ni, œ œ œ pí - ri - tu Cmaj7 œ œ

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j J œ œ. al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia, al - œ le - lu - ia. œ G C/G G Al - le - lu - you good news of great C/G G C

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SAMPLE None of the pages in this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

Kievan Chant Tone 3. sol la te la sol fa sol. œ œ. la te la sol fa sol

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Psalm 118: This Is the Day/ Give Thanks to the Lord Kevin Keil. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. the the. œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ. œ œ A D D/F # D/F # D j

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Our God is Here. Verse œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ. here God. in is. face healed. here here. God God. is is

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H vii. palm sunday of the passion of the lord. The Procession / The Solemn Entrance. ANTIPHON Mt 21: 9. who. san-na. comes. Is- ra-el.

F/A. gua, tus, mae ro, go. da pré ca er tó. lin gua glo ri ó si Cór po. si tus nae, rum. cor ex re ver ve laus. po in cúm bo ne et. tum.

hanting on our behalf

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2 Spirit of Ricky Manalo, CSP Keyboard Steady, yet flowg (q = ca 108 Lat Filipo/English Ha - ( Ve - l - a, po ka - yo, Thænh Th n, ` ni, to x Ngøi to Spi - ri - ng 6 Ss to { n 2000, 2004, Ricky Manalo, CSP Published by CP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 97213 All rights reserved Note: Play once as Intro

3 Bm/ to to Ss Christ earth space Christ earth space Ve - ni, to ve - ni * ** * ** u J *Sprklg rite **Incensation Spirit of

4 Spirit of (uitar/vocal Ricky Manalo, CSP Steady, yet flowg (q = ca 108 Lat Filipo/English Bm/ Bm/ Bm/ Bm/ Ha - Ve - l - a, po ka - yo, Thænh Th n, ` ni, to x Ngøi to 6 6 Spi - ri - 6 ng 6 Ve - ni, Ss to { n ve - ni * ** * ** to 2000, 2004, Ricky Manalo, CSP Published by CP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 97213 All rights reserved Note: Play once as Intro *Sprklg rite **Incensation

5 Ss to Christ earth space Christ earth space to Spirit of

6 Performance Notes Spirit of was commissid by National Conference of Catholic Bishops for official millennium celebration of American church, Encuentro 2000 Held Los Angeles from July 6 9, close to 700 participants, both lay ordaed, gared, prayed, dialogued, celebrated cultural diversity of our country My goal composg of piece was to create lguistic mical threads that could be sung simultaneoly: four melodic les five languages dividually collectively create a contuo ostato I prefer to start with le which helps establish tonal foundation After sgg twice or three times through, brg Filipo/English le, followed by le The Lat le serves best as a descant, comg at end of order While order is based on creasg mical ranges, you may wish to change order, cludg or excludg specific les I have assigned specific voice parts to each le, based on its melodic range However, does not have to hold to se assignments For example, altos could easily be assigned le (even though it is written bass clef, while tenors could be assigned Lat descant, etc Essentially, is best sung as a prelude to any liturgical garg, or any or ritual moment that calls for vocation of Holy Spirit ependg on context, I have provided three alternative refras with Filipo Vietnamese les The first option ( Christ could be sung durg liturgies that are celebrated a multicultural context or liturgies that speak of unity diversity, community, reconciliation The second option ( re earth pots to a general vocation of Spirit: ie, sprklg rite or layg on of hs Fally, third option ( bless holy space could be sung durg a blessg of a worship space: ie, accompanyg a ritual action of censation or sprklg Ricky Manalo, CSP

7 Assembly Edition CME, SPIRIT F Lat Filipo/English *Sprklg rite **Incensation Ha - l - a, po ka - yo, Lat Filipo/English Ve - Thænh Th n, ` ni, to RIcky Manalo, CSP 2000, 2004, Ricky Manalo, CSP Published by CP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, R 97213 All rights reserved to x Ngøi to Spir - it of Spir - it of Spi - ri - ng Ve - ni, Spí - ri-t to { n ve - ni * ** * ** For reprt permissions, please visit nelicensenet or contact at 1-800-663-1501

8 Assembly Edition Lat Filipo/English to CME, SPIRIT F (Contued Ss Christ earth space Christ earth space to