Lenten Triodion SUNDAY OF THE PUBLICAN AND PHARISEE. Kontakion (A) let us learn the Pub - li - can's hu - mil - i - ty, and

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V Ison Let us flee the Phar - i - see's con - ceit - ed vaunt - ing; V let us learn the Pu - li - can's hu - mil - i - ty, and V Lenten Triodion SUNDAY F THE PUBLICAN AND PHARISEE Kontakion (A) Byzantine Chant Tone 4 Special Melody: n this day Thou hast appeared Holy Transfiguration Monastery cry ith groans un - to the Sav - iour: Thou Who a - lone art V sift- ly rec - on- ciled, e gra - cious un- to us. Used ith permission. Text music copyright, 2005, MGF_0135 Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Rev. 1, 1/23/08 ffered y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.

Lenten Triodion SUNDAY F THE PUBLICAN AND PHARISEE Byzantine Chant Tone 4 Special Melody: n this day Thou hast appeared Kontakion (B) Harmony y Christopher Holey from the melody of Holy Transfiguration Monastery Let us flee the Phar - i - see's con - ceit - ed vaunt - ing; let us learn the Pu - li - can's hu - mil - i - ty, and cry ith groans un - to the Sav - iour: Thou Who a - lone art. sift - ly rec - on- ciled, e gra - cious un - to us... Used ith permission. Text melody copyright, 2005, MGF_0136 Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Rev. 1, 1/23/08 ffered y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.

Byzantine Chant Tone 3 Special Melody: n this day the Virgin V Ison Lenten Triodion SUNDAY F THE PRDIGAL SN Kontakion (A) Holy Transfiguration Monastery Fool - ish - ly I sprang a - ay from Thy great fa - ther - ly V glo - ry, and dis - persed in ick - ed deeds V n the rich - es that Thou didst give me. With the V Prod - i - gal I there - fore cry un - to Thee no: V I have sinned a - gainst Thee, com - pas - sion - ate Fa - ther. V But re - ceive me in re - pent - ance; make V. me as one of Thy hir - ed ser-vants, Lord. Used ith permission. Text music copyright, 2005, MGF_0137 Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Rev. 1, 1/24/08 ffered y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.

Byzantine Chant Tone 3 Special Melody: n this day the Virgin Lenten Triodion SUNDAY F THE PRDIGAL SN Kontakion (B) Melody from Holy Transfiguration Monastery Adapted y Christopher Holey from the music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Fool - ish - ly I sprang a - ay from Thy great fa - ther - ly glo - ry, and dis - persed in ick - ed deeds n the rich - es that Thou didst give me. With the Prod - i - gal I there - fore cry un - to Thee no: MGF_0138-1 Used ith permission. Text melody copyright, 2005, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. ffered y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Rev. 2, 1/28/08

Sunday of the Prodigal Son - Kontakion (B) - 2 I have sinned a - gainst Thee, com - pas - sion - ate Fa - ther. But re - ceive me in re - pent - ance; make n n. me as one of Thy hir - ed ser-vants, Lord. n n n MGF_0138-2 Rev. 2, 1/28/08

Ison SUNDAY F THE LAST JUDGMENT (MEAT-FARE) Byzantine Chant - Tone 1 Lenten Triodion Kontakion (A) Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Archpriest James Meena (1924-1995) When Thou com - est, God, to earth ith glo - ry, and all crea - tures trem - le e - fore Thee, and the riv - er of fire flo - eth e - fore the Al - tar, and the ooks are o - pened and sins re - vealed, de - liv - er me then from that un -. quench - a - le fire, and make me or - thy to rit. stand at Thy right hand, right - eous Judge. MGF_00139 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 2/2/08 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

SUNDAY F THE LAST JUDGMENT (MEAT-FARE) Byzantine Chant - Tone 1 Lenten Triodion Kontakion (B) Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Archpriest James Meena (1924-1995) When Thou com - est, God, to earth ith glo - ry, and all crea - tures trem - le e - fore Thee, and the J J J J J J J J riv - er of fire flo - eth e - fore the Al - tar, and the ooks are J J J J J J o - pened and sins re - vealed, de - liv - er me then from that un - J J MGF_00140-1 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 2/2/08 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

J J quench - a - le fire, and make me or - thy to J SUNDAY F THE LAST JUDGMENT- Kontakion (B) - 2 J rit. stand at Thy right hand, right - eous Judge. MGF_00140-2 Rev. 1, 2/2/08

