Psalm 1: Blessed Are They SAMPLE. œ œ œ. 1. Bless-ed the man who fol-lows not the coun-sel of the wick-ed, nor walks in the way of sin - ners, COPY

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Psalm 1: Blessed Are They 6 All: b 4 2 7 8 b b b Bless - ed are Cantor:. they ho hope in the Lord. 1. Bless-ed the man ho fol-los not the coun-sel of the ick-ed, nor alks in the ay of sin - ners, 2. He is like a tree plant-ed near run - - - - ning a - ter, 3. Not so the ick - - - - - - ed, not so; nor sits in the com-pa-ny of the that yields its fruit in they are like chaff hich the ind in due drives - so - sea - a - lent, son, ay. but de-lights in the la of the Lord and med-i-tates on his la day and night. and hose leaves nev - er fade. hat-ev-er he does, pros- pers. For the LORD atch-es o-ver the ay of the ust, but the ay of the ick-ed van - ish - es. Music: Joe Higginbotham, b. 1953, 2006, International Liturgy Publications

8 12 17 22 REFRAIN Tenderly, gently 4 4 1, 2 3, 4 Psalm 4: Lord, Let Your Face Shine on Us 1., Final to Verses Lord, let your face shine on us. us. 1. hen I call, an - ser me, O my ust God, you ho re- 2. Kno that the LORD does on - ders for his faith - ful one; lieve me hen I am in dis-tress; have pit - y on me, and hear my prayer! to Refrain Ó Ó Ó the LORD ill hear me hen I call up - on him. 3. O LORD, let the light of your coun -te- nance shine up - on us! 4. As soon as I lie don, I fall peace -ful-ly a - sleep, for You put glad - ness in - to my heart. you a - lone, O LORD, bring se - cu - ri - ty to my dell - ing. 3 to Refrain Ó poco rit. to Refrain to Refrain Text: refrain: 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL; verses: 1998, 1997, 1970, CCD Music: Jane Terilliger, b.1952, and Roger Holtz, b.1950, 2011, International Liturgy Publications

Psalm 8: O Lord, Our God, Ho onderful 7 14 20 REFRAIN % C O Lord, our God, ho on - der-ful your name, ho on - der-ful your 1. to Verses Final poco rit. name in all the earth! O earth! earth! J 1. hen I be-hold your heav-ens, the ork of your fin -gers, the moon and the 2. You have made him lit-tle less than the an- gels, and croned 3. All sheep and ox - en, yes, and the beasts of the stars hich you set in place hat is man that you should be mind -ful of him ith glo - ry and hon - or. You have giv - en him rule field, the birds of the air, the fish - es of the sea, Ó Ó Text: refrain: 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL; verses: 1998, 1997, 1970, CCD Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950 and Jane Terilliger, b.1952, 2010, International Liturgy Publications

Psalm 8: O Lord, Our God, Ho onderful 26 him, or the son of man that you should care for him? O 3 o - ver the orks of your hands, put-ting all things un -der his feet. O and hat - ev - er sims the paths of the seas. O

1 3 6 4 4 8 10 12 Moderately Lord. 1. One 2. ho 3. ho He ho does us - tice ill ho harms lends alks not not blamelessly and his fello his money ho thinks the truth in his nor takes up areproach against and accepts no bribeagainst the (Skip to last line) by hom the reprobate is One ho does these and slanders not hile he honors shall never be Psalm 15: He ho Does Justice ith those his ho fear his the does at live in the pres - ence of the to Verses ustice; man, usury heart neigh-borin - nocent. des - pised, things U tongue. LORD. dis - turbed. Last time only Music: Bill Svarda, b. 1941 2003 International Liturgy Publications U

Psalm 15: The One ho Does Justice All: 4 2 The one ho does # Cantor: # 7 9 J J us - tice ill live in the pres- ence of the 1. ho-ev-er alks blame-less - ly and does us - tice; 2. ho harms not his fel - lo man, nor takes up a re-proach a-gainst his neigh- bor; 3. ho lends not his mon-ey at u - su - ry and ac-cepts no bribe a-gainst the in - no - cent. ho thinks the truth in his heart by hom the re-pro-bate is de - spised, ho-ev-er does these things Music: Joe Higginbotham, b.1953, 2006, International Liturgy Publications Lord. n and slan-ders not ith his tongue. hile he hon-ors those ho fear the Lord. shall nev-er be dis-turbed.

