Apocalypse. For Solo Soprano and SATB Chorus By David Lancaster

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Aocalyse For Solo Sorano and SATB Chorus By David Lancaster

Aocalyse (2012) draws uon text ound in the Prick o Conscience window in All Saints Church, North Street, York, in which iteen anels deict the inal days o the world. Some o the original medieval text is used but it is largely resented in a new translation by David Lancaster and Daniela Nunnari. Perormance notes From the beginning to rehearsal bar 11: all soranos (including the soloist) are distributed around the auditorium, ideally so as to surround the audience. At bar 11 they begin to return to their osition with the remainder o the choir, to be in osition by bar 20. From that oint, the sorano soloist should occuy a central, raised osition (station A below). At bar 118: two additional sorano duettists move rom their regular osition to stations either side o the choir (B and C below), where they should remain until the end. A B C The length o the soken and whisered assages is aroximate. For SATB chorus with high sorano soloist Duration: 25 00 (An alternative version is available in which the music is divided into our movements, which can be intersersed throughout a concert rogramme).

Aocalyse David Lancaster Sorano Soloist Lento All auses -5 secs. reeat each box x2-4, ree time q = c. 120 Sorano reeat each box x2-4, ree time q = c. 120 Alto div. Raid whisering the irst o the iteen days the sea shall Alto div. mm Tenor div. Raid whisering the irst o the Tenor div. mm Bass Raid whisering the irst o the iteen days the sea shall rise (as the book says) Bass

2 6 m m rise (as the book says) as high as a mountain: orty cubits or certain. And the waves will rise u and stand just like a hill does on the land. iteen days the sea shall rise (as the book says) as high as a mountain: orty cubits or certain. And the waves will rise u and stand just like a hill does on the land. as high as a mountain: orty cubits or certain. And the waves will rise u and stand just like a hill does on the land.

S solo q=48 10 solo sorano joins main body o choir soranos join the main body o choir the irst o i-teen days the sea will rise as the book says. as high as a the irst o i-teen days the sea will rise as the book says. as high as a the irst o i-teen days the sea will rise as the book says. as high as a the irst o i-teen days the sea will rise as the book says. as high as a

4 S solo 15 moun - tain ull or-ty cu-bits or cer - tain And the waves rise u and stand just as a hill does on the moun - tain ull or-ty cu-bits or cer - tain And the waves rise u and stand just as a hill does on the moun-tain ull or-ty cu-bits or cer - tain And the waves rise u and stand just as a hill does on the moun - tain ull or-ty cu-bits or cer - tain And the waves rise u and stand just as a hill does on the

5 S solo 20 q=60 soken: the sec-ond day the sea will re-treat that mm mm land. mm land. mm land solo, stage whiser: the day sea re-treat land. solo, stage whiser: land. sec-ond the will that

6 S solo 24 men may see what lies be neath. q=48 mm mm mm mm may what be neath. div. men lies tutti:

7 29 m 5 the third day the sea will the third day the sea will

8 m 5 seem lain And then re - turn to its calm state a - gain. Just seem lain And then re - turn to its calm state a - gain. Just div.

9 6 Tutti soken, staggered entries the irst o the iteen days the sea like it had been be-ore, ris - ing and all - ing no more. like it had been be-ore, ris - ing and all - ing no more.

10 9 shall rise (as thebook says) as high as a mountain: orty cubits or certain. And the waves will rise u and stand just like a hill does Tutti soken, staggered entries the irst o the iteen days the sea shall rise (as the book says) as high as a mountain: orty cubits or certain. And the waves will rise u and stand just like a hill

11 Pause until seech ends 44 The ourth day, there will a won der - be: the strang-est on the land. Solo, soken: the second day the sea will retreat, that men may see what lies beneath. on the land. Altri: does on the land. div. does on the land. div. Fourth day will won - der strange div. Fourth Fourth day will won - der strange day will won - der strange div. Fourth day will won - der strange