ΠIson n n Thou ho guid - est to is - dom and giv - est un - der - stand - ing and in - tel - li - gence, the In - struc - tor ΠByzantine Chant - Tone 6 of the ig - no - rant and Help - er of the poor, Lenten Triodion FRGIVENESS SUNDAY (CHEESE-FARE) Kontakion (A) strength-en my heart and grant it un - der-stand - ing, Mas - ter. Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Archpriest James Meena (1924-1995) Give me ord, Word of the Fa - ther; n n for e - hold, I shall not re - frain my lips from cry - ing to Thee: Mer - ci - ful ne, have n mer - cy up - on me ho am fal - en. rit. MGF_0141 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 2/4/08 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

Byzantine Chant - Tone 6 Lenten Triodion FRGIVENESS SUNDAY (CHEESE-FARE) Kontakion (B) Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Archpriest James Meena (1924-1995) Πn n Thou ho guid - est to is - dom and giv - est Πun - der - stand - ing and in - tel - li - gence, the In - struc - tor n n of the ig - no - rant and Help - er of the poor, Πstrength-en my heart and grant it un - der-stand - ing, Mas - ter.. ΠMGF_0142-1 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 2/4/08 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

CHEESE-FARE SUNDAY- Kontakion (B) - 2 Give me ord, Word of the Fa - ther; n n for e - hold, I shall not re - frain my lips from cry - ing to Thee: Mer - ci - ful ne, have n n mer - cy up - on me ho am fal - en. rit. MGF_0142-2 Rev. 1, 2/4/08

March 25 THE ANNUNCIATIN F THE MST HLY THETKS Kontakion (This hymn is also sung during the Akathist Hymn - Service) Byzantine Chant, Tone 8 The riginal Melody Ison To thee, the Cham- pion Lea - der, do I Bishop Basil Essey of - fer thanks of vic - to - ry, The - o - to - kos, thou ho hast de - liv - ered me from ter - ror; ut as thou that hast that po - er in - vin - ci - le, The - o - to - kos, thou a - lone can set me free: from all forms of dan - ger free me and de - liv - er me, that I may cry un - to thee: "Hail, Bride ith - out. Bride - - - - - - - - - groom." MGF_0722 Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/17/07, Rev 2, CAH

Version 2 March 25th THE ANNUNCIATIN F THE MST HLY THETKS Kontakion (C) (This hymn is also sung during the Akathist Hymn - Service) Based on Byzantine Tone 8 Special (riginal) Melody ΠArranged y Dr. Frederick Karam (1926-1978) To thee, our Πcap - tain Queen of ar, the at-tle tro - phies (- phies). on, thy peo - ple res - cued y thine aid from per - il, ded - i - cate as our off - 'ring of thanks - giv - ing, MGF_0748-1 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 2, 3/13/08

FEAST F ANNUNCIATIN - Kontakion (B) - Karam - 2 U The - o - to -. kos, as thou hast u might hich none y ar can o - ver - come, from all forms of dan - ger hast thou de - liv-ered me,. that I may cry un - to thee: Hail, vir - gin, un - ed - ded ride. MGF_0748-2 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 2, 3/13/08

March 25th THE ANNUNCIATIN F THE MST HLY THETKS Kontakion (This hymn is also sung during the Akathist Hymn - Service) Tone 8 - Syro-Byzantine Melody Andante, ith great armth J J J J Ver - i - ly I, thy ser-vant, Arranged y Archpriest James C. Meena (1924-1995) The - o - to - kos, in -. scrie un - to thee the an - ners of con-quest, de - fend- ing sol - dier. I. J to J of - fer thanks. thee as a de - J J J J J J J J liv - er - er from tri - u - la - tion. ΠΠAnd since J J J J thine is the Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 3, 3/15/07

FEAST F ANNUNCIATIN - Kontakion (B) - 2. (un-) might un-con-q'ra -. le, de - liv - er J J me, de - J J liv-er me from op J J J J Πpres - sion Πthat I may sing un - to 3 thee: Re - oice, 3 Bride ith - out Bride - groom. Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 3, 3/15/07

Ison Aed y gin - i - diance mazed the ty, of thy and cried to "What praise may thy eau - ty I eau - and the ex - ceed - ing pu - ri - of - fer I am Πlost and e - as I as com - art Byzantine Chant - Tone 3 A ty, ty thee, thee By hat name il - mand - ed: full Lenten Triodion THE AKATHIST HYMN Troparion of dered;. grace.'". 'Hail, Moth - er of thy vir - ra - Ga - ri - el stood a - shall I of that is God: Πcall or- thy of thee Πut I Bishop Basil Essey shall greet thee thou that MGF_0749 Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese, Rev 1, 3/17/08, CAH

