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CHRST PRSBYTRN CHURCH Oxford, Mississippi Service of Word Prayer Lord s Day, September 25, 2016, 10:30 a.m. Prede Welcome nnouncements lder Clay Dabbs *Song of scent 1 ll Creatures of Our King (TH 115) ssisi/draper (Verses 1, 4, 5) 3 & # # 2 6 & # # 10 & # # 15 & # # 1.ll 2.Thou 3.Thou 4.nd 5.Let sing œ œ œ œ œ œ w creatures of our King, rush ing wind that art so strong, flow ing wa ter, pure clear, ye men of ten der heart, things ir Cre a tor bless, ia, Him, ia, ye, Him, al al al al al le le le le le ia! ia! ia! ia! ia! œ œ œ œ œ œ w œ œ lift ye make for up your voice with us sing clouds that sail in heav'n a long, mu sic for thy Lord to hear, giv ing oth ers, take your part, wor ship Him in humble ness, U œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ w sil lights giv ver of est moon with eve ning man both on Him Spir it, soft find warmth cast Three er gle, a your in voice, light, care, One, Thou Thou Thou Ye Praise, burn ing sun with gold en ris ing morn in re fire so mas ter ful who long pain sor row prasie Fa r, be, joice, bright, bear, Son, œ œ œ œ œ œ w œ œ œ œ al le O al le O O thou ye that œ œ O Him, O Him, al le œ œ œ œ w w ia, al le ia, al le ia! 1 ll songs covered by or used under CCL License #1098613 2 We believe that always initiates with sinners, so we begin worship with invitation comm to us to gar in ne. 3 * Please Children s st Church if able. is a special opportunity we provide for children three to four years of age to help m ir parents make

*C to Worship 2 Psalm 59: 16, 17 But will sing of your strength; will sing aloud of your steadfast love in morning. For you have been to me a fortress a refuge in day of distress. O Strength, will sing s to you, for you, O, are fortress, who shows me steadfast love. *Prayer of doration nvocation Pastor Jie Peterson *Hymn of Praise ll Praise to, Who Reigns bove (TH 4) Schütz/Cox (Verses 1, 2, 5, 6) 3 & # # 2 6 & # # 10 & # # 1.ll 2.What 3. 4.The 5.Ye 6.Then œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ 's cried Lord who come to, who almight y to Him in for sak eth confess Christ's be fore of won ders, morning dawn or death He gave me is who ir re Fa fuge r's your Redeem er reigns pow'r time not ho pre a bove, made need: flock, hath of ly sence pow'r love, eve ning shade life in deed ir rock, pow'r pro claim, pay your vow ne, now ir to Lord to of gracious, O cho sen give ban of watchful kept peace sing give with our eye feet ir joy mer hear gen fear sal ne'er from sal cre cy er a tion, keep eth; c a ing! tion; sad ness; œ œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ heal in this with i great ing a dols dis balm king thanks moth un tress dom sh er's der soul of He end less ten foot soul der be be fills, might, be; h trod, fell, lo, O He va sleep f va glad tion! eth; ing. tion. ness: œ œ thank leads Lord Lord, who is Him, is ev just thank own,!, by For He Ye to With with For s ll Though ery our The did 2 We believe that always initiates with sinners, so we begin worship with invitation comm to us to gar in ne. * Please st if able.

13 & # # œ sor cho Lord U # œ œ nœ œ œ row is with sen is things stills. right. me. b.! well. To To To To To To C to Confession Luke 10: 25 28 nd behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to test, saying, Teacher, what sh do to inherit eternal life? He said to him, What is written in Law? How do you read it? nd he answered, You sh love Lord your with your heart with your soul with your strength with your mind, your neighbor as yourself. nd he said to him, You have answered correctly; do this, you will live. Silent Confession of Sin Corporate Confession of Sin of love, it is your will that we should love you with heart, soul, mind, strength, our neighbor as ourselves, but we are not sufficient for se things. We confess that our affections continuy turn away from you: from purity to st, from freedom to slavery, from compassion to indifference, from fullness to emptiness. Have mercy on us. Order our lives by your holy Word, make your commments joy of our hearts. Conform us to image of your loving Son, Jesus, that we may shine before world to your ry. MN *Offer of Forgiveness Through Christ Galatians 2: 20 have been crucified with Christ. t is no longer who live, but Christ who lives in me. nd life now live in flesh live by faith in Son of, who loved me gave himself for me. * Please st if able.

