a he alar. The Deacon removes he pall. Through whom, O Faher, you unceasingly creae all hese good hings; sancifying hem, and filling hem wih life; you bless hem and besow hem on us. 44

He lifs he chalice and paen eye level, crossing his arms, and sings: a d z z z z Through him, and wih him, and in him, in un -i - y wih he Ho -ly Spir -i, a d z z all glo - ry and hon - or is yours, Al - migh - y Fa - her, a d z for all z z a-ges of a - ges. A - men The Pries replaces he Holy Myseries, he Deacon replaces he pall, and he hree Sacred Minisers bow deeply. Then he Deacon and Subdeacon reurn o heir places a he alar sep wih he Deacon on he Episle Side and he Subdeacon he Gospel Side. The Four orchbearers reire o he sacrisy replace heir orches and reurn a he Agnus Dei for communion. The Breaing of The Bread He sreches ou his hands, eeping his humbs and forefingers joined. Inroducion o Paer Noser Pries: Le us pray: a ff j In - sruc - ed by your sav - ing pre - ceps, a ff j <Name> and ha-ving been augh hese di -vine-ly formed words, a ff j we dare o say: 45

All: The pries joins his hands and prays: Deliver us, O God, from all evils: pas, presen, and o come, and by he prayers of Blessed Mary ever Virgin, Moher of God, of your blessed aposles Peer and Paul, of Andrew, and of all he sains, graciously give us peace in our days; hrough your merciful help eep us always free from sin and safe from all disquieude: hrough Jesus Chris your Son, our Lord who lives and reigns wih you and he Holy Spiri, one God, for all ages of ages. People: Amen. 46 a f f j j j Our Fa - her, who ar in hea - ven, a f f j j j hal- low-ed be Thy name. Thy ing-dom come. a f f j j j j Thy will be done on earh as i is in hea- ven. a f f j j Give us his day our dai - ly bread a f f j and for - give us our res - pass - es a f f j j as we for give hose who res -pass a-gains us. a f f j And lead us no in - o emp - a - ion a f f j bu de - liv - er us from e - vil.

The Pries here may say he seasonal blessings over he people urning o his righ wih his bac o he Gospel side and ending wih his blessing: Pries: People: The Peace of The Lord be always wih you. And wih your spiri. Pries (silenly)o Lord Jesus Chris, you said o your aposles Peace I leave you, my peace I give o you regard no my sins, bu he faih of your Church and gran us he peace and uniy of your ingdom where you live for all ages of ages. The Deacon and Subdeacon approach he alar. The Deacon removes he pall and he pries breas he Bread. By ancien cusom he places a small paricle ino he chalice as a sign of uniy wih he Bishop saying: May his mingling Agnus of he Body Dei and VI Blood of Our Lord Jesus Chris bring eernal life o us who receive i. a ff j j j j Lamb of God, who aes a - way he sins of he world: a ff f j j have mer - cy on us. Lamb of God, a ff j who aes a - way he sins of he world: a ff f j j j j have mer - cy on us. Lamb of God, a ff j who aes a - way he sins of he world: a ff f j gran us peace. j 47

The Deacon and Subdeacon urn oward each oher. The Pries urns o he faihful, holds he Paen and Chalice and says: Pries: People: People: Behold he Lamb of God! Behold Him who aes away he sin of he world! Lord I am no worhy ha you should come under my roof. Say bu he word, and my soul shall be healed. I believe, O Lord and I confess ha you are ruly he Chris, The Son of he living God, who came ino he world o save sinners, of whom I am he greaes. I believe also, ha his which I am abou o receive is ruly your mos pure Body and life-giving Blood; Wherefore, I pray, have mercy on me and forgive my ransgressions, boh volunary and involunary, in word and deed, commied in nowledge or in ignorance; And gran ha I may parae of your Holy Myseries wihou condemnaion for he forgiveness of all my sins and for life everlasing. O Son of God accep me his day as a paraer of Your Mysical Supper; for I will no reveal he Mysery o your enemies, nor will I give you a iss as did Judas, bu lie he hief, will I say: Remember me, O Lord, when you come ino your ingdom. 48 O Lord, may he paraing of your Holy Myseries be no o my judgmen or condemnaion, bu for he healing of my soul and body.