FIRST SUNDAY F GREAT LENT: SUNDAY F RTHDXY Byzantine Chant - Tone 2 (The A's may all e flatted) Ison Lenten Triodion Troparion (A)* Thy pure im - age do e ven - er - ate, Good Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Anonymous ne, ask -ing for - give-ness of our sins, Christ our God; for y thine on good ill thou didst as - cend the cross in thy od - y to save thy crea - tures from the ond - age of the en - e - my. Where-fore, ith thank - ful - ness e cry a - loud to thee: Thou hast ver - i - ly filled all ith oy since thou didst come, Sav - ior, to save the orld. *To e sung August 16th in honor of the Portrait of Christ, Not Made y Hands, knon as the venerale Kerchief, from the City of Raha (Urfa) to Constantinople. MGF_0143 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 3, 2/14/17 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

FIRST SUNDAY F GREAT LENT: SUNDAY F RTHDXY Byzantine Chant - Tone 2 (The B's may e flatted) Lenten Triodion Troparion (B)* Thy pure im - age do e ven - er - ate, Good Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Anonymous ne, ask -ing for - give-ness of our sins, Christ our God; for y thine on good ill thou didst as - cend the cross in thy od - y to save thy crea - tures MGF_0144-1 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 2/14/17 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

1st SUNDAY F LENT- Troparion (B) - 2 from the ond - age of the en - e - my. Where-fore, ith thank - ful - ness e cry a - loud to thee: Thou hast ver - i - ly filled all ith oy since thou didst come, Sav - ior, to save the orld. *To e sung Aug 16 in honor of the Portrait of Christ, Not Made y Hands, knon as the venerale Kerchief, from the City of Raha (Urfa) to Constantinople. MGF_0144-2 Rev. 2, 2/14/17

Œ Ison Thy pure im - age do e ven - er - ate, good ne, ask - ing for - give - ness of our sins, Christ our God; for y thine on The First Sunday of Great Lent (The Sunday of rthodoxy) Byzantine Tone 2 ill thou didst as - cend the Cross in thy Œ Troparion* Basil Kazan (1915-2001) Adapted y Christopher Holey od - y, to save thy crea -tures from the ond -age of thē en - - - e - my. Thou hast ver - i - ly Œ filled all ith oy, since thou didst come, our Sav - iour, to save the orld. *Also to e sung August 16th in honor of the Portrait of Christ, Not Made y Hands, knon as the venerale Kerchief, from the City of Raha (Urfa) to Constantinople. MGF_0747 Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese, Rev. 4, 2/23/15, CAH

. Ison.. All cre-a-tion re-oic-eth in thee, thou ho art full of grace: n the an-gel - ic hosts, and the race of men, 3. 3 hal - loed-tem - ple and su - per - sen - su - al Par - a- dise,. glo - ry of Vir - gins, of hom God as in - car - nate.. 3.. and e-came a lit- tle child, e - ven our God ho. Byzantine Chant - Tone 8 Sung freely 3. is e-fore all the a - ges; for he made thy om a throne, and thy 3.. od - y more spa - cious than the heav - ens....... All cre-a - tion, re-oic - eth in thee, LITURGY F ST. BASIL THE GREAT Hymn to the Theotokos 3.. thou ho art full of grace: glo - ry to thee. Christopher Holey Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 0, 3/16/08

THE FEAST F ST. BASIL (January 1st), THE SUNDAYS F LENT, and THE LITURGY F ST. BASIL Hymn to the Theotokos (B) Based on Byzantine Chant - Tone 8 Moderato 2 Arranged y Frederick Karam (1926-1978) (revised) 2 All cre Π- a - tion re - oic - es in thee, thou ho art full of grace, oth in the 2 3 2 hi-er-ar-chy of the an - gels and the gen-er - a -tions of men. 2 3 2 n 2 3 2 Thou o art a hal-loed tem - ple and the glo - ry of vir-gins, Tenor Bass: Sing the "o" quietly like an ison 2 3. 2. MGF_0089-1 Copyright 2007, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 12/13/07 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

