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Organ f Moderato q=100 ALLELIA, SONG OF GLADNESS Tune: DLCE CARMEN Arr. by Rev. Canon Scott Haynes, SJC J w Pedals 7 A J J B 13 f f - le - lu - ia, song of glad - ness, Voice of joy that can - not die; j - le - lu - ia, song of glad - ness, Voice of joy that can not f f j - die; - le - lu - ia, song of glad - ness, Voice of joy that can - not die; - le - lu - ia, song of glad - ness, Voice of joy that can - not die; J w Copyright 2017. Biretta Books. Chicago. l Rights Reserved.

2 17 - le - lu - ia is the an - them Ev - er dear to choirs on high; - le - lu - ia is the an - them Ev er j - dear to choirs on high; - le - lu - ia is the an - them Ev - er dear to choirs on high; - le - lu - ia is the an - them Ev - er dear to choirs on high; J C 21 In the house of God a - bid ing - Thus they sing e - ter - nal - ly. j In the house of God a bid - - ing Thus they sing e - ter - nal - ly. In the house of God a - bid - ding Thus they sing e - ter - nal - ly. j In the house of God a - bid - ding Thus they sing e - ter - nal - ly. J j

D 25 - le - lu - ia thou re - sound - est, True Je - ru - sa - lem and free; 3 j - le - lu - ia thou re - sound - est, True Je - ru - sa lem - and free; - le - lu - ia thou re - sound - est, True Je - ru - sa - lem and free; - le - lu - ia thou re - sound - est, True Je - ru - sa - lem and free; J w 29 - le - lu - ia, joy - ful moth - er, l thy chil - dren sing with thee; - le - lu - ia, joy - ful moth - er, l thy chil dren j - sing with thee; - le - lu - ia, joy - ful moth - er, l thy child - ren sing with thee; - le - lu - ia, joy - ful moth - er, l thy child - ren sing with thee; J

4 E 33 But by Bab - y - lon's sad wa - ters Mourn ing - ex - iles now are we. j But by Bab y - - lon's sad wa - ters Mourn - ing ex - iles now are we. But by Bab - y - lon's sad wa - ters Mourn - ing ex - iles now are we. j But by Bab - y - lon's sad wa - ters Mourn - ing ex - iles now are we. J j F 37 - le - lu - ia, we de - serve not Here to chant for - ev - er - more; j - le - lu - ia, we de - serve not Here to chant for - ev er - more; - le - lu - ia, we de - serve not Here to chant for - ev - er - more; - le - lu - ia, we de - serve not Here to chant for - ev - er - more; J w

41 - le - lu - ia our trans - gres - sions Make us for a - 5 - le - lu - ia our trans - gres sions - Make us for a - - le - lu - ia our trans - gres - sions Make us for a - - le - lu - ia our trans - gres - sions Make us for a - 44 G while give o'er; For the ho - ly time is com - ing Bid ding - us our sins de - plore. j while give o'er; For the ho ly j - time is com - ing Bid - ding us our sins de-plore. while give o'er; For the ho - ly time is com - ing Bid - ding us our sins de - plore. j while give o'er; For the ho - ly time is com - ing Bid - ding us our sins de - plore. J J j

6 H 49 There fore J - in our hymns we pray thee, Grant us, Bless - ed Tri - ni - ty, There-fore in our hymns we pray thee, Grant us Bless - ed Tri - ni - ty, There-fore in our hymns we pray thee, Grant us Bless - ed Tri - ni - ty, There-fore in our hymns we pray thee, Grant us Bless - ed Tri - ni - ty, J w 53 J

I 57 ritard > > > There to thee for ev - er sing - ing, - le - lu - ia joy - ful - ly. > > > There to thee for ev - er sing - ing - le - lu - ia joy - ful - ly. > > > There to thee for ev - er sing - ing - le - lu - ia joy - ful - ly. > > > There to thee for ev - er sing - ing - le - lu - ia joy - ful - ly. ritard > > > > > J > j > > > > 7 Burial of the leluia In the language of prayer, some words need no translation. "Amen" is such a word, a Hebrew word of assent meaning so be it, by which a congregation affixes its signature, if you will, to the official prayer of the Church. The Greek "Kyrie eleison" (i.e., Lord, have mercy ) is our cry for mercy; it needs no translation. "leluia" is a word familiar to all Christendom, whether the language of the local liturgy is Latin or Greek, Spanish or krainian, Polish or English. It is the Latinized form of Hebrew s "Hallelujah" (i.e., Praise the Lord ). In the West, we associate "leluia" with the joy of Christ's Resurrection. Consequently, the Church buries the "leluia" while we put on the ashes and sackcloth of penance. During the Middle Ages, the practice of burying the leluia before Easter was enhanced by a popular ritual guided by the choir boys. We find a description of it in the fifteenth-century statute book of the church of Toul, France:...all choir boys gather in the prepare for the burial of the 'leluia.' After the last 'Benedicamus Domino,' they march in procession, with crosses, tapers, holy water and censers; and they carry a coffin, as in a funeral. Thus they proceed through the aisle, moaning and mourning, until they reach the cloister. There they bury the coffin; they sprinkle it with holy water and incense it; whereupon they return to the sacristy by the same way. And the joyous hymn that has accompanied the burial of the "leluia," since the tenth century is, "leluia, dulce carmen" (i.e., leluia, Song of Gladness ). This burial of the "leluia" was nicknamed the "deposition" (i.e., the giving on deposit ). Curiously enough, gravestones in Christian cemeteries traditionally had the inscription "Depositus," or simply D, to indicate a Christian s burial. When this term indicates the burial of the "leluia" or of the faithful departed, the Christian belief in resurrection is clear. Whether we bury one marked with the sign of faith, or whether we are entering into the fasting of Lent, we do not silence our tongues because of despair or permanent loss. Rather, we do so with confidence that what has been deposited into the earth our dead, our "leluia" will rise again. Yet in this period of penitential preparation, we remain keenly aware of the mystery of sin and of our exile from the place where "leluia" abounds. So until we return to the "New Jerusalem," let us not forget the sin that continues to devastate our world and our mission to heal what has been broken. We desist from saying "leluia," the song chanted by angels, because we have been excluded from the company of the angels on account of Adam s sin. In the Babylon of our earthly life we sit by the streams, weeping as we remember Sion. For as the children of Israel in an alien land hung their harps upon the willows, so we too must forget the "leluia" song in the season of sadness, of penance, and bitterness of heart.