SAMPLE. œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. P Soprano. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. INTRO Peacefully (q = ca.

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2 Verses 1AB: Matw 4:4b; 2AB: cf Matw 17:5; 3A: cf John 4:42, 15; 3B, 4B: John 3:16; 3: Matw 4:17; 4A: John 8:12; 4: Luke 15:18; 5A: John 11:25a, 26; 5B: John 12:26; 5: Joel 2:12 13 Ash Wednesday funeral verses: hrpher Walker hrpher Walker Keyboard % % % INTRO eacefully (q = ca 126 4 3 4 3 SAMLE RERAIN: 1st time: anr/all; reafter: All anr Soprano Al Tenor Bass rae rae Dm/ Je - sus Je - sus rae rae The Englh translation of Lenten Gospel Acclamation Gospel Verses 1AB, 3AB, 4A, 5AB, from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on Englh in Liturgy, Inc (IEL All rights reserved Used with permsion Music verses 2AB, 4, Ash Wed, funeral 2005, 2007, hrpher Walker ublhed by O, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortl, OR 97213 All rights reserved Edition 20573-Z

hon-or, Em Dm/ Je- sus Je - sus Je- sus Je - sus Je- sus ( SAMLE rae rae /E Dm/ All rae rae 3 ine ine ine

4 YEAR A VERSES: anr or Unon hoir Week 1 1 One does Week 2 2 The Week 3 3, you Week 4 Week 5 4 I 5 I am res-ur - rec - tion not a - r s are live on voice from tru - ly am SAMLE bread a - cloud Sav - ior light of Dm6/ of world lone, heard: world; but Give life; who - ev - er be - on ev - ry Th my me liv - ing who - ev - er word, Son, my wa - ter, fol - lows me, give lieves in me, who -

5 1 on ev - ry 2 Son be - 3 me liv - ing 4 who - ev - er 5 ev - er be - word that lov - ed; wa - ter SAMLE fol-lows me lieves in me that I may nev - er will have will comes l - ten from thirst a - light of nev - er Dm/ God him gain life die ( (

6 YEAR B VERSES: anr or Unon hoir Week 1 Week 2 Weeks 3 4 Week 5 1 One does not live on bread a - lone, 2 The 3, 4 God so loved world that 5 Who - ev - er a - r s voice from SAMLE he serves me must cloud gave h on-ly fol - low Dm6/ heard: Son, me; but so on ev - ry Th my ev- ry-one who be-lieves in him, wher - ev - er word, Son, I am, my

7 1 on ev - ry word that comes from God 2 Son be - lov - ed; 3, 4 ev- ry - one who be -lieves in him 5 wher - ev - er I am, SAMLE might have e - re will my l - ten ter - nal ser - vant Dm/ him life be ( (

8 YEAR VERSES: anr or Unon hoir Week 1 1 One does not Week 2 2 The Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 4 I 5 E - ven a- r s voice from 3 Re - pent, says will live on go my now re - bread a - lone, SAMLE cloud, re - pent; a-r turn Dm6/ heard: say: but I have sinned me, re - on ev - ry Th my king-dom of turn with your a-gainst heav - en, word, Son, my heav - en, whole heart, I have for

9 1 on ev - ry 3 king - dom 4 sinned 5 I of J a-gainst am word 2 Son be - lov - ed; heav - en heav - en SAMLE gra- cious, that comes l - ten close from at a - gainst mer - ci - Dm/ God him h ful ( (

10 ASH WEDNESDAY VERSE: anr or Unon hoir In se - cret let good deeds UNERAL VERSE: anr or Unon hoir ome, a - r her - it you whom my in heav - en be SAMLE Dm6/ king-dom done, your a-r a - r has blessed In - her - it will pre - in pared Dm/ for ( heav - en, your king-dom, in - (

(Guitar/Vocal Verses 1AB: Matw 4:4b; 2AB: cf Matw 17:5; 3A: cf John 4:42, 15; 3B, 4B: John 3:16; 3: Matw 4:17; 4A: John 8:12; 4: Luke 15:18; 5A: John 11:25a, 26; 5B: John 12:26; 5: Joel 2:12 13 Ash Wednesday funeral verses: hrpher Walker 11 hrpher Walker % INTRO eacefully (q = ca 126 Ċ 4 3 (Keyboard RERAIN: 1st time: anr/all; reafter: All anr rae Em Dm/ Je-sus SAMLE /E rae YEAR A VERSES: anr or Unon hoir Week 1 Dm6/ 1 One does 1 on not ev - ry live word on bread a - that Dm/ All hon-or lone, Dm/ comes Dm/ rae but Je - sus from on God ev - ry rae word, ine The Englh translation of Lenten Gospel Acclamation Gospel Verses 1AB, 3AB, 4A, 5AB, from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on Englh in Liturgy, Inc (IEL All rights reserved Used with permsion Music verses 2AB, 4, Ash Wed, funeral 2005, 2007, hrpher Walker ublhed by O, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortl, OR 97213 All rights reserved