ST. BASIL SUNDAYS IN LENT - Hymn to the Theotokos - 2 2 3 2 here-in God as made flesh and e - came a lit -tle o 2 3 2 child, (o.) (All 4 parts sing text) Πn U ho is our ΠGod from e - ter - ni - ty. u f Alla Marcia.. For He made thy om His throne, and more f...... J J spa - cious than the heav'ns He made thy od - y.. J.. J MGF_0089-2 Rev. 1, 12/13/07

ST. BASIL SUNDAYS IN LENT - Hymn to the Theotokos - 3 2 3 re - 2 oic. - All cre - a - tion re - oic - re - oic - 2 3 2.. - - - es in. n n thee. es, re es, re - oic - Ó Œ re - oic - es es in in - oic - es in thee. thee. thee. rit. U p Sloer All Œ All cre cre - a - tion re - oic - es in - a - tion thee, u Œ U thou Ó p Thou ho (art) art full of (of) grace, ẇ u MGF_0089-3 Rev. 1, 12/13/07

ST. BASIL SUNDAYS IN LENT - Hymn to the Theotokos - 4 f U thou, f u thou ho art n full of (of) grace. Sloer p Glo - ry to p thee! U u Alternate ending U u Glo - ry to thee! U u MGF_0089-4 Rev. 1, 12/13/07

Antiochian translation The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great All Creation Reoiceth All cre - a - tion re - oic - eth in thee, Kievan Chant Boris Ledkovsky (1894-1975) Adapted y Christopher Holey full of grace.. the angelic hosts, and the race of men, hal - loed Tem - ple and su - per- sen - su - al Par - a - dise, glo - ry of vir - gins,. of hom God as incarnate and ecame a lit - tle child, e-ven our God ho as e - fore the a - ges; for he made thy om a throne, ffered y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Taken from The Divine Liturgy Music Book, SVS Press, Copyright 1982, Rev. 0, 7/4/07

Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great - All of Creation Reoices - 2 and thy ody he made more spacious than the heav - ens. All cre - a - tion re - oic - eth in thee, full of grace: glo - ry to thee. Rev. 0, 7/4/07

Who Is So Great A God (To e sung at the Vesper Service on the evening of the Sunday of rthodoxy, Pascha [Agape Vespers], and Pentecost.) Byzantine Chant, Tone 7 Who is so great a God as our God; Traditional 6. Thou art the God ho ork - est on - - - ders. VERSE 1: Thou hast made thy poer knon among the peoples; ith thine arm hast thou redeemed thy people. VERSE 2: And I said: No have I made a eginning; this change hath een rought y the right hand of the Most High. VERSE 3: I rememered the orks of the Lord; for I ill rememer thy onders from the eginning. 11 Last time Who is so great a God as our God; 16 Thou art the God ho ork - est on -. ders. MGF_0740 Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese, CAH, Rev 1, 3/9/2008

Lenten Triodion (Sung on the 2nd Sunday of Lent and Novemer 14th) Gregory Palamas, Archishop of Thessalonica Apolytikion Byzantine Chant Tone 8/Plagal Fourth Mode F C star of r -tho - dox - y, sup - port of the Rassem El Massih Un. Church and its C teach - er, come - li - ness of as - cet - ics and in - con - test - a - le cham - pi - on of those ho speak D Un. F in the - ol - o - gy, Greg - o - ry the on - der - C -ork - er, the pride of Thes - sa - lo - ni - ca and preach - er of grace, im - plore thou con - stant - ly for D Un. the sal - va - tion of our souls. Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 1, 2/27/17, CAH

Lenten Triodion SECND SUNDAY F GREAT LENT: ST. GREGRY PALAMAS Troparion (B) Based on Byzantine Chant - Tone 8 Adapted y Christopher Holey from the music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) star of r-tho - dox - y, sup - port of the Church and its. teach - er,. come - li - ness of as - cet - ics,. and in - con - test - a - le cham - pi - n on n of. Πthose ho speak in the - ol - o - n gy, ΠMGF_0146-1 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/2/08 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

2nd SUNDAY F LENT - Troparion (B) - 2 Greg-o - ry the on- der - ork - er, the pride of Thes-sa - lon - i - ca and preach - er of grace, im - plore thou. rit. con - stant - ly for the sal - va - tion of our n souls. MGF_0146-2 Rev. 1, 3/2/08