12 48 crea-tures that dwell in the sea shall come to - ge-ther and sing creat - ures dwell sea come to - geth - er and creat - ures dwell sea come to - geth - er and creat - ures dwell sea come to - geth - er and creat - ures dwell sea come to - geth - er and

1 51 hi - di - ous to men's hear - ing But what their clam -our may sig - ni - sing But what can it sing But what can it sing But what can it sing But what can it

14 5 y No one may know but God al-migh ty q=60 div. div. sig - ni - y God Al - might - y sig - ni - y God Al - might - y sig - ni - y God Al - might - y sig - ni - y God Al - might - y

15 58 Tutti: raid mobile atterns, reeat in any order, ree time. q = c. 120 the ith day the sea will burn. And all oth - er wat ers as they the ith day the sea will burn. And all oth - er wat ers as they tutti: the ith day the sea will burn. And all oth - er wat ers as they tutti: the ith day the sea will burn. And all oth - er wat ers as they

16 62 run. And this will last rom sun - rise Un til the sun sets in the sky. run. And this will last rom sun - rise Un til the sun sets in the sky. run. And this will last rom sun - rise Un til the sun sets in the sky. run. And this will last rom sun - rise Un til the sun sets in the sky.

17 67 dim.oco a oco 5 5 7 5 comlete hrases then sto solo: m comlete hrases then sto solo: m tutti: mm Solo, soken slowly: The secunde day, the se sal be swa law, that unnethes men sal it knaw. altri: m m

18 72 5 7 q=48 div. the sixth day div. the sixth day div. the sixth day div.

19 78 a bloo - dy dew will hang rom div. a bloo-dy will hang rom the div. will hang rom the trees rom will hang rom the trees will hang rom the trees, rom dew hang hang rom the trees dew bloo - dy dew will hang rom div. a bloo - dy dew will hang rom div. a bloo - dy dew will hang rom

20 82 trees and sring u on the grass be - low trees and sing u on the grass be - hang rom the trees sring u on grass the and sring u on the grass be - trees and sring u on the grass be - low the sring u on the grass be - low trees and sring u on the grass be - low trees and sring u on the grass be - low trees and sring u on the grass be - low

21 86 solo: low The se(v) tall grass be - low solo: venth solo: low day grass be - low solo, soken the sev-enth day tall altri: Solo, soken 'The tred day, the se sal seem layn And stand even in his cours agayn'. m

22 90 buil- dings too will all cas - tles and build-ings will all, and cast - les too

2 9 tutti div. tall tutti div. tutti div. and tow-ers tall. tutti div. then tow-ers tall.

24 101 the eighth day, hard rocks and stones come crash-ing down all at Tutti seak, indeendently, reeating. cresc. oco a oco m Ah the irst o the iteen days the sea shall rise, as the book says, as high as a mountain - orty cubits or certain Eighth day rocks and stones crash down all at m Ah Eighth day hard stones come crash-ing down all at m Ah Tutti seak, indeendently, reeating. cresc. oco a oco the third day the sea will seem lain and Tutti seak, indeendently, reeating. cresc. oco a oco the third day the sea will seem lain and return to its calm state again. Just like it had been beore, m Ah Eighth day hard stones come crash-ing down all at Tutti seak, indeendently, reeating. cresc. oco a oco the irst o the iteen days the sea shall rise, as the book says, as high as a mountain Eighth day rocks and stones crash down at

25 106 once. From the to o the moun- tain shatt -'ring all be-ore them. Un-til each rock i nal - and the waves rise u and stand, just as the hills do on the land. (Reeat) once. From to moun - tain shat - ter - ing each rock once. From to o the moun - tain shat - ter - ing each rock Perc. return to its calm state again. Just like it had been beore, rising and alling no more. (Reeat) rising and alling no more. (Reeat) once. From to o the moun - tain shat - ter - ing each rock - orty cubits or certain - and the waves rise u and stand, just as the hills do on the land. (Reeat) once. From to moun - tain shat - ter - ing each rock

