Our faith should make a difference in the way we live.

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Praise Jesus! We Show Our Faith by Our Actions Lesson 12 Bible Point Our faith should make a difference in the way we live. Bible Verse Dear children, let s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions (1 John 3:18). Growing Closer to Jesus Students will n see how their faith can make a difference in their lives, n role-play ways they can live out their own faith, and n make a commitment to take one action that will express their faith during the following week. Teacher Enrichment Bible Basis n We show our faith by our actions. James 2:14-24 The relationship between faith and works has sparked considerable debate in the history of the church. In the early church, it seems, some who rightly emphasized that a person is saved by faith alone (see Ephesians 2:8-9) ignored the importance of good works altogether. But James makes it very clear that true saving faith becomes a fountainhead for good works in the believer s life. The absence of good works suggests a lack of genuine faith (2:17). Faith in action is a powerful testimony for Christ. Of course, living out the Christian faith also draws fire from enemies of the good news. Around A.D. 62 James was martyred for his faith by the Jewish high priest Ananus II. The Christians to whom James was writing were scattered throughout the Roman world (1:1). Many no doubt experienced trials and hardships because of their faith, just as James did. By following the example of James and Abraham (see 2:20-24) and expressing faith in good deeds, they too would draw positive attention not for themselves, ultimately, but for the Lord Jesus who had so transformed their lives. Other Scriptures used in this lesson are Genesis 6:11-14, 17-22; Micah 6:8; Luke 19:1-8; Acts 3:1-10; and 1 Peter 2:11-12. Prayer Read Matthew 5:14-16. What does Jesus say is the ultimate purpose for good deeds? Is your faith expressing itself in a life that leads others to praise your heavenly Father? How can you do better? Pray: Lord, thank you for the free gift of salvation. Help me to live out my faith so that others especially the children I teach will be led to praise you! 135

Lesson 12 Before the Lesson n Collect the necessary items for the activities you plan to use, referring to the Classroom Supplies and Learning Lab Supplies listed on the chart. n Make photocopies of the Hands-On Fun at Home handout (at the end of this lesson) to send home with your children. n Pray for your students and for God s direction as you teach the lesson. This Lesson at a Glance Attention Grabber What Children Will Do Classroom Supplies Learning Lab Supplies Unsqueakers Make their own squeakers but discover a major difference! Snack-size zippered plastic bags, markers, paper Bible Exploration & Application Closing Go-Togethers Make sand pictures of things that go together, and then read James 2:14-24 to see that our faith and actions go together, too. Step by Step Make sculptures about Bible characters from Genesis 6:11-14, 17-22; Luke 19:1-8; and Acts 3:1-10; then read Micah 6:8 to see how God wants them to live. I Believe, Therefore I Share ways to show their faith in difficult situations, read 1 Peter 2:11-12, and see why it s important to live out our faith. Great Examples Find examples of people from the Bible whose faith made a difference in the way they lived. A World of Difference Make a commitment to active faith this week, and then affirm each other s commitments. Bibles, colored construction paper, glue sticks Bibles, Step by Step handout (p. 144), paper, construction paper, scissors, pencils, tape Bibles, CD player Bibles, CD player, marker, newsprint, tape Colored construction paper, scissors, pencils, markers 136

Welcome We Show Our Faith by Our Actions As kids arrive, discuss together how they applied last week s lesson to their lives. Ask questions such as How did you serve God with your gifts? and How did you work with others to serve God? Tell kids that whenever you sound the giggle hammer, they are to stop talking, raise their hands, and focus on you. Remind kids that as their hands go up, their mouths go shut. Explain that it s important to respond to this signal quickly so the class can do as many fun activities as possible. Repeating the Bible Point over and over will help the children remember it and apply it to their lives. Help children learn one point that will stay with them for days and even years to come. Attention Grabber n Unsqueakers SUPPLIES: snack-size zippered plastic bags, markers, paper Have kids form a circle. Shake the giggle hammer, and say: This hammer s squeaker is lots of fun to play with. Wouldn t it be fun if we all had one? Let s try to make a squeaker for everyone. Distribute the snack-size zippered plastic bags, markers, and paper. Have kids write Squeaker on their bags and then roll or crumple a piece of paper and put it inside the bag. Let kids seal their bags and try to play with them. Ask: What s the difference between your squeaker and mine? (Yours makes noise, and mine doesn t; mine s more of a cruncher than a squeaker; yours is fun, and mine isn t.) What causes these differences? (What they re made of; how they re made.) What makes people different from each other? (What they do; how they act in different situations; what they believe; what they look like.) How are Christians different from other people? (They believe in Jesus; they try to follow the Bible; they want to serve God.) Say: The supplies used to make my squeaker cause it to work differently from yours. My squeaker is different from yours, so it can t behave the same way. Christians should be different, too. The things we believe should make us behave differently from others in the world. Today we ll see why our faith should make a difference in the way we live. 137