Psalm 16: Lord, You ill Sho Us 3 All: 4 4 5 6 Cantor: Lord, you ill sho us the path of life. 1. Keep me, O God, for in you I take ref-uge; I say to the LORD, My Lord are you. 2. I bless the LORD ho coun -sels me; e-ven in the night my heart ex - horts me. 3. There-fore my heart is glad and my soul re - oic-es, my bod-y, too, a-bides in con - fi - dence; O LORD, my al-lot-ted por-tion I set the LORD ev-er be-cause you ill not a-ban-don my soul to the and be neth my - - fore er - cup, me; orld, you it is ho hold fast ith him at my right hand I shall not be nor ill you suf-fer your faith-ful one to un-der-go cor my - dis rup - - lot. turbed. tion. Music: Ann Timmons, b.1961, 2008, International Liturgy Publications

Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance REFRAIN Guitar capo 3 q = 120 4 Ó Ó You are my in - her - it -ance, O Lord. You are my in - her - it -ance, O Lord. You are my in - her - it -ance, O Lord. to Verses Lord. % Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó (Vigil, 33rd B): 1. O LORD, my al -lot - ted por-tion and my cup, you it is ho (13th C): (13th C): Final Lord. 2. Keep me, O God, for in you I take ref -uge; I say to the 3. I bless the LORD ho coun - sels me; e -ven in the 4. There - fore my heart is glad and my soul re -oic - es, my bod -y, 3 Ó 5. You ill sho me the path to life, full-ness of oys 1. Ó Ó 3 Music: Michael Giszczak, b.1951, 2004, International Liturgy Publications

Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance 3 Ó hold fast my lot. I set the LORD ev - er be - LORD, "My LORD are you." O LORD, my al - lot - ted 3 Ó night my heart ex - horts me. I set the LORD ev - er be - too, a - bides in con - fi - dence; be - cause you ill not a - ban -don my soul to the 3 in your pres - ence, the de -lights at your right hand for - fore me; ith him at my right hand I shall not be dis - turbed. por - tion and my cup, you it is ho hold fast my lot. fore me; ith him at my right hand I shall not be dis - turbed. 3 J Ó neth-er-orld, nor ill you suf -fer your faith-ful one to un -der -go cor - rup - tion. ev Ó - er, the de-lights at your right hand for - ev - er. Ó Ó Ó Ó Lectionary notes: Easter Vigil: Vss. 1, 4, 5 13th Ordinary C: Vss. 2, 3, 4, 5 33rd Ordinary B: Vss. 1, 4, 5

Psalm 17: Lord, hen Your Glory Appears 1 6 12 Moderately Fast (2 feel) b 4 4 b b 14 16 18 bb bb b b b b 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Lord, 1. 2. 3. ill hen your be full. But I glo - ry ap - My steps have Keep me pears,.. my feet hide me in the I call upon you, in ustice shall incline on aking from your ear I shall Hear, O LORD, been steadfast as the apple lips to me; be attend have shado hearken for you behold ithout hear content a ust in your of your to my not of your to my ill your rit. suit; paths, eye, outcry; faltered. ings. de - my in your my to Verses prayer anser me, O God; face; U ceit. ord. presence. oy Last time only U Text: refrain: 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL; verses: 1998, 1997, 1970, CCD Music: Bill Svarda, b. 1941 2003 International Liturgy Publications

Psalm 18: I Love You, Lord, My Strength All: # 4 3.. 4 I love You, Lord, my # 4 Cantor: 9 14 19 23 28 # # # # 1. I 2. My strength. love you, O Lord, my God, my rock of Praised be the Lord, I ex. You 3. The Lord lives! And. strength, O I love You, Lord, my strength. Lord, my rock, my for - tress, my de - liv - er-er. ref -uge, my shield, the horn of my sal - va - tion, my strong-hold!. J - claim, and I am safe from my en - e - mies. ho gave great J. Music: Beverly McDevitt, b. 1963, 2006 International Liturgy Publications J n. bless-ed be my rock! Ex - tolled be God my sav - ior. vic -tories to your king and shoed kind-ness to your a - noint-ed.

8 6 Capo 3: All: The Cantor: pre -cepts of the. Lord give b 7 9. b b oy to the. heart, give b. oy to the b 1. The la of the Lord is per - fect, re-fresh - ing the soul; 2. The fear of the Lord is pure, en-dur-ing for - ev - er; 3. Though your ser-vant is care -ful of them, ver-y dil-i-gent in keep-ing them, 4. From an-ton sin es - pe - cial - ly, re-strain your ser - vant; b Psalm 19: The Precepts of the Lord b the de-cree of the Lord is trust-or-thy, giv-ing is-dom to the sim - ple. the or-di-nanc-es of the Lord are true, all of them ust. Yet ho can de - tect fail-ings? Cleanse me from my un-knon faults! let it not rule o - ver me. Then shall I be blame-less and in-no-cent of se- ri - ous sin. Music: Joe Higginbotham, b. 1953, 2006, International Liturgy Publications. heart.

4 7 10 13 16 20 23 REFRAIN 6 # 4 Psalm 19: Their Message Goes Out Their mes - sage goes out through all the earth, 1. to Verses or Final all the earth. earth. 1. The 1. (The) heav-ens de - clare the glo - ry of God, and the fir - ma-ment pro - claims his hand % # Ó Ó VERSE 1 # # # - i - ork. Day pours out the ord to day, and night to night im - parts knol - edge. Their VERSE 2 # 2. Not a ord nor a dis - course hose voice is not heard; # # J through all the earth their voice re - sounds, and to the ends of the orld, their mes - sage. Their J Ó Ó Ó Ó Text: refrain: 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL; verses: 1998, 1997, 1970, CCD Music: Roger Holtz, b.1950, 2004, International Liturgy Publications