Saturday of the Raising of Lazarus the Righteous

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2 3 4 5 6 7 Lenten Triodion Saturday of Raising of Lazarus Righteous Apolytikion Byzantine Chant Tone 1 D Christopher Holey Deacon ohn El Massih O Christ God, hen Thou didst raise Laz - a - rus from dead, e - fore Thy Pas - sion, Thou didst con - firm u - ni - ver - sal res - ur - rec - tion. Where - fore, e, like chil - dren, car - ry thē in - - sig - ni - a of tri - umph and vic - to - ry, and cry to Thee, O Van - quish - er of death: Ho - san - na in high - est. Bless - ed is 8 1, 2. He Who com - eth in Name of Lord. 9 3. C D He Who com -eth in Name of Lord. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 2, 4/8/17, CAH

SATURDAY OF THE RAISING OF LAZARUS THE RIGHTEOUS PALM SUNDAY First Troparion (B) Soprano Alto Tenor Bass O Christ God, hen Thou didst raise Byzantine Chant - Tone 1 Arranged y Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Adapated y Michael G. Farro Laz-a - rus from dead e - fore Thy Pas - sion, Thou didst con - firm u - ni - ver - sal aes car - ry res - ur - rec - an - ner of tion. Where - fore, e like tri - umph and vic - to - ry, MGF_0176-1 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 3/21/17

PALM SUNDAY - First Troparion (B) - 2 and cry un - to Thee, O Van - quish - er of death: Ho - san - na in high - est. Blest is He that com - eth in Name of Lord! MGF_0176-2 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 3/21/17

Lenten Triodion Saturday of Raising of Lazarus Righteous Kontakion Byzantine Chant Tone 2 Special melody: In seeking heights To those on thē earth, oy of all, Christ 6 God, Truth, Light and Life, Res - ur - rec - tion 12 of orld, in His good-ness hath no ap - peared and 18 is e - come true ar - che - type of 23 Res - ur - rec - tion of all, e - sto - ing di - 28 - vine for - give - ness on all men. Used ith permission. Music copyright, 2000. St. Gregory Palamas Monastery, Perrysville-Hayesville, OH. Text copyright, 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 1, 3/21/17, CAH

Lenten Triodion LAZARUS SATURDAY Megalynarion: Hymn to Theotokos (B) Soprano Alto Byzantine Chant, Tone 8 Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Tenor Bass Come, ye peo - ple, let us hon - or ith glo - ri - fi - ca - tions un - de - filed The - o - to - kos, ho ore in her om Di - vine Fire and as not con-sumed; and ith cease - less prais - es let us glo - ri - fy her. MGF_0169 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 3/23/17

Lenten Triodion Psalm 8:2 Soprano Alto Refrain: LAZARUS SATURDAY Communion Hymn Byzantine Tone 8 Arranged y Michael G. Farro. Tenor Bass Out of mouths of in - fants, in - fants and suck - lings,. Thou hast per - fect - ed praise, Thou hast per - fect - ed praise. Verses: (1) For I ill ehold heavens, orks of Thy fingers, moon and stars, hich Thou hast founded. (Psalm 8:3) (2) What is man, that Thou art mindful of him Or son of man, that Thou visitest him (Psalm 8:4) (3) Thou hast made him a little loer than angels; ith glory and honor hast Thou croned him, and Thou hast set him over orks of Thy hands. (Psalm 8:5) MGF_0321 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/3/07

Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Alleluia A Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! Alleluia B Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - - - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 3/10/17

4 2. n Wn 1. Re - 2. When On this Griev - ing n God came to it - ter dead sor - are ro n right sad - Life, ment, W Him out for ness,. oice, re - Mar - tha day loud - ly ith. e; tears, made of. He ail - ing n He ail - ing a- her n is her is her live, heart oice, ent. And She to God came it - to la - la - dead sor - Lenten Triodion Reoice, O Bethany for Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday are ro Special Byzantine - Tone 6 (Hiaz) Arranged y Bishop BASIL Essey (1986) from Araic y Metropolitan Athanasios Atallah of Homs Life, ment, Life; ment; made of in poured Him a- her n O Beth - re - ceive to ter e, tears, W Him out. a - ny! Him, W As With He Wail - ing live, heart to. And She is great n is her Him la - in poured MGF_0170-1 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/8/07

Reoice, O Bethany - 2 W As With W. my sad is great n 3. She 4. e - n "My Cease n at sus your la - n right, sad - once said. cried to most griev - Lord, ment; loss most of e - lov - n ro - soon ken, ill my ed for ness, out her, ing roth - er friend. help live n com - and. At For. He ail - ing n is her un - to "Cease your Laz - a - Laz - a - a - pas - sion - ate sad la - me, gain, your rus, rus, W la - Life. ment. n Him, eep - Lord, ment, great roth -. help he W er, ing, My My heart is Ve - ry n ill live a - me, gain,. help he n ill live a - me! gain;. At For your MGF_0170-2 Rev. 1, 3/8/07