*Hymn of Rejoicing Satisfied Willis/Digerness & # # # Dadd9 4 Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 3 5 7 9 1.ll 2.Feed 3.Poor 4.Well ing of life on was wa long ter F#m7 Dadd9 filth sought ev have a for er pan round rich spring & # # #Dadd9 Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ for 'till some Bread a thing of drink strength that Life from was would so & # # #Dadd9 Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ that Longed But Un told hoped soul dust wealth would for that some al sa rich Dadd9 cool most tis quench some ga ne sus spring gone. fy. free, thing red ver bur bet 'round fail & # # #Dadd9 Œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ of on on ly ly Re F#m7 thirst still mocked deem to er felt hun soul's is with ger sad to & # # #F#m Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ He jah! Bm He has found Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ me, D sus in. on. cry. me. One ted me es, ing Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ning ter, me, eth F#m œ r œ œ œ œ œ œ œ soul so long has 12 & # # # Œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ craved! long ings 15 sus D Je sus sa tis fies & # # # D F#m sus Œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ Bm * Please st if able. through blood now saved.

Offertory Prayer Deacon Joey Jones Collection of Tis Offerings *Hymn of Praise Doxology Bourgeois/Ken 2 & # U U 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Praise from whom bless ings Him, crea tures & # U œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Him a bove, ye heav'n ly 10 flow; here be low; œ U œ œ œ œ œ œ œ host: Fa r, Son, Ho ly Ghost. men. Children s Church Dismissal 3 Pastoral Prayer lder Clay Dabbs The Lord s Prayer Our Far, who art in heaven, howed be Thy Ne. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. nd lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is Kingdom power ry forever. MN Sermon Romans 13: 8 10 Pastor Curt Presley Children s Church: Parents please note that your children will be escorted back to sanctuary during this next hymn, please meet m at back of sanctuary escort m back to your seats. 3 Children s Church is a special opportunity we provide for children three to four years of age to help m ir parents make transition from nursery to big church. They are dismissed with help of a parent after collection of tis offering to gym to where y will participate in singing of Doxology, praying Lord s Prayer, a Bible story, snack, a brief play period to get some energy out. This is not a babysitting time, but to help m grow mature as worshipers of that He has created m to be. fter Children s Church y will be led back into sanctuary to be with ir parents for closing hymn. Please note that Children s Church is an option for you your child. f you would choose to keep your child with you for entire service not have m participate in Children s Church we support that as well! * Please st if able.

*Hymn of Response On Jordan s Stor Banks Stennett/Miner & # # # # 4 e J 7 & # # # # 11 & # # # # 15 & # # # # Guitar ntroduction Bsus e e e e J e e e e e e e e e e e e Œ J j % œ œ œ j œ œ œ banks st, nd cast ten ded plains, Shines one pois onous breath, Can reach hap py place, nd be hap ev pain Fa Women: py er r's l, reigns, death, face, Where nd re nd œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ J œ œ œ œ Œ bound, scat felt in a wish e ter that health for ev Bsus B ful nal ful er B eye day shore, blessed 1.3. œ œ œ œ œ j œ œ j œ œ œ œ j œ Œ pos ses sions lie. ters night a feared no more. bos om Bsus B bound, 1.On (2.ll) (3.No) (4.When) To Can There, Sick When sh Jor dan's stor o'er those wide ex chil ling winds nor sh reach that aan's ness, fair Son sor see for row, œ j œ j œ Œ œ œ 2.ll 4.When œ j œ œ j œ œ œ bound 2.4. way. rest. for Men: B Prom œ œ œ œ œ œ J œ œœ œ œ œ J œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ised bound, bound, bound for Prom ised 18 & # # # # L. L. Œ bound, bound, Œ œ œ œ œ Œ Bsus bound, B bound, œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ J œ œ œ 21 & # # # # bound bound for for B Prom Prom ised œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ised 2. 4. L. L. D.S. L. œ j œ œ œ 3.No L. * Please st if able.

*Benediction 4 *Hymn of Praise Threefold men (TH 740) nonymous & bb b b men, a men, a men. œ? b b œ b b4 œ Œ œ Œ ẇ w w 4 œ Œ œ Œ ẇ w Postde 4 Just as has first word in worship, He also has last word. For those who are in Christ Jesus, se are always words of blessing. We look up extend our hs out in a posture of receiving blessing of. * Please st if able.

