Light And Voice. Huub Oosterhuis Translation by Tony Barr, James Hansen and Antoine Oomen. REFRAIN: All. you shall make us, high on rock by liv ing wa

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2 Huub Oosterhuis Translation by Tony Barr, James Hansen Antoine Oomen Antoine Oomen INTRO: Con anima ( = ca. 168) * Organ poco REFRAIN: All From earth fire you make us, high on rock by liv ing wa ter, from taste smell, from light voice, your Edition 30114262 1981, 1996, Gooi en Sticht, bv., Baarn, The Nerls. All rights reserved. Exclusive agent for English-language countries: OCP Publications. *An advanced-level, alternative piano accompaniment for this song is available in manuscript form from publisher, edition 70055.

3 last time poco rit. 1 to Verse 1 Final Fine VERSE 1: VERSE 2: like ness true. last time poco rit. 1. Peo 2. No 1. speech 2. cap Soprano/Alto Tenor/Bass ple more who di less, tive, walk vid wait one in ed, for op dark, pressed, day known to ar peo no 1 ple more rive freed, dumb to Verse 1 found words when hu Final ed hold y man us at Fine

4 All: 1. 2. spar last kle I as new. be. From light voice VERSE 3: poco poco Choir (unison) 1, 2. you make us, your like ness true. 3. There sts seat of law, ta ble pre pared for poor. 3. Then is day of Lamb, See, I come quick ly, says (to Vss 2, 3) (to Vss 2, 3) D. S. al fine he. D. S. al fine

Commentary 5 a ballad of end times From earth fire you make us, high on rock by living water, from taste smell, from light voice, your likeness true. 1. People who walk in dark, 2. No more divided, oppressed, people dumbfounded speechless, no more words hold us captive, wait for day to arrive one known freed, when y sparkle as new. human at last I be. 3. There sts seat of law, table prepared for poor. Then is day of Lamb, See, I come quickly, says he. This song consists of a chorus at beginning end, three verses, a semi-chorus between verses. The chorus describes who we are, sum total of elements not only of our world (earth fire, taste smell) but of heaven too (light voice). We even live in a place between heaven earth, high on rocks by living waters. The verses tell story of end times. Verse one tells of hope of those living in darkness silence; verse two describes expectations of oppressed; verse three is about messianic banquet awaiting just poor. From collection I Shall Not Rest, song observes restlessness of those who, as yet incomplete, live in a l which has not yet been fulfilled. Yet mystical is already at h it must be, since Scriptures see no separation between heaven earth, when even death has lost its sting. The Native American spoke sense when he said, The white man s dead forget country of ir birth when y go to walk among stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful planet for it is mor of red man. We are part of earth it is part of us. This shining water that moves in streams rivers is not just water but blood of our ancestors. Each ghostly reflection in clear water of lakes tells of events memories in lives of our people. The water s murmur is voice of our far s far. The wind that gave our grfar his first breath also receives his last sigh. And wind must also give our children spirit of life. Our dead go to live in earth s sweet rivers, y return with silent footsteps of spring it is ir spirit, running in wind, that ripples surface of ponds. The song is suitable for any occasion celebrating covenant, life death, light dark - ness. It is a song for an equinox a solstice, for Advent Easter, for sowing harvest. It sings of a birth, a baptism, a wedding. It is about fiery issues such as justice, ecology, stewardship, discipleship. As with many Oosterhuis texts, it is a saurus of biblical references. The chorus echoes Exodus images of water rock, taste smell, light voice, earth fire. Verses one two speak from heart of Isaiah, while verse three celebrates fulfillment of expectations of Psalm 72 Book of Revelation. Tony Barr

6 Assembly Edition LIGHT AND VOICE Huub Oosterhuis Tr. by Tony Barr, James Hansen Antoine Oomen REFRAIN: All Antoine Oomen 1. speech 2. cap 1. spar 2. last VERSES 1,2: Choir 1. 2. Peo No less, tive, kle I VERSE 3: Choir as From earth fire you make us, high on rock by liv ing wa ter, from taste Fine smell, from light voice, your like ness true. ple who more di wait one walk vid for new. be. in ed, op dark, pressed, day to ar known All: peo no 1, 2. you make us, your like ness true. ple dumb more rive freed, found words when hu From light voice 3. There sts seat of law, ta ble pre pared for poor. 3. Then is day of Lamb, See, I come quick ly, says ed hold y man to Refrain 1981, 1996, Gooi en Sticht, bv., Baarn, The Nerls. All rights reserved. Exclusive agent for English-language countries: OCP Publications, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portl, OR 97213. For reprint permissions, please visit or contact us at 1-800-663-1501. he. us at