SAINT MEINRAD Entrance and Communion Antiphons for the Church Year SET TO MUSIC BY COLUMBA KELLY, OSB

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30130174 SAINT MEINRAD Entrance and Communion Antiphons for Church Year Modal Settings Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation SET TO MUSIC BY COLUMBA KELLY, OSB CANTOR/KEYBOARD EDITION Ordinary Time, Sundays 18 through 33

Saint Meinrad Entrance and Communion Antiphons for Church Year Volume 5: Ordinary Time, Sundays 18 through 33 Cantor/Keyoard Edition Fr. Columa Kelly, OSB 2015, OCP 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 5032811191 Antiphon texts from English translation The Roman Missal 2010, International Commission on English in Liturgy Corporation, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Psalm texts from The Revised Grail Psalms 2010, Conception Aey/The Grail, administered y GIA Pulications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Excerpts from The Ne American Bile 1970, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used ith permission. Congregational Refrain texts y Columa Kelly, OSB, 2012, Saint Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y OCP. All rights reserved. Psalm tones 1973, 1993, Saint Meinrad Archaey. All rights reserved. Used ith permission. All Antiphon and Congregational Refrain settings y Columa Kelly, OSB; keyoard accompaniments arranged y Raymond Henderson, 2012, Saint Meinrad Archaey. Pulished y OCP. All rights reserved. None pages in this ook may e reproduced in any ay ithout ritten permission from pulisher. CREDITS John J. Lim, Pulisher Joanne Osorn, Manager, Pulishing Plan Eric Schumock, Director, Music Development and Outreach Rick Modlin, Manager, Music Development Barara Bridge, Ken Canedo, Music Development John Vogler, Director, Product Development Angela WesthfJohnson, Manager, Music Editorial Craig Kingsury, Project Editor Travis Poers, Editing Assistance Tia Regan, Manager, Music Engraving William Strau, Engraver Judy Uren, Art Director Stephanie Taylor, Graphic Designer Cover: Stained glass indos St. Gregory, King David, Church Our Lady Einsiedeln, Saint Meinrad Archaey Photo courtesy Saint Meinrad Archaey Assemly Edition...edition 30128557 Compact Disc Excerpts...edition 30128558 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Full Set...edition 30128559 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Advent/Christmas Season...edition 30130053 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Lent/Holy Week...edition 30130054 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Easter through Pentecost...edition 30130055 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Ordinary Time, Sundays 2 17...edition 30130056 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Ordinary Time, Sundays 18 3...edition 30130174 Cantor/Keyoard Edition: Solemnities and Proper Saints...edition 30130057 OCP 05/15 Edition 30130174 Printed in USA

Tale Contents Introduction... 4 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 6 Communion Antiphon 1... 8 Communion Antiphon 2... 12 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 14 Communion Antiphon 1... 16 Communion Antiphon 2... 18 Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 20 Communion Antiphon 1... 22 Communion Antiphon 2 Ps. 119[118]... 24 Communion Antiphon 2 Ps. 23[22]... 26 TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 28 Communion Antiphon 1... 30 Communion Antiphon 2 Ps. 119[118]... 32 Communion Antiphon 2 Ps. 23[22]... 34 TentySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 36 Communion Antiphon 1... 38 Communion Antiphon 2... 42 TentyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 44 Communion Antiphon 1... 46 Communion Antiphon 2... 50 TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Ps. 122[121]... 52 Entrance Antiphon Sir. 36... 54 Communion Antiphon 1... 56 Communion Antiphon... 58 TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Ps. 78[77]... 60 Entrance Antiphon Ps. 37[36]... 62 Communion Antiphon 1... 64 Communion Antiphon 2 Ps. 23[22]... 66 Communion Antiphon 2 Ps. 33[32]... 68 TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Ps. 119[118]... 70 Entrance Antiphon Ps. 130[129]... 72 Communion Antiphon 1... 74 Communion Antiphon 2... 76 TentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 78 Communion Antiphon 1... 80 Communion Antiphon 2... 84 TentyEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 86 Communion Antiphon 1... 88 Communion Antiphon 2... 92 TentyNinth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 94 Communion Antiphon 1... 96 Communion Antiphon 2... 98 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 100 Communion Antiphon 1... 102 Communion Antiphon 2... 104 ThirtyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 106 Communion Antiphon 1... 108 Communion Antiphon 2 Ps. 23[22]... 110 Communion Antiphon 2 Ps. 33[32]... 112 ThirtySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 114 Communion Antiphon 1... 116 Communion Antiphon 2... 118 ThirtyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon... 120 Communion Antiphon 1... 122 Communion Antiphon 2... 124 Scriptural Index... 127

