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140 Al mer ll our Glo now (t prss) Prss Ferl Hymns Allelui: nly Crer Tone 8 Al le lu i! Al le lu i! Al le lu i! Al on ly Cre le lu i! r ci ful ly or tht Mk ry which soul(s) he (she) (y hs hve) er ev F use with ders ll ser plced fsh r, er Al pro le lu le lu fod thgs, ful: Give vnt(s) ion er, h (her) (ir) Son, hs (hve) trust ges Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II w fll Ho rest, gives en our ly Spir ges. A i! i! dom, Lord, sleep; Thee, God. men. it,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 141 We m hve sl n you you hve s wll ter ces sor well borne, v tion Vir g The hv ples g o fith en, God, ful. kos, Blessed rt, Lord: The Choir Sts Tone 5 (t prss/ferl) ) Bless The Life My I Sv choir I ed rt l, so fd m Sts Door lost wy ior, ) Lord, hve fod Pr through Bless sheep: tech re me stt utes. pent cll Fo sve ed rt, t de. me, me. Lord nce. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

142 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II Bless ed rt, Lord, tech me stt utes. You ho ly Mr tyrs, preched Lmb God, like lmbs were sl, re trns lt ed life fd g ev er lst g; fer vent ly seech Him grnt us re m sion our debts. Bless ed rt, Lord, tech me stt utes. You hve trod nr row wy grief; ll you life hve tk en up on you Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 143 Cross Drw crowns I ner Bless m though Pi s I ed rt I im r yoke, en joy, ge brs hve The hon Lord, pre fol lowed me ors ef trns pred tech cel by fith; est il you. me stt utes. f ble glo gres ry, sions: ty pur grnt mk i fy me me cre by my ture, de lov Ms g kd sired f r ter, ness; l, g me g cit i zen pr de. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

144 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II Bless but hst from im didst by re ed rt hon which Bless Give Where, old or me trns turned I ws ge, rest, es ed rt didst with Lord, m gres sion, Lord, tk me me tech di g from me stt utes. ve com noth g ness, i mge, m ment en: Re sre my Lord, tb lh him (her) (m) choirs Sts, m soul(s) Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) er u tech pr me erth ty. me stt utes. ser de. Just, vnt(s), Lord,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 145 she like strs hev en, give o De rest Glo ver ser look g ll ry vout ly let vnt(s) h (her) (ir) F r, Son, us pre hs (hve) trns three fll gres en sleep, sions. Holy Spir fold Splen it. dor Ho Il one ly rt Son, co, lu me us deliv er God F hed, cry r, e ter nl us from fire rt serve g out: from ev er lst g, Spir it di ve! Thee with fith; e ter nl. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

146 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II Now ev er ges ges. A men. Re joice, Pure ne, sl v tion ll didst brg th God flesh; through m hu mn rce hs fod sl v tion; through you my we fd pr de, Al Pure, most le lu bless ed The i! Al o le lu kos. i! Al le lu i! Glo ry Thee, God! Al le lu i! Al le lu i! Al le lu i! Glo ry Thee, God! Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 147 Litny Deprted Lord hve mer cy, Lord hve mer it, Lord hve mer cy. Grnt Lord hve mer cy. A cy, Lord. men. Give D both or rest Give Rest With Just Tone 5 with es tb lh him (her) (m) re grd g, s vol ll ig Just, t ry thgs nor nce, done our courts, rt with Sv s ior, it good, writ h (her) (ir) vol t know ser tres lov est mn vnt(s), ten: pss es ry, ledge kd. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

148 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II Glo ry F r, Son, Ho ly Spir it, now ev er ges ges. A men. she sons Chrt th light our God, hve mer world, from through cy up Vir g didst her mk g us on us. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 149 from Cnon Tone 6 de III. There none so ho ly s, Lord my God, us up hst Bless ex on lt ed ed ne, rock con power fes fith ful, hst es tb lhed sion. Anor preferred vrition on melody bove Irmos (sg little slower): up There on hst Bless none ex so ed ne, ho ly s lt ed ) rock hst, power es tb con Lord, fith my lhed us fes sion. God, ful, ) hst es tb lhed us Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