26 110 ly will sun-der in - to ie-ces three. Seaking becomes whisering sun - der to iec - es three. sun - der to ie - ces three Perc. Seaking becomes whisering Seaking becomes whisering sun - der to ie - ces three sun - der to ie - ces three Seaking becomes whisering solo: the ourth day there will a won der

27 114 tutti div. solo: and oth - er wa-ters as they run. solo: the ith day sea will burn as they run Perc. tutti div. solo: the sec-ond day the sea will re - treat, that men may see what lies be - neath. be. the stran-gest crea-tures o the sea shall come to - ge-ther

28 118 q=60 Sorano duetists move to ositions either side o the chorus. tutti div. and and all all tutti div. and all and all tutti div. tutti div. tutti div. tutti div. the ninth day will come a great earth quake and the ninth day will come a great earth quake and the ninth day will come a great earth quake and the ninth day will come a great earth quake and

29 124 coun - tries on the earth will shake. So a coun - tries on the earth will shake. So a coun - tries on the earth will shake. So a coun - tries on the earth will shake. So a all coun-tries on earth shake. great noise all coun-tries on earth shake. great noise all coun-tries on earth shake. great noise all coun-tries Shake great noise

0 128 was heard, this now all world was heard, this now all world was heard, this now all world was heard, this now all world ne-ver than one in the world ne-ver than one in the world ne-ver than one in the world ne-ver than one in the world

1 14 Solo, soken: The sevend day byggyns doun sal alle. And grete castels, and tours with-alle.

2 140 q=48 tutti: the tenth day or so it is giv-en The earth shall be made lain and ev - en. the tenth day so it is giv - en earth shall be made lain and ev - en. the tenth day or so it is giv - en the earth shall be made lain and ev - en. tutti: tenth day so it is giv-en The earth shall be made lain and ev - en. tutti: the tenth day or so it is giv-en The earth shall be made lain and ev - en.

147 For hills cresc. oco and val-leys shall turn - ed be in -to des - ert and made ev-en to For hills cresc. oco and val-leys shall turn - ed be in -to des - ert and made ev-en to For hills cresc. oco and val-leys shall turn - ed be in -to des - ert and made ev en to For hills cresc. oco and val-leys shall turn - ed be in - to des - ert and made ev-en to cresc. oco For hills and val-leys shall turn - ed be in - to des - ert and made ev-en to

4 155 Ah Ah Ah see Each hold note until end o breath Each hold note until end o breath see see see Each hold note until end o breath Each hold note until end o breath see

162 Più mosso q=96 the sixth day a bloo - dy dew will hang rom trees 5 eighth hard and the day rocks stones Soken, dierent solo voices: eighth hard come down once Soken, dierent solo voices: the rocks at Soken, dierent solo voices: day stones all altri: the sixth day a bloo - dy dew will hang rom trees Soken, dierent solo voices: and crash-ing altri: the sixth day a bloo - dy dew will hang rom trees

6 167 and sring u on the grass be - low will to ther strike ge(th) on the e - le -venth day the e - le - venth day on the e - le -venth day the e - le - venth day and sring u on the grass be - low the e - le - venth day on the e - le-venth day and sring u on the grass be - low

7 172 eo-le will come out like mad men eo-le will come out rom like mad out rom caves and holes like caves like and wend a bout and and and wend a - bout wend a - bout wend a - bout

8 177 and no - one shall men and no - one shall men who've lost their wit. men lost like mad men who've lost their wit. like mad men and and no no - one shall - one shall

9 180 to the eo - le they seak seak No - one shall seak No - - one shall seak to the eo - le they to the eo - le seak to the eo - le they seak

40 18 meet. m The third day the sea will seem lain third m and re- turn to its calm state a - Tutti whiser, staggered entries, indeendent: the irst o the iteen days the sea will rise (as the book says), as high as a mountain, orty cubits or certain. And div. m div. m m m meet. Tutti whiser, staggered entries, indeendent: the irst o the iteen days the sea will rise (as the book says), as high as Tutti whiser, staggered entries, indeendent: the irst o the iteen days the sea will rise (as the book says), as high as a mountain, orty cubits meet. Solo, soken: The ierth day, sal swilk a wonder be, the mast wondreul ishes o the se

