Darner l'huh" B 648 Brute 7 H.:u-iinl( J"id Ot tunwa low!> THERE WILL BE. NO ISSUE I)F THE EVANGEL NEXT WEEK. The Power of the Spirit

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< Darner l'huh" B 648 Brute 7 H.:u-iinl( J"id Ot tunwa low!> THERE WLL BE. NO SSUE )F THE EVANGEL NEXT WEEK - -- -- - - - - AND p,o,p:e:r / NUMBER 616 SPRNGFELD, MO.,SEPTEMBER 26,1925 SubK-ription pnc. St _" e... U1d Fonlp SUt " The Power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14: Rom. 15 :19) Tht' sun ha~ Jlow'r! 0 Spirit Sun, Shine Oil lily frost-bound soul. f Thou arise: my day hegun... Gloom flees at Thy control. Shine 011 my way \\"it-h pow'r divine. t\nd end this long, dark night of mine. Tht' king 1m!' pow'r! () :-ipirit King'. EnthrlllH'd upon lly l'art, Thy mandate issue inrth and bring ~ry rcalm-yt:a. l'nty part - lklh.'ath Thy royal Sway ttl 0\\ 11, l\l1cgiann: in Thy \\ ill' aiollt.'. The rain has po\\"r! t ends the drought. '-\l1d hrings lew life to earth. o Rain of J fea\,'1! poured freely out, Bring to my soul lew birth: Refresh. rc\"jvc. 0 graciolls showers, And h) Thy po\,,:'r restorc my powers" ~y Cod has pow"r! () Spirit, Cod, Et('rnal and diyine. Create ~".;, God. alld 11\" fh\" \Yurt!.,\g-ain hid lig-ht oulshin;" Let chaos ordered he ollce more, l\nd by Thy pow"r a world rl"itort'. The life has pow'r! 0 Spirit Life. n trcspasses and sin, Behold tis slain in the grilll strife, lclplt'ss to fight and win. o Spirit! hreathe upon thc slain; Gi\'c pow'r to rise and fight again" \\'c ha\"c no \lo,,"'r! 0 Spirit 'ow"r, (jivc pow'r as now W(' call" The pow'r to mect the testing- hour, To rise, if c'cr wc fall. The pow'!" to be, to do, and dare; Thy Po\\ '', 0 Spirit. llay we share. \\'il1i<1111 l.uft. '.

Page Two THE PEKTFCOSTAl. EVANCiEL Septembe: 26 1925..:- THE WORKER MORE THAN THE WORK -:- Pal tor F. L. Chapell (;011'... purp{)~l' callmg u to C laborns tog-nher with lim during- this pr('~('nt ag'l' i~!lot simpl) that ht appart'llt \\ork which!' Sl'ts )dort, "; may L(' ac\'(llll'li... hl cl. t 1 rallll'l', that. in the accomplish lllc'llt "' thi" work. \'t' llla~ bl' 'n.:pan'd fill' c)ur chid and ultima!!' st'rvin' in til(' age to ('Olll(' Hllt to() ofh'!l!l1l'1, jurlg'ing silllply frllm the nar 111\\ \ 11'\\ of tht' pr('~!'lt 1H', suppoo;<: that th{' \n'sent ('Hllt'... t lf t'\il anci \/' 11ll111('di:ttl' {... tal,li"hllll nt clf nghtl'oll"1,'''s in tl(' ('arth art' tilt' main obj(,(,t!) (jod nll\\!la... 111 callilll.;" lh into lis,,('fyic<'. Thi... thcy con~ n'ih' i... lill' \\(lrk lit' ha:. g-inll u" to df). But f thi... \\ork W(:H' tht, ("hi('] thing in \i('w lie ('(mid lwf(' ( :..;ly i\1'('(llllj,ii.. h it hy (,thn awl Wlt"r ag{'nl'o. le 'tlldd... ct ii" 11\\'11 hand to it llort' vig'llrolhly, and -all llor<: "11\1nnatural a~ellt!l than Je now does, \11 p(!\\"t'r i" ill J lis hallc\. and k has hut to usc t to ning' :thout lll(' n,ult. Then' is a timc ('ul1ing \\ht'll 1ft- \\ill all"",' in ii... m ig'ilt and makl' a... lloft \\ltrk in h(' ('"rth, \url if the imlllediate rooting out (,f,,in alld t:oolahli... llllt'lt of righteou... nc::... s were the dut' 1 thillj.:"s to ll' ;tn tlllplisll('d. Tic lllig'ht tillls ans:! at \{'(' and "1't'('lil) work this short and radical \\'ork, lllt nich ntly thi:-. is unt lis chid aim at present. \ld nkss \H' disnfll what the real cnd is, which le hit... in,i~'w, \\,t'.\\"oll(il'r as w(' hehold till' long and c!rt':lry n'lg'll of :-' 111, and sun,,}' thc vast extc1t o[ the li:-.try anc! sorrow that ahollnd in thl' earth, \Vc arc!'t'ady ttl ny. "llo\\" long, 0 Lord'" \Ve wonder why t- that hath the keys of d{'ath and hell does lot turn tlh'lll in thl' lock \\"h\' le that hath the lesidue f thl' Spirit clo{'s lhlt i'o'1" it out upon tht' earth, Or, looking- at on r gn'at Example, we ask: f work were th(' chief thing, why did J e spend thc g-r('at<:r part oi flis life Oil (';nth without working? \\'hy did lie J.:"iH' only about hrn of His thirty-three years to work: and \\hy did 11(' :1110\\ ] iilll,,<:if to he cut oft al ~(t ('ari), an agl', when, apparently, He was hcst fil lt'c1 to \\-(lrk? Or, further yet, following- the his~ tory of the church, why was Stephen, when fil of fait h and till' J loly (;ho"l. and doing wonderful works. cut olt "0 soon, and why ha\'c... 0 llally of the rarest \\orkrrs hc..'( 11 ('ut clown ~o prematurely? \\'hy, theil, a',' all tht'''e thing :-. as they are? \\'t, do not pl'l'~llllc to gi\"c all thc reasons of God'!') :ullllini:-.tralion whl'll J e J limseif docs 110t giye ac COllllt of J lis mattns. nut olle e\"ident re:lson we can ~,'(',,\nd this Oll{' is that TilE \VOH KER S l\lore T :\;\1 TrlE \VORK that charactl'l is more than llnl' deeds- that the doer is more than the things dolle. t is thc char;:u:tlt more than the deeds of the dlurch that God OW nmtemplates.!>i llcc her chief... ph<:re of senice is to be in the ages to come, The ]n'sent agc is disciplinary rather than cx<:cl1ti\"<:, \Yc ar(' llsc'les, Tfr.\T S, LE,\Rl\ERS, more than \\l' arc \\"orkers. at present. h it 110t modern self~ l11j>()rlance that has S{'t the name "workers" above that of "discipks"? To he Slrc \\"e arc worker:; but this is larg(.'ly bel'ause the work may he n CCCS!)al:" to t-:hning, :;ince tilere ar<: some lesson:; that ca~ be h(... t ll'arncd in \\'{lrk. \\'(' are worker~ ill order that \\ l' may he ll'arnt'rs, in order that wc llay be fully ('qllipped ior the age to corne. ~ \\ H'1l Ollr charactt'r is ilt'ril'c'<:d (lur pre~cnt agt \\clrh. larudy d(,ne. e\l'l1 thoug-h '\"C llay "c.'em til hah ;t('('(,ml'iished so littl(' in til(' \\ay li pulling down the str(ll1g-hlllel... of :-;atan ' in huilding- up the causl: (f (;f!d" Th<: Sa\"iour ('mllci say. "J ha,"e fini:-.hcd tilc w(lrl..: ' "hull ga,'c"t 1111.: til dll,"'<"'('11 \,"hel1 lli" \\'hl)ie natioll \\'a<.; '(,jceting lim. and ii... own cho"cll apo" tits wert fllr"aking and d('l) iug- Him" Tc was Om' wholl! th(, Father \\"a<; \\'(," pil'a,,('(1. notwithstanding thl' '\ orld was nut \\"f)1l to (;od, So also, Paul rcotlid ]"('j(lin' \\'h(,11 nearly all his fdlow laborcrs had ior~ak('n him. and aposta... y W<l" cre<:pillg into all the church("... hl: had founded. fllr hc had kept the faith. H is boast was not what he had achieved in the way of work, but what he had come to be in the way of c haracter. f, lo\\", we inquirl' what ar(' tht tlt-mcllts that Cod i<.; st'l'killg' ill thc worker, \\(' ll;l\" o;ay that the fir~t is C()J).:\ESS: that i~, a proj)('r apprcciatioll of Cocl such a \"ivicl appn'hl'lhiol1 (f Him as will k('('\1 u... con"tantly houghtful of lim and rc,'erenttoward lim" l ng(ldlil1t:-.~ that i..., inal'preciation (f (~(ld i" tltt llark('d manife~tatioll of the wicked, especially in til(' 1a... t days, Of the wi(:ked the Psalmi... t ~aid, "(;ocl i:-. not all their thoughts." But the true di~~ riple tanh to realize alld reco~nizc Cod in all things ;.ncl rtt all lill1e~" 1 rc prays without ceasing herause (10<1 S... uch a constant reality to him, The praycr~ fnilless of le ~lls is a mark cd wit1l('ss to this [act" lis prayer at the lomb of Lrtzarus is ('loqllcnt in this regan!, "howing not only lis 0\\ n con"tant collllllunion with tht' Father. hut al~( ii" desire that the hy "lancl(t!'> ~h()uld learn to rl'cog-nize Cod as the SQU'<,'<: of the power about to be' so signally displayed, ;\nd if our \\ork gi\cs lis a vi\'id apprehcllsioll of God, and brings lis into collllllunion with Him, il largely ac~ colllplishes its cnd, whether it seems to be largely ""ul'('l'...:-.iul " ill the cy('s of the \\'{lrld Of not. Tilt.: hibh 'ri('stl), pra)'l'r of Jesus jusl as 11c \\-as being rt'j('rtcd h.\ th<: \\"orld illustrates his point. He knew Cod ll,,:-.t thoroughly. whethtr lit..' had led the world 10 kilo\\" lim or not. B1C'!'iscd i... that work, howe\"er appl'aring to the public. that 1lak('s lis know God. \l1other clement in the charader of the worker is SL'/D/SSO:\ TO THE \\'/./. OF GOD. Th;" perh:1's. is it greater acquisitioll tll<l11 the mere <lpprcn:ltioll of Cod. t is blessed to have the mighty God hl'nd til aid us in our \\'()rk; hilt. ii lie shall will that \\'t' ~t:lttr rather than that \\l Clchil\'e. we llu<it be \'('ry rlosl'ly attached to ] lim if we say w;th sweet ","ll1ni~... ioll, ":\ot lly will. hut ThillC'. be done." This, appan ntly. \\Cb th<: lini"hi11g- touch in the carecr of Jesus wilell lie howcd ill G<:th... cmane and littered thi:-. sllpn'l1el y s t1hlllis ~i\"c pt,tition. Often in the cxi~ ~encie.. of our "'ork. \\"t' are hroughl into the holy hush oi profound submission. Hut there is another Sl'llse in which the worker lt.'cds to hcl'olllc suhmissi\'e to the will of God, i10l bo llluch J:ls"i\-ely"as ani\"ely, The will or the purpose of God S S(llletlincs far hc\'ond what we ask or thillk, H e purposes larger than ~e plan, and we must be led tl) {'{llllply with lis purposes rather than with our plans, t has ever been the vice of God's people that

THE PEKTECOSTAL EVAKGEL Page Threr they ha ve n ot accepted the whole of His purposed salva tion. Chri... t ha:'> colltinually :,>ojlh thing aga lstlli., {'\Url'il. H'cau ~' she dll('s not accl'pl till' fllllnl's"; ~,i li:-;... ah atioll. \\'(. are fn qu( [Hly :-tll\,ping" with solllt' p:lrtial. Ul al. l(."lllpol"afy pha:-.( of hlt:ssinf..\' instt'ad!i reaching- "ut to the l',mplelt." and final prill' (i thl' uj)\\ard calling (i (;t! in Christ Jl'... 1... J,,\\ many are puttin.~ th('ir hbt ('l1l'rgil"s on supcrficial "!"l'(orm" [tlst('ad of gr;lsping the will of (;nd concerning holy. imllwftalij:t'd humanity a... n'n':jed in thl' ~criptures and illustrall,d in tht t'an'n ui l'slh' Paul, in spcaking- of his!l.'sire that murtality -might hc swallowcd up (OJ liit'- -that i... that hl' might i(' transfigurcd \\ hilc li\'ing- -says, "lie that hath \\"flltlght u.., for tht s('lf "'atnc thing'" is (;{)d." This is Cnrl'!"> will or purl'tj.. e t:1l1ln'rning humanity. But how in\- suhmit their will: to CCl(i':; \\ ill in thi.. n'!-opt (t' \11<1 vet an' 111ft the failun:s oi wor\{:-. of r('fol"ll and oi \;iri()us l'n,it-:"-or,, of man's dl'vi..,ing tl"aching mankind that th('y llu<.;l finally suhlllil til and acn'pt (;Hl's \\"()l(h'rful :-3h'ati(ln? \\'uuld we (:n-r!"l'ally il"arn CO(l's purpo..,cs un' ('~!-o drivt'n to tht:1ll hy tlw ('xig-cllci(;s of (lur work? \\'as not the iutile att('ll]lt oi :\[n...( s to delin'r sral'l hy his 0\\"11 llight \\'hen forty )TarS of age. and his n)\\sequt:llt sojnurn in ~lidial1, oue thing that prepared the \Yay for th( :-.uhlillll klin'rancl' that (;u<l filially hrought about? TH' final :\OSl':-; \\"<1:-. illfinitel)... up(,l-ior to thl' incipie11t :\o:,>e..,. hy reason ("Of th(~ \\"ork and tl1(' const'ql1cnt arqllaintann' \\"ith Gnd that lay b( t ween, Oli, llay (;od eau:-e U:-. to ceas<: glling ahout to establish our OW1 righteoll"t1ess, and lead u" to!-ollhlllit to tht righteollsne... of (;0(\ hy faith t Yet anotht'l" ('klllent in the charade' (i the workt:r is i\ GLAD \ 11,1.])1,,(; TO '1'111': 'ERSO" OF COD. Xot only must wc appreciatc God. and ~llh!l1it to lis will pa5!:>i,-cly and acti\"{'ly, hut \\'e must surrcnder our..,eln s to liltl!-oclf. Very intimate is the relation into which (;o<i finally brings lis choscn. t is not only that of!.1;jster and scn-ant. or merely that of ''t'achcr and discipk. hut it is also that of Bridegroom ami hride. whl'rc tl1(' Yl'rY ~'il'h is \'iclded in the closest and holiest of ties, so that they' become one. Now, this blesscd end is!leh'r reachcd if thc thought i~ e\'er (cntered on the outward world. or things done it! til(' present..,talc ot human society. But if "work." as such, is found to he hollo\\" and ullsatisfying. -..0 that the soul cries out inr {~od, it lla\' do its work in cading the worker into pcrsonalull(on with God limsell Ll"l ll'-;, th(:n. :lceept tile jlrd\'idcn(cs oi God as they (Ollie to us. somctimes So disappointing, rcalizing that it is the worker 110re than the \\"ork that (]od now has j lis eye upon. And, at the sa me time, let us look over to the coming age, where, when fully conformed to God, we shall find our true sphere of service_ Let us r emember that we are coming again. Elijah did 1l1t turn his people from Baal worship. but he i:; COllling again to do what he did not then. Jesus did not tunl lis pl'oplt: fl'om their Pharisaislll and unbelief, hut ll' i~ coming again to do what 1 e did 110t then. \\-(' may nut ha\-c col\erlcd all our own gcncration, hut we are coming ag-ain to do what we do not now doo The \\"01<K will chiea\- hc done TilE\"" The \.\"OH, EH "; chiefly pt'rfene(1 \""0\\0_ Unbclicf alllong sins is as the plague among d isea!-.cs - the mos l dangcrons; but \\"hen it ri!-octh to despair, tht:n it is a!> the plague with the tokens appearing t hat bring- t he ccrtain message of death with t hcm. T.:nhe;lid is despair in the bud : dcspair is unbelief at its full growth.- One of the Fatht:rs. " YE MAY ALL PROPHESY ONE BY ONE" l 1,\dllU"ll-:-'!"> i... ic\":ltn (, ") L But theu".. (llll' kind (0: c'l\"{ ting that' is l'gitilll:llt. and then' '" l"t t-noug"h "j this kind,.j t"!l\l'ulg" n' Spirit fillt'd l'l'ul'k "("c,nt l arlll :-.tly thl' lo~.. t.l!iit:-" p lor. 12 _'), 110\\ lllal1y an' co\t tm)..! thl'''r tl day, 'anl. \\ ritlllg untln th(' ]10\\('1" the Spirit. said. "k.. irl' spiritual g'"iit:,-. hut ratht'r that )"l' m:ly pruph l... ' \\"(Juld that )l all :-.p;:lkl' tt!llgul... hut fa' hl'r that yl' prl1plll'"il''\ that tht dml"("h may ]'l'\'t'h' l'difyitl.~ ' ( COl 14 1. :;). lit: cin;in'd to Sl'e il!">upl'"natural maniic... tati(j1l oi till' ~Jlrit projlhec) n\" thl' eciiliratil!ll lf till' dhlrd\..\rt tht cadtrs ami rank and lilt- ill Pl'ntnfl.. t n,yt tlllg" thl' ],l'..;t g"iita. and "ratlh..'r that Yl' llay pruphl's:~"";' \n' they n(lt rathcr lrlinn\ til tk:-;pi~e prl'phn) ing~. Tht y!nay han' n :\... 1. Hut tlwrl' j...; no reason to n jl (t till' g-ood with thl' had Paul antirlpatt'd this \\llt'l ht' W~(ltt "Utll'!lch n.. t tht ~l'irit Ul"!">pi!">l' nllt pn,pht syill!.!:,> 'n'\l' all thing... huld ""t that \\hid\ 1.. gord" Thl',,". :; :1(1.211 '\\ltt thl... t itl!">trurtiul", uh' pi whirh i... :1 \"('n- "(ll t'lllll Ollt' "Uuelleh not thl' Spirit l)l'sllls<' not l;rnph 4 l'~yings." You art in dan,f..!(or toi doing this lattt'l" thin~. and hy dl'spising 'rophl'{'y you art' qm'h-hing tht Spiril in Y(ltlf own lik Xt \"(,rthl'it ss, yon ha\"(' tht right to ( :\.en ist' thl" ~Jlirit-gi\l'n gift t,f proving and ludging all t hlllgs. Paul said, "Y(' may all prllphny ollt' hy tlll'" ~l Cur 14 :31), \\"(' pride pursl'ln's in g-dting hark to Xt. \\ Tl'stalllellt timt's. yet \\"(' an' lot all prophl'!">ylng (otl' hy one. hilt how oftt'n lllll' is preaching all the tilll~. "l"lll're are diycrsitics of gifh and there arc dl\'crsities (,f tlll):,>{' \\h.. rl't"l'i\"(' till' giits (;i\t' thelll opportun ty n the a... t lllhl)" to t"\l'rnsl' and to stir up lh(' gift.., that arc in thl l. f \\c ha\"(' apo... lolic ~ :\.p<:rience. \\ (. SWllld hah' apostolic administration and llanage- 11\('111: and. if needs il(', h(' pr(,:lchl'r :-;hol1ld sit down to giyt.' way to one t.. wholll thl' l,ord S rl'\"t'alinc ",;olllething ( Cor 14:30). 1)(1 you reject ths: yoll don't hclinl' in it? Tll'1l YOU t!"n'l take your stand ard or pattt'rn from till' :\('\\' Tt!-otallll'nt.. Study dll1rdl manag"l'lt:llt in th(' pattern ~et forth hy Paul and..,('1..' f you art' up to thc!>lami3rd, or how far ~hort you are frtl1l1 it. )on't qut:nch til{' Spirit. and do l1(jt despisc prtlphesyings. But some will say, "\\t.' llu:-t prt1tt"ct the ordained ministry," Hut ),011 lug-ht to honor th(' <li\'ine ministry as well as pro, H'd thc ordained ministry. The 11(1), Spirit who ~'alll'd the minister can also h(' tnt..,ted tn look aftcr tho:--e "'ho han' a ministration of thc Spirit in th(' rank and lk oi thc c()ngrq.~ation. "Ye may all prophesy on(' by 011('." ~ot onc all t\1(' tim('. (;1)(1 OH's variety and so tit) tl(' saints. Therc is danger of a one-man ministry dcveloping- into a ll1all-lad~' ministry Frccdom in tc!-otinlony ma) (11niatt: thi... danger to a grcat e,xtcnt. 1f an arm)' has hecn scnt out to march into an t'm'my's COlllltr}, and tidings arc reccivcd that it is not (l(l\ancing", the Cjl1l'stion is at once asked, what llay be the ("au~c of dclay, The all!.w<;r w ill vc"\' ()ft~'n bc: "\\';liting for SU)pli <:s.".\j] tht stores of provisions or clothitlg or ammunition havc not arri\ed: without these it dare not procced_ t is not uth('!"\\-ise ill the Christian life: <lay hy day, at every :-tl'], we need our supplies from ahoy(:-. \nd t herc is nothing so needful as to cultivatc that spirit of dcp('ldl'llce (111 (;nd and of confidenc(' in!lim, which refu!-ocs to go Oil without t hc nceded supply of grace a nd s t rength.-;\ndrc\v ) urray,

