The Bread of Your Word Featuring Seasonal Songs and the Santa Clara Mass

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You Have Laid Down Your Precepts (Psalm 119) j œ. œ œ J œ œ œ œ. have laid down your. . œ. œ. œ œ œ œ. firm to o - bey your com-mands.

SAMPLE. œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. P Soprano. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. INTRO Peacefully (q = ca.

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œ œ œ œ œ kind - ness; C/Bb B b F/A b œ œ. œ œ kind - ness and sal -

Mass of Christ the Savior. Dan Schutte

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If our singing and playing better today will help to bring them that light, Lord, please make that happen.

Canticle of Mary. (Magnificat) My soul gives glo - ry to the Lord, œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. w w w

When We Eat This Bread. this. bread. and. and. this. bread. un - til. un - til

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The Bread Y Word Featur Seasonal Songs the Santa Clara Mass TITLE EITION Christ the ood Shepherd.... 30133959 Easter Season yearround SMPLE Every Creature Is Sister Brother... 30135427 Inspired by Pope Francis s encyclical, Laudato Si ive Us, O... 30130636 ather Communion, yearround Pentecost Sequence.... 30116971 Based on Ye Sons aughters Return to Me....30133950 sh Wednesday Lent Say to the Frightened Heart... 30133948 dvent The Bread I Will ive.... 30133952 Holy Thursday yearround The Least These.... 30133951 Christ the K (year ), yearround Santa Clara Mass (Choralonly edition).... 30133997 lively, accessible sett for yearround use The Bread Y Word (Octavo Packet)... 30133845 Includ all the titles above The Bread Y Word (Compact isc).... 30133846

Commissioned for the faith community Christ the ood Shepherd Parish, Vinel, N, with special thanks to r. Susan WittTrabuchi Christ the ood Shepherd Refrain based on ohn 10:11; Matthew 25:31 46 3 Bob Hurd rr. by Rick Modlin Piano?. INTRO (q = ca. 84) 4 2? 4 2 /. F m SMPLE. /. sus4. F m 2012, 2016, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. ll rights reserved.. Edition 30133959

4 % REFRIN Soprano lto?? Christ Tenor %... F m. SMPLE... F m. the ood Shepherd, shepherd people in to the ways. righteousness: feed the hungry, welcom strangers,? Esus4 E?.??.. sus4.. the least a mong us, pres ence,. / F m /... 14 14 sus4.. to Verses to Verses... F m. Final Final sus4. Christ the ood Shepherd

5?. VERSES? / n 1. s we 2. Shep herd 3. In a 4. Con quer 1. 2. 3. 4.?? m7 par who world n. ceive brac heal hear C/ /F n n. 1. sac 2. flect 3. in 4. tend m7 n n F m / SMPLE Cadd9 n. /B Fine take bread life, as we re seeks out the least lost, Mer cy em wound hearts ed with by war call, O hate, you that give we /. cup, all, feast; heed: sus2,4 n ra ment the kind stru ment sheep,. ness fol. low love. od. peace. me. Esus4. m7. n E. /.. Feed us, (Luke 15:4) (Psalm 23:5) (ohn 21:15 19) sus4. U u n m7 n.. n church lives lambs, C a re an n n C/B Christ the ood Shepherd.S..S.

6 F m sus4 Commissioned for the faith community Christ the ood Shepherd Parish, Vinel, N, with special thanks to r. Susan WittTrabuchi INTRO (q = ca. 84) 4 2 shepherd / (Piano or Lead uitar) / SMPLE. F m peo ple. feed the sus4 the least a mong us, / Christ the ood Shepherd (uitar/vocal) Refrain based on ohn 10:11; Matthew 25:31 46 F m F m in to. hun gry, / pres ence, / the F m. Christ the ood % REFRIN F m 14 sus4 ways wel com Cadd9. to Verses /B /. Shep herd, Esus4 E righteousness: F m. strang ers, Final sus4 Bob Hurd U Fine 2012, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. ll rights reserved.

7 VERSES m7 1. s we 2. Shep herd 3. In a 4. Con quer par who world / take seeks wound hearts C/ /F 1. 2. 3. 4. ceive brac heal hear m7 n. 1. sac 2. flect 3. in 4. tend ra the stru sus2,4 cup, all, feast; heed: out ed with the by m7 SMPLE ment kind ment sheep, ness fol low bread least war call, Esus4 love. od. peace. me. O. Feed E Chord Charts / life, lost, hate, / C/ / sus2,4 us, (Luke 15:4) (Psalm 23:5) (ohn 21:15 19) 3 2 1 4 Composer Notes m7 as Mer you that C sus4 we cy give we re em church lives lambs, The specific Lectionary context for song is the Fth Sunday Easter ood Shepherd Sunday. But it also speaks to the mean the Communion Rite so be used yearround. To receive the Eucharist is to become other Christs, which means to so st with Christ in his selfempty, agapic service to others. C/B a re an.s. Uses: Fth Sunday Easter (BC); yearround for Preparation the ifts, Communion, postcommunion Bob Hurd Christ the ood Shepherd

8 ssembly Edition CHRIST THE OO SHEPHER Refrain 4 2. SMPLE. Text: Refrain based on ohn 10:11, Matthew 25:31 46; verses 24 based on Luke 15:4, Ps. 23:5, ohn 21:15 19. Text music 2012, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. ll rights reserved. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 18006631501. Bob Hurd Christ the ood Shepherd, shepherd people in to the ways... righteousness: feed the hungry, welcom strangers, the least a mong us, presence, Verses 1. s we par take bread life, as we re 2. Shepherd who seeks out the least lost, Mer cy em 3. In a world wound ed by war hate, you give 4. Con quer hearts with call, O that we 1. 2. 3. 4. ceive brac heal hear n. cup, all, feast; heed: 1. sac ra ment 2. flect the kind ness 3. in stru ment 4. tend sheep, fol low love. od. peace. me.. Feed us,. church lives lambs, a re an 2 to Refrain