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Sot hromatic Mode 4. Vu=. ome quicly. O hrist, You a - loe are He who quic - ly comes to our aid. We pray that You show Your quic re-spose rom heav-e to Your ser-vats who are su - er - ig. ree them o their dis - eas-es; rea M - lieve the pai that a - licts them. Raise them, that they may cease-less-ly give glo-ry ad ex - tol You, by the prayers o the The-o- - to-os, o- ly Lov-er o hu - ma - i - ty.

iatoic Kotaio or the Blidma. Mode 4. You appeared. I the eyes o soul have I be-come u - see- - ig. U- to You I come, O hrist, as did o old the ma bor blid, ad i re - pet - ace I cry to You. or those i dar-ess You are the most re - spled-et light.

harmoic Kotaio or the Paralytic. Mode 3. a=. I have sied i ev - ery way, I have im - prop-er - ly act - ed; there-ore with pa - ral - y - sis my soul is e woe-ul - ly stric - e. Raise it up, O Lord, thru Your ow di - vie at - te - tio, e - ve as o old You raised up the par - a - lyt - ic, so that saved I may cry, lo - ry to Your do - mi - io, O my com - pas - sio-ate hrist.

Sot hromatic Apolytiio or St. James. Mode 4. Vu=. As a dis - ci - ple o the Lord, you ac - cept-ed the os-pel, O James the Just. As ar-tyr you have u-chage-a - bil - i- - ty; as the Broth-er o the Lord you have co - i - dece; ad you ca i - ter - cede as a hi - er - arch. I - ter-cede with hrist our od, e - treat-ig Him to save our souls.

Sot hromatic Kotaio or St. James. Mode 4. Vu=. Whe od the Lo - gos, as the o - ly - be - got-te o od the a - ther, came ad so - oured a - mog us i lat - ter days, O od-i - spired Broth - er o the Lord, He ap-poit-ed you, O James, the irst Shep-herd ad Teach-er o ho-ly Jea M - ru - sa - lem, ad a trust-wor-thy stew - ard o the all - ho - ly U sac-ra-mets. Ad hece, O ust A - pos - tle, we ho-or your mem - o- - ry.

harmoic You be Kotaio or the St. Nicholas. Mode 3. a=. - came the mi - is - ter o sa-cred mys-ter-ies i Myr - a, ho- ly a - ther Ni - cho - las. ul - il - lig hrist's ho e - ly os - pel, you laid dow your ver - y soul or your peo - ple, ad you saved those who were i - o-cet rom dy - ig. or this rea-so you were hal -lowed as a great mys - tic o the di - vie grace o od.

harmoic Apolytiio or St. emetrios. Mode 3. a=. All the world has you its might-y cham-pio or - ti- - y - ig us i times o da - ger ad de - eat - ig our oes O Vic - to - ri- ous Oe So as you hum - bled Lya M - ai - os- s ar- ro-gace by giv-ig cour - age to Nes-tor i the sta - di - um thus O ho - ly reat Mar - tyr e - me - tri - os to hrist our od pray er-vet-ly be - seech-ig Him to grat us His great mer - cy

harmoic Ho Apolytiio or St. Pateleimo. Mode 3. a=. - ly Lau-rel - bear - er ad Phy - si - cia Pa - te - le- - i - mo, mae i -ter - ces-sio to our mer - ci - ul od, that He grat our souls or - give-ess o o - es - es.

iatoic Apolytiio or Umercearies. Mode pl. 4. a=. U d Ho - ly U - mer-ce - ar-ies ad Wo - der - wor - ers, vis - it our i - ir - mi - ties. ree - ly you re - ceived; ree - ly give to us.

Sot hromatic pour out o be Kotaio or St. Joh the Theologia. Mode 2. i=. Who ca re - cout all your might-y deeds, O Vir - gi? You mir -a-cles ad you o -ver - low with cures, ad you i -ter-cede hrist. - hal o our souls, as a The -o - lo-gia ad ried o

Sot hromatic O Theotoio. Mode 2. i=. Moth-er o od, i - tet-ly we cry out to you the well-sprig o mer-cy ad the re-uge o the world. O ve - he-met ad - vo-cate, u- as - sail - a- ble or - tress, a - tic - i- pate ad dea M - liv - er us rom per - i - lous or - deals, O La - dy who a - loe are swit to ed or us.