COMBINED MINUTES - 0 F' ']' I IE- General Council. - OF 'lill;;- - lx r lle - United States of America, Canada and Foreign Lands - H ELD '\ '}' -

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COMBINED MINUTES - 0 F' ']' I IE- General Council - OF 'lill;;- Assem blies of God - lx r lle - United States of America, Canada and Foreign Lands - H ELD '\ '}' - HOT SPRINGS, ARK. APRIL 2-12, 1914 AND AT THE STONE C H U RC H, C HICAGO, ILL. NOV. 15-29, 1914 TriO:: G;)5 P L f"ue... 15MING HO '.J~E, 202$ W"SHINOTON AV~ "T. louis.,,0.,

INTRODUCTION For a number of years, God has been leading men to seek foi' a full apostolic e;o,pel standard o[ experience and doctrine. Some 14 years ago, in answer to prayer, tlle Lord began to pour Ollt ]Jis Spirit in Kansas, then in Texaq; and some eight years al!;o it r eached Los Angeles, Cal., and from,hence it ~oo n became scatter~d over the cil'iliz d world. It has been so age;rcssiv that almost every city and community in civilization ha hard of the Latter Ltain outpouring o[ the 1Joly Ghost, w i th many signs follow ing, and not only has civilization been affected to more or less degree, but hundreds 0[ missionaries have eonqecrated them<;ell'es and gone forth uutil almost ever y country on the globe has heard the message and also the prophecy which bas been predominant in all this great outpouring. which is " J esus is coming.-<oon" to this old world in the same l1ianner as he left it to set up His mil- 1 nial Idngdom and to reign over the earth in righteousness and peace for a thousand years. As is true in ;11] grea( r('ligious awakenings, as el'idf'nced by past history,,iii kinds of chaotic conditions have bcen manifeste.d and as th is great movement 01 Goel has no man nor set of m n :::t the head of it but Goel to guide and mold it into cleall cut Scriptural paths by the 110ly Spirit, individualism has b('('n (he hu!11an order of the day, every man bing a law unto hilllsc'lf, and consl'c']u,'ntiy that ScriptUral co-opcralion and fellowship which go far (0 guarnntc'c' the prc'sence and power of God hay not been rcalized in the past in its ful l est measure, but ad we appr opriate the dil'inc order we shall ('xpericncc the c1i\'ine pi' sellee and po\\'el' in this r sp ct. The l'c'ntecostal saints in the I'niled States and Canada cspecially bave ~C'en this great nced of co-operation, fellowshi p and unity, according to tbe Scriptures, and have felt such a great need of the same in the Home al1(1 For('ign ~I i 'sion work that in different parts of the country brethren haye undertaken, we believl' in the name of.jesus, to accomplish this end, but seemillgly God has a more Scriptural basis and method and a broader Ii Id and a greater work than lias been accomplished. Several months ago, men',; he'31 ts were cal ling on God for help to adjust th se mallei's, and op n the way by which the Ministerial, :'IIissionary, Publish In l!; and School Illterests might be ad\'anced to the glory of God. And "'e Lelieve III answer to Ollr heart's cry, a number of r epr sentative workers of the Pentecostal :'Il ovel1ll"ut in various parts of the country, called a GE.\EIlAL COU.\C IL, as "as published in WORD A;':D,\'IT:'>IE S for several months prior to the ~essiol1, to be held at Hot Springs, A ric, April 2-12, 1a14.

PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL 1lErO'l'IOS.IL SE ' 'lox. The lime having 3rrived, rcpresentati\'e from diffcrent parts of the country, including about twenty (20) states, with many workers and saints, met togethcr at Hot Spri n ~s, Ark., April 2nd., 1914. The meeting~ from the b ginning WE're inspir cd of the Lord. Love and unity seemed to pre\'ail from the til' t mceling. The fir t three days were given especiall y to devotional Rc rvices, spi ritual messages, r epo rts from the various Local Churches, Foreign Fie' ds, and vangelists. The most blessed spirit of fel lowship prevailed \\ ith bu t lilue exception throughout the gathered host. Men of God, ful l of faith and of the} l oly Ghost w ere not yet in p rfect t!nity in faith, but r etained the,lnity of the Spirit until the unity of Faith was lj eing much malllfested in the me tin g. On )[onciay, April 6th, th e business prop r of the COlHention began. lh ' S IX]~SS 'ESSlOX. :U onday,,\ill'i[ 6, ]0 A. )[. After the opening devotional service. Eldcr K 1\. B ell, of )Ialv rn, Ark., call d :ho Assembl y to order for business, and declared the general purpose of tbe Conven tion. On motion Elder E. X. Bell \"as unanimously elected as 'l'emporary Chairman. On motion E lder J. R. Flower was u!1an imously elected as Temporar y Secr etary.. On motion it was adopted that t he roullci l should be go\'crned by Parliamentary usagc, under the g uidance of the lloly Spirit and according to the Word oc God.!';o ni'el'c nce Co mmittee. On motion ~ comm i ttee of seven were' appointed to act as a Conference CommiLt e, to r eceive from members of the Council all matters proposed for onsideralion, and to fonl1ulatt and prcsent tlte sam to th General Council [01' approval or disapproval. On motion Elders Pinson, Arizona; Ro~crs, Tenncssee; Ji'orl;ler, \\'isconsin; J tisup, ) I ississippi; ~~d\\'ards, T (>xas: Gaston, Oklahoma, and Coss, Arkanfas, were chosen as the Conference Committe, repr esenting their various ~ta t es. On recommendation of the Con[l'renee Commillee, it was adopt d that the Coderence Comm i ttee be enlarged so as to include a representative [1'0111 each state anti For ei gn counlry r epresented. The following wpre added: J. A. Cullifer, Alabama; Bennett l~. Lawrence, :'Ilissonri; T. K. Leonard, Ohio ; J. Hoswell 1<'lolI'er, Jndiana; J ohn C. L ake, l'ennsy"'ania and S. AFrica; John Coben, [oll'a;.a. B. Cox, )!aryland: John Crouch, Egypt; E. J. Emcry, :'IlinnescLa; D. K. ;'[urris, Louisiana; II'. F. Lankston, Jllinois. COIIII('il Uoll. On motion it was adoptcd that all )[issionarics, :\[inistrcs, Pastors, Evangelists an d Delegates hand in thtir names to the Conference Committee to form the Council Holl. On motion it was ado pted that all male )Iini tel's and JJclegat s be eligible to vote in this Assembly, together with those qualified who should fl nive l ater in the session, accor ding to the Secr ctary's list. ]{r]jort oj' ( 'ollicl'( nce Cornntitt('('. The Conference 'ommittee reported th e followi ng Preamble and R esolution on Constitution which was presented to the Confer en ce Committee by T. K. L eo nard and J. R F l ower, and was unanimously adopted by th e Committee, wh(l on motion r equested B rother Leonard to presen t it to the General Council:

l"u:.urble \:\0 JIESOLr I'JO~ OF ('O:\S'J'I 'l'r'j'io:\, \\"J :JlI~,\S. God. our I leavcnly Filther. s nt llis only begott n Son, the j,ord.jeslih Christ, into the world, \\,ho purchased and red eemed fallen man with )Jis own precious bl ood, and called out ot' the world and sa"ed a people, o[ whom lie built and established His Chllrch (,\ ssembly of God, ~I at. 16:1 ), upon the founaation of the Apostles and Prophet, Jesus Christ liim elf being tile> llead and hicf Corner-stone (I :ph, 2:20), and or ganized and baptized it with tlie lloly Spirit, with its government upon lfis shou l ders ( Isaiah 9:6-7 ), said: "The gates of hell shall not, prpvail againqt ie' (?\l att, 16: 18); and \\,l I J~I{I~,\S, [I e!;.lvc the 1I 0ly Inhpired criptures, (both old and new C'ov n an t s, lj eb, :6-13) ns the ali-sufficient nile for fa ith an el practice, (2 Tim. 3'16), as follows "All Scriptu r c is given by inspiration of God, and is profitphle for doctrine, for reproof, for corr ection, for instruction in r i ghteo usness: That the man of God may be perfcct, thoroughly furnished unto all good works," we ther('fore sha ll not add to nor t ake from it (R ev. 22: 18): and WfiElRI AS, 1/e comman ded that the:r(' should be n o schism (division, S('(' tarianism) in liis Bodv, the GK\;J':RAL ASSKII BLY (Church) of the fir t born, which ar c wriu('n in heaven, Heb. 12:23; an d \vlierj~as, W c r ecognize ou r selves as members of said GE:\ERAL AS SE~JB L,Y OF' GOD, (whic-h i s God" orgllni~ji1), and do not believe in identify ; ng uu r sel ves as, or cstablishing o ur sel\'c~ in to, a sect, that i s a human or gani ',:ation th~t l eg:sl at es or forms l aws and articles of faith <l nd has unscrijllural jurisdiction over its m ember s an d creates ull.,cript ural lines of fello\\- hip and disfellowship and wh ich separates itself from other membe!'s of the t1encral Assembly ( hurch) of the first born, whie:' i s contrary to Chr:st's I'rayer in SL.J ohn ]7, and P aul" te3.ching in Eph. 4:1-16, wh i ch we heartily ('ndor s : TIlER 1~ FO RE, BE IT RE Of-VED, FIRST, That we rccognize our selves as a GE:\EI AI, COC?\C IL of Pentccostal (Spirit Daptized) saints from local Chur ches of God in Chri. t, Assembl ies of God, and Yilrious Apo tolic Faith M i ss ions and Chu r ches, and 1<'1111 Gospel Pentecostal l\lission s, and Assemblies of likc faith in t he l 'nited Slates of America, Canada, and Foreign Land s, whose Jlll l'pofe i s neither to l egislate l aws of government, nor usurp authority over said variou As cm blies of Gcd, nor dep r i,") them of thei r Scriptural and l ocal r ights and pri,ileges, but to r ecognize Scriptural m ethods and order for worship, uni ~y, fellowship, wo!'k and business for God, and lo di sapprove of all un criptural methods, doctri nes and conduct, and <lpprove of all Scriptural t ruth and conduct, ndeavorine, to k ee p the unity of lhe Spirit in the bonds of p ace, until we all come into the unity of the fa i t h, and of the knowlcdge of the Son of God, un to a p er fect man. unto the m easure of the stature of th e fulness of Christ, an d to walk accordingly, as r ecord d in Eph, 4: 17-32, and to consider the five purposes announced in the Con " cnt ion Cali in the F ebruary, 1914, i s~ u e ef "\vord _""D W IT:\E S;" Rl }SOLVED, SECOJ'.:U, That w e r ecognize all the above said A, scmblies of va r ious name:, a nd when speal<in g of them r ef er to them by the gcneral, criptu r al name " Assemblies f God;" and r ecommen d trat thev nil r ec oe;n izc -The five - purposes announced in \Vard and \\'itnes!o' were as iollow!'>: F JH ST: \\ c come together according to.\ c ts. 15, that by prayer and!'tudy of th > \\ ord of God, and gui<i:l1ice of the H oly Spirit, we may get :1 belt er 11 11 dersuii1ciing of wh:1t li e would hive lis (cach, and thus 'do away with many di\'hdons over tloctrine" ami \'ariol1";' n:mlcs under which the Pentecostal people arc working and incorporaling,-uxity bcinri the chief aim. SECOX D: T hat we may know how to conserve the work, by all building up and not lcr.ting down, both in home au'd foreic-11 l and~. Til JRD: T hat we might ha\'e a better understa nding of the needs of the foreign field..;, ;'IItU reglli<lle our financial aftairs to accomplish a greater work in home,iih) foreign lalld:;. FO('HTIJ: That we mil)' be suhject to the laws of State and Xational go\'cnllllenl, and he legal in t ransacting hu~incss for God. a!' ta\l~hl in Homans 13 :1 9, "not slothhll in b us I nc~s. but fen 'cnt in spirit; serving the Lord: rejoicing in hopc j 1?:llient in tribulation; con tilll1in g instant in prayer; distrih\.ltin~ to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality;... 1!'o\'ide things honest in the sight or.\11 men." etc. (Rom. 11:11 17.) 1\l1 d 1"1 FTH: As Tesus comma1lded in the g reat col11l11i~sjo n. that the Gospel should hi! t:'l ughl, preached ";1(1 puhlished in all the worlel he fore His return, we should cons id~r th<:?\linislcrial, School a nd Puhlishing interests, to th e g lory of God. that J ec;us may be With 1.1" e\en unto the end of the world. (. ce,:\l a t. 28: 19, 20 ; )(3rk 13: 10 ; 16: 16.)

Page Fi,e themscll'es by the same name, tilat is. ",\ ssembly of God" ancl adopt it a~ ~oon as practicablr for the- purpose of being more Scriptura l and also legal in tr an~acling business, ol\lling property, and expcuting mission!!ry wor l;: in home and foreign lands. ancl for gl'il('ral ('OIl H 'lii(' II(C, IIl1 it) and I' t ll(),,~h ill. On motion, the Rbol'(, Preamble and H C'sohltion was unanimou~ly adopted '.mid grrnt demonstration, t he whole houst' r ising to t heil' reet,lnd shouti ng praises to God. "1 r ai~e God from whom all blessings flow" was sung. The power o[ God fell mightily upon th C' g r eat Assembly. The Council broke up into a gr eat praise me('(ign The joy of God tillecl ali hea rts, and the multitude w r e mol'ed to tcar~, and many \\ept for joy. T he Con ference Commi ttee r ecommended that th e PrC'<lmble and Ilcsolulions on Constitution be adoptcd as the Can titution of the General Council of the A ssemljli s of God. It was mol'ed and seconded by the ('ouneil that the above recommendation I.;e adoj)tecl, and after eliseu sion i t was unanimously carried. On motion the Assembly r equest{'d that the question o[ the Church, gener al and local, her f unctions and office' from thc Bible standard he d iscusse d. The Counci l adopted the llggestion ancl r equeslerl IlrotherH:'I'- :.'- Pinson,.John G. Lake, T. K. L eonal'd, K S. n " ll and'\' P. Collins to di sc uss the question from a Bible standpoin l. D i scour ses fol l owed. B "othel' Bo >worth then 1l10ve-d that the Committee be instructed to hold a nigh t scssion and r epor t to thp Gen eral Counci l th eir bpst solution of t he pr obl In of how to a~sist most ftectil'ely. the Home and F'o r eign ;\ I i ~s i o nary work. :'Ilotion adopted. l' : ~ c CJtfil c l'rcshyte l' y. A f 'er holding the above special m eeting the Conference Committee presented t he following resolution [or adoption by the Council: " W e, your CommiUre, recommend that the Gc n er al ('ollncil appoint an an nual pr esbytery or twelve men. l;nown as the EXE(TTIVE PRI;;S8YTER Y, of the G"ncral Conn,,II or the Assemblic of God, to act in all n ecessary m atters on behalf of this (leneral Council, as a 1 lom{' anrl Foreign :'I iss'onary and J!:x ec utiyc Presby ter y, during the ensui n g y ear. or until their successors are appointed. On motion the Rcsolution was adoptee i On mclion nine of the I I' e~h yt e :';' were appointed as folloll's: T K ]j'onal'd. Finula). Ohie: Ii:. S. Bell, :\Iail'crn,,\rk: J. n. FlolI'('J', Plainfiel d and l adianapoi is. I nd.; H A. Coss, 1I0t Spring, Ark: J. \\'. \\'('Ieh, Haxter Sprine;s. K.a n ~.: :\1. :\1. I'inse n, Phoenix. \ 1'iz,; C. n.l<'ocklcr. :\Iilwaukee. W i o.; D. C. O. Opperman, I iouston, T exas; Jno. (' Sinclair, Chi ('ago, JII. The other thre" to be appointed by the Prcsb) tcry. (Later the following brethrcn were <.p poin tecl as mt?mbcl's of the I'resbytpry :.\. 1'. Collins, J 't. Worlh. Texas ; H. L.., JT:rickson. Chiea~o. III.; D. '\'. 1\:('1'1', ClcvC' land. Ohio). A motion \1'aS made and secondpcl that the r e olution be a<!optcd, and after discuss ion \I'as unani mously ca r ried. l/eso l ulioll Oil JII ('0 1'110 r Il1ioll. Th C' Conference CommittcC' mace the following r esol iltion: " \\'r, your Committee. r ecommend that, Wh er(':1 s it i s es~cjltial to t r ansact bu si ness in lhe l 'nited States and }<-orpi!;jl Lands, that we beco me an Incorporated Body. t ncr e[ore ue it r esolved, Tha t the GESERAL COl.':\CIL r ecommend and authorize the F.XEr'['TIVE PRES8YTERY to cha r ter th i s GE:\BR.\ L CO I';\ e l L of t h e ASSE ~1B LI ES OF GOD." On motion and consider ation, th e above R esol ution was unani mously adopted.