P""t' Four rhe PENTECOSTAL EVA!<GEL The Pentecostal Evangel Utficial Organ of the (;eneral Council oi the Assemblies oi God Publisheci w~~kly (SO i!i5ue~ a yearj Publication Officf!',,136 We~t Pacific St, Spril1Kheld. Missourl ~p;;,;;;- pn~e. S.J~ p('r,ur Canada~ suo ~r rur to pa;-for 'ura pt>f&lj:e). GrU BTlla'\, 6,6. P~.'-t' nnd nl~r~au"dal Mon~,. Op lrrl Rrilllh P. O. Ord~T f) pa,. for HTllJh.ub~"rlpu<)n,. Pnc~ of BUlldlu, Z,,"p'r', l~ crnl.; l~ C<1plC:J, 45.;:rnu; 100 (OJlU. $1.80. Enlu~d u aecond,.]a.. mat!n Jun~ 25. 1918, at b~ POll office at "'Pfllllj:ticld, 1111, under!he ac of l-f.rcb 3. 1879. Acc~pl«l j'lt matlin!i iu,pl'n,1 ralr of pc"uke prov,d~d for tt s..-c. JlOJ,... d of Oc',lcr 3, 1917,...ub"riu:d "n July J. 1918 ~tan ley ~H. Frodsham Ed-itor ~onathan Elsworth Perkins,.:\9~ociate Editor - - -CONTRBuTNG EDTORS 1. W. Welch Frank Boyd Charil's A. Shrevr O. H, McDowell ljarold Needham Frank Gray Robert Brown R. J. Craig :\fof!i(' Markley Ernest Wiliam8 J. R. Evans W. T. Gaston E. N, Ritchey William Faux ]. Ro.. well Flower D. W. Kerr S A. Jamieson A.. Argue WORSHP N THE SPRT \\'11('11 YOU cut' :"'''('l1hkd th(' nallle of the Lord, J e J limsclf is nlways in the midst. You mar not be ("(llsrioll.'i ()f lllllch bll'.'ising ill yourself. ijut rc('lllber thalile is hk... s('d in 11i... own people. "lie shall "icc of tlt( travail (f lis )0,011 1 and be sati... flcd." j)o 10t have :t... elfish lcdillg-. )C) not think that YOL han" to fen:in" all tl<.' tilll('. fl' \\ant'-> to get joy out of is p('ople, "le \\ill n'juin' <lhr thee with joy; He will "("... t in lis lon, fe \\ill joy (jhr thee with!"oinging" (Z{'ph.3:17), Do not only take, hut give. You ('an g-i\"l' lill1 pka... u1'l'. Sing-ing l1to Him g-iycs Him plt astlrc. '1'('11 lim that you tnt..' Hilll. The Lord jesl1s is always in tilt.: mid... t of is people \"H'1l lhey an' as... clllh1ed ill 1 fis 113111(,; whether they H'ali.ll' it or not this fact is trw.'. lie delights to see li!-> people wo"!-!hiping and adoring Him...' wants to 1"("L~('i\"/.:.SlllC compensation for Calvary frolll time to timl'. \Vhat a pri\'ilege to \\'or:-;hip llim in Spirit :llld in truth Spirit worship i:-; what le is seeking, The 1101), Spirit has heell p6urc<i out that we may g-in' Spirit worship. God is a Spirit and le has gi\'en lis floly Spirit that we may worship in Spirit and in truth. ~()t hook worship, 110t ritual worship. but "(.'al worship, spiritual wor:.hip with tlte Spirit sent down!rolll till' Throne, l au!-.ing the fragrancc, the ~W i. l t t1ccll-i(', to ascend to the Fatht!" from Spirithlll'Ci sen'ants; for the Father seekcth :-;uch to worship i ll. There arc dt.'11tll1!->tratiolls in the Spirit and there is wllr!->hip in the Spirit. There is singing unto the Lord.~,hc Spirit and adoring the Lord also i.n the Spirit. 111(' alahaster 1m, can be broken Without much loise, but the fragrance can go a great distance. Break lilt ::lial>astt.'r box and kt the fragrance flow out and nsn'nd to!illl who is worth" of all prai.sc,.,doration, dc\'otion and heart-love, Alllcn. THE HARM OF CONTROVERSY Therc arc those \\'ho apparently h<.'lic\"c that contro\"('r.s), is not only futile, but harmful. t is not un. u~ual to be told that contro\'ers), ~ettles nothing; snves no good end; that it vc:xcs. inflames and is n('a~i\'e of discord; that it is un-christlike, dangerous, tragic, ContrO\ er!-o)' for the sake of the gospel may be Pl"?(~uctive of wrong-if carried Oil in the wrong spll'll. l\ controv!.'!"sy should nevcr he allowed to deg"ctlerate into a quarrel. The Christian controvcrsialist at cast should never forget Paul's injunction to Timothy as found in the twenty-fourth verse of the second chapter of his second epistle to that defcnder of the faith. )r. Ballentine, in "The Riverside New < 1 c... t<ljl1tnt." translat(.s t thus "The scnant oi the,ord must not quarrel. hut be courteous to all, ~kil1- fill in tcarhing, forhearing-, instrut.,ting opponcnts with gcntl(,lh'ss, fl)r God ilia)" gi\ c tl1('111 a changc of heart which will lead them to knowledge of the truth, and llit)" lila)" J'l'turn to sohl'l"llcss and c:-.capc the snare of thc dc"il \\"h('11 captured hy the Lord's ser\'ant to do tht. Lord's will" COlltrm crs\' for it:-; {)\\'n sake, or ('ontroh'rs)" carried 011 in a qu'arrebome spirit. or for the sake Ji personal advantage, dcs('nes no word oi COllllllclHlatioll. :\onc the css, controvcrsy for tht, sakt, oj Chrbt :lnd the gospel and OUl of a love for mankind has been a sourcc of untold good. [t is a lah(,r of lo\(' that has h('('11 mightily used for the hringing oi mcn to a <;a\'ing- knowledgc of the gospel. --';('!('("t('(1. THE SPRT'S OPERATONS There i'i an acti\'c purpose in the blood of Christ; it ~cts you free to recei,'c, and makes it possible for (;0<1 tej gi\'c and you to recci"e the gifts of the Spirit. To on(' is gi\'en one gift, to another, another. The gifts ()f the Spirit arc gi"cll by the Spirit to the illdi\ idual. Apart from the individual the gifts cannot h(' manifested. The fig tree bring:-; forth figs, and it is possihle. and should be, that a Spirit-filled. Spirithapliz:t'<l one bring forth, manifest, and ha\'e imparted to him the gifts of the Spirit.,\re the)" permanent? Can onc receive all? According to your faith he it unto yoll. 1f the channel is ready, the capacity i~ enlarged, and the ifc is hid with God in Christ, then Chri~t can maniicst 11i.. altrihull:s, lis workings, ii:; powers. Read ahout the operations; dwell and meditate on the gifts of the Spirit, Saturate your being with the pos:,ihijitics of the Spirit's operations. Exp~c.t tl~c Spirit tu manifest llimsclf. [o\\' many meetings n thc past month ha\ c you attended when you cxpected the gifts of the Spirit to he manifested? You ('xpected t hcm as much as those people expected Peter that night from jail, and if Rhoda now announced that the gifts of the Spirit wcre waiting outside, you would say she was mad. And Peter continued knockmg..\ hallelujah time inside and Peter outside! There was no room fo r ]1illl in the inn. s there any room within fcj' the Spirit to operatc through you? Oh, 1i0, 110, you do not feel the Spirit's power, YOll do not wield the ability to periorm miracles. Thc Spirit \\'it.'lds YOll, He should dominate you, and then, ao.; lc clot's, the sevcral gifts ("<til he gi\ en sevcrally as lie desi, ('s. EXPECT to sec thc operation of the ~jlil"it. f you don't. you \\,Oll t. i\mell. The.O\'E OF GOD cannot he 111easured by man's en'. t cannot be f. \TO~1 ED or SP,\~':\El.). t i~ as 111(;lf as tlh' heavens are abo\ c the earth. t is as BROAD a~ the boundless ocean. t reaches unto..\l. men. C\'en to the ul1\\"orth\' and the unthankful. The 1.0\'E OF GO!) F,\.[T :\EVER. The 1.0\,E OF GOl) is a PRl:\Cl\'LE in Himself, in Aexibl('. The,-OYE OF (;01) is lhat which, at all times, and in all places, under all conditions, under e\'cry conceivahle circumstance, sceketh the highest and hest, for the UTMOST GOOD of ALL men. God passes over two thousand years or more of the history of the entire human race in only eleven chapters; and then he de\'otes 42 chapters to one expe rience of one man's life. And He says that His word is purified seven times. There must be something very important in that book of Job.

~(:pt(:mht'r 26, 1925 TlE PE,\Tf:COSTAL F.VA~GEL, -:.. WHO S THS? -:.. ".'\1\ tbe cit\" \\,h moh'11. ",;r.\'inl<, \\,'10 i~ thl~?.\,ui thc lllultitutk ~<lid. r~l l S i~ Je~l''' the pn.phl"! ui Xil/an tll ui ;:,; i:{,{'" (Matt. 11:20). 11(, had Jlht culllt' roll ilethphagl' ;,11<1 kthal1~ lh-thany, li\';,: mall.\" ~\"riall 10\\ n~, woul(1 n~'\'\t han' 1>("'11 J.;nown hul for ltt' fact that till',(>r(1 J{'~1~ had )t.'cn tbere, and ll' hat! performed the mir,lde of r<li~in'''; Lan, ru~ from the dead. B("than~ \\".. til lu(\('a wllat l'ap'rnalllll wa" to lialill'l'. Rethan." \\'a~ f i~ t("mporar\' holl1(" \\ll1"n lie ('al;le from aern"s )of(l;~n-irom ).1, ab 10 Jcruc;alcm, athl \\"hl'n Jefu... alt lll n fm;ed JJim, lie sought thc r(",.1 and fjuit'l d tilt' houle at 1l('lhany, T'{'p lell m hat the iather oi L.11J rlis wa'" i pious!.c\ ite and his muther 1 de\'out woman of be:luliiul faith: hlt.a;o;aru!l. him'>t'lf \\a" a scrib(' who earh'<l il ivinq: hy copying the Law al1(1 111e Pr('lpht'ls fe.r rhl' \',triom,...\ naj:(oc"lw" 111 Pale<.,[ill~: a l( that ).arv ilnd \lartln did fine needle work, emhrol(lcring" wil' for tl e temple, and garment... for prie... l \' servicc, Tradition lel1~ of thl' ~\\"("el' r;e~'~ am pllrit)' of their li\,("" of dcyolion, We!'too.! hv tht' tomb of J.az;l"w< '111(1 read awtin lhe'... tory of John \. (Jf.1e~\1~ Ch r i~t he Omnipotent On(" coming" frllm Bethab ~lra and standin~ by tha ~eit1ed 10ll,h, he tear., falling- as He wcpt in q'lnpathl, with he hl'rea\'('(l olle". Theil a o{rr:an in spirit-a!roan!('r lile-(':<rape(1 1 hi lip~ and a pray('r entered hea\' ('t frrm One who ne\"('r wa... r\cnie'\. A 10\1(1 \'oirc W:... heard in th(' ~]lirit \\"0:-\'1 callin~ back a ~oul to earth, and Lao:artlrallle forth, and jo\" filk <! the heilrt~ (i tl1o<.,e c:iqer....>\1111 here s-oille month... later W' r('ad nf the aiahaqcl" box oi verv cns-tl" ointment of ~pikenard th:d ~ta~\' poured 0111 UPO Jim a" He \\":J" )t'in~ entertaim'd at the home of Simon the leper, And the frag-ran('e of that nint ll{'tl\ ~tll1 ~pcak~ to u~ of an nc!yill~ lo\"c. And lie ~aid, "\Vhereso('\,cr thi.. t:ospc1 shall be prcached hrol*hollt til{' w hole world, thi~ al~o that c:hi' halh doth' ~hal1 he c;poke ll of far a memori;tl of her." \Va~ eyer a lo\'e (ltcrinj:!" 10-11m un, noticed or forgo!lcn? wa~ from Bethpha!-:,e and Retha1!\ (~ark 11:1), thai Je5\1~ came when he {1ft est ion aho."e \\"ll" a"kecl anc1 he an s wer j:t"iven. Who i" He? He h<ld tht, dav bdor~ cro~"ed jor(lan from ")..fo<lh,, ~ had traveled the plains of Jericho, rom e h" he valc of Achor. where Achan had hc~ll stolled to death altcr th" (\{' feat at Ai, 11 c harl rc~torcd sij:t"hl to hlind B:lrlimacu". had dined with Zaedl' acll~, had pa""crl ncar hc place of His '{,l'ptati(>n aft(."r Tlis hapti~m in hc jnrdan. had cros~ed the Br('lok Cherith wi1("fc E liiah \\'a" fed by ravens. H e h"d entered the \\'ildern("<:~ of Jurca with il" ~alh l dn11<"<; :Jnd hill<:. P3S1 hc "cene {\f the p_rahle of the Good Samaritan,. 11.; 'll lip \111" r ork.\ 111L, 1111111 lie t'al' l ( d H. lh,h" whne lit, could... t't tht U11 ~::1kin:.: do~\11 hr'hind thl, U'i!-:'ltt-. l;ih l'(,n, \'.its h,' trllt' oj lilt' l'a~... oh r F\'~"':,.!Hi {'o1ll:lk~.. lullttl1dl'".,f ~rallg:"r~ h~ld r'onte to Jt rusaklll t" k(''p tilt it ;!... t. T1("\ had n'anl of h~' rai~in;..: (]../;rll'" from tltl' dead,.\nd now :-;illlon \\,1,.,.:i\ ; :t "'asl ill i, holhlr, ;ml! th" rl'ad~ t" kth,l1l\' \\"l"rl' lill("r1 \\ ith peopll' a~j.;in. "\\'her~ j.. ll,:".t'('h. f):f) had 1101 Vl' hl'lll fullilkd and ju"1 a~ it ln r!,. h t, thilt He ~n throurh :--:alllaria" > illl\"! woman \\ho "as it <.imh'r who \\ould ll'.t:,1a("ob's well. and ' U~ lt't t hl'r need ilnd!<("nd ht'r nut to ploclaim!lim.~ Chri~t, "0 it ncl"d s bt, tha his "ftl"hn~ b{ flllfil\t <! )u"t :\... J-li!ot olllni~l"il"1h CY'...:\\\ [hr ("oin awl br{lll({ht he tish \( Pelt r... honk wh('1\ tht' {axe" were dill',..(l al~ll -~ knew wher,' h l, fot wa~ lit'd on \\ hirh llc W;\~ 10 ("llll'r J( ru.;aklll amid mort than human H'gal ~111elld(lr, for [h. \ ~hnltl('(1. "llo~:ll\na in the T i;.!hl"st! Bk~s ("< be the Kill.'! h"t cometh in th l' naml' of he r orr!, 111',C(' in hean'l and g-orl' in the hij.:h('~t." \\'hat a sikht it mu.,t h;\'(' hcell when the gh';1 rrowd ra1llt' W meet l im :tnd joilll'(1 in the acclaim, "11(l~anlial lfo":t!1l3 in tht, ig-hc.;t!" BU lie, thc' mn k and low,," One, ridini{ on the hum hl(' as!ot in kin\,(h llaje<.,ty wa.; not di... - \urh('d or dated h~' hc accla1l1ation~ lf [hat (''(citt'd "rowrl. for li t' kllc\\ hat in a "ltort tilll{' th(l~c salll{'" \wflj1l(' \\"oul(1 cn'. "Crucif\' Him! Crucify Him' awa\' \\ith ~l1eh,- fellow from th~ earth! \\'t' ha\'e 11(1 kin~ bu Cae"ar. l i... blood ll' upnl1 u<; and Onr dlildren,".-\~ 11(' rounder! he ('un'(' oi Olivct, tht, city hurc:t pon li<; vit,\\,. and "11(' \\ epl o\'('r it," and!<aid, "f thou had~1 J.;nnwn." Ht' could ~e(' he heautiiul ('it~ \\'ith it~ grcat.,tr(lnj{ walls, thc pa\a(t" of fcrorl, he )t \\j.. h Temple, tl{'" 10\\ ('n; anri minaret.;. and hulwark" A\\'av to the ~orth, l1e could ~e" )'ll/.pch \\h('re Salllul'l judgcd brael, and near by i~ Cibcah of S.:lt1, and lluch f:lrlil{'f north ), 1 i("ilmash, ronder i~ poor little Antioch whcre jeremiah's wf'cping eyc~ fir"t ~aw th(' light of day. Jesu... abo...;\\\' nil into the future. [e ~aw he an ~wer to thai awful pra\'('r, "Hi~ b lood hc upon us and our children." a~ the arllh of Till1~ he~cigcd the cit\' and little chil dren were.. lain ill a~on~'. T t' w{'pt {\\'cr the ("ily thcn. Dot's He \\"e('p no\\" at the J..r.lthcri11'~ "torm tha i.. <;OOn to bursl upon he' wnrld' \Vc helie\"(' God i... about to ~hake lerrihl~' hl' earlh. The lat(' war, we bcli('\'e. wa" an carncst of a great("r one soon 10 follow, Th(" carthquake~, the ('\'rlnll("s. tht, inlen"e h("at, the hail storm~. t<" red "now, alld the unusual dimurb "n("cs (f nature al1 O\'('r th(" world, th(" t1latlife~tation~ of cruelty and " iol{'nce, anrl ~tri\.;l'~. tht Ulm.lllll,lor!lreh' n.tt ;11 l"rimt"s. he UTl~~.ak~blt, 11\ t'"l\ou~les the murdt'r C, th l ' or... 1HZl" J juri C e\ in white ~a\cr~', in tht' liquor hu"llcss.tlli the olrujo{ ('\'11. oall \\,ln 11... th~t \\e ~r(' tlt (,P ill tilt' al.u~tol.~y, 0111[[ "j tilt, t.e tlnl h(' l.onl )1' lis \or\1 S(tOl rul h 11)"'\\.' tilt (lle tlol a.. "~ "ho, '" to < Christ reje( ulg \\.,lr[ lit" \\111 h' 1(' \l":lled :rs th(' :-;tl11 (' tht i\ ink l~od tn.' :-;;\'UT of nw, litc 1. '11~ l'hn~t of Cdl, \,an.!he "ijl (.f ktll,;s,l1ul.ord 01 lotd~, t 1<; llt 11 to tt'll thl: slor:- ", ll... 11l\',' \\"hil(, thl" (' b.\1:"1 1:1!lt 10 prj rl.lim lim (;.,d i... hll's,ill;,{ in lar\.;( " \\:1\ tht' \\or\.; th;1\ i... hl illj.: (h'nl' in } flt...'!l m,111,1,k...!illt. \!i~, lro\\11 ill th( pri"'1 \\or1-; tl ill \( rdrd \~"rl..,.11t! \1 ts~.ln RM(lrfi in tilt' F\";lll!(lir,d [lihll, \lr'~lu'\ W' lr'r" ll',tilllot:s h,t\, hl,'11!o:ollj.(,." $0 ">.:ubrly frlr (\l"r.1 ye.u 11"\\.\ntl th~' \\'"nl i~ arr('mjlli~hilt~ il... 111S~lnn ill hrill<:mg t",!licu,,11111 \\Olllcn tel i,. ll'af fn't and..:e1\ih!' h,'1l r(':ldv to m<'t'l lim \\hl'n lie!'halll t>l\(" a~ a tir... t inlit.. Th~. )t \\ <; :rrl',l:uillj.: kll k to :hdr 0\\'11 l;1l]d, tl~'\' ;trr' h('lug g;llht"tl'd!flllll tin nd.. of th l, ("an.. pnll tn look "11 111m whom tht,y h,lvc l'it'rfl"tl,ul let H'UTl for lim, hut they \\ill ( \ ntualh helint'il1ld dll'\' will 1)(' " l1alion th:ll will he b"rn in a da\ Pra\, nr Jeru... ah'm. 'r.a\" il.r a heallql1;lrtt'rs' tll('rl'. lra\ for th(1~\' \\ 11<' arlo ;t{ ("t'ptinl-t lim, thitt h{'\ m:l\' "t \.;t P rrolll k,rr of {'\"i! and \"io!t-111'(". \" d.!!l, bel". BULDNG FOR GO D Brnthl'1" Arth111 F Bng writc~ from the ('nl1>.:o Belg{'; "\\'(, ar(, glad to f('llort \'ictorv til lim, <lllr hjt.~'("1 Rcrlt,( tll{ r \\. (" ar; "11'\ a~ ('\'('T :lnd l,\"t"f\thing i~,o{oillg nic('h- TH'rc i... illcr<'a"t"l illll'rt'~1 ill.. dhlol with at- 1('l,lann' up 10 100 and O\','r '\\'(. la\"" dt;\l~'d thl' pl'l1 of h<, lir... t h;rmal1("1\ buildinj.{, l11akink it lar!o:l'r and b" \\111.. {hi('h'r, thnd)~ makill:':: il a rt ;t\ L!"oot! wrnnlh'lt,wt"ilin",. ~.ikillg: thi.. dlal1"(' il i~ takin)! nll::t'r to n'll pkh' than W' had ;1\ linl anticipated. hut we thinl.. it the h{'1\('r p1.ltt t do('''' 1l1;rk t, 11" fcd $,!uotl 10 <"{"' ;t P(' mall('llt, htltll("ll, lirick liduj.{ housc Koill\,( lip Pr;li~e,l(' l.onl "\\'e art' abo ill j..:ft':tl m cd (f il pt r man{'nl ("\1:'111,1 ;11ld if pn... sihll \\C want to build 011(' wll<'l1,hl" hnltsc i~ 1"0111' pch'd" WALKNG THROUGH TRALS A well known mini~lt'r wi.. H'd f) a...('('nd a lo\\"('r tha eoll1mandt'r! a finc view oi [hi' ~urrottnding' ("ountry "('ome thi.; \Va.\". ~ir," c;aid the Ruide, ('ading him 10 some!<ep.; whid' 100okl:'d :l~ hollgh he\' c(i do\\l1 inlo a vault. "Out walll to a~( elhl. t nl d('s(,('l1l"" "This i.. h(' Win up. c:ir" A fl w!'teps down led n man\' ~ters up, H(, r(';t('hul 111( lop, ami a fill!' panor:lni(' land~{'ij)(' ;t~ strete!t("c\ h('~ fnr(' him ~o ('llr Cl1id(' ka(l... 11'" ti(lwll that 1l~ rna\' t'ad " lip to thm(' lei',!ill<: of \'i"ion and po\'er ft'parel! fnr hn~/' who hollor him. -~. ~ ('hronid(' "F('arful the falc nf tho<;,' who d:lfl' Only he jny of ('arth 10 silare, N("~lcrtill.t: end Th('ir f'ltilrl', \\"he... ~ :"

