Love Shall Live Forever

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Gyneth Walker Love Shall Live orever for Hih Voice and Piano

Love Shall Live orever Duration 8:15 These sons ere comosed as a eddin ift for Eleanor Bach (sorano) and Evan Roider (ianist) youn friends of the comoser. Their eddin ill take lace on May 1, 2017, in Ravello, Italy. The Poems 1. An Evenin Son y Sidney Lanier (1842 1881) adated y Gyneth Walker Look off, dear love, across the yello sands, and mark the meetin of the sun and sea. Ho lon they kiss in siht of all the lands. But loner, loner, shall e. No in the sea s red vintae melts the sun, as the evenin earl dissolves in rosy ine. And the niht drinks all, tis done, tis done. Love lay your hand in mine. Come forth, seet stars, and comfort heaven s heart; limmer, all ye aves, round the unlit sands. O niht! Thouh you tear our sun and sky aart, never our lis, never our hands.

2. He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven y W. B. Yeats (1865 199) adated y Gyneth Walker Had I the heavens emroidered cloths, enrouht ith old and silver liht, the lue and the dim and the dark cloths of niht and liht and the half-liht, the cloths of heaven, ith old and silver liht. or I ould sread the cloths eneath your feet, the old and silver cloths eneath your feet. But I, ein oor, have only my dreams. Tread softly, ecause you tread uon my dreams.. She Walks in Beauty y Lord Byron (1788 1824) and Son of Solomon verse 8: 6-7 adated y Gyneth Walker She alks in eauty like the niht of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that s est of dark and riht meet in her asect and her eyes. He alks in courae as the day, ith certain ste and knoin ace, to follo his heart in every ay, to sho a kindness in his face. Set me as a seal uon your heart. Set me as a seal uon your arm. or love is stron, love is stron as death. Many aters cannot quench love. Many aters cannot dron love. or faith aides. Love, faith and hoe aide. And love shall live forever. And on that cheek, and o er that ro, so soft, so calm, yet eloquent, a mind at eace ith all elo, and hearts hose love is innocent.

Proram Notes The texts for these sons are taken from the ast (mostly 19th-century). But the sentiments are aeless. Each of the oems resents secial imaery hich has insired the musical settins. Evenin Son seaks of nocturnal romance. Moonliht sarkles on the limmerin aves (iano introduction). The sun has set. Come forth, seet stars, and comfort heaven s heart. The niht may searate the sun and the sky (the lovers ), ut never our lis, never our heart. In the Yeats oem, He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven, the lover yearns to ive his eloved eautiful ifts emroidered cloths, hich he ould sread eneath her feet. But alas, ein oor, he can offer only his dreams. Tread softly. He directs his thouhts to heaven as he ishes for the cloths ith old and silver liht. A iano introduction allos time to enter the oetic orld of Lord Byron s She Walks in Beauty. A simle melody is accomanied y steady, alkin rhythms. Althouh the oriinal oem seaks only of the oman (eloved) reverently, ojectively this ne interretation inserts a verse to include the man (lover), thus creatin a love son for a coule. He alks in courae they alk in eauty, O love! or the joinin of hearts, a assae from the Son of Solomon, Set me as a seal uon your heart, is added as a text for the final ortion of this son. The accomaniment is stron oth floin and insistent. The voice ascends in triumh: or faith aides. Love, faith and hoe aide. And love shall live forever. Tale of Contents 1. Evenin Son 1 2. The Cloths of Heaven 8. She Walks in Beauty 1

Sidney Lanier (1842 1881) G. Walker, alt. Piano LH At a moderate temo, floin q = 116 ently, as shimmerin aves 4 4 4. 7 10 () tearin aart motive (see m. 67 and endin) Love Shall Live orever for Hih Voice and Piano 1. Evenin Son. LH. oco cresc. Gyneth Walker Ó esr. (cresc.) () Coyriht 2016 y Gyneth Walker 252 Park Street, Ne Canaan, CT All rihts reserved Look

2 1 A A off, dear love, a 16 19 2. and. sea. j. lands. j - cross the yel - lo simile mark the meet-in of the 5 5 5 5. Ho oco accel.. oco But sands, sun and the 5 5 5 5 Slihtly sloer, - -. lon they kiss in Slihtly sloer n.. n, a temo (q = 116) siht of all the lon - er, lon - er, lon - er, shall accel. cresc. a temo (q = 116) Walker Love Shall Live orever 1. Evenin Son

27.. - sustained, tenderly - - - - e, shall e, my love, my love, my 0 - - - - love, my love, my 5 5 5 5 - love. Ó No 5 5 5 5 dim. n B in the sea s red B 6. j vin - tae melts the sun, as the n 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Walker Love Shall Live orever 1. Evenin Son

4 9. j eve - nin earl dis - solves in ro - sy ine. 42 45 48 n And the 5 5 5 5. done. hand j. in j accel. accel. cresc. 5 5 5 5. - -, Sloer niht drinks all, tis Sloer.. -, n -. mine, done, tis done, tis a temo (q = 116) Love lay your a temo (q = 116). - sustained, tenderly my Walker Love Shall Live orever 1. Evenin Son

51 55 - - - - love, my love, my - - - - love, my love, my - love. Ó Come Ó f C f ith more intensity C. forth, seet stars, n. n 5 58 61. and n n com -fort heav -en s [Cue-sized notes are an ossia for loer voices, or for variety] n heart; n n lim - mer, all ye aves, round the un - lit sands. n n Walker Love Shall Live orever 1. Evenin Son n.... n.. n n

