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Misa Santa Fe Choral Edition Mary Frances Reza 2011, OCP 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 (503) 281-1191 liturgy@ocporg ocporg Spanish text from Misal Romano 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved Sole US agent: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 3211 Fourth Street NE, Washington, DC 20017-119; usccborg Used ith permission Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 2010, International Committee onenglish in the Liturgy, Inc (ICEL), 1522 K Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20005-1202 All rights reserved Used ith permission The English translation of the Alleluia Verses, Gospel Verses, and Lenten Gospel Acclamation from the Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Some Spanish gospel verses and the Spanish Lenten gospel acclamation 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española de Liturgia, Añastro, 1, 28033 Madrid, España All rights reserved Used ith permission Some Spanish gospel verses 1972, SOBICAIN, Protasio Gómez, 15, 28027 Madrid, España All rights reserved Used ith permission Some English gospel verses from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States 1970, 1997, 1998, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc (CCD), 3211 th St NE, Washington, DC 20017 All rights reserved Used ith permission No portion of this text may be reproduced ithout permission in riting from the copyright holder Published ith the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any ay ithout ritten permission from the publisher Table of Contents Acto Penitencial, Formulario 3/Penitential Act ith Invocations Gloria/Glory to God 6 Aclamación al Evangelio/Gospel Acclamation 1 Aclamaciones Eucarísticas/Eucharistic Acclamations Santo/Holy 16 Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your Death 18 Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread 20 Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior 22 Amén/Amen 23 Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God 2 The folloing parts for Solo Instrument in C and Trumpet in Bb are available online; visit ocporg: Acto Penitencial, Formulario 3/ Penitential Act ith Invocations (C part only) ed 3010599 Gloria/Glory to God ed 30105661 Aclamación al Evangelio/ Gospel Acclamation ed 30105665 Santo/Holy ed 30105669 Anunciamos Tu Muerte/ We Proclaim Your Death ed 30105673 Cada Vez que Comemos/ When We Eat This Bread ed 30105677 Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior ed 30105681 Amén/Amen ed 30105685 Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God (C part only) ed 30105689 Additional Mass part available online; visit ocporg: Señor, Ten Piedad/Lord, Have Mercy ed 3010621 Misa Santa Fe Keyboard/Vocal Edition ed 3010638 Guitar/Choral Edition (includes Assembly Editions) ed 301060 Guitar/Vocal Edition ed 3010637 Choral-only Edition ed 3010639 Edition 30105696



ACTO PENITENCIAL, FORMULARIO 3/PENITENTIAL ACT WITH INVOCATIONS, cont (2) Sacerdote/Diácono/Cantor u otro ministro Priest/Deacon/Cantor or other minister á # 2 Tú que estás sentado a la derecha del Padre para interceder por You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede no - for 2 2 # S/All A so - tros: us: ñor, Lord, T B ten have Se - Se - # pie - ñor, Lord, ten pie - have ñor, Lord, dad mer - cy Se - ñor, Lord, 1 dad mer - cy ten pie - have Se - Final Se - dad mer - cy Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used ith permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved rit rit U u Se - 5

GLORIA/GLORY TO GOD Intro (q = ca 116) % Estribillo: 1a vez: Cantor, Todos repiten; después: Todos Soprano # Contralto Glo - ria a Dios en el cie - lo, y en la tie - rra paz a los Tenor Bao % Refrain: 1st time: Cantor, All repeat; thereafter: All Soprano Alto Tenor Bass # Glo - ry to God in the high -est, # hom-bres que a -ma el Se - ñor # # # 1 1 peo -ple, to peo-ple of good ill # # # # and on 2- ñor 2- ill earth peace to a las Estrofas Ó Ó 1 2 3 Se - to Verses Nota: El estribillo se puede repetir después de cada estrofa O bien, después de cantar el estribillo la primera vez, se puede omitir, cantando las estrofas de principio a fin, terminando con la estrofa 3 y el amén Note: The refrain can be repeated after each verse or after singing the refrain the first time, it can be omitted singing straight through the verses, ending ith verse 3 and the amen 6

GLORIA/GLORY TO GOD, cont (2) Final ñor Final ill Estrofa 1: Cantor/Coro 1 Por tu in -men - sa glo - ria te a - la - ba -mos, te ben-de - 1 We Verse 1: Cantor/Choir dore you, praise you, e rit rit rit rit Fin Fine bless you, e a - 1 ci - mos, te a - do - ra -mos, te glo - ri - fi - 1 # # # # # e glo - ri - # fy you, e give you 7