PaR Six rile PE:\TOSTAL EV,\:\(.~L Am the Lord That Healeth Thee PLLS OR PROMSES-WHCH?,T.D;', fir rt('rlal l'ul)oli ll, or <,pp.-11 Lilian B, Yc:omllns, M, 0, 111\ ti~, "r "ronl'hili~, or (",lui.. "r du" 2 Chron, 14:1-12; 1::.:1 13: 16:} 13,knili~, or "Bd('-arclitl~, or ~.,sl ii..., or Tht, hi~ton ot \".1, kink lf juci,.h, 111"in).(;ti<, or l\'phrili ~, (,r ph;r~ n~ilh, K(", :.tr'ld';('j!1 of Solomon, and ga'at. 'r pl.'l"i1l)lilis or prorlili~, /')1' "(Jme otil<'r.:h-,' KrOll1lboll 01 "11l1-{ 1),\'id, i a.. ;111 "it;,," 0) "phriti..", ll()~tly "r;~ht lh," "lit' hq;inllil1j.{,'~ it /Ol'~, ~J au~jlchlll~ly, 10 r1\o\"(' U~ out. won't Wt'? \\'hy, wht'r<.: ;w' t'11link 1-0 ill~l"riou~~', You cannot in the lihk dn you tilld tha' 'k,,,!' l',ul it t',ndullr and prayniully \\'itl}(.ut gi\'l~ 1lH' rhaplt;r.1lt! \'t-r~t. YlU ran't, h t'il1;.( ro11,';m l d thill l:od'l'o.l:"f.lnou" pl'lll wrausl.' it i~1't thert. ~ COl "0 "h(,.,11111 'Urpl/'il' in hi~ lill' \\'''~ thwarted to a of bright angt'l.. to l'arry lis m'l'd (tlt' ~ lat)!!'!'xll'lt,,hilt hi' llii~'fl Cod'.. hnl. holll<' hat lie ha... 10 horrow...(,me oi 11:(' 111'1 "un rf).~ 10 tlw.. t'l1illl ;11 i do\ldk~~ dc\'irs hlack Ot'S?.\elhinb 110t. jl'_-u!o!>k\', :\1111 tll'l sallk ollt fjf "iglll amid... aid li ~ Father would ~('nll wd\'e k,! lowl:rin~ cloud... :,11,1 tcl""ll}' h.).)\\-... ion..- i2,ooo angl l.. tn ii.. ;JH, and he t f('!1h'mlo('r ;1'1 ;1 <.:hilll ",itllllk l'.. ifk lint that c\ cry bdiner (;J1l ha\"..: a:1 lily Motll!'f on lilt' hroad \"t'ran/la of a the shining st'n icju w nnlh. h.'" a.. kin...: h()u~c' that fan'd \\'1'... 1 at the... un~('t for th<.:m in Jtsus' name. hour. t hall been i clark ;lld.. turn1\' t't'rt:l inh' don't iutl'ml til 11'1.lY " ;\' Tll" \\ in!!.. hrid,l f! and howk.1 tl1<)'i' hllck' angl'i!> l'~"oft 1ll'. "hal] ;1n~onJ.{ tilt' branche., lf the tree~ that lot ht, al Wllll' Witl'll 111l'Y 1'.111. ~hallt- our hnlll(' Thl' rain il'il in ~heet", Ahou! thrl'c year~ a~u a b lit<:k,u:gc!. and the lolecl wa~ ~o ('ultink thai, if \"ou.\r. Pneumunia, by 11.. 111<':, call1'l and ;111 \'('utlln'll to i;l('(, il. it m;ule )-'our skin nounced hat h~ har! rollle 10 lak(, nil' burn lik(' lin' home, but (lidn'l J.!(). wakl'l\t"d nnc But, a~ h(' lav Olc!\";11('('! tow;trc!s it-; mornin:{ to lind lllys'lf \\ith all the... ~ llji rit-r1illl", the rain '('ils('d 10 fa ll, the cloud~ toms of Pnl'llmonia, 011(' lung c}l... olidal'!>rat tl'red, 11'i1\'iu:.:t: tht' rk;lr bhl(' (f lt':tv 'd tilt' nthl.'l' ;J/Tt'ett'll. my facl' it.. hhl~ ('11 n'\'caled, hf' will/... ank to Kentlc hlark as a stovepipe. clon't knvw what 14n't'r<"~ hat.. i(flwd a lul1ahv a11'idst the 111y lejl1]ll r'llufl' \\;1... took good ('an' pilw lop",,llld, <t'i,/.artiug S;tlutl'.,the not 10 klow, A... tn how felt 1 all". '\ln, "0 nnj.!" ohsruted, hro\':(' <111' mtn of you han' e\'l.'r harl a n'al1) sl'ri('lh ;1 hl;l1(' of,.dnry thai in1lh'r:<l'l\ c\'erythin,l{ in a St'a of tll~\' light. :\~ W' l(lok. 'as,' (f PncllJ1ouia, \'011 kno\\, i \"Ol! don't kno\\'. thank C'oll yo! don't,d at ('ai'll olhl'r'~ ian''i tran"li~nred b\" tl1(' lcavel1h, radian('(', \othn ~aicl. didn't \\it"le a 1ll0mt'nt hut got to "hn't thi.. b(';tllliful? r('minds me pray<"f r knl.'w ll.. t ha\"l' hccll fail of a Chr;.. tian' ~ iarl w( 11 to earth. t ing r.od ~Oll1l' wa~-, aud lie "howed lle ~cel11s to me that whalt-'\"('r the ('ontli(,t~ ju~, how. Then ~'i('hkll utterly. ;llr! mol\" han' 1)('('11 COl il1!t'mb that 'at!'\"\'n t0m lim how sorr~ was that hac! ti,1t- ;1.. h;i hr li;.:-.''' ina<!\'erl('lltly got into my OWn \\av ill And T thank root! that it was ('\"en.... cad of ; ~, and claiml'c 'Hlll diale la'al. 11 wilh wr.\ hymn of whi('h... h(, wa.. ing of th(' Pneulllonia \, r" foncl hl'auliful1\" (c:<;~rihes her hornl' Then 1ft' ~ho\\'ed lll a J.{rt'at. hig-h. going: stron4" low('r. t... toml upon a mol~~h-e ro('k in mid oct an. and Oh ho\\ til<' St"'~"1 ;1"'\ ~H'"i"K ",tf. wa\'('~ <"folshed, and da~hed, Olncl lashecl,,',,, ""~.-1t".u!':\l fur "'t". \rut may 11,l'rl' lot".m m"~lt;"1t of h~ bar, and '<;lla!lhed ;lgainm it in tll'ir fury! \\ t,''' t 'lll nu l h ~f:\, ~ome of hcm had \\'0\\'('<;' h,'atls. AToun nul ~u('h :t lid. :t~.,,""'''j.t ~c~u'~ :t,l''p. T'~ full 1", ~"\l", 1 "T 1'>:m. \Vh..." l"rl" Tun,. lllpin U""f. hlll whkh "rrw fn>m "ut hc boundln~ Twili/{ht nllcl t""f"ing hell. '.ut "rff hn! ht" dark,,,,, m.ll hfrc h"' ll) ~~d,,~~~ of larcw~l1, \"h,,", ",hark; F"r {hnul'h nln! Nl h;~ hourne of time and "M-~ 11,1"'... ~~ '11.1' h~.\r "'~ lat. ),"1>1' " ~c~ lily l,il<)1 hl'~ 10 f"t~ \\'hr" t:tvc tro~~r,j hl"' h:tr. 1 he\i!'\"(' il i~ the will of God hat lis C.1orv, rnealed in the Face of J('Stl<" shall ~il;1 the c!epartur(' of e\'('ry child of His 10 th(,ir HNl\'enly mansions no matter what rout(' they may tra\'('\. fall ill'':: a,,\('ep in Je.. us or caught up in the ai~ to mel:! thl ir Lord "Rul," sol11e nne says, "ii w<, do not larr" 111tii T('sus ('om('~ we shall have 10 ';;\v(' ~on~('thitl:.:-. cancer, or tuberculo ~i~, nr Rright's )isea<;:('. or locomotor h(' very top of he to\\'c'. ill great ",hi!., k'tter~, WNC lhe words, " WLL PUT NONE OF THESE D SEASES UPON TH EE," and "nt'\\, was to lake 111) place on he very top of tl1i... 10Wl'L ''ll'. \\"i1\'e~ with the wolves' heads ('oul(1 nut reach me here. ry a!' they might. But you!la.\'. "f tlon', Ul(lefSlaud. Didn'l vou "'1\' you had Pneumonia?" r didn't ullcler~tantl l'ither, and didn't w:t~le lim!' n'ing to. wa~ 100 nl':>.r death for that, ju~t flew by faith to the tower top and ~aid. "He will pul none of th!'s(, c\isea~(-'" upon nlt'. H' i<: the Lord hal healelh me." And the Pneumonia took its flight. The aititu-lc 'iel'lllcd too high for it T belie\'(' in hig-h aititucl('~. To return t") A... a; w(' COllmo! but feel deep rcgret that a life that!lhon(' f(,r God, and Hi~ failhfll t nes~ to Hl~ \Vort!, for ~o lllan~.. year~, :t~ (lie\ Asa's, "hould go Jut ;mll~1 otl~ m,ty _,lid!lhad,,\~. t-,'- 111g flo le~'1 1 '' oi pl rtf'f \'irtllry, ~t-;;,uzh he \11 lllnqlh riug Chri"t, in lilt J.. t "'t'ar;nt S~,,h' fmal strii~ \'1'\ A~" w;", a man", 10 'ro\t t! 4~"c H ltar'i 'ldt't's l11.lll)'.. nel llany ;1 lil111', '... toe,d, w;lh 11 ilrm\ tt thrn' hundrl'd tholl'.,,!ld lcl, (,n the b;lttlc rrdll of.\laroh3.h ilga;nst Zcrah. the 1',lhi"pi,n. with a,hllu... and thou-and. ;!d lrn't hunc1rl"\ rhariot... allfl cried til th t Lord. hi., f~od. alld ";1t! ""ord, it i... nothing" with llt'l' to hl'lp, wlwtiwr \\itb m;tuy, or with ltl'll that have lit") power: hel" l~, 0 Lord our (~()d, for we n',1 on tl1('l. ;nltl in h~' 1l;i111(, \\"l' f,{o al.!aino;;t hi" Hlultitutk 0 Lorn, thou art our Cod; t'l no! man prt'\'"il ;gain,,! (ltt'e. ~o he.(,rci ~mnt(- tlh' Elhiopi;llh hdor(' ha, and thl' Ethi(lpian~ 111'11," They always fll'(' hcf()f(' a pra\"('r faith like tholt. \Vhat i pity Asa dilln'\ rel11eluhl'r thai prayt'r. and it-, n "ult", wilen 11(, ("ame to the tinal "'rugg\(' wilh th(' power.; oi darkne~" Aftcr hi.. notabk \"irtor\' Cnr\ ~l'tlt a prophet, Anriah. to lell ;im hat, JU~! as long a<; he would Slav with Cod. Cod would stay with him, btll hat ii he for ~ook God' he would hi' forsol!.:t n by 1111' Lord, And Asa took couragl' ilt 111('''C words :lnd put awil\" tht' ahominahle idols, and N his peoph- in a f(',:..:"ular rt' "ivai of trm' religion, making oltcling~ to the.od of sra!'l, Olnc! t'l1tl'riuf::" inlo a (,fln'nalll n!'eek thl' Lord, their Co:l. with all heir hl art. ;md ;111 thl'ir.;nul. :\nll '\"a hrought into hl' hou,,(' of en 111(, things hat he had {lec1iea l('d. a.. \\'(,]1 a... th(' predon" hing's thai hi~ talllt'r had dedi,,\('l n.. hort ht, app'ar.. n han' tried tn ~raighlcn lhing" up in ('\'<.'rv po!'sible wa~', a nd a~ th(' rl'~ult of hi~ ~uhmi<;... ion to God, tlll'rt \\'a!' no mnr(' war unto he fi\'t' and thirt;('th \'e"r 01 hi~ fei(.!n, Then a n'l'y ~ad hil;;':- hap. 1<'Tl(,(\ :\'ia handed (1\''r til B'llha/lac\. king of ~~'ria things hal hclthll.!t d to.orl, ami ~oug-ht h'nhac\a(j's protenion ag;!in<;t Raa.. ha, king' of.. rad lt- hac\ forgottcll the.od who had dcli\"('r('d him from Zerah, he Ethiopiall, whc'1l thl' odrj<> \\"ere SC (""\"{'f\lht'lmin,trly again"t him ''hl'n God, in TTi~ ller,\,. ~('n t a l1le~!'('lg-cr 10 Asa 10 warn him, ami t(. fe" mind him thai the 1.01'(1 \\"a~ JUSt h!' ~alllc as He had he('n in the baltic with thr Elhiopi,l!1S. and hat He nceden 110 ou~ide help But A<;a would )t H"tell, hut was wroth with the me~<;cllger. and put him in prison, ;-)11(1 oppr('.~sed sollle of th(' people at the ~amc time, And whcn Asa would not listen, C.od <;cnt t;ickne~<; just as Tc says l i e does, when He speaks twice and man perc('iv. eth it not, in the thirty-third ('haptl.'r of Joh. And in the thirty and ninth )'C'ar of hi~ reil=tj1 A~a wa.. di~<,a~cd in hi~ f<'et, and hc disease \\'a~ ('xee<,dintt great, proh ably gang-rene of thc feet, a di~ease whidl it; <;ometimes attended \"ith falal re~l1lts, And now W(' eoll!' to our <;uhj('c( pro ]><'r. "Pil1" or Promi~.'..-whi{'h?" For Aq had JUSt the two alternalive~ bdore him. (l may say that T me the word "pills" in a genera! ~C'n~e Ol~ repre<;('ntillq all that Medical and Surgical ~cicnce hacl, or have, to ojt('r), Docs ~ome one ~ay, " T didll't know that ho<;(' 01(\ f('ln\\~ 'wd pil1~. Didn'l

THE PENTECOSTAL FVAKGEL Page Seven -- ~Ul'P~ "t' t!lt ~ WeT\ up 10 d.;h' l' wugh 1"1 that. yl... tht,\, had <n ( Ltburatl' phar11l<l n)l'l'i~, Pt~rhap" likt lh ln'\ had pale pill... ior pink ]/t'opk', (lr j... 1\ pink pi!!., mr pale people' \nd hjul' pill.. jur 1..'T:el1!leul'k; "l1).!:ar c"alt'" pilh.. 1d!,(ilt l d"'l'.1 ])1110; 111,.ti1{'r words t)ln h<cd a T:lll\" dc \'(,[(')led!'-~-"':cl1 oj 11l:dicid,\lid ",u'rg-i, Oil "ciclln; importl'r! roll1 E;.:\ P, and ll) d<>uh,,atronilt'd hy ~"'Jll1on'" \\iic. \\110 was an Egyptian pril1rl ~". and 11<' ad 11l r('!'~. \'('~; A"a had l'ill... po'.\'h-r:-, potl<>t-., fumigation«,!>lufl", illjt,r1iljll-.. "killl'd..;ur g-t'on... who ('oul(l hallll1\, tlt' klliit' 01.':'1. tf'rou.. ]\", ;JElri ali tht, '...' "i lilt l,ar;1 pht'rnali'l pcrtainin:,: tn 1lr<iir;t ;1l1d,.,ur g'ir.1! ~rit:ncc. Proic<,!<or Brca.. tcd, i l'hil'a;.t"o t nin r,il\'. onc cf tht mo... t di.,tin~ui,lwd F_~Yp, 1(lloj{i~t'l in tht world, \\ho liel"iphert'fl he insnipti,hh in tht' tomb of King- TU. ankha!l1en, n'illg ~l'nt ior h... Lord Carn. ;trnl!l for tile pt!rpo"~. stars, i.~ i rc~ull oj h(, tlan~lati{)n 1>1 :lj ;(nclt'llt 1 :..:'qhian papyru". rch'ntly 11:;idc h~' him. that th~' old ] :;.,::ypti.,n phy,il ian, werl' nl~' ~cil'nt i,-;, acqua inted \\ilh h~ phclolllt'!lf'll i he cirnllalinn of th(' hlond nnturi6 n' forf' it was discon'rt'd in EuroPt ", liar n'v, and \\-iti! many qtiwr thinks. and po~~('~"cd of a ~ystt'lll of th,.ttillg",i~ 'a"e~ in ~ome rcsp('(' t" \"lo<;eh- rese1llhling that of ollr OWn cla\ Yes. A sa had pills. nllll,"1l thc ~a1l1e a~ wc h;l\ c, and the "allle P"l'('OU'" promi~e~. though h(' didn't h:\'' as mall)" oi the lauer as W.' h;j\t" Til whom much i~ gi\"cn of him shall n1u, h he n (juin'd. He had \\onderiul pill" hut!hllch mort" wonderful lromist'~. ll' ha,1 the co,' t'nanl of healill~ (Ex 15 :26). "f)di'"l'r him from going (1(lwn to the pll: r ha\"e foulld a ra l1~o111" tjrlh 33:24>. ckm~ l aching heaiin.:.{ ill the t\lf)ncllll'nt, "lll S ~'lt lis \Vord all(1 ll'all',1 hcm" (Psalm Oi:20), '\\,ho wal l' lll ;111 h"\" di~t'ase<' (P~aJ l 103:3). Hi'i own g real ;.:-r'!\(lfilther. :-;010111011, harl claimed, at thl' derlirat ion uf tll' Tempit-, the healilll.:- oi cn'ry <i"c.1"'(' a... part of Cod... co\"cnanl with ri ~ peo pic ( Kings ~:37, 39:.? Chrolt 0:28-30) Pills or Promises-Which Shall t Be? f we arrangc(\ tht, subj",t in labulated fprll! we should h;:\"c to pla('e uneler "Pill~:' in o rder to be true 10 the facts of lll'dicai ~cicnc c, "Uncertain in their r('~ldt,, ' Thefe is no nolt' nlore strong- v qfc~scd in nledical teaching", h\" he f~,r('mo"t men in thc profc<;~i o n, tlm;l thi~ on(', t i'> only qllacks nnd fakir... who promise certain re~ ult s from tlwir treat- 1T1ent~. Thorcllghly con... dentiolls. capa.. hie. medical men promise olle thin" only, their be<;t effort~ directed w the re~llt... of the latest medir-al re~e<l'rc h a nd ex perimen t. \Vhat do we place belo\\' "Promises" limer this hcad ~ s here a ny dubiety as to the result? Not th(' faintest. " e '>ent His \\lord and HEALED them." "\Vho healeth al!." Secondly, we shall have to place "Superficial in their rnult~.. UlHtcr 'rill~." for as Dr. \Veir Mit rhell h"", said. "Bark of ('a ch disease i.:", a t'<llse which no rem- t'd~, an reach," whill' \lndn "''''{)l1~l' \\1 nil~ W ill, "Radie:1i C'" iot th\' Hl(.nd (! JCst!..; l'hri~t n mo\'\" thi' r;tll~l' ( i ~ickne... ", whi<h i_~ "in Thirdly. ulhh'r "ill" 'r ''''::11111 0,; t die:>. \\l' si aj ',a\'c to lu till' \\OrU5, ';\( t f~,--,d'~ ',\ \" il':- :~ pl' vlt-" \\'1)('11 (~"d ;Uln,.,unrt ~ lilll',.]( a~ \"our n-"j ( jolu ll' ion \'\, pll:" 111 othl nh) 1\ 11 OUt " \"1url ~o'- r a~ ~. 'u.n', 'Hll" \\"ilrn :\lv~{"... undcrh." 111\'!t.h'rshill,)\ hl' \... r.t\'litl ~ h pt l.pl<" 1\\1) l'r tlnr"c n,i! \i"n~ in, in the r\."t1u~. h', tholl.' L!!llili;u' with,111 ht rt _,ourl... \.i E~~l" li;w!l1nlil-,:! '(i~ l l. \\hicb, ii',\t. han" 1t;1 t,ed \\.1'.. r\ll~: "'l i\ ntilic in hp tlw<il'ln... e'l~, \Jj till wor(!. took hu ":'1 n nll dy in hi... 1l1,',lkint' dll ~t. thc \\'",d oi (~()d, 11:\ \"'\Tl1lnl of la a!il'_!. ' 1,11ll l' t,ur.! th:!.1 111 ;1\ 111 hn'." \nd lhl 1{\'lll'd~ workl '! t'\'':-\' lime Th, <:,:htr,1;1\ "'lldellt ill tilt da~: "11 l'hri~tiall DOl" trine )o:;\ l',t~ it pro"j nj the )i\'ine or; ~in of 1 tt' Bible, "t works." hfll1glit lklt was a... "lcndirl an~\, ( ;':i\"(' her "Fx ph!,," ior th-1t.\nd :\(.~.~ n'llw.]\ \\r1rkl'd. {e had llit' linl'st "tl i 11cOplt, phy,i('al1y th:!.! cyer trod thi~ ~f)hl". nnt nh' {t'<,hk per~on amn:.! " thrir trih{'~. n "';!ying' that Pill~ art nnt :od... plan for "i~ p~ oph, wc art iar ro11 h~ liltlinl.! h. \\\JHk: i ul n sult...,h'hin"t"d, and th, di (kl1yin~ dnotion di"plily\,11, hy ~tu,h l1t~ of lll"di('al sci('lln' in al!,l-.:t ~ \\ t do nut read that :\ o"e~ bt rated his rol katrut''', or ulhkrestimatt'11 their work ''ll\' worst thillj.(! would say aholl1 ph~ ~ iri ans. titl e! the entire lll'dirid trall'mit\ \\(ll1 ld p\ rforn a:'::tt'l' with 111('. 1~ th<ll hn' a"(' tl1('l. and not Cod. itllll t1wir :( t!\ ilil'~ tlesh. and not... piril God h;!~ fki;!nnl to a~,,\lm(' {'harl!\ of tilt" h,,!ii(" of l is peopje. h{'a linr: tllt"1l1 hrot1~h the -\tol1emenl made on Cal\"ary, and h'cp ing h('111 i1l1n1\l11(' from (!i' ; ~" a~ \"~ trll~1 am oht'\ 1im. That winj{ h\" ra"'t nn 0 11(' 1"1...(' i~ good l 11 'l;.:h for nur Phniriall. Hut ~onh' one ask~. "Donor, \\"hy d o('~ it hil\(' 10 he " Pills or P romises?" \\' hy 1101 "Prnmi~cs :\:\D Pill~?" B C(";lU~\' the two are incompatible \\le WCfe carefully taught that nrtain rent ('(lie" W('re incomp:ltihlc, ilnd rnuld '" he taken to~cther. Therc is ehcmical incompat ibility, and physiolo;.:-ical ill(,oll p <l. lihility. :\nd there is also spiritual in compatihilih, The momcllt you rl'alj~' takc a pr o lt1i~c of pre~cnl, p~'rfl'("t \('al in~ jor \\"h;1 it is. 1'nF AU, '()\\'FH T'T r.. LfVf1\,'G, FKFRr:ETre, \\"OR) OF ;'01) "0\1 are healed. for "1ft s('jl1 ll i~ \\'onl and ht'alcd them" (P~;dm Oi 20), J used 10 lake fift~'-six:\forphine Pills ('\"('1\- 24 h(lur~. One da\" took a \\'onl oj 600, a Promise, and ' ha\"e n(:,'cr had any U'il' for the Pills sint e..\ sa c ho ~e. and chose wr(,nj{ SOl11l' t\111es wollckr if he was not willing to rc'cut of hi s wrong-doing- in l1c matter of,.:iving' what belonged to God to Ben hadad, trl1~ting- in t he arm of flesh. persecuting God'~ l1le~sengcr. and opprc~s inl{ God'" people. r once met a WOl11all w ho saiel shc \\"a~ seeking hcalinj{, hilt UpOn having it pointed out to her that ~he woul(1 have to obey the ("ommand~ of t he Great Phy ~ic i ;n, and in l is qr, nglh,.tnt!,,~ lib ~1.tCe, Sill 1111 O":',rt'.. he!i.. lid, "t's rhcapl'r n dl~', \!lel il".f that, likl \"a. }ohe died. 11 0\\,mfl1l!' haw:,'lit"' hie.::o 0111 111 bdliull a!-!':tin.. t (;od' Ye~,.\sa ch ~(' UHf hose Wh'n~, bul "rai'l' (~, d, \\t' ft' ~1111 1:1e \'.111,) : dc i,..i<1l1,,tnt! MH',. opporhillih t! cioos( r... 't ~hall Vol' Ole l"\.t C. i U rl>er\ N!ly ~s our l'l\sclau, nd ha\t,.\'("-,. ill, silir lua!, 1t!lt."l., Jild 1h""11 a1. hl'dnl 11\ 1'0\\ r \)i\"in~' ~ \\"hid,',11,111 ' b, ['ill ',. WE HAV E THS DAY N COUNSEL MET TU'lt \,11<1, ~~ \Y t 11;1\' thi~ d,,. ' 1 The hle:"~'d Lord to ~l r\"f', \nd with rur hr.nh.t "11(' wllh ", \\-(' n 11(' ('r jrolll du~ s\\ rn' C'h!lru~ Tht' Sa\,oUf (,-i,t (lllf (';J.t.lin i,. \1111 (:,ith "1r rll"'!." ~hiclr l. T1('" \\'onl oj (:'.(lthl' ~\\!lrd \\1111 "hirh \\'l,'ll ("Oll1\'r "1\ tll' lid(! Tn ~ orif\" t.l" Lord ui l\~b ~h.111 h(' our!'1l1\1" trill.'" :,il11. And tilltd with!""t' and ~rarl' di\il1e". \\"c"11 sprt'ld ahn.. l.1 li~ lanhi)ull')!llt" )<,~t~, \"J.-nl\(-.,... \". H nn' \\af>:l'd it \\arfar\ "n..:, T1111 '" ~('l'king Tnnh to 0\ t rthrll\\,.\nd,'\"ow h., t.\f'll1t \\'rfll1'-! But we, with hearts in Oil ' tton\. i.l,',. nt ' in,'ou1~d ~\\Tt'. And may hi~ gn'at ron,, ntioll 111.,111 To ~alan'... ho~ts, dd( '!!.t,t h',1rt wilh 'art in 10\"1' \1 1111 t 1",t ~olll~ ('o-opl"rah' To sill!.!' th(' ~Pll.!'S oj )t",u<;' 10\"(', ' \ul (ro\\n t ill' "h~ lln oi hah'. -\Vm, Rurton \{("Caill-n\-, MAKNG LACE "Ve shah re-ceive the gift of the laly Spirit." fn OlC of thl J.u t' filctnrie.. in Bn!.(,1, there a rl' a lumhcr oi ~mal1 rnom..!' \ otl.'"(\ to tl\(' llakin,...- "f ~ollle of tlh' 11loq rlcl('cah' pattl'rns Fa("h room is J1t~1 lar,-{c ( no\.~h for a sin;de workl'r,l1ld is quil(" dark (''XC( pt for Ol\" narh',\ W\ ' do\\". Tltt' worker ~i'" ~o that \" Ji~ht fa lls direr tl\' UpOl th(' thn';h... whil(' ll' hi1ll~e1f i~ ill lilt' darkne~s. t is in ~11-h l i~ht from ahn\'(" ~iv(' n iu the ok Spirit. that ll\' Chri~tjan i ~ tn work out tht dl'li ('ale nat\t'm of hi" life.~scl. MONOPOLY f l~('d 10 heli('\", t h,l a fe\\ 1lll'll h;11 a monopoh- n n th(' lol\" Spirit ~ O \\ r know hat th(, li n k Spi rit ha~ a lhlll0p oh' on a f('w men" Jame" fl 1fr ('nnk(, Faith laugh s at il1lpo ~s ibilitie ~; " hn' ak~ tht' ~hackle~ of "a\crv: drie'i up <;'a,; hri l1.':":< wnl('r out o f fli nty rock,,: ro]1" hack \\"all~ fiat: fldeat.;; armit ~ with lamp~ and 11iteiwr.., o r the jawbol1c of an a... <;. " lfa, e failh in (io(!"-:\ulhor l"nkno\\ll.

