Taste and See That the Lord Is Good. see, . œ œ. all. and. who. the. taste. Bb Bb /A. œ. œ œ.

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2 Taste See That Is Good Bo Hurd horal arrangement y raig S Kingsury Refrain, Psalm 34:9 Keyoard accompaniment y Rick Modlin Soprano Al Tenor Bass anr Keyoard OSTINATO RERAIN (q = 54 5) 8 8 VERSES 8 8 8 Taste 1 Throughout 2 Not those 3 Has no 4 o now let 5 ome learn Were not 7 W dom s feast 8 I am 9 Those eat 10 Bless LORD 11 Ex alt 12 I ced 13 I was poor 14 O B B /A Gal one our at i lee righ teo, condemned you re joice, hearts urn ing pre true cried pd, read flesh times out, J Refrain text 193, The Grail (Engl) All rights reserved Used with permsion of AP Watt, Ltd Mic verses text 2008, Bo Hurd Pulhed y OP, 553 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213 All rights reserved Note: Play Ostina Refrain as an Intro j Edition 30101334

3 see 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Je ut as let s Then your O cured those nei r roth er yoke spoke eat of down drink hum give heard LORD /B do was her le may prae an swered J sick sin ners I dead eas y food, heav en lood hear geth er, cry Am good, # Ds4 Go ut prae pro ex give e me claimed sin ur plained you life ter name see ack den of I no may nal re fears d LORD S # D Taste See That Is Good

4 D N good 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 king more life light scrip live world life joice LORD tress good dom tures me ness / inal 2/A B maj7 Π(Matw 4:23) (Luke 5:32) (John 8:10 11) (Luke 15:32) (Matw 11:29 30) (Luke 24:32) (Provers 9:1 ) (John :32 33) (John :54) (Psalm 34:2 3) (Psalm 34:4) (Psalm 34:5) (Psalm 34:7) (Psalm 34:9) 7 7s4 9 B / B / 8v D D Taste See That Is Good

LUTE Taste See That Is Good Bo Hurd Arranged y Rick Modlin 5 INTRO (q = 54 5) 8 p 2 J J 1 P # J J Π3 8 INAL P 4 # 2008, Bo Hurd Pulhed y OP, 553 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213 All rights reserved Note: Numerals indicate eginning of ostina Players should choose sections at will throughout piece There 14 verses tal

Taste See That Is Good (Guitar/Vocal) Refrain, Psalm 34:9 Bo Hurd Melody anr (A) 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 OSTINATO RERAIN (q = 54 5) apo 3: (D) (G) 8 VERSES 8 Taste (A/G) /B see Je ut as let s Then your O cured those nei r roth er yoke spoke eat of down drink hum le give prae heard LORD an B do was her may swered (G/ B # ) /A 1 Through out 2 Not those 3 Has no 4 o now let 5 ome learn Were not 7 W dom s feast 8 I am 9 Those eat 10 Bless LORD 11 Ex alt 12 I ced 13 I was poor 14 O ( # m) Am sick sin ners I dead eas y food, heav en lood hear geth er, cry J Gal one our at i lee righ con demned re joice, hearts pre true cried (Bs4) Ds4 (Em) urn pd, read flesh times out, teo, you ing J (B) D good, Go ut prae pro ex give e me claimed sin ur plained you life ter name see ack den of I no may nal re fears d LORD S Refrain text 193, The Grail (Engl) All rights reserved Used with permsion of AP Watt, Ltd Mic verses text 2008, Bo Hurd Pulhed y OP, 553 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213 All rights reserved Note: Play Ostina Refrain as an Intro

7 (Em) (Em/D) / (A7s4) 7s4 (A7) 7 (G/A) B / (A) ΠΠD 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 king more life light scrip live world life joice LORD tress good inal (D2/ # ) 2/A dom tures me ness (aj7) B maj7 ΠΠgood Π(Matw 4:23) (Luke 5:32) (John 8:10 11) (Luke 15:32) (Matw 11:29 30) (Luke 24:32) (Provers 9:1 ) (John :32 33) (John :54) (Psalm 34:2 3) (Psalm 34:4) (Psalm 34:5) (Psalm 34:7) (Psalm 34:9) (Em9) 9 (G/A) B / ΠΠomposer Notes (D) (let ring) Although Psalm 34 often appears as a responsorial psalm in Lectionary, it also a long tradition of e as a ommunion song Since th setting primarily intended ommunion, it not only includes psalm verses (see verses 10 14), ut also or Scripture verses, mostly Gospels The intention see Paschal Mystery of Jes as greatest expression of God s goodness we see during ommunion The ostina of Taste See That Is Good requires some c since refrain verses sung simultaneoly Begin y singing refrain several times (without verses) until assemly comtale with it, n add verses To asst in comprehension, make sure canrs heard well, include text of verses in worship resource When introducing rehearsing th song, invite your assemly let go of need hear every single word larity not only or uppermost value in ostina re also eauty of lending multiple texts melodies Uses: Th song may e ed throughout year ommunion In addition, it complements readings of following Sundays celerations: Holy Week/Easter Season Holy Thursday Ordinary Time Ord Time 2 () [marriage feast at ana] Ord Time 17 21 (B) [Jes, Bread of Life] Ord Time 18 (A) [feeding five tho] Most Holy Body Blood of hrt Ritual Masses irst ommunion Bo Hurd D Taste See That Is Good

8 Assemly Edition TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD Ostina Refrain 8 Taste good, Verses 1 Throughout Galilee Jes cured sick proclaimed kingdom 2 Not those righteo, ut those sinners I 3 Has no one condemned you Then neir do I Go sin no more 4 o now let rejoice, your ror was dead ut ack life 5 ome learn yoke easy urden light Were not our hearts urning as spoke explained scriptures 7 Wdom s feast prepd, eat of her food, you may live Bo Hurd Text: Based on Psalm 34:2 5, 7, 9; Provers 9:1 ; Matw 4:23; 11:29, 30; Luke 5:32; 15:32; 24:32; John 8:10, 11; :32, 33, 54 Refrain text 193, The Grail (Engl) All rights reserved Used with permsion of AP Watt, Ltd Mic verses text 2008, Bo Hurd Pulhed y OP, 553 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213 All rights reserved see good 8 I am true read down heaven give life world 9 Those eat flesh drink lood eternal life 10 Bless LORD at times humle may hear rejoice 11 Exalt let give prae ger, prae name of LORD 12 I ced heard cry fears me 13 I was poor cried out, LORD answered me dtress 14 O O see LORD S goodness or reprint permsions, please vit OneLicensenet or contact at 180031501