Forgiveness Sunday Vespers. l l l l

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Forgiveness Sunday Vespers At Lord, I ca... 10 verses are taken: 4 "Stikhira of Repentance" in the tone of the eek fooed by 3 verses from the Triodion: 6. If Thou, O Lord, shoudst mark iniquities, Lord, ho coud stand? But there is forgiveness ith Thee. Tone 2 Verse 5 & b LET S HMBLE THE FLESH BY AB - STI - NENCE AS E FOLLO THE L==============================? b _ & b # DIVINE PATH OF PRE FAST - ING. ITH PRAYERS AND TEARS LET S SEEK THE L============================== & b œ. œ # LORD HO SAVES S. LET S PT AN END TO ANGER CRY - ING OT: ˆ_ «L==============================? b _. œ & b œ # SAVE S HO HAVE SINNED A- GAINST THEE. SAVE S, O CHRIST OR KING,

& b œ AS THO DIDST SAVE THE MEN OF NI - NE - VAH, AND MAKE S L==============================? b _ & b œ œ œ PARTAKERS OF THY HEAVENLY KINGDOM, O COM - PAS - SION - ATE ONE. L==============================? b _ ˆ_ «œ u 5. For Thy name's sake I ait for Thee, O Lord. My sou has aited for Thy ord, my sou has hoped on the Lord. Verse 6 & b # HEN I THINK OF MY DEEDS, O LORD, I AM FILLED ITH DE - SPAIR L============================== _ «& b AND KNO THAT I AM ORTHY OF EV - 'RY TOR - MENT. I HAVE DESPISED ˆ_ «L==============================? b & b œ œ. œ # # THY COMMANDMENTS, O SAV - IOR. I HAVE SPENT MY LIFE AS A PRO - DI - GAL. L============================== _ «. ˆ_ 2 Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

œ & b # I PRAY TO THEE, O ON -LY MER - CI - FL ONE CLEANSE ME BY RE - PENT - L============================== œ & b # ANCE ENLIGHTEN ME THROGH PRAYERS AND FAST - ING, AND DESPISE ME NOT, O _ «L==============================? b =================== & b MOST GRACIOS BEN - E - FAC - TOR OF ALL. ˆ_ «L===================? b _ 4. From the morning atch unti night, from the morning atch, et Israe hope on the Lord Verse 7 & b œ LET S BEGIN THE FAST ITH JOY. LET S PREPARE ORSELVES FOR L============================== & b # SPIR -IT- AL EF - FORTS. LET S CLEANSE OR SOL AND CLEANSE OR FLESH. ˆ_ «L==============================? b 3 Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

& b œ œ. œ # LET S ABSTAIN FROM EVERY PASSION AS E AB - STAIN FROM FOOD. L============================== _ «. ˆ_ & b œ œ # LET S RE - JOICE IN VIRTES OF THE SPIRIT AND FL - FILL THEM IN LOVE. L==============================? b _ & b. THAT E ALL MAY SEE THE PAS - SION OF CHRIST OR GOD, ˆ_ «. L ==============================? b œ & b œ œ AND REJOICE IN SPIRIT AT THE HO - LY PAS - CHA. L==============================? b œ _ u The fina 3 stichera are taken to the saint of the day from the Menaion fooed by Gory, no and ever, and the Theotokion hich is aso from the Menaion. O GLADSOME LIGHT GREAT PROKIMENON "TRN NOT AAY THY FACE" VOCHSAFE, O LORD LITANY OF SPPLICATION 4 Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

œ APOSTICHA Tone 4 & b THY GRACE HAS SHON FORTH, O LORD, THE GRACE HICH IL - L - MINES OR L============================== & b SOL. THIS IS THE AC - CEPT - A- BLE TIME THIS IS THE TIME OF L==============================? b _ «& b œ œ RE - PENT - ANCE. LET S LAY ASIDE THE ORKS OF DARKNESS AND PT L============================== & b œ œ ON THE AR - MOR OF LIGHT, THAT PASSING THROGH THE FAST AS THROGH A GREAT L============================== _ & b œ SEA E MAY REACH THE RESRRECTION ON THE THIRD DAY L==============================? b _ «5 Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

œ œ ========================= & b œ œ OF OR LORD JESS CHRIST THE SAV - IOR OF OR SOLS L=========================? b _ # _ «u_ TICE VERSE: To Thee I ift up my eyes, O Thou ho art enthroned in the heavens. Behod, as the eyes of servants ook to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes ook to the Lord our God, ti he have mercy upon us. CHOIR: Repeats "Thy grace has shon forth, O Lord..." VERSE: Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us, for e have had more than enough of contempt. Too ong our sou has been sated ith the scorn of those ho are at ease, the contempt of the proud. Same Tone & b œ THO ART GLO - RI - FIED IN THE MEMORY OF THY SAINTS, O CHRIST GOD. L============================== _ & b œ œ AT THEIR SPPLICATIONS, SEND DON PON S THY GREAT MER - CY. _ ˆ_ «# _ «L==============================? b u_ Gory, no and ever in the same tone: Gory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hoy Spirit, no and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. & b œ œ THE ANGELIC HOSTS GLORIFY YO, O MO - THER OF GOD, FOR YO GAVE L==============================? b _ 6 Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

& b BIRTH TO GOD, CO - E- TER - NAL ITH THE FATHER AND THE SPIR - IT L==============================? b & b œ HO CREATED OT OF NOTHING THE AN - GEL - IC HOSTS. BESEECH HIM TO L==============================? b _ & b œ DELIVER FROM COR - RP - TION AND TO EN - LIGHT - EN THE SOLS L============================== _ =========================== & b OF THOSE HO RIGHTLY PRAISE YO, O ALL PRE ONE. L=========================== # _ «u_ ST. SIMEON'S PRAYER TRISAGION LENTEN TROPARIA READER: Lord, have mercy. (40) More honorabe than the Cherubim, and more gorious beyond compare than the Seraphim; ithout defiement you gave birth to God the ord; true Theotokos, e magnify you. In the Name of the Lord, father, bess. PRIEST: Christ, our God, the Existing One, is bessed aays, no and ever, and unto ages of ages. READER: Amen. O heaveny King, estabish the Orthodox Christians, confirm the Faith, quet the heathen, give peace to the ord, pace our departed fathers and brethren in the tabernaces of the Righteous, and receive us in repentance and confession for Thou art good, and the Lover of Mankind. ST. EPHREM'S PRAYER (1 time) DISMISSAL 7 Forgiveness Sunday Vespers