Page Eight THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL SuhJect- YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETNG Vanity \tn~t of u an' f.ll\iliar wilh h",t, lint:;; 01 Hurn..-,11ll afraid l';11101 ~\'\' 111l'1ll in hi 1111,lilll ~r(ltfh---"()h \\fjllld tht ~ih tll' C;iu'!' ~ivt U~. to (.'(' our ~t'vl'~ as (lther~ ~('l' u," ''h;11 i g(}(,<], hu there is!<ootlll'thi llg b~tt('r to "(T H (']\'t" a.. (;or! "t'" \ lit, "siltl'lb ""'" tht {'irdl' of ll\' 1'. th,.nd tht inh;lhit,l1ti lih'fl'of,11"1' as,..:"ra.. h(}jlp('r~" (1.1. ~f) :22). {:r.t~slloppers! Vl'rlllin' \\'('iglu'd in l ls h a];i1rt ~, wholt- l1atioll~ m~ ri,hb o f urit.. r. hopl wr~--;lrc (OUtHcr! a" t,,,s th;m lothing ;11\(1 vanity (1,,:\.,,1(.1:17). i the ',l hl t" of whole nali(,n-s is {'~" han noth ink. \\h.. t i.. the worth oi the individual? t 1'1 o nly of the.ord.. mcrci(>,> that \\1" art' 110t consume(]..\nd it i" n nl \" ;1 <; W(" arc" dcanst"d h y tht all-blotting-out 1110011 "f tl(" 1.;)11111 of Coli and reni\(: h'"u" (,hrist 10 h("!.ord 01 our lin's. that 4 11(' deli\'cr... us front O\l r ahject worthlcss nc s~ and makc!; 11';.. ons o f God t is He who tails us from ht' vallitih cd,illll.' to {' \'('ritil's of 1-:tcrniY rerc a n' ;1 lew of tht, vanitics againsl which the ~criptl!re!. \\arn!.. Voin Beauty. "Favor i!. h:n;ilftll and bcauty is vain, bllt a woman that f('arcth lir(' Lord, sht, shall be praiscd" (Pro\'" 31 :30), The.ord doc!; 110t look 011 ht' oulw,lrd appearah."', ll' looks at he 11l'an of hoth 1lll"11 and womcn_ ~()ses prilyecl. ".('t tilt" )l'iluty of he Lord our Cod hc Jlon "" ('sa. <>0:17). ;llld this i.. an llward ~"her than ;tl\ ul1t\\ard hl'al1t~ )'fost peo)it' ;rt' more tollccrncd "ith th('ir nul ward appcarancl' that i~ seen of lan h;ln tht,y art' of their inward <" prorral1c(' that i... ~eell nf Got!_ A si"tl'r ill California h;\s j'l~t <;cnt u<; $35.00 for h(' mi.. si,.naric.. and writes: '''~1y heart ha.. b('cn ;Jrhinl-: for our dear 111is.. i"l11 ;lric.. ill China,!-OO put asidc all the 1110111.'\' ~ot r0l11 my huhhy for drc.. st'~ through til(' sprillg and SU\llllu:r. il111 t('lin.ct tlri.., lot to ho<s-110" no-but am ver.v!'lorry Pcntecostal W0111C 1-:0 S' much nfter!'tylc and outward appearance. \Vhat a shanlf',,hc way hapti.,cd WO11C paint the:ir clll'eks! Actually, 011(' dcar s;!'t'r urge!; al1(1 tries her utmost to ll::lkc me huy thjug'! just to be in style when our dt'ar missionaries arc going hungry! t is ge:tl i u~ 10 bc a common thing to rougc lilt' facc and to look down on itllb that cion', and do not ril{ up at- cordinf{ 10 each sea!'ol'", style T ~ct "irk at heart to sce: these: hack->iddt'll (-on<iilioll!'l." Anothe:r si~ter ill thc r... "lo;t, a mothcr, write.;: collcerning Christian wolllcn puttinl{ {)JJ hc illlmn<le'>t hathin~ costnlllc~ that are "'Old lodav and becomilll'!" a t!a7. ing-sock to la~ci~'iou<; men, and makcs ;1 brat cd protest The daulrhter~ of Zion in ro;:~iah's tinl(' were cnnformilll{ to the worm. Rrad tht' de:o;cription of thi<; in T...aiah 3' 11)-24 ami notr the iud'!menl of nod (lent'l'c against it. And. think you h.lt l' judl{l(,ll Ji flllr,hanj.:'l lt ~<; Lilli Wll hc anv 1c5s ill hi~ da\" of...:rc;,tll'r 'l1ml)(k~ly - in dr{'~": 'r;ji~l' (~,d that lwrc,.. ;t salvation irom ~\('h vani\\", :-;l'c }{(,mans l:l, 2. Vain Thoughts. Tll' 11(1)" Spir'! a"b, "!low long shall thv \".in thl!ught~ Oflgt in thee" (jcr. 4:14)-' God ha" pro\'irkd " ah';lticln in whirlt ( vt"r.v hol1-:h, rall be brought ill((1 (,:Hi\'it)" to til\." ooedit nre of Chri~, ;"tnd whcre tilt, mind of ehri":l shall he our portion l'\erv ll101ll('nt,.\11 thc thou.:.:hts (,f tilt' natur;11 Ulan ar" \ an ily (ils:! 9 ~:11 ) ami nh<it thc \lorl(1 rqun,.. wise is nothing hut f()oli"hlle~s with Cod ( 1 Cor" 3'19)_ Do no fill your mine! \\ it h.:tl l tltl' vain thing~ that... ou tind 111 thl ll{'w"'; l'er... and lla~;,... im s that th(' world ie:; prn(/uci n );:. You \\111 cv('r 'n,1 a ny g(,ud in tilt.' w()rld".~ goi hart' '-an~. Thert' are many 'tf>od book~ t) t' had. and th('re i.. 011(' suprcllc Book, the!ook of huob, that i ~ slill the 1ll0"t p -to-date Book in the world_ Fill )'O\lr hcmt anel mim with it.~ ('Olll ents. Vain Talkers. Paul t("lls us that there arc many whn have t\lrncd a sidc from charitv out nf a pure hcart, from a good CO l1 SC i('cl" ;111<1 from an unfc:ig lll:d faith to ';"'aill jangling!" lie contrast~ those who arc hohlin... fa.~ l the faithful word to h(' "l1l1ruh' :lnd \ ;'i11 talkers" \\ ho wcre decci\'illg n;anv and suln crting whole!joust's, \\'alr'h yonr lips, Thrrc arc three v r r~ <'s that Wt' have typt'd out and kelp ro l..; ~ n h- bcfore us 011 Qur desk: "A m:111 nf t;l(](. r"<ll1dill;.{ holdcth hi..; pcace:" " k tl'at kccf'cth his mouth kc("pcth hi" lift' : hul hl' th;ll O)Cll elh widc hi" lips.. hall ho\'c de"tructioll;" "\\,hoso kcq:t'th hi" mnulh and hi.. 10n~uC keepcth his <;0111 from troll hit'," Alwa\"s rl;'mcmh{'r tha "n ll(' 111ultitudc of -wonls hcre wallti'tl! 110t sin' hut hl' hal rdrainelh his lips i~ wis('" (PrMt'rb<; 10 :19). Makc David's prayer constantly your.., "~i'l a watch, 0 Lord. helorc lly 111oulh; kccp \hc door ()f my lips," Vain Deceit. 1'aul wriles, '''Bewarc lest an)' 111an spoi! \'OU hrou~h philos" ()Jlhy an<1 \ :tin dercit" (Col 2:8). The doctrine of cvolution that dcnies God":; \\'Ofll. that is bci!l~ laughl everywhcre in thc schonls, tlltht ~ut"e1y come under thc character of \ ain deceit. Mcn reject r.od's truth and they arc deceivcrl hy ht (le\ il'5 crror; and they arc \'cry wise in their own collceit a.. thc,' scorn those who are simple enou~h t~ accept God'" \Vord. Beware of the snare: of th i ~ ahjcct nonsensc. Vain Faith, Jamc.;: tells '" that "faith without works is dead," i,-our life is not producing the fruits of ~ighteol1s. nc<;s and works that glorif\' ehri!':t \'0\1 had bctler cxamine "oursclf to <;ee \\'h~th. ('r you really arc i'; the faith_ \Ve ha\'c watched man\' start out prcsmnptuous!v to do somc J.,'Tcat thing that the L()r~1 1c\'cr told them 10 do" and cvcry time tl'." ),{recit faith lhat hl') thuuto:ht tll \" ha.\ ha 'f,\'{'d.1 \;in thing. They M\(" had ha pro\'ed" vain hiur. They have 'he J~all11i'l ",ht"n hl' '-i", '.onl. my heart i.. no ha\l;,,:-!lty, 10f min{' eyl'~ loi ty ileilher do t:x.('rri~e mysdi in grt:at 111:lttt'f". or in thing" too hi~h ' 'r nw P"a. ls: 1)_ Vain Glory, '.t'l 110thinl-: h(' d('1( hr"udl _!rih ~'r \:aill {lnry" ('hil 2 3 \\ c will l'\"l"r rtllll'llbl'r a Pt'ilt('("o,t;ti ll,t ting in \\hirh hcrt' rame forth, mighty n1(... a>!:e a,:.:-ain and ;g'ain throu...:h ong-m's :n1(\ il1tcrpru:1lioll ill which tilt" l.ofrl saiel til 11", "~rt'k "l' \iv Glon! ~eck.\ t' \fy f.:'1/)r~'r' We :Lre to ht' ~cd,; ('f~ after thl' l''al.![r\, and not fqr th" valll. \an delikhh ill olltward,>how, 1\" like" to J.:'iv{' with ;':-fl'at (,st{'!lt<ltinn. a1l(1 ala.., for a prc'tl"nct' he mah'~ hi.., 101l g prayers in puillic The S(,("f('t pral' r.. ;l1ld thl'.. ltf('".!iyin"'! ar(' wllat arc honored by the.ord. :-'all)' wh~) are ahsolutely back..,liddl'1l hcart oftt'n makc tht' higj.:'('st outward show. \Vh('11 ~hi.. hak, kill/-! of :~'TP..-ame up again..:t RdHlbo;U11, 1(' took awa\" the treasurt.. of thc house of tilt' l..ord and all thc.. hic](l<; of ~old hat Solomon had ma dc Ar.d king Rchoho:t11l made ~hield~ of hrass inslt'ad, and so tilcrc could he ht'!'ame outward show as formerly. Man\' ha\'c lost thc gold of hc divine uncti01! and arc making a \'ain <;how with their sot1ndinz brass, Vain Religion. "f any man a mong YO1!-'ccm to he rcligio uo;" :lnd hridleth not hi ~ tongl1c. hut t/ c("(' iv clh his OW 1 heart. this man's r('ligi()1 i.. vain" (Jam(' ~ 1:26) jal11(, <; ha o; mu("h to say about the tollk"uc and tcl1.. \S it is "a firt'. a world of in ift\lily, it defilcth,he wholl' body. ami <;(' ltt,th 011 fire thc whole course of n? turc, and il is o;t'{ on firc of hcll," \Ve hal'r ward if said" "~rcn di~ heir R" r av ~~ wilh thcir tonguc"." But hack of tl C' t O l~ue i.. tl)(' heart, and it i<; c('("..;"arl' to kn' p thc hcart wilh a ll diligence" f,,' out of it art" the i~sucs of life /;l'ne.. shows u.. that it is whc'11 therc is cnvyil1.~ anrl strifr in the hcart hal thcre con:f'~ forth confusion and cvcry c"il work... q,1 il is Ol1t of a '{ood heart, a rl"'an"ell hcart, that hcrc will rolllc forth the ri~!l1 T o vi~it the fatlll'r!c.." <nd widows ill th(ikind of ffllil "Purc reli~ioll and lillih- fi.1('-i hefoh' rood ;me! the Falher is thi,,_ aftiiction, :tnd to keep himself unspotted from the world."-s. H. F. TASTE AND SEE "You lc- me hat your btv>j- is the Word of God: but Vall do not provc it 50." So said :he ow-;'er of an orchard in North taly to Colporteur Mariani. who offercd him the ~cripturh as hc stood admiring" the fmit trees. "\Vhat fine lookin;.r pcars," said hc colporteur, suddenly changing hc ~ubject" "but what a pity they arc <;uch poor Quality,''' "What! "hat!" ex.claimcd the orchard owner. "Of poor quality! i" plain that you have not taqcd thcm, Pick onc or WO. and try them!" Thc coll)ortcur did a~ he WR!,; bidden, and hcgan to eat. "Y('s. vou are right." he said, ~1l1ackiTl{ his lip", "the pears are cx('ellcnt: bul sir, yot! must deal wilh my Book a~ have: dealt wilh \'our fruit. Tasle, and vou will see that ille V-/ord of Cod is good.. S. S. Ti111e~,,