Sermon Passage Romans 13: 8 10 8 Owe no one anything, except to love each or, for one who loves anor has fulfilled law. 9 For commments, You sh not commit adultery, You sh not murder, You sh not steal, You sh not covet, any or commment, are summed up in this word: You sh love your neighbor as yourself. 10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; refore love is fulfilling of law. Sermon Notes

The Gospel So what exactly is Gospel? The apostle Paul wrote to church in Rome, The gospel is power of for salvation of everyone who believes. (Romans 1: 16) This Gospel power is not simply about sharing a message, doing better or being nicer, but about a generated renovation of of life. n so doing He gives us a new object of worship, new fuel for life a new purpose for future. The Gospel does this because it is first foremost outside of us. Out of this fountain of power flows mercy, forgiveness love in essence transformed lives. Moreover, this fountain is not generated from within us from our efforts, experiences or knowledge. This fountain is found outside of us in azing historical work of Jesus his life, crucifixion resurrection. finished work alone restores, forgives empowers sinners in a directed life. So how do we embrace Gospel? There is something to admit. Christians are people who admit that y are weaker, more guilty sinful than y would have ever dared admit. By nature by choice we are not in a relationship with even though we were created for such a relationship. nstead, natury we live a selfcentered rar than a centered lifestyle, which is characterized by sorts of misdeeds deceptions. Left to ourselves we are helpless to break this pattern. (Jeremiah 17: 9, 10; Romans 3: 10 18, 23) There is something to believe. Christians are people who believe that loves people so much that he sent his only Son to earth to become a man, Jesus Christ, that Jesus dies on cross as our substitute was raised from dead in order to offer us complete forgiveness. Through Christ, we are more loved, vaed accepted by than we would have ever dared imagine. (John 3: 16; phesian 2: 8 10) There is something to consider. Christians are not naïve, but y have counted cost of following Jesus. Being a Christian involves acknowledging Jesus authority Lordship in every area of life, welcoming his work to change us from inside out, rejoicing to spend time with him with his followers in life of church. (Matw 10: 34 39; Luke 9: 23) There is something to do. We receive Christ as Savior Lord by selfconsciously turning away from our sin our sinful self (which Bible cs repentance) turn toward Jesus as he is offered to us in Gospel. We look to him because he alone offers forgiveness, acceptance with power for a new life that we so desperately need. The Bible cs this faith. (Matw 3: 2; Mark 1: 15; Romans 10: 9, 10) We welcome any questions you may have about Gospel or anything else you may have seen or heard here at Christ Presbyterian Church today. f you have any questions or need anything else, please speak to one of our pastors, officers, or staff. t is our privilege to serve you in any way we can!

Christ Presbyterian Church 1720 University venue/po Box 921, Oxford, Mississippi 38655 Phone: 6622343399 mail: CHURCH LDRSHP The Session Johnny Barrett Clay Dabbs Toby Griggs Jie Peterson Curt Presley Doug Sanford Lee Tyner The Diaconate Peyton tchley ndy dwards Kevin Gardner Wayne rby Joey Jones rrol Sayre Brian Simmons Shannon Singletary The Staff Curt Presley, Senior Pastor Jie Peterson, ssociate Pastor Scott Byrd, Youth Director Katrina Colston, Office dministrator Homer Harris, Church dministrator Reed Harrison, Male Youth ntern Christine Hom, nternational Ministries ssistant Melvin Manickavasag, Men s nternational Ministries Coordinator Margaret Neely, Nursery Coordinator Whitney Reese, Children s Ministries Coordinator CiCi Rurford, Female Youth ntern Susan Tyner, Women s Ministries Coordinator