Lesson 12 Bible Insight Scholars sometimes call James the Amos of the New Testament because of his emphasis on ethical and judicial integrity. Bible Exploration & Application n Go-Togethers SUPPLIES: Bibles, colored construction paper, glue sticks Have kids form pairs, and then give each pair a sheet of colored construction paper, a glue stick, and a handful of sand. Say: Think of words that go together, like bread and butter, up and down, or moon and stars. Draw your go-togethers with a glue stick on your sheet of construction paper. Then carefully add sand so it sticks to the glue. Other pairs will ask yes-or-no questions to figure out what your picture is. Allow a few moments for partners to create their sand pictures. Then have each pair show its picture while others take turns asking questions that can be answered with a yes or no. Continue until each pair has had a turn to guess what the picture is. When all the go-together pictures have been shared, have kids help clean up the leftover sand. Then ask: What other things go together? (Movies and popcorn; snow and snowmen; turkey and Thanksgiving; homework and school.) What makes those things go together? (We always use them together; they just seem to always happen at the same time.) Say: The book of James tells us about two other things that go together, just like the things you made with the sand. Distribute Bibles, and have pairs read James 2:14-24 together. Ask: What two go-togethers does this passage mention? (Faith and works; our beliefs and our actions.) What do you think James was trying to teach in this passage? (That our faith should make a difference in the things we do; that we need to show people what we believe; that if we re Christians we should act like it.) If James letter had been sent to your church, how do you think you might have felt? Why? (Embarrassed, because we weren t acting on our faith; encouraged, because I d want to do what James told us to do.) Why don t we always put our faith together with our actions? (We forget what we re supposed to do; we re embarrassed; it s harder to do.) What might others think if we acted on our beliefs rather than just talked about them? (They d be amazed; they might realize that Christians are OK; they d be happy that we were doing something.) Say: Our faith should make a difference in the way we live. It should encourage us to act differently from others. We need to show that we believe in God by what we do and what we say. 138

We Show Our Faith by Our Actions HANDS-ON BIBLE Say: The book of James was written by who else? James! But it s not as simple as it sounds. I ll show you what I mean. Have kids turn to the You Talking to Me? Fun Fact found on page 1224. Have kids form pairs, and let partners take turns reading the Fun Fact. Then distribute paper and pens, and encourage kids to write letters of encouragement to someone who has been through a rough time. Invite volunteers to read their letters for the rest of the class. Then encourage kids to mail their letters during the coming week. n Step by Step SUPPLIES: Bibles, Step by Step handout (p. 144), scissors, paper, construction paper, pencils, tape Before class, photocopy the Step by Step handout, and cut it into three sections. Form three groups, and give each group a section of the handout, a Bible, a sheet of construction paper, and the appropriate other items. Say: You ll have four minutes to read your Bible passage and follow the instructions on your handout. When I sound the giggle hammer, each group will have a chance to tell what happened in its Bible story and present the sculpture that goes with it. Have each group choose a Scripture Reader, an Instructions Reader, a Construction Director to encourage everyone as they work on the sculpture, a Translator to summarize the Scripture passage, and a Presenter who will tell others about the sculpture. Circulate among the groups to encourage kids and answer any questions. After four minutes, shake the giggle hammer. Have Translators take turns summarizing the Bible story while the Presenters show the sculpture. As each sculpture is presented, set it in the middle of the room. When all groups have shared, point to the sculptures and ask: When you all created your sculptures, how were you acting like the characters in these stories? (We weren t just listening we were doing; we did what we were told; we acted out the instructions; we obeyed; we built an ark.) Think about the characters in the stories. How did their faith make a difference in their lives? (Noah listened to God, and his family was saved from the flood; Peter and John healed a man; the tax collector gave back a lot of money.) What surprised you about the characters in these stories? (They did difficult things to live out their faith; their faith really changed how they lived; they could do great things.) How did their actions affect those around them? (They made them well; Noah saved his family; people were probably surprised when they got the money.) How could you be like these people? (By following what the Bible says; by showing people that I m a Christian; by doing things that show Jesus to others.) Say: God tells us about specific things we can do to show others that we re Christians. As your Scripture Reader reads Micah 6:8, listen for three things that God wants you to do. If you have fewer than 15 students in your class, have kids double up on some of these roles. If you have more than 15 students, have additional group members become cheerleaders to affirm everyone s work. 139

