A NEW LITURGY No 2: Blessed to Be a Blessing

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NEW LTURY No 2: Blessed Be a Blessing - Sheet Music - (1) Bless (2) Blessed Be a Blessing (3) hanged Bring hange (4) Response / St rancis Reading (5) Love an hange the World llwordandmusicbyaronniequist 2011RONieqMusic Except BlessedBeaBlessing.LyricsbySharonrving.Usedwithpermission.

Score Bless aron Niequist & 4 m7 6 m9 m7 6 m9 Voice. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û. m &. m &. m &. r B & % m &. Vamp until cued r #. r want bless who r # want give not just # want leave more than. r m m &. # want want give lift r # To r let it Know - ing go well # j - ev - er see next. use and for - get thought-less re - gret. Not gon-na run a-way. ev - en eve - ry - when B b when one need that feel poor. meet Œ Œ Ó want them keep lift score. me want hear who is al - ways ig - nored Not gon-na Un - i - fied in our hu - man - i - ty We're gon-na B b m sus & Œ Œ j Œ Œ back pour a it - way. out. RONieq Music 2011

2 & Œ j Bless /E m 'm on - ly a part of the s - ry. & Œ j /E m & Œ But whol - ly a part of the s - ry. j /E m So 'll take my part in the s - ry. /E & Œ j & m /B j To oda et out of my - self et o - ver my - self /E j et lost in the s m - ry of some-bod -y else. m Œ Œ 6 m9 m7 6 m9 m7 6 m9 &. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û. Vamp until cued.s. al oda fi & /E Œ j et out of my fear /E m & j et lost in the s m /B j ive all of my - self m - ry of some-bod - y else w

BLESSE TO BE BLESSN spoken word Sharon rving Leader: Like a sne commanding every edge sharpen, calling every neophyte plentiful verve and every outcast a personified priesthood of believers. Hear the cry for freedom, for holy imagination or an outline without lines and separation from generation generation, those who seek him, who seek the face of the od of Jacob. ongregation: od create in us a holy imagination. Leader: gnite our senses, since this, life is yours - Bend, Break, Shape, Lift, ree, all things. nd when 'm occupied in my own tied tapestry of guardedness, heart as hard as city pavements, You call fourth. Rise Up Throw caution the winds, giving the needy in reckless abandon. ongregation: od create in us the ability love without agenda. Leader: or we are not free if our brothers and sisters are not free. nd we are not free if our neighbor is not free. Help us embody your kingdom, remembering that You have given all peoples, as beings made in Your image, the capacity participate in Your kingdom. ongregation: od create in us the ability be a voice for the voiceless. Leader: May we seek live one accord - moving along in unison like instruments of a great concert under the direction of a oncert Master, so the Holy Spirit blends gether the lives of every son and daughter. ongregation: We are connected a larger sry. Leader: We are blessed blessing. ispensing good others. ongregation: Here we are. Send us. Leader: od has reconciled us, and give us the ministry of reconciliation. ongregation: Here we are. Send us. Leader: nd we have loved extravagantly so we could be extenders of extravagant love. ongregation: Here we are. Send us.

BLESSE TO BE BLESSN spoken word Sharon rving [1] piano and swells m m /E od create in us a holy imagination. [2] add bass m m /E od create in us the ability love without agenda. [3] piano and drums m od create in us the ability be a voice for the voiceless. [4] add bass and swells m We are connected a larger sry. [5] add drum groove m Here we are. Send us. Leader: od has reconciled us, and give us the ministry of reconciliation. Here we are. Send us. Leader: nd we have loved extravagantly so we could be extenders of extravagant love. Here we are. Send us. Here we are. Send us.