~epl<=mh<=r 26, 1925 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL.. THE CHLDREN'S CORNER A MSSONARy STORY (ContinUl'd lhj1l a... t np", "A word cnncl:rnillg tht' experiences oi Mr. -- and Paul. Th~ 1\\')!,H -,:-01 down from their t'art :ull Wl'rl' w,'lkinl.!; behind. n SOO1t 1\01\' :hl'v!lli~~'d We road in the dark an;!' bel'.;1\ 'l'p;!r;.tl'd from us. During th t 'lay tnt 1():c\T'!. the)' were repeatcdly in tho.!;'l all'_~t lan ger. "On('<= when surrl)u1{h-d ijy a i 1t- 11 mob one llall hilrl rai"l'.1 a club 1),lt Paul's head 10... trike hi,., d('\\1. \r felt impellcd hy ~oll\e Un~t,\"li POH, to shout out, '\\'c are no' h..om;'11 C'ull olics, but Protl stants.",-\.1'i" th\ m :t. n low('fcd his cluh ('xciaimil1:.!, '\\'ll', t'" "{' ar(' not he bad foreign dc\"ib. bill tht:' good fo reign de\"ils, like the mi""io:laries at Chow Chiao (China n!and \{i sion ). At thi.. :>ill\c platt'. thc ll'art~ oj the p('ople were t urned tuward lis in it wond<=rfu l way. OU' man gal't' Paul one hundred cash (fil"e cents) to huy... 01l1C fooll ;,;ulother man ca!'ri~'d the lad on hi.., hack for mill'" to g il'e his fcet a re~t. th('v werr ~o..,oft ",e!!s than an hour from th~ time [ ;n"akelled. we \\,('r(' o n the road again. The official \\'a~ true tn his promi,,\. ;wr! a large mounted escort accompanied... That n ight we reached Fan CH'ng at midnight, having" traveled twenty 11flW that day. Here we had to ~top twcntyhur hours ill thl' most loathsome inn \'C have had tl(' misfortune to stay in in Chilla. t wa... au unspeakable rdid tn get into the hou,,('boat. Cl"(!n though we had on ly hare hnards to rid\' o n, a nd poor food to cat \Ve were \!:n days goill!~ dow!'... trram 10 lankow. Ont' after the otlwr of our partl' herame ill. \Vhen... till a clay from Hanko\\, a st('am lug mel lis with prol'isions. Our children w<=pt al the... ig:ht of bread and milk! \Vc \\"er<= no t allowcd 10.,top nn,.:,t Hanko\\'. a" we had hoped. to ;,e'('t ~oll1e clothe..,111! other net'es~ar il'~. hilt wc:r(, ohl i ~ed to hasten nn to the flr~t ~team e r whirh left the follo\\"inc:: morni n ~. W2'" (lhliged to harrow garments for my!';d f and chih!ren frc.m o ur fcllo\\' pa~!'cngcr!'-. "Wlu':n we rcarh("(1 Shanghai. (''('r~' pr('hlratioll WO\;; heill~ mad~ for an attack. t wa'" :t thi~ cil" that wc lear;('(1 with ( (' <=p sorrow ( f the fal c of many of Oll f <i rar rriend~ at,h(' hand;; of the Bo:xerOl;. Vve were orcl('re(! home h' the fir~t "tramer "'ith lothin~ left o f the om dothr <;. how could we,:.!ct read\" in a fe,,, hour e; for he long home \ oyal{e. Thank rood. le did no t lack moncl' at hiol; po:nt. for our Bo:trd had rapier! an w' l1('ed('(. having heard o f Ollr.'xtrrnl!' pli$l;ht. The question wa~. ho\" can ;:et dothe~ marie for... ix oj U~ in "urh a.. hof( tillle. with Chinrs(' tailor.; too hll<::v to h('lp. no machin(' to he ha(!, anr! no rowy-made dotlte~ to be holl.'!ht ('xcept for Mr Goforth an(! P;;ul ".\gain iuund tht' \,r\jllli~t r\!! t;...,1,hall Sll'ply all your ll'{ d!., 1... lt t ill iln agoll\" f pr;y' r. a~kir.;.!: ddlllitdl',hat some O\;{' b(' sent to ll(' 10 hi'll' 111\" \llh he ;;el\'in::, E'('n a~ kl,". " "m t'n were n tht door ""killj.{ ior ll\;. Thl"l Wt'r(' pt-riet't "tranl{er", hut hn' had ~l'l';1 \Jur namc;; amon:.::- thl: n'n'lt n im.:c~ ~, <lnd (iod had moved tllnll tn COUll" and litter th('ir as... j"tance! Tl' 11'(Jrk('d jor ll\' night and day up to ;e a"t minllt(.! til we had to :,:-q 011 th(,... tnnwr \:"l'\'l'r shall lorget tlwir Chri~tiall icllu""hip and practi,al hell) ilt that (ime "n thc ru~h 10 get thl' ohkr ehil,]rell ready, Bab\" \\'ill~ln:'" dothl'" had hecll neglected.. There las nolhin;.:- io it hut to lake material.. and mak~' h('111 > him on he voyage. n thi" fuuut'l'tiul ;1 llost preciou" au... \\er to prayl'; Ft>r ht' first few dav~ r worked ('arh aw! \;thtn'illl{ to m~kt- SOlllt'lliiul.!; i(l~ th~' huh' 011(' who had scarecil' ;t\l\ thing- n le:lr hut as we were l~~uin~ YOkilhollu. reali7('d had almoq readwd tht ('( of!l~' '>trell~th \ly ncl'd le rdusl'd 10 work. try as r woulrl. could not ('\"(:n "ee where to pm th(' TH edle. "Ft'llding up my work wt'nt down to lly stateroom. and knedin.:.:: 110\\ ~pn'a(1 o ut the work before h('!.onl, too far ~Olle to agonize ill pray'. could onl\' quietly. almost meekl\", 1('\1 Him how t h (' poor c hild had 110 dotllt'... Hi~ill~ \\-ith the burden JiftN put th"" work away. locking t in tht' trunk, ti1('. went up on deck and 101\ down allllo~1 in~('llsihk from ('xhau!o.linn. H O\ loll'! a lime J>as~ cd r do not know. pcrhall" on ly half an hour. when,,()neollt' rallle and tollchl"<! me. sarin~. '\\'(, hal'e dropjlc(1 ;',:d"lr ill Ynkohama hay. and ;1 larj,!"e hllll(!lthac; been thrown o n deck from tht i.hter fo r you.' "'For 111('" r ('ri~'d. ',,"rel\' not. know no (,nc ill Jap-,n.' Then'l thol:l.;ht t i... he answer" e o iu/{ down found a klltr n'l \ r O. E. of the China nlallli \,s"itlil. ;-:111" <;aid that her little son, thl' ~anll' ;H~e,jl Raby \Val1aee, had (lied four llln:\i" w forc. nnd the Lord had tolll'h~d her \(. ~end the whole outfi: to nil' f(lf l' c~ild. Opcnin~ the pan'cl J foun,1 1'1't rvthitl.: the child woul(1 need for : ~-ear or two. and lluch!orc. Had "(Jnw Olle '-100 1 he "ide hat d('ilr ~i~t~'r a lld \Old hn what, mo~t 1('('d('<... he couhl not han' doll(' differellth' Ye~. surely ~nm('one did {:. rect lh'r 1m' ill,\.!" hands. ilm! just "('! h"r a~ olle oi Hi... ('hanm').;: ior.. h(' li\'('(1 near 10 Him and \ a... an opell ehannd Thrt:t d<ly'" later mv own collal)"'(' canw; hut prai,,(' Hi~ Rreat Xallle, H e \\";1" with me in darkncs... and hroutrht me through n cllle tillle ll' 11'('re landed nn our Ameri can "hon'" feelink decply the pre ~ence and power of 0111' Almighlv C od "ho had ol'ershadowed 1\<:: a l\( pn... efl et! us in all ollr wal s. and hrou~ht U~ in <;aiel\' to o ur d('sir~'(1 hal'en ' fow unsearchahle :1ft H' jud)...'lllc"'1t,d ills i!) 'i4 ill", JUt.' 'J h tilat trlht ill lil Jr ll,t al,m,oj h 1)0: St:!. 11,[1 hall. CHNESE WOMAN SPEAKNG THE ENGLSH LANGUAGE t \\01 n lil( til {,i \: that Wt' \,i.lllnl'" S"11 '1"'\ ttllg!; in 1.0 Pau \\'\ had tl<)ut len tid}' 01 t l'.ull.::di~tit: lt ttlllgs t,nl/mltd J~ Br h r ~i'ulel'.11" a l.'ll1\' e \orh'r ~ \"i't'rial 1 y hit-ssel\ tltt '" l(ltillgs,( v \\l r(. 011011\'1\ "ne "\,l'ri.t tarryil1~ ml:l tinj.!" illr thu..., \h., \,wtn! 'U t'{ th{. HaJlti~1lL nl tl\(' 1"h- (~hu... t \atlv \\Crc ~t'('kin6 hl' B.lpti 1\1 m thl'~c 11lH ' ins" rhl!' '0l\\'\' "i (;,,, \loull! C'llle down so \1'pl\tk:iu\, t11;l\ it l tlllcd.1'> tlwul.:h :1 wal'{',uld w) n'1o:r plddlc.,11> t \(T. (lilt ill tl1\' r.~llll, 011 th~ third night.11 tl:t' l.trr.ll1,1: tnt t lng'. \1:-, l'l!ung, thr C\ '\..!l'h~t l)rc(''l'd ( th( \\id\j \\(1111.1.11 ~nrl he \'t'~""~ hc;nl.! 'J\ed llth oil "'H' 11,;,,! lini.. ll'd hi... 111\"... 1.'-:(', hl' K3\e ll) " tar r.dl «nd 11\.\11\ f'~\,dlljt",, "mllll': thl':n, Ynlll~ T. ~""..a. hlilld Bil>'e \\-";}J;1n. ~il( 11;1"!olain \mler h, 'lll\('r f'f the :-';pirit :dmo", llc!ii,ltdl' "'h" r;ult tl,hl' alt;lr.(11(1 ;1111'1' praylll~ a... rloft tinh'... hl" \\<1",illl'" \ith the ~Jlinl ~hl' \";CW nthill~ lj tht ETl~li.. h 1.111/0: l,q(' hut t h~' \ ol~ :-';pirit.."un two(;11 tn "pe;lk through lin ill En~;;sh and th, tir~t lord.. hl' ~Jlukt' wa... ""'n R:' f 1'1 \\'hil t, prostrat~ on the' noor till' :-;P'O of Cod :'>110kl' thi... \ord tlllllu;::1i hl'\' per haps a ~('or(' { till\t... Oth('r w"fll~ iul 10we(1 ill English.,nnong th('1\1 th t 11"01'01 " 111:-;." Tht' l til(' word "HF~T" and thl' 'cry t'xprl ".. i()11... u).(j.!{ "lt d n s:..\nll then t he \f}r,'" " F-\lJl F R." n.\l (~11 TFR" and " J F:'{':-; ' Clo<;l' h\' lt'r at till'.dtar \\;1-... untht r hlind "i" ~'r whn had 1l('('1l a da... -mat with hcr ~h,. \lflwd til her a\h1 1ll'L.'an to pr;\' thl'st' twl wllrd" in Elll{h"' F.L ER" Tlwll.dtrr thi",,11(' re Pl'at(',1 tl(' \ord.oy E"!-,ht',d",~ "peke in Frt"llch ;.:il'lll _' th.. Fn'lll'h \.n r h)r "nejo C :." \i", :-;\hllltl-. on(' " the mi.. "ionaril', pft'''{'ut, undl r~llo" Fn:nch. A few days later ;t ;j.trrylllg '1)('l'lil\l-: in 0111' honl('. this hlind... i,t( r \\"a~ lli;.eilt il~ Jlro~trated under the ptl w('r of (he ~p i rjl again a llli tli(' lol.\' Spirit 1)(''':'''' to ~ )(' ak through il'r in En~li_;h- -thi" time gi\'in;t " ( ' nl en('('~ in'l'ari of \\onl She.. tarteel hy sayi nl!. 'JTh(' Bihk. thl" Bihk'" Th(' n "he qng throuj,:h thl' ~'!lg, "Je~ll~ Loves Me. This 'Kno\\." in per f('ct l :n~li... h. ~he said :ll.{ain and al,{ain. " f;!0 thi~ way with tlwl'." and then with,-{rca t t'xprt~sion, "Bt',tHUl{. he.. troll;.! it won't he lon~_",\1 this time... 11(' <;llok(',)l~o :" Ma nrlarin. a lan~llal!e \\ ith whirl. ~ he was al<::o quite unfamiliar. "he "pokl" at SO'1(' l en~ t h and murh of what "h" "aid wa" unckr... tood by thf(t' ('\"anl{l'l is! a nd nne Chines(, Bihk "(lilian pft...( nt \\"a... a l'fl!)ll'tic ml""~a,'(',"ll1'(' r llinc tltt' A.ntichriq Thi~ rnanifc:.. tation of ht' Spirit ma(l... a g-reat impr('s~ion on solllr of tilt' nthl wnrk('r" and cau... ctl tlwln to "('{'k tilt' f1l 11 ness of h(' ~pirit in {'arm 't Blanl'ill!' AppJeh_v

Page- Ten THE PEKTECOSTAL EVAKGEL OUR MSSONS AND MSSONARES to' All. (,fftrlhl'l fnr Fh.rtlll'll M,u,,,,, nd hr tllp.!'u.e of oon.ju~'1'!l'e Mlsllonarr lxpartmtnl, thould hr...,,1 'r (l,ttk"i)rah, "',xl.rt {>r l'h8tal ~Qller Order. rradt "arable 10 J. Ho... til Flower, Trta.urcr. " \'>ut "aclnc S. ::;p"''''irfield, Mo" J. s.. A A MSSONARY REVVAL \1'1V (,j th t Tnl n>l,1'' 1>11 :h, 'wl,h' 1';lnll'~tlv 1\ in.' out " ;,,: '11 '1 nlil.:hty rn'iva!'. Thi,~ 1<;,'r ',ll"' H1";1 ',. 111).( t i~.1 1,0t'lt.ldr,1 n lhe ~"'LJ"iOl ' 1l1:l11.v "f "ur 111-,,111;\rr,["hklll '1:1 lim!'" \\t mi~"icll1ari,,;, pn'!;"'rl ) "' t'r intit " 01 ;dl!i, do 11"1 lil].;'.illl\" " pr'~' (.\,er "l1r.1",i1i1l11 ;lld,,'h 1,'., lurt s "f tht' \\011\. ')lll"n lil11 S 1,\ in.. h O l1, billt. in our.or.lnr ;1111\ :t. ~ i',r L. work,.1" 111>1 t,.k, liml' to,ril,\' 11H'1\l~h... illl ;1 \"i,'\\ (.1 ~t"ltil1l{ h. mine! oj 1111'.nrc!, '1'11("11, '''. ~,ripl1:!., llllq \l'll) 'o1lr "'adin;(!o d"t it mil{ht 11 ' ll' C"d's will, \ il-c'rn ",n"l'c;!t!'jl in l!l1l,lkil "hi',il'nrr " 'ht \\'"rd i:; ;,111 ' ~"l'lt!al. Thj.~ \\ill "nahl,' U" all tn think, tl ;,rh alld w"rk ill ;{",.llt{ hal 1111,n\ larllh'ly!"!"!u' (' 11~ ;\ 111111\ il "l.' ar{'onlt md m;ti,t'! ;j h-lcmshi p,11:1\ j... uhlillll'_ "\ hrokl'l1 and a lnlril. spirit. () '~pd, thoh \\ill!lot ek~pi". Ye~, "~ h" hrokrtl, l:{'itl'd and pliablt 111 1 lis lund, Thi~ will mould 11" ;wd make us ;d! ikl' Jiim.\ld wlle'll \\l' ht'l'oml' per tlt t!l pn st nl;lli\p,. 1'('rf"rl n tkd"rs aud 1"l'r"dutT ('hrisl in our ri\. ~, hl'\ wi ll "1' lim in 11~ rhi~ \il l nllrh ht, 11" tin.. 111';11.-\ p"~tor 1n('l' "ntrn'c! hi" 'ulpil. pirkl'll '''.1. papli \\hirh had h"'1l 1'1.41,,'<1 1111 hi.. (i.. k 11\' h,' l1h'mlicr.. of lls.. onkrr atilill [t ;t'ali as f,.]low" "Sir. \\,' WO\lld ",'t' 1to"1..., took.hl' hint _llld 1'\Tr tllt n."rd..!n'd,11111 pn iu'hl c! "Je'1"" " hi" rnlls..:n g;ltiull. S'"1(" month... lall'l hi' picked 11]1 a "i111ilar palll'r lying on till' :l))il d\'...:. hut thi.. lil~' it rt'ad, "Thl'l \\("fl' ht' pc()pk ),('Lul wht'n h{'~-!o:t\1 hl'.urd." \,,~ h"h". ~,.!l,n' Ul~. \t""r 'lrivn!}: "ilh",. '",t ':o'i.'"'''' in >"t, tlu!!,. ",,r~' '''rtf'...!.,r,in; \"tt i~ilh 111,,", ~avi,.lr. M"'t ~"">t " l i~ '.tt, \",,. J")' ll ".f', "i,'', Mu,e P1L"~"f '" 1""),l'r. \\'illi"m ~. Fau'!" ~ i~si01llr~' St'T('lary. TlE WORK AT BETTAH, NDA \i~s \lars..:arcll~ Flint al kttiah. n elia writes to Brother Faux as follows' "Y nil will bc glad 10 know that the hrirk... ynu saw piled about on,'"tt\' hand han' -:.rone into the lueh m'('dcd t('a('\l 'r,,' '1Flrt('rs. and \\"i... h \')U lli-{ht ",'e thl' pn'll\" iqll' f'\'l'-n"lol1 hrick >lilll '111{ wilh the long \'('randa dow11 the iron\. Th l 11(")(1... { p al(lll!{ H' huilding- line 11111"1 h' a low hrick ft'llrc around the hmk (f he ('lit ire propt'rty, as the Hindu nlt'n in tilt' \"illj.:t' behind s("('m drtermin ('i to gct us illto a quarrel, hey ha\'c!l('.1l'n nur hl1rra l ot,~ al ni~ht, ha\'c come 111,lel torn down t he inlit tr('c<:. have cut ~r'. ;11 hoit'. in tht, hack lint.' of our land 1111fkr thl" pn tt 1 \...,it:ging ',!,kl '" ;l!lri n rn "ur pn';lrlh'l n' ht';,c).!in~ 111l' 1<, n'po)'t h"1l and takl' il inln h,' 01111'1. hlll 1t;1\'\' wid hl'lll.'an do nlllhing lll1lil Wt' ).;l'l thl, )lfl'pl'll\' \\aliid in at!'ordino{ " lic "0111:.. 1"\ ~\,.!o.ilo!lt " 1\10011 -,..(. lol..:111 il ''ll" 1,ll l gra<;!> 11'lh\'" in th{' bat ].; art' abo ill,\ sad ~];,t', 'llt' loa.. falltl1 ill tlltir. \" and tht: Chr:~liall" hal" 111('1'1" an ill q;litt,.1 ~\;lt, hnt \\{' ;trl' tcllillil thelll tn hi' p.llil'llt alld lr; "n, :11 linll' Cod will j.{in thl'lll " hollw.. " li\'" in \ill ht so g-jaej \\hl.:1\ \\1' r;.11 rio ;twin' wilh th, ;ut -tr;h>; hut (011 1111' plht, there has hl'l'l lllrh.ll),:, r irtol1l.. n:lkl '" this rain\" ~t.'a"o. J.. thi.. l()rn inj.! an ulllblially li!;,'' kr;till' \\a~ kilk.t in h,. lillie :.o:ra~.~ hu ill th,. Boarding, whert' til{' fourth ("];,,,.. 1l1','''' hi" \Tar. The serpt:'nt i" hl' 1"""1 li.h, ill 1;11ia, ;tnd \\a~ (lin'.tl\" \llldt"f 11ll' hl'nch, with ill a ft..\" indll'~ "f tht 1)1'11\\11 b:trt' t!.:, r,f (,"r,,1'111101 gil]..,! (;lld i~,~olld. \\'l' an' 1{1"("atJ.\' 'n, ollra),('l.1.. in't,.:t'ltin\i; 11ll" '1';lrlll,.,' llnrtl'r" hllill, tl' ('\'l'l llt'gin hat wtork "1'('l1l1',j M' impos"ihk, and h('re :t i'l fi,li... ht'r! and :tlm''''1 W'lhird" p"id fnr. ;tlll'lliah~ \\"11\11 "' flll11t' hark 10 \ i.;il h al!;t111 1'0(1 \1 ill find man,l dli1l1gl'~ h....'.. CONDTlONS N CHNA Pr<H:l'l,. ;ln""11 \\"il\''': " 'la\' ~.\h' that tht' ~llkl1t ~()\'(' n1{'111 i<; d(\inj,( a ll ;1,';111 n qart hill!.!" j.!oil1s..: in 'l'kin ;.t' latd\'. The Chim''', ('m "m','rl in h(' Briti"h 1.( {;ttiotl....otjlc 2(10 ill TlllmlH r, ha\"(' "rlll k a nd thc ~tu.cnl" han' im'it,'r all tht; Sl'r\"ant~ \\'orkin),.; f"r forri~,wf" ill Pl'king to!;trike. ()11(, lc'{'r h10\\.. \hat <l (ill' 111'\\' hrins..: forth. so \\t' :,r(' look ill!.! ; (in{i 'l'lh' 111:... '''1'!Ochoal" ha\'t' 11M OP(,l1cd thcir fall ('rm~ Yt'l. The Chille~(' l'dul'alioll ;di".~ "{'("111 ~p hiul'r a~aill"'l llli~si()l1arics all(1 1lli,,~iol1 ~('h(l(ll~ thai trouhle ma,\' "tart in C;tna'''' afh'r llt' hoard \1i~~ioll," npc'1 th!'ir,,('hnol~ l "n\('~s a ~cttlcmelll i, madl' il lo(">k~ <l" thllw<ll tilt ':'lgli"h lwnplc in China \1,11 ha '(' a h;,r(! i ll" pf it." " SHOWE R Broth\'r Alva r \\'alkn \\Tilc.. from the Congo Relt:'(': "\\'e would like to!'ound a note of prai~1' to our faithful Lord for thc ~how 'r we received la..., Sunda\" at the mornillt:' scrvicc. l.ast Sunday' morning aftcr thc mcs~age an altar call w.1.~ mack, n "lead of them coming up to have ~omc OlC pray f(lr hcm, t hc natil'cs wcre told to all kn('el down around hc altar and pra) f(lr tht'm"elyc<;, To each onc was ~i\'cn th(' ach'ire!(l pray throl1~h and to not he afraid hut call \011(11) This i~ 111(. fir" t lilllc th.. 1 thc\' ('''l'r prayed 111 " ~ lu rt, 1\, 10 nne Ullt: n( (nly ho"(' <,h'.itilr, ],111 h, '.\ t,lc' t'n:!1 \\a~ c;dlillk 1!11 ';,,1 \\1\h ;1 lou \' ll' 1 11"lin'd hat ~ "'(' oi t1 ~" hat "e t lc rle{'!)( ~t H "in,n'h', llil he 1(Jlldt'~1 tlld al!;"") 1(' r "(r'. nip. n', h, \\'t' \\oujd ltol...:1\ huw 1l;111\, [''''rh c ri thl'.\la"ll r,t lh;tt' lillh', hut hay' t ('(' <t ch~l1l{e in 'lui\(' l1nl.. oi 111\"111 "inl'{' ht!) \\"l' hal'e had \(.. li111111), l'.'{' illjh two )r thl"1'l' tillll'" "i1ln'.111'11 alh~ ""1111' h:l\t' "ai.1 lhat till' >;lrt'nlo("lh of \~od 111.~ rnmc into their li\"("~. \\'r fl''1 h;.1 this i" h( 11';.!inllill~ ['rai"'' ~od.,lul al"o rt'alizl' that tlh many pral'~'rs "i Cl(fs ""illt... art h011lh tn {' an"wl'rel! :\ flow flf ht.: l1aliq'" had slan 1 at home tl1:11 lprninl,;, but whcn h,'\' h(,ard tltc O;S(' hl'> 1';Ulle rul"lninl.( n' tht dmr.. h ;1lr! w('r{' ","0/1 l"tllil1~ "n (;01\ with lilt' n:"'t "j tht 111. \Yii(' and [ hoth.. aid :liter tha il \\"a" th,' 1110.. 1 pn dou... tim, W(' h:11 l :,,;jlerit nf.. d "inn' \\1 dl hl' holl' Lind," TH E PENTECOSTAL WORK N TilE BELGAN CONGO The P :\f l h:1\ c <;.!;ll1 "ttl n,.1 " tlwir \fricall work. S]'oul,1 we <ll''l'\h thi" it wil] itl\'olve U~ ill it f<ll'thl'r j.:hl to 1('11 thol1~,'r\ doll;{r" it Y'ar. Our (11\ 11 work i".l,'towil1g hy ka]l~ anrl hound" al1'\ we feel hl' nced for a mon efiit'll'n' homt rcpre"cllllli('11. t \\ ill aho 11:",, h.1.t shortly, ) \ \t... h,dl La\'!',,(::11<' where ;lroll11,] forty while "nrl"'r" "nd 1101 less han lilt' hu!1(lret\.nt! fifty nat;\" l1li... ~i()llari(,. \1 1111' pn'~l'nl Wi' han' hr('e Hihl l training {'O\1r",'~. ar.' p1lltinf.,: thc W)"pei in 1111t tos.. han ';'10 1\111' ;111(\ \'i l la~t'" ('\"('n-!la\'; hal'{ \,,"(,11 0\'(': 100 day ~dlonls ;;nr1 end i~ fldillg ],nl1-!red... of c"nn"rt~ 1';lfh \\"t'd, ~y 0\\"11 "pirit Warth llt',i '11 11 t1\di11'.':- (,(,isi" in litc mi,... iol1 t,~,, t'n k<,~ 1"('l1tC("ost :1" a l\h"(' ~l' " 1 1,)\\-,; on it, klll'c~ W(' "hall <" :, l1<"op\.' l'l"~~' 1':,\,(, PO\(", wilh Cod ;,wl m;1 \\ c' :,rt in danger.. i {lr,::-an izing til.' lnl.\"... ~iri' OUt nf the {'hurrh of JC~\1" ehri", Thl'r(' i~, as you pr,.,h;th l~ an' awarr. al h,. pr!:'''cllt lillll' ;1 H('1l1Cnrlotl" ol1~;{\1l.!'hl ht, ills..: made by tilt' power" of.,\"il al!ain~t 1!1(' mi... sionaric... All hllll" of hodil\" af flirtioll~ arc wing Pili UPO H'111 \1:" 111 ;a {'n1l\'l'ntion n:tl.'lllh- with a llh ~ion<lry jll"j hollle from China, ~he i" pr:l('_ ti<"<lh- hlind and (leaf,,~ "mo"t n.., hope' in God for h\'r 0\111 heali11,!. 11(' (";lust' of.. illlilar ("a"c~ to her 0\\"11 not heine he:1icrl in China Two siq('l"s 100. irom thc!'anl{' ficld, ha\'c bolh )(,t'n un fitted for work hrml).:-h c1t'1"ili<.h atla( ks. A(!:"in there is in all ((lulltrie" a gro\\ ing natif"lnal "piril \\ hidl \\ ill rvt'nlt1all~' ou... t all iorri.l!"lll'r" from p()<;itioll~ of ap par('nt ;;ut1iorit\ COl"crntncll\<;; :tn' h' Cot~ljt1g llorc difjindt f" (1(";11 wit ami 'hcir dem<'lll<: l"ill ""on hc... u('11 as n mol",> il tmpl)s~ihl" tn.-arr.'" 011 an cvangelisli(" ~ou\ sa\"inj.{ work. n Afri,'a and other countries the Europcan powcr<; a'-(' bus\' r;dnil1~~ and t'fjuippill" (,,,1- o~!'al ;> r mie~ for the next war. Ci\ iliz at ion ~o-cal1('c1 is rapid ly ~upp l anlin~ Chri.. tianitr and our mol1wnl of opportunit\ is now. 1 0t for thc \milcling up of inqill1lional work hu of c"tahlishing'!lali\'r churcht'~ nf Gocl. self'sl1rporlin~ and '"('f-prop''r7ltim.'.lame" ~altl'r