GLORIA/GLORY TO GOD, cont (3) 1 # 1 ca - mos, te da - mos gra -cias, Se - ñor Dios, # thanks for your great Ó # Ó glo - ry, Ó # Ó Lord 1 Rey ce -les -tial, Dios Pa - dre to -do -po -de - ro - so 1 heav - en - ly King, O God, al - might - y Fa - ther Estrofa 2: Cantor/Coro 2 ( ) Se ( ) Verse 2: Cantor/Choir - ñor, Hi - o ú-ni-co, e - su - cris - 2 Lord e - sus Christ, On - ly Be-got -ten # # God, # to, # Son, al % DS 8

GLORIA/GLORY TO GOD, cont () 2 Se -ñor Dios, Cor -de - ro de Dios, Hi - o del Pa - dre, 2 Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the # # Fa - ther, 2 tú que qui -tas el pe - ca -do del mun - do, ten pie- 2 you take a - ay the sins of the # orld, have # 9

GLORIA/GLORY TO GOD, cont (5) 2 dad de no - so - tros; tú que qui-tas el pe - ca -do # # 2 mer - cy on us; you take a -ay the sins 2 mun 2 of the - do, a - tien - de nues -tra sú-pli-ca; # orld, # re - ceive our del # prayer; # 10

GLORIA/GLORY TO GOD, cont (6) 2 tú que es-tás sen - ta - do a la de - re - cha del 2 you are # # # # seat - ed at the 2 Pa - dre, ten pie - dad de no - so - 2 Fa - ther, have mer - cy on Estrofa 3: Cantor/Coro 3 For # # right hand of the tros # us # 3 Por-que só -lo tú e -res San - to, só - lo tú Se - Verse 3: Cantor/Choir # # # # # # # # al % DS # ñor, # you a -lone are the Ho-ly One, you a-lone are the Lord, 11

GLORIA/GLORY TO GOD, cont (7) # 3 só - lo tú Al - tí - si -mo, e - su -cris - # 3 you a-lone are the Most High, e - # # # # # # # # # # sus # to, # Christ, 3 con el Es - pí - ri - tu San - to en la glo - ria de Dios 3 ith the Ho - ly Spir - it, in the glo - ry of God the # # # # 3 Pa -dre A - mén A - 3 Fa -ther A - men A - ẇ ẇ # # al Estribillo to Refrain # mén # men al % y fin DS al fine 12

GLORIA/GLORY TO GOD, cont (8) Final Opcional 3 A # 3 A # # Optional Final Ending - # - mén men Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used ith permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved 5 5 5 5 13

ACLAMACIÓN AL EVANGELIO/GOSPEL ACCLAMATION % Respuesta/Response: (q = ca 116) 1a vez: Cantor, Todos repiten; después: Todos 1st time: Cantor, All repeat; thereafter: All A - le - lu - ya, a-le - lu - ya, * A - la - ban - za a ti, oh Cris - to, Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, * Praise to you, Lord e - sus Christ, ya! glo - ria ia! glo - ry! # a - Rey al - King *Cuaresma/Lent # A - le - lu - ya, a-le - A - la - ban - za a ti, Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - Praise to you, Lord e - # le - lu - de e - ter - na le - lu - of end - less 1 ya! glo - ria ia! glo - ry! # a - Rey al - King le - lu - de e-teof end - - na le - lu - less lu - ya, oh lu - Cris - to, ia, sus Christ, A - le - A - la - Al - le - Praise to 2, Final ya! glo - ria ia! glo - ry! # a la Estrofa/to Verse (Fin/Fine) 1

ACLAMACIÓN AL EVANGELIO/GOSPEL ACCLAMATION, cont (2) *Estrofas/Verses 1, 2: Cantor/Coro/Choir 1 2 1 2 Yo Yo I I soy soy am am la el the the Luz Buen light good del Pas - of the mun - tor, orld, shep-herddo, 1 el que me si - gue ten - drá 2 noz - co a mis o - ve - as, 1 ho - ev - er fol - los me 2 I kno my sheep, *Estrofa/Verse 3: Cantor/Coro/Choir á # 3 Ahora, dice el Se - ñor, Even no, says the Lord, la y las ill and # di - di - says says ce el ce el Se - Se - the the # luz mí - have mine as the de me light la co - of kno ñor; ñor; Lord; Lord; vi - no - life me da cen co - al % y fin/ds al fine á # vuelvan a mí de return to me á 3 Porque soy bondadoso for I am y com - pa - gra - cious and to - ith do your co - hole ra - zón, heart; si - mer - ci - *Verse 1, Common Ordinary Time and Lent A; verse 2, Easter ABC; verse 3, Lent 5C vo ful al % y fin/ds al fine Text: ohn 8:12; 10:1; oel 2:12-13 Spanish refrain 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española de Liturgia All rights reserved Used ith permission Spanish verses 1972, SOBICAIN All rights reserved Used ith permission English refrain and some verses 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Some English verses 1970, 1997, 1998, CCD All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved 15