Lesson 12 Have each Scripture reader read Micah 6:8 aloud while others follow along. Ask: What things did you hear that God wants you to do? (Love being kind; do right; obey God.) How can you show that you love being kind each day? (I could treat others as I want to be treated; I could do nice things for people.) How can you do what is right each day? (Include others that don t have many friends into our group; don t cheat; obey my parents.) How can you obey God each day? (Talk to him in prayer; read the Bible; love others.) How would these actions make a difference in the lives of those around you? (They d notice that I was nice; they d be happy because I was helpful; they d be surprised; they might come to know Jesus.) Say: When we act on our faith, it changes our lives and the lives of everyone around us! Our faith should make a difference in the way we live. God wants us to treat others with kindness, do what is right, and remember him every day. And he doesn t want us to just go through the motions of obeying him. He wants more. I ll show you what I mean. Have a volunteer read aloud 1 John 3:18 while the rest of the students follow along in their Bibles: Dear children, let s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Ask: What does this verse mean to you? (That my love can t be fake; that I should do more than talk about loving others.) How can you show love to someone this week? (I can be nice to the new kid at school; I can play with my little sister.) Say: God wants us to show our love for others, not just talk about it. Let s find out more ways that our faith should make a difference in the way we live. Have each group disassemble its sculpture and return the pieces to the Learning Lab for use in later lessons. n I Believe, Therefore I SUPPLIES: Bibles, CD player Before this activity, cue the CD player to Faith Walkin, tracks 19-22 Part 1 (track 19). Form two circles. Give one student in each circle a coil bracelet. Say: Now we ll practice thinking of ways to act out our faith. As I play the music, pass the coil bracelet around your circle. If you re holding a bracelet when the music stops, put it on your wrist and stand in the middle of the circle. I ll read a situation aloud. When I m finished, the people wearing the bracelets need to explain how they could live out their faith in Jesus in that situation. Then they ll give the bracelet to someone else, and I ll start the music again. Ready? Play the CD until the music stops. Stop the CD, and read the following situation: A friend has a cigarette and wants you to smoke. How can your faith make a difference in this situation? 140

Allow students a minute to respond. Then have kids start passing the bracelet again while you play the next track on the CD. Repeat this process, reading the following situations: You find a $20 bill next to a woman sitting at a bus stop. How can you live your faith in this situation? A student in your class forgot his lunch. You have plenty, but it s all your favorite food. How can you live out what you believe in this situation? You saw a classmate copying answers to a test. The teacher asks you if you saw anything. Your classmate is shaking his head no behind the teacher s back. How can your faith make a difference in this situation? When you ve read all of the situations, have kids discuss these questions within their groups and then share responses with the other group. Ask: What went through your mind when you heard these situations? (Wow, I m glad I don t have to decide what to do; I know what I d do...that happened to me.) Why would it be important to act out your faith in these situations? (So others would know what we believe; so God would be happy.) Say: Our faith should make a difference in the way we live. When we act on our faith, we ll make wiser decisions. Acting on our faith also helps others see what it means to be a Christian. Take a look at 1 Peter 2:11-12 to see why it s important to act out our faith every day. Distribute Bibles. Have a volunteer in each group read 1 Peter 2:11-12 aloud while others follow along. Ask: What reasons does this passage give for acting out your faith in Jesus? (People will see Jesus through it; people will say good things about Jesus; it makes Christians different from others.) Why do you think God wants Christians to live in a special way? (So we ll be good witnesses; so others will get to know Jesus; because otherwise people wouldn t think it was anything special to be a Christian.) Why is it important to show your faith in Jesus? (So others can get to know him; so others will believe in him; so others can go to heaven.) How can this verse help you when you face situations like the ones we just heard? (I ll remember how important it is to do good things; I ll know that by doing the right thing, I m showing God to others.) Say: Within your groups, take turns sharing one situation that would challenge you to live out your faith. It can be similar to one that I just read or one that you ve actually faced in the past. When each person has shared, I d like each of you to put one of your hands through the coil bracelet in the middle of your circle. You ll have to gather tightly together so all your wrists will fit into the bracelet. Then have someone pray and ask God to help you live out your faith in every situation. When kids have prayed, collect the coil bracelets. Say: Our faith should make a difference in the way we live. When we live our faith, others see what we do, and they think good things about God. We Show Our Faith by Our Actions 141