Pa07P Rix )[isccllaneolls Rc olutions. Thl' ('onfl'rcnce Committee r('('ommended that in view of the fact that the work which has been done hitherto in the Interstate Camp ~reeting of the Churches o[ God in Christ, has been committed to the General Council of the Ass('mblies of God, that the CounCil publicly recognize itself as the proper placr [or said business in the future. On motion the Resolution was adopted. The (,onference Committee recommend d that wher as the pressing of t he question of eating, 01' not eating meats, is causing divisions in some of the Assembli('s, th1.t thl' General Council recommend their disapproval of 8uch extreme positions on this que-stion which causes these divisions, and that we recognize th(' right of each individual consciencc in this matter, according to Col. 2:14-17. The motion was ~econded and adopted unanimously. On motion It was adopted that the G neral ('ouncil r ecommend to the Assem bl ies of God everywhere that they meet ever y Th ursday from 10: 00 A. M. to 3 P. M. for united prayer, and that those who arc ituated so that they ('annot attend the Ass('mbti(>s for this purpose observe the time of prayer in their own home's, as far as it i s practicable. The Conference ('ommittee r ecomm nded to the General Cou ncil that inasmuch as the WORD l\i\'d WITXESS is already the property of the GJj;.' 'ERAL COl'XCIL of the' ASSFJMnLll~S OJ" GOD, that it be recognized as its Official Or~an, with Brothel' E. l\'. Bell as Editor, and that the whole matter of Publications be turned OV('r into 1111' hands of the Executive Presbytery. The r ecommendation was unanimously adopted. P ll bl irat.ioll of )Tilllll es. On motic'n it \\ ~s recommender] and adoptc'd that the proceedings of THE GEXI~R.\L COl'X('II, ()f the; A. SE~IBLI1!l8 OF GOD, be publi sed in t he :\lay issue of ''''ORD AXD,\VITXgS.. and be distrihuted in large quantities. The Conference Committe!' recommencled to the OEXERAT., COl':-:CTL that, whereas, it is impractical for all the local Assemblies of God in the l'nited Statc~, Canada and Foreign Fields to nh' t in the GIDXI~RAL COl'l,CIL, and that it would be impossible for the GK,]1;RAL CO(':'\CIL to transact the business of the Locnl Assemblips of Gc.d in the yariou~ sections of the United State, Canaaa and Ole Foreign Fields, that \\ (' recommend that the Local Assemblies in ille various fields, establish District 01' State Councils, aud that the Presbyt('ry be authorized to appoint mtc1ers or Evangelists to assist the local Assemblies of God in the recognition and cf tabtishing of the District or State Counr:il. that every thin:>: may be in harmony in the District Councils \\ ith the Constitution of t;1(' G]~;.JKRAL COU:'\CIL. 011 motion the above I esolution "'as accepted and unanimously carried. Ch urch Offices 1111 (1 Officers. The subject of the r ecognition of tile different omces of the Church, which was r eferred back to the Conference Committee, \\'as revise d and presen ted as follows: W e, the Conferpnce Committee, recogni zing that in the '\Yord of God thert' are set certain offices, which r epresent the various activities of the hody of Chri st. recommend that the GEX];]RAL COl'l\'C1L declare themselves in accord with the Word of Gar] on this question, find stand ready to accept and endorse any and all of t!lese various ofti(' eq as they may appear or de\'elop among us, bnc1 so far a!' til('y may now be present. stand ready to c10 so by su i table letters of commendation; anc1 that ',\'e also endorse and commend a1] in whose lives God has already r"yealcd His po\\'e r in any of these ministries, and as a matter of convenience in thei r recogn ition, adopt the cr iptural terms of Elder, Evangelist, Minister, Exhortet' and Deacon. The r ecommendation was receiced and discussed, and on motion was u nanimously adopted.

Page Seyen Religious Schools lind PuIJlirnfion ~. A Resolution was presented as follow: Resoh'cd that the GT<JXERAL COeXCIL call attention to the literary school of Brother H.. n. Chisolm, near Union, Mis., and r ccommended tbe same to tbose who arc ill reach o[ it, and Who are seeking literary training for thcir children in a good religiou, atmosph ere. \\'e would also call attention to the Go pel School at Findlay. Ohio. under the supervision of Brother T. K. Leonard, and advise those in that section, \vho arc seeking Biblr training, to attend the sallie; and those \\ ho de ire to take the course of Home Bible study, through the Gospel School n eyiew, by which they fini sh in one yea r, a study of the entile Bible, should write T. K. Leonard, Findlay, Oh io. We fur1l1er recommend that the students in other localities ayail them ~elves of the courses offered in other Full Gospel or Pentecostal schools within their reach, and avan themselves of all opportunities [or the study of the Vvord. We urge these students to constant prayer (Acts 6 ;4) and to the study of God's Word, as commend d by Paul to Timothy (2 Tim. 2:15), and to j;reaching the Word everywhei'e (Acts 8;4) as opportunity af(ords in connect ion with tbeir study. lis regards a school [or the Southwest, we recommend the matter to be committed to the EXE (' TIVE pnf:shytj<jry, with the authority to act UPOll the same. Those who h:lvc propositions to make are urged to report to the PI' sbytery. Also to those who desire- 'a weekly paper, we recommend the Christian Evangel, published at Plainfi'eld, Ind., by Brother J. R. Flower. (XOIV published at Findlay, Ohio, as tlie weekly COllncil organ). We also commend a ll other safe and reliable Pentecostal papers everywhere. On molion, after discussion, the above recommendations were unanimously adopted. Rigllt an(1 Offices of W omen. The Conference Committee recommended to the GE:'-:ERAL COLJ:\CTL that \' hereas the hand of God is mightily upon many women to proclaim and publish the "good tidings of gj'eat joy" in a wonderful way, tllat the GE:'-:]!;RA I" CO :\CIL of tile ASSE?l'rBr~IES Oli' GOD suhmit the following Scriptures [or consideration. 1. In Christ, that is in the matter o[ sal vation, tile lines of sex are blotted out. Gal. 3;2. 2. Women are commanded to be in subjection and not to usurp authority over the man. I Tim. 2; 11-15. 3. They are caned to prophesy and preach the Gospel. Acts 2 :17. "Ile that prophesieth speakelh unto men to edification, to ex hortation and to comfort." I Cor. 14: 3. 4. To be helpers in the Gospel. Rom. 16: 3. Therefore be it resolved, that this Council recommend to the ministry and Assemblies of God, that we recognize th eir God-given rights to be ordained, not as elders, but as Evangelists and ;\1issionarics, after being duly approved according to the Scriptures. On molion. the above Resolution was unanimously adopted. (For further r ecognition of women. see ;\Iinutes of Chicago Council, I age 9). :Uarriage aud ])iyorces. The Conference Committee recommended to the GE:'-:ERAL COUNCIL that: First. 'Vl1ereas there are now among Christian people those who became entangled in their marriage r elations in their former lives of sin, and who do not now see how these matters can be adju ted, therefore we recommend that these cases be left in th-e hands of the Lord, and that they walk in the light as God lets it shine on their souls.

Rpcond, \\'h('reas low standards on marriage and divorce are "ery hurtful to individuals, to the family, and to the cause of Chr:st, therecore i)e it recomlllcndpd that in future we discourage divorce by all lawful means a ll'l teaching, and that we shall positively disapprove of divorce for any cause (>XC(pt for fornication or adultery (~latt. 19:9) and (if divorced Cor any otlw!' cnlls!', [ Cor. 7 :15), that we recommend the remaning lngle oc all divorce'] Christians, and that they pray God so to keep them in purity and peace. (Sc.' I ('or. 7.1 Third Whereas divorced and remarried persons in the min'stry usuall:r cause stumbling, reproach and dh'ision, whatever may have been thp cause of divorce, thorefore we advi e and r ecommend our minist'e rs and Assemblie,; In the future not to orda:n to the full Cospel ministry those who have remarried, and are now living in the state of matrimony, while former companions are living. O~zckiel 44 :22).. After much di scnssion, the Resolut'on was adopted. JI isccllllll COUS JTutiolls. On motion, E. X. Bell, Temporary Chairman, and J. Roswell Flower, Temporary Secretary, were appointed to act as Chairman and ecretary until the next GEX]<lRAL C01'XCIL or until th ir succ ssors are appoin ted. On motion the Presbytery was authorized to approve, ed it and publish tile minutes. On motion it was recommended that a ll minist r. and laymen be appointed to secure all the subscribers possible for the WORD AXD WITXESS. On motion, the following Resolution was unanimously carried, that in as much as we have come together from various parts of the l;nited States and met in the beautiful City of Hot Spring, and have been so well treated and welcomed, that it be resolved that we extend a vote of thanks and apprecia- 1'on to the people f0r their courtesy toward us, a nd kindness toward this Council.,On motion, the ~n:\ttes as completed and edited by the Presbytery, wer(' adopted and approved. On motion, the COl'XCIL adjourned until the call or the next GE0fERA;, COU:\,CIL, by the Presbytery. PJWCl,E IlJXGS OF TilE GEXEltAJ, ('OllX('UJ A 'I' THE S'J'OXE (,J[('Jt(,H, (,JIl{'AGO, J LL., XOY. 1;;.29, 1914. )foxha Y, :NOY. 16th. The General CounCil was called to order b)' the chairman, E. "'. Bell, who call ed for the enrollment of the delegates. 'I' (};SDA Y, XOY. 17th. The Council was call ed to order and the names of the delegates present were r ead. It was then moved and adopted that these, with others yet to be added, should constitute the membership of the General Council. On motion, A. P. Collins was appointed as chairman of the Co uncil for the coming year. On mo'tion, J. R. Flower was appointed as secretary and B. F. Lawrence as assistan t secretary. On motion, D. C. O. Opperman was appointed assistant chairman for the coming year. The COJlfcrCllce Committee. On motion it was recommended that the Council proceed to the choice of a committee of seven to be appointed by the chair to act as a conference committee to receive and arrange resolutions to be presented to the Council for action. The chair requested Brother J. W. Welch to act as chairman ' of the