150 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II For Tru d When our lie life ly ll v quite him we down hve bode geth ser but does Sjedlen Tone 6 eve self, s c quired thgs sh re vn dow ry one grve, er. Where s much s Glo now ry ev vnt(s) de lov F r, er scrip world, where e, prt ture tes n Chrt est mn Son, ges Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) i ty, do kgs our born drem. ti fies. we God, ed th tke g give life; kd. Ho ly Spir ges. A men. erth up grs rest it,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 151 ll But grnt de VI. ) srm Re slower Be tk ll dys ho med me ) up gret hold Be g ref Re up my your clm ly The Theokion Tone 6 my i hold temp my help, o life, g t hv life kos, give tion show se mer me mor ske me not cy on life tions, ly Mer g life se uge from life en I clm from cry cor tk surg ov not tl mn. me. g with g ref Thee: er uge rup tion, ci ful ne. surg g with cor rup tion, hv srm en I gret cry temp t tions, ly Mer ci Thee: ful ne. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

152 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II With Kontkion: With Sts Give Rest Tone 8 Sts give rest, Chrt, soul(s) ser vnt(s), where re nei r sick ness, nor sor row, nor sigh g, but life, ev er lst g. The Spirits Souls Tone 6 The spir its souls right eous bless Thee, Lord. The spir its souls right eous bless Thee, Lord. The spir its souls right eous bless Thee, Lord. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II de IX. up But Word Whom hev ) It on m through you, not rnks pos si ble All cr nte re mg n pure veled ni fy g en ly hosts, we cll you men gels dre ne see not ws God, gze. men: geth er with Bless ed. 153 ) up slower It But ws Whom hev on m through Word mg not you, ni fy pos rnks si ble All cr nte re en ly hosts, pure men n see gels dre veled not men: God, ne g geth er with we cll you Bless gze. ed. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

154 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 1. The Hymns St. John Dmscene Tones 18 (t ferl) (Tone 1) Wht erth ly ple sure life not mixed with grief? Wht erth ly glo ry en dures ev er? All thgs re fee ble shd ow de lud g drems. sweeps Deth m wy s gle mo ment. But light fce, Chrt, sweet ness u ty, give rest him m hst chos en, lone lov est mn kd. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 2. does Woe It Where on let (Tone 2) Woe re soul me! stretch n fds en none me! dure when How gels; show es out e, my us mn ll Wht com from mn y n its none lov ed breth brev seech our souls ner bod y it re its ps sion! It vil g h i ty Chrt rest help. or prt turns ters; its its del ed! eyes pryer. men; ren, med i t him (her) gret hs our life, de prt ed here, mer cy. 155 tg Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

156 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 3. (Tone 3) All mor tl thgs re vn i ty ex t not f ter deth. Rich es en dure not, nei r does glo ry c com p ny on wy; when deth comes, ll se thgs vn h ut ter ly. For which cuse let us cry Chrt im mor tl: Give rest, bode those re gld, ded trns l ted from mong us. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II (Tone 4) 4. Where Where Where But clm Where pomp gold mult or? All come, Lord, him (her) let giv g ) which us cry The erth ly pred i lec tion? trn si ry cre tures i tude house e hs en him (her) does dust, ll loud ter nl good sh sil hold ser thgs trns l ted from not rest grow es, ll ) vouch dy? ver? vnts ir shd deth less Kg: sfe bless mong ows. which us, ed ness does old. not 157 Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

158 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II (Tone 5) 5. I clled md proph et, how he cried: I m erth sh es. I looked g grves held bones lid bre; I sid: Who kg or wr ri or, rich mn or need y, up right or s ner? Yet give rest with ser vnt, Sts Lord. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 6. or For liv From di (Tone 6) cre i g Where ple tg com sure it my ws v i ble fo out g cre didst ve erth give e, l hb me life Chrt, didst shpe f give i t soul giv d m n shion me, ture v my ws by rest liv bod tion. my i ble ture. y, g bre. ser tions g, vnt Just. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) 159

160 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 7. (Tone 7) When, g ng, hdst cre ted mn The own im ge like ness, didst set him pr de reign ov er cre tures. But, when guiled by ml ice De vil, he tst ed food, he cme trns gres sor com m ments. For which cuse, Lord, didst con demn him re turn g erth whence he ws tk en, en tret re pose. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 161 8. (Tone 8) I im d hold weep ge hon ored, Wht Why f com hve we th our God, en why hve we en m truth, s wil u mr when I thk deth, ty, fsh ioned f ter reft ly g mb d fig ured, mys giv t'ry en o wed it tht ver ded writ cor ten, by God, flls m. vel! us? rup tion, deth? Who gives de prt ed rest. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