6 64.. n O niht! 67 71 () 75 D D tear our sun and a temo (q = 116) oco U oco U Sloly Thouh you Sloly sky a - art, nev - er our lis, nev - er our hands. Ó a temo (q = 116). n f ith more intensity Come n Walker Love Shall Live orever 1. Evenin Son f ith more intensity accel. accel.. forth, seet stars, simile n Ó n n and

78 82 () 87 com -fort heav-en s heart, n tear our sun and, Sloly, randly O niht! Sloly, randly n U U. U. Thouh you sky a - art, nev - er our lis, nev - er tear our hearts a - n n n n. art, 7 92 () Ó - my 5 5 5 5 Walker Love Shall Live orever 1. Evenin Son sustained, tenderly - - - - love, my love, my 5 5 5 5 π U - - - love, my love. U ( Ó ) 5 5 π :00

8 2. The Cloths of Heaven W. B. Yeats (1865 199) G. Walker, alt. loin temo q = 108 ently, as cloths of heaven 4 4 4, A a temo esr. Had I the heavens em - roid - ered cloths,, A a temo 7 en - rouht ith old and sil - ver liht, () Walker Love Shall Live orever 2. The Cloths of Heaven

10 9 the lue and the dim and the dark cloths () 1 of niht and liht and the.. half - liht, 16. the cloths of.. heav - en,. simile ith old and 20. sil - ver. liht. Walker Love Shall Live orever 2. The Cloths of Heaven

10 2 26 29 2. feet, as sreadin a cloth the n ith intensity. j Ó or. B B Slihtly sloer I ould sread the cloths e -neath your Slihtly sloer old and sil - ver cloths e -neath your feet. But I, e -in oor, have on - ly my dreams. Tread soft - ly, e -cause you tread u - J.. ith edal. on my dreams. Tread. J... J. f J j J.. soft - ly e-cause you tread u - on my dreams, u - on my dreams. f Walker Love Shall Live orever 2. The Cloths of Heaven π

5 8 J accel. () 41 f ith more intensity Ó C a temo (q = 108) f,... on - ly my dreams...... I have on - ly my dreams... Tread 44 Ó,, soft - ly, my love, e - cause you tread u - on my dreams. () Walker Love Shall Live orever 2. The Cloths of Heaven accel. accel. D D a temo (q = 108) a temo (q = 108) more freely more freely risin to heaven 11

12 48 () 50 Ó ently I ish for the cloths of 52 () to end heav - en, ith old and to end 54 () sil () - - - Ó ver ( ) liht. π U Walker Love Shall Live orever 2. The Cloths of Heaven 2:10 U π U

Lord Byron (1788 1824) and Son of Solomon verse 8: 6 7 G. Walker, alt.. She Walks in Beauty 1 Moderate temo q = 108 4 4.... ith edal 5 9 oco Slihtly sloer racefully Ó She oco Slihtly sloer 1 A At a alkin temo q = 120 (h 60). alks in eau - ty like the niht of cloud - less climes and A ( ) At a alkin temo q = 120 (h 60) Walker Love Shall Live orever. She Walks in Beauty

14 17 star - ry skies; And all that s est of dark and riht 21 meet in her as - ect and her eyes. She 25 alks in eau - ty like the niht. 29 Walker Love Shall Live orever. She Walks in Beauty Ó B ith strenth He alks in cour - ae B - - - - as the day, - - - -

. 15 ith cer - tain ste and kno - in ace, to 7 j j v v. - - - - - - - - fol - lo his heart in ev - ery ay, to sho a kind - ness - - - - - - - - ently ently 41 in his face,. ( ) love, j love, as the 45 day.... Walker Love Shall Live orever. She Walks in Beauty

16 48 Ó C And on that cheek, and o er that ro, C as if ently strokin the eloved s face so 52 cresc. oco a oco soft, so calm, yet cresc. oco a oco el - o - quent, a mind at eace ith 56 60 all e - lo, and hearts hose love is in - no - cent. They oco oco Slihtly sloer Slihtly sloer () Walker Love Shall Live orever. She Walks in Beauty alk in eau - ty, Sloer Sloer O love! a temo (q = 108) cresc. (to D) a temo (q = 108) cresc. (to D)

17 64 (cresc.) molto n (cresc.). - - - - - molto n n 67 D Sloly q = 80 f esr. N. Set me as a seal u - on your heart. Set me as a seal u - on your D Sloly q = 80 N f ith edal a a 70. arm. or love is stron, love is stron as. Walker Love Shall Live orever. She Walks in Beauty

18 7. death. j n n n n n E E Man - y at- ers can -not quench n floin n floin 76.. f love. Man - y at - ers can - not dron love. or n n 79, j faith a - ides. Love, faith and hoe a -. f... ide. And Walker Love Shall Live orever. She Walks in Beauty

19 8. su. love shall live for - ev - er, j j 86 cresc. oco a oco (to m. 91) for - ev - er, for - cresc. oco a oco (to m. 91) 89 (cresc.) f U ev (cresc.) - - - - - - - - er. f U u Walker Love Shall Live orever. She Walks in Beauty :15 Total: 8:15 Novemer 0, 2016 Ne Canaan, Connecticut