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2 Organ VERSE 1: All & b b F b 5 F b b b Commissioned by St Bartholome s Catholic Community in honor of its 100th anniversary, Fr Michael Van Sloun, pastor; Richard Clarke, director of liturgy and music INTRO With strength (q = ca 120) & b b (3+2) b 5 P 1 cre a ting, sustaining, ho loves us 10 15 1 ho calls us in to be ing, b of sea and from our sky and 1 Hear our voices, hear our voic es: San ctus Deus Sá ba Alternate: Ho ly is the Lord of WAYZATA, 87 87 87 7 Michael Joncas birth, earth, oth! hosts! 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Edition 3011579 Text 2017, The Jan Michael Joncas Trust and GIA Publications, Inc All rights reserved Administered by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 and GIA Publications, Inc Music 2017, The Jan Michael Joncas Trust Published by OCP All rights reserved Printed in USA

3 20 VERSE 2 26 31 1 San Ho ctus Deus Sá ba ly is the Lord of Soprano/Alto 5 5 5 oth! hosts! 2 forgiving, redeeming, ho fa ces Baritone b 2 in Je sus, bless ing, healing, a rising all e from the dread, dead, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

36 1 VERSE 3 7 2 Hear our voices, hear our voices: Ký ri e, e lé i Alt Lord, have mer cy up on S A 2 Ký ri e, e lé i Lord, have mercy up on 3, B (Melody) 5 5 5 5 son! us! son! us! 3 in dell ing, empo ring, ho guides all his to, b ho guides all b his to 5 5 5 5

5 51 5 55 59 3 ry, 3 ry, 5 5 5, ho thunders, ho hispers,, e ter nal 5 5 5 5,, e ter nal 3 mys ter y, Hear our voic es, hear our voic es: 3 mys ter y, Hear our voic es, hear our voic es: 5 5 3 Ve ni, San cte Spí ri tus! Ve ni, San cte Alt Come, O Ho ly Spir it, come! Come, O Ho ly 5 5

6 63 5 VERSE 68 S 3 Spí Spir ri it, 5 5 5 f tus! come! Blessing, hon or, po er and prais A f Blessing, hon or, po er, prais f B (Melody) Bless ing, hon or, po er, prais es to the Fa ther f b b es, and the

7 72 5 76 es, 5 5 5 5 prais es, blessing, hon or, po er and Son prais prais bless ing, hon or, po er and ith the Spir it, co e ter nal, as un end ing 5 5 5 5 5 a ges run Hear our voices, hear our voices: Glo ry to the es! es! Hear our voic Hear our voic

8 81 86 es, hear our es, hear our 5 5 5 Three in One! Glo ry to the Three in voic es: voic 5 5 Glo ry, O Three in es: Glo ry to the Three in A A A 5 5 5 5 5 One! One! One! men men men U U U U U u

Composer Notes 9 Background: Richard Clarke, the music and liturgy director at St Bartholome s parish in Wayzata, MN, has been a longtime champion of my compositions, so much so that he organized and conducted (ith another longtime friend, Rob Glover) a hymn festival of my hymns of the day project sponsored by Oregon Catholic Press In honor of the centenary of the parish s founding, Richard, in conjunction ith Fr Mike van Sloun, gave me a rather complex commission They asked me to rite to ne hymn texts that ould ork ith preexisting tunes that could be used during a Eucharist at the closing of the parish s 100th anniversary year in September 2017 One as to be a hymn that gathers the assembly, or perhaps a hymn of the day, hile the other ould be a hymn that sends forth ith a strong sense of mission, or perhaps a hymn of thanksgiving (sung at the end of communion) Once this initial textual ork as done, they then asked if I ould rite completely ne hymn tunes that ould also ork ith these ne texts Creating, Sustaining, here set to an original tune of mine entitled WAYZATA, is one of the texts created for this commission Textual Notes: Fr van Sloun put forard the idea that rather than basing the text directly on scripture, I explore using a liturgical text from the Roman Missal What I came up ith is a Trinitarian processional hymn hose initial three stanzas are addressed to each of the Divine Persons and hose closing stanza is a Trinitarian doxology What ties this text to the Roman Missal is the use of Latin and Greek refrains that ould be very familiar to those celebrating Eucharist in the Roman Rite prior to the Second Vatican Council s reforms (or in the Extraordinary Form today) While I prefer singing these refrains in the original languages, here are alternatives to the final phrase in case the orshiping community ould prefer to sing only in English: Stanza 1: Holy is the Lord of hosts! substituted for Sanctus Deus Sabaoth! Stanza 2: Lord, have mercy upon us! substituted for Kyrie eleison! Stanza 3: Come, O Holy Spirit, come! substituted for Veni, Sancte Spiritus! Since the final phrase is repeated, it ould also be possible to sing the final phrase in both the original language and ith the English substitution provided above Musical Notes: Any musical performance of this WAYZATA setting of Creating, Sustaining should aim at hat the commission called for: the ne melody should be sturdy, memorable, stately, grand, having a sense of beauty and a classic style something that is enduring While it is possible to sing this setting simply ith organ accompaniment as a straightforard hymn, the concertato arrangement helps to accent the festivity of the setting Keeping a strict processional tempo ill help the congregation negotiate the changes in meter Use: Since is a Trinitarian processional hymn, it may be used in any liturgical setting here Holy, We Praise Thy Name ould be appropriate, eg, as an opening or closing processional at Eucharist or as a hymn of praise and thanksgiving after Communion It ould be especially appropriate for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, or other celebrations here the Triune is acclaimed, eg, the Baptism of the Lord or the Feast of the Transfiguration Michael Joncas