Lesson 12 n Great Examples SUPPLIES: Bibles, CD player, marker, newsprint, tape Say: The Bible can really encourage us to live for track 11 God. One way it does this is through the stories of other people who lived for God. We can read stories about people whose faith in God made a difference in their lives, and we can try to be like them. Let s play a game to help us see how many Bible characters we can think of to encourage us. Form groups of three for this game. Have Bibles available so that kids can look for stories or characters as they need to. Show kids the spinner, and explain that each color stands for one of the following: the Old Testament, the Prophets, the Gospels, and the New Testament. On a sheet of newsprint taped to the wall, write what each color represents. Explain that each group will spin the spinner and then work together to come up with an encouraging story or Bible character from whichever part of the Bible the arrow points to. For example, if the spinner points to the color for Prophets, the trio might say Daniel. Ask groups to say how the character or story is encouraging. For example, the trio might say that Daniel reminds them to take a stand for God. As kids work, softly play The Books of the Bible Song (track 11) in the background. Play at least two or three rounds of the game. If a trio gets stumped, have the other groups help them out. Then lead kids in a round of applause for their participation. Say: Our faith should make a difference in the way we live, just as it did for the people we just talked about. Let s see how we can make our faith real this week. Closing n A World of Difference SUPPLIES: colored construction paper, pencils, markers, scissors Set out a supply of construction paper in various colors, pencils, markers, and scissors. Have each student choose a sheet of construction paper and work with a partner to trace each other s hand or foot. Instruct the kids to cut out their handprints or footprints. Then have them write on their cutouts one action they ll take this week that will show their faith in God. Remind kids to include their names on the papers. Be sure to make a cutout for yourself, too. Have kids form a circle. Put all the handprints and footprints onto the flying flipper. Say: The actions you ve written can make a difference in our world. That s why it s so important to encourage each other to live out our faith. Let s do that now. Pass the flipper around the circle. Have each child remove a handprint or footprint. Then have kids take turns praying a simple prayer by using the name on the paper they drew to complete the following sentence: God, help [name] show his or her faith by [action]. 142

When the flipper comes to you, pray for the person on your paper. Then close by praying: Dear God, give us strength this week to live out our faith in you. We pray that others will see you through our actions. In Jesus name, amen. Have kids return the handprints or footprints to their owners, and encourage kids to take them home as reminders of today s lesson. Return the flying flipper to the Learning Lab. We Show Our Faith by Our Actions Growing closer to Jesus extends beyond the classroom. Photocopy the Hands-On Fun at Home handout (at the end of this lesson) for this week, and send it home with your kids. Encourage kids and parents to use the handout to spark meaningful discussion on this week s topic. 143

1. Read Genesis 6:11-14, 17-22. 2. Poke holes in the expandable sponge with a pencil, and push the plastic stirrers into the sponge to create an ark. 1. Read Luke 19:1-8. 2. Use the geometric puzzle to form a tree on your construction paper, like the one in the diagram. 1. Read Acts 3:1-10. 2. Use the modeling clay, popping eyeballs, and heart clip to make a unique Beautiful Gate on your construction paper. 144 Permission to photocopy this handout from Group s Hands-On Bible Curriculum Grades 3 & 4 granted for local church use. Copyright Group Publishing, Inc., 1515 Cascade Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538. group.com

LESSON 12 Our faith should make a difference in the way we live. Dear children, let s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions (1 John 3:18). Cut out these coupons and give them to your mom or dad. Ask one of them to fill out a coupon when you do something that shows your faith. Date Today I saw you show your faith by. I m proud that you re living what you believe. Love, Read Acts 16:22-34. How did Paul and Silas faith make a difference in their lives? in the lives of those around them? Read Matthew 5:13-16. How can your actions bring light to those around you? Read Mark 12:29-31. How will these commands make a difference in your life? Date Today I saw you show your faith by. I m proud that you re living what you believe. Love, Pour 1 / 2 cup of water into a jar. Add a few drops of food coloring and then 1 / 4 cup of cooking oil. Tighten a lid on the jar and shake the mixture vigorously for a few seconds. Set the jar down and watch what happens. How does your faith set you apart from others? Permission to photocopy this handout from Group s Hands-On Bible Curriculum Grades 3 & 4 granted for local church use. Copyright Group Publishing, Inc., 1515 Cascade Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538. group.com 145