SANTO/HOLY Intro (q = ca 116) Soprano # Contralto San -to, San-to, San-to es el Se-ñor, Dios del U - ni - ver - Tenor Bao Soprano # # Alto Ho -ly, Ho -ly, Ho - Tenor Bass # # # # ly Lord God of so * hosts Lle -nos es-tán el cie - lo y la tie -rra de tu glo - ria Ho - # # # Heav - en and earth are full of your glo - ry * Ho - # # Nota: Para cantar en forma bilingüe, empiece en español y cambie idioma en el asterisco Note: To sing bilingually, begin in Spanish and sitch languages at the asterisks Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor, Dios del Universo Heaven and earth are full of your glory Hosanna en el cielo Hosanna en el cielo Blessed is he ho comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna en el cielo Hosanna en el cielo # # 16

SANTO/HOLY, cont (2) san - na en el cie - lo Ho - san -na en el cie - lo * Ben- san - na in the high-est Ho - san -na in the high-est # # # di - to el que vie-ne en nom -bre del Se - ñor Ho - # # Bless - ed is he ho comes in the name of the Lord * Ho - # # san - na en el cie - lo Ho - san - na en el cie - lo # san - na in the high-est Ho - san - na in the high-est # # # # # # Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used ith permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved 17

ANUNCIAMOS TU MUERTE/WE PROCLAIM YOUR DEATH Intro (q = ca 110) Soprano Contralto Tenor Bao Soprano Alto Tenor Bass te, Lord, N Ó Ó Ó A-nun - cia -mos tu muer - Ó We pro - claim your Death, O # # # # pro -cla -ma -mos tu re -su-rrec -ción Ven, Se - ñor e - N and pro-fess your Res - ur - rec-tion un - til you come a - # # 18

ANUNCIAMOS TU MUERTE/WE PROCLAIM YOUR DEATH, cont (2) # # 1 U Final sús! gain, un Ven, Se - ñor e - sús! A -nun - # # # - til you come a - # 1 gain We pro - Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used ith permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved sús! u U Final gain u 19

CADA VEZ QUE COMEMOS/WHEN WE EAT THIS BREAD Intro (q = ca 112) Soprano Contralto Ó # N Tenor Bao Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Ca-da vez que co -me-mos de es-te pan y be- Ó # # When e eat this # N Bread be - mos de es - te cá - liz, a -nun - cia -mos tu muer -te, Se - drink this drink this Cup, Cup, e pro - claim # # and your Death, O 20

CADA VEZ QUE COMEMOS/WHEN WE EAT THIS BREAD, cont (2) # # 1 Final U ñor, Lord, un has - ta que vuel-vas Ca-da vuel-vas # # - til you come a - # 1 gain U Final gain Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used ith permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved u u 21

POR TU CRUZ/SAVE US, SAVIOR Intro (q = ca 112) Soprano 2 Contralto Tenor Bao Soprano Alto Tenor Bass 2 2 2 Por tu cruz, Save us, por tu cruz Sav-ior of the orld, y re - su - rrec - ción nos has sal -va -do, Se -ñor, by your Cross and Res-ur -rec-tion # # # # # you have set us # free, for 22

POR TU CRUZ/SAVE US, SAVIOR, cont (2) # # nos has sal - va - do, Se - # # you have set us 1 ñor 1 free AMÉN/AMEN Final ñor Final free Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used ith permission English 2010, ICEL All rights reserved Used ith permission Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved Intro (q = ca 116) mén men A - A - # Ó mén, men, Ó # a-mén, a-men, A - A - a - a - mén, men, 1 mén men # a- a- A A mén, men, # - - U Final mén men u a - a - Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved 23

Intro (q 2 = ca 8) CORDERO DE DIOS/LAMB OF GOD 6 Cor - de - Lamb Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Cor - de - Lamb mun - do, orld, de cy # no - on ro of de Dios, God, Cor - de - ro de Lamb of 1, 2 # ro ten pie - have so - tros us # da - grant # de of dad mer - nos # la us Cor - Cor - Dios, que God, you N Dios, God, de cy paz peace # Final no - on qui-tatake a- so - tros, us, # da - grant el ay rit rit nos pe - the ca - sins do of del the ten pie - have # la us # dad mer - paz, peace, U u Text: Spanish 1975, 1991, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano All rights reserved Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops Used ith permission Music: Misa Santa Fe; Mary Frances Reza; choral arr by Peter M Kolar, b 1973, 2009, 2011, Mary Frances Reza Published by OCP All rights reserved 2