SAMPLE. Mass of Christ the Savior Keyboard Edition Dan Schutte 2013, OCP 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR (503) ocp.

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None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

The Love of God. Assembly, SATB Choir, Keyboard, and Guitar. E B7 C # m C # m/b. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ

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Mass of Christ the Savior Keyboard Edition an Schutte 01, OCP 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 971 (50) 81-1191 liturgy@ocporg ocporg Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL), 1100 Connecticut ve NW, Suite 710, Washington, C 006-101 ll rights reserved sed ith permission The English translation of the lleluia Verses, ospel Verses, and Lenten ospel cclamation from the Lectionary for Mass 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Published ith the approval of the Committee on ivine Worship, nited States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 11 Fourth Street NE, Washington, C 0017-119; SCCBorg None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any ay ithout ritten permission from the publisher The folloing Solo Instrument parts in C and Bf are available online; visit ocporg: Penitential ct ith Invocations ed 01088 Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison ed 010711 lory to od (Through Composed) ed 0110 ospel cclamation: lleluia ed 01070 Lenten ospel cclamation ed 01070 Holy ed 010705 We Proclaim Your eath ed 010706 When We Eat This Bread ed 010707 Save s, Savior ed 010708 oxology and men ed 010709 Lamb of od ed 011709 SMPLE Mass of Christ the Savior Keyboard/Choral Edition ed 01151 Keyboard/Vocal Edition ed 011515 uitar/vocal Edition ed 011516 Choral-only Edition ed 011517 Solo Instrument parts in C for entire Mass ed 011519 Solo Instrument parts in Bf for entire Mass ed 011518 Solo Instrument parts in C and Bf for entire Mass ed 01150 Mass Settings Supplement C ed 01099 For reprintable ssembly Editions, please visit LicenSingOnlineorg Edition 0115 Table of Contents Penitential ct ith Invocations Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison 5 lory to od 7 ospel cclamation: lleluia 1 Lenten ospel cclamation 1 Eucharistic cclamations Holy 16 We Proclaim Your eath 18 When We Eat This Bread 19 Save s, Savior 0 oxology and men 1 Lamb of od dditional Mass parts available online; visit ocporg: Kyrie, Eleison/Lord, Have Mercy (Traditional Litany Form) ed 01078 Mass of Christ the Savior: ialogues ed 01078 (Introductory ialogue, ialogue after Reading, ialogue before the ospel, ialogue after the ospel, Preface ialogue, Final Blessing, and ismissal) eneral Intercessions ed 01081 Mass of Christ the Savior: Complete Edition Keyboard/Choral ed 010785 Edition 0115

Penitential ct ith Invocations Melody Keyboard & &? & &? ll & &? add9 Priest/eacon/Cantor *You ere sent to heal the contrite of heart: Lord, Ky - ri - e, Cantor/Choir Christ, Chri - ste, have e - have e - sus SMPLE mer - e - s u s mer - léi - cy léi - (h = ca 69) Cantor/Choir B m cy son Lord, Ky - ri - e, ll have e - Christ, Chri - ste, s u s mer - léi - cy son B m Priest/eacon/Cantor You came to call sinners: have e - sus mer - léi - cy son * Invocations may be chanted or spoken Text: Invocations 010, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved

Penitential ct ith Invocations, cont () & Priest/eacon/Cantor /F Cantor/Choir &? & &? & &? You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us: / mer - cy, léi - son, /F ll Lord, have Ky - ri - e, e - have e - / SMPLE /F mer - cy lé - mer - cy, léi - son, have e - /F on i - Lord, Ky - ri - e, sus us son mer - cy lé - rit on i - sus us son have e -

Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison Melody Keyboard & &? & &? cy son (h = ca 69) add9 & &? /F Cantor/Choir Cantor/Choir Lord, have Ky - ri - e, e - Cantor/Choir Christ, Chri Lord, have Ky - ri - e, e - have - ste, e - / SMPLE sus s u s mer léi B m - cy Lord, have - son Ky - ri - e, e - ll mer - cy Christ, have léi - son Chri - ste, e - mer léi - cy, have - son, e - /F ll mer - lé cy on - i - sus us son sus mer - cy léi - son sus mer léi - - Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved 5

Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison, cont () & &? /F ll Lord, have mer - Ky - ri - e, e - léi - / cy, son, have e SMPLE - /F mer lé - cy on - i - rit sus us son 6

lory to od Keyboard & & f? INTRO (q = ca 10) &? f /C F m/ SMPLE % REFRIN: 1st time: Cantor/Choir, ll repeat; thereafter: ll /C F m/ % & &? 7 sus lo-ry to od lo-ry to od lo- ry to od in the high - (a tempo) and on /C earth peace, on F m/ earth peace to /F /F sus peo -ple of good 1-1- sus ill est, (1st: S) to Verses 1 We For (1st: S) to Verses Text 010, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved 7

lory to od, cont () & &? & ( &? Final sus ill Final () We ) VERSE 1: Cantor/Choir 1 & &? /F 1 you, praise you, e e give /F SMPLE - men - sus molto rit bless you, e a sus men /F / you thanks - dore you, e glo -ri - fy for your / great /F glo - ry, 7 Fine Fine 8

lory to od, cont () & F * To Refrain To Verse / sus sus ( S ) 1 Lord od, heav n - ly King, O od, al-might-y Fa -ther Fa - ther &? & &? Lord e - sus SMPLE VERSE : bit sloer (q = ca 96) Cantor/Choir sus & &? /F Lamb of od, /F / sus Christ, /F Son of the On - ly Be-got -ten Fa - ther, you rit Sloer take To Refrain To Verse ( S ) ( ) /F Son, sus a-ay the /F Lord od, sus sins of the orld, have *The to endings ill accommodate singing the loria either (1) responsorially, returning to the Refrain after each verse, or () through-sung, taking the second ending to the verse or section that follos 9

lory to od, cont () & &? & &? &? /F mer - cy on ceive /F our & right hand of the F / us; you sus prayer; sus SMPLE you are / Fa - ther, have take a - ay the mer - cy on seat - ed at the poco a poco accel To Refrain sus us To Refrain /F sins of the orld, re - /F right hand, To Verse ( S sus ) us To Verse ( S ) ( ) For the 10

lory to od, cont (5) VERSE : Cantor/Choir & ( ) ( For ) &? & &? & &? you a-lone are the Ho - ly One, you a -lone are the Lord, you a - Tempo primo lone are the /F Most /F / SMPLE 7 High, /F e - sus / Christ, cresc / /F To Refrain To men S al ( fine ) Spir - it, in the glo - ry of od the Fa - ther Fa - ther To Refrain To men S al ( fine ) & &? /F - men - sus molto rit sus men ( ) /F F 7 ith the Ho - ly 11

ospel cclamation: lleluia Keyboard & &? INTRO (q = ca 88) /F &? l - le - lu - ia % REFRIN: 1st: Cantor/Choir, /C ll repeat; thereafter: ll F m/ % (a tempo) VERSE 1: Cantor/Choir & &? SMPLE l - le - lu - ia sus/ 1 Your ords, O Lord, are /F Spir-it and life sus l - le - lu - last time: molto rit / sus 1 ia 1 sus to Verse ia to Verse /F /F You have the ords of ev - er - last - ing rit Final sus ia Final sus life Fine Fine S al fine S al fine Text: Verses 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved 1

ospel cclamation: lleluia, cont () VERSE : Cantor/Choir & &? Your ords, O Lord, give VERSE : Cantor/Choir & &? I sus / ait VERSE : Cantor/Choir & &? / for the sus / Your ord is a lamp for my /F oy to my heart, your teach-ing is light to my SMPLE /F Lord; my /F feet, and a 7 7 /F rit soul /F aits for his rit 7 light on my /F rit sus ord sus eyes sus path S al fine S al fine S al fine S al fine S al fine S al fine 1

