The Liturgy of the Hours

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The Liturgy of the Hours 1 November All Saints at Vespers I Choir Leader: & bb O God, come to my as - sist - ance. Introductory Versicle & bb - O Lord, make haste to help me. & bb Glo - ry to the Fa - ther, and to the & bb - Son, and to the Ho - ly Spir - it: as it & bb - was in the be - gin - ning, is now, and will & b b be for ev-er. A-men. Al-le - lu - ia. OT001

1 November All Saints at Vespers I & b b (8) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. & b b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Christ, An - Proph - Mar - O Glo - Pro - Who Be - And With And the re - gels full ets and tyrs of all you ry to deem - bless - ap - God bless - God er ed os - in ed the of ev - tol - pur - vir - Fa - us er - ic ple gins ther all, more, twelve, clad, choirs be, - tect in hold white - ho - glo - your your our robed ly ry serv - cir - pen - train, monks to ants cles i - con - and his with nine ten - fes - her - On - your as - tial sors mits ly care, cend: tears. band: wise: Son, & b b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. And As O By May With bend - you plead prayer we Ho - ing have for of one ly from guard - us yours day Spir - your ed when may be it throne us death we joined e - of be - is be with qual - & b b 1. Re - 2. So 3. And 4. From gard may our ex - 5. Up - raised 6. While ev - the you all - ile to er - & b b A - men. Hymn ho - still search - to man - last - ly our ing our sions ing Vir - paths Judge na - in a - gin s de - ap - tive the ges S3057 grace fore, nigh led you ly prayer. fend. pears. land. skies. run. 2

Psalm 113 (112) The Poor in the Company of Princes He has cast down the mighty and lifted up the lowly. Lk 1:52 & bb (8) The saints find their home in the king- dom of & bb - heav - en; their life is e - ter - nal peace, & bb al - le - lu - ia. & bb Ñ á } á Práise, O sérvants of the Lórd, * práise the náme of the Lórd! 2 May the náme of the Lórd be blést * both nów and forévermóre! 3 From the rísing of the sún to its sétting, * práised be the náme of the Lórd! 4 Hígh above all nátions is the Lórd, * above the héavens his glóry. 5 Whó is like the Lórd, our Gód, * who dwélls on hígh, 6 Who lówers himsélf to look dówn * upon héaven and éarth? 7 From the dúst he lífts up the lówly, * from the ásh heap he ráises the póor, ~ S3058 3

8 To sét them in the cómpany of prínces, * yés, with the prínces of his péople. 9 To the chíldless wífe he gives a hóme * as a jóyful móther of chíldren. Glory... Psalm 116B (114:10-19; 115) You Have Loosened My Bonds Through Christ let us offer to God a continual sacrifice of praise. Heb 13:15 S3059 & bb b - (6*) I saw a vast crowd, a crowd of count-less & bb b - num - bers from ev - ry na - tion, stand - & bb b ing be - fore the throne. & bb b á Ñ } 10 I trústed, éven when I sáid, * I am sórely afflícted, 11 And whén I sáid in my alárm, * These péople are all líars. á 12 Hów can I repáy the Lórd * for áll his góodness to mé? 13 The cúp of salvátion I will ráise; * I will cáll on the náme of the Lórd. 4

14 My vóws to the Lórd I will fulfíll * before áll his péople. 15 How précious in the éyes of the Lórd * is the déath of his fáithful. 16 Your sérvant, Lord, your sérvant am Í, + the són of your hándmaid; * you have lóosened my bónds. 17 A thánksgiving sácrifice I máke; * I will cáll on the náme of the Lórd. 18 My vóws to the Lórd I will fulfíll * before áll his péople, 19 In the cóurts of the hóuse of the Lórd, * in your mídst, O Jerúsalem. Glory... Revelation 19:1-7 The Wedding of the Lamb The white linen represents the righteous deeds of the holy ones. Rv 19:8 & bb b b - (8) Be - fore the throne of God and the Lamb, the & bb b b saints will sing a new song; their voic-es & bb b b - - will re - sound through- out all & b b b b - Al - le - lu - ia. S3060 the earth. 5

& b b b b & b b b b 1. & bb b b all who wor-ship him rev -rent-ly, great and & bb b b 6 small: al - le - lu - ia, al - le-lu - ia. & b b b b 3. The Lord our all-pow-er-ful God is King: & b b b b b b Sal - va-tion and glo-ry and pow r to our God: & bb b b al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia; & bb b b his judg-ments are hon - est and true: al - le - & bb b b lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia. & bb b b 2. Sing praise to our God, & bb b b all you his ser-vants: al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia; OT026A