Introduction Guidelines for singing and accompanying chant in English The texts for antiphons have een taken directly from ne Roman Missal, Third Edition. The melodies for se antiphons are, for most part, inspired y Latin Gregorian chants as found in Roman Gradual. They follo modality and imitate melodic patterns original Latin chants. No, hoever, y use rhythm and flo Midestern American English, as typified y recordings T.S. Eliot cf. itunes e site speaking his on poetry. The Congregational Refrains are ased on antiphons to hich y are attached. Both antiphon and its refrain and psalm verses that are chosen should e sung as if speaking text ith great conviction and natural rhythm ords. For nine audio examples ho one might sing se antiphons and refrains, go to: Singing Saint Meinrad Psalm Tones The Saint Meinrad psalm tones should produce an effect sung speech. Each ord accent is given its due intensity and lengning, hile all or syllales n flo rapidly eir to or from that accent. The final ord accent each line in psalm i.e., in Grail edition ill e ster and ill ring line to a gentle ending. End each line ith a full reath that acts as a springoard to next line. The effect ill e that a Roman arch that rises in intensity and speeds up at eginning line and n coasts to a quiet rest at end each line. For cantors it should produce physical feeling a pendulum singing from one accent to next until it comes to rest at end each line. Neir piano nor organ is help for rhythm or variations in intensity; y can only support pitches and provide harmonic ackground. For this reason it is suggested that repeated notes in loer voices accompaniments e tied over. It ould e etter for accompanist to omit one or to lack notes that occur efore last open note at each doule ar; se notes should e sung quickly and lightly y cantor. Accompaniments should only e noticed hen singers stop singing! Raymond Henderson s accompaniments that are provided in this edition give just such a ackground for singing se antiphons, refrains and psalm verses. Singing Antiphons and Congregational Refrains When re are to or more notes over a syllale, singer should move quickly from first note to last note, hich is n given full length time for syllale. The effect ill e like that alking ith a ounce in step! To help reak hait singing every note as eing equal value, choir and cantors might practice Entrance Antiphon for Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time y speaking text in folloing manner: 1 Start ith a full reath hile singing right arm from 6 o clock to 3 o clock; 2 Sing arm ack from 3 o clock to 9 o clock hile saying O God, 3 Sing arm ack from 9 o clock to 3 o clock hile saying come 4 Sing arm ack from 3 o clock to 9 o clock hile saying to 5 Sing arm ack from 9 o clock to 3 o clock hile saying assistance; 6 Continue singing ack and forth eteen folloing underlined accents: O Lord, make haste to help me! You are rescuer, help; O Lord, do not delay. 7 Repeat se four steps hile singing melody Entrance Antiphon. Sing ord accents ith greater intensity and a leaning forard toard each ne accent until one coasts to last accent piece ith a stening voice. Sing notes ith a tenuto 4

mark over m as if y ere ord accents, as for example, tenuto mark over eginning ord God. Sing nonaccented ords and syllales very lightly and quickly. The danger ill e to sing se pieces too sloly and in too evenedout a manner. Rememer that chant is really a form sung speech. The assemly ill tend to imitate style and tempo y hear from choir or cantor. Practice Congregational Refrain in same manner: Come to our aid, O Lord, do not delay. Repeated notes over a single syllale are to e sung as separate voel sounds e.g., God : is n sung as: Gahahd. These notes ill have a staccato mark a dot over m. Sometimes staccato mark ill have a tenuto a small dash over it, hich indicates that se repeated notes are to e sung ith a little lengning and ith greater intensity, if it is a ord accent. A tenuto mark over a ord e.g., first note God in aove example indicates roadening out that ord or note allargando. A note ith a avy line over it marks quilisma sign, hich is actually a question mark; it indicates a note to e glided over lightly ith strong emphasis on note that follos. Practice to notes y saying in a shocked voice: ooh The incise mark i.e., vertical line that cuts only top staff line in se chants is alays to e interpreted as adding some lengning to preceding note and reaking sound y taking a quick reath. These incise marks indicate a sense unit in text that needs a reak in sound to make phrasing audile for listener. Every incise mark indicates a reak in sound, a quick reath, and a little delay efore picking up speed again ith next phrase. When re are several notes for a syllale, note at end an internal slur alays has some emphasis, or extra tension. Guidelines for structuring use se antiphons and refrains The antiphon may e sung: Alone as a Call to Worship or efore a hymn: Antiphon is sung y choir or cantor, n a hymn is sung y assemly. Repeated ith psalm verses: Antiphon is sung y choir; psalm verse is sung y cantor; antiphon is n repeated y choir, etc., concluding ith antiphon. As a complete Entrance or Communion procession: Antiphon is sung y choir or cantor, folloed y Congregational Refrain sung y a cantor and repeated y assemly; psalm verses are sung y cantor, alternating ith Congregational Refrain, and n antiphon is again sung y choir or cantor to conclude. In simpler form, hen resources and/or rehearsal time are limited: Congregational Refrain is sung first y a cantor and n repeated y assemly. The cantor continues ith psalm verses alternating ith community s refrain as needed. The antiphon is omitted. Folloing practice Roman Gradual, a Doxology e.g., Saint Meinrad Doxology should e used as last psalm verse to signal that antiphon ill e sung again as conclusion processional rite. This ould e practice for guidelines 2, 3 and 4 as given aove. An appropriate antiphon or refrain from this collection may e sung during Preparation Gifts, using one structures descried aove. Columa Kelly, OSB 5

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis & & & & & & & O God, help; ẇ Congregational Refrain & Entrance. come to as sis tance;. make haste to help me! O Lord, Come to our aid, O Lord, do not de lay! O Lord, Ps. 7069:2, 6 You are res cu er, do not de lay. ẇ 6

VERSES: Psalm 7069 & & & & O God, come to O let m turn ack in O let re e rejoicing As for me, retched Let re e shame let m retreat, cov Let m say forever, You are rescu as con and and sistance; fusion, gladness poor, O LORD, make ho delight for hasten to Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 haste in all me, to ho O and con fusion on those ho seek ered ith shame, ho jeer at me and God is great, ho love sav ing er, help; O LORD, do not de help me! harm; seek you. God. life. mock. help. lay. 7

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 5 & & & & & & & Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. Communion You have giv en us, O Lord, read from heav en, en doed. all de lights ev ery taste. Congregational Refrain & You, O Lord, N m Wis. 16:20 ith and seet ness m have giv en us read from heav en. ẇ in 8