10 Organ VERSES Commissioned by St Bartholome s Catholic Community in honor of its 100th anniversary, Fr Michael Van Sloun, pastor; Richard Clarke, director of liturgy and music 1 2 3 Capo 1: (Hymn Version) q (D) (D/F # ) Eb Eb /G (G) (G/B) Ab Ab /C & b b (3+2) b 5 P (D) Eb F (D/A) Eb /B b (Bm) Cm F Bless (Asus) Bb sus 1 birth, 2 dread, 3 ry, Son (G/B) Ab /C (A/C Bb # ) /D (Em) Fm WAYZATA, 87 87 87 7 Michael Joncas (A/C Bb # ) /D (A) B b cre a ting, sus tain ing, ho loves us from our for giv ing, re deeming, ho fa ces all e in dell ing, empo ring, ho guides all his to ing, hon or, po er, prais es to the Fa ther and the (A) B b 5 5 5 (D) Eb ith (D/F Eb # ) /G b (D7) Eb 7 (Gmaj7) Ab maj7 ho calls us in to be ing, of sea and in ho Je sus, thun ders, bless ing, ho heal ing, hispers,, a e ris ing ter nal the Spir it, co e ter nal, as un end ing (G/B) Ab /C (A/C Bb # ) /D (Em) Fm (Bm/F # ) Cm/G (F Gm/Bb # m/a) Text 2017, The Jan Michael Joncas Trust and GIA Publications, Inc All rights reserved Administered by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 and GIA Publications, Inc Music 2017, The Jan Michael Joncas Trust Published by OCP All rights reserved

11 (Gmaj7) Ab maj7 1 sky 2 from 3 mys a 5 and earth, Hear our voices, hear our voic es: San ctus De us the dead, Hear our voices, hear our voic es: Ký ri e, e ter y, Hear our voices, hear our voic es: Ve ni, Sancte ges run Hear our voices, hear our voic es: Glo ry to the (A) Bb 1 Sá 2 lé 3 Spí Three (G) Ab (A) Bb (D) Eb 5 5 (G) Ab 5 5 5 (Em7) Fm7 (Dmaj7/F Eb # ) (Bm7) maj7/g Cm7 ba oth! San ctus De us Sá ba i son! Ký ri e, e lé i ri tus! Ve ni, San cte Spí ri in One! Glo ry to the Three in (G/B) Ab /C (D/A) Eb /B b (Bm) Cm (A/C Bb # ) /D (Gmaj7) Ab maj7 (A) Bb (F Gm/Bb # m/a) A Final Final (D) (A/D) Eb Bb /E b (Gmaj7) Ab maj7 (A) Bb 5 5 5 (G) Ab (Bm/D) (Em/D) Cm/Eb Fm/Eb (D) Eb oth! son! tus! One! (D) Eb men (G6) Ab 6 (D/F Eb # ) /G U U U u Note: the composer has suggested that the folloing English translations of the original languages may be used: Verse 1: Holy is the Lord of hosts! may substitute for Sanctus Deus Sabaoth! Verse 2: Lord, have mercy upon us! may substitute for Kyrie, eleison! Verse 3: Come, O Holy Spirit, come! may substitute for Veni, Sancte Spiritus!

12 Assembly Edition GOD CREATING, GOD SUSTAINING Michael Joncas & bb Verses b 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 Bless from all his and cre a ting, sus tain ing, ho loves us for giv ing, re deeming, ho fa ces in delling, empo ring, ho guides all ing, hon or, po er, prais es to the Fa ther & bb b 5 our birth, ho calls us in to be ing, e dread, in Je sus, bless ing, heal ing, to ry, ho thunders, ho hispers, the Son ith the Spir it, co e ter nal, 5 1 2 3, as of a e sea and ris ing ter nal sky from mys and the ter earth, dead, y, Hear Hear Hear our voic es, our voic es, our voic es, un ending a ges run Hear our voic es, 5 1 hear 2 hear 3 hear hear our our our our voic es: San ctus De us Sá ba voic es: Ký ri e, e lé i voic es: Ve ni, Sancte Spí ri voic es: Glo ry to the Three in 5 1 Sanctus De us Sá ba 2 Ký ri e, e lé i 3 Ve ni, Sancte Spí ri Glo ry to the Three in oth! son! tus! One! Text: 87 87 87 7; Michael Joncas, 2017, The Jan Michael Joncas Trust and GIA Publications, Inc All rights reserved Administered by OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213 and GIA Publications, Inc Music: WAYZATA, 2017, The Jan Michael Joncas Trust Published by OCP All rights reserved Note: the composer has suggested that the folloing English translations of the original languages may be used: Verse 1: Holy is the Lord of hosts! may substitute for Sanctus Deus Sabaoth! Verse 2: Lord, have mercy upon us! may substitute for Kyrie, eleison! Verse 3: Come, O Holy Spirit, come! may substitute for Veni, Sancte Spiritus! For reprint permissions, please visit OneLicensenet or contact us at 18006631501 3 Final A oth! son! tus! One! men