162 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II A Bless, Re Betitudes with Tropri decesed Tone 6 (t ferl) cit ed re mer ci ful, y shll ob t i zen cuse mem r m when pr de, Chrt, h me! Mke me, didst mke mer thief re pent nce up on cross, cried Thee: Bless ed re pure cries courts com hst reign re sner, wor thy l hert est o Thee: ver life Sts moved from est grnt tem y Re mem r me, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) so shll see deth, him cy. sme. por l thgs, l kg so, dom. God. Lord,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 163 In ser Bless y se ske, My ed re shll h Who l rul our vnt m Bless Chrt o mke give ed re give irs pen you clled est ov breth, those you rest Just child pece er souls mk ers, dren con so l tion hst re you cit give tk rest bod f en from per se cut ed kg dom l gtes i zen you re m sion those thgs H pr where you right hev liv God. flict ies, ed. us. eous ness en. g, de, kg life hve dom; sned, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

164 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II you love Chrt. Bless ed re you when men shll re vile you, per se cute shll sy ll mn ner Let food Let us "Woe com Re go gret us th, worms gze e stench, li ness joice, lt ter ri ble dy ll thgs your re en those shll vil gst you flse ly my ske. u ex wrd wht Lord! tried we mbs: shll For with lern mn wht you, nk ed bones, re ty ceed seek Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) lo, Al rich es, strength. g ly gld; hev en. might y cries: it drk fire." hold ness,

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 165 Him n F Glo ry F Who ly F r, hs r, I r How Now do you Vir cre well tht th were no wor Son, g ng got ten Son, Ho Son, ly Spir ev er press milk g? How tion? He from thirst rock, y, I Ho ly Spir birth ship. Him sg s do knows I it you pr glo shes Who it, cuse, ri fy; geth er with strems it ges bd nce from nour it ws Who h wt mde es. ges. A men. your brests, Nour h er er wt writ peo er ten. ple Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

166 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II (t ferl) The Prokeimenon Tone 6 Bless ed wy which you shll wlk dy, soul; plce rest pre pred you. Come, Sticher fter Gospel: The Lst Ks Tone 2 let us give lst ks ded, ren der g thnks God; he hs vn hed from mong h k pressed on wrd grve, he trou bles him self no long er with vn i ties or with flesh, which suf fer sore d tress. Where now re h ks folk h friends? The remg Sticher re sg fter sme mnner. Let us seech Lord tht He will give him rest. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 167 (t ferl) Glory...As You Behold Me Tone 6 Glo ry F r, Son, Ho ly Spir it, As you hold me ly g e you ll speech less reft breth, weep me, friends breth ren, For re ks but yes cme folk ter dy I up on me But come, ll you loved c tlked qut dred with you, me, ks me with hour sud lst nce. den ly deth. ks. For nev er more shll I wlk or tlk with you. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

168 For For or I per go hence e him, rich sons. For c cord g put poor shme. h e deed kg Judge slve qul hon with Whom ms ter st wr no res pect geth er ri or shll ev ery mn But I g re Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II ceive im plore glo or. ry you ll, tht you will pry with out ces g Chrt God tht I not doomed c cord g my ss plce r ment, but tht He will p pot me plce where re light life. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 169 Now Ever...Theokion Tone 6 Now ev er ges ges. A men. Through pryers her gve Thee birth, Chrt, Fore r ner, A pos tles, Proph ets, Hier rchs Ho ly ones, Just ll Sts, give rest ser vnt fll en sleep. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

170 Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II pre (t prss/ferl) With which soul(s) souls The Tropri Tone 4 With Souls Righteous serv g it (m) In with Thee, Right ser eous de vnt(s), bless lov prt ed, give Sv ed life est mn rest ior; kd. plce rest, Lord, where ll Sts re pose, give rest l so soul(s) ser vnt(s); lone lov est mn kd. Glo ry F r, Son, Ho ly Spir it. rt God des cend ed Hell, Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005)

Anthology Serb Chnt: Volume II 171 loosed l bonds so Now soul(s) cp tives; do ser self give rest vnt(s). mem Vir did ev er g, give ter cede (t ferl) Ho Ho birth tht Mem o ry e lone pure soul(s) ges God your Memory Eternl with ges. A blme out seed, servnt(s) my ter nl, mem o ry e men. less, sved. ter nl, o ry ly God, ly Im e Holy God (K. Stnkovich) mor tl hve Ho mer ter ly Might cy on nl. Serb rthodox Church USA Cnd: Centrl Church Liturgicl Music Committee (2005) y, us.