Lenten ospel cclamation Keyboard & &? INTRO (q = ca 88) &? % REFRIN: 1st: Cantor/Choir, ll repeat; thereafter: ll /C F m/ % / F SMPLE sus lo - ry to you, Word of od, Lord e - sus (a tempo) VERSE 1: Cantor/Choir & &? 1 Your sus/ /F / 7 last time: molto rit sus Christ! 1, Final 1st time: S (Fine) ( ) 1, Final 1st time: S (Fine) ( ) ( ) /F /F rit sus ords, O Lord, are Spir-it and life You have the ords of ev - er -last -ing life to Verse to Verse S al fine S al fine Text 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved 1

Lenten ospel cclamation, cont () VERSE : Cantor/Choir & &? Your VERSE : Cantor/Choir E m & &? I sus / ords, O Lord, give ait VERSE : Cantor/Choir & &? Your / for the sus / /F ord is a lamp for my oy to my heart, your SMPLE /F Lord; my /F feet, and a 7 teach -ing /F is light to my rit 7 soul aits for his /F rit 7 light on my /F rit sus eyes sus ord sus path S al fine S al fine S al fine S al fine S al fine S al fine 15

Holy Melody Keyboard & &? & &? INTRO (q = ca 8) /F & &? SMPLE sus /F Ho - ly Lord full, / are od of hosts sus /F full of your glo - /C, Ho - ly, F m/ Ho - ly, /C Heav - en and earth are sus ry Ho -, Text 010, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved 16

Holy, cont () & &? & &? /F san - na! Ho - /C he ho comes, / / /F /F san - na! Ho - SMPLE ho san - na in the last time: molto rit /F comes in the name of the sus sus high - est (Fine) (Fine) Bless - ed is Lord Ho - 17

We Proclaim Your eath Priest & Melody Keyboard & &? / &? sus The mys - t ry of and pro - fess your Res - ur - (q = ca 8) sus SMPLE sus Text 010, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved faith We pro - claim your eath, O F m7 ll rec - tion un - /C /F til you come a - molto rit Lord, sus gain 18

When We Eat This Bread Priest & Melody Keyboard & &? & &? Bread &? sus / eath, / O and SMPLE The mys - t ry of (q = ca 8) sus faith /F drink this ll When e /C eat / / this Cup, e pro - claim /F /F Lord, un - til you come a - molto rit sus gain /F your Text 010, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved 19

Save s, Savior Melody Keyboard & &? & &? & &? sus Priest The mys - t ry of sus / sus SMPLE Sav - ior of the Res - ur - /F rec - tion faith (q = ca 8) /C ll Save us, orld, for by your save /F /C /F you have set us molto rit / us, Cross sus free and Text 010, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved 0

oxology and men Melody Keyboard & &? & od, al - might - y &? & &? Priest Through him, and sus SMPLE Text: oxology 010, ICEL ll rights reserved sed ith permission Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, 010, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved Fa - ther, in the glory and hon - or is 7 /F ith him, and unity of the F /F yours, for (q = ca 8) /F ev - er and ev - sus in him, O Ho - ly Spir - it, all sus er 1

oxology and men, cont () (q = ca 8) /C ll & &? Keyboard % & % &? - men &? INTRO (q = ca 80) /C /C Lamb of /F /F - men SMPLE od, - molto rit Lamb of od / / you 7 / take a - ay the sus men sus F m7 sins u of the Music: Mass of Christ the Savior; an Schutte, b 197, 007, 009, aniel L Schutte Published by OCP ll rights reserved

Lamb of od, cont () & 1, (Repeat as needed) / orld, have /F mer - cy on us / S &? &? 1, & Final orld, Final / rit (Repeat as needed) grant SMPLE /F Sloer us sus rit peace sus S