Psalm st Sunday of Advent - Year A SAMPLE. joic - ing to the. Ι œ COPY. said to me, city Israel, rusalem! friends

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4 Psalm 22 st Sunday Advent - Year A ANTIPHON VERSES γ = 60 Let us go re - joic - ing to +. I rejoiced be - cause 2. Jerusalem, built as. According to de - cree 4. Pray peace. Because my broth - ers y a Je - and said to me, city Israel, rusalem! friends house Ι "We will go up to house with to give thanks to name May those who I will say, "Peace com - love be Lord. pact you with - µ µ µ Music by BRIAN J. NELSON µ Œ Lord." unity. LORD. prosper! in you!" Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary Mass 969, 98, 997, International Commission on English in Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary Mass Use in Dioceses United States America, second typical edition, 970, 997, 998, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Brian J. Nelson, b.967, 2009, International Liturgy Publications, P. O. Box 0476, Nashville, TN 720 888-898-SONG, All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

Psalm 22 7 And now we To it In it are set up May peace be with - Because house have tribes judg - in LORD, set go ment our foot up, seats, walls, God, within gates, tribes seats prosperity I will pray O house in Je - rusalem. Lord. David. buildings. good.

8 Psalm 46 rd Sunday Advent - Year A γ = 96 ANTIPHON VERSES Lord, come and. The LORD God keeps 2. The LORD gives. The farless and widow save us, faith sight to ever, blind; he sus - tains, + Lord, come and secures justice LORD raises up those who but way wick - save were ed Music by BRIAN J. NELSON us. op - bowed he pressed, down. thwarts. Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary Mass 969, 98, 997, International Commission on English in Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary Mass Use in Dioceses United States America, second typical edition, 970, 997, 998, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Brian J. Nelson, b.967, 2009, International Liturgy Publications, P. O. Box 0476, Nashville, TN 720 888-898-SONG, All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

Psalm 46 9 7 gives food The LORD The LORD shall to loves reign - hungry. just; ever; The LORD sets cap - tives LORD pro - tects God, O Zion, through all gen - er - free. stran - a - gers. tions.

8 Psalm 28 Holy Family - Years ABC π = 96 ANTIPHON VERSES Blessed are those who Œ. Blessed is everyone who 2. Your wife shall be like a. Behold, thus is man blessed who fear Lord and fears fruitful fears LORD, vine LORD. walk in his who walks in in recesses The LORD bless you ways. µ µ his from Music by BRIAN J. NELSON µ Œ ways! home; Zion: µ Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary Mass 969, 98, 997, International Commission on English in Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary Mass Use in Dioceses United States America, second typical edition, 970, 997, 998, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Brian J. Nelson, b.967, 2009, International Liturgy Publications, P. O. Box 0476, Nashville, TN 720 888-898-SONG, All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

Psalm 28 9 7 For you shall eat fruit children may you see prosperity like Je - handiwork; olive plants rusalem blessed shall you be, around all days µ and µ favored. table. life.

28 Psalm 98 Immaculate Conception - Years ABC ANTIPHON π = 76 Sing to Lord a Sing to Lord a new song new song he has done mar - vel - ous he has done mar - vel - ous Music by BRIAN J. NELSON deeds. deeds. ι Text: The English translation Psalm Responses from Lectionary Mass 969, 98, 997, International Commission on English in Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Verse text from Lectionary Mass Use in Dioceses United States America, second typical edition, 970, 997, 998, Confraternity Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Brian J. Nelson, b.967, 2009, International Liturgy Publications, P. O. Box 0476, Nashville, TN 720 888-898-SONG, All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

Psalm 98 29 VERSES 9. Sing to 2. The Lord has made his. All ends Lord a new sal - va - tion earth have Μ His right hand has won He has remembered his kind - Sing joyfully to song, known: he has in sight nations he has seen salva - vic - tory ness and Lord, all done won - re - vealed tion by drous his our his you Μ him, faithfulness lands; his toward break in - to ho - house song; ly sing deeds; justice. God. arm. Israel. praise.