HYMN TUNE PROPERS. Introits for Advent. Metrical Antiphons. Psalm Verses. Hymn Tunes: CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM WINCHESTER NEW VENI, VENI EMMANUEL

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HYMN TUNE PROPERS Introits for dvent Metrical ntiphons set to Hymn Tunes: ONITOR LME SIERUM WINHESTER NEW VENI, VENI EMMNUEL and Psalm Verses set to nglican hant harles H Giffen Kathleen Pluth

These Introits for dvent ere assemled ith idea that metrical translations of ntiphon of Introit sung to ellknon hymn tunes and ith Psalm verses sung to nglican hant make an entirely fitting and proper ay to sing Introit in Ordinary Form of Mass uring dvent, se Introits provide a arm, dignified accompaniment to Entrance Procession, uniting everyone presnet in sacred song that is ellsuited to preparational nature and penitential aspect of time efore Nativity of hrist This marks eginning of our HYMN TUNE PROPERS project, to provide Mass Propers for entire year ith metrical ntiphons set to hymn tunes, ith Psalm verses set to nglican chant We are indeted to Jeffrey Tucker of M for encouragement in this endeavor Metrical ntiphons y Kathleen Pluth harles H Giffen Kathleen Pluth Harmonizations of hymn tunes not orise credited and nglican hant settings y harles H Giffen Psalm texts taken from ook of ivine Worship Instructions for singing Introit First hymn tune ntiphon is sung, normally y congregation, choir and/or cantor, although it may e sung once y cantor or choir and repeated y all Next first Psalm verse (hen provided, else Glory e ) is chanted y choir and/or cantor, hich is folloed y ntiphon, sung y all dditional verses may e chanted, each time folloed y ntiphon, sung y all s Entrance procession dras to an end, Introit concludes ith chanting of Glory e and a final repetition of ntiphon; at a minimum, Introit should include one Psalm verse (hen provided) and Glory e Thus, pattern of Introit is: (1) ntiphon (optionally repeated y all) (2) Verse + ntiphon (required hen verse is provided) Verse + ntiphon (optional) Verse + ntiphon (optional) (3) Glory e + final ntiphon (required) The nglican hants for dvent are instances of oule hant, each of hich contains four quarters laelled,,, The quarters and consist of a reciting note plus to intermediate notes efore final note, and longer quarters and consist of a reciting note plus four intermediate notes for final note To left of Psalm verses re is a key that tells hat part of chant is used to sing each line Thus, hen four lines are sung to chant, y are sung to parts,,,, in order When to lines are sung to chant, only parts, are used nd hen three lines are sung to this chant, parts, are used for first to lines and third line is sung to part Music and ntiphons copyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth These Introits for dvent may e freely used for nonprofit purposes

Psalm 25(24): 1 3 First Sunday of dvent To You, O LOR, I lift my soul, # I trust in You, save me from shame Let not my foes oast o ver me Pro tect ones ho trust Your name n Tune: ONITOR LME SIERUM # n # Psalm 25(24): 3 6 # n 1 Sho me your ays, O LOR, * and teach me your paths Lead me in your truth and teach me, * for you are God of my sal vation; in you have I trusted all day long 2 Rememer, O LOR, your com passion and love, * for y are from ever lasting 3 Rememer not sins of my youth and my trans gres sions; * rememer me ac cording to your love and for sake of your goodness, O LOR Glory e to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit; s it as in eginning, is no and ever shall e, orld ithout end men First Sunday of dvent n opyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth Metric ntiphon y Kathleen Pluth Verses: ook of ivine Worship nglican chant y harles H Giffen

f Isaiah 30: 19,13 Second Sunday of dvent Let Zi on's peo ple see LOR # Who comes to set na tions free The LOR ill sound His glo rious voice Your heart ill hear Him joy ful ly n Tune: ONITOR LME SIERUM # n # Psalm 80(79): 1 7 # n Second Sunday of dvent 1 Hear, O Shepherd of Israel, leading Joseph like a flock; shine forth, you that are en throned up on cheruim In presence of Ephraim, enjamin, and Ma nasseh, stir up your strength and come to help us Restore us, O God of hosts, sho light of your countenance, and e shall e saved 2 O LOR God of hosts, ho long ill you e angered despite prayers of your people You have fed m ith read of tears; you have given m ols of tears to drink 3 You have made us derision of our neighors, and our enemies laugh us to scorn Restore us, O God of hosts, sho light of your countenance, and e shall e saved Glory e to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit; s it as in eginning, is no and ever shall e, orld ithout end men n opyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth ntiphon y Kathleen Pluth Verses: ook of ivine Worship nglican chant y harles H Giffen

Phil 4: 4, 5 Third Sunday of dvent Re joice at all times in LOR # e glad, re joice, I say a gain Let your un self ish ness e seen In deed, LOR is near at hand n Tune: ONITOR LME SIERUM # n # Psalm 85(84): 1 7 # n Third Sunday of dvent 1 You have een gracious to your land, O LOR, you have restored good for tune of Jaco You have forgiven iniquity of your people and lotted out all ir sins You have ithdran all your fury and turned yourself from your rathful indig nation 2 Restore us n, O God our Savior; let your an ger de part from us Will you e displeased ith us for ever ill you prolong your an ger from age to age 3 Will you not give us life a gain, that your people may re joice in you Sho us your mercy, O LOR, and grant us your sal vation Glory e to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit; s it as in eginning, is no and ever shall e, orld ithout end men n opyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth ntiphon y Kathleen Pluth Verses: ook of ivine Worship nglican chant y harles H Giffen