conference committee, and al so r equ estni hi' help in selecting his co-workers on thi s committee, and called the ('ouncil to prayer that God may help them that all things be done in harmony \\ith me kness and wisdom. The names of the C'onferenc(' ('ommittee as se l ected w ere J. 'Y. ""elch, R X. Bell, 1I. A. Goss, n. F. Lawrenc<" D. W. Kerr, C. B. Fockler and II. G. Rodgel s. Brother W. F. Carothers presen t ed two r esolutions to the Cl'lH'ral ('ouncil. On discussion these re~olutions were r eferred to thl' ('onf"rence COIllmittee for J'evi sion and later presentation to the General Council. WEJ):\,ESIU Y, :\'OY. 1~t1I. The Gent'ral Couneil was called t o order hy the chairman ancl lhe- report of the co nfer ence committee was called for. '(' he ],1111), Ih'lec;ales. The Confer ence Committee presented the following r esolution: " \'"e, your committee, r ecommend that th followin g r esolution be adopted: " R esolved, that the sisters visiting this General ('ouncil who a r C' mature heli('v('rs and are in co-operati\'p f('llowship with our testimony, he I'('('('i\'('(l as advisory m ember s of t hc ('ouncil, and that w e r ccommend to all othc'r deliberative bodies in the mo\'em ent that they extend like courtesies to si sters oc like qualifications in th eir midst. Rom. 16:1-3; 1 Cor. 11 :7-11; Co l. 4 ::l. On motion, after discussion, the above r esolution was adopted. (For prcv;ous rccognition of woman, hcr ministry, ('[('. sec.\1 inute" of llot prings Council, page 7 hcn'in). 'J'IIC f :x('cul h c l'r('~i)jlery. The Conference Committee pres nted the following r esolution: "We, rour committee, r ecommend that the f ollowing r esolution be adop cd: " R eso l ved, That the GenC'ral ('oulleil proceed in the choice of a new presbyter y, anti that the chairman of t he Council appoint a commi ttee of th r ee to nominate the first se\"en members or the presbyter y, who shall in turn nominate the balance of the preshyter)', the nominating committees to he open for suggestions from the Council in the sel ction of the nominees." On motion, the above r esolution was adopted. On motion, it was agreed that the presbyter s be selectcd by ballot, one at a time. On motion, it was adopter! that if a many as five yotes be rast aga in ~t th(' se l ection of any nominee that the name of that one be I' f(,i'i'('(1 back to the nominating committee. and t hat those havi ng these objections b(' r cquc'st('ci to appeal' befor e the nominating committee and state why they had thes!' objc'ct ions. The ehair appointed : he nominating committee of thrt'e as follows : R L. Eric-kson, \\". F. Carothers, and Jacob Miller. On m otion. D. W. Kerr was r eq uested t o r ead the Scriptures pertaining to the qualifications of an elder or a presb) tel'. H e made sollie r emarks anti then r ead variou portions from first and sl'con(1 Timothy and Ti tus. The r\ominating CommitteC', act!'r pray('r(ul deliber ation, nominated the following brethren as Presbyter s : A. P. Collins, D. W. K err, J. W. W el ch, E. X. B II, F. 1<'. Bosworth, If. G. Rogers and Andrew L. Fraser. On motion, the Council r eceived the names of the nominees to be voted upon. Ballots were cast (or each and the entir e seven were el ect d as Pres - byters. 'l'llnnsuay, NOY. 19th. After prayer and the r eading of the Word, the Council was called to order by the chai r man and the Confer ence Committee presented the following resolution:

PH!! ' Ten Resolved, That the number of the Executive Presbytery be increased from twelve to sixteen m mbers, that the pr sbytery be more representative in its chara<:ter. On Illolion, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The Conference Committee presented the following for adoption: "We, your ("ommitlee, r ecommend that the officers of the General ouncil be recognizer! as ex officio members of the J~xecutive Presbytery." On motion, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The seven presbyters who were recognized as a nominating committee with authority to nominate the remainder of the presbytery, suggested the following names: M. M. Pinson, If. A. Goss, T. K. L onard, W. F. Carothers. On motioll, the names of each one or these brethren were accepted and they were unanimously elected as members of the executive presbytery. The i\ominating Committee requested that the matter of the selection of the remainder of the presbytery be left entirely to the presbytery, with the st ipulation that should they agr e on their names before the CouLlcil adjourns the names will be presented for election, but if they have not been agre d upon by that time they be authorized to select the names of the remaindpr when found. On motion, the request was granted. (The l~ xeclltive Presbytery, after pnlyerful deliberation, chose also Geo. A. ('hamber', It L. Erickson and D. II. ;\lcdow Il as members of the Presbytery). Co-openltioll for )Ussioll:lI'Y Work. The Conference Committee presented the following r esolution for adoption. WIII~REAS, in the provid nee of God there have sprung up spontaneously in this movement throughout the country, Pentecostal centers, and wh reas these places have gathered about them a constituency by the publi cation of periodicals for the dissemination of Pentecostal truths, and wher as in consequence moneys for missionary purposes ar being sent to these several centers and distributed upon the missionary field, TJlBRIi:F'ORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Presbytery be instructed to seek to bring about a more perfect co-operation among these centl'rs, in the matter of distribution of mis ionary funds, and the sending out of missionaries, with a vi w to greater efficiency in each of tbese various centers. On motion, after discussion, the resolution was unanimously adopted. All Effcctiyc l'nblishing Plant. The Conference Committee r commended tbe following resolution for adoption: WHEREAS, the printing press has be n one of tbe principal means whereby the special t stimony of great spiritual movements has been most widely and rapidly promulgated, and WIIl!.REAS, the very life of the papers now owned and controlled by the General Council depends on an equipment which will make them self-supporting, and WIHJREAS, God has used these papers for the last year or more in gathering about $10,000.00 for foreign missions, thus making tbem indespensible to foreign missionary work; THERBFORB BE IT RESOLVED, That the Executive Presbytery be and is bereby authorized to tal,e immediate steps in securing funds through voluntary offerings, subscriptions, or the sale of nonparticipating stock, or in any manner pleasing to God and the Executive PreRbytery, of an amount of not less than $5,000.00 for a publishing equipment to be owned and controlled entirely by the General Council, and to be used solely for the glory of God. The resolution, on motion and after discussion was unanimously adopted.

FH11HY, ::-'OY. 20th. Pll!!;C l<}lcven After prayer and the reading of the \\'ord, the {'hairman called the Council to order and the Conference Committee presented the following resolution for adoption: The night Jland or }'cllowship Extended. WIlF:REAS, some of the brethren in different sections of the country deemed it necessary to [orlll them elves into non-sectarian associations [or the purpose of providing a m ethod whereby a better understanding might be bad as to who are properly accredited workers, THE:REli'ORE BE IT RE:SOLVJ~D, That we commend the spirit and attitude of tbe brethren in safeguarding the P entecostal Assemhlie and that we recognize these brethren anti extend to ',bern the right hand of fellowship in acco rdance with our constitution, On motion, the resolution was unanimously adopted, the Council Singing, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." On motion, Tuesday, SOy. 24th, was set apart by the Council as Missionary Day. SA'J'UHlIAl', :XOY. 2lst. Ucso)nfioll 011 11lc WOl'k of thc l'l csbytci'y. On motion, the following resolution, pi' sen ted by the Conference ommittee to the Counci l, was adopted: 11 solved, first, That the Executive Presbytery i specially charg d with the duty of administering the obligations of the General Coun il to the young converts, young preachers, and young assemblies in unity with us, and we express the prayerful hope that the ordained ministers eyerywhere will co-operate with, and render all the assistance in their power to, the Presbyters in the discharge of these arduous labor Second. That among other things enjoined by the \\'ord of God upon such offi cers as ou r Executive Presbyters, they be expected to travel over tbe field, at home and abroad, as the Lord may lead, Witll a view to acquainting themselves and the General Council witll conditions everywhere, Third. That, after consullalion with tbe pastors and ofliccrs of the local assemblies, the Presbyters recommend to the Gencral Council which of the local asscmblie. in unity with us arc Scripturally set in order, and also which of said assemblics are not yet so qualificd, in order that the Gencral ('ouncil, through the Presbytery, may assist in the development of the latter in the will of GOd. Fourtb. We recognize the right of any assembly of God, scripturally set in order, to conduct all or its congregational affairs without interference [rom any outsidc source, and we express the prayerful hope that a ll such bodies will continue in unity with the General Council, send messengers to its sessions and co-operate in a ll of its work. Fifth. That we recommend to those assemblies which are not yet thus scripturally qualified, that they seek the advice and service of the Presbytery and of such brethren as may be ablc to help them in "setling in order the things that are wanting." Tit. 1: 5. Sixth. That we further recommend that all assemblies which have diffi cu lli s of any l<ind wbich seriously threaten to cause division in their midst, to scel( tbe belp of the Presbytery for advice before the division occurs. Seventh. Resolved further, That the Executive Presbytel"s be expected, with such advice from thc older ministers throughout the world and of the various district councils as they may be able to obtain, to prepare a list of those ministers in unity with us who by experience and qualifications may justify the General CounCil in recognizing their ordinaton as Elders, and likewise prepare a list of those ministers and aspirants to tbe ministry wbose experience and qualifications do not warrant their ordination as elders.