VERSES 1 5: Psalm 103102:1 12 & 5. & & 5. & & 5. & Bless LORD, O It is Lord ho forgives all The LORD does The LORD is compassionate For as heavens are high aove ho redeems life from He ill not alays just and find Bless LORD, O ho fills life ith He made knon his ays He does not treat us according to As far as east is from grave, fault; good to our soul, sins, deeds, gracious, earth, soul, things, Moses, sins, est, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 and all ithin me, his ho heals every one gives full justice to all ho slo to anger and so strong his mercy for ho crons you ith mercy nor persist in his an ho are rich those ly op in ho name. ills, pressed. mercy. fear him. and com passion, ger for ever. and never for get all his enefits. reneing youth like an eagle s. and his deeds to chil dren Israel. nor repay us ac cording to our faults. so far from us does he re move our trans gressions. 9

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 VERSES 6 10: Psalm 103102:13 22 & 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. & & 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. & & 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. & As a far has compassion on Man, his days are But mercy LORD is ev The LORD has fixed his throne Bless LORD, all upon children s children Bless LORD, all you Bless LORD, all For he knos hat The ind los, and it his his his e is his like er in his are no justice, angels, orks, made; more, children, grass; lasting heaven, hosts, LORD s compassion is on he floers like floer upon those ho hold and his kingdom is ruling his servants, ho for those ho mighty in poer, fulfill in every place keep ing here those him o do his his he ho in ver his fear him. field. fear, all. ill. covenant, ord, rules. he re memers that e are and its place never sees it a and rememer to ful fill his com ho heed voice his Bless LORD, O dust. gain. mands. ord. soul! 10

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 5 & & & & & & & Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. I am read life,... lieves in me Congregational Refrain & You, O Lord, to me says Lord;. ho ev er comes Jn. 6:35. ill not hun ger and ho ev er e ill not thirst. have giv en us read from heav en. ẇ 12

VERSES: Psalm 3736:1, 3, 16, 18 19, 23, 27 & 5. 6. & & 5. 6. & & 5. 6. & Do not fret ecause Trust in LORD and Better fe possessions The LORD takes note days By LORD are steps Then turn aay from evil and They shall not e put to shame in ho safe have He ide do ly ir de for evil. pasture. icked. fill. lights. ever. do made do e vil icked; good; just, lameless; firm good, days; Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 ir heritage ill last for do not envy n you ill dell in than aundant in time famine one in hose and ever. those land and ealth y shall path you may a 13

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Mode 7 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. Look. Entrance to cov e nant, O Lord, and for get not ẇ life poor ones for ev er. God, cries Cf. Ps. 7473:20, 19, 22, 23. A rise,. and de fend cause, and for get not those ho seek you. O 14

Congregational Refrain Re mem er us, VERSES: Psalm 7473:10 13, 16 17 Ho long, O God, is ene Yet God is king from Yours is day and s is Why, O Lord, do you hold It as you ho divided sea It as you ho fixed ounds hidden monsters sum in in mer and ho seek you, O Lord. cloak sea. inter. to time ack y scf past, night; Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 Is foe to insult ho estos salvation through it as you ho estalished light hand might, earth, name all and for Why do you keep right hand ho shattered heads you ho made oth ever land. sun. 15

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Communion O Je ru sa lem, glo ri fy Lord, n n n n n n n fill fin est heat. Congregational Refrain You give us our fill fin est heat. Ps. 147:12, 14 ho gives you A 16

VERSES: Psalm 147B147:12 20 O Jerusalem, glori fy LORD! O Sion, He sends out his ord to earth, and siftly runs He hurls don hail stones like crums; efore such cold, He re veals his ord to Jaco; to Israel, his de He has strengned ars He estalished He shoers don He sends forth his He has not dealt peace on sno ord and thus ith oth like it er gates; orders; ool; melts m; nations; he has lessed he gives you he scatters at loing his he has not Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 praise his ho crees chil fill hoar reath taught com can and God! mand. stand judgments. dren ith fin frost a m est like ters his in you. heat. ashes. flo. judgments. 17

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis n The read that I ill give, n A says Lord, A A. for life orld.. ẇ Congregational Refrain You give us our fill fin est heat. is flesh Cf. Jn. 6:51 18

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 VERSES: Psalm 111110 I ill praise LORD ith all heart, in meeting just and Majestic and glori ous his ork; his justice stands He gives food to those ho fear him; keeps his covenant ev His handiork is jus tice and truth; his precepts are all 5. He has sent re demption to his people, and estalished his cove 6. The fear LORD is egin ning isdom; understanding marks all 5. 6. 5. 6. firm er nant ho as for in m for at semly. ever. mind. sure, ever. tain it. all ho de light in gra cious and heri tage upright ness and name, to e praise en dures for Great are orks He has given us a memorial His mighty orks he has shon to standing firm forever m. merciful. nations. truth. feared. ever! his his and LORD, onders. people ever, to e pondered y The LORD is y giving m rought in Holy his His 19

Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Entrance Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Turn eyes, O God, our shield; ẇ Ps. 8483:10 11 and look on face a noint ed one; one day ith in courts et ter than a thou sand else here. Congregational Refrain Turn eyes, O God, and look up on us. is 20

VERSES: Psalm 8483:2 3, 9 11 Ho O LORD God One day ith My soul is lovely is hosts, long My heart and Turn eyes, O The threshold flesh God, house ing dell ing place, O LORD hear prayer; give ear, O God in courts is etter than a thou cry our and yearning out shield; God for look on I prefer to Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 courts sand to face dellings liv ing a hosts. Jaco. elsehere. LORD. God. nointed. icked. 21

Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Communion Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 6 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. With Lord re is mer cy; in him is plen ti. ful re demp tion. Congregational Refrain Who ev er eats this read ill live for ev er. ẇ Ps. 130129:7 22

Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 VERSES: Psalm 130129 Out depths I cry to If you, O LORD, should I long for More than atch O let But ith My soul For ith It is he ho ill ears you is hopes LORD re you, mark you, men e found in re O in O for at for is LORD; iquities, LORD, dayreak, tentive giveness, Lord mercy, Lord, Lord, soul longs let Israel hope in him is plenti hear ho for for could his ful re voice! stand ord. LORD. demption. to sound pleadings. that you may e re vered. more than atch men for dayreak. deem Israel from all its in iquities. 23

Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Jn. 6:51 52 Mode 6 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis I am liv ing read says Lord. that came don from heav en, Who ev er eats this read live for ev er. Congregational Refrain Who ev er eats this read ill live for ev er. ẇ ill 24

VERSES: Psalm 119118:1 2, 11, 49 50, 72, 103, 105 5. 6. Blessed are those hose I treasure ord Rememer ord The la from mouth Ho seet is promise Your ord is a lamp Blessed are those ho This is 5. 6. keep ay in to means to for com fort is more his de crees! in sorro: lameless, heart, servant, to me tongue, feet, ho alk in la y hich you With that than large quantities more than and a Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 made me all ir lest I promise sil honey light hearts sin gives ver in for y a me and LORD! hope. seek him. gainst you. life. gold. mouth. path. 25

Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Jn. 6:51 52 Mode 6 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis I am liv ing read says Lord. that came don from heav en, Who ev er eats this read live for ev er. Congregational Refrain Who ev er eats this read ill live for ev er. ẇ ill 26

Tentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 8 VERSES: Psalm 2322 The LORD He guides me along You have prepared a ta Surely goodness and mer Fresh and My head you have a noint In LORD s on house is right le e cy shall green are ed shall ith I shepherd; path, fore me follo me pastures oil; dell re is nothing for sake in sight all days here he Though I should alk in valley I gives shad shall his Near restful a ters he leads me; he re vives no evil ould I fear, for you are ith me. Your crook and staff ill give cup is o for length days me o ant. name. foes. life. re me ver un pose. death, soul. comfort. floing. ending. 27

TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Turn ear, O Lord, n ho trusts in you, God. for I cry to you A Congregational Refrain Have mer cy on us, O Lord, Entrance n and an ser me; save ser vant n n n A n n n n Have mer cy on me, O Lord, n n n n n all day long. ẇ as e cry to you. Cf. Ps. 8685:1 3 28

VERSES: Psalm 8685:5 8, 12 13 O Lord, you are In day dis I ill praise you, Lord call to you. anser me. ever. good tress, God, ith Give ear, O Among gods re is Your mercy to voice in orks to com depths sup pare pli ith and I all cation. s. grave. for ill LORD, to none like you, me has giving, call to you, heart, O een TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 prayer, Lord, great; full mercy to and surely and glorify all you name ho ill for and attend to nor you have saved me from 29

TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Communion Antiphon 1 Communion Mode 6 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The earth is re plete ith fruits ork, O Lord;. forth read from earth. Congregational Refrain and ine Who ev er eats this read ill live for ev er. Cf. Ps. 104103:13 15 you ring to cheer heart. ẇ 30

TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 VERSES: Psalm 130129 Out depths I cry to If you, O LORD, should I long for More than atch O let But ith My soul For ith It is he ho ill ears you is hopes LORD re you, mark you, men e found in re O in O for at for is LORD; iquities, LORD, dayreak, tentive giveness, Lord mercy, Lord, Lord, soul longs let Israel hope in him is plenti hear ho for for could his ful re to sound that you may e re more than atch men for deem Israel from all its in voice! stand ord. LORD. demption. pleadings. vered. dayreak. iquities. 31

TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 6 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Who ev er eats flesh and drinks lood has e ter nal life, says Lord, Congregational Refrain and I ill raise him up Who ev er eats this read ill live for ev er. on last day. ẇ Cf. Jn. 6:54 32

VERSES: Psalm 119118:1 2, 11, 49 50, 72, 103, 105 5. 6. 5. 6. Blessed are those hose I treasure ord Rememer ord The la from mouth Ho seet is promise Your ord is a lamp Blessed are those ho This is keep ay in to means to for is more com fort his de crees! in sorro: lameless, heart, servant, to me tongue, feet, TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 ho alk in la y hich you With that than large quantities more than and a made me all ir lest I promise sil honey light hearts sin gives ver in for y a me and LORD! hope. seek him. gainst you. life. gold. mouth. path. 33

TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 6 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Who ev er eats flesh and drinks lood has e ter nal life, says Lord, Congregational Refrain and I ill raise him up Who ev er eats this read ill live for ev er. ẇ on last day. Cf. Jn. 6:54 34

VERSES: Psalm 2322 The LORD He guides me along You have prepared a ta Surely goodness and mer Fresh and My head you have a noint In LORD s on house is right le e cy shall green are ed shall ith I shepherd; path, fore me follo me pastures oil; dell TentyFirst Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 8 re is nothing for sake in sight all days here he Though I should alk in valley I gives shad Near restful a ters he leads me; he re no evil ould I fear, for you are ith me. Your crook and staff ill cup is for length shall his me o ant. name. foes. life. re vives give o days me ver un pose. death, soul. comfort. floing. ending. 35

TentySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Mode 8 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Have mer cy on me, O Lord, day long.. O Lord, and forgiv ing, full mer cy. Congregational Refrain O Lord, you are good and for giv ing. Entrance for I cry to you all Cf. Ps. 8685:3, 5 you are good to all ho call to you. ẇ 36

TentySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 8685:1 6 Turn ear, O Have mercy on O Lord, you are good Preserve soul, for Gladden soul Give ear, O LORD, LORD, me, and I to and O for anser me, Lord, giving, am faithful; servant, prayer, for I am poor for I cry to you all full mercy to all save servant ho for I lift up and attend to and day ho trusts in you, soul to you, voice in sup needy. long. call to you. O pli God. Lord. cation. 37

TentySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis n Ho great is good ness, Lord, n n those ho fear you. Congregational Refrain Ps. 3130:20 that you keep for A Glo ri fy Lord ith me; to geth er let us praise his name. Communion 38

VERSES 1 5: Psalm 3130:2 9, 17 18 5. In you, O Be a rock Release me from Let me e glad and re Let face Into hands I com and taken heed 5. Let me not e put to In justice, For you are You detest those ho 5. let TentySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 LORD, I take refuge. Let me never e put to ref snare uge y for have me, hidden, a mighty for you indeed strong hold are to joice in mercy, for you ho have seen af shine on servant. Save me in mer ci ful mend spirit. You ill redeem me, O LORD, O faith ful soul s shame, dis O tress, LORD, call on set rock, serve emp icked me ty e free; stronghold! idols. shamed! have not left me in hands for I incline ear to me, and Lead me, guide me, for As for me, I ut Let m e speedily sake trust set silenced shame. save me. refuge. fliction love. res cue in feet at in God. ene, you; me. name. LORD. large. grave! 39

TentySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 VERSES 6 10: Psalm 3130:20 25 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ho You hide m in Blest e LORD for he has I am far re Love But LORD ill repay that you sho to you keep m safe ith Yet you heard Be strong, let great is good ness, LORD, that you keep for those ho shelter presence, secure from hu man on drous ly shon me moved LORD, all from you his sight, saints. I said in The LORD guards a to full one ho acts ith those ho trust you in sight chil dren in tent from dis put his merciful love in a for ti voice heart take plea courage, hen I all ho cried to hope you in fear you, scheming; larm. faithful. pride. ing fied for men. tongues. city! help. LORD. 40

TentySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Mt. 5:9 10 Bless ed are peace mak ers, for y shall e called chil dren God. Bless ed are y ho are per se cut ed. righ n n n n n A for sake A teousness, for irs is King dom Heav en.. Congregational Refrain Glo ri fy Lord ith me; to geth er let us praise his name. 42

VERSES: Psalm 3736:1, 3, 16, 18 19, 23, 27 5. Do not fret e Better fe pos The LORD takes note By Then turn aay from Trust in They shall not e put to 5. cause sessions days LORD are evil LORD and steps and shame in evil do good; days; made do icked; just, lameless; firm good, TentySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 do not envy those ir heritage ill n you ill dell in than aundant in time famine one in hose and land and ealth y shall path you may a ho last do for safe ly have He ide ir de for evil. ever. pasture. icked. fill. lights. ever. 43

TentyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis n n n You are just, O Lord, A and judgment is right; n n n treat ser vant in ac cord ith mer ci ful love. Congregational Refrain Entrance A Bless ed are y ho alk in ay Lord. n Ps. 119118:137, 124 ẇ 44

VERSES: Psalm 119118:145 152 I call ith all I rise efore dan and In mercy, hear But you, O heart; cry voice, LORD, LORD, for O are anser me. help; LORD; close; TentyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 I ill o I have hoped give me life y all com serve in mands de are I call up on you; save me, and I ill keep de My eyes a aken e fore dan, to pon der Those ho pursue me ith malice dra near; y are far from From old I have knon that de crees are es ta lished for statutes. ord. crees. truth. crees. promise. la. ever. 45

TentyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Communion Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Like deer that yearns God; Congregational Refrain Cf. Ps. 4241:2 3 for run ning streams, n. so soul is yearn ing n. soul is thirst ing for God, liv ing God. My soul is thirst ing for liv ing God. for you, A ẇ 46

TentyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 VERSES 1 5: Psalm 4241:3c 8 5. When can I For I ould Why are you cast My soul is cast Deep is enter and go to don, don calling ap ith on My tears have e come read, all ay to house God, Hope in God; I ill praise him yet a gain, from land Jordan and Mount Hermon, 5. illos and all aves 5. as y say to me all day pear efore face place on drous soul; hy groan ith in me, refore I re mem er deep, in roar long, amid cries throng keeping saving from God tent, in me you torrents; y gladness day, and Where is joy ful presence and Hill sept o ver y thanks God festival. God. Mizar. me. night, giving, 47

TentyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 VERSES 6 9: Psalm 4241:9 12 6. 7. 8. 9. 6. 7. 8. 9. By day I ill say to With a deadly Why are you cast y saying to me Hope in God; I ill LORD God, ound in don, de night his Why do all praise him song I yet crees his mer ci ful rock, Why have you for ones, ene mies re soul; hy groan ith is go day a ith me, mourning long, gain, prayer to op saving God pressed y Where is presence and love; gotten me vile me, in me life. foe God God. 48

TentyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. I am light orld,. ill not alk in dark ness, Congregational Refrain says Lord; ho ev er fol los me ut ill have light life. My soul is thirst ing for liv ing God. ẇ Jn. 8:12 50

VERSES: Psalm 3635:6 10 Your mercy, LORD, Ho precious is They feast on clouds. shelter light. justice. reaches mercy, riches Your For ith you is to O Both man and east you in and in heaven, God! house; foun justice is like tain save, shado light e TentyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 truth The children you give m drink from stream God s O see mountains; life, LORD. ings. light. like great to men seek de deep, 51

TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Give peace, O Lord, to those ho ait for you, proph ets e found true. Hear prayers ser vant, peo ple Is ra el. ẇ Congregational Refrain Give peace, O Lord, to those ho ait for you. Entrance Cf. Sir. 36:18 that and 52

VERSES: Psalm 122121:1 7 I re joiced hen y said Jerusalem is uilt as For Israel s For peace Je it ru ness sa And no our It is re that There ere set May peace a feet tries thrones ide in to a it lem are go for standing up, judgment, alls, me, city is pray, TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 Let us go to house onded as to praise name May y prosper, ithin and se gates, tries thrones curity e one those O house in to ho Je LORD. ger. LORD. love you. rusalem. LORD. David. toers. 53

TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Or: Entrance Antiphon Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Give peace, O Lord, proph ets e found true. to those ho ait for you, Hear prayers ser vant, peo ple Is ra el. ẇ Congregational Refrain Give peace, O Lord, to those ho ait for you. Cf. Sir. 36:18 that and 54

VERSES: Sirach 36:1 5, 10 17 5. 6. Come to our aid, O Thus y ill Gar Take Give evidence Hear TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 God universe, and put all nations in dread kno, as e kno, that re is no God ut all tries Jaco, that y may inherit land as pity on ho ly city, Jerusalem, dell ing deeds old; fulfill prophecies spoken in prayer servants, for you are ever gracious to Raise hand a gainst hean, that y may real ize poer. 5. 6. sho m ork ne people called y ith 5. hoped in 6. ends holiness, onders; name; majesty, you, earth so no use m to sho forth splendor Israel, and let that sho right hom you temple prophets you are e you! you. old, place. name, people; As you have used us to Give ne signs and Sho mercy to Fill Zion Reard those ho have Thus it ill e knon to very us hand named ith e ter and proved nal glory. arm. first orn. glory. true. God. 55

TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Communion Ho pre cious is mer cy, O God! The chil dren men shel Congregational Refrain ter in shad o ings. O taste and see that Lord is good! seek Cf. Ps. 3635:8 56

TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 VERSES: Psalm 3635:6 10 Your mercy, LORD, reach Ho precious is mer They feast on riches clouds. shelter light. Your For ith you is foun justice is tain es cy, to O like heaven, God! house; God s life, truth to The children men you give m drink from stream mountains; Both man and in and in like great east you shado light deep, save, e O see seek de justice. LORD. ings. light. 57

TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The chal ice less ing that e less is a com mun ion in Blood Christ; Bod y Congregational Refrain O taste and see and read that e reak. Lord.. that Lord is good! Cf. 1 Cor. 10:16 is a shar ing in 58

VERSES: Psalm 116B115:10 19 I trusted, even Ho can I re My vos to LORD I Your servant, LORD, ser 5. My vos to LORD I 5. 5. you have loos and hen I said in The cup salvation Ho precious in eyes in courts house ened I hen pay ill vant ill I ful am ful a ill onds. larm, raise; LORD LORD, said, LORD fill I, fill I am sorely for all his goodness efore all son efore all A thanksgiving These I ill call on is I ill call on in TentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 8 sacrifice people name death name midst, af to his his are O I all his Je flicted, me people. handmaid; people, make; liars. LORD. faithful. LORD. rusalem. 59

TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis.. I am sal va tion peo ple,.. Lord. ẇ hear m, Congregational Refrain Should y cry to me and I ill e ir Lord in an y dis tress, Be our sal va tion, O Lord, for ev er. Entrance says I for ev er. ill 60

VERSES: Psalm 7877:1 7 Give ear, The things e have He es They should arise and de se e ill not To our fars he hide gave people, heard and talished a de clare it from a to un cree to der in ir ir children com mand teaching; stood, Jaco; children, TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 incline ear to ords things our fars in Israel he set up that y should set ir hope ut ill tell m to to make it next gen knon to have a in mouth. told us, la. God, er ir ation: children, I ill open mouth glories LORD in and a his parale might, and utter hidden and marvelous lessons deeds he has past. done. that next genera tion might kno it, children yet to e orn. and never for get God s deeds, ut keep every one his com mands. 61

TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Or: Entrance Antiphon Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis.. I am sal va tion peo ple,.. Lord. ẇ hear m, Congregational Refrain Should y cry to me and I ill e ir Lord in an y dis tress, Be our sal va tion, O Lord, for ev er. says I for ev er. ill 62

VERSES: Psalm 3736:27 40 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. 6. 7. 8. Then turn aay from The unjust shall e The mouth The icked man keeps Then ait for I have seen Mark But from LORD comes sal ever; stroyed. just. stroy him. land, Leanon. store, tress. The LORD TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 evil iped and out do for good, ever, and you may aide and descendants icked for de just man atch LORD, keep ut for to ters his isdom, just, ay. and his tongue tells forth hat and seeks an occasion to He ill exalt you to inherit is de icked one tri umphant, toering like a cedar lameless, o serve upright; for peaceful man a future lies in vation just, dis helps m and for indeed, The just shall The la his God is The LORD ill not leave him I passed y again; ut sinners shall all res cues m, ir stronghold in time rescues and saves m from LORD loves justice, and ill never for sake his inher it land; re y shall a ide for in his heart; his steps shall e saved from in his poer, nor let him e con demned hen he is and you ill see ick ed de he as gone. I searched; he as nohere to e e de stroyed. No future lies in store for ecause y take ref uge in icked: faithful. ever. stumling. judged. stroyed. found. icked. him. 63

TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 Communion Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 5 & & & & & & & Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. You have laid don pre cepts to e care ful ly kept;. may ays stat utes. Congregational Refrain & O taste and see Ps. 119118:4 5. e firm in keep ing. that Lord is good! 64

VERSES: Psalm 119118:1 3, 7 9, 26, 59 60, 134, 168 & 5. & & 5. & & 5. & Blessed are those hose ay I ill thank you ith an up I declared ays and I have pondered Redeem me from man s Blessed are those ho keep his I ill keep They never do Ho shall a youth remain pure I made haste; I did I oey precepts is right you op de an y on not and lameless, heart, ansered me; ays, pression, crees! statutes; TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 ho alk in la as I learn and turned steps to and I ill With all ir do not ev keep hearts y er for just de LORD! judgments. crees. precepts. seek him. sake me. thing his evil, ay ut By o alk ey in ing his teach me de lay to o ey com de crees; all ays are e ays. ord. statutes. mands. fore you. 65

TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 5 & & & & & Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. I am Good Shep herd,. and mine kno me. Congregational Refrain & O taste and see N says Lord; that Lord is good! I kno sheep, Jn. 10:14 66

VERSES: Psalm 2322 & & & & & & The LORD is He guides me along You have prepared a tale Surely goodness and mercy right e shall Fresh and green are Though I should alk in valley shado Near restful My head you have anoint In LORD s on house shepherd; path, fore me follo me pastures death, TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 8 re is nothing for sake in sight all days here he gives no evil ould I fear, for I me you shall his re are ant. name. foes. life. a ters he leads me; he re vives Your crook and staff ill give me ed ith oil; cup is o ver shall I dell for length days un pose. ith me. soul. comfort. floing. ending. 67

TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 9 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 5 & & & & & Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. I am Good Shep herd,. and mine kno me. Congregational Refrain & O taste and see N says Lord; that Lord is good! I kno sheep, Jn. 10:14 68

TentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 10 VERSES: Psalm 3332:1, 12 13, 18 22 & & & & & & Ring out joy to LORD, O Blessed nation hose God is Yes, LORD s eyes are on those Our soul is aiting for In him do our hearts From heavens to rescue ir May merciful love find Lord souls e you ho joy. looks from up just; LORD, fear him, LORD. forth; death, on us, people he has chosen ho hope in his mer He is our help We trust in his for praise is he sees all to as e ho as ci and ly fitting chil keep m a hope in for dren live you, his ful our name. in O heritage. love, shield. upright. men. famine. LORD. 69

TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Mode 3 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. All that you have done to us, O Lord, you have done ith. true judg ment, for e have sinned a gainst you eyed com mand ments. and deal ith us Entrance Dn. 3:31, 29, 30, 43, 42 and not o But give glo ry to name ac cording to oun ty mer cy. 70

Congregational Refrain For give our sins, O Lord, that e may glo ri fy name. VERSES: Psalm 119118:1 8 Blessed are those hose ay They never do any May ays I ill thank you ith an up Blessed are those ho keep his You have laid don Then I shall not e put I ill keep is thing e right de to TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 lameless, evil, firm heart, crees! precepts shame statutes; ho alk in la ut alk in in keep ing as I learn With to e as I oserve do not his just all ir care hearts ful y ly all ev er com for LORD! ays. statutes. judgments. seek him. kept. mands. sake me. 71

TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Or: Entrance Antiphon Mode 3 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. All that you have done to us, O Lord, you have done ith. true judg ment, for e have sinned a gainst you eyed com mand ments. and deal ith us Dn. 3:31, 29, 30, 43, 42 and not o But give glo ry to name ac cording to oun ty mer cy. 72

Congregational Refrain For give our sins, O Lord, that e may glo ri fy name. VERSES: Psalm 130129:1 6 Out depths I cry to you, If you, O LORD, should mark I long for you, O let ears e But ith you is found My soul hopes in at for O in O TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 LORD; iquities, LORD, Lord, Lord, soul longs hear ho for could his voice! stand ord. tentive giveness, to that sound you may e re pleadings. vered. Lord more than atch men for dayreak. 73

TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis Communion. Re mem er ord to ser vant,. O Lord, ẇ Cf. Ps. 119118:49 50 hich you have giv en me hope. This is com fort hen I am rought lo. Congregational Refrain Re mem er ord, O Lord, y hich you give. y. me hope. 74

TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 VERSES: Psalm 119118:1 2, 25, 28, 41, 74, 76, 81 82, 114 5. 5. 5. Blessed are My soul holds LORD, let My soul You are those hose fast mercy yearns for hiding Those ho revere you see me Blessed are those ho keep his My soul pines a ay Let merciful love My eyes yearn to see ay to come place, is up sal and de ith con re lameless, dust; on me, vation; shield; joice, crees! grief; sole me promise. With y y I ask, I ho alk in la revive me y salvation you I hope in for I trust in all ir ord promise When ill you hope have hearts raise to y me com in fort LORD! ord. promised. ord. ord. seek him. up. servant. me ord. 75

TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis By this e came to kno that Christ laid don his life for us;. love God:. lay don our lives. Congregational Refrain Re mem er ord, O Lord, y hich you give. 1 Jn. 3:16 so e ought to for one an oth er. me hope. 76

VERSES: Psalm 119118:1 2, 25, 28, 41, 74, 76, 81 82, 114 5. 5. 5. Blessed are My soul holds LORD, let My soul You are those hose fast mercy yearns for hiding Those ho revere you see me Blessed are those ho keep My soul pines a Let merciful My eyes yearn to his ay love see ay to come place, is up sal and de ith con re lameless, dust; on me, vation; shield; joice, crees! grief; sole me promise. With y y I ask, I TentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 8 ho alk in la revive me y salvation you I hope in for I trust in all ir ord promise When ill you hope have hearts raise to com in LORD! ord. promised. ord. y me fort ord. seek him. up. servant. me ord. 77

TentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Entrance Mode 4 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis With in ill, O Lord, all things are es ta lished,. none that can re sist ill.. and re is Cf. Est. 4:17 For you have made all things, heav en and earth, and all that is held ith in cir cle heav en;. you are Lord all.. 78

Congregational Refrain You are our Lord, VERSES: Psalm 119118:1 8 Blessed are They never do May I ill you are Lord all. those hose ay an y thank you ith an ays up Blessed are those ho keep You have laid Then I shall not e I ill his don put keep de to is lameless, thing evil, e firm right heart, crees! precepts shame statutes; TentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 ho alk in la ut alk in in keeping as I learn With to e as I oserve do not his just all ir hearts y care ful ly all ev er com for LORD! ays. statutes. judgments. seek him. kept. mands. sake me. 79

TentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Communion Antiphon 1 Communion Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis n The Lord is good A to soul A Congregational Refrain n n n to those ho hope in him, n n n n n that seeks him. It is you a lone, O Lord, that I seek. ẇ Lam. 3:25 80

VERSES 1 5: Psalm 103102:1 12 5. 5. 5. Bless It is Lord ho for The The LORD is com For as heavens are ho redeems life He ill not LORD, gives LORD passion O all does ate high a ove just and soul, sins, deeds, gracious, earth, TentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 and all ithin me, his ho heals every one gives full justice to all ho slo to anger and so strong his mercy for ho ly are rich those op in ho from grave, ho crons you ith mercy and com passion, al ays find fault; nor persist in his an ger for ever. name. ills, pressed. mercy. fear him. Bless ho fills He made knon his LORD, O life ith ays good to soul, things, Moses, and never reneing and his deeds to for get youth chil all like dren his an enefits. eagle s. Israel. He does not treat us ac cording to our sins, nor repay us ac cording to our faults. As far as east is from est, so far from us does he re move our trans gressions. 81

TentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 VERSES 6 9: Psalm 103102:13 14, 17 18, 21 22 6. 7. 8. 9. As a far has com Man, his But mercy Bless 6. 7. 8. upon children s chil 9. Bless LORD, 6. For he knos 7. The ind los, and it 8. 9. passion days LORD is LORD, dren all his his hat e is on are ev all his like er his are no justice, orks, made; more, children, grass; lasting hosts, LORD s compassion is on he floers like floer upon those ho hold his servants, ho for in every those ho place he re and its place never and rememer to ful Bless keep here those him do his he ho in his fear him. field. fear, ill. covenant, rules. memers that e are sees it a fill his com LORD, O dust. gain. mands. soul! 82

TentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 6 Or: Communion Antiphon 2 Mode 1 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis. Cf. 1 Cor. 10:17 n n Though man y, e are one read, one od y,. n n n n n for e all par take one Bread and one Chal ice. n n n Congregational Refrain A A It is you a lone, O Lord, n that I seek. 84

VERSES: Psalm 122121 TentySeventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 7 I re joiced hen y said to me, Let us go to house Jerusalem is uilt as a city onded as one to For Israel s it ness it is to praise name For peace Je ru sa lem pray, May y prosper, those ho 5. For sake fami ly and friends, let me say, Peace up 5. And no our feet are standing ithin It is re that tries go up, There ere set thrones for judgment, May peace a ide in alls, and se For sake house LORD, our God, I ill gates, tries thrones curity e seek good O house in things Je for LORD. ger. LORD. love you. on you. rusalem. LORD. David. toers. you. 85

TentyEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Antiphon Entrance Mode 3 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis If you, O Lord, should mark in i qui ties, Lord, But ith you is found for give ness, Is ra el. ẇ Congregational Refrain With you is found for give ness, O God Is ra el. ho could stand Ps. 130129:3 4 O God 86

TentyEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 2 VERSES: Psalm 130129:1 6 Out depths I cry to you, If you, O LORD, should mark I long for you, O let ears e But ith you is found My soul hopes in at for O in O LORD; iquities, LORD, Lord, Lord, soul longs hear ho for could his voice! stand ord. tentive giveness, to that sound you may e re pleadings. vered. Lord more than atch men for dayreak. 87

TentyEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 3 Communion Communion Antiphon 1 Mode 2 Speech tempo, phrasing and emphasis The rich suf fer ant and go hun gry, n n n seek Lord n n Congregational Refrain n It is you a lone, O Lord,.. lack no less ing. A A that I seek. ut those ho Cf. Ps. 3433:11 88

VERSES 1 5: Psalm 3433:2 10 5. 5. 5. I ill less Glorify Look toard The angel Fear In LORD I sought This loly one Taste and LORD at LORD him and LORD is LORD, you soul shall LORD, called; see that hear and set all his refuge those e me dis in ho glad. free. tress. him. fear him. all ith e en his times; me; radiant; camped holy ones. TentyEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 4 praise him is alays toger let us let faces not around those ho fear him, to in praise e res make and LORD its he LORD is oast; ansered me; heard, good. his a cue humle shall from all terrors he and rescued him from Blessed man ho seeks They lack nothing, mouth. name. ashed. m. 89

TentyEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, cont. 5 VERSES 6 11: Psalm 3433:12 23 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 Come, Guard The LORD turns his When just cry Many are Evil rings LORD. ceit. cry. tress. him. doomed. children, tongue eyes to out, trials death to Who Turn aside from The LORD turns his The LORD is He ill keep guard The LORD ransoms prosper peace, and memrance from crushed he ones shall not e ous pur ill e con and from LORD days sue it. earth. save. roken. demned. hear me, evil, just, hears, just man, icked; that I may teach you fear and lips from speak and his ears are open and rescues m in all ut from m all LORD ill those ho hate just ing to ir de ir dis res man cue are is it that de sires life and longs to see evil face and a gainst do good. icked Seek after to destroy ir re close to over souls ro all ken his his hearted; ones; servants. those hose spirit is not one his All ho trust in him shall 90