Sunday of the Prodigal Son

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Sunday of the Prodiga Son Vespers At Lord, I ca..., 10 verses are sung: 6 of the Resurrection in the tone of the week from the Octoechos, and the foowing 2, each of which is repeated. 4. From the morning watch unti night, from the morning watch, et Israe hope on the Lord. 3. For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is redemption, and He wi deiver Israe from a His iniquities. Tone 1 Verses 7-8 & b RICH AND FERTILE AS THE EARTH AL - LOT - ED TO US, L==============================? b & b œ BUT ALL E PLANTED ERE THE SEEDS OF SIN. E REAPED THE L============================== _ & b œ SHEAVES OF EVIL ITH THE SICKLE OF LA - ZI - NESS; E FAILED L============================== _ & b œ TO PLACE THEM ON THE THRESH - ING FLOOR OF SOR - RO. L============================== w_

& b œ œ NO E BEG YOU, O LORD, ETERNAL MASTER OF THE HAR - VEST: L==============================? b _ & b œ MAY YOUR LOVE BECOME THE BREEZE TO INNO THE STRA OF OUR ORTH - LESS L==============================? b _ & b œ DEEDS! MAKE US LIKE PRECIOUS HEAT TO BE STORED IN HEA - VEN L==============================? b _ «_ ============== & b œ w AND SAVE US ALL. L==============? b # _ «w w_ 2. Praise the Lord, a nations. Praise Him a peopes. TICE 1. For His mercy is confirmed on us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever. Verses 9-10 & b œ BRO - THERS, OUR PURPOSE IS TO KNO THE POER OF GOD'S GOOD - NESS. L==============================? b _ 2 Sunday of the Prodiga Son - Vespers

& b œ œ FOR HEN THE PRODIGAL SON A- BAN - DONED HIS SIN, HE HAS - TENED TO L============================== _ & b œ THE REFUGE OF HIS FA - THER. THAT GOOD MAN EM - BRACED HIM AND L============================== & b EL - COMED HIM; HE KILLED THE FATTED CALF AND CELEBRATED ITH L? b & b œ HEA - VEN - LY JOY. LET US LEARN FROM THIS EXAMPLE TO OF - FER THANKS L==============================? b _ «_ & b œ TO THE FATHER HO LOVES ALL MEN, AND TO THE VICTIM, THE GLORIOUS L============================== _ 3 Sunday of the Prodiga Son - Vespers

œ ================ & b U. w SAV - IOR OF OUR SOULS. L================? b. ˆ_ «# _ «w uw_ TICE Gory in the 2nd tone: Gory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hoy Spirit. & b œ HAT GREAT BLESSINGS HAVE I FORSAKEN, RETCH THAT I AM? FROM HAT L==============================? b _ & b œ # KINGDOM HAVE I MISERABLY FAL - LEN? I HAVE SQUAN - DERED ˆ_ «L==============================? b & b œ THE RICHES THAT ERE GIV - EN TO ME; I HAVE TRANSGRESSED THE ˆ_ «L==============================? b œ & b œ # œ COM - MAND - MENTS. OE TO ME HEN I SHALL BE CONDEMNED TO ˆ_ «L==============================? b _ 4 Sunday of the Prodiga Son - Vespers

& b œ œ # E- TER - NAL FIRE. CRY OUT TO CHRIST, O MY SOUL, BEFORE THE L==============================? b œ _ & b œ END DRAS NEAR; "RECEIVE ME AS THE PRODIGAL, O GOD, AND HAVE L==============================? b _ ============ & b U w MER - CY ON ME." w_ L============? b w u Now and ever in the tone: The Dogmatic is taken from the Octoechos in the tone of the week. 5 Sunday of the Prodiga Son - Vespers

Aposticha e sing the Aposticha in the tone of the week from the Octoechos foowed by: Gory in the 6th tone: Gory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hoy Spirit. & # œ # I, A RETCHED MAN, HIDE MY FACE IN SHAME: L==============================? # & # œ I HAVE SQUANDERED THE RICHES MY FATHER GAVE TO ME; L==============================? # _ & # œ # I ENT TO LIVE ITH SENSE - LESS BEASTS; I SOUGHT THEIR FOOD AND L==============================? # ˆ_ «& # œ # HUNGERED, FOR I HAD NOT E - NOUGH TO EAT. I ILL ARISE, I ILL L==============================? # & # œ RETURN TO MY COMPASSIONATE FA - THER; HE ILL ACCEPT MY TEARS, L==============================? # w_ _ «œ w 6 Sunday of the Prodiga Son - Vespers

& # œ # AS I KNEEL BEFORE HIM, CRY - ING: "IN YOUR TENDER LOVE FOR ALL L==============================? # ˆ_ «& # œ U w # MEN, RECEIVE ME AS ONE OF THY SER - VANTS AND SAVE ME. L==============================? # w œ w uw_ Now and ever in the same tone: Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. & # œ œ # CHRIST THE MAKER, REDEEMER, AND LORD PRO - CEED -ED FROM YOUR OMB L==============================? # & # œ O ALL - PURE VIR - GIN. AND PUTTING ON MY NATURE, SET MAN FREE FROM L==============================? # w_ œ w _ & # œ # œ THE AN - CEST - RAL CURSE SO E SING TO YOU ITHOUT CEASING, O ALL - L==============================? # ˆ_ «7 Sunday of the Prodiga Son - Vespers

& # œ # PURE VIRGIN, AS MO - THER OF GOD. ITH THE SALUTATION OF THE AN - GEL: L==============================? # w_ œ w & # œ # REJOICE, O SOVEREIGN LA - DY, PROTECTION, REFUGE, AND SAL - VA - L ==============================? # œ ˆ_ «============== & # U œ w # TION OF OUR SOULS. L==============? # w uw_ St. Simeon's Prayer 8 Sunday of the Prodiga Son - Vespers