The pries may pray he above wih he people, or, inclining before he alar, and wih hands joined or crossed upon his breas, may pray silenly: Le no he paraing of your Body and Blood, O Lord Jesus Chris which I, hough unworhy, presume o receive, urn o my judgmen or condemnaion; bu of your goodness may i be for me proecion and healing of my soul and body. Sanding erec, he aes he Sacred Body saying: I will ae he Bread of Heaven and call on he Name of he Lord: May he Body of Our Lord Jesus Chris preserve my body and soul o everlasing life. Inclining, he receives, sanding up again, he aes he chalice saying: Wha shall I render o he Lord for all his blessings o me? I will ae up he Cup of Salvaion and call on he Name of he Lord. I will pay my vows o he Lord in he presence of all his people; in he cours of he house of our God; in your mids O Jerusalem. May he Blood of Our Lord Jesus Chris preserve my body and soul o everlasing life. Inclining, he receives he Sacred Blood from he chalice. He hen communicaes he Sacred Minisers, he clergy, acolyes, and people. The Pries hen communicaes each person saying: Pries: People: The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Chris preserve your body and soul N. o life everlasing. Amen. During he adminisraion of he Sacramen he Communion Chan and he following psalm or a hymn may be sung. 49

Aniphon: Psalm 34 Benedicam Dominum, a j j j j j O ase and see he good - ness of he Lord. Verses: a s s s s s s s o s s s s s s s s n A all imes I will bless he LORD;* his praise shall ev-er be in my mouh. a s s s s s s n s s s s s s s I will glo-ry in he LORD;* le he hum-ble hear and re-joice. 3 Proclaim wih me he greaness of he LORD; * le us exal his Name ogeher. 4 I sough he LORD, and he answered me * and delivered me ou of all my error. Aniphon 5 Loo upon him and be radian, * and le no your faces be ashamed. 6 I called in my afflicion and he LORD heard me * and saved me from all my roubles. Aniphon 7 The angel of he LORD encompasses hose who fear him, * and he will deliver hem. 8 Tase and see ha he LORD is good; * happy are hey who rus in him! Aniphon 50 9 Fear he LORD, you ha are his sains, * for hose who fear him lac nohing. 10 The young lions lac and suffer hunger, * bu hose who see he LORD lac nohing ha is good. Aniphon

11 Come, children, and lisen o me; * I will each you he fear of he LORD. 12 Who among you loves life * and desires long life o enjoy prosperiy? Aniphon 13 Keep your ongue from evil-speaing * and your lips from lying words. 14 Turn from evil and do good; * see peace and pursue i. Aniphon The Pries may reserve some of he Sacramen for he sic. Then he Deacon, removes he vessels o he credence able and, assised by he Subdeacon or Miniser, consumes he res of he Sacramen, saying: Wha has passed our lips as food, O Lord, le us possess wih puriy of hear, ha wha has been given o us in ime, may be our healing for eerniy. Le your Body and Blood which I have received permeae my hear, O Lord; and gran ha no sain of sin remain in me, having been fed wih hese pure and holy Myseries; Who lives and reigns wih he Faher and he Holy Spiri, God, now and ever and for all ages of ages. Amen. He hen purifies his fingers, and cleanses he vessels. The acolye places he missal on he Episle Side. All silenly reflec on he recepion of The Holy Myseries. The Poscommunion Prayer: The Third Collec He exends his hands singing: Pries: People: The Lord be wih you. And wih your spiri. 51

He joins his hands Pries: Le us pray: He sings he Prayer wih hands exended. People: Amen. He hen urns, exends his hands, and sings: People: a d The Lord be wih you. a d And wih your spir -i. If a Bishop is presen: Deacon: Bow down your heads before he Lord. If a Bishop is presen he aes his crosier faces he alar and, crossing his head and breas sings: Bishop: People: Bishop: People: Blessed be he Name of he Lord. Now and forever. Our help is in he Name of he Lord. The maer of heaven and earh. He urns o he people, 52

Bishop: The Blessing of God Almighy: The Faher, he Son, and he Holy Spiri, descend upon you and remain wih you forever. People: Amen. Pries: The Blessing of God Almighy: he Faher, he Son, and he Holy Spiri, descend upon you and remain wih you forever. People: Amen. One of he following is used: Deacon: Depar (Go) in peace! (alleluia, alleluia)! People: Thans be o God! (alleluia, alleluia)! If he Gloria was no sung: Deacon: Le us bless he Lord! (Alleluia, alleluia)! People: Thans be o God! (Alleluia, alleluia!)! He hen inclines once more in he mids and prays quiely: Le his my bounden duy and service be pleasing o You, O Holy Triniy, and gran ha, hough unworhy, he sacrifice which I have offered before he eyes of your majesy, be accepable o You, and hrough your mercy obain your gracious favor for me and for all whom I have offered i; hrough Jesus Chris our Lord. Amen HYMNS TO THE MOTHER OF GOD 53

The appropriae hymn o he Moher of God for he season is sung. From he Firs Sunday in Adven hrough he Purificaion. Alma Redemporis Maer a j j O lov - ing Mo - her of our Sav - ior, pure gae of heav - en a j j j and sar of he sea, Has-en o aid your peo -ple who hough fall -en a j j srive o rise once more. You who brough forh your ho -ly Cre -a-or, a j j all cre - a - ion wond - er - ing, ye re - mained ev - er Vir - gin, a j re j - ceiv - ing from Ga - briel's lips ha joy - ful "A - ve!" a j j j j Be mer - ci - ful o us sin - ners. In Adven: The Angel of he Lord announced o Mary. And she conceived by he Holy Spiri. 54

Pries: Pour forh, we beseech you O Lord your grace ino our hears: ha we, o whom he Incarnaion of your Son Jesus Chris was made nown by he message of an angel, by His passion and Cross, be brough o he glory of His resurrecion. Through he same Chris our Lord. Amen. A I Vespers of he Naiviy of our Lord and hence forward: Afer childbearing you remained a pure virgin. Inercede for us, O Moher of God. Le us pray. O God, Who by he fruiful virginiy of blessed Mary has besowed upon manind he reward of eernal salvaion : Gran, we beseech You, ha we now he help of her inercession, hrough whom we have been accouned worhy o receive he Auhor of our life, Jesus Chris Your Son our Lord. Amen. 55

Afer he Purificaion hrough Wednesday of Holy Wee. a f j j A - ve, Re - gi - na cae - lo - rum, A - ve, Do-mi-na an-ge - lo-rum: Wel -come, O Que -en of Hea -ven. Wel -come, O La-dy of he An -gels a f j Sal - ve ra - dix, Sal - ve por - a, O Sav - ing Roo, Sav - ing Por - al, a f j j Ex qua mun - do lux es or - a: Gau-de, Vir-go glo-ri - o - sa, From whom comes he Ligh Im-mor -al. Re-joice, O glo - ri-ous Vir-gin, a f j z j Su - per om - nes spe -ci - o - sa: Va - le, O val -de de-co - ra, Love -ly be-yond o-her wo-men, Fare-well, mos beau -i - ful maid - en, a f j j j E pro no - bis Chri -sum ex - o - ra. And pray for us o Chris our Sav - ior. Gran ha I may praise you, O holy Virgin. Give me srengh agains your enemies. Le us pray. Gran us, O merciful God, proecion in our weaness: ha we who celebrae he memory of he holy Moher of God, hrough he aid of her inercession, rise again from our sins. Through Chris our Lord. Amen. 56