THE PF~TECOST:'l. E\',\:\"C,l. AMONG T HE NCA N DANS N THE HGH ANDES i 'itr. il ",r:,'k 01 'P },n ~ H'\lTlu'l! ir"ll hoo uk t ip 'ilk tl. }1(hal;" in tilt.. ~" ""lnt.. 111 v, i\"l1. O\'{'r ltlo lli\l... "i. lls "as ~"ll' (.n 100.t cro~... lg m;jll) lin'!,.,:'l,r;.:{ s ~nd lig-h ridg('... up to ilion' th;l11 13,H()O icet ahl)\ ~ca k\"l' \\~. \"i~lh'd duo ~r;l\l.i rvtlh.'t Li-:hwl'r, wh",\<t~ iaithful ltl} 11\-;;111 ;,holill)' ;111101/-: th\!.l l1atin:... alll1 took with 11'" olle oi hi... {'Uln-crt:- \\hn 111.1,lt: a n'y Houd il1ll'rprc\'r and \\1\ llc":- jl'f Chfl:-. Th~':-l' H" or (jlll'chua l1di;tn... aft' ll'arl'iu) highlarhkr... who Lli...(, \\)w,lt ;lltd polal()~... Oil ht,... ltl'l' lloulltain... illt... ;11111 art' ll'tliers oi... ht l \,. ajp;h'a~ and 11.1111:1... Tilt ) han' t'(,1 dom inatt'd hy Hellllan Catholic pr;l... t-. ior j.;t:ll eratiotl"i, hut they fl,tt'in:ll \'" wdl all in manv plans lish'lt'1! wilh ;nt.'tl>t \0 our nj(:~~agt'. \\'\, ~hlj\\'l d thnn tht, \ \ il~ of,rillk and dw\\ ink ('lira kil\'!"';' 11:-0111 ""'hidl cocaine is llillkl. and 11h"11 \oll! them of thc rruritit'd aud "i"t n :-';,, i"lr who f01111ands ;dl 111\'11 t'\'l'nwhl'rl' to r{'pc:nt and hl'i;.'h' <>11 l im ior rellli~siotl of sill~.,ml! w ho i~ :-(,011 ctlminl.:" hm'k 10 hi~ carth ' take h{j~e \\110 ()\"(: Him )orally wanted u... 10 pray (}r tllt'lll,old han us ru do\\ n tlwir n<111(... as de:-ilin/l n n-p('rlt (Jf th\,;1' sin.;, and quit ilwi,. drinking, de. n 011l' plan' th('~ opc!l(,d up a brgl' Calholir Church and had " ~illg and preach i11 il. n ~(ltl1\' p1arc~ Wf,ll! h t hl 1ll 10... ing ';'{)Jl{' ~i!l1pk {'horlise" in Spalli~h a nd olle in tilt indian la 1 /.:lla:!c No\\' \\{' kno\\ hat afh'r Ollr (il-partllr(' l'!"!t'\l\s wolve" will cntt'r in among thc-c: slmpll' ill UPt' a nd fill lll'ir mim... with... lahh'r.g:lill~1 ll~,lul our C;'h n ).(, rylllj,! tn... nalch away till' s\'l',1 th'lt ha<; hl'cn... OW!! in,!h ir H'art~. \\...: al.;,o {OUl "llj~c who 'had bl''1l 10 \,illal.:"l' "chon)". and k11l'\1 Jonw to n M!. and \\i:1 'lh'm wc dl C()~H'~ or :\".'W Tl... tanh'l1t~ :-'U \\ ii ' (1 1110-1 ",ut '" foull h.,. on U' pl..,. hn had hccl. bu " ( ;,. (,',tl1t:,"c!'ool!!'o. Cll ~, lail. ') m '" "' uul.oj,, 0.:0111 nne 10 p,j, h ".. hall find innl "~l'n durr. '\'rt' 1 ttle 1,1l'r j, "' " (:'1; r'l'rt,,, 1l"11, l'\\ lat 011 (,11\(."\\ )~'~\' '" hat!\ooutl":, nlr 'l n:), ( )1t 1~l \\ 1... 11."'t d~ llll,v 1.nHr!~d " Cllri!>: n 11'.. t pht ('1 t! rip Hili \\h"1\ \,t' n'llll!ll'd tl' \ S \ il1;",,:, ;. llonth!al~r (.n {illf \\";\\' hl'l' "und his hll' h:11!j('{ n rh;:ng;'d r"llpll"ld~, ;tllli a..., rl'--uit hi.. \\ii" a11(1 HJ\.nd :1 brullwr, ill-];(\\ al"l> "':H' th,':!' la-an.. to {~,d. ldl1dujah l "T,.\ t;od unto tho t hl'lil'ht L hi" (',"... 1'\ \ i... till thl' "'\\ d\.!11111 " 'U \ "H' \\. l'rdgill THE WORK N SOUTH CHNA \1;..:- C'L!"" ' \n k! "' Writ, im : ~,, ". '1111,.. illl'.;"n :-'''11' h Chin" '" "Truly wc (" ttl.. ay '"n" OT rl"fur and.. tr{"l,.:-th.,~ \.'r~ ')rcs('ll ll'll' in 'flu hl{', Yon. 11" lou},t. are kl'pt \\dl in fo'll('d oj tl'~' ph' nl rfluhk... h.lt h.\\ {' il1\ "H'd lis :ild 'm work dill ill:: thl'''t' 1.',t i~\\ wrd,..,,\\;n~ ' till' \.nlitll", COil di'i"l1~ ;nd upd, :lg...,1g!lin"l,til lut, il!l1 ~'r$..\... a 11i~"ioll<lry h')lly. \h' in'l thi~ i" a /.:rt'at trial, wc! lilt' J.!\"';{'",,i t'...... tha lt han' ' H"f Xl'l"fil llr'. f nhidl ll' 0111.' kn()ws whal the n :d 1\11{'1l111C \\i1\ be. 101\l'\TT, \\{'. 10 1.110\\ h;,! "111'11 h l ;..:n'al,'s\ h!t'~~in~~ are horn ottt pi til! (1-{'P[''''1 trials, and. ii t hl pn'~ l\ nr {'Ul1~talln " l'al1 work fill g""t!.. hrin)! a rl'ai R E\ \' A. Olr hdo\!:(! :-:('ull1 Chitl;! tid,l. wllkh 1'l':1~ 1l1 1l'!" ha~ h;l< it mij.l!j rl'\"i\'al ;uh tllrninl:' f) Co,l. ('lf 1H';:rt~ \~,Otdd fl'd~atisti\"ll. l'nllh' or g/l, \\hat will or ma.\', ju"1 1:':11 ~!1\11" n1:l~ find trm' ~ahilli(\n hy bdinil1l:' ill h\' ol1 l ~ namc...:-ih'11 \\h,'r{'\)y 111111 may hr..;j\ l'd '\:0\ hy tli"'!;t nor hy 1'0\\t'', bu 11\ ~.\ Spin\.,.;lh!ll'.,rd n the sn o w o n a fa irly le ve l stre t ch a b ou t 13,000 feet above sea lcycl ' n Peru, 1"~1" :,,) w[' mph- "ra\' lilt! lq Cod in H'5 a!' \\,dl)m, 11 (' \, 111", "an lccompl;.j1 :s 0\\ il J;:: Win anti PUt p (' <e.1l{ \- glon to 111;1 :\".lnle :,-i,1t"f :-'\l~, as ill'latc- 1 \\ itll, " 11 un ~'. J_ ll' n ",. \\ t drt' ", a,nllqulh l' h,~. l, h, > " " pray.. on wlrall ; tju(,.. t{'t\ f, ( 1111 '" 'll'!,1 'li,.111 1 h 'n sull. r 11110; ;.",,m.l," " luu1-1o,'h.:.. 111 \'1 h " 1 tin '",f, DSTRBUTON or AUGUST,!tu, M S.<;ONARY - UNDS n.. "j ""~"' w tc' r h 1 \, n al't ' "",. 1.. 1. rl>:~ ''" n.\llloi"l~'"... ~ 'r_,9j~ ~,..\ hr " n.. ur J. "r Wr t<"'''yc''\ $'1';, J..,thrll", ),.. ".111 \l!c! t hh }.. r... rrn't~.. d ~,Lf" <l1.""u".1.,n ) c nu 'Y 1 1\ r '.th aljoj.. mr hm,:, "(',.. a~.,1 1(' f 'f l:ll~!l.,u J.\u'!l :1.1,..".lr. '11 " ll',n nt>f" ~ tic rh.. dnlk,.. d ort. C.11 llol"!,., 'prr ".. nl. th.. k / ' nlt Lo,.,l" OL \(' /.., " \1,,,,.\: n " Conao a "lar Firld ml.\11<.. n\.. \1;~~ "o1.y '.''' ~r w, 0\ t:,!,!t~"',,.. rk -.\051 U P' "". furl "Kh ::aypli... " y,('ld, '''. ThuM". " Frt'neh Sudan Firld -.\11v... n, r~,, li'l S \jj",,~ -;r furl, lloi"b '1.1,, 11(' 11, ' r", h t Tra' sj' " Ll,. tir Li~ri", and Sif'''''. ~n.. rttld. \ ~'''' t, to "\i,.tlle rur 1110 "i"'i"" l.l.". ~.t '.tti, ".tk, Soolh Afdt.,,, Field T,.,msva,,\ \\J,'W,L' n",f u".",r.... \11'~" '1 '1.,1, ' ~'\." \:;0."'" ",'~.. r r"~1 d"lil ct, \f Nonh Chi"" Fil.'ld.\11 ''''... " f'" \1i'H n,ir.. uri u~ 'h~,i.,,, 1:01, t~' ''\.,1;'.. ",.tk, H';J,\;'K Pckil '1. t\~ " h,... '\,' th ( ht1.. ~, r' n~1 ra';, ~,, South China Flt-d \11".. :\\ r " " f',. \1;,no " 'i-- 1.<1 t (' ",il;"" ".,~... 's 'ld, ", 11 <l W eal".n Chn" and Tibet.t l \!""", \1 '~,,,,", ' " u, \11 1.. \1, ".'1;'" ",.r',t' ''''".t' \11.,,,.. South... nl Chin'", r',j,.14' Yunnan P rovo \1"i.,,,,1:1i... p 'n~~ ~n lral Chi",. - M ls«,l1"n('ous.\jl"""lllt',.f "'''- ',,,,n, "'''1'''' \11(., "" iud"nolh \hph.lll \i' loi"l~' 'Build",!! ( "uch,... fu Tnt,,1 <li,tl ill""'" \"r {".. " Newlh,,,di,. Feld \l1""'.""l',j lul<;, ""ru \i"", ri~.. "t\. nj.(1t \\is,i"",t. li"1\ ''<\,'''''''~ ":-;,, 1;",... "rk.. n Hlil'i,,~ O () ll~'.t',,,, :\ a""h;{~,j OJj.h,,,,,,,,..1 "i,.", '\.,,,a\'c,llj 1.<:><:rs f; irl~ ill,. 1.,, 1 al f.'n;"h "\:Jo:.~.\sl" " Hahy ( ht[''~n '\llr'u~' \:'.nl. f.,.t, ~ r:..,r",,1 " 'k Soulh ndill Firld.\1"",l"'('~ ',i n"',, ". 'r \i i~si,."ari~,.t, lurl""loi"h ':-:.11"..,,",ltk.. r 'l'"t",,1,~j,jt', T.. tal.h~lril'u' 1 ',r 1,,i., Jllpan Field."11<,,, '''''.. ~,,/ mi',i, ",,,<i(' ' 1i~~i. "..n,.,. ""1>('11';('.:-;..""... ".tl;~n Hu;o;,,~~ 'alnthl" and Syria Firld.,\ll"";Oln " 'ni"i",,:\tlt"~ (Continued "n!'''f'' F"Ul'lnlf).,., SC.'..,. "' ~ " ~, ~." U".~ "'," ~J~).' fit, ", S1, '7 1O.~j ''''''' 985.'_) 6),1 '19.1" :'O.H 1')1 ' " 116:1.70 ~f "1 q llo ",a., x_,,~, ~n"1 " U ~m " '''' '" 1. Sf. ) 11.\.1.) 15~ ':' 110.flO.1.00 200'" S ~~H.~ 1!V.~.1."J/ ~ : l\i1,!5 M.5Q 4'.701 /.!.1"'W1 "" t,. ~, 1<,no Ur.o 1"."(J 1,5.. " 70,1 1, ~;.r., al.flo $ ~\ l.fw 41llr., ;!.'l,1l0!.uo >om 13J.("(l

Pure Twelve T if F. PENTECOSTAL r:\'.,.,,"cf THE WORK AND WORKERS DAREN, MO,. DENT CO-b',111 J.:'li~1 ' J /'Mri \\irtl'~, '\\'t' hah' J1.. t rlo~td i twe,,\\t'! 1.; l'ltinj.{ wrt', X twin)! ;1\1',1 in thl olel j.l~hl"hr \,l}, l.ark' rnwd atlt ntlctl t' eeh,rv H A N ES CTY. FLA!lrotlwr.. S \!ilkr,jlll will- rqll.rt. "\\"t' hah JU'.'o.. cd a UJ(,'liu), in whirh ll(' Lurd '~()l fit-dully 1>1\",,1, ' hirl('('n W'rl' ~an'd ami 5 n'n'inc! th l, loj)' (;ho'l anrl wn'ral wen' h('all'll hy hc' Lord:' TULL. TEXAS.- Si~tl r Elhd ~{1... i(k wrjte~ "Ju!.t do~t,,, a 11lrding at Tull, Tc-xa'l. The wholt- touulry i~ stirrecl; a lumhl'r wer('.. an,:,!. rcyiv('d, :nd rtclaim ('d. Fif!r{'1\ wt'rt filled with the H oly Spirit arlll fire, l.1 haplizcd in \\<lter. P entcro"t hit'! ("orne to Tun 10!' la\' till Jl'~S rome'!, 11 is a H'W fu::ld 'r;;y tha hl' work may continu(' H.'n' " SHRO, TEXAS.-S"(cr )'{i nzl' writc ~, " This n('w field W:lS wonrlerfu1iy hle,,!owe! Dya 6 w('ek mecting, rf>ndnrtcrl hy E""n ~('li~1 R. F, Bakcr, Sisler \\'hitl' ami n th l'f!i of 1)."1;1";, Tr xa.., ilrother Baker'" n H'!'~agt"~ W('Tr hikhly in "' l)jrill~ ~llldl pr(" c ioll ~ "eed \la" sown in Jl;ood ).:rml1h! \bout 12 werc ~a \ '( 1. 4 filled with th('!,pirit and 6 baptilcti in waitt RUSSELLVLLE, ARK. t'a~tor p F Rams('y writc ~. "just clo!ied a t\\,(1- w"~k llrelinj.{ at Liherty (iro\"(' with Sio; t('r 111(leS Ol of Acto na.10; e\"an.teli"t. God h!es"cci her in "iving (jilt the \Von!. Twentr were!':aved, 8 rcceiv('(! thc Bap, li"m in h(' H o ly Silirit. and Daptiztc\ in ",at('r. The saint" ('el greatl\" ('11 - coura ge(\ to pre~!i lhe haltlc for Gor!" AKRON. OHO. - Brother Alhert ('1011"(' rcports. "\\'e have jll~t do~l"(1 a r('\!'iva l Gnrc C. Thom~on W;~ the evan "{eo,,1. The Lord u!':n hcr ill a... perial way to ellcoura'l"e th(' qints to ~! ct into th(' fiecp('r li f(', and!':h(' hrolll.:ht wonder ful tle~sare~ con("erning th(' prepar;1.tion for the Rapture Tnll)' the 1.onl is usilll.{ Oil" si~ler these d:\\'s Whel1 there is surh a letting d own." BGFLAT, ARK. Pastor R()\ Can :lcly report... "T \\ ;1.11t to praise the Lord for th(' W;1.V H e hle!'se<\ in nur ra l1 m m('etin.r. The Lonl wonderfull\' hl(,,,,o;crl B,other aile! Si~ter H. F. ami Dollie A Siml11~ in givin~ OU hc,von l. Thirt(,("'1 sav('d. 18 receh'ed th (' H oh' Gho!' t. 10 h.-pli:re(1 i. water. 17 adder! to nur a... ~emhlv :lllci the rount" ~tirrf'd fnr mile" around. also ~ome wnn krful hcalin..." One woman th;1.1 halln't walker! for <) l'onth.:: w a<; hrou l.!h t to rhurdl and when prayed for walked throll~h hc arhor :111(\ has ht'cn l... inc('. r ('.Ui hearti\\' rcrolllm('le! Rrnther and Sister ~i1l1~ (n all\, 0111.' in need of help." PARKN. ARK. h"n~di"t {.) \ llul\ write.,.. \\.~, hoi\"(' mon'c\ tl l';trkll1. \rk and we are in a tim' r('\ \ ;1 hi r{' with Brother and ~i... ter :\lonlj:onh.:r~ \\jth tht'ir gu~pcl tl'll. Thi~ j., a nn\ held and the people ilrl' hungr\" ;lnd tnl.,rd i~ sut("ly blessing" Brotl1('"r and Si~\('r \onl gomcry in giving out th( \\'ord 'r,,," for u~' CAMPBELL, MO.-J';:-,tor R.. ;\ \\'ork r("ports, " Wil1lt to ~tnd in the report of our re, i\'al v.hirh E\"an~di... t H. T Owens condl1rlt'c\ for J W( ('k-. Fifty wcre savl'd and rt:c1ainh'd, 5 rc ceivec\ the h l ej;~cd i nly Spirit al.'rr,nling to Acts 2:4, 18 \\cre baptit:ed in watl'r. al!io about 14 namc.. were added to the chur("h rccord. Pray for us \\'" hc li(\'e Cod alll,wers," TEXARKANA, ARK.- Pa ~tol C \1. Carraway r('port~, "J1~t d osed a mceting at \Villiams ~ \\ itc h A%emhly near lo11~ Springs, Ark, The!,onl blessed in a wonc\('rful ",,,y. Three came throul{h \0 th e B a pti ~m o f the floly Spirit,11111 12 follower! h(' Lord in watt'r hapti~rn. TCl thl' Lord he all the glory! \V" will lex l holding a me('t ing at he Y near Carthagc, Ark: ' NEW CASTLE TEXAS,-E\'angdist C. R, Hammond wrill's, "The Lord used Brotllt'r j. \V ~1 ("C l c l1:11 of 11 011"lnl1, Texas in : mighty way in gi\'in~ OU th( \\'orcl in our Aue.."~1 111Cl:lill).:. Threc soul s were S:lvl'd, 4 rl c1ainwd ;\(\ onc Daplized accorclin;::- to Acb 2:4 i ha\'(~ rc!'ir:plcd the pa storate at X"ewca"tle and am l OW o n the c\'ang('listic fie ld. am at present in a meeling' a t Duff Pr;liri.: and the Lon! is hle s~iug, Ally Oil(' in need of llv help call \\ ril e nh' ilt SCl1th Rcnd, Texa..." NOXAPATER. MSS, "We wnductf'<i a three-w('ck lleeting al Yazoo Cily. ~is'i. which hekan June 21 and colltinl1- ('d for J \\eek~. (',nd hll'ssed our efforts by sa vi ng mort' han 20 anc! haptil.inf! o.;c\"cra i wit h the n oh' (iho~t. 31H we hapti7ed 22 in water \Ve ~ct the as~em lh- in order with 17 nh'mbers enrolled. and therc arc olhl'r... to follow. \\'c conducted a tent llcetillg" hl're which bcgan J ul~' 10 :n ti continued for 3 weeks with Bmther D. P H ol,.wa), in ("harge. Sam!:' were!'aved and 1 received the loh Ghost. Rrothf'r las. O. Savell \\'a... with U" O\'('r two S1;{ian in ollr church 2~ mil l''>.. outh of hcre.' ~e\'eral we rc ~;l\'{'(!?o ne! 7... erc haptized in water. and fifteen llame~ \\'ere a(\fll'd to ollr a~5emhly roll. Brother Tlollowav is now conductin/l a meclin~ R miles' ea!'t of here in which ~nnl~ a,e beill{! ~a\'ed and recf'i\'in~ the Hoh Ght... t \\'e feel sur(' that a good work \\ill hc e~tabli.shed there." Pa!'tor \\" ).of Stevcn;;, POTOMAC DSTRCT CAMP MEETNG The fir... t annual ( 'lllp nll'l,tins" oj the 1'J'J11al. District uf tht.\... ( llblil:~ "f (~od. held, 1,,.!lr..,owu,.'1d., ('(,.,.'d.\u;.:u... t 24th. The attl'l1'lann; ~t) br ~ur pa"seri (Jur exp('rt,ltil'u:-' that v.c fouh! lur... ch-t s onkrin~ ltw COt" ('ac.h wl ck. H'\ irolll the very fir.. t meeting the tabcr_ nad" 11,. llt, ha\'ing' a 'l'ating j',!llal'!\) Hlle tbo\l~and, wa:-,!1ore than fillt'd, tnt rrowrh ill('rl.'a... illg.'arh \light Ullt;',,t nt' do~. ;, ~t:clh'r bat the aud'ell( t f1ut... irle 111(' tent (':«'('('(1<-1\ tha "('at, d ~ide, \1 t'~~:~t ~ were :':1\'\,.'\1 e<lrh ait"rnof'\, and ch'ning in thl' powcr oi tht"!"l'lri~ by Dr ~hrl'\"c, Tht tarryin;..:- tent, pitdwrl hoide (h l large tent, '1l1ickly lillccl e,.rh ni).:ht with tho~e... eeking Goo. \'{anl \\('rl' 10(.o~l'd from tll' honds of... in, :-'\;\'cral were delivcred from a deep rooted to hat' co and cif,!arette hahit. and the LNd... lretrht:; forth H i" han,1 to ht:al and bap li7(' in tl\(' 1oly Spirit. The Spirit mo:-,1 hlt's~edly desct'h!(,d o ll e night, when <1- mong thc receiving o ll e!'. two ~iste r s r{' turned to ht, l.ord and after i short inl('r\'al wct(' bo th bapli7!'d in the f- ol~ Spirit. ~('\'eral of our ti~hhoring hrelhr~n from the Ea~lt'rn Di ~trict visited us and W' cnjoyed their fellowship and a""i"l :111("t. '~ 'e w('rt' aha glad to have wllb \1... Brotlll'r Crowell, of the l ianrock ~ em orial ~('thodist Churrh o f l'hiladelphi;l \\ho :11dre~!'tc( 1 the camp at two Sunday morning!'en ices. The camp meeting at raclcd "i,i\()r~ fr01ll nearly all of til(' Ea:-,!ern Atl;1.ntic!-=.tate~, cluding MaitH ;illd Flori'la ),"issionarv adllres!':c..; were ).:i\ ell by ;\(r. alld Mr!'. GeorJ.{e M. Kell e\ of China, Br o th ~r Shocneick of Cent,,;1 Al1eriC:l. Si,tcr Bendicben of Africa, and othl'r~. anel a cash mis.. ionary ofterino:- 01 $517,(10 wa.. re("('i,"c!!. Thirt,\" obeyed lhe Lord ill haptism al a \ '('f\' impr('ssi\'c sc rl ice conducted in a nearh;' rihutar)" of the Potomac, all(' hrother rccci"ing- the Bapti~m of the Hoh' :-:"irit in ht' b;1.hismal \\att'r~ One nf the.. peeial ff'alur("s of this ramp lcdin L:' \\a~ he "Children'~ Camp Mc~t ing." rondur\( d h\ ~r and Mrs. Robert ~,Bei~t A.. pedal ttnt was providerl for the'e l'cet ino;;:'!'., 0111(1 when it was d~ ~tr()\'c at thl' end of he fi rsl week h\' a QO"1l. tht' interest in the childrell'~ work \\'a!' proven by a,"cry quick re$pon... f' to an appeal fo r ~ new tent, so that il \\'a!i p u rc h;1. ~ed and read" for 1 <;e; the follo\\"in~ Monday. There 'were two <en" kc~ daily, with an average attendance of 4~. increasing to 125 ami SO on Sunday'" \\' e f('el tha t a call1!) meeting would no he romplete without these children'~!ien i t' ('~. P C. OuDorg. S~ c r c tar) SAPULPA, OKLA.- F\':ln'!clist Ad,i;, Cunningham 'Hill'S. "uq r1o!'ed a four-weck revival lcar Kellyvil]t. Tell were J!loriol1!')' sa\'ed. :; r~cei\'er\ th(' H o ly Gho!'t <r("ordi n..:- to,a,rt~ 2:4. alld he sain'~ \\'ere refil1('c\ with tile Spirit and all ft,lt the om time power had rcturned, The Lord hlessl'rl in a wonderh,' way al the waters when a fe'" \"ere hurier! wilh Him in haptism.'