& b b b b 7 The Lord our all-pow-er-ful God is King: & b b b b al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia; & bb b b let us re- joice, sing praise, and & bb b b & bb b b glo - ry: al - le - lu - ia. & bb b b of the Lamb has be-gun: & bb b b al - le - lu - ia; & bb b b pared & bb b b give al - le - lu - ia, him 4. The wed - ding feast to wel - come him: al - le - lu - ia. al - le - lu - ia, and his bride is pre - al - le - lu - ia, 5. All praise to the & b b b b Fa - ther, the Son, and the Ho - ly Spir - it: & b b b b b b

& b b b b & bb b b - (8) Fa - ther, the Son, and the Ho - ly Spir - it: & b b b b al - le - lu - ia, Be-fore the throne of God and the Lamb, the & bb b b saints will sing a new song; their voic-es & bb b b - - will re - sound through - out all & bb b b - Al - le - lu - ia. al - le - lu - ia; & bb b b as it was, is now, and will be for ev-er. A-men. & bb b b Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia. S3060 the earth. & bb b b V. Bless - ed are those who fear the Lord. & bb b b R. Antiphon: Bless-ed are those who walk in God's ways. S3061 8

Reading Responsory & # (6*) Let the saints re-joice be-fore the & # Lord: al - le - lu - ia, & # - al - le - - - - lu - ia. S3062 God has chosen them as his own. Alleluia... Give praise to the Father almighty, the Son, and the Spirit: one God for ever. Amen. Let the saints... Canticle of Mary [Luke 1:46-55] Blessed are you who trusted that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled. (Luke 1:45) And Mary said: & (5*) O how glo-rious is that king - dom where all the & - saints re - joice with Christ; clothed in white S3063 & # - robes, they fol-low the Lamb where-ev-er he goes. 9

& á á 4 My soul procláims the gréatness of the Lórd, and my spírit exúlts in God my Sávior, For he has lóoked upon his hándmaid in her lówliness; henceforth all áges will cáll me bléssed. 4 For the Almíghty has done gréat things for mé. And hóly ís his náme. His loving mércy is from áge to áge for thóse who féar him. 6 He has made knówn the stréngth of his árm, and has scáttered the próud of héart. He has put dówn the míghty from their thrónes and has exálted thóse who are lówly. He has fílled the húngry with góod things, and has sént the rích away émpty. 4 He has álways helped Ísrael his sérvant, míndful of his lóving mércy, Éven as he prómised our fáthers, to Ábraham and hís descéndants foréver. Glory... omit for 4-line omit for 5-line { á } á á PS038 á Intercessions & b (14) Through the prayer of the saints, & b Lord, save us! S3064 10

Abbot: Our Father & b b b b Let us pray as Christ the Lord has taught us: Assembly: & bb b b Our Fa - ther, who art in heav-en, hal-lowed & bb b b be thy name; thy king-dom come; thy will be & bb b b done on earth as it is in heav-en. Oration Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Blessing Give us this & bb b b day our dai - ly bread; and for- give us our & bb b b tres-pass - es & bb b b tres-pass a-gainst us; as we for - give those who and lead us not in-to & bb b b - OT009 temp-ta-tion, but de-liv - er us from e - vil. 11

Excerpts from The Liturgy of the Hours: Antiphons, Responsories. Copyright 1970, 1973, 1975, In ter na tion al Com mit tee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights re served. Excerpts from Thesaurus Liturgiae Horarum Monasticae: Antiphons. Copyright 1977 Sec re tar i at of the Abbot Primate of the Order of St. Benedict, Sant Anselmo, Rome, It a ly. The Revised Grail Psalms Copyright 2010, Conception Abbey/The Grail, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc., All rights reserved. Biblical Canticles Copyright 2010, Conception Abbey, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc., All rights reserved. Texts of the scriptural citations are reproduced with permission from The New American Bible, Copyright 1970 and the The Revised New American Bible with Revised New Testament, Copyright 1986, by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Hymn: Text: Christe, redemptor... conserva, Helisachar (9 th cent.), tr CA 2001, after Placare, Christe, servulis, attr Maffeo Barberini (Pope Urban VIII), 1568-1644, tr Edward Caswall (1814-1878) and others Tune: CHRISTE REDEMPTOR (PLACARE CHRISTE), LM, alt, adapt. Conception Abbey 2011, Conception Abbey, Conception, MO 64433. All rights reserved. Psalm tone for the Canticle of Mary: Columba Kelly, O.S.B., 1971 St. Meinrad Archabbey, St. Meinrad, IN 47577. All rights reserved. All other music by the monks of Conception Abbey 2011 Conception Abbey, Inc., Conception, MO 64433. All rights reserved. Copyright 2011, Conception Abbey, Conception, Missouri. 12