Fourth Sunday of dvent Isaiah 45: 8 Tune: ONITOR LME SIERUM Let de fall don from heav'n a ove # O clouds, rain don Right eous One Psalm 19(18): 1 5 # n 1 The heavens declare glory of God, and firma ment shos his handiork One day tells its tale to an or, and one night imparts knoledge to an or Fourth Sunday of dvent n nd let earth e o pened up, 2 lthough y have no ords or language, and ir voices are not heard, Their sound has gone out into all lands, and ir message to ends of orld 3 In deep has he set a pa vilion for sun; it comes forth like a ridegroom out of his chamer; it rejoices like a cham pion to run its course nd let longedfor Sav ior come n # n # Glory e to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit; s it as in eginning, is no and ever shall e, orld ithout end men opyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth ntiphon y Kathleen Pluth Verses: ook of ivine Worship verse chant y harles H Giffen

Weekdays of dvent efore ec 17 Weekdays of dvent efore ec 17 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday O e The O e O na hold, LOR LOR, hold, LOR, tions, ill you e on lis com come are hold, he ten ing to of ith out de for ev er LOR ill ru im en LOR LOR lay near, come throned To With To nd In In dis tant lands de clare His ord e hold our Sav ior all His saints ac com pa nied nd on that day, and shine on all that is concealed To all na tions truthful, LOR, in all Your ays I kno your sta tutes splendid light He ill de scend He comes to ring His splendor in Your ho ly place, ome forth to save us, n Tune: WINHESTER NEW dra ing near You have no fur r need to on that day, light, a great light shall pro He shall come nd He Him self shall e re from of old E ter nal is Your length of peo ple peace nd give m life that nev er LOR, e pray, y shoing us Your ho ly Glory e Glory s to Son, # and n to n Ho ly ev er shall e, orld end fear ceed vealed days ends face n Spirit; men Glory e to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit; s it as in eginning, is no and ever shall e, orld ithout end men opyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth ntiphons y Kathleen Pluth verse chant y harles H Giffen

Weekdays of dvent, ec 17 20 Weekdays of dvent, ec 17 20 ec 17 ec 18 ec 19 ec 20 Re e The joice, re joice, O heav'ns a ove Ex hold com ing of King, For One Who is to come ill come nd ranch shall sprout from Jes se's root nd Tune: VENI, VENI EMMNUEL Re joice! Re joice! Em man u come to e, O Is ra # el el Shall # ult, hrist He glo O earth, for ev er more e cause LOR is com ing to a ide He is ho ill come ith out de lay Our land ill kno ry fill earth a road ll flesh shall see is ly His His Glory e Glory to Son, and to Ho ly n Spirit; com Lam po'r sav ing soon of God To y sho His mer cy John ap tist to pro His poor phesied to save nd ev 'ry fear ill flee a ay ing po'r, Shall see sav ing po'r of God s ev er shall e, orld end Glory e to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit; s it as in eginning, is no and ever shall e, orld ithout end men men opyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth ntiphons y Kathleen Pluth verse chant y harles H Giffen

Weekdays of dvent, ec 21 24 Weekdays of dvent, ec 21 24 ec 21 ec 22 ec 23 ec 24 The O He e LOR and Ru ler shall ar lift your heads, lift high, you shall e called l might ty hold, full ness of Tune: VENI, VENI EMMNUEL rive, gates God, years: For You The When Re joice! Re joice! Em man u come to e, O Is ra # el el # Shall He an child times shall come ith us to dell, e cient doors, to heights a ne e ho ill e rought to irth, For at last ir course had run, Our cause hold, us Sav He ill e King of He comes, and ior came in Glory e Glory to Son, and to Ho ly n Spirit; God glo less to ithus, His name shall e Em man u el ry comes Rise up, and let Him en ter ing rings For ev 'ry trie up on orld; In to orld God sent His through earth Son as ev er shall e, orld end Glory e to Far, and to Son, and to Holy Spirit; s it as in eginning, is no and ever shall e, orld ithout end men men opyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth ntiphons y Kathleen Pluth verse chant y harles H Giffen

Hymn Tune Introits: Sunday ntiphons Metrical ntiphons y Kathleen Pluth Tune: ONITOR LME SIERUM harmonized y harles H Giffen dvent 1 dvent 2 dvent 3 dvent 4 To you O LOR, Let Zi on's peo Rejoice at all Let de fall don I ple times from lift see in heavn my a soul, LOR LOR ove I Who e O trust comes glad, clouds, in to re rain You, save set joice, I don # me from shame Let not my foes oast o ver na tions free The LOR ill sound His glo rious say a gain Let your un self ishness e Righteous One nd let earth e o pened # n # me voice seen up, Pro tect Your heart In deed nd let ill ones hear LOR longed ho Him is for trust joy near Sav your ful at ior name ly hand come n opyright 2011 y harles H Giffen and Kathleen Pluth