Septt'mbcr 26. 1925 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Page Thirtet'n SOUTHWEST VRGNA CAMP The Southwe~t Virginia camp llll'et nk{ hd(1 at tl{' Fair Cround, ']';lzf:\\l', Augu~t to 10. was vcry wul(krfully blest of GO to hundr~'d~ and t\loth:j!1b of people. The large..,t crowds atlcndt'd that have yet attended any pre\'iolh ~'amp meeting in thi" section of the country, Brother D, \\'. Kerr. our Bible tca~lll'r. "urdy taught h Cli Je~u" a" lit' is rt vea/cd ill the :-;cripturc<:, 1rollH'r Ouo LUl~forc\ om t'\'angeiisl and pi:\li~t \\,<1.. anointed wi1l1 grt'ill pnwer ill bolh preadlinc!; and 'pla~'in~, lirolher and :-;i:-.tcr Cco, M, Kelley, our 11i:-.~iollarit ~, with a vision and incs"a;,l'e of \'odd widc t \"'H1gl'1i,~ll. were enabled b\' the Lorrl to in('rea~e both our \'i~ion' and hur(lell i1~ to the nerd of the world of the Co~pl'i of Christ. No rt'('ord was made of thl' numher who "ought he LO'd and were ";'\'e<1. bapti7ec\ in the rlok Gho,.;t. ;lul lh'aled, but there were a goodl\" number.:\~ m,01y as eight or tc1 in 'a ~ing-lc ~er\"icc recei\'c(1 thc loh' Ghost :-"ore~ \H'rc prayed for at hoth day and night :-;crvin:~ for hcaling, B:u:'k:-;idcr$ \\erc re~tored. :\1d all the children of God were ~r('ath' ('dified in the \\'ord and <1octl"ill(' of lw Lord, A mi~~iollarv l'a:-.h al1(1 pkd!,{c offering" was taken up the l:ht day of the ramp meeting" which amol1l1lc(1 \0 $673.75. Thi~ wa" ollr fir"l CA'O t at making a lllcd ('c offeri ng- for mission", l'hollgh it i~ small yet "little is milch whcn God ie. in it." Wc expcct... uch orrcring-~ to increa.. c onc hundred per ccn t. and more. within the next few \'car!l. ii the vean. CO11C ('r(' the coming of the Lon!.' The sl1bsniption" on the camp meetino.!' for 1021) amounted to a littlc O\'cr $1.105,00 The total cost of tbe camp t11eding this y('ar wa~ <>110111 2.000,00. And thc cnd <:pirit \lalh'. financially and e\'ny way. ie, Hot vet, praie.e the Lord 1-\Vill;e T '\rilklp~. Chri<;t came not to condcmn the sinncr. but to condell1n.~in. c caml' \0 ~a\'e the e,i :mer ---- LLMO, MO,-Pastor H ar\'t'\ 1)1111n report... " wish to <:ound a note oj pra;"'e to God f.,r what he la,: (\O1C,nlll i~ 'still doing- for 1111110 and Fornfelt and \'icitlit~,. VYe were \'cry fortunale in ~ec11tin~ Pa~tor John F, Bryant a" tbe c\'an;{eliq, and hi<: rjaughter Jannett. allel -:-'ri"s Eath~'1 Blackard. The Lord h!c"~~cd the full go~p~1 me~~age a<: Brother Rn'<1n ~';\'(' fort h the \ ord with ~ig-ll" follow'in'=!:. Th(, rt"\,i\'al ('ampaign \Va" from Aug..5 10 2.1 Ol1e hundred and eig-hteen were ",,\,('[1 and q"ycr::ll were haptized with the H o l\' ~pirit a('cording- :0 Act s 2:4. A l\ll11ber \\'cr{' healed in an"wer to prayer Amoni;' the lumher wa~ a \\,om<\11 who wa<; l1nablc to sec \'en' wel1 After prayer \\a~ ollcrl"d in thl" name of ]esu" "he c-1aimcd w()nderful relief a nd came hack the next night :l.ld testi/ie(1 that "he could "rc hclw to thread a needle.!;cl!)1(>lhil1{{ that ~he ha~ been ullable to do for three ~'e;l.rs and i~ sli1\ gettin~ hett(>r. Thc mcelin{{ elo~(>d with a high tide, Twel1t\'-one... ere!'a\'c,l the lasl WO ni{!ht<; of the met'ting. Thirty-nillf" havc becn haptized in "';ller. ThirtY-l"i h! united with the church r.()rl i~ "til!!;a\'intr and haptizing with the H olr Spirit, also healing the "ick. lierctofon" we have wor~hippt t ill " tall ernac-1e at the Ot1t cc\~c of 1111110 hut th~' l.ord has hclpcd th 10 ~e('lre a lint' n'lltra' location in Fornidt for h(lth t()\\l~. and we arc buildin;.:- a ni('t 3f1x(,O huildin..c uf houow tiil" and ha\'c it T1::uly i'lt tlw roof and \\'l' hope 10 han" it up in tl1l' 1C... t few dav~, Pra\' jor U",.\1l\' of the Council brt,thr(.n p;;~~in~ thf<)\l).':~ wo\llll be welcome, Shall hc glad to have you stop oft and pa\' us a visit," FLNT. MCH.-Pa~tor llom.:r 'd ('r~on report~, "Recently \1<.: had a ~"ri('~ oi e\'al1geli~tit, m("('tin~" cnndurtnl by Rohert Bcnjamin. and Jo~hua :-;,lr11la.~. A::,<;.vrian evang-di"b horn and converter! in Per~ia, Fi\'c "ot1l~ \\ere ""\""1, 4 w... rt.. baplized in wan and many \HTl' ll'alel! of different kind~ nf di,;("a~e" ait~'r thl'\' were anointed :l1d pran"d for in the nam(" of thc Lord )1'511"," NELSON, MO,-Brother \\-. l-1. l.utgen writl's, "la,'c,iu"', clo~t."d Clur met'l ing- at th t pnslal ~chool ho1<:.: hrll",h ar hor. 20 l1lile~ northc;l~t of :-;{'c\alia. \10. There \\ ere 19 ~oul~ ~a\'ed. 7 haptizccl in water,s baptized ill the Hair Gho~1 and fire according- tn c\ct~ 2:4, for which \\,,' prai~l" the Lord. -:-'hlly were h,,"al('l\ of <;jckl1e... ~ and di,~e:1sc~. Thcn \'C tllo\ ("d oycr to ~e'<;on, \fo. An~' Ol1t",,'i~hin.r ol1r ~('T\'i('('s lla\' \\ lit<- lilt' at ~edalja. ).[0. 1118 E.,l1'd St," PORT LAVACA, TEXAS, Drol1Jt"r ':. -:-'1. Yeats \\rite~. "\\'e \\'cre fortt111att' in ;:!'("tting' Pa"tor C.,\. La~at(T of Fort Smith, Ark. for Ollr camp meeting JUllC S to Julr 5 which \\'a" 011(' of the hc~t rc\';\'a5 ever held in ~ollih Tt,;'l~, The intercst RTCW and it wa<; a g'rcal ~ig'hl to ~ee 40 in the altar secking- (io(1 ni,zht after t1i~hl. \\"hole fam;li("~ were <;a\'cd ami fillcd with ~he Ho!~' Cho~t. Laq'{' 1l1ltit\l{("~ gath("re(1 at he watcr two Sttnda\"" for the bapti~mal ~ct\'iccs, ''ll\" whole'town and c011lltn' around \\'a~ stirrecl for God and God i~ "ill ~;l.\'ing- and haplizin~ Just the oth("r night (iod hap lizcd.) in a home pra\'er llectill o.!'. Thc re\'i\'al i~ stil! in he hearts of 11is chi drcll. ''hc membership h:1." incrc:1.~cd lill tl(" chur('h i... heing enlar,ged." NEW CHURCH AT SHERBURN, MNN, EASTERN DSTRCT COUNCL. Pastor Edwin C :-;ik,,:-. wrih'~, "\\'c would hl" pleased, throu;..:h ll' n)lu11ln~ of the E\'alllotd to ~cnd iprth all""" 01 i'r~li:-.(' and thank"'l,,>l\'ing unl(l (;ud for i" grar iol~tle::~ in j..,tj'antiu,..,.. unit) U:-. otlt' {i h(' mo~t ",ucn'~~fl1l C:1mp 11lt"\:li1K~, ;loul<' \'\'cry lim:, thill it ha~ bet"n om f1ri\,j\e~c n tnj..)y in tht" Ea"t{'Tl l)i~tri!'t. \\'e an' ~!r(' thai il~ ~rt'at in1111'1<,'\' wil\ "Olllilltit" until Jl'~l1~ (,OlW'" ami ('ernil\' al"c \\ill n'\tal it" h"111" ;t'!~d puwer 111 hi" t'rritory. Furtb( r, wc dc:-ire ttl n,prc~~ uur t1ecpe~t gratitulie alld ~in,'erl' thank!; untn \.eh and,, Y.:T\ {lilt' wbo lo"k lart ill m.,king- the camp n1<'t'linl{ tht, ~il-:n;d :-UCCC"'!; ",hidl it \\:1... Tlt' unity. idln\\.,.hip and cooperation which pcrl11~ alt d C\'l'r~' pha"'e of the ('amp hit". from tht' mil.?;ht~, preachere. which eml lh'rlllittt'll to he with us. to tho~l' \\ho pladl.\' ~"r\'\'1 in the 1l.,~t nlt'nial po~iti(111~, wa~ hl'auti fill am in"piring to :dl Onl' n'markl'd th<ll the kitchen <ml dining rooll \\"rk~'r~ \\t're the hajlpil,~t ll'nplt' hc had ('H"r na't, and his W':l~ trill' oi al\ dq'l.1nmt'cli".," KENNETT, MO. Si~t("r \tiunit, RrO\\'11 reports. " \\'i~h to... l ml :t nntl' of prai~c to the Lord for tht' wa\' lit has blcssed in a 2-wt'ck lll,(.. tinl.?; just c!o~ed ~~'Plcll1her 6, 1 \\,,"l1t ahpl 4 milt,,,... 0llthw6t of :\<lllil;\,.\rk, \\lwrl' P'nk co~t had not b('t'll prc:t('h("d, Durin!.! lu' Z week" there \H'rt" 16 ~<\'t"(1 and 17 H' cei\'t"d thl' Bapti.. m of thl' :-;piril a~ in Act~ 2:4, Orl.c of tho"t, who n"ct'i\'crl tht Ho\- (',ho~t \\'a~ a Hapti... t prea('ht r. le... aid' he h;1(1 not hl't"l1,~a\'l"d until 11(' C,1U' 10 Ollr llecting. He al~o hn'\\' his \l11;!r ('0 away with "nnw (i the rt'st nf till" mel1, conf~~~ino.!' the\ \\trt" lil'll1;.( a \(,W liil' now. Brother J Z. Oli\e~ the pa~lor at KClll1ctt, \fo, \\'a~ with 11:- tlh la~t <la,\' of thc lll'eting ami haptiztd 11 in water. The Lord hh'<;'-;ed th( day'~ "en'i('e... and we closed ll(' nh \,tin:~ thill night with the wholt" (,ountry ).!iving Pl'11 teco~1 a hearty \\'{'kotj1l'," SPRNCFELD, MASS, -.-\nnual Fa11 ('ollwntion, S('pt 2~-27. Special "'peak ( r.. expl ('t('(1. Chllrch located corn('r Springfil"ld and,\ nnory Street<;. - 11. T, {'arpt'nt('r, pa~tor. WiLLARD H, POPE, PASTOR