ÿ Verse 4 VOX. 3 5 7 n n Je - sus Je - sus name, name 've we are changed, changed, 've sen, - freed, dop - n n Je - je - sus' sus' blood, blood, 've We are 've ted loved, loved, and en re - and Ÿ Pre horus # E / 9 12 leased, free You You hanged Bring hange that that B m7 'm we're grate - thank - Œ How Help can us re - of ar - ranged our shame and 've we saved named are filled, called, 've We are 've we are Œ Œ ful? ful E wor - wor - B m7 You've lood - ing so Your ship ship more more /# than than cleansed, healed, and We're found, cho - re - deemed, for - giv - j But nd gen - world sing - sing - how we can want E / # er - with ous hope and show show me. peace. Œ ing? ing, B m7 Liv - ing iv - ing aron Niequist Re-demp - Re-demp - 15 tion's tion mel - hands o - and dy feet Œ We have have blessed blessed

% 17 horus Bm now now gon - i we're na want going shout a - be be bout hanged, p.2 a a the bless - bless - Sav -. Œ ing ing ior We We have have have loved loved found 19 21 23 now now on - we're na want going turn(over) e - bring bring very love love sne Bm ed ed ered We're want going share share love the the the in - in - world ı vi - vi - ta - ta - Hea - Bm Œ 've We've We've in - in - vit - vit - em - pow - # m Bm. Œ tion tion ven We We have have have changed changed changed Œ Œ Œ. bring bring bring change change change bring bring bring change change change 26 2nd Bm Œ 4 2 4 w We have changed bring change Prayer Time 32.. Vamp until cued

The Lord's Prayer.. 38 Band builds until cued hanged, p.3 Bridge Bm 42 Thank-You for this new life, Thank - You for the in- vi - ta - tion Bm 46 od,we want live it loud e-nough shake thena - tions in your name Œ " #.õs. aõl oda E / Œ We have saved 50 fi Bm Œ We have changed 2 bring change bringe change Bm Œ We have changed 53 bring change 2 w

Reflection and St rancis Prayer (reprise) aron Niequist Space for Prayer / & # 4 4 Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û m Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û & # m Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û m Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û B Prayer of St rancis & # /B E m /B E m. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û. & # /B m / # /B m / # /B m / # Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û & # /B m sus Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û 4 2 Û Û 4 sus Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û & # sus Û Û Û Û / # Û Û Û Û RONieq Music 2011

Love an hange the World aron Niequist & # Voice c. Œ Œ > Œ > Œ. ÿ Verse 5 & #.. j J Brid - ges are more beau-ti - ful than bombs. j Œ are. 9 13 & # Ÿ 17 & # & #. j J brid - ges are more beau - ti - ful than bombs. j (n)o - pen hand is strong-er than a fist E m7. j J / # J (n)o - pen hand is strong-er than a fist.. Œ j is. Œ Ó Ó Œ # / Œ Œ > > But LOVE horus ˆ & # E m7. J 2 Œ 21 & # E m7. J LOVE 2 can change the world Oh do we still Œ be - lieve that LOVE B/ # 25 LOVE can change the world Oh do we still be - lieve in LOVE?

2 Love an hange the World & # 29 E m7. J LOVE # / /B. J O m7 is LOVE our O /B is LOVE and LOVE & # Œ Œ Œ Œ > Œ > Œ. 33 can m7 change the world To oda Bridge # &. Œ Œ 39 # &. 39 men: May we ne women: O is B m7 - ver sp this - dream - ing of a bet - ter world. w w LOVE O is LOVE Ó.. & #. Œ Œ B m7 m7 Ó.õS. aõl oda. 43 43 & #. O May we is ne - ver sp be - liev - ing in the im-poss - i - ble w w LOVE O is LOVE.õS. aõl oda. fi & # w 47 2005 RONieq Music

NEW LTURY No 2: Blessed Be a Blessing Prayer of Saint rancis of ssisi / Bless Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. Bless aron Niequist want bless - whoever see next want give - not just use and forget want leave - more than thoughtless regret Not gonna run away want give - even when feel poor To let it go - when want keep score want hear - who is always ignored Not gonna back away 'm only a part of the sry But wholly a part of the sry So 'll take my part in the sry et out of myself et over myself et lost in the sry of somebody else O ivine Master, grant that may not so much seek be consoled as console; be undersod as understand; be loved as love. or it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born eternal life. men want lift - everyone that meet Knowing well - need them lift me Unified - in our humanity We're gonna pour it out