12 (YEAR A VERSES Week 2 2 The a - r s 2 Son be - Week 3 3, you 3 me Week 4 are 4 I liv - ing 4 who - ev - er Week 5 voice from lov-ed; tru - ly Dm6/ cloud SAMLE am wa-ter fol-lows me that I 5 I am res - ur - rec - tion 5 ev - er be - lieves in me Dm6/ heard: Dm/ Sav - ior may Dm6/ light of l - ten of world nev - er world; will have Dm6/ will Dm/ Give Th my him me thirst a - Dm/ light life; who - Dm/ liv - ing gain who - ev - er of life ev - er be - nev - er die Son, my wa- ter, give fol - lows me, lieves in me, who -

13 YEAR B VERSES: anr or Unon hoir Week 1 Dm6/ 1 One does not live on bread a - lone, but on ev - ry word, 1 on Week 2 2 The ev - ry a - r s 2 Son be - Weeks 3 4 word voice from lov- ed; 3, 4 God so loved world that SAMLE he 3, 4 ev- ry-one who be -lieves in him Week 5 5 Who - ev - er 5 wher - ev - er serves me I am, must Dm6/ cloud Dm6/ gave Dm6/ that Dm/ comes heard: Dm/ h on - ly l - ten Son, might have e - fol - low re will my me; Dm/ so from God Th my Dm/ him ev- ry-one ter - nal ser - vant Son, my life wher - ev - er be who be-lieves in him, I am,

14 YEAR VERSES: anr or Unon hoir Week 1 Dm6/ 1 One does not live on bread a - lone, but on ev - ry word, 1 on Week 2 2 The ev - ry a - r s 2 Son be - Week 3 3 king- dom Week 4 word voice from lov-ed; 3 Re - pent, says 4 I 4 sinned will J of a- gainst SAMLE heav-en go my heav-en Dm6/ cloud Dm6/ that Dm/ comes heard: Dm/, re - Dm6/ a - r pent; say: l - ten Dm/ Dm/ close from God Th my him king-dom at I have sinned a - gainst h of a - gainst Son, my heav- en, heav-en, I have

15 (YEAR VERSES Week 5 Dm6/ 5 E - ven now re - turn me, re - turn with your whole heart, for 5 I am gra-cious, SAMLE ASH WEDNESDAY VERSE: anr or Unon hoir Dm6/ In a - r se - cret in let heav-en good deeds be UNERAL VERSE: anr or Unon hoir ome, her - it you whom my king-dom Dm6/ a - r has done, will Dm/ mer - ci - your Dm/ ful a- r blessed In - pre - Dm/ pared her - it for in heav-en, your king-dom, in -

16 Assembly Edition GAELI GOSEL ALAMATION OR LENT hrpher Walker 4 3Refrain: 1st time: anr, All repeat; reafter: All rae rae SAMLE Text: The Englh translation of Lenten Gospel Acclamation from Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, International ommittee on Englh in Liturgy, Inc (IEL All rights reserved Used with permsion Music 2005, hrpher Walker ublhed by O, 5536 NE Hassalo, ortl, OR 97213 All rights reserved omposer Notes Je - sus or reprint permsions, please vit OneLicensenet or contact us at 1-800-663-1501 Th may be sung at any mass during Lent Verses for Ash Wednesday five Sundays of three-year cycle of readings are included, as well as a verse for funeral masses when y occur during Lent The refrain may be sung during weekday masses with or without a verse The first half of refrain may be inned by canr or unon choir, verses may also be sung by eir canr or unon choir SATB choral parts are included for refrain, may be sung on repeat after a verse increase sense of reaching a climax in proclamation of Gospel To keep spirit of Lenten season, refrain may be sung at end of gospel, after priest or deacon has said or sung, The Gospel of Guitar chords are given If re a melodic instrument, let it play soprano line in choir parts A cello may play melody down an octave, or double tenor or bass line hrpher Walker