We rc('ognizp that all ministers of the first division are entitled to perfect fn'c'dom in the ministry of the Gospel. with no other tics binding th'm than thmlc of lovc, unity and co-operation with the General ilody. but rccommend to the other ('lass that they submit themsel\'es to the brotherly oversight or the District and General Councils, the Executive Presbytery and such brethren as may be able to assist them. 1 Pet. 5:5. Eighth. That, wherein any brother be used of Cod to establish an asscmbly in a n w field he be recognized as the logical overseer or pastor o f that flock and that he be encouraged to remain with the same assembly and feed it and care for it until the Lord shall raise up a pastor to take this r esponsibility and thus relieve him that he may press on to new fields; and if he shall find it needful to go before this is accomplished let him confer with the nearest Presbyter before leaving. Thus we may avoid the disaster that has come to many o[ the young assemblies that have been I ft without pastoral car e. Ninth. And. Wh(,I'C3S, the r ecognition by the General ouncil of the foregoing obligations resting upon it as the representative of the General Assembly o[ the First Born among us, and the e1ischarge of these worlel-wide duties by our Executive Presbytery will ('all for the use and expenditure of large sums of money. Therefore, be it further R solved, Th:\t we recomm nd to all saints ever ywher e having treasures of money or property which th y wish to offer to Goel, in obedience to the command of the Lord Jes us (Math. 6:19), prayerfully consider' the offering of such t r easur s to the Execulive Presbytery, in order that ther e may be no failure of the Chur ch of God to accomplish His full will for lack of means. We furl her r ecommend to the saints el'crywhere that they diligently adopt the Xew T estament system and plan of " laying by in store on the first day of the w ek as the L ord has pros per ed you" (1 Cor. 16 : 1-2) and warn them against slothfu lness and irregularity in these maller. In conclu Sion, we commend the Presbyt ers and their h elper s as they may travel in the discharge of their duties to the saints throughout the world and r ecolllmend that offerings be tal«'n in each place where they may visit for the work of the Presbytery. ) 0:\ 11,\ Y, ::\()Y. 2:ll'd. A ('o open" h e }; r:lilgelisltl. Brother' L. C. JJall presented the following r esolution, which was unanimously adoptt'd by the Council: "As a Co uncil, we h ereby expr ess our gratitude to Cod (or Ilis gr at bl ssing upon the movement in the pa. t. W e arc grateful to Him for the r suits attc'mling this forwar'd movement and we colllmit ourselves and the movement to J lim for the gr eatest evangelism that the world 11as ever seen. W e pl edge our hearty co-operation, prayers and help to this end." On motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted, that wher as the Slone Church and its p ople with other assemblies and saints in Chicago have extended to the Ceneral CounCil such hearty hospitality, therefore bc' it r solved, That t he General ('ouncil extend a Sincer e yot of thanl,s to th saints of the Stone Church and those others who have by their hospitality h elped in the work of the ('ouncil. On motion, a t r act ntitled, "Advice to Young Converts," was, by the Council, order ed to be published. On motion, the minutes as edited and corrected by the Presbyter y, were adopted and approved. On molion, the Council adjourned until the call of the next Ceneral Council by the Presbytery.

Pag ' Thil' p('n MINISTERIAL ROLL The names marked with a star (.) I HI oadus. Al ex.. Crighlon, Ala. are exhorters or licentiates. Other Broadus, ;\lrs. I". :11., ('righton, Ala. are regular Biders, Evangelists or nroolcs, l~(lward B., IO:vergreen, Ala. Mi ssionaries. Browl, JI1i ss Janet, Santa Hosa, Calif. Adams, A.., Mah'ern, Ark. I*Brown, Reeve A., Dallas, Tex. Adams, W. J., San Franci co, Calif. Brubaker, :'III'S. Bila ~l.. :\apprnee Ind. Agal', Miss Grace, Oakland, Cal. Bryant, H. \\'..!\lidlantl City, Ala. Alanes, Isabel, 'an Antonio, Tex. I Buchwaltel', l\iary E., Paradise, Pa. Alanes, Enemncio, San Antonio, Tex. Hulloclc. l\iiss J. ('.. :\ewcastle, Tex. Albritton, J. B., Warrior, Ala. I 'BulloCk ;\11'-;. ~1. L B('II\\'oo d,,\i a. Albrichton, Miss Louise, cranton, Bullock, Z.,Yo Bell\;:ood. Ala. J\as. BurCh, T. S., Graham, Tex. Anderson, Carrie, Detroit Harbor, I BurCh, Grace, Graham, Tex. Wi s. Burnside, W. K, San Antonio, Tex. Anderson, Frank, Mcli'ee, Ky. C'adwaltl e r, liugh, Des Moines, Ia. Anderson, Mrs. Bess, McFee, K y. I C'adwaldpr, :'III'S. Mary C., Des Moines, Andrcws, Ella May, Trossacks, Sask Iowa. Can. Andrews. J. W., Gracev ill e, Fla. Campilell. F., Splendora. Tex. Carlson, ('has. 0., Stephen, Minn. A r rant, T. A., Alto, T ex. Carothers, W. F., HOllston Tex. Arthur, Mary A. Galena, Kans. Casey, Peter, Vallejo, Calif. Ashley, T. B., Des Moines, Iowa. C'aye e, Cieo.,\. }\Ima, T x. Ashey, T. B., Des Moines, Iowa. ('ay(',. :III'S. Cora A., Alma, Tex. Bailey, Clyde, Mt. Vernon, Ill. Chamblee, C. 0., Garden City, Ala. Bailey, L. X., Slocomb, Ala. Chambers, Geo. A.. Berlin, Ont., Can. Bail ey, J. L., Slocomb, Ala. Chapman, lilary W., Rochester, X. Y. Bakel', W. R., Slocomb, Ala. Childers, W. W., Puxico, Mo. Baker, F. R, Terrell, Tex. Chisolm, R B., Union, Miss. Daker, Mary E., Terrell, T ex. Cla rke, Earle W., Salem, O. Baker, A F., Chi cago, IlL Clarl,e, Ha rry V., Cumberland, Md. Bald ridge, \'1. T., ITou ton, Tex. Clary, \Vm. Marmadulce, Ark. Danta, Ellis, Yellville, Ark. Clel':horn, W. E., Manning, Tex. Barmetton, W. E., Me rcer, Mo. CI 'mmons, J., Blacl" Ala. Barnes. Mother l\hry. Thayer, Mo. ('lemmon., Monroe, Terrell, Tex. Barth, David A., Oakland, Calif. Click, Wm., Ft. Worth, Tex. Barth, Mary A., Oakland, Calif. I ('lower, E. R, Roanoke, Va. ' Delcll,e r,. A. J., Bellwood, Ala. Coehurn,.T. \V., Santa Barbara, Calif. Bell, l!}. :\.. St. LOUIS, :\10. Cody,.1. L, Sulligent, Ala. Bell, James A., Chicago, 111. I Cogdell, Hen r y E., Granbury, Tex. Bell, J. \'1., Ancon, Panama, Canal Co ll ins, A. P., Malvern, Ark. Bcnham. C. 0.. Chicago, Il L Collins, \1 rs. Ida. :.talvcrn. Arl{. Benoit, L., Figure Five, Ark. I Collins, Ben, Ii'., Danvill e, IlL Zone. 'Collins, Warren, l<~t. Worth, Tex. Bel'l1slen, Bernt, Chih Li, Cheng Ting Cooi<, Mrs. Della, Little Rock, Ark. F u, China. Cool{, Myrlle, Sulligent, Ala. l~er n str n, ~Iagna, Chih Li, Cheng Ting 'Cooper, A. J., McCurtain, Okla. F u, China. Cooper, W. R, Genesco, Kas. Berry, Wm. 0., J ackson, Tenn. Corbell, J. A.. Olclahoma City. Okla. Bc1Tyhili. Sam., Hitchita, Okla. Co r bell, Myrtle, Oklahoma Cily, Okla. Hirrl'all, j<'. (1., Dall as, Tex. Corneliolls, Mrs. L. C., BleclJ'a, Tex. Bicknell, IVliss Grace, Gas City, Kans. ('ox, A. 13., Cumberland, Md. Blankenship, R L., aratoga, T ex. Cox, Dora L., Cumberland, Md. Boatwright, C. A.,.Voodward, Iowa. Craig, \ '1. A., Roanoke, Va. Boat\l'right, D. E., Woodward, I owa. Craine, Clarence, Hot Spri ngs, Ark. Booth-Cl ihorn, W. C., Chicago, TIl. Creamer, Lloyd G., Chicago, IlL 130 \\'()1'th, F. P., Dallas, Tex. Crick, J. T., Louisville, Ky. Bosworth, Mr s. Estella, Dallas, Tex. Crouch, Andrew 1<., Perry, Iowa. nowlen, Thos. J., Jacl{sboro, Tex. C!'Ouch, Agnes M., PelTY, Iowa. Bowley, Harry E., Zion City, IlL Crouch, A. T., Mer cer, 1\10. Bowley, Li ll y, Zion City, IlL CI'ouch, Frank, Perl')', Iowa. Boyd, Franle M., Asbury Park, N. J. Crollch, Matilda, Me rcer, Mo. Bradhury, H. M. L., Chi cago, IlL Cullifer, J. A., Geneva, Ala. BradbuJ'Y, Jp.ssie Lee, Chicago, Ill. urry, J. F. I~sto. Fla. Brann, O. P., Cumberland, Md. Dailey, E. I-I., Oakhurst, Tex.