CPC conducts a worship service every 1 st Sunday of month at NMRC from 3:003:30 pm. This is a special time with some of 's most special people. We are in great need of additional CPC members to assist with this monthly ministry. We have found this to be a wonderful opportunity for participation of your children teenagers. Music for this ministry is a critical need. f you feel led to assist in this special, once monthly ministry, please contact Brian Simmons at 8013869 or Communicants Class: On Sunday, October 2, during Sunday School hour, CPC will be hosting a Communicants Class for children of members who are interested in joining church as communing members. There is a brochure with more details on this class in foyer of church that must be read signed by a parent of child returned on first day of class. f you have any questions, please contact Jie at 2144718843 or email him at October 8 Parenting Seminar We invite parents, grparents, aunts, uncles, covenant parents to our annual parenting seminar. The talks will be geared toward parenting teens, but will be helpful to parents. This year our main speaker will be Rev. Joey Stewart, executive director of Reformed Youth Ministries (RYM). He will be speaking on "Parenting Our Children Toward Jesus" from Psalm 78. Breakfast childcare will be provided. Please RSVP to Scott at Men's Wild Ge Dinner Thursday, October 27 at 6:00 p.m. ll men are invited to enjoy fellowship, great food, worship, teaching. For those without wild ge, please know that side dishes desserts are equy appreciated! The church's grill will be ready in back parking lot by 5:15 p.m. if you want to cook your dish here, we will plan to start eating at 6:00 p.m. Justin McGuire, pastor of College Hill Presbyterian Church, will be our guest speaker. Please invite friends coworkers to join us too! Contact Bron mes (6628162123) if you have any questions or are interested in helping coordinate event. Building Te From now until Friday, September 30, we will be taking nominations for two women two men to serve on Building Te that will work with our design professional, contractor, congregation to facilitate master planning, progrming, design, construction of a new facility on our new property. Please give or send your nominations ( to our office administrator, Katrina Colston, at church office before September 30. We will have a congregational meeting on October 9 to vote on nominees. Remember as you consider this that you do not have to be on this te to give input concerning design process. veryone will have multiple opportunities over course of this process to give input on building design. f you have any questions, please give Curt or Jie a c at 6622343399. SUNDY September 25 9:15 Sunday School/nquirers class 10:30 Worship 4:00 pm Sr. high girls Bible study 5:30 pm Shepherding groups, Kids Cafe, Youth Fellowship TUSDY September 27 8:30 Staff meeting 12:00 pm Friend to Friend 12:10 pm Brown Bag Theology WDNSDY September 28 9:15 Women s morning Bible study 12:00 pm Men s Prayer nch 5:30 pm M&M 5:30 pm Women s evening Bible study 5:307:00 pm Youth group 7:00 pm Benevolence meeting FRDY September 30 6:00 Men s breakfast & Bible study 9:3011:30 LL (CPC) SUNDY October 2 9:15 Sunday School/nquirers class 10:30 Worship 3:00 pm NMRC worship service 4:00 pm Sr. high girls Bible study 5:30 pm vening worship

September 25, 2016 Members of Week: Heath, lizabeth, nnie, & Betsy Wear Dianne Whitfield Missionary/Ministry of Week Nelly Vos France Praise that a new pastor, ndre Geske from Brazil, will arrive October 17 to serve church in Marseille. Pray that will speak to hearts of unbelievers who have been invited to share a meal with church. Sunday School teacher(s) of week: 1 st & 2 nd grade Sue Castens, Lillian Childress, Steve & Lynndy Hurdle Comments or prayer request mail Phone ddress Ne would like to know more about Christ Presbyterian Church a member would like to update contact information. Please contact me. Today: 5:307:00 p.m. Kids Cafe (nursery 6 th grade), Shepherding Youth groups. Tyner Tyners home (112 Orrwood Dr.) contact number: (Lee) 8013881 Barrett TB contact number: (Johnny) 8168893 Griggs will meet at CPC after morning worship contact number: (Toby) 8010853 Peterson Knights home (1100 ugusta Dr., Unit 302) contact number: (Jie) 2144718843 Dabbs TB contact number: (Clay) 8164325 Sanford will have nursery Kids Cafe this week. Please be at church by 5:00 p.m. KDS CF This week, our kids will be learning about rmor of! MNU: Make your own swich (swich bar), chips, fruit, dessert & caprisun (Please pick children up by 7:10.) Youth: Jr. High Graftons home (4007 Pintail Cove) Sr. High Newsoms home (126 Mulberry Lane) The annual SavLife bundant Life Banquet will be on Tuesday, September 27, at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church. Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation will be our featured speaker this year. Tickets are on sale for $20; please c clinic at 2344414 or see/email Kathryn Scott ( for tickets. Women's Ministry: Ladies, if you are interested in meeting with a sm group monthly/bimonthly, please check out sign up lists in foyer. f you would like to be added to CPC newsletter, please c church office at 6622343399 or send your email address to: NURSRY Today SS: Steve Redding, melie McGee, Brad Dewees, Susie Sterling, Josh McCrg, Worship: Mindy Redding, Clyde McGee, udrey Dewees, Jason Sterling, Christi McCrg, Rachel tkins; 10/2 SS: Kitty Cox, Warren Miconi, Kristi Davidson, arl Stubblefield, Lady Margaret Redd, Worship: Rickey Cox, Carol nne Miconi, Gregg Davidson, Jenny Stubblefield, True Redd, Kirk ddleman. Sunday vening worship: 10/2 Toby & Patti Griggs 10/16 Kevin & Jill Gardner CHLDRN S CHURCH: 9/25 3 year olds: Beth Chblee (Noah s rk room); 4 year olds: Chris & udrey Floyd (gym) Deacon of week: 9/26 Peyton tchley Ushers for month of September: l Bell, Rick Carlisle, rrol Castens, Luke Chblee, Rob Coleman, Gregg Davidson, Reed Davis, Brad Dewees.