41 188 the twelth day day sea will seem lain sea will seem lain gain turn calm state a - gain m the waves will rise u and stand just like a hill does on the land. m m m m solo: a mountain, orty cubits or certain. And the waves will rise u and stand just like a hill does on the land. the or certain. And the waves will rise u and stand just like a hill does on the land. sal com to-gyder nd mak swilk romyng. That shall be hydus til mans heyng. Bot what that romyng sal signiy na

42 19 the twelth day the twelth day the Sea will seem lain. A - gain div. m m m m twelth day the twelth day the twelth day sal signiy na mon may whit, bot God almyghty.

4 198 stars and all the twelth day the stars and all the lan - ets Seem lain. div. m m m m m altri. the stars and all the twelth day the stars and all the lan

44 20 the twelth day the stars and all the lan - ets rom high - est heav en shall m m m m - ets the twelth day the stars and all the lan - ets rom high - est m

45 208 all. Shall all rom Stars and all the sec-ond day, the sea, the the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond day the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond the sec-ond day, the sea, sea will re - heav'n

46 210 hea - ven shall all Fall high - est hea - ven shall sea will re-treat, that men may know what lies be -neath. the day the sec-ond day, on the sec - ond day the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond treat the sec-ond day, the sec-ond day, the sea, sea will re- the ith the ith day the ith the ith day the ith the ith day the ith the ith day

47 212 hea - ven shall all. all Fall sec-ond day, the sea will re-treat, that men mayknow what lies be - neath. the day the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond day the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond treat the sec-ond day, the sec-ond day, the sea, sea will re- the ith day the ith day the ith day the ith day

48 214 Hea - ven shall all. Hea - ven shall all. sec-ond day, the sea will re-treat, that men may know what lies be -neath. the day the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond day the sec-ond day, on thesec-ond treat the sec-ond day, the sec-ond day, the sea, sea will re- the sea the sea will the sea the sea will the sea the sea will the sea the sea will

49 216 sec-ond day, the sea will re-treat, that men may know what lies be -neath. the day the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond day the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond treat the sec-ond day, the sec-ond day, the sea, sea will re- the ith day the ith day the ith day the ith day

50 218 the sev-enth day, tall the sev-enth day, tall sec-ond day, the sea will re-treat, that day day the sec-ond day, on the sec-ond day treat the sec-ond day, the sec-ond burn. s the sea will burn. the sea will burn. s s the sea will burn. s solo, soken the sev-enth day, tall the sea will burn. s

51 221 build-ings will all, then great cast-les and tow-ers and all. build-ings will all, then great cast-les and tow-ers and all. s s s burn. burn. burn. burn. s s s burn. burn. s burn. s build-ings will all, then great cast-les and tow-ers and all. burn. s burn. s burn.

52 225 the Temo I q=48 thir-teenth day shall dead men's bones be ut back to- Solo, soken slowly: the tenth day - thereater it altri: Ah This s solo: burn. s burn. altri: Ah This s solo: burn. s altri: burn. Ah This s burn. Ah This

5 229 geth- er and rise all al - one And a - bove on their graves they shall stand. is given - the earth shall be made lain and even. For hills and valleys shall be turned into desert, and made lat and level shall be - - all through - Solo, soken slowly: the ninth day there will be a great earthquake, and all the shall be - - all through - Solo, soken slowly the sixth day a bloody dew will hang rom the trees, and sring u on the grass below shall be - - all through - Solo, soken slowly: the twelth day, the stars and all the lanets rom high heavens will all. shall be - - all throough -

54 2 their graves they shall stand; this shall be-all through - out the land. Ah Solo, soken slowly: the twelth day, the stars and all the lanets rom out the land Ah counrtries on earth will shake. So great a noise there was never heard than this one now, in all the world. out the land Solo, soken slowly: the sixth day a the eleventh day eole will come out o caves and holes and wend about, like madmen who have lost their wit; and no-one out the land the tenth day - thereater it is given - the earth shall be made lain and even. For hills and valleys shall be -out the land

28 q=60 Reeat i necessary until soken text has ended inal reeat: 55 Ah high heavens will all. bloody dew will hang rom the trees, and sring u on the grass below shall seak to the others they meet turned into desert, and made lat and level.