Page Fonrtl'pn Darner, Joseph A., Otlumwa, Iowa. J)avics, PrIer, Albia, I owa. Davies, I\lary :\., Albia, Iowa. Davis, J. 1,., Osborne, Kans. Davis, I\Irs. Maud, Shanghi, China. DcEllion, Geo. F., IIawkhu rst, Sask., Can. ljol!}lion, G. F.. Moose J aw, Sask., Can. ])erry,.i. A., Mer cer, Mo. Derl'yherry, It. I., H eeter, Ark. J) ('Witt, IT. C., Santa llosa, Calif. Di e ff ell wi e rth, F. 0., Ottumwa, Ia. DietTen wi e r th, L. A., Ottumwa, lao Dobbs, W. ~1., Orchardville, III. Dohson, Mrs. Fanni, J oplin, Mo. Doswell, Mrs. Mary L., Chi co, Calif. Dowrl n, C. C. W., Livingston, Tex. DuBose, D.,J., Ariton, Ala. Dunham, John, lola, Kas. Dunlap, H enry, Canute, Okla. Drain(', ~ li ~s Dollie, Russellville, Ark. Dmper, Ma r k T.,' Seattle, Wash. ]~ad y, l\i iss ~wil1fen, Oakland, Calif. I';aton, Wm., Xotch, Mo. J~by, :--:athani I F., Kinhurn, Ont., Can. l ~dw a rd s, O. W., l<'t. WOI th, Tex, Ei<'hwul'zcl, J. W., Splendora, Tex. Ehler, T.., E. Chattanooga, Te nn. J~ l le r, 1\11'8. J<.:li zabetlr, Ramsey, III. J ~mcry, Ii:. L, Pine Island, :II inn. I ;ri<- Ilson, R. L., Chicago. 111. i<'airchi ldcs, S. D., Sh ibley, Ark. I"au., \\"m. II., White Blnff~. Wash. Ii'('rgerson, Mrs. Bernice, Tahlequah, Oilla. F('rg(,J'son, :ljorton, Chaffee, :110. } 'el'ger on, Crcttie, Chaffee, Mo. 1<'ell'oll, J ohn \'i., Dallas, Tex. ].'(' l'i'e II, Mollie, Dallas, Tex. Fickling, Thos., H.oswell, 1\. M. li'innel'll, Geo. W., Milwauke, Wis. ] i'i~ij(' r, ('ora 10.. Berlin H eights, O. Fitzgerald, K R., llussellvilie, Arlc Ji'ilzg('rald, I\lrs. M. E., Los Angeles, Cal i f. ]<'1011'('1', J. Roswell, St. Louis, ~r o. j"loyd, Lee, Dover, Ark. 1i'oc kl e r, Cyrus 13., Milwaukee, Wis. l~ockler. :II I's. Hattie?It, ~Iilwaukee, \\, is. Foster, C. R, Topeka, Kans. Fowl er, Robert, H eavener, Okla. 1"I'usor, Andrew L., Harrisburg, Pa. Fretz, Miss Yiola H., Everett, Mass. Gasldll, H enry ('., Topeka, I(as. Gaston, W. '1'., Tulsa, Okla. Giles,... A. E., Copeland, Arle. " njum i ll e. l. \V.. Dawson, To \\ a. Goben, John, Lucas, I owa. Goodman, E., Chicago, Ill. Goss, Howard A., Hot Springs, Ark. Goss, Ethel E., Hot Springs, Ark. Graham, Ernest 0., Chicago, Ill. Graham, J. :\r., Enterprise, Ala. Graham, M., E nterprise, Ala. Graves, F. A., Zion City, Ill. Gretel', Geo., Toledo, Ohio. Grice,. P., Hartford, Ala. Grier, W. D., Kandy, Ceylon. Grier, lilrs. Vinnie, Kandy, Celyon. Griffin, Thomas, MinneapoliS, Minn. Griffin, Mrs. Emily, Minneapolis, Minn. li acker, ~liss Hattie llunt:ngton, Ind. Hacker, W. H., Boonville, Ark. Hale, J". A., San Antonio, Tex. Ha ll, L. C., Chicago, Ill. flail, ~[rs. J ean C., Chicago, TIl. lia ll, Walter W., Burnett, T ex. Ua ll, Mrs. Rosa, Burnett, T ex. Hamilton, Miss Sarah, San Antonio, Tex. Jl ampton. "'. ]f., 'Waters, Ark. Hansen, n. E., W. Berkley, Calif. Hansen, Mrs. Margaret, W. Berkley, Calif. flardwif'k, W. IT., Ariton, Ala. Hargis, Vache, Tahlequah, Okla. f-jarl'i~, J oe, Stuttgart, Ark. lianis, Mrs. Alice, Stuttgar t, Ark llafl'illo n, O. C., \I'alTen, T ex. [la rrison, \V. M., Wa rren, Tex. I iasue, Ar thur, Perr y, Iowa. Ilaslie, 1>1rs. Arthur, Perry, Iowa. Ii asue, Eugene :--:" P e r ry, Iowa. Il asue, I_cna, I erry, Iowa. li ayman, ]1. F., Merkel, Tex. Hays, M. T., Warrior, Ala. I lays. 1rs. Luster, 1 [oll ston, Tex. Il enneck. W. If., Spokane, Wash. Herrin, Miss Maude, Livingston, Tex. flick, Geo. IT., r iehton, Ala. Higgins, Walter, Essex, Mo. 11 0hson, Chas. A., Columbus, Ga. "OIlI('S, C. R., :l1 (,8a, Ariz. llcoy0r. :III'S. :llay L., Valparaiso, Chile, S. A. Ho rn, Alonzo, li't. Smith, Ark. IlOI tc' ll, liss Agnes II., Everett, Mass. 1I 0well, W. W., P rincton, Mo. 1I0well, Mrs. Edith, Princlon, '10. lludson, Hicbard W., Toledo, Ohio. HulTman, W. K., San J ose, Calif. [Jumbard, A. E., Pangburn, Ark. I (ulson, A. :\1., San Ji'rancisco, Calif. J ackson, John,V., Victoria, T ex. Ja('obs, \Y. W. Clovis. 1\. M. James, John II., Faulkner, Kas. James, J II., EvcrgTPen. l! la. Jamison, S. A., Dallas, Tex. Jaynes, Chas. E., Des Moines, Iowa. J aynes, Mr ~. Hazell 'I., Des Moines, Iowa. J nnison, F.arle V., Greal Bend, Kans. J e nson, Carl R., Chicago, Ill. J ewe ll, l\lrs. Mabel, Des Moines, Ia. Johnson, J. D., Gas City, Kas. Johnson, Emma M., Gas City, Kas. J ohnson, R. '1'" Xeelyvi ll e, :110. Johnson, Sarah J., West Africa. J ohnson, Wm. H., West Africa. Johnston, A. H., Decatur, Iowa. Johnston, J. IT., Wynne, Ark.

