THE GOD OF JOY IN THE MIDST OF OUR TROUBLES. 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Thursday Calvin College Chapel

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THE GOD OF JOY N THE MDST OF OUR TROUBLES 8:30 am and 7:00 pm, Thursday Calvin College Chapel garing Opening Sentences One: All: The Lord with And also with Our help in name of Lord, Maker of heaven and earth The Lord s name praed! Opening Prayer & b 8 3 God of grace and glory, in ginning brought light from darkness, created world, made us in r image, and set us on Way And so we prae Ha le lu jah, Lord Text and Tune: Ron Rienstra Ron Rienstra Used by permsion Most High! Sing: Th would have en enough But when we had lost plot, gave r Word r chosen people show us Way And so we prae Helujah, Lord Most High Sing: Th would have en enough But came among us in Jesus Chrt, who stretched out h arms fulfill that Way And so we prae Helujah, Lord Most High Please re in body or in spirit Many recognize refrain in th responsive reading an adaptation of Jewh Passover song Dayenu 114 thursday 8:30 am and 7:00 pm

Sing: Th would have en enough But sent r Spirit cleanse us, renew us, and join us that Way And so we prae Helujah, Lord Most High Song of Prae and Confidence: How Firm a Foundation & b 8 6 & b 1 How 2 Fear 3 When 4 When 5 The firm not, through through soul a fi that foun da tion saints am with, O deep wa ters c ery tri als r path on Je sus has leaned of not way for Lord, d mayed, go, sh lie, re pose for > my & b laid riv grace for am r r faith God ers of sor suf fi not, ì in and row cient not h ex still sh not sh de sert cel lent Word! give aid; o ver flow, r sup ply; its foes; What ll > for that & b more strength flame soul, can en sh though he, not say help with hurt hell than, ; should and cause he has said, stand, in trou ble bless, on ly de sign en deav or shake, up > and r ll held sanc dross nev who for ref uge Je sus have fled? by my right eous, om nip o tent hand ti fy r deep est d tress con sume and r gold re fine er, no nev er, no nev er for sake! Text: saiah 43:15; J Rippon's Selection of Hymns, 1787, alt, PD Text: saiah 43:15; J Rippon s Selection of Hymns, 1787, alt, PD Tune: FOUNDATON, 11111111; J Funk s A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, 1832; arr Ron Rienstra, 2019 god of joy in midst of our troubles (habakkuk) calvin college chapel 115

lament An Enactment Prayer Habakkuk 1:2 4 lamenting violence in our hearts silence & b 4 # w? Yoruba Englh b 4 4 G Lift mi, g mi, Je su A me, lift me, Je sus # A men men w w Habakkuk 1:5 7 lamenting our glutnous possession silence sing Gmi Jesu Text and Tune: GBEM, JESU; Yoruba, author and composer unknown Habakkuk 2:9 11, 15 17 lamenting our consumption of creatures and creation silence sing Gmi Jesu Habakkuk 2:18 20 lamenting our grasping at idols silence Song of Response: How Can Keep from Singing Verses & b 1 My life 2 Through 3 What 4 The though peace flows my of on tu joys Chrt & b in end less song; a mult and strife, and comforts die? The makes fresh my heart, a bove hear Lord foun earth s that my tain lamen ta tion, mu sic ring ing Savior liv eth ev er spring ing! 116 thursday 8:30 am and 7:00 pm

4 The peace of Chrt makes fresh my heart, a foun tain ev er spring ing! & b t What All & b & b Refrain No catch finds though things an are sweet, ech dark mine srm can shake my Since Chrt Lord of though o ness since far in gath off my er am Text: Rort Lowry, 18261899, PD Text: Rort Lowry, 18261899, PD Tune: HOW CAN KEEP FROM SNGNG, 8787 with refrain 8787; Rort Lowry, alt, PD; arr Greg Scheer 2011 Greg Scheer Used by permsion hymn soul round? h! that How Songs How hails can in can a new cre a tion keep from singing? night he giv eth keep from singing? in most calm while that Rock m clinging heaven and earth, how can keep from singing? proclamation Prayer for llumination Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 3:17 19 Though fig tree does not blossom, and no fruit on vines; though produce of olive fails, and fields yield no food; though flock cut off from fold, and re no herd in sts, yet rejoice in Lord; exult in God of my salvation God, Lord, my strength; he makes my feet like feet of a deer, and makes me tread upon heights Sermon: Yet Will Rejoice god of joy in midst of our troubles (habakkuk) calvin college chapel 117

response Song of Response: All Must Be Well & # # # # 8 6 Œ 1 Through 2 Though 3 We & # # # # Œ love of God our Sav ior, we pass through tri bu la tion, ex pect a bright morrow, well; well well Œ free Ours Faith & # # # # Œ and can change such sing less h fa vor, a full sal va tion, through days of sorrow, ì well well well & # # # # Pre cious blood that healed Hap py still in God con fid On our Fa r's love re ly ì us, & # # # # per fruit Je fect ful sus if ev grace that sealed in Chrt a bid ery need sup ply ì us, strong stead fast yes in hand stretched forth shield through Spir it s guid liv ing and in dy us, must must must well well well Text: Mary Bowley Peters, Matw S Smith 2007 Detuned Radio Music Text: Mary Bowley Peters, Matw S Smith 2007 Detuned Radio Music Tune: Matw S Smith 2007 Detuned Radio Music Used by permsion CCL #400063 Prayers of People 118 thursday 8:30 am and 7:00 pm

Remembrance of Baptm and Profession of Faith: Neir Death nor Life All sing as directed & b b 4 3 & b b Text and Tune: NETHER DEATH; from Romans 8:3839, Marty Haugen 2001 GAPublications, nc All rights reserved Reprinted under OneLicensenet A703303 ì Neir death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor trials in present, nor an y trial come; nei r & bb & bb of cre from ì b height nor depth, a tion can ev er sep arate us love of God poured Text and Tune: NETHER DEATH; from Romans 8:3839, Marty Haugen 2001 GA Publications, nc out in Chrt Je sus our Lord nor U god of joy in midst of our troubles (habakkuk) calvin college chapel 119

Song of Prae: What Wondrous Love & 1 What 2 When 3 To 4 And & won drous was God and when from love th, O my soul, O my sink ing down, sink ing down, sink ing Lamb s death m free, ll sing on, ll sing w soul! down, s on, What when and & wondrous love th, O my soul! What wondrous love th was sinking down, sink ing down; when was sinking down God and Lamb sing; God and Lamb, when from death m free, ll sing on; and when from death m free, that caused Lord of bls ar dread ful curse neath God's right eous frown, Chrt laid a side h crown who great AM while mil lions join me, ll sing and joy ful, and through e ter ni ty & for my soul, for my soul, for my soul, for my soul, Chrt s s while ll sing on, ll sing on, and ar dreadful curse for my soul? laid a side h crown for my soul mil lions join me, sing through e ter ni ty ll sing on Text: S Mead's A General Selection, 1811, PD Text: S Mead s A General Selection, 1811, PD Tune: WONDROUS LOVE, 12912129; W Walker s Sourn Harmony, 1835 w sending Benediction Closing Sentences One: Bless Lord All: The Lord s name praed! Announcements We are grateful for planning and leading of th service by faculty, staff, and students from Western Theological Seminary, under direction of Ron Rienstra Sue Rozeboom, liturgt, with Megan Dalman and Seth VanderBroek; Hannah Barker Nickolay, embodied scripture reading; and Cornelius Plantinga Jr, preaching 120 thursday 8:30 am and 7:00 pm

god of joy in midst of our troubles (habakkuk) calvin college chapel 121