56 241 Unvoiced sz ch k ch k ch k ch k our-teenth all live the day Unvoiced that then sz ch k ch k ch k ch k our-teenth all Dierent solo voices shouting words rom within the choir, aroximate timing: Individual glisses - dierent rates. the 5 gliss. Dierent solo voices shouting words rom within the choir, aroximate timing: that Individual glisses - dierent rates - one ull breath the our - teenth day all that live then Dierent solo voices shouting words rom within the choir, aroximate timing: day gliss. live

24 dim.oco a oco shall child- ren and die. Unvoiced men wo - men. sz ch k ch k ch k ch k then Unvoiced men wom- en sz 5 ch k ch k ch k ch k die child -ren and Individual glisses - dierent rates - one ull breath shall die: child - ren, men and wom-en shall gliss. 7 gliss. 5 57

58 245 Unvoiced sz they with rise For will Unvoiced them a sz ch k ch k ch k ch k ch k ch k ch k ch k they with Unvoiced sz ch k ch k ch k ch k or they will with them rise a - or will them 5 7 gliss. gliss. rise

247 gain be were to who ore Unvoiced dead sz were a-gain be-ore dead ch k ch k ch k ch k gain who be - ore were dead to who gliss. gliss. to 59

60 249 mm or joy ain. gliss. solo, ree time or ain m Perc. Unvoiced sz ch joy k ch k ch k ch k solo, ree time joy or ain. solo, ree time m

All auses -5 secs. 251 mm 61 solo, ree time Solo, soken: the eighth day hard rocks and stones will strike together all at once, and each o them shall another down Solo, soken: the ourth day there will be such a Solo, soken: the thirteenth day shall dead mens' bones be ut back together and rise all

62 254 m cast and against each other hurtle ast. So that each stone on a dierent ath will sunder the other into ieces three. Solo, soken: wonderous sight: all the strangest creatures o the sea will gather together and make such a clamouring that will the tenth day - or so it is given - the earth will be Solo, soken: the irst o the iteen days the sea will rise, according to the scritures, as high as a mountain, ull orty alone, and above their own graves each one shall stand, and this will occur throughout the land

256 Solo, soken: the eleventh day eole will emerge rom caves and holes, and wend about like madmen who've lost their sound hideous to men's hearing. But what their clamour will signiy no-one knows excet God almighty. turned lat and even. The hills and valleys will become desert: eatureless and lain to see. mm 6 Solo, soken: cubits or certain. And the waves will rise u, and stand just like a hill does on the land. the seventh day tall buildings will all, along

64 258 All comlete text and hrases. q=48 wit, but no-one will seak to the others they meet. tutti, div. tutti, div. tutti, div. tutti, div. with great castles and towers tall. tutti, div. Solo, soken: the second day the sea will retreat, so that men may see what lies beneath. tutti, div. tutti, div.

261 65 the i-teenth the i-teenth the i-teenth the i-teenth the i-teenth the i-teenth the the i-teenth i-teenth

66 266 day this shall be - tide: all the world where we now re - day this shall be - tide: all the world where we now re - day this shall be - tide: all the world where we now re - day this shall be - tide: all the world where we now re -

67 272 side will burn with lames which will not dis - el. side will burn with lames which will not dis - el. side will burn with lames which will not dis - el. side will burn with lames which will not dis - el.

68 277 Un - til the utt-er end o Hell. Un - til the utt-er end o Hell. Un - til the utt-er end o Hell. Un - til the utt-er end o Hell. Un - til the utt-er end o Hell. Un - til the utt-er end o Hell. Un - til the utt-er end o Hell. Un - til the utt-er end o Hell.

69 28 the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day

70 287 the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day

71 290 mm solo: the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day the irst day