Jones, Francis A., Shenandoah, la. Jones, I< r'ed L.. Austin. Tex.. Iones. J. R. :\otc' :\10. JOUl'd en, Wm. D., ~ yc.ler, Tex. Journey, Kora, Russellville, Ark. Joyner, Geo., Galveslon, T ex. Joyner, Mrs. Lula, Galveston, Tex. Joyner, Mrs. Nellie, Lillie Rock, Ark. Juliff, Mrs. Georgia C., Rounc.l Rocl" T ex. J ustice, A. B., Bellwood, Ala. Karsey, Alice M., Topcka, Kans. Kemper, Nathan, Anacaca, La. Kerr. D. W.. Cleveland. O. Mrs. D. W. Kerr, Cleveland, Ohio. K er sh, Wrn. A., Ottawa, Ohio. Key, Frank K, Atlanta, Ga. Kilburn, J. D., Appilachia, Va. Kilburn, 1. L., Appilachia, Va. "Killingworth. ~Jl'S. Arminta, Slocomb, Ala. King, A. C., Hattiesburg, Mi ss. King, James. C., Clarence, Mi ss. Kirkland, Bellie E., Round Roc]" T ex. Kirkland, C. C., Round RoCI{, Tex. ]{irkland. ~Iiss J enllie E., Detroit. ;\I'eh. Kirkpatrick. Wm. F., 1.'pper Allon, Ill. Kistler, J. K, Asbury Park, K. J. LaFleur, Robert, Oakhurst, Tex. Lambert, W. L., Ell, City, Okla. Lam bia, Mrs. Mary, Spokane, Wasil. *Lan e Ml S. \V. B.. Creal Springs, Ill. Lankslon, W. F., Perks, Ill. Lasaler, C. A., Shoal Creek, Ark. I. a\\'. n an,', )lrbean. Quebec. Can. Lawler, Homer L., Oakland, Calif. Lawrence. n. W., 'I'haver, :110. Lawrcnce, 1111'S. Imogine, Thayer, Mo. Laws. II. B., WOOd SOll, Tcx. Lawson, Ceo. W., Dexter, Mo. L eam in g, Geo. W., Woodward, Ia. I.E'Bro"q.. J '1.111C<; F.. :l lenean, Quebi)':!. Ledbrtter, J. V.'., 'oma. Fla. Lee, Marlha, Tower Hill, Ill. Lee, Miss Valeria C., Sulligent, Ala. Lemasler, H. V., Oma ha, Ark. Lconnrd. '1'. 1\., Findlay, Ohio. Page Fift<'Cn Manhold, Gustav n., Toledo, Ohio. ~l ansb rid ge, C. n., Xiagara Fails, Pa. Mardis, W. K, Grand Glaise, Ark. larsi1ell, Mis Gertrude, Meridian. Miss. larine, Oliver, Malvern, Ark. larsh, Frederick Carl. Chicago, Ill. Mal'sh, lwa Elva. Chicago, III. iilartin, L. F., Springfield, Mo. lilason. Jledley. Derwent. Ohio. Malurn, Miss H elen. Oakhurst, Tex. JIlayhew, P. ~., Calo, Ark. McBride, R S., Buenos Aires, Argentine. S. A. McCafferly, Burt, Terrell, T ex. 1IlcCaslin, Annie J., Belton, Tex. lilcc'a lin, Ealy A., Belton, Tex. l\lcclain, S. C., Hot Springs, Ark. ~lcclca r.v. E. 0., Finellay. Ohio. liic('onneli, J. S., Houston, Tex. McC'onnell, lilrs. J. S., Houston, Tex. McCulley, R A.. Blaine, W. Va. McC'uistain, A. J., Allo. T ex. [cdo\\'ell. n. IT., 1'ollenville, 1'\. Y. McF.vo,, Arlhur C.. Chicago, Ill.. [cevoy, nosa A., Chi cago, Ill. McGraw, Ceo. S.. Georgiana, Ala. Mclnt,Te, J. W., Figure Five, Ark. * 1\1('1 n[0 '11. Wm. D., Cainesville, Mo. li1 ckill1. W.O., 'We t Plains, 10. McXees, Robert W., H ammond, Ind. Mercer, A. \'., Anglelon, Tex. Mercer, lilrs. Willia Tex., I nino Wm.. Chicago. Ill. ;llerrill, "an n., Austin, Tex. :\TE'ye r, Brrlha, Chicago, Ill. lilay, Angleton, Millen, l ~lbcl't C., 2ion ('it)', Ill. Miller, Jacob, Ft. Smith, Arlc Miller, liliss Flossie, lola, Kas. Miller, G. W., H ealdsburg, CaliL Mills, Wm., Jackson. Tenn. 'Minnely, Andrew G., Slratton, Ont., Can. Minnely, Bdilh K, Stratton, Ont., Can Mile'hell, H. W., Ft. Worlh, Tex. li1ilche'll, Mrs. Theo., Fl. Worth. T ex. Lewek, Jos. R.. Chicago, JlI. Moll, Frank lii., Des Moines, Iowa. Lindsay, Fannie C., Kopperl, T ex. 11I lon tgome r ~'. Mrs. Carrie Judd, Oak- Lindsey, I sadore, Joneshoro, Ill. land, Calif. Lindslrom, J. G. E., Chicago, Ill. Moody J. B.. Waco T cx. Lohmann, Fred, Ft. Worlh, Tex. I', Lohmann, Mrs. Elhel, Ft. Worth, T ex. 1I100d,', Wm. E., San J ose, Cal. Lout, G. C., 1'\oblc, La. Morland, D. R, Cumbcrland, Md. Lout, Mrs. Lydia R,n 1\'oble, La. '~IOOI'I', S. F. Saylol', Okla. Low, Alexancler', Roanoke, Va. Moore, W. R, Placid, T ex. Lowther, Miss Willa B., Hong Kong, China. Moran, J. n., Mammoth Springs, Ark. Lynn, Daniel, Green Forest, Arle ~Iorehcacl. )'Iiss Annie. Oakhurst. Tex. Lyon, Walter, Ft. Griffin, Tex. Morgan, R C., T yler, T ex. Magn ussen, Beda, Chicago, Ill. :llonis. n. K., 1 lorn beck, La. Maness, Chas. E., Santa Anna, Calif. j\'[a.n g rum, A. W.. Ray C:ty. T ex. Monis, Mrs. Annie, Hornbeck, La. Mangr um, G. C., Terrell, Tex. liiorin, Antonia R, San Antonio, Tex. Mangrum, Mrs. Carrie, Terrell, Tex. Morse, Harry, Stockton, Calif.

