Book of Psalms ~ Volume 5

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Book Psalms ~ Volume 5 hant Verse Style 1. Isaiah 12: ry Out With Joy And Gladness 2. Isaiah 12: You Will raw Water 3. Psalm 19: The Precepts Of The Lord 4. Psalm 22: I Will Praise You Lord In The Assembly 5. Psalm 25: Remember Your Mercies 6. Psalm 25: Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord 7. Psalm 33: Blessed The People The Lord Has hosen 8. Psalm 33: The Earth Is ull Of The Goodness Of The Lord 9. Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting 10. Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting (2) 11. Psalm 65: The Seed That alls On Good Ground 12. Psalm 67: May God Bless Us In His Mercy 13. Psalm 72: Justice Shall lourish In His Time 14. Psalm 78: The Lord Gave Them Bread rom Heaven 15. Psalm 78: The Lord Gave Them Bread rom Heaven (2) 16. Psalm 80: Lord Make Us Turn To You 17. Psalm 80: Lord Make Us Turn To You (2) 18. Psalm 84: Blessed Are They Who well In Your House 19. Psalm 98: The Lord Has Revealed To Nations His Saving Power 20. Psalm: 103: The Lord Is Kind And Merciful 21. Psalm 112: The Just Man Is A Light In arkness 22. Psalm 116: up Of Salvation (for orpus hristi B) 23. Psalm 118: The Stone Rejected By The Builders 24. Psalm 119: Blessed Are They Who ollow The Law Of The Lord 25. Psalm 121: Our Help Is orm The Lord 26. Psalm 123: Our Eyes Are ixed On The Lord Pleading or His Mercy 27. Psalm 138: In The Sight Of Angels 28. Psalm 138: Lord, On The ay I alled or Help 29. Psalm 138: Lord, Your Love Is Eternal 30. Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name (for Easter) 31. Psalm 146: Blessed The Poor In Spirit 32. Psalm 146: Lord, ome Save Us 33. Psalm 146: Praise The Lord My Soul

Expressive q = 120 Isaiah 12 (3Advent) ry Out With Joy Gladness or Among You Is Great Holy One Israel GLEN SHULER antor m maj7 m m maj7 m ry out with joy glad ness, for a mong you is m great Am7 Ho Bb+2 ly One Gm +2 Is ra el. 1.2. To Verses inal Ending m maj7 m el. Verses antor (Spoken) m Maj7 m A tempo.. 1. God indeed is my savior, I am confident unafraid. My strength my courage is Lord, He has been my Savior. With joy you will draw water at fountain 2. Give thanks to Lord, acclaim His name; among nations make known his deeds. proclaim how exalted is his salvation. name. 3. Sing praise to Lord for his glorious achievement; let this be known throughout all earth. Shout with exultation, O city Zion, for great in midst is Holy One Israel. opyright 2006 Glen Shulfer xx000000

S/A T/B PIANO Em Is. 12 You Will raw Water You Easter Vigil (H 533): Is. 12: 23, 4bcd, 56 will draw wat er joyful ly Am Bm GLEN SHULER Em 1 S. 1. I will bless Lord 2. Glorify Lord 3. Look to him that you may be ra 4. The angel at with diant Lord all with en times; me; joy. camps add2 S. his praise shall be ever let us toger ex And faces may not around those who fear him de in tol blush liv my his with er mouth. name. shame. him. add2/ maj7

2 S. 1. Let my soul 2. I sought Lord he 3. When afflicted man called out, 4. Taste see how glo ry in Lord; ans wered me; Lord heard, good Lord is; add2 S. lowly will hear delivered me from from all his distress he blessed man who takes ref all saved uge be my in glad. fears. him. him. opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer Ps. 34Taste & See. (page 2 2) Use for H 513, 633, 636. 21OTB & 30OT are significantly different.