V Byzantine Chant Tone 1 Ison Septemer 14th THE ELEVATIN F THE CRSS Troparion (A) (Also sung on the 3rd Sunday of Great Lent) Lord, save Thy peo - ple and less Thine in - her - i - V tance, grant - ing to Thy peo - ple vic - t'ry o - ver all their V en - e - mies, and y the po'r of thy Cross V pre - serv - ing thy com - mon - ealth. Final Ending V com - mon - ealth. MGF_0018 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 5, 9/15/08

Allegretto Ú º Lord, save Thy peo - ple and less Thine in - her - i - Septemer 14th THE ELEVATIN F THE CRSS Troparion (B) Byzantine Tone 1 Arranged y Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Adapted y Michael G. Farro tance, grant - ing to Thy peo - ple vic - t'ry o - ver all their en - e - mies, and y the po'r of thy Cross pre - serv - ing thy com - mon - ealth. MGF_0019 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only. Rev. 1, 9/15/08

Ison The ar - ren il - der - ness thou didst make fer - tile ith the streams of thy tears; and y thy deep sigh - ing thou hast giv - en fruit through thy strug- gles a hun - dred- fold. Ac - cord - ing - ly thou hast e - come a star for the u - ni - verse, spark - ling ith Lenten Triodion FURTH SUNDAY F GREAT LENT: ST. JHN F THE LADDER Byzantine Chant - Tone 8 Troparion (A) mir - a - cles. There-fore, right - eous Fa - ther John, rit. Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) in - ter - cede ith Christ God to save our souls. MGF_0147 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/13/08 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

Lenten Triodion FURTH SUNDAY F GREAT LENT: ST. JHN F THE LADDER Based on Byzantine Chant - Tone 8 Troparion (B) Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) The ar - ren il - der - ness thou didst make fer - tile ith the streams of thy tears; and y thy deep sigh - ing thou hast J J giv - en fruit through thy strug-gles a hun - dred- fold. Ac - cord - ing - ly thou J J hast e - come a star for the u - ni - verse, spark - ling ith MGF_0148-1 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 1, 3/3/08 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

mir - a - cles. There-fore, right - eous Fa - ther John, rit. 4th SUNDAY F LENT- Troparion (B) - 2 n in - ter - cede ith Christ God to save our souls. N MGF_0148-2 Rev. 1, 3/3/08

Lenten Triodion (Sung on the 5th Sunday of Lent and April 1st) ur Righteous Mother Mary of Egypt Byzantine Chant Tone 8/Plagal Fourth Mode F C Apolytikion Christopher Holey Deacon John El Massih Through thee the di - vine like - ness as se - cure - ly pre -served, Un. F C Un. Moth - er Mar - y; for thou didst car - ry the cross and F fol - lo Christ. By ex - am - ple and pre - cept thou didst teach us C to ig - nore the od - y e - cause it is per - ish - a - le, F and to at - tend to the con -cerns of thē un - dy - ing soul. C There - fore, doth thy soul re - oice ith thē an - gels. Un. Un. Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 2, 3/24/17, CAH

Lenten Triodion FIFTH SUNDAY F GREAT LENT: ST. MARY F EGYPT Based on Byzantine Chant - Tone 8 Troparion (B) Adapted y Michael G. Farro from the music of Frederick Karam (1926-1978) Through thee the di - vine like - ness as se - cure - ly pre- served, Moth - er Ma - ry; for thou didst car - ry the cross and fol - lo Christ. By ex - am - ple and pre - cept thou didst teach us to ig - nore the od - y e- cause it is per - ish - a - le, MGF_0150-1 Copyright 2008, y the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Rev. 2, 3/24/17 Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

and to at - tend to the con- cerns of the un - dy - ing soul. There- fore, doth thy soul re - oice ith the an - gels. rit. 5th SUNDAY F LENT- Troparion (B) - 2 MGF_0150-2 Rev. 2, 3/24/17

Lenten Triodion 5th SATURDAY F GREAT LENT (Also sung at the Akathist on the 5th Friday only!) Troparion Byzantine Chant, Tone 8 The riginal Melody Ison With my-stic ap - pre - hen - sion Bishop Basil Essey of the di-vine com - mand - ment, the Bo - di-less An - gel quick-ly ap - peared in the house of Jo - seph, and said to the un -. ed Vir - o the gin: hea-vens. Lo, He ho in. is housed un - His des-cent did changed and hole in. thee; form of a as I e - ser - hold Him in thy vant, om ta - king on the I mar - vel and cry un - to thee: Hail, Bride ith-out. Bride - - - - - groom. MGF_0721 Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese, Rev 2, 2/14/2010, CAH