~torw ood. \\ 10., "un ton, Tex. l\ffttw<)ud, -:\Jr~. \1:trlha, H ou~ton, Tex. M w,iy, ~.!J., S;m Antonio, T('x. ~1o...;tllt (ha"" San Antoniu, Tex..'furphy. I). K., ('orning,.\rk. \I\t r..,.\ji.. ~?\f, Dallas. Tex :\t"j..;ciil, \V. J-t J\itol1, Kan... ~ idlol~. :\1 i s S:tfhrollia, Placirl, Tex..\'ichoJs. (.c;(j. \\ '.~ Sal're. Okla. ~. ull', )1 r. Uo<"sa, Siocornh. Ala. XUlum,.\1 r~. ('f Douglas, 4\1'il:. 0 t ;uin, lmi, Stctlt.', M o, Olsl'n, J. 0., Chicago, 111. ()'Sc:tl. Tho~. J.t.\ it 1111, Kam. Opic, Mi... s Ethel 1.., Oakland, Cal. Opil', \\~nj. E., Sail. Calif. \ >p)jcrlllall, D, c. 0., TOl1ston, Tex. ()PPCfl1li:tn,.\1r... I ' attic:, l1 ou~ton. Tex. OShOfll, Jerry E., \\'alnut Spring:--, Tex. (h.born, O. (J" Jjenton Harbor,.i.\lkh. ()u. juhn J't ('h;\'daud, Tex. On'n,lrcct, ("hils. E., San Antonio, Tex.. Park.., \\'. \\'., Iluntington, Ark. J1a"<.:oc, AHrccl, l'eona, J II. P atlt-'rsort, (i(.'o. )1., Yellvillc, Ark. Patton, \\'altcr, J a("b.iloro, Tc.-x. J'('r"oll, A. J, Jleald:-.hllrg, Calif. Pl":tr:-.on, \V. ('., San Jo:-.t:, (alif. J'C'dCIl, Marg.lret./., Tros"itck.., Sask Pcrkilh, J. M., Plainfield, ~. J. J't.:rkm", ~Irs. J. ;\1" Plainfield, N. J. I'erry, ~l ari(ln.?\1ar.. vlllc, X. C. PI.-ltr", LOllU', Ottumwa, 10w<1. Can. 1'l1illip-., ~) i!:l... Abhie S., Chelsea, i\ca~s. Phillips, J. Jllc., H., Columbus, Ga. l)ji1 ~oll, )1. \1, O.lkland, C31lC. j-'i:ll1lt'l, J oscpilllle Sle::;,ak, Palermo, icily. P onle, Fre'd, Los 1\ ns;:cies, Calif. PU\)C, \\'. H., llrokcn.\ rrow, Okla. J '0111.'r, \\'. 1<., Inglewood, Calif. l'n:.,t()il, John 1\ " J)alla:;, Tex, J're.. 10I1, \Vadic, j)allas, 'rex. J)nc;(', Fred 0., Findlay, Ohio. Pntr, 'ha...,.l{oliu..,on, J II. J)nng, (;eo. P., ~I adford, Mall., Can. 1' ring,.\1 n;. Annie L., l\iadford, 1". Ian., Can. P yatt, C, Eureka Springs, Ark.. Rahtcr, Mary H.., ll arri~bu rg, Pa. Halph, K..M., OaklAnd, Calif. Ra1Hsey, )\, V., Des.Moines, Jowa. nape, Ahin 'I., Chicago, 111. Hca, ~tiss Olive M., Lind':'.ilY, Ont. }{ ct,c1, 11. E.. Corning, Ark. Reii, Fanny M., (,hic;lg0, 111. J<cppund, Miss ~clliej H ot Spr in g~, Ark., Rt'.. er, John, 0lmdw, Ark. Hhoclc!:', T. H., Belton, Tex. Hit'harch,.\I n. lela., /\ lverado, Tex. HidH'Y, E. X., Fort \Vorth, Tex, Hiclg"Way, )'lr ~. E. V.. }.It. Carmel, Ill. Riggin"", Ber\ha ~\ " Fe \Vonh, Tex. H.i gk~, C. ~r., Ft. 'smith, Ark. Hiley'. L. E., Boollyiltc, Ark. H(Hlrk, \\'m. F., Alto, Tc'x. l{ oil rk, '.\[ r~, Eulah H.. Alto, Tex. R"ht'rtSOTl, Mi~s H ('urich:1,.\5siuut, Egypt. }{/,hin'><jll, C. C., Shoal ('reck, Ark. Hohill'OIl, I. \V" rackshoro. Tex. R od~ers, 1 r. G.. ]<lcksoll. Tenn. R odger~,,1nt'. HOtl"-tOfl. rrex. Romille.., Fayette, H art orld. Ark. J{ o..., S. I... lkrryyillc. Ark. Ro... elli. ).frs. Stella, HOllston, Tex. Ru... h, )'fi... ~ Ida. Oakland. Calif. Snlyer, IT..A., Cairo, EErYPl. Sanrkr" ~fr... S... rah. R amo;ey, Ill. SappinR'ton,.r. \\'.. :\f:unmoth SOl" ~n,:::s, Ark.,<lnpintlton, Lloyd. :\fammoth Sprlltg,>, Ark.,chcimk, H enry. H ouston, Tex. St.:hcu11lack, J. n., Austin, Tex. ~chncnei('h, A. B., l\[ ata~a lp a, C. A. ~chof'neich, 1\{rs. J\, B.. )f:nagalpa, C. \. ~co \\, ~l.i~s ~\\, O,\\;.la\1,u, Calif.!'e~(). J. ~I.. liynuham, l)a. Shannon, :;\Ir~. Laura G" Stockton, Cal. ~hcarer. H aney, Fairland, Tex. Shci.trer, J.:mma J't Fairland, Tex. Shieldo;, t E., Sa} lor, Okla. Short, \\'. 1.., Auburn, ~(;h, Sid ford, A. E., \\'innip fl, ~tan., tan. Simms, Jamt <; E., Scranton, K:lIIs. SinciJir, John C. Chicago, III. Slity, J. I.., Prichard, Ala. Sloan, Ceo. \\'.. Overton, Tex..'m"tll, V'rank, \\~innipeg, )Olan., Can. Smith, )[rs. Blanche R., lloll'iton, Tex. Slll1th, R. T, Cowlington, ()kla. Smith, Chas. A., liollston, Tex. Smith. C. T. l{o;llwke, \'a. Smith, J. H., (h'cnon, Tex. Smith, Luther.\., L'pper Sal1uu!, O. SII1) thc, las. E., \"otcl1, Mo. Sncll, \V. L., Chiplt )" Al a. Snclls.rro\'(. r..., Pint'kard, J\ln. Sorel1~en, :\icls <.., (;ualaguaychll, Argentine, S. A. Spom<.:r, August, Fresno, Calif. Spomt:r, }oj r,. Anna, Fresno. alif. Squire, Cha... A., l'enyan, "". Y. Squirc. S:lra L., Pcnyall. X. Y. ~!~k~~~: l~~s:r.~l 1~{\'nk\~L~h~}\i~~alls, Tex.,toke!)" :\lrs. Kall" Dunkirk, Ohio. ~ti)\'all, Harry E., ][OU... LOI1. Tex. Streeter, James, Chicago, Ill. Stuhble. M. A.. 'Iovis, N". M.. ~lllc r, A. F'I Phoenix, Ariz. 'Lmncr, j. \\.,.Manheim, \V. Va, Taylor, l\fauclc.\1. Frankfort, Ind. Taylor, R. E., (;raceville, ]:\a. Thom:\s, Marguerite D., ~{ax ahachic. Tex, Thomas, C. V" Pueblo, Colo. "honlas, II crhen \V, J)es M oine..., la. Thomas, H. ~1., San Antonio, Tex. Thornton. O. U.. Sa ron, T('x, Throop,.Mi~s ). 1\1ay, Los Angeles, Calif. Trefford,..\ tl~s Ellen E" Oakland, Cal. -TrOller, \\" C., Portland, Ore. Tuhb!'l, L., Amarilla, Tex. 'J'ul1 u",, \\'\11, Knight. Tex. l: lrich, Harry A" ~Jilwaukcc, \Yis. Y;lI1o\'cr,.lackson, Eureka Springs, Ark. \'anover, 1\1 rs. Th'cn, Eureka prings, Ark. Van \'alen. Paul I).. )Iernphis, Tenn. I Vo~l er, Frc'.I, '.\!artins\"ille, rnd. \\ralk('r, Dert, nerry\'illc, Ark. \\ralkcr, ~Iiss I.illie ~ L, Chelsea, )r :ts~. Walker. liirs. Oli"e H.. nit Lake Cit)', Utah. \\'all, Xewton, )leridian. )Iiss. \\~all. )frs. Rinls, 1\feridian, Miss. " ":Il1ace, Zeddock. Cilmour. Ind. - \\ ~a lters. L. R.. Toulmin\ illc, Ala. \\'anl, T<'ttic. London, Ont., Can. \\';tlerficlrl, ~li~s I;r:tnee", H Ollston, Tex. \\'alkin..., O. L " TJattenhllrg, ~1 0. \Val'ion, r. "X., D allas, Tex. \\ at "on,?\[r" E\ :l. Kewark, O. '\'atts. i\r. E.. Phoenix. Ala. " :ch"tcr. Sh,.. lt,!jr.oken Arrow, Okb. \\ elch,.t. \\., ] '.hs(,x, :Mo. \Vhite. O. '-IV.. :\[iriland City, Ala. I \\'hini.nj.:"toh. \V. 11.. Benton, 1\1. '\'hitworth, A. I... Rninhow, Tex. W iider, T. C.. Fl. Worth. Tex. I,rilc\. Eflon )'L, Jnphn, :1\[0.. likins. II' D. Clinton. Okla. \\'i1li a m~, Harry J., Chicago, TIL \\,illiamsol1, Chas., Alvar;\do. Tex. I \Villiam!'("Ill, Ell". Al\'nra(lo, Tex. \\'ilsol1, A. E., TJillC" Bluff. Ark. I \\'ihon, Vrcd r... \Venville. Ark. \Vo()d, }'lisc; Alice M., Gauleguaychu, Argel1' \\ ~~~~, ~. f..\.', ~Meridian. )fis5, \Vood: \V T.. Lo.. Angelec;;, Calif. \\roods \\r:l1tcr :;\1.. R ernlig, Tex. \\' ray, 'Hugh H. t liarl,inacn, --rex. \\'r;)y, Hilcl:\ P., H arlingen, 1 e\.. Yegga. ~r. A.. Matagaipa, C. A. I Ye... t }ofat)", C'hic""IJlo. 1\1. Yest; ~i('holas, Chicago, 111. Young, G. W.. )I:lngrtlln. Ark. Y Ollll$Z". ~rr~. Lavada. Splendora. Tex. I Youngblood, Powell, Turkey Ford. Okla.