TilE PEKTECOSTJ_L EVANGEL CU CACO CAMPA GN POSTPONED. ',,~t, r.\ ' ',H.-. t r, "Lved w(,rol t!>u ",r.'- t, t ".,.' 1,,1 b.ol[in h (), '... bllt... 11 come.11.-,.\l)uu' "'mtllt,,l! ai>vt',lf ",, nol>:l,gn." WALLACE, NE8R, \leell!'l1~ will commenu n tilt ", nlllrll"''''''''] ("hurch, Srptemht-r 15. lasting n 0..1")''-1,; ~,'.( '''''Mt< i l,r ~'rd le.,~. Pray f"r til" "'... link. ";""")(<'li,,, \V. O. and Ella Thun,.."tr' alltl.,.."tkerl. Any tnuncil mi"i~tl'r p. ~U1J( tl.i~ WilY i. \'if!, vll,e. SOUTH EASTERN DSTRCT CAMP MEET. NC lit 1"lh.",.'\1.\., <X. n 13. Ml'al. and Ul1pinll' "rra!ljo/!'rn~rh' on gt"uml,. All o:p<:nlu t.,k.<"11 ""f' "f )'Y frrl'w.j "ffl'rlns: "lln. 1':V31ll.. h~",\ 1\ '\U,..,,,d d"uihter Zelma w,l bc' i... hm", (,,«.. hft with dlit_tnt and ahle worken 1).,tl'lll1 i... lldy rn" hrd hy rail ff',m any pari 01 \hr s.,,,u.'~1 111,,1 't high....1.)'1 affnr<l the ~'tt)' 101',1 1"""t;"" from all n.. ar Ly 11011('1. Por fur,... ;"1",,,,,11''',11,... r;l~ C, /ohn.",., s..cretary,.1,';ul!' ~lffl"'j( ('"'millrr. :.,teqtl!e, Ala. CAMDEN. N. J. Fo. et 'fe~h)'lrrian (11ur~h h,,,,:,,, l' '.' )""..-,1 "nl 1'.1' Pfl'f<' ~al meluge, C,,'..., T. ',., adr' '1' :\. ZlHl Str~rl Cf,rner of Pe.nl Sltrrl. L.1<k". :\ J. F"""J'f'li,1 ('harle! :\ Shrrw, h,jd "l'r'""1:: ml'rl;,,1' Srfol",mlJ<:'f :?O t'. 0, tobu ~ indu.i~e,.m~tinll'l evcry tvenit'lg ;",,1 Su"Jay.ft~moo", (;r;ooll ojl('ning Sunda), ;tlt n. Sel.ltrn!>e. 20 with tint len ice. Young " ',k' ralb' Salll..!;,,. ~~t";1j.(, Se>ltmh{'f.f> Walt... J 'almrf. p.1.al(jr. OURANT, FLA. Thr,,1<1 i'lr,"anl Grove Camp M"rtlrLJ( Ol f)1.all\' F".;'\;. c ''',-ent' O",,,t,.,r S (,' 2~ FU1Keli,t}.. Slay. of H;,,)(i. Min_. n ~ha'l(e. U\C ;. numhrr "f 'a~tt)f' "" good ~'rakrrl C"O! nthu a~~c",j,lil'" "ill be 'ruent. Durallt i ev~nll'l'n ""lfs ""uthca~t of T");!. Ollr ""l'1(f"u " C""'"tN wilh he"utiful oa.k ru~. an i,jr;1! '~,'' n ("atnl'. Therr ~rc te1l nl'~, nit f'-"~r,t An}'n"~ c"minll' rn Florida hill wiuler will l't'rwr, hr;lly wrk<ule. ijrin" your rnll and 'jlly flld'lirn{' digiol1 "ilh us,,\ good rulnuranl on,r lro\lnd,; n"al~ ~ n fcn~ol1able \ltil'f'. 1'", mlhn ml"rmarinn. ",il" Pa~"r }. t.. Wrhh, Tuml'~. 1'1..., Unlll" 2. 'h''''1' SUS OKLAHOM A OST R CT COUNCL. - Sand S'r,(A, OJd~. n(t :!1 10 31). im:lusivr, \Ve have ~f<"\lrt,1 lite ~ltlh"cli.1 (,hur~h fllf the C,-,ullcii ~,. ""n. Thr church is J.... ;lc-d un Main S. Ol,e half hto.;k "e~1 a.,,1 onl" ne rth.,1 e-rurbalj \\'lliting Slal;"n 1'h"~e c-r,miuj,: Vill Tuh:!. catch eara 1\ he Tul~a h,ltrufl,.\l ~ali"n \>\-0 hlock, 1orlh 01 thr Frill<" ~1. i"" (~. r~ '"" cvtry t"'c1ly minutes) The la,ji'm ul hl" \felhndi~1 Umrch will a:ervc meal.. U')Oml l"a" hi' sl"(url"d al modcrate pfices \\'nle PaM"r O.nr Junc~. B(,)( lz. Sa"d Sprinlt's. and makl' a,h-allre arraul:/cmell18 for room$. \Ve,ll'tlire,1.", all Hf lilt 1111""l'r" of the Di!ltrict ""ill hc 're~':l. a.,'une m'l><lrtanl matten.yill comc up at hi, 1)i!ltrict ",eclin(l'. -Glcnn Millard. Secr.. tarl-trea,urer CLEVELAND, O HO. CO N V ENTON. - The Te-"th.\,,"ual ~h"" 'J,<rv (,\''nl..,n of thr 1'1'"1,.,,,1,,1 ('lollr,1o " ('1.. ", \;1",1. Ohio, Easl ~o;rh Srnl "", 1."";"10:1"" \v",n"... ",n h.. hl'h1 kl',hrr 10>. hn-, ~' f\,,, t~ "a;" 10:.111 a, n,.!.jl u,,,l 7:3fl. ll. ]"\'anl("li~t Harold " ('<orm~h... 11 ll1ini~~r 1\1, \\'unl " God in t,1' "",'rr "f ht 11,,1), (jh,,~t!lis l1e~~alt('~ will h' fllr ~"iril. _'1111...,,1 1,,(1)-. Thr"'t~: ~. hati"n i''''''.ill, h~."\k fnr h.. ~.cly. llapt'~111 01 t,, l"h (;h"~. ami 111<' (",,,,,i"k 'H:~ill "f h....,rt!.1'~l~. ~,..lt1k ;""ha~8","r~,,{ the ("ro.\~ rom 1",li.,.\lri,.,., (,hi",, _}al';l _a,"1 "her {.;reign 1.11111. ",\.tr""l'r ""H'")! ",~.i,,,;,, y.,dtlre~~c~. \\',. '11'1' "'"'nin" lr,1 h;"k~ ir,l" thc 1.. ord. 1':merl'""'c-,,1 rc'~ ",. 1li~,i"n;\r;c~ affilia lccl ",ilh 1]0" '\"~U1hhc. " (i<kl who fcr! led to ;H 11''''[. ;\11 m.,;" car Jintll CO""N with East f51h ~ltl'et "'''11.-1"",,. on.. dirt~t " ('hllr~h. 1:"('1,,1,, "",i". r"" "lit " "'."rr he Penn ~)'";,,,i hiln,~d. 1("1 "f Lt E",'1io!.h enut sia i"". hen ul,,,, 0;<;,1, :-:1r«"1 t:af norlh.. ~11fOrl c1i,..",. 1,1...,;".:1,,,.-\'fnue. -Genrl:;" H," i... 1\1-t 'll',r:,.hrnnr. ("in-cl,.,,,!. Ohi'J. WA NTED. S,m''',,'e wanlcol "t ~,arl.:~. Okla_. h,,),1 "1'<,\-",,,1.,,'rile. p. T. ~w'')!\(:r or t: \'"",.ltm S':,~, Okla. OPEN F OR CALLS. r ha,-c re~;j;:!1c<l hc 'a~ '"r;ll..."t, 1'1 g in h... ev.u'r'.. h~tk..."rk whid, fttl i, "')' l,.li"/l :n,1."n "1"'11 f"f ca1\&...\m 'n fnll ;"n"",hi",,;th he ('"undl. Evang.. i~1 \\' :\ ~1;11.. J'".'.",,,. T... ~r,,,1 ~~ ('C"" <or <ample pa, l.:ajl'e trac~ T h.. CollfH'i P"JJi.hill, H ouse. S pri". fi~ td. M o. OPEN FOR CALLS..m, " 'cll, r~'1 rate, t:.. "., 0< 1;,... 1. ", hlr ~ F ortbcoming Meetings ".,, e:ln,,~ 51 ~,w B.. ".\. MSSO:'ARY DSTRBUTON,t ' '\f i~1 W.Uer.\1 war c. :\.,"..., " ",.. ", J. Porto RiC() Field South A~ric.n Field. \ wall \he. '/ " t ~.'l~" " Welt " ndllln Field \1",,,., " ";~"" iurl, ~'; \. 11\<',, t~ Mr)(jCQ nl M(')(i<:lln Bord.. r Field \l1""al' '",..,nt~ "tliq'"... in _\,'~ilo :\.,t;,,. '" 'rr,,,,!~ rill.\1,i ~ \1 "k.11 H. wa,i, "'f',si,., 1'.,b",l..11 " n"...!' M ilceja"~ou. Field. ltltai. ;,11 ~. "~rl"m 'c "1,,,!di,,J.: /"n'l t hl(~l(o \,. lary HU '" me.". j'. t!,, '11". mane. Lrr 'j./' "t. n, """...1'00 '" 70.00 {.l,m L<,(),r., 1 ;<'_1)"1 175,111') S5.z" 20.'., <)').ltj 35,m ".M.".1 ';,,il.t)'j Z1UW) ". 2~m ~'~,<n 2S:,1)) T,t.11 "irltihlll' n,,\'1 11'1 $1.'.14'1_36 S 1.1.1.~t i,,",,11. r"",ur "r,>n~)< rr)(ltl«1 f',d,..,1 H \U;"".14-1,M.\' 'u ( h.'!' t S.49J.. V, 't,.11'.. "''' " "",''' FOREG\ M SSONS CONT RBUTONS s.:p l.. mber 10 11 nclusive 1'1. 10- n,,1 m..!"d,,/trri"l1,tnl i" f.-.r hc <:' 1" 'c',,' hl' F"'ri~" \i iron. )rt,.1r111lcl1t. $.10 M..\ 1'\t~~ Okh,.35 ~'i~, E Sprinll',rlrl \!.SO (),,~ "f " 1,.11""~nl;.50 F Y Sh~rttok;x Pa 1.00.\n f' S S J)~~';,lur 111; S!' Rrm.h Ptairif' \\'a,h;.r ;\ (i K "if " Eun k, S>fi'J'~.\rk; ) l rs. \\'.!nw~ ;.\n r. (" T Cuy~h"J(a Fall~ Oh,,,; \lrr '., (i S O'l'M.,1 111,1; F 1\ \V Oak Hill ;\,,; :'lre, 11 \ P F"' J)'"J.!~ KaliS; Fri, nd$ \\'ilh",. W,_; ""cnoh!}, of (,.., '~h Toledo Ohio: S F J) Chippe"a Fal!~ \\"i~: Ftiend. Ro~a!ia \\'aoh; " J) San Fr.1nd~ro ('alii; \lr~ J.!' Trolw'~'" Ohi,,; "r. C Fe,l''';' ('.llif;.\ ~i'ltl'" \\ ill,i".hllrl,( 1';\; i\n T 0 S..\tt, ~ia :'oli~~: 1.1tS F T UllntlJ.-n :\'.; 1. 15 ~n B P luffalo Kan~: 1.50 :\~'l'm".1' "r C',d ('~,".. n 111; 1'lca.anl Val "'S S ~""r"r..;.; 1.53 Pent'l S S Siloam Sltti'H:-1.\tk: 1.7% le'\"trlr.hc S S )"J[:~ T')( 2,to:.\ oi_ll'r; 'ul\ {i"~11f1 \li ~.;"n Dutchtown NY;.\ F. 1.'>1!7:ole. T"l:; ~Jr. \\. S \li"lr",l>" h~ \1",n; CT Cauto" Ohio; Mr~ G K n Phil ad",l"hia 'a;!\~" } RUll' \ )nl; C C S \",.:~ ("trcl, 1<];.h; (' )"m:la~ \liclt; \n \\. F T,d,ltt ("alif;,\ Fril'"d; 2.115,\~_ v",z,' \\-e'l i'hi", \1.. ; 2.111 "'illi,,1'\: \\ "rl.:cf. S S n.,,~ H",O"" le:!.,h (,~lii; Z.U (" F \:c''''''''i,',,; W.,.h; 2.4 1.\-'1'1111,1.. r,1 ~'" S S & ('''''nh O.w~l" K:O1(, 2.6 P:,lk Cr.. d.. },i.,i.. n ''''C,'\ OkLo; 2.511 ""'1110.-.1,11 P<'nl'l )fi.~io, """,~'!,h 1:1.; ~ E (' \'i"kn ll: \\' F R C')f'~t" ruk T~1(; 0 S ~,,~.,'f' Tu. 2.75 \\. F ". & "ill' t.lr~t.\rk 3.00 l... can na' ~ Ewi"J::' "0:,,;~~ U E \\ rant"" Oili, \n ". J, n F,,~tnn~ C",lil; """Tlh :-;i,"\''''mhl~,'f {j,,<1 S S Tukl 01.\.0: ~r &.\1.. \\.\ T ~h""l (',,1,,:.\,;,~ ' T Sa1inrt~ C~,!if: "r~ -' C ~,\m...,)" }\.1'; (1lildr<:,n'~ "".in',.. ",\"vc!t, '.,hi: S S """'lte _\rl, \V r. S 1',,1"\,,,\';,,',, T,'~ 3.111.\~,, mhh' of (;,)(1 S S 11;,\1.:<,11 Tn; 3.S J.: F ('nllinh'ilje Okla; 3.15 ) (; \1 \\"rn'n ll: 3.21.\ S ('"nalo11 '10; 3,511,\ " 1'1 Smith,\rk; 365 '\~"'lhh- <01 Go<1 S ~ {"h"'lfr ; 3.13,\""mh]" "f (;,.. 1 S S "'fi~ ; 3.75 \, 11 1,,,\.:,"k (-,,!if: \f' (' t~ " Sal:('',,,h Okh; ;\ufmhl,' Z\cwc"qlc Tn:; 3.11() ~ilh ~ Chu.,".\"<i'l '1'1'''' 4. 011 S C hllll1l"r.. ",; 'r_ F 0 11,{, ~01l Colo. r;"h S"illY' (,,,,,; 1 \\. n F",ltr~ :"<:el,r; E :'01 \ \' '~tt.. r"'", " y, ~ C \\'i"'1,'1'" ('alii; J n K ]"'"li", \lid, \ T b.";, :\' lhle: {' F n L.. R.. d'''~..r :\ Y 4.211.\"",,,,hb (, (;".:1 S S 1"J1~' ('",,: 4.2.1 ".,,...,1,1)' ~.ll1""n,\la, 4.25 :;h,\ h.,.,d,\ '\:"n)' S;.k,h~f't11h"- "f (;,,,1 c: C; Wichita Fall~ T.. ~;. 29 hm'ml,'" &. S S 11i11 {'it,. "'al1<; 4.50 C' ().\'tgo ll; 4,10 ~r &..\{r~. ". 11 l1i",.-"t.a Xc,r!t.1tO,ft. J. n 1.,,, rll _\t;l; \lr. } R 1..11a"lal.. Fl., 'n (i \'. S.l..", Or<,; E E :\' & famil' Ell..".,,' '1r. {j E (; Terr,,\ t: (':"",<1,,; F T ('1ark.~ Sum""t 1':,; S S... {)~ l" \\"~'{); \11"1011' ;cr, l'r~\rr L",<1 ~ilhi11r :\' 1; '1r &. ~r~ J) S Ru,,,;U;,. W'....,,,,c ~i~;i, S S \i11.. ille :\ J; ) (. \i..,,,' rtl, "cl, : J \1 F. 'r'... oll.\rk; ( \ {' T~ 1(arb"., \rlc; \\. R " 'V,ulh F.-.~.: '~: ~r~ } ~ Y lnmhn h.. (.111ada: 'r~. " l' (';.na~bilfn;1 :-: Y. ~r. S 1'11~,url{ ii;.\ Friend k,'et 1',,:.\,~<,,,,hl, \\ at r \L~; ;. \.n~,t d Sj 'C!.,~, ' {'. "nlllhit lah 'c 1'1 :-. S ', tk. ill ",' \ Tul, Okla. '''.'J \', g <'('oplc' \1~et -. ()... ;r ";:.lntl; \ F l-:,,;: "!<vllk Clt. :-. 11 10,01 C1h \t.\ }-, J. S 8 (<llfe)",,!1' }\U. l" ~ k 11"\'<11 '1", hic.. 10(." 0 St:lr;:11 ~f, F. l Hc'o:jo!~ okla. ~'f.\. ' S.'" J)~'O 1,,1'; r J \',1".1." llola; ~r ( (" ><-rn,t }f".;!ot, 11,\ ) la'"". Oh S.ZS S S 1-:1 1~'n,l. Ark 5.S. \'1" fl 11011.\ 'm',ly \t.\, 1.1.,h.~",.. firm... 11 \.J. \~, ml,'", (.1 til l'tll,-, j", ";:;,n.; \\ \1 1'. t :\~'cht, Tn,!t.t4 F gl :-',". T' (;"""'1 S S.-\.klln nly ".\n5 6.00 h!; j,,~.\ ~cn"'\) S S \\.,,". ("lif, \ 'r' 1','<>;,.. s!'-,c S...", :\1".\1" Mil.\ \" \1 \ ~"'.. \'"m~i!lc-o ("ahi; ~\rl R Jl \ '" \1111.,1 \; 1 h.: ; \"tml,ly " ri.,,1 Tal, 1"1,, O!:i.,; ('hit,lre!1'~ ~", ti,,g thine,,;::oo~; ; R \\. {'"!>y ""CO';.-\,m"lt<. ""..\"~,'rnhb }\~'f1.a~, "Y li:a!," ' S S"kl11 0,,,; C M,l' 1/,11 (,,), "."'~: \r~ H.\ J J.O~ llanos Cahl; J"';;"r S S ('lu! Z,,!,h)rhill 1'\',. 6.40 ('"h'ar) :\hs';"n J.-",\\S<f'lt, {,,,,ii. 6,47 (. ':. ('Muth ~f'\'jle.\1,,; 6.511 11 i: ('larkd"l~.\,i!; 6.65 Tt:n\ 'c""nl' Fil1dl~, OJ, &.ts.\,~. tnbj,- Ear1~ \rk 7.00 S S \\"',1'".\k; n ( 11 :"<:"wl,m ";:"1 ~.\, ",hl\" ('hutt'l1 _'l,ur! "',.~, \~,c'll ],1), ( 1 (;.><J (hllt,h ", ur.l,v T, ~. S F '"rl l"r("1 _'1,,\. r " 11"1"'" Okl.,; 7.15.\",mlll) f 1,,1l Y a~um T,x, 7.30.\,,"mh!,- U""" Uk:, 1.411.\ ~'m"').,1 (i \ hl1.. ~a S.. i""~.\rk \,h f ; ~1 ('c'. ~ Ukl;.; 1A.\1 S ".tout..,. 11.00.\ 'r",bh (i.~1 \1,( y Tt\ ~r' {; }. r. "-id';.,,:;,,~ J ~. (;!;tt1!~, ; S S \ 1,,c' l ~\ol. 11_49 _\'l' l,l) :-. S 1_",,'r ";:J.'~; 8.~ S ~ f,,rnl,c'ck., ' ~ 1< 1'1.,... ; S,cfma" S 1"-',1' ~ S {J",''''a. "tt S S Llmna Te"" 10.10 \ ".. h;1l;:. \ C.\ '~ie, 111 C;",\ \<-li B.').;, r~('cl<1 (.,ii,.-. (i S 1"""lulu 11;,"';,11. t.\ ",'... n..,r.. "~" {'alii;.' P. ";:a"." (ir)' "~,.'. \" { ; "tr.,tlu"me {'.,hf; \i." ' " :\ F,'TlO,1 ( an:1<11. \~,( ",hly "j (;'kl :\;.,oi Okla;.\,.rUl,.. lj.ur;shu,g p" 'r. F {; S",li,'" O~. " J' 1{ RiC-UTi _\li~~ (" "!'- L"UlS ",,; \\r. (, ( T S ),,,i~ ~l, :\, W,\ r,m.l,ler 1'''''Khkf'c''';(' N Y:.'\ A 1.)111..,... 1. :-: Y; S S (i!rl\<lak ("alii; Mu J /(om,,' i,,,1 Atl.:; }. Luna_l.. r 'a.. \lr,\ \lr~ r.. \"r,hl;c',1 Wi,; 10.75.\'~<:\l1hl)' n"jr ",loll ('alii 11.00 S S,\- ('1mrd, " :'\'~"mhl,' ''''J'rk.~ KarLS; 11.01 S S '"rl l.a";'",'~, 11.05 \\"" ohnrl)e." S \1""f",'.,,; 11.50 S l'n;<>' (';1), nd, 12.00 1. t Y A",\"Kl'1rs C.hf; A Friend ('oal. "ur~1 (':o"ad~; 12.50!. j\ "",J.! 'r.. ;ri~ -' l inn: 1l.01 ~!r l' \\' Ckvcl,m,1 Ohi,,; 13.42 A.~cmbJy \',,1,;111" \\",,~h; 14.00 t.lr~\ E S n,,!t-wood (":lhf; 14. 10 1',,1\ (;"~l'd,\~'''llhly Si"\'1( Cily 11; 14. 0 \lr '".\n ' Je... y Hc fl: 14.53 ~i" C :-: Orland.. 1'1" 14.75.\"'mlol), H"it Fl" 15.00 F T,\ Hilt, Calif; "r,\.- \t~..-\ D 1':1,"r;d" }\"".;.\.~c",hly "f (;,,,1 S S 11111,1",r,,"1 Tc'x: S S!, r T'1(, 15.111.\.;~nnlll~ of Gud S S l)rllmr11(1" l~i,,; 15.27.\'~c",hly J"pl",?>) 1'00 A cm!>h :-;'a"<:'~ 1';1; 15." Full G"~l'el A~ ~pm"')" ~"';f<>n:': Cahf: 15.55. 1'1,11..,.,,1 S S...-.1"<11 Tcx; la,\'~cl\lh\y ~'''''';: \,,; 15.511 i'co"), l'und e,1 'cnl'l..\.~t:mbly,\ S S S""kauc W~~h 2D.00.\ "l't111vh",ld \,~ :\fi~_'i'-'ll oi '\5 ~t:ml;l,.,f (,,~,\: s.. \"'" :\' 11.,1,. s.-"llh('t11 {';,lii li1>\r Seh,.,1 :\1" Sot: (;lel1d.,t., Clio!: n.n l'nll (i"'\'f'1 \i";..,, ~1""k,l'nr!l' \;0; U.SO A~ Hmhl}' bni"rd.\1,,; 23.511 \\".\: R R Wa\1'1,,'.1.11.1 \\"3~h. ZS. 10 ' V R;d"n"",1 \'a: Mr!l.-\ ~ \ \',u"".".. r ('; 'cot'! A'~l'nohl)' " (;,>(1 r'"n.. ~t""n \ Y. 29.14 PUll'! S S Gary nti 38,00 \\t:thcl Uo;ll :l Cil""',. lr {'"hf; \\' T J. s.:alll~ \\,,~h: 0 S""k,,,,.. \\,,~h; S S SprmJ:fi.. ld ;'tltl. Y"unK 1'e.-''!t-.~ l '";",, Fil. (i<j~,.. 1 Tab Gr:uilc CilJ ;.h.cmhly Br:Ol1!cTt Mum; 35.00 ~n U ~ 1.n"K nc'"d, ('"lif; 1'''"'l, ~"~('mlol)' ~ Bdhn!-!ham \\ a,h; 37.00,(ila<1 Tldl1lK' T"t, R.. adint::' Pa; 31.1 5 1;"sl'~1 1"j.dHh"u~t: Tah., ~ hu,'), Park K J _ 40.110 F \\. 11 \lr,~,klyn :-; \"; ots. OO,:\1 1.0<,\ngde~ Calif;.J.8.SO 1 1t:11l("~t1a ;""~S")1l j{,dl1nond SD.DO \ " ("cnlral (';"Sl'ei '['ah S!' ~h. Acc'l.()\\.'\: lit-ad, C.,i!; ll"h('~dl p"un,h~t:rnhl)' S "hn'~ :\""f",w<ll,"o<\;!t,.oo Fu1\ (i ",d (,hurch L~".d,,"11t. 67. 00 r S "cw Trcnl"" ncl, N(" J.'t1",," Cit",,; 76.00.\,,, m!>l),\l"n 90.00)" \ (" '" nnthn.ok U'.'J.ch C;llif;,96.00 Oak "ark, 1"li"r'\ S S T:''''~'' Fla 100.00 (ah'"r)"!'enl'l (hurch &.!' ~ :\,aml Fla, _,\,scm),'" Turi.,, k C~hf; ~ C.\.. "t"t.~1r.'\nz. :\l,"~.(' 1\ 1t~r1' Et/l1.u,tl: l ZS.00 Full (i""l'el ('hurt i1,,,,- S S-.-hl,"ry ';lfk :\ J: 116.25.\'~cm "~, i (;.,.J S,>ril';1tich\ \\"; 142.00.h~.. mh'" \\,ilkc~. l btre 1':0; 1511.00 ('hri,t ( "".."anl.'\: lila" Tidm)l~,\~,emhl~' (,h;"ak" 111: 200.00 \V F la'''''''' Cit\' 1'1;; ~53.00 lell,, 1 Tt:Ul''.os Allgek~ Calil; 500,00 ~"s~. lct\~ Engl;wd T"lal '"11''''''' mlllu~ $.?.:',dlo "m,\11\1 ".-en d're<'\ $4.,;(;1.63 Amuu: l'rc"i"u~l).-\1110",,1 10 <lac rl"l"r1~"!. t!5,61 $6.687_24 \ld;65.00 J \. Do you wan t a good book for your children? Send for a copy o f "l la ppy H ours with t h~ LiTtle Folks." P rice SO cc u t~

S('ptember 26, 1925 T\!E PF.:-':TFCOSTAL EVA:\'GEL @~!!rrll~mjill~@j~~~~~~'lli~cj2! ;"'~'::l~~j'.df=j~.;~~~~~.ii'=!i~lii!nl ~ -~ m Pentecostal Sunday School Literature ~; r" 'll @ FOR FOURTH QUARTER NOW READY ~ The nternational Sunday School Lenona Dea.1t \Vith From the Pente<o&tal "" m Viewpoint ~ ~ Little Picture Lenon Carda, P'T set per ye r.$.16 ~ m Large Picture Roll, l)er quarter 1.00 r 1 Junior Quarterly, p~r year.zo ~ or per quarter.05!?j [~ ntermediate Quarterly, per year.20 ~ ~ or per qtlarter.05 ~ ~ Adult Quarterly, per year.".20 ~l ~ or per quartcr.05 ~j ~~ Lenon Leave. (the same a~ Adult), per year. _.16!?l (lr per quarter..04 ~ Lenon Leavea (the same as nlermediate), per )ear.16 ~ (cana::a~';,,:~,:',tc;cn add P~,;~;;.: ;~' ~,~:,,:~-~uan"h". < fn,,;~ 9 sets of Card~, c for ever) 7 sets of leaflet.., :'nd 4c for Picture Roll) ~.lj i~l Our Pentecostal Little Folk.. Our Primary p.lper, per quarter.07 Ou' Penteco.tal Boy. and Girl. A 4 page luqrated \\eckly, per Quarter.. [i'j Secretary Book.25 ~ @ Clan Book.11 (?! ~ C la.u Book with Pencil 14 ~ Gilt or Lelllon,..37 ~ Arnold', Practical Commentary.... 1.00 E ~~~~~ ~~~~~~i ~ ~ l"j E\('rywlH'rc pcople an' Sl,tkillg to know llore about JC511:). C? ~. Call't you help LS take the lll.':-i:'iagc to the by distributing tr:l.('b? m ~ GOSPEL PUBLSHNG HOUSE @j ~ 336 W est Pacific Street Springfield, Missouri ~ ~ ~ 00 00 ~ Dcar Brother Sitton: ~ fll ~ (e:;lrc to )C('OllC a mcl 1 )cr 0 f t 1C!iOll " -wmnlllg c<tmpalg-n" '", 11(1 'll ~ @ hdp ]111::;h thi:.;. great hatlh' to a final \'ictor),. 'l"oli llay put my name ~ @! down on your Ji:-t as a mc'mher. You (all depend upon me for Olle ld ill l of the foflowing dulico,;: Distribution tratt~ ~ Contribution............... f.i!.1 ~am. ~ Strcct........ ~ ~ Cit: State,...... ~ @ 'V(' want YOU on our prayer list. j\any arc crying unto God ~ ~121 ncr)' day. \Vou't you join them? Be a faithful worker. Sign the@ slip below. [?1 htl @~~ E" kar Brother Sitton: By the grace of Gud you may depend on lll' for pr::l.} ('r ('\ cry (];l\ frnth o'clock to.o'c1ock, that the Full Go:-.pel ll1es~ag-l' [?,! l' lila\' go out into all parts of the earth through th('~c little tracts, will pray for the workcr~ and all connccted \\ Jth this great soul- \\ inning' campaign. 1 thank God for this opportu111ty to help Him ~ \\ ho died for me. ~ Nam. ~ St rt'(! ~ i ~ Cit,....... State E ~, ~~,-, Pa~e Fiftee", CHRST N THE TABERNACLE By R,v A. B. Simpson.. \ H.. (' 1 i: "1 01., ',til t hl~ n'1~('d 'r('.".!1 inter. nh'" \'3'" hn,ugh t 'l'o,i lpl1 01... 1\ )' lllc31lllljl ' H m'te'lll lbl 'lt.ll, Price 35 cents postp.1.id. - ",.. ~ GEORGE,,- ~ ~ ~ ~~"'fi.-. MULLER - -.".. ~.., ::.o... ~ ~ f~f'h...'" 000 tl.500,.....",, ~ i. --...-r-.-?'....- By A. T. Pierson Thl R"1';L1<, ".ith \\'11('1:l l'en, J.,\'( :0;;,\10 '.noll \\ t lout., '\:an ',. ~... 1'('1111\ " Ct,Cl. \\'t'lkrli liil \\ a'> nuted,., 1 h\. ~ t'a d ;!'- (' '!o ", iail]' lind t'll' ""hllil\' j;:':lvl' 'n bi.. \\ hole rh;uac il'r lit- 111').:111 lit l'alkd an iljlo.. ilt' 01 bith alit!., lllan \\'ho dan'd 10 lw lin'c h~' \\'('1'11 "i (;011 illlri 1'((1\'\' < nle. n ;:111... \\ ('r 1<1 pr;yl'r ll' rl'l'\'i\'t'~1 ~7}\(H).(HH wi:hol1t... kin).! ll:lll jur " '\'nn~' " '1 1 r\ lit n< Y"llr lihr.11 Price 51.10 ~ st ea id GOSPEL SGNS THE GREAT SACRiFiCE God 10 loved the world, that he gave hil only begotten Son, that who_ver believeth in him hould oot peril h, hul hav e! life, John 3 : 16. everlasting WHERE WLL YOU SPEND ETERNiTY? n Everlalting P eace 0 ' Everlastin g Torment YOU MAY NOW HAVE YOUR CHOCE, LATER YOU CANNOT Romani 10:9. Hl' :1l arli\'' Wt.rklT lor JC~\l'" Chri... l Hll\' tlw~'.. il.!'ls allli lal'k hem lip. Tht y wilt \\'111... taro; for you! (,row anr\,.;oul.. for )t'''al' Special price $1.80 pee hundred 50 fo, 90 cents. Site 9:.;\ 1. Gospel Publilhina Hou... Sprlnafield. Mo " c

ANOTHER NEW COLPORTAGE BOOK Waters in the Desert By Elder D. W. Kerr This book is the product of a fertile mind. Elder Kerr is a deep student of the Word of God, and the readers of this little book will he well repaid as they read. Elder Kerr's articles in the Pentecostal Evangel have been a blessing to thousands of readers, and now in this book you are getting the cream of them all, and best of all, you will have the privilege of the thought of this man of God in book form. t embraces truths that will be a great help 88 we journey onward, for our home is not this world. As the Foreword reads: "We are strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Our journey takes us across the 'wilderness of sin' to the 'New Heavens and the New Earth.' The weary, thirsty traveler is frequently urged on his course by the vision of palm trees and wells of water on the distant horizon. But as he presses on, he sees the vision disappearing: it was an illusion, a mil age. UOf making many books, there is no end. This book is another one added to the list of innumerables. The author believes, however, that what is herein offered as 'waters in the desert,' will not be a mirage, but the real thing that touches the heart, slakes the thirst and quickens the pilgrim for the 'last lap' of the journey to the Celestial City, Four-square. "t will be apparent to the reader that the book makes no pretentions to literary technique, nor rigid doctrinal statements, but rather seeks the level of inspi.rational, extemporaneous, instantaneous and spontaneous theology. t aims to cover general scriptural principles. Ample space is left between the lines of its pages for the reader to do some scriptural thinking of his own. The author hopes that the reader will slake his own thirst at these 'Waters in tbe Desert,' and pass.ils cooling draughts on to others." Order today while we have a supply on hand. Price postpaid 50 cents. Gospel Publishing House Springfield, Missouri = A o 2