Reoice, O Bethany - 3 W great roth - W W. er, My My heart is Ve - ry n 5. Then 6. Come n Made And n ith His e - un - to on - drous loss most ro - soon He, haste,. ay hold him from n forth, lov - ho tom as say - ing, ed Re - of e - lov - n tom, thing,. ye ken, ill ur - has "Laz - deem - a my ed roth - er friend. help live n faith - ful Re - to un - to on -. Where For ied four re - turned n a-rus, er no a - give to He your rise! thanks, drous days, life, Laz - a - Laz - a - a - rus, rus, me!" gain." n deem - sis - W tom, thing, cried roth -. W call - to er, ters, un - to er ing n Laz - a - rus, no him e - a - give MGF_0170-3 Rev. 1, 3/8/07

Reoice, O Bethany - 4 rise! thanks, W W cried roth - W call - to. ing n un - to er him e - 7. To 8. Re - n We On rev' - God n kneel this rence came. n Laz - a - rus, no him from forth, lov - Thee, oice,. don day pro - to ho dead are are n O re - ho tom a - give say - ing, ed Re - found; e; dead made Lord oice, in as rise!" thanks, ur - has. "Laz - deem - rev' - God. For And in a- sin, live, of ied four re - turned n a-rus, er no rence came Cre - O all in. Where For to a - give pro - to days, life, rise!" thanks. n He your a - tion, Beth - a - ny! found, e, W e Him W In As Thee, O is MGF_0170-4 Rev. 1, 3/8/07

Reoice, O Bethany - 5 n e - right live, Life, W e Him W In As sus, are for Thee, O is. e He ho dead. made He n are n made is a - is n e - right, are are sus, for a - are live, Life, live. Life; dead made. made He. e He in a- sin, live, n is a - are. For And live. Life. n made is all in a- MGF_0170-5 Rev. 1, 3/8/07

Lenten Triodion PALM SUNDAY The First Antiphon Traditional Russian (Znamenny) Chant (A) Through in - ter - ces - sions of The - o - to - kos, O Sav - ior, save us. Michael G. Farro (B) Through in - ter-ces-sions of The - o - to - kos, O n Sav - ior, save us. V. 1: I am filled ith love, for Lord ill hear voice of my supplication. (Ps. 114:1) R. V. 2: The pangs of death have encompassed me. The perils of Hades have found me. (Ps. 114:3) R. V. 3: Triulation and sorro have I found, and I called upon name of Lord. (Ps. 114:4 ) R. V. 4: Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit, oth no and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. R. MGF_0171A,B Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/6/07

Lenten Triodion PALM SUNDAY The Second Antiphon (A) O Son of save us ho God, ho didst n sing un - to lu -. sit up - on foal of an Thee: Al - le - Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Alert Hazeem ass,. ia!.. (B) O Son of God,. ho didst sit up - on foal of an ass, Michael G. Farro save us ho sing to Thee: Al - le - lu - ia! V. 1: I elieved, herefore I spake; I as humled exceedingly. (Ps. 115:1) R. V. 2: What shall I render unto Lord for all that He hath rendered unto me. (Ps. 115:3) R. V. 3: I ill take cup of salvation, and I ill call upon name of Lord. (Ps. 115:4) R. V. 4: My vos unto Lord ill I pay in presence of all His people. (Ps. 115:5) R. V. 5: Glory to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit, oth no and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. R. MGF_0172A,B Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/12/07

Lenten Triodion Psalm 117:25-26 PALM SUNDAY Entrance Hymn Soprano Alto Adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Archpriest Dmitri V. Razumovsky (1818-1898) Tenor Bass Bless - ed is He that com - eth in name of Lord!.. God is Lord and. hath re - vealed Him - self to us!.. O Son of God, ho didst sit up-on foal of an ass, save us ho sing un-to Thee: Al-le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia. MGF_0173 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/12/07

Lenten Triodion PALM SUNDAY The Entrance Hymn (BYZANTINE USE) PRIEST: Blessed is He that cometh in name of Lord! God is Lord and hath revealed Himself to us! (Psalm 117:25-26) Soprano Alto Tenor Bass O Son of God,. ho didst sit up - on foal of an ass, Michael G. Farro save us ho sing to Thee: Al - le - lu - ia! MGF_0174 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/12/07