Psalm 19 The Precepts Of The Lord GLEN SHULER Majestic q = 100 antor S/A The precepts Am Lord give m/ joy To Verses inal Ending G to heart. heart. T/B The precepts Lord give joy to heart. heart. Verses antor 1. The law 2. The fear 3. Though servant is 4. rom wanton sin especially, Lord Lord care re ful strain is is perfect, pure, m, servant; mp opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

G7 very let it not refresh endur dili rule ing ing gent o for in ver soul; ever; keeping m, me. 7 yet Then decree ordinances who shall I be Lord Lord can blame de less is are tect trustworthy, true, failings? innocent 7 giving wisdom leanse me from all my ser to un i m known ous A tempo G simple. just. faults! sin...

Slowly q = 60 antor S/A T/B I I will praise you, will praise you, Psalm 22 I Will Praise You, Lord In Assembly Your People Lord, Lord, in as semb in as sembly 1.2.3. GLEN SHULER To Verses ly peo peo ple. ple. Verses antor m7/ M7 1. I will fulfill my vows before those 2. All ends 3. To him 4. And to him my soul shall live; who earth alone my descend fear shall shall ants re bow shall Lord, member, down serve him; mp opyright 2006 Glen Shulfer xx000000

Ps. 22: I Will Praise You Lord, in Assembly Your People p. 2 2 (H 560) m7/ lowly shall turn all who sleep Let coming generation be told eat to in ir fill. Lord. earth. Lord. m7/ y who seek All that y may proclaim to a people Lord families Before yet him to shall shall be M7 praise him: nations bend born m7/ "May hearts shall bow all who go down justice live down into he has A tempo for be dust. shown. ever!" fore him...

Spirited q = 120 antor Alto/ Tenor Bass f f f Em Re mem Re mem Re mem f Psalm 25 Remember Your Mercies ber ber ber, Am/E mer mer mer cies, cies, cies, /E O O O Em Lord. Lord. Lord. GLEN SHULER Re Re Re mem M7 ber mer cies O Em Lord. To Verses mem mem ber ber mer mer cies O cies O Lord. Lord. To Verses opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

Psalm 25: 45, 67, 89 Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord H 585: 3 OTB Expressive q = 100 GLEN SHULER antor A/# G/B /A G /# Em7 S/A T/B Teach Teach me me ways, ways, O O Lord, Lord, teach teach me me ways. ways. Em7/ 1. Your ways, O Lord, make 2. Remember that 3. Good known compass ion, upright is to O ma7 me; Lord, Lord; opyright 2006 Glen Shulfer

Ps. 25: Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord p. 2 2 Em7/ +9 love are thus he shows teach from sin me ners paths, old. way; Em7/ ma7 Guide me in In kindness He guides truth re hum mem ble ber to teach me, me, justice Em7 for you are because teaches God good ness, hum ble my O his A tempo A7 savior. Lord. way. A7....

Expressive, gently q = 95 Psalm 33 Blessed People Lord Has hosen To Be His Own GLEN SHULER antor Gm7 Blessed peop le /A Bb+9 Lord /A has chosen to Bb be /A Gm7 his own. Verses antor Bb mp 1. Upright is 2. By word Lord 3. See, eyes Lord are upon 4. Our soul word heav those waits ens who for were fear Lord; made; him, Lord, Gm7 Bb all his by breath his upon those who who is our works mouth hope help are all for trust ir his our worthy; host. kindness. shield. he loves or he spoke, jus To deli ver May kindness, O Lord, tice it m be was from up right, made, death. on us, Eb A tempo.. kindness Lord he commed, preserve m in who have put our earth it spite hope is stood in full. forth. fam you. ine. opyright 2006 Glen Shulfer xx000000

Psalm 33 Weddings The Earth is ull Goodness Lord Psalm 33:12 18, 2021, 22 GLEN SHULER Expressive q = 120 antor The earth is full goodness 1.2.3. To Verses inal Ending Lord. Lord. Organ M7 m/ m/g Verses antor 1. Blessed nation whose 2. Our soul 3. God waits May is for Lord, Lord, kind ness Bb/ mp opyright 2005 Glen Shulfer xx000000

