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Menaion October Second Edition, January, 2016

His Eminence The Most Reverend Metropolitan JOSEPH Archbishop of Ne York and Metropolitan of All North America ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ARCHDIOCESE OF NORTH AMERICA Beloved in Christ: To all Choir Directors, Choir Members, Chanters, and those ho are interested in Church Music It is ith thankfulness to God that e elcome this electronic version of Kazan Menaion proect thoroughly compiled and digitized by Mr. Christopher Holey, former chairman of Department of Sacred Music. In this electronic, online version, many of typos and mistakes have been corrected from original printings. This platform ill also make it very easy hen modified and corrected translations are made by our Department of Translations as e ork to bring uniformity to our texts and service books. Therefore, e holeheartedly encourage all of our parishes to use this online version of Kazan Menaion and check it regularly for updates. We are grateful to Mr. Christopher Holey for countless hours he spent on digitizing this proect originally produced by late protopsaltis, Mr.. Wishing you and your loved ones all of God s blessings, I remain, Your Far in Christ, +JOSEPH Archbishop of Ne York and Metropolitan of all North America Given at our headquarters in Engleood, Ne Jersey, this 8 th day of January, 2016 The disciples ere first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11: 26) 358 Mountain Road, P.O. Box 5238, Engleood, NJ 076315238 (201) 8711355 T Archdiocese@antiochian.org (201) 8717954 F

The SelfRuled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America DEPARTMENT OF SACRED MUSIC Paul Jabara, Chairman guiding chanters, choirs and congregations to musical excellence in orship for glory of God..antiochian.org/music December 17, 2015 The holy Prophet Daniel and Three Children: Ananias, Azarias and Misael Greetings to you all in Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! When I as appointed chairman of Sacred Music Department in February, 2006, I sa that e had already typeset s Byzantine Vespers Proect as he originally rote it. Some of accenting of music as incorrect, but ison as added, and e had a much cleaner copy of it all. I n began to proof and correct his Byzantine Matins Proect, already typeset by +Michael Kargatis, ith opportunity to make sure barring and accenting of music and ison ere done properly, and that text as according to approved text from The Divine Prayers Services by Nassar. This Proect as completed and approved for use in 2010. The next Proect our department took on as Kazan s Menaion, music for many of Feast Days of Saints and 9 fixed Maor Feast Days of Orthodox Church celebrated throughout year, since e discovered back n that it as out of print. This has been a 5 year proect, no completed at end of 2015. The music presented here in each of 12 months of Menaion is basically original music ritten by and Ray George, of blessed memory, but also corrected in same manner as Matins. In this updated, typeset edition of Menaion, e have corrected barring and accenting of music, corrected text according to Nassar, added various rubrics and instructions for services according to Typikon, added names of special melodies used for various stichera in Vespers and Matins, and added ison to complete style of Byzantine chant. The music presented here is to be used in conunction ith Kazan s Vespers and Matins Proect, as ell as Nassar. I am eternally grateful to Deborah Abraham for doing initial typesetting of Menaion back in 2007; to Michael Farro and Emily Loe for ir role in proofing final editions of each month; to Chadi Karam for helping me along ay ith correct ison; and to Paul Jabara, our current chairman, for alloing me to finish this Proect. May God continue to bless you all as e sing His praises throughout year, glorify His holy Name, honor His Saints and celebrate Feast Days of Holy Orthodox Church. Yours in Christ, Christopher Holey

Pages 1 Thru 12 1 October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars FOR VESPERS SUNDAY OF THE HOLY FATHERS From October 11th to 17th, on hichever day Sunday falls, chant Service of Holy Fars of Seventh Ecumenical Council convened for second time in Nicea in year 787. On "O Lord, to e have I cried " chant four for Resurrection in Tone of eek, and n six for Fars in Tone 6 as on pages 2 to 7 of this book. No sing "Glory" in Tone 6 as on pages 8 and top of 9 in this book. No sing "Both no" in Tone of eek. Then sing "Aposticha" in Tone of eek, folloed by "Glory" in Tone 4 as on pages 911 of this book, and n "Both no" in Tone 4 as on pages 1112 of this book. For Troparia, first sing Troparion of Resurrection in Tone of eek. Then chant "Glory to Far " and sing Troparion of Holy Fars, as on page 13 of this book, folloed by "Both no and ever," and Theotokion in Tone 8, "Thou ho for our sake ast born of a Virgin..." as on page 31 of Matins Byzantine Proect by Kazan. Then conclude Vespers as usual. MATINS MENAION OCTOBER 11 Thru 17 Pages 14 Thru 22 SUNDAY OF THE HOLY FATHERS Follo Matins Byzantine Proect through Exaposteilarion of Resurrection, and n sing Exaposteilaria of Holy Fars as on pages 14 and 15 of this book. For "The Praises" sing four for Resurrection in Tone of eek, folloed by four for Holy Fars in Tone 6 as on pages 16 to 20 of this book. Then sing "Glory" for Holy Fars in Tone 8, as on pages 21 and 22, folloed by "Both no and ever," as in Matins Byzantine Proect on pages 198 and 199. Follo ith "Great Doxology" in Tone 8, as on page 235 of Matins Service Book.. In place of "Having Risen," sing Troparion of Fars in Tone 8, as on page 13 of this book. MENAION OCTOBER 23 Page 23 JAMES, THE BROTHER OF THE LORD This Troparion is on page 23 of this book. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 Verse 1 Fast U, Ison If thou, O Lord, should'st mark in iq ui ties, O Lord, ho shall stand, Slo for ith e re is for Prosomion 1 Special Tone: Ere morning star give ness. b b Ver i ly, sev en coun cils of Fa. held at sun dry times, ere brought to geth rs un der can on and in good or der by Pa tri arch Ger man os Ne, in scrib ing and es b.. er tab lish ing ir doc trines and of fer ing m. 2 selves as in ter ces sors ith b. October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars Lord, atch ful for sal va tion, and shep herds ith him of fold. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 Ison Be cause of thy name have I ait ed for e U U O Lord, my soul hath ait ed up on thy ord, Slo my Prosomion 2 The soul hath hoped in Lord. b Book of La hath day for ver i ly hon oured sev enth He bres, dis persed in sha do and de " b vot ed re to. But ye Fa rs, by your par tic i pa tion in Sev en Coun cils, by thē in spir. b a tion of God ho in six days fin ished this ū ni. Verse 2 fast b b verse and blessed seventh day, have made it ev en more hon' 3 ra ble by de cree ing bounds October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars of faith. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 Verse 3 Fast U From morn ing atch un til night, from morn ing Slo atch, Prosomion 3 let b Ison Is ra el trust in. