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CREDO@ h y m n a l FIRST EDITION CANTOR BOOK International Liturgy Publications Nashville, TN

AC20134 Copyright 2014, International Liturgy Publications PO Box 50476, Nashville, Tennessee 37205.ILPmusic.org International copyright secured. All rights reserved. No part this ork may be reproduced or transmitted any form or by any means, electronic, digital or mechanical, cludg photocopyg, recordg, or by any formation storage or retrieval system, ithout permission ritg from appropriate copyright oner. Prted United States America. The English translation Psalm Responses, Lenten Gospel Acclamations from Lectionary for Mass 16, 181, 17, International Commission on English Liturgy Corporation (ICEL); excerpts from English translation The Roman Missal 173, ICEL; excerpts from English translation Holy Communion Worship Eucharist outside Mass 174, ICEL; excerpts from English translation chants The Roman Missal 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Excerpts from Ne American Bible 170, 17, 18, Confraternity Christian Doctre, Inc. (CCD), Washgton, D.C. All rights reserved. The liturgical texts are reproduced by authority Committee on Dive Worship, United States Conference Catholic Bishops. Published ith ecclesiastical approval. NIHIL OBSTAT: Rev. Stephen G. Gideon, Censor Librorum IMPRIMATUR: Most Rev. David R. Choby, Bishop Nashville 25 March 2014 Mass books available from ILP that complement CREDO Hymnal: Book Dive Worship, Hard Cover (Pe PB2013) Word Eucharist - Sundays, Hard Cover (Pe PB201410) Word Eucharist - Daily, Hard Cover (Pe PB201411) The editorial team CREDO Hymnal has orked diligently to determe precise copyright onership titles ith this hymnal. Despite exhaustive efforts to identify properly accredit authors, composers copyright oners, re may be advertent oversights, errors or omissions. Should such a deficiency be brought to publisher s attention, e ill pay suitable royalties make appropriate corrections future editions. International Liturgy Publications PO Box 50476, Nashville, TN 37205.ILPmusic.org 888-88-SONG

Contents Psalms Canticles are presented Psalm order begng on page 4. Hymns Songs ith additional verses: Come, Lord Jesus 176 Wait for Lord 177 Bless Lord, My Soul 178 Alleluia to Kg 17 Surrexit Christus 180 Veni Sancte Spiritus 181 Prophet for World 182 Eat this Bread 183 Give to Lord 184 Let All That Has Breath 186 God Beyond All Names 188 The Lord Is My Light Salvation 10 Light Christ 11 Dome Deus 12 Let My Prayer 14 There Is One Lord 16

ANTIPHON 6 b 4 2 7 b b b Bless - ed are. y ho hope Lord. W 1. Blessed man ho follos not counsel 2. He is like a tree planted near 3. Not so W nor alks ay that yields its fruit y are like chaff hich d drives due a - W but delights la hose leaves nev - er For LORD atches over ay Psalm 1 6th Sunday Ordary Time - Year C run - icked, sners, season, ay. LORD fade. ust, ng not icked, ater, so; W nor sits company solent, Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Joe Higgbotham, b.153, 2006, International Lituirgy Publications W meditates on his la day Whatever he does, but ay ick - ed Πnight. prospers. vanishes. - 4 -

q = 86 ANTIPHON 6 b b b 4 3 7 8 10 b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b Fa -. r, - to hs, I com - mend W 1. In you, O LORD, 2. For all foes I am an obect 3. But trust is 4. Let face she up - - - I you, on take re - O W let me never be a laughgstock to neighbors, a put dread to W In y ho see me a - - - I say, You save me ust - broad are to ice W Into hs I com - - - I am forgotten like unre - - - In hs Take courage mend mem - is be bered stout - W you ill redeem me, O LORD, O I am like a dish rescue me from clutches enemies all you ho hope Psalm 31 Good Friday - Years ABC faith - that ful is refuge; proach, LORD; servant; shame. friends; rescue me. flee from me. God. kdness. spirit; dead; desty; hearted, God. broken. persecutors. LORD. spir - it. Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Joe Higgbotham, b.153, 2013, International Lituirgy Publications - 41 -

ANTIPHON 4 4 4 6 Lord, be rock, W 1. In you, O Lord, I 2. Be rock 3. Let face she up - on take W In You are rock Take cour age ust - ice be stout - rescue me, fortress; hearted, Lord, be rock refuge; refuge, servant; Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Joe Higgbotham, 153, 2013, International Lituirgy Publications Psalm 31 th Sunday Ordary Time - Year A. safe - ty. W let me never be a strong hold to save me put give to me W cle ear to me, make haste to for name s sake you ill lead all you ho hope de - shame. safety. kdness. liver me! guide me. Lord. - 42 -

ANTIPHON 5 b b 4 4 7 b b b b Here am I, Lord; I W 1. 2. I have aited, aited Sacrifice or ferg 3. In ritten scroll it 4. I an - for you is ished pre - nounced W And he put a ne song Holocausts or s-fergs I did not re - to you stra sought Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Beverly McDevitt, b.163, 2006, International Lituirgy Publications Psalm 40 2nd Sunday Ordary Time - Year A 2nd Sunday Ordary Time - Year B come to do ill. W LORD, he stooped toard me heard not, but ears open to obe - dience scribed for me, ustice to do ill, O God, is vast mouth, not; lips, you de - as - W a hymn Then said I, Be - to hold our I la is ith - as you, O LORD, cry. gave me. light, sembly; God. come. heart! kno. - 54 -

ANTIPHON 4 3 10 12 Lord, come to. aid!. Lord, come to W 1. I have aited, 2. The 3. And he put a ne song 4. Though I am af - W He dre me out pit a hymn to yet LORD W he set feet up - Many shall look You are help b on on de - our b a de - Psalm 40 20th Sunday Ordary Time - Year C aited LORD - flict - struction, God. thks me. crag; ae liverer; for heard to ed. aid! LORD, cry. mouth, poor, W out mud he stooped nw he made trust O God, firm hold not. (Verse 1 ) toard me. samp; Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Vce Ambrosetti, b.156, Debra Lee Williamson, b.180, 2013, International Lituirgy Publications steps. LORD. back! - 55 -

q = 2 ANTIPHON 5 4 4 6 7 8 Be mer - ci - ful, O Lord, for e have W 1. Have mercy on me, O God, 2. For I acknoledge 3. A clean heart create for 4. Give me back oy me, - O sal - goodness; fense, God, vation, W a a greatness compassion ipe s is stead fast spirit illg out be - re - spi - fore ne rit - me ith - sus - W A - O Thoroughly ash gast you on - - - Cast me not Lord, me ly out o - from have from pen I W Psalm 51 1st Sunday Lent - Year A done hat is evil Holy Spirit mouth shall pro - - - s take claim not. sned. fense. alays: me. ta me. guilt sned, presence, lips, cleanse me. sight. from me. praise. Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Donald Fishel, b.150, 2007, International Lituirgy Publications - 63 -

q = 100 ANTIPHON 7 4 4 8 10 I ill rise. go, ΠI ill rise. go to W Have mercy on me, O God, A clean heart create for O Lord, o - me, pen O. fa - r. goodness; God, lips, W a greatness compassion ipe steadfast spirit mouth shall out re - pro - ne claim - ith - W My Thoroughly ash Cast me not sacrifice, O God, is me out a from from con - trite W Psalm 51 24th Sunday Ordary Time - Year C Holy Spirit a heart contrite humbled, O God, you s take ill not not fense. me. praise. Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Roger Holtz, b.150, 2007, International Lituirgy Publications guilt presence, spirit; cleanse me. from me. spurn. - 66 -

Sloly ANTIPHON b b 4 Π6 8 10 b b b b b b W Be mer - ci - ful, O Lord,. 1. Have mercy on me, O God, 2. For I acknoledge - 3. A clean heart create for me, O 4. Give me back oy sal - for e W greatness compassion ipe out s is be - a steadfast spirit re - a illg Psalm 51 Ash Wednesday - Years ABC fore ne spirit have - me ith - sus - W Thoroughly ash me from guilt Agast you only have I sned, done hat is evil Cast me not out from presence, Holy Spirit O Lord, open lips, mouth shall pro - take claim s not sned. goodness; fense, God, vation, fense. alays: me. ta me. Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: William Svarda, b.141, 2003, International Lituirgy Publications cleanse me. sight. from me. praise. - 67 -

ANTIPHON b b 4 4 10 b b 12 b b b b The The. Lord up-holds. Lord up-holds. life. The. life, bw n 1. O God, by name 2. For haughty men have risen up a - 3. Behold, God is W O God, ruthless Freely ill I hear seek fer you prayer; life; sacrifice; Text: Refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; Verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Tim Wells, b.155, 2006, International Liturgy Publications Psalm 54 25th Sunday Ordary Time - Year B save me, gast me, help - er; up-holds J Lord up-holds life.. life. Πbw n by might de-fen Lord sus - tas cause. life. W hearken to ords y set not God be - fore I ill praise name, O LORD, for ir its mouth. eyes. good - ness. - 68 -

h = 70 ANTIPHON b b 2 2 11 b b b b Rest. God,. God a - W 1. Only God is soul 2. Only God be at rest, 3. With God is safety at rest; soul, glory, W He only is rock He only is rock Trust him at all times, O sal - sal - vation, vation, people! lone, Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Stacy Whitfield, SGL, b.156, 2010, International Lituirgy Publications Psalm 62 8th Sunday Ordary Time - Year A God a - lone, soul. W from him comes for from him comes he is rock strength; refuge is sal - W stronghold; I shall not be dis stronghold; I shall not be turbed Pour out hearts at dis - be - vation. hope. God. all. turbed. fore him. - 6 -

Moderately slo ANTIPHON 7 4 4 10 My. soul is thirst - g W 1. O God, you are God hom I 2. Thus have I gazed toard you 3. Thus ill I bless you 4. You hile are I 5. I ill remember you up - on for seek; sanctuary live; help, couch,. you, O. Lord. God. W for you flesh pes soul to see poer liftg up hs, I ill call up - on shado gs I shout for through night-atches I ill medi-tate on W For kdness is a greater As ith riches a banquet shall My you good soul soul are than be clgs W like earth, parched, lifeless lips shall ith exultant lips right shado gs I Psalm 63 12th Ordary Time - Year C 22nd Sunday Ordary Time - Year A 32nd Sunday Ordary Time - Year A ith - glo - mouth h shout out ri - shall up - for life; satisfied, fast to you; help, ater. fy you. praise you. holds me. oy. thirsts glory, name. oy. you: Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: William Svarda, b.141, 2003, International Lituirgy Publications Lectionary Notes: 12th Ordary Time - Year C: verses 1-4 22nd Sunday Ordary Time - Year A: verses 1-4 32nd Sunday Ordary Time - Year A: verses 1-3, 5-70 -

ANTIPHON 5 4 4 W The seed that falls on 1. You have visited l 2. Thus have you prepared 3. You have croned year ith 4. The fields are garmented ith W God s atercourses are breakg up its The untilled meados over - good ground ill filled; clods, flo ith it, Psalm 65 15th Sunday Ordary Time - Year A atered it; l: bounty, flocks Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Based on DIX; William H. Monk, 1823-188, 2013, International Lituirgy Publications W W yield a fruit - ful greatly have you en - drenchg its paths overflo ith a rich valleys blanketed ith you have prepared Steng it ith shoers, blessg its reoicg clos They shout sg for har - vest. riched it. furros, harvest; gra. gra. yield. hills. oy. - 71 -

Moderately, 2 ANTIPHON 4 8 6 8 W Let all earth cry 1. Shout oyfully to God, all 2. Let all on earth orship sg 3. He has changed sea to dry 4. Hear no, all you ho fear W proclaim his glorious Come see orks refore let us re - Blessed be God ho refused me earth, praise to you, l; God, praise. God, oice him. not Text: Refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; Verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: William Svarda, b.141, 2003, International Liturgy Publications Psalm 66 6th Sunday Easter - Year A 14th Sunday Ordary Time - Year C out to God ith W W sg praise to glory his sg praise to through river y passed on hile I declare hat he has Say to God, Ho tremendous are his tremendous deeds among children He rules by his might for - prayer or his. oy. name; name! foot; done for me. deeds! Adam. ever. kdness! - 72 -

ANTIPHON 6 4 4 8 The. Lord gave m bread from W 1. What e have 2. He commed 3. Man ate heard skies bread a - heav - en. kno, bove angels,. The Lord gave m bread from heav - en. W hat our fars opened food he sent m have doors W We ill declare to generation to come glorious deeds he raed manna upon m And he brought m to his ho - W b his strength onders gave m to mountas his right Psalm 78 18th Sunday Ordary Time - Year B that heaven - h he ly had for ly de - a - LORD food l, rought. bread. on. clared to us, heaven; bundance. Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Joe Higgbotham, b.153, 2013, International Lituirgy Publications - 82 -

ANTIPHON 5 4 2 13 J Do not for - J Do not for - W 1. Hearken, people, to 2. While he sle m 3. But y flattered him ith 4. But he, beg merciful, for-gave W. get y ir ir. get I ill open mouth Rememberg that God as a ir Though ir hearts ere not stead - fast Often he turned back his Psalm 78 Exaltation Holy Cross teachg; sought him mouths s parable, rock toard him, anger orks orks W cle ears to ords quired after lied to him God ith de - stroyed W I ill utter steries from Most High God, ir nor ere y faithful to let none his rath Lord! Lord! a - ir m re - his be mouth. ga, tongues, not; Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Joe Higgbotham, b.153, 2013, International Liturgy Publications old. deemer. covenant. roused. - 83 -

ANTIPHON b b 4 4 b b Lord, make us turn to you; let us see 7 W 8 10 b b b b b b 1. O shepherd 2. Once aga, O 3. May help be ith man. face Is - LORD rael, right W from throne upon cheru - look don from ith son man hom you - bim, heaven, self she made W take care this ve, protect hat right Then e ill no h more has ith - W Rouse poer, son man hom you - give us ne life, e ill call up - Psalm 80 1st Sunday Advent - Year B 4th Sunday Advent - Year C come self on to made e shall be hearken, hosts, h, forth. see; strong. planted, dra from you; save us. strong. name. saved. Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Joe Higgbotham, b.153, 2013, International Lituirgy Publications - 84 -

ANTIPHON b b b 4 2 The ve- yard Lord is b b b W n 8 10 14 b b b b b b 1. A ve from Egypt 2. Why have you broken 3. Once aga, O 4. Then e ill no W you drove aay na - tions so that every passer-by look don from heav - plucks en, give us ne life, e ill call up- on W protect hat right h has Psalm 80 27th Sunday Ordary Time - Year A its planted, house Is - ra - you don LORD more planted it. fruit, see; name.. el, trans - its ith - house Is - ra - planted; alls, hosts, dra from you; W It put forth its foliage to The boar from forest lays take care O LORD, God hosts, W its shoots as far beasts field son man hom you - as feed self if face she upon us, n e shall it this re - up - made be. el. Sea, aste, ve, store us; Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Joe Higgbotham, b.153, 2006, International Lituirgy Publications River. on it? strong. saved. - 85 -

ANTIPHON 3 b 8 6 5 6 b b b Praise Lord, Je - W 1. Glorify Lord, 2. He has granted peace 3. He has proclaimed his O ord Je - to rusalem; borders; Jacob, J. ru - sa - lem. W praise God, ith best heat his statutes his ordan - ces W For he has strengned bars He sends forth his comm He has not done thus for any to oth - er W he has blessed chil - - - siftly his ordances he has not made knon to m. Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Joe Higgbotham, b.153, 2013, International Liturgy Publications Psalm 147 Corpus Christi - Year A dren runs Al - ith - his le - gates; earth; nation; you. ord! luia. O he to Zion. fills you. Israel. - 16 -

ANTIPHON 4 8 6 10 12 Cry out ith oy.. great glad - ness, for a - Ho - ly One.. Is - ra - W 1. God deed is savior; I am confident 2. Give thanks to LORD, ac - - - 3. Sg praise to LORD for his glori - W My strength courage let this be knon throughout is all LORD, earth. un - claim ous a - his a -. el. mong you is fraid. name; chievement;. W he has among nations make Shout ith exultation, O W With oy you ill dra ater at founta proclaim ho exalted for great midst is Holy Isaiah 12 3rd Sunday Advent - Year C Text: refra: 16, 181, 17, ICEL; verses: 170, 17, 18, CCD Music: Jim Coan, b.152, 10, International Lituirgy Publications is One sal - his been knon city vation. name. Israel! his savior. deeds, Zion, - 171 -

REFRAIN 2. Œ. Œ. Œ. Œ. Wait for Œ Œ Lord, hose day is near. 1. Pre - pare ay for 2. The Œ 5. Seek 6. Joy Œ 4. Re - oice 7. I Œ 8. Our Œ. O. J glo - ry Œ 3. All Lord J J first kg-dom glad - ness for ait - ed for. eyes are Lord sho us Your Œ Wait for Lord 10. Pre Wait for Lord.. Lord. earth Make a shall ill Œ al-ays: God,. all seek ho Œ Lord God fixed on. ay.. pare Œ Lord: be strong, take straight path for. be. see re God is at Œ you shall seek heard Lord our Guide us Your ay for heart! God. vealed. to Refra Lord. h. fd. Lord. cry. God. truth. Lord. to Refra to Refra to Refra to Refra Text: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier, 123-14 184, Les Presses de Taizé; GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive North American agent - - to Refra to Refra to Refra to Refra to Refra - 177 -

REFRAIN 3? 7 11 15 8 6 8 6 8 6 Melody: Ve - ni San - cte Spi - ri - tus. Harmony: Ve - ni San - cte Spi - ri - tus.. J 1. Come, Ho - ly Spir - it, from heav - en ith Your glo - rious.. light..... J J she. forth. Ve - ni San - cte Spi - ri - tus.. 2. Come, Fa - r poor, come, gen - er - ous Spir - it,. come, light our Veni Sancte Spiritus. hearts. Text: Come Holy Spirit; Verses dran from Pentecost Sequence; Taizé Community, 178 Tune: Jacques Berthier, 123-14 17, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive North American agent J J J.. Ve - ni San - cte Spi - ri - tus.... to Refra to Refra - 181 -

5 REFRAIN b b 4 4 b b b b 13 b b CODA 17 b b "I kno not ho to I kno not here to speak; Π1. "With - 2. "Wher-ev - er 3. "For I ill go; moth - er's I send place ΠA proph - et What - ev - er I ill "I kno not ho to speak; Text: Jeremiah 1:4-10; adapt. by Thomas Elliott Ruffo, b.156 Music: Thomas Elliott Ruffo, b.156 2008, International Liturgy Publications Prophet for World omb you, ords for orld I com - m, guide steps Π3 I have no I formed re shall you ith - Π3 I so on ΠI have no you ev - shall have ery ords. I am too heart. go. mouth, made speak." our - ords. you." ney." young.". ΠLast time to CODA to Refra - 182 -