SAMPLE PSALM 91: BE WITH ME,LORD. am in trou. when I. ble and need. be with me, Lord, ( ) B m6. dwell hands. in the shel gels will. who their 1. 3.

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Prepared by the Benedictine Monks. St. Meinrad Archabbey St. Meinrad, Indiana, June All Rights Reserved

None of these pages may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.

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Gentle God of All the Earth. j œ. œ. G D/F # C/E G œ. C D7 G Gsus4. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ. ev - ery height; C D7 G D/F # our. our

SAMPLE. alleluia. F œ # & œ œw. á œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ G C/E. G Am/G. ia. C/E. you have the words of ever -

Be Merciful, O Lord/ Create a Clean Heart in Me, O God/ I Will Rise and Go to My Father (Psalm 51) (Guitar/Vocal) C œ G D.C.


PSALM 91: B WTH M,LOR Melody RRAN: Lyrical ( = ca. 108) 1st time: Canr, All repeat; thereafter: All B m m ine Keyboard VRSS 1-3: Canr You On who their Be dwell hands with me, in the shel the an Lord; ter of gels will be with me, Lord, 6 od, bear Most High, you up, 2. vil shall nev er be fall you, nor af flic tion come near Text: Based on Psalm 91:15, 1 2, 10 11, 12 13, 14 16; Michael Joncas, b. 195 Music: Michael Joncas; keyboard acc. by Craig S. Kingsbury, b. 1952. Text and music 1981, 1982, 1985, Jan Michael Joncas Trust. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. when am in trou who a bide lest you dash ble and need. ( ) ine (cue Vss) in Al might y s foot gainst a 22658-Z1

PSALM 91: B WTH M, LOR (Joncas), cont. (2) 6 m shade, sne. say Li on the Lord: or vi My per might ref strike uge, at my 2. tent. Un his an gels he s giv en com strong life, hold, but my od you will in not whom come 2. mand guard you in all ways. sus4 trust. harm.. C.. C.. C.

PSALM 91: B WTH M, LOR (Joncas), cont. (3) VRS 4: Canr A maj7 4. Cling the Lord and he ll sure ly de liv er you; he rais es m7 7 4. up all who call on his name. He will bring joy A maj7 sus4. C. al fine 4. hearts and bless you with peace in all days.. C. al fine

PSALM 91: B WTH M,LOR RRAN: Lyrical ( = ca. 108) 1st time: Canr, All repeat; thereafter: All Capo 1: (A) B ( m) m (C m) m ref uge, my strong hold, my VRS 2: Canr 2. need. m Be with me, Lord; ( ) ine bide in Al might y s vil shall nev er be 6 VRS 1: Canr 6 shade, be with me, Lord, You who dwell in the shel ter of od, od in whom 6 ( ) fall you, nor af () when () say 6 the Lord: (B7 sus4) sus4 trust. am in Most High, ( ) flic tion come ( ) trou ble and who a My. C. 2. near tent. Un his an gels he s Text: Based on Psalm 91:15, 1 2, 10 11, 12 13, 14 16; Michael Joncas, b. 195 Music: Michael Joncas. Text and music 1981, 1982, Jan Michael Joncas Trust. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. 22658-Z2

PSALM 91: B WTH M, LOR (Joncas), cont. (2) m ( ) sus 4. C. 2. giv en com mand guard you in all ways. VRS 3: Canr On foot gainst a m strike at life, VRS 4: Canr 4. Cling (m7) m7 4. up () the Lord 6 sne. all who call but (maj7) A maj7 and he ll sure 6 their hands the an gels will bear you will not (7) 7 on his name. () ( ) come ly de liv Li on or vi He sus 4 harm. ( ) er you; he () will bring joy () you up, lest you dash per rais might. C. es (maj7) A maj7 ( ) sus 4. C. al fine 4. hearts and bless you with peace in all days.

PSALM 91: B WTH M,LOR RRAN: Lyrical ( = ca. 108) 1st time: Canr, All repeat; thereafter: All Capo 1: (A) B ( m) m (C m) m ref uge, my strong hold, my VRS 2: Canr 2. need. m Be with me, Lord; ( ) ine bide in Al might y s vil shall nev er be 6 VRS 1: Canr 6 shade, be with me, Lord, You who dwell in the shel ter of od, od in whom 6 ( ) fall you, nor af () when () say 6 the Lord: (B7 sus4) sus4 trust. am in Most High, ( ) flic tion come ( ) trou ble and who a My. C. 2. near tent. Un his an gels he s Text: Based on Psalm 91:15, 1 2, 10 11, 12 13, 14 16; Michael Joncas, b. 195 Music: Michael Joncas. Text and music 1981, 1982, Jan Michael Joncas Trust. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. 22658-Z2

PSALM 91: B WTH M, LOR (Joncas), cont. (2) m ( ) sus 4. C. 2. giv en com mand guard you in all ways. VRS 3: Canr On foot gainst a m strike at life, VRS 4: Canr 4. Cling (m7) m7 4. up () the Lord 6 sne. all who call but (maj7) A maj7 and he ll sure 6 their hands the an gels will bear you will not (7) 7 on his name. () ( ) come ly de liv Li on or vi He sus 4 harm. ( ) er you; he () will bring joy () you up, lest you dash per rais might. C. es (maj7) A maj7 ( ) sus 4. C. al fine 4. hearts and bless you with peace in all days.

PSALM 91: B WTH M, LOR SOLO NSTRUMNT RRAN: Lyrical ( = ca. 108) Tacet until after Verse 2 (1st time:.c.) ine VRS 1 VRSS 2, 3, 4: Tacet Note: Bracketed ntro is compatible with suggested bracketed ntro on keyboard and guitar accompaniments. Music: Michael Joncas, b. 1951, 1981, 1982, Jan Michael Joncas Trust. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. SOLO NSTRUMNT RRAN: Lyrical ( = ca. 108) Tacet until after Verse 2 VRSS 1, 3, 4: Tacet VRS 2.C. (1st time:.c. ) ( ) ine.c. Note: Bracketed ntro is compatible with suggested bracketed ntro on keyboard and guitar accompaniments. Music: Michael Joncas, b. 1951, 1981, 1982, Jan Michael Joncas Trust. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. 22658-Z3