'm only a part of the sry But wholly a part of the sry So 'll take my part in the sry et out of myself et over myself et out of my fear ive all of myself et lost in the sry of somebody else Prayer of intention. (enesis 12:1-3. 2 orinthians 5:16-19. orinthians 9:8-12) Blessed Be a Blessing Words by Sharon rving Leader: Like a sne commanding every edge sharpen, calling every neophyte plentiful verve & every outcast a personified priesthood of believers. Hear the cry for freedom, for holy imagination or an outline without lines & separation. rom generation generation, those who seek Him, who seek the face of the od of Jacob. ongregation: od create in us a holy imagination. Leader: gnite our senses, since this, life is yours, Bend, Break, Shape, Lift, ree, ll things. nd when 'm occupied in my own tied tapestry of guardedness - heart as hard as city pavements - You call fourth, rise up Throw caution the winds giving the needy in reckless abandon. ongregation: od create in us the ability love without agenda. Leader: or we are not free if our brothers & sisters are not free. nd we are not free if our neighbor is not free. Help us embody Your Kingdom, remembering that You have given all peoples, as beings made in Your image, the capacity participate in Your Kingdom. ongregation: od create in us the ability be a voice for the voiceless. Leader: May we seek live one accord, moving along in unison like instruments of a great concert under the direction of a concert master, so the Holy Spirit blends gether the lives of every son & daughter. ongregation: We are connected a larger sry. Leader: We are blessed blessing. ispensing good others. ongregation: Here are we. Send us. Leader: od has reconciled us, and give us the ministry of reconciliation. ongregation: Here are we. Send us.

Leader: nd we have loved extravagantly so we could be extenders of extravagant love. ongregation: Here are we. Send us. Lord, here are we. Send us. hanged aron Niequist n Jesus name ve changed, ve filled, ve found, ve freed, ve saved n Jesus blood ve loved, ve cleansed, nd redeemed, and released, rearranged But how can show You that m grateful? You ve so generous me. How can worship more than singing? nd live out Redemption s melody. have blessed now want be a blessing have loved now want bring love ve invited want share the invitation have changed bring change, bring change n Jesus name we are changed, we are called, We are chosen, adopted, and named n Jesus blood we are loved, we are healed, We re forgiven and free of our shame We want show You that we re thankful looding Your world with hope and peace Help us worship more than singing iving Redemption hands and feet We have blessed now we re going be a blessing We have loved now we re going bring love We ve invited we re going share the invitation We have changed bring change, bring change We have changed bring change, bring change our Prayers: Neighbor / amily / Enemy / World

Our ather, who art in Heaven Hallowed is your name Your Kingdom come, Your will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven Your Kingdom come, Your will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven On Earth as it is in Heaven (Matt 6:9-10) Thank You for this new life, thank You for the invitation od, we want live it loud enough shake the nations in Your name We have saved we re going shout about the Savior We have found we re going turn over every sne We ve empowered love the world Heaven We have changed bring change, bring change We have changed bring change, bring change We have changed bring change, bring change Prayer of consecration. (space) Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury,pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O ivine Master, grant that may not so much seek be consoled as console; be undersod as understand; be loved as love. or it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born eternal life. men Love an hange the World aron Niequist But Love Love can change the world Oh do we still believe that Love Love can change the world Oh do we still believe in Love Love od is Love, our od is Love and Love can change the world

Bridges are more beautiful than bombs are Bridges are more beautiful than bombs n open hand is stronger than a fist is n open hand is stronger than a fist But Love Love can change the world Oh do we still believe that Love Love can change the world Oh do we still believe in Love Love od is Love, our od is Love and Love can change the world May we never sp this dreaming Of a better world May we never sp believing n the impossible (Women: od is love) But Love Love can change the world Oh do we still believe that Love Love can change the world Oh do we still believe in Love Love od is Love, our od is Love and Love can change the world or it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born eternal life. men