Ps. 33 The earth is full goodness Lord p. 2 2 Bb/ people he has chosen for who is our O his help Lord, own be in our up her shield. on i us. tance. Bb/ But see, eyes Lord are or in him upon our who those hearts who re have fear him, joice; put Bb/ upon those who in his hope holy our for name hope his we in A tempo kindness. trust. you...

irst Time Refrain: antor, n all Expressive q = 98 Psalm 63 My Soul Is Thirsting Version 3 GLEN SHULER antor m My Bb m S/A soul is thirst ing for you O Lord, T/B My soul is thirst ing for you O Lord, Bb thirst ing for you my m God. Bb thirst ing for you my God. opyright 2005 Glen Shulfer

2 Use chant from Shepherd.. hords for chant Lead in to refrain.. p

High Soprano starts after first verse has been sung Psalm 63 My Soul Is Thirsting GLEN SHULER Expressive q = 70 antor S/S/A T/B mp mp My My soul soul is is G thirst ing for you, thirst ing for you, G#º O O Am Lord, Lord, m/ thirst ing for thirst ing for mp /G you G7 my God. 1.2.3. To Verses inal Ending rit. you my God. rit. opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer 47032604

Verses antor 1. O God, you are my 2. Thus have I gazed toward 3. Thus will I 4. You God you bless are you whom in while my I I m7/ seek; sanctuary live; help, G/B for you my flesh pines to see lifting up my hs, I will in shadow wings pow call my er u I soul pon shout for thirsts glory. name. joy. G/B Am7 G like earth, for kindness is a greater As with riches a banquet shall my My soul clings my lips shall with exultant lips my right h with glo mouth up ri out fy shall holds parched, good soul fast than be to A tempo m7 life life; sat you; less, isfied. wa you. praise me. ter. you...

plays refrain as introduction antor sings refain alone 1st time Expressive q = 62 Psalm 65 The Seed That alls On Good Ground GLEN SHULER antor/ S1 The seed that falls on good ground will yield a S2/A seed that falls T/B The seed that falls on good ground seed that falls will yield a apo 3: Em Am Am7/G fruit ful har Intro & 1. vest. 2.3.4. vest. To Verses inal Ending vest. har vest. vest. vest. fruit ful A fruit ful har vest. vest. vest. har vest. vest. vest. G Intro & 1. G7 m7 2.3.4. To Verses inal Ending opyright 2005 Glen Shulfer 55071505

Verses antor m7/ 1. You have visited 2. Thus you have 3. You have crowned 4. The fields are l prepared year garment with ed with M7 watered l: bounty, flocks, it; m7/ greatly have paths overflow valleys you drench with blanketed ing a en its rich with +9 riched furrows, harvest; grain. it. m7/ M7 God's water breaking up its clods, untilled cour stening meadows They ses it o are with ver filled; showers. flow with it, shout m7 you have rejoicing prepared bless clos sing ing its for A tempo grain. yield. hills. joy.....

(Verses 2 & 3's rhythms aren't exactly as shown below.) Expressive q = 120 Psalm 67 Mary, Mor God AB May God Bless Us In His Mercy GLEN SHULER antor May God Am7 m7 bless us in His mer cy; May Guitar G7 God bless us in His mer 1.2.3. To Verses inal Ending 7 cy; mer cy. Verses antor 1. May 2. May 3. May 3 God have pit y on us bless us; na tions be glad ex ult; peo ples praise you, O God; May he be cause you may G let rule all his face shine up on us. peo ples in eq uit y. peo ples praise you! 7 So may The way na May be known tions on up on earth; earth, God bless us, A7 a may mong all all 7 na tions, you ends earth sal G va tion. guide. fear him. G7.. opyright 2006 Glen Shulfer xx000000

