WE BOW TO YOUR PASSION, O CHRIST. Galician and Rusyn Chants for Passion Sunday and Good Friday. SATB Choir a cappella

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S.A. á T.B. The Lam, fore - told y I - sa - iah, á w á w will - ingly comes to e slaugh-tered, á WE BOW TO YOUR PASSION, O CHRIST Galician and Rusyn Chants for Passion Sunday and Good Friday The Lamp-Lighting Psalms of Great and Holy Friday Vespers SATB Choir a cappella I. Tone 2 samohlasen Galician chant á á of - fering his ack to scourges and his cheeks to e slapped. á á E - ven his face he did not turn á á á from the shame of spit, as he was condemned to a shame - ful death. á á 005916 Click Print download e05916 may e purchased at wlpmusic.com. Text from copyright 1995, Sisters of St. Basil the Great, Uniontown, PA. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Arrangement copyright 2015, World Lirary Pulications 3708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is against the law.

á The sinless Lord endures all this with will - ing - ness á á 3 á so that he might grant resurrec - tion from the dead to all. á á

The Beatitudes of Great and Holy Friday Matins II. Tone 4 samohlasen Galician chant á 4 Ad - am was exiled from Paradise ecause of the for - id - den tree; á á ut through the Tree of the Cross, the thief now en - ters it; á á for, y tast - ing its fruit, the former roke the commandments of the Cre - a - tor; the latter shared in your crucifixion, confessing your di - vin - i - ty. á á Re - memer us, O Savior, in your king - dom! á

The Praises of Great and Holy Friday Matins III. Tone 3 samohlasen Galician chant 5 n The whole cre - ation, O Christ, tremled when it saw you on the Cross; á w á w á the foundations of the earth shook in dread of your might; á w á n and the veil of the temple was torn in two, á w á w á graves were opened and the dead a - rose from the toms, á w á

n á and the cen - tu - rion was frightened y this mir - a - cle. á á á Your Mother, as mothers will, stood y weep - ing and wail - ing. 6 á á n She said, How can I not wail and strike my reast, á w á w á when I see you naked and con - demned to a Cross á w á n á w, O Lord, cru - cified, uried, and risen from the dead: glo - ry to you! á, á w

á Come, let us less the ever -memo - ra - le Jo - seph, á who went to á Pi - late y night to á eg for the Life of All: Hymns at the Veneration of the Tom IV. Tone 5 samohlasen Rusyn chant 7 Give me this strang-er, who has no place to lay his head. á á Give me this stranger, who was handed over to death y his wick - ed dis - ci - ple. á á, Give me this strang - er, whose Moth - er wept, see - ing him hang- ing on the cross,, á á mourn-ing and cry - ing out in a moth - er - ly la - ment. á á Woe is me, my child!

á Woe is me, my light, my elov-ed whom I ore in my wom. á What was fore - told á y Simeon in the temple comes to pass to - day: á á A sword has pierced my heart, á ut change my tears into the joy of your res - ur - rec - tion.. á. We ow to your pas - sion, O Christ. We ow to your pas- sion, O Christ. We ow to your 8 w pas - sion, O Christ, and to your ho - ly Res - ur - rec - tion. w w w Engraved and printed in the U.S.A. 0 9 1 5