Lenten Triodion Saturday of Raising of Lazarus Righteous Apolytikion 2 3 Byzantine Chant Tone 1 D Christopher Holey Deacon ohn El Massih O Christ God, hen Thou didst raise Laz - a - rus from dead, e - fore Thy Pas - sion, Thou didst con - firm u - ni - ver - sal res - ur - rec - tion. 4 5 Where - fore, e, like chil - dren, car - ry thē in - - sig - ni - a of tri - umph and vic - to - ry, 6 7 8 and cry to Thee, O Van - quish - er of death: Ho - san - na in high - est. Bless - ed is He Who com - eth in Name of Lord. Text music used ith permission. Copyright, 2005. Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 1, 3/21/17, CAH

PALM SUNDAY First Troparion (B) Soprano Alto Tenor Bass O Christ God, hen Thou didst raise Byzantine Chant - Tone 1 Arranged y Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Adapated y Michael G. Farro Laz-a - rus from.. dead e - fore Thy Pas - sion,.. Thou didst con - firm u - ni - ver - sal aes car - ry res - ur - rec - an - ner of. tion... Where - fore, e like tri - umph and. vic - to - ry,. MGF_0176-1 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 1/13/14

PALM SUNDAY - First Troparion (B) - 2. and cry un - to Thee, O Van - quish - er of death:.. Ho - san - na in high - est. Blest is He that com - eth in Name of Lord! MGF_0176-2 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 1/13/14

Byzantine chant - Tone 4 Un. Lenten Triodion PALM SUNDAY 2nd Troparion (A) Adapted y Christopher Holey from music of Basil Kazan (1915-2001) O Christ God, hen e ere ur - ied ith 2 G e in Bap - tis - m e e - came de - serv - ing 3 E of thy Res - ur - rec - tion to im - mor - tal life. Where-fore e Un. 4 G praise e cry - ing: Ho - san - na in 5 high - est. Bless - ed is he that com - eth 6 Un. in Name of Lord. 7 Final Ending G F G in name of Lord. Copyright 2008, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 3/21/17

Lenten Triodion PALM SUNDAY Second Troparion (B) Soprano Alto Byzantine Chant - Tone 4 Arranged y Priest Antony Bassoline (1944-1993) Tenor Bass Bur - ied ith Thee through ap - tis - m, O Christ our God, e have een grant - ed im - mor-tal life y Thy Res - ur - rec - tion,.. and e sing Thy prais - es, say - ing:. "Ho - san - na in high -. est! Bless - ed is He that com - eth in Name of Lord!".. MGF_0178 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/6/07

Soprano Alto Lenten Triodion PALM SUNDAY Kontakion (B) Byzantine Chant - Tone 6 Arranged y Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Tenor Bass O Christ our God, Who in Heav - en dost rest up - on Thy (optional) throne and on earth up - on a foal, re - ceive praise of An - gels and hymns of mul - ti - tude, ho cry un - to Thee: "Bless - ed art Thou, O Lord, rit. Who didst come to call ack Ad - am from dead!" MGF_0180-1 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 3/28/17

Psalm 97: 1,3 Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Lenten Triodion PALM SUNDAY Alleluia. Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! Byzantine - Tone 1 Arranged y Archpriest ohn D. Finley Verses adapted y Michael G. Farro from music of Archpriest ohn D. Finley. Verse 1 Chanter O sing unto Lord a ne song, for Lord hath rought on-drous things. Ps. 97:1 Verse 2 All ends of earth have seen sal - va - tion Ps. 97:3 of our God. MGF_0182 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/7/07

Lenten Triodion PALM SUNDAY Megalynarion: Hymn to Theotokos (B) Soprano Alto Based on Byzantine Chant - Tone 4 Arranged y Frederick Karam (1926-1978) God is Lord and hath ap - peared to Tenor Bass us. Pre - pare ye a feast and re - oice; let us praise and mag - ni - fy Christ, ring - ing palms and ranch - es! Let us cry a - loud our prais - es: MGF_0184-1 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/7/07

"Bless - ed is our Sav - ior, Who com - PALM SUNDAY - Hymn to Theotokos (B) - 2 eth in Name of Lord!" MGF_0184-2 Rev. 1, 3/7/07

Lenten Tridion Psalm 117:25 PALM SUNDAY Communion Hymn Soprano Alto Refrain: Byzantine Tone 8 Arranged y Michael G. Farro Tenor Bass Bless - ed is He, less - ed is He,. ho com - eth in Name, in Name of Lord. Verses: (1) We have lessed you out of house of Lord. God is Lord and hath appeared unto us. (Psalm 117:26) (2) Ordain a feast ith thick oughs, even unto horns of altar. (Psalm 117:27) (3) Thou art my God and I ill confess Thee; Thou art my God and I ill exalt Thee. (Psalm 117:28) (4) I ill give thanks unto Thee, for Thou hast heard me, and Thou art ecome my salvation. (Psalm 117:29) (5) O give thanks unto Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever. (Psalm 117:30) MGF_0185 Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/6/07

Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Alleluia A Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! Al - le - lu - - - ia! Alleluia B Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - - - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Copyright 2004, y Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 3/10/17