With joy! q = 128 f antor Jus Psalm 72 Justice Shall lourish In His Time tice shall flour ish Orig. refrain by avid Haas Adapted by Glen Shulfer A/# Bm #m f in his time, full ness Em7 peace for G/A A ev er. G/ To Verses Verses antor Gadd2 mp 1. O God, with judgment 2. Justice shall flower 3. or he shall rescue poor when 4. May his name be endow in he blessed his cries for king, days, out. ever. opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer H 480 2AVA2004

2 Ps. 72Justice Shall lourish In His Time Aadd2/G with justice, pround peace, till moon afflicted when he has no as long as sun his name be one shall king's no to re son. more. help him. main. GM7 He shall govern May he rule from He shall have pity for lowly In him shall all tribes people sea earth with to be justice, sea, poor, blessed, A tempo.. Aadd2 afflicted from River to ends lives poor all nations shall ones he proclaim with shall his judgment. earth. save. happiness.

Expressive q = 60 antor S/A T/B p p The Psalm 78 The Lord Gave Them Bread rom Heaven Lord The Lord gave m bread gave m bread GLEN SHULER from from heav heav ven. ven. The Lord The Lord To Verses inal Ending gave m bread from heav ven. Heav en. gave m bread from heav ven. opyright 2006 Glen Shulfer xx000000

A tempo..

Psalm 78 The Lord Gave Them Bread rom Heaven Expressive q = 120 antor S/A T/B The The M7 Lord Lord Em/ gave gave m m Em/A bread bread from from GLEN SHULER 1.2.3. To Verses inal Ending heav heav en. en. heav heav en. en. Organ Verses antor / 1. What we have heard know, mp what our fars have de 2. He commed 3. Man ate clared skies bread to a us, bove an gels, opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

/ we will declare to opened food he sent genera doors m tion in to to a come, heav bun en; dance. / glorious deeds he rained manna upon And he brought m to his Lord ho m his for ly strength food l, / gave m to mountains his wonders heav right that en h he ly had A tempo wrought. bread. won...

Refrain Soprano Alto Tenor Lord, Make Us Turn To You Psalm 80 Lord, make Lord, make Lord, make us us us turn turn turn to you; to you; to you; let us see let us see let us see RAY REPP TUNE face, face, face, S. 5 A. we shall be saved. we shall be saved. T. we shall be saved. Verse 9 S. ah ah ah ah 15 S. ah Etc ah ah

Expressive q = 90 Psalm 80 Lord, Make Us Turn to You; Let Us See Your ace, And We Shall Be Saved GLEN SHULER antor S/A T/B Organ Lord, make us turn to you; let us see face, Lord, make us turn to you; let us see face, GM7 Em7 GM7 Em7 GM7 Em7 Bm7 Em7 1.2.3. To Verses inal Ending we shall be saved. we shall be saved. saved! saved. +2 Am7 G G opyright 2005Glen Shulfer xx000000

Verses are spoken; repeat se measures as needed: Ps. 80: Lord, make us turn to you p. 2 2 +2 7/ +2 7/ Leadin to refrain: +2 +2 7

Expressive q = 120 Psalm 84 Holy amily AB Blessed Are They, Blessed Are They Who well In Your House, O Lord GLEN SHULER antor Guitar Blessed are Am y, blessed Em are Am y who dwell in m7 house, m7/g O 1.2.3. To Verses inal Ending G Lord. Verses antor (Spoken) Am7 (repeat pattern as needed) 1. How lovely is dwelling place, O Lord hosts! My soul yearns pines for courts Lord. My heart my flesh A tempo Am cry out for m7 liv m7/g ing God... 2. Happy y who dwell in house! ontinually y praise you. Happy men whose strength you are! Their hearts are set up on pil grim age. 3. O Lord hosts, hear our prayer; Hearken, O God Jacob! O God, behold our shield, look up on face a noin ted. opyright 2006 Glen Shulfer xx000000

Majestic q = 120 Psalm 98 The Lord Has Revealed to Nations His Saving Power GLEN SHULER antor S/A B The The Lord has re Lord has re vealed to na tions his vealed to na tions his G sav ing power, his sav ing power. To Verses G /E G opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

Verses antor 1. Sing to 2. The Lord has made his 3. All ends Lord sal earth a va new tion have song, known: seen mp G7 for he has in sight nations he has done re salvation won vealed by drous his our deeds; justice; God. 7 his right h has won He has Sing joyfully to victor remem Lord, y bered all for his you him, kindness ls: 7 his his faithfulness toward break into ho song; house ly sing A tempo G arm. Israel. praise!..

plays refrain as introduction antor sings refain alone 1st time Expressive q = 65 Psalm 103 The Lord Is Kind And Merciful GLEN SHULER antor/ S1 The Lord is kind apo 2: Em mer ci ful, slow to an ger, Am Am7/G Intro & 1. 2.3.4. To Verses inal Ending rich in com pas sion. sion. sion. G G7 m7 Intro & 1. 2.3.4. To Verses inal Ending opyright 2005 Glen Shulfer 55071505

Verses antor m7/ 1. Bless Lord, 2. He pardons 3. He will 4. or as heavens are high O all not a al bove my in ways M7 soul; iquities, chide, earth, m7/ all my being, bless his heals nor does he keep his so surpassing is his kindness toward ho all wrath those for who ly ev fear +9 name. ills. er. him. m7/ Bless Lord, He redeems Not according to our As far as east O life sins is from does from my des he M7 soul; truction, deal with us, west, m7 forget not crowns you with kindness nor does he requite us according so far has he put our trans all to gress his com our ions A tempo benefits. passion. crimes. from us.....

Transpose up m3 to m Psalm 112 The Just Man is a Light in arkness antor Expressive q.=70 The just man is a light in dark ness to up GLEN SHULER right. Am G Am antor @ The just man is a light in darkness to up right. S/A B Am G Am opyright 2005 Glen Shulfer xx000000

2 antor S/A Verses mp 1. Light shines through darkness for upright; he is gracious merci 2. He shall never be moved; just one shall be in everlast 3. His heart is steadast, he shall not fear. Lavishly he gives B antor S/A ful ing to re just. mem poor. br ance. B

antor Well for man who is gracious lends, who conducts his 3 S/A An evil report he shall not fear; his heart is firm. His justice shall endure forever; his horn shall be ex B antor A tempo jus.s. S/A af trusting alt fairs in ed with in Lord. glo tice. ry. B.S.

I Will Take up Salvation Ps. 116: 1213, 1516, 1718 H 576: Body & Blood hrist B Glen Shulfer antor: mp I will A/# G/B take cup sal /A va tion, 3 G A7 call on name Lord. 7 G 1. How shall I make a re 2. Precious in 3. To you I will fer sacri turn eyes fice to thanks Lord, Lord, giving, 8 A for all is I will call upon good death name he has his done for me? faithful ones. Lord. 9 G The cup salvation I am servant, My vows to I son Lord will I take will up, hmaid; pay; 10 E7 I will call upon you have in presence name loosed all my his A Lord. bonds. people.

Expressive q = 62 HN arr. harmonies, 4/2009 Psalm 118 The Stone Rejected by Builders Has Become ornerstone GLEN SHULER antor/ S1 The stone re ject ed by build ers has be come S2/A The stone re ject ed by builders has be come T/B apo 3: Eb Em Gm Am m has Am7/G m7/bb be come Ab cor ner stone. Intro & 1. 2.3.4. stone. To Verses inal Ending stone. cor ner stone. stone. stone. G Bb G7 Bb7 m7 m7 Intro & 1. Eb 2.3.4. Eb To Verses inal Ending Eb 4 EasterB opyright 2005 Glen Shulfer 55071505

Verses antor m7/ m7/eb 1. You have visited 2. Thus you have 3. You have crowned 4. The fields are Psalm 118 The Stone Rejected by Builders Shulfer Page 2 2 l prepared year garment with ed with M7 EbM7 watered l: bounty, flocks, it; m7/ m7/eb greatly have paths overflow valleys you drench with blanketed ing a en its rich with +9 Eb+9 riched furrows, harvest; grain. it. m7/ m7/eb M7 EbM7 God's water breaking up its clods, untilled cour stening meadows They ses it o are with ver filled; showers. flow with it, shout m7 m7 you have rejoicing prepared bless clos sing ing its for A tempo Eb grain. yield. hills. joy.....

Blessed Are They Who ollow Law Joyous q=70 Psalm 119 antor Gm7 ff Am7 Bb Bb/ Bless ed are y Glen Shulfer Adapted by Helen Nathan who antor 5 fol low law Lord. antor hoir 8 Bles f sed are y f Ah who fol Ah low f f law Lord. Lord. decresc. decresc. 2003 Glen Shulfer All rights reserved

2 antor 13 antor 17 antor 20

Psalm 121 Our Help Is rom The Lord Psalm 121:12,34,56,78 H 664; 29OT Glen Shulfer Our help is G/ from Lord, who G made /# Em7 A7 heav en earth. Verses antor G 1. I lift up my eyes 2. May he not suffer 3. The Lord is guardian; Lord 4. The Lord will guard you to foot is from to all mountains, slip; shade; evil; mp A7 whence shall may he slumber he is beside you he will help not at guard come to who right me; guards you: h. life. 7 opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

2 G My help is from Lord, Indeed he slum neir bers nor sleeps, The sun shall harmnot youby day, The Lord coming will guard going, who made nor both E7 A heav en guard ian earth. Israel. moon by night. now for ever. Ps. 121: Our Help is rom Lord (Shulfer) p. 2 2

Transpose up m3 to m antor Expressive q.=70 Our eyes Psalm 123 Our Eyes Are ixed on Lord are fixed on Lord, Pleading for His Mercy plead ing for his mer cy. @ GLEN SHULER Our Am G Am antor eyes are fixed on Lord, plead ing for his mer cy. S/A B Am G Am 14 OTB H 618 opyright 2006 Glen Shulfer xx000000

2 antor Verses mp Psalm 123: Our Eyes are ixed on Lord 1. To you I lift up my eyes, who are enthroned 2. As eyes a maid are on hs 3. Have pity on us, O Lord, have pity on us, for we are more than sated antor in with her con heav mis tempt. en. tress. antor As eyes servants are on So are our eyes on Lord, our God, till he have Our souls are more than sated with mockery arrogant, with antor A tempo mast hs pit contempt y ir on us. proud. ers..s..s.

Expressive q = 65 antor S/A T/B mp In mp A sight In sight Psalm 138 In The Sight Of The Angels /A an gels, an gels, A I I will will E/G# sing sing #m GLEN SHULER E To Verses A prais es, O Lord. prais es, O Lord. mp Verses antor p 1. I will give thanks to you O Lord with all 2. Because kindness truth; for you have made great above 3. All kings earth shall give thanks to you, 4. Your right h my all O saves heart; things; Lord, me opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

A for you have heard when y hear Lord will complete what he has words name words done my for mouth; promise. mouth; me; E7 In presence angels I will sing When I called, you answered me y shall sing ways kindness, O Lord, endures O for praise; Lord. Lord: ever; I will worship at holy temple give thanks to you have built up strength "great is glory forsake not work A tempo with Esus4 name. in Lord." hs. mp E me...

Expressive q = 95 Psalm 138 Lord, On ay I alled or Help You Answered Me GLEN SHULER antor @ Em Lord, Am on day I called for help, you Em To Verses an swered me. add2 Verses antor 1. I will give thanks to you, O Lord, 2. Because kindness truth for you have made great 3. The Lord is exalted, yet 4. Your with a low all bove ly right my all he h heart, things sees, saves me. mp opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

add2/ for you have heard words name proud he knows The Lord will complete what he has from done my a for mouth; promise. far. me; M7 in presence angels, When I called, Though I walk amid kindness, O Lord, I will you distress, en sing an you dures swered pre for praise; me; serve me; ever; add2 A tempo.s. I will worship at holy temple, givepraise to You built up strength against anger my enemies you forsake not work raise with name. in me. h. hs.

Psalm 138 Lord, Your Love Is Eternal GLEN SHULER Expressive h = 55 antor mp Lord, m7/ love is e G7/ ter nal; G/B Am7 do m7 not for sake G7 work To Verses h. S/A T/B mp Lord, love is e ter nal; do not for sake work h. Use same chant as Seed mp opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

A tempo..

Expressive q = 120 antor S/A I M7 will praise Psalm 145 I Will Praise Your Name Em/ name Easter Version M7 for ever, my Em/A King my God. To Verses GLEN SHULER Ending God. T/B I will praise name for ever, my King my God. God. Organ Verses antor / 1. The Lord is 2. Let all works give you 3. Let m make known might to grac thanks, child ious ren O mer Lord, A ciful, dam, mp opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer xx000000

/ slow to anger, let glorious splendor faith ful great ones kind bless king ness. you. dom. / The Lord is Let m discourse glory Your kingdom is a kingdom good for to all all kingdom ages, / compassionate dominion endures through toward speak all all gen his er A tempo works. might. a tions...

q = 75 Psalm 146 Blessed Poor in Spirit The Kingdom Heaven is Theirs GLEN SHULER antor S/A Bles sed poor in spir it, B Bles sed poor in spir it, Bles sed poor in spir it, G/ A/# Bm A To Verses king dom heav en is irs. king king dom heav en is irs. dom heav en is irs. G A (rundown) opyright 2005 Glen Shulfer xx000000

2 Verses antor Ps. 146Blessed Poor in Spirit; p. 2 2 mp Gadd2 1. The Lord 2. The Lord gives 3. The farless widow keeps sight faith to Lord for sus ever, blind; tains; Aadd2/G secures justice for Lord raises up those who but way were wicked op bowed he pressed. down. thwarts. GM7 gives food The Lord The Lord shall to loves reign for hungry. just; ever; Aadd2 Lord sets Lord God, O Zion, through all generations. cap pro Alle tives tects lu A tempo free. strangers. ia...

Psalm 146 Lord, ome Save Us antor S/A Am Lord, come G save Am us. T/B PIANO Lord, Lord, come come save save us. us. antor PIANO freely, senza tempo add2 antor Gadd2/ PIANO

2 antor maj7 PIANO antor Gadd2 PIANO antor PIANO

Ps. 146 Praise Lord, My Soul, Praise Lord 23OTB, 26 OT & 32 OTB (H 645, 655 & 672): Ps. 146: 7, 89, 910 GLEN SHULER Harmony by Helen Nathan S/A B Praise G/B Lord, my /A soul /G Praise m G7 Lord! PIANO S. add2 23 OTB: 1. The God Jacob keeps 26 OT: 1. Blessed is he who keeps 32 OTB: 1. The Lord keeps 2. The Lord gives sight 3. The farless widow faith faith faith to Lord for for for sus ever, ever, ever, blind; stains, S. Gadd2/ 1. secures justice for 2. Lord raises up those who 3. but way were wicked op bowed he pressed, down. thwarts. maj7 S. 1. gives food 2. The Lord 3. The Lord shall reign forever; to loves God, O hungry, just; Zion, Gadd2 S. Lord sets Lord through all generations. cap pro Alle tives tects u free. strangers. ia. opyright 2004 Glen Shulfer Note: ONLY few words verse 1 are slightly different for each time this is used. Be sure to choose matching one. Not notated, but YI for exact match: Verse 3: 23 OTB: " Lord sustains." 26 OT & 32 OTB: "he sustains"