SAMPLE PSALM 30: I WILL PRAISE YOU, LORD. Dm7. Gsus4. you have res cued me. will praise you, for your. Csus4. mer. 1. I will praise you, Lord, Lord.

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PSLM 30: WLL PRS YOU, LORD RRN: ( = 84 88) 1st time: antor, ll repeat; thereafter: ll sus4 sus4 mer VRS 1: antor will praise you, VRS 2: antor VRS 3: cy. will praise you, 7 antor 2. Sing psalms to the will praise you, lis tened SMPL you have res cued me, m you have res cued me: you have res cued me you who love him, m6 and had pit y. will praise you, Dm will praise you, and have B 6 not let Lord. give for your The ine Text: Psalm 30:2, 4 6, 11 1 Refrain, Paul nwood, b. 1947, 1985, Paul nwood. Published by OP. ll rights reserved. Verses 1963, The rail (ngland). ll rights reserved. Used with permission of.p. Watt, Ltd. Music: Paul nwood, 1985, Paul nwood. Published by OP. ll rights reserved. 22627-Z1

m PSLM 30: WLL PRS YOU, LORD, cont. (2) maj7 en e mies re joice o ver me. O you have raised m maj7 2. thanks to his ho Lord came sus4 soul from the dead, sus4 2. fa vor through life. re t sus4 mourn ing in to danc ing; O SMPL ly name. His an to help. or me / stored me to / night / Lord there are m/ life from those who m/ tears, m/ m maj7 / sink in to the od, will thank you for ger lasts but a mo ment; his you have changed D.. grave. / D.. but joy comes with dawn. / D.. al fine ev er. D..

PSLM 30: WLL PRS YOU, LORD RRN: ( = 84 88) 1st time: antor, ll repeat; thereafter: ll apo 3: () (sus4) sus4 VRS 1: antor (m) m you joice o ver me. O (sus4) sus4 have res cued me: will praise you, will praise you, / (sus4) sus4 for your mer SMPL (m6) m6 () cy. (Bm) Dm you have res cued me (7) 7 (m) m (m/) m/ you have res cued me, will (6) B 6 praise and have (maj7) maj7 you have raised will praise you, / () you, not let en e mies re Lord. () soul from the () will praise you, ine D.. dead, re stored me to life from those who sink in to the grave. Text: Psalm 30:2, 4 6, 11 1 Refrain, Paul nwood, b. 1947, 1985, Paul nwood. Published by OP. ll rights reserved. Verses 1963, The rail (ngland). ll rights reserved. Used with permission of.p. Watt, Ltd. Music: Paul nwood, 1985, Paul nwood. Published by OP. ll rights reserved. 22627-Z2

VRS 2: antor () PSLM 30: WLL PRS YOU, LORD, cont. (2) 2. Sing psalms to the you who love him, give thanks to his 2. 2. life. VRS 3: came to help. or (sus4) sus4 danc ho ly name. His (sus4) sus4 antor ing; t O / lis tened / Lord SMPL (m) m an night there are () (m) m and had pit y. me ger lasts but a (m/) m/ tears, (m/) m/ you have but od, will (maj7) maj7 mo ment; (maj7) maj7 changed / joy / his comes with () thank you for ev () fa mourn ing in to () () dawn. vor through D.. al fine er. D..

PSLM 30: WLL PRS YOU, LORD RRN: ( = 84 88) 1st time: antor, ll repeat; thereafter: ll apo 3: () (sus4) sus4 VRS 1: antor (m) m you joice o ver me. O (sus4) sus4 have res cued me: will praise you, will praise you, / (sus4) sus4 for your mer SMPL (m6) m6 () cy. (Bm) Dm you have res cued me (7) 7 (m) m (m/) m/ you have res cued me, will (6) B 6 praise and have (maj7) maj7 you have raised will praise you, / () you, not let en e mies re Lord. () soul from the () will praise you, ine D.. dead, re stored me to life from those who sink in to the grave. Text: Psalm 30:2, 4 6, 11 1 Refrain, Paul nwood, b. 1947, 1985, Paul nwood. Published by OP. ll rights reserved. Verses 1963, The rail (ngland). ll rights reserved. Used with permission of.p. Watt, Ltd. Music: Paul nwood, 1985, Paul nwood. Published by OP. ll rights reserved. 22627-Z2

VRS 2: antor () PSLM 30: WLL PRS YOU, LORD, cont. (2) 2. Sing psalms to the you who love him, give thanks to his 2. 2. life. VRS 3: came to help. or (sus4) sus4 danc ho ly name. His (sus4) sus4 antor ing; t O / lis tened / Lord SMPL (m) m an night there are () (m) m and had pit y. me ger lasts but a (m/) m/ tears, (m/) m/ you have but od, will (maj7) maj7 mo ment; (maj7) maj7 changed / joy / his comes with () thank you for ev () fa mourn ing in to () () dawn. vor through D.. al fine er. D..

SOLO NSTRUMNT & PSLM 30: WLL PRS YOU, LORD RRN: ( = 84±88) Tacet 1st time SMPL Music: Paul nwood, b. 1947, 1985, Paul nwood. Published by OP. ll rights reserved. VRSS 1-3 ine 8 D.. 22627-Z3