Solutions for Epiphany Series C Sample Booklet

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Solutions for Epiphany Series C Sample Booklet THIS BOOKLET CONTAINS EXCERPTS ROM: Psalms for the Epiphany Season* Baptism of Our Lord Psalm 9 Epiphany 3 Psalm 19 Epiphany 4 Psalm 71 Epiphany Psalm 138 Transfiguration of Our Lord Psalm 99 Verses for the Epiphany Season Baptism of Our Lord Epiphany 3 Epiphany 4 Epiphany Transfiguration of Our Lord Hymn Stanzas for the Epiphany Season To ordan Came the Christ, Our Lord rom God the ather, Virgin-Born Praise the One ho Breaks the Darkness Seek here You May to ind a ay Hail to the Lord s Anointed O ondrous Type! O Vision air *Bulletin inserts inluded in the full olletion

Psalm 9 (ESV) refrain: v. 3 Psalm 9 for the Baptism of our Lord SATB hoir (and/or ongregation) and organ Stephen R. ohnson Refrain* S (ong.) A Ó T B Ó The voie of the Lord is o - ver the a - ters; the Organ Ped. Man. only Ó. Ped.. God of glo - ry thun - ders, the Lord o - ver ma - ny a -.. *The Psalm ontinues ith the text provided on the folloing page. It is reommended that formula tone "B" from LSB (page xxvi) or a omparale tone in maor e used hen hanting this psalm. ters. Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Psalm 19:7-14, (ESV) Refrain: v. 14 Psalm 19 for the Third Sunday after Epiphany SAB hoir and keyoard (opt. ongregation*) onathan Kohrs S (ong.) A Mood/Affet {q = 8} 3.. T B 3 Let the ords of my mouth and the med - i - ta-tion of my heart e a - ept - a-le in your Keyoard Mood/Affet {q = 8} 3 3. roll eah hord. 4. To verses sight, O Lord, my rok and my re - deem - er.. To verses *The ongregation may sing the melody to the refrain ith the hoir. The melody is provided on the ongregational insert. Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Psalm for Epiphany 3 - page 8 7. The la of the Lord is perfet, re - viv-ing the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making ise the sim - ple; roll eah hord.. 1 8. the preepts of the Lord are right, re - oi-ing the heart; the ommandment of the Lord is pure, en - light-en-ing the eyes;..

Psalm 71:1-6 (ESV) antiphon: v. 1 Psalm 71 for the ourth Sunday after Epiphany SATB hoir (and/or ongregation) and organ Phillip Magness Refrain* S (ong.) Plaintively {q = 80}.. A T O O God, e not far from God, e not far from me;. me; O my O my God, make haste. God, make haste. to to help me! help me! B O God, e not far from me; O my God, make haste. to help me! Organ. O God,make haste, make haste.. to help me! *The Psalm ontinues ith the text provided on the folloing page. It is reommended that formula tone "" from LSB (page xxvi) or a omparale tone in the Phrygian mode e used hen hanting this psalm. Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Psalm 138 (ESV)* refrain: v. Psalm 138 for the ifth Sunday after Epiphany unison hoir or antor (and/or ongregation) organ Stephen R. ohnson Choir (ong.). Organ And they shall sing. of the ays of the Lord, or 4 n great is the glo - ry, the glo - ry of the Lord. 4 4 n The ongregation may oin in the refrain after it is sung y the hoir or the antor. *The Psalm ontinues ith the text provided on the folloing page. It is reommended that formula tone "A" from LSB (page xxvi) or a omparale tone in D maor e used hen hanting this psalm. Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Psalm 99 (ESV) refrain: v. 9 Psalm 99 for the Transfiguration of Our Lord SATB hoir, a appella Dan Lenore Sonntag Refrain* 8 6 f 8 6 qk» Ex - alt the Lord our. God,. and or - ship at his ho - ly Ex - alt the Lord our God, and or - ship at his ho - ly n.. moun - - tain, for the n moun - - tain, for the Lord our God is Lord our God is ho - ly!.... ho - ly! - *The Psalm ontinues ith the text provided on the folloing page. It is reommended that formula tone "E" from LSB (page xxvi) or a omparale tone in the G maor e used hen hanting this psalm. Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Mark 1: 11 (ESV) Verse for the Baptism of our Lord for SAB hoir unaompanied Stephen R. ohnson S q». 90 legato throughout Ó Ó Al - le - lu - ia. You are my e-lov-ed.. Son; ith A B Al - le - lu - ia. You are my e-lov-ed. Son;. ith Al - le - lu - ia Al - le - lu - ia. You are my e lov-ed Son, ith 6 Ó Ó You I am ell pleased. Al - le - lu - ia. 6 6 You I am ell - pleased. Al - le - lu - ia. You I am ell pleased. Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia. Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Luke 4:18a, (ESV) Verse for the Third Sunday after Epiphany for SATB hoir, a appella onathan Kohrs S A T B Al- le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia. U ia. u ine The Spir - it of the. Lord is up. - on me e -. ause he has a. a - - 10 to pro - noin - ted me, a -.. noin - ted me, a - noin - ted me, a -.. noin - ted me, a - noin - ted me to pro -.. noin - ted me to pro - 13 laim laim, pro laim, Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Verse for the ourth Sunday after Epiphany for unison hoir (or antor) and keyoard Luke 4:43 (ESV) Phillip Magness Confidently {h = 6} n piano or organ Al- le- lu - ia. Al-le-lu - ia. n n n I must preah the n n n n n good nes of the n n king - dom of God to the oth - er tons as ell; n n n. n n n n n Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Luke : 10 (ESV) Verse for the ifth Sunday after Epiphany for SAB hoir, a appella Stephen R. ohnson S q». 90 legato throughout Ó Ó A B Al - le - lu - ia. Do not e a-fraid; from no Al - le - lu - ia. Do not e a - fraid; from no Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia. Do not e a-fraid; from no Ó Ó on you ill e ath -ing men. Al - le - lu - on you ill e ath -ing men. Al - le - lu - ia. ia. on you ill e ath -ing men. Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia. Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Psalm 4: (ESV) Verse for the Transfiguration of Our Lord for SAB hoir, a appella C C h» º Ó Simply P Al - le - lu - - - - - ia. Dan Lenore Sonntag Ó C You are the You are the the most most hand -some of hand -some of the men; sons of most hand - some of the sons of men; Sripture taken from The Holy Bile, English Standard Version. Copyright 001 y Crossay Biles, a pulishing ministry of Good Nes Pulishers. Used y permission. All rights reserved. Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In.

Martin Luther 1483-146 Unison Choir To ordan Came the Christ, Our Lord Stanzas 1 and 3 for -part hoir and organ, piano, or harp Gently loing {q = 10 } Ó 1. To or - dan ame the CHRIST, UNSER HERR ohann alter setting y Stephen R. ohnson Christ our Lord, to Organ, Piano, or Harp. 8 simile do His a - ther's plea - sure; Bap - n. tized y ohn, the a - ther's ord as giv - en us to trea - sure. This 8 8 n n Musi 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

To ordan Came the Christ, Our Lord - page 11 heav'n - ly ash - ing no shall e a leans - ing from trans-gres 11 11 S A 14 Ó stanza 3 3. These truths on or - dan's anks ere shon By migh - ty ord and on -. der. 14 14 19 The a - ther's voie from heav'n ame. don, hih e do 19 19

ell to pon pon - der: "This man is My e - - To ordan Came the Christ, Our Lord - page 3 der: "This man is My e - lov - ed lov -ed Son, In hom My heart takes plea - Son, In hom My heart takes 6 6 plea - - sure. Him you must hear and Him a - lone, And sure. Him you must hear, and Him a - lone, And trust in 6 6

rom God the ather, Virgin-Born stanza 3 for unison hoir (or antor) and keyoard Latin,. th-10th ent; tr. ohn Mason Neale, 1818-66, alt. DEUS TUORUM MILITUM, Antiphoner, Grenole, 173 setting y onathan Kohrs!. Ó. Glide on, O glo - rious Keyoard......... 4 4 9 n Sun, and ring The gift of heal - ing on Your 4 9 ( ) ( ) ( )... 4 9.... 6. Ó. ing; To ev - 'ry dull and... ( )... ( )... ( ) 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

rom God the ather, Virgin-Born - page 9. loud - ed sense...

Seek here You May to ind a ay stanza 3 for unison hoir (or antor) and organ Georg eisel, 190-163 tr. Arthur P. Voss, 1899-19, alt. SUCH, ER DA ILL ohann Stoäus, 180-1646 setting y Phillip Magness Gently {h = 69} C! soft 8' reed C 3.!Seek Him a - lone ho did a - tone, ho Organ strings soft flute C! did your souls de - li - - - - ver.! 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Seek here You May - page 9! 9 O seek Him first, all you ho thirst or 9 ẇ 13! 13 grae that fails you ne - - - ver.! 13 17 n! 17 In ev - 'ry need seek Him in -!! deed; n n n n 17 n n n n

Hail to the Lord's Anointed stanza for SATB hoir ames Montgomery, 1771-184 REUT EUCH, IHR LIEBEN Leonhart Shröter,. 13 -. 1601 setting y Stephen R. ohnson S A Vigorously q» 160! Ó T B > > He > > omes He omes ith res - ue speed - dy To those ho suf - fer To those ho Ó 4 rong, suf - fer -, > > > > rong, He omes 4 To help the poor and need - y And 10 Ó 4 10 id the eak e strong;, > > 4 To To id the eak e > > strong; He omes to 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

Hail to the Lord's Anointed - page 14 n 14 give them songs for sigh - ing, Their give them songs for sigh - ing, Their

Sarum, 1th entury; tr. ohn M. Niole, 1818-66, alt. O ondrous Type! O Vision air stanza 4 for SATB hoir and organ English, 1th entury setting y Dan Sonntag S A T B 3 3 V 3 3 oyfully h» º And And And And faith - ful hearts are faith - ful hearts are. faith - ful hearts are faith - ful hearts are raised on high y raised on high y raised on high y raised on high y Organ 3 3 Ó Ó 006 Liturgy Solutions, In. Original purhasers are granted permission to reprodue this musi for their parish use. Any other dupliation in any form is prohiited ithout pulisher's ritten permission.

3 O ondrous Type - page p n V this great vi - - - - sion's mys - te - ry, or this great vi - - - sion's mys - te - ry, or p p N n this great vi - - sion's mys - - - - te - ry, or p Org. 3 this great vi - sion's mys - te - ry, or Ó Ó N n P N n n n n hih in oy - - - - ful. n strains e raise, the V hih in oy - - - ful n strains e raise, the. hih in oy - - - - ful strains e raise, the Org. hih in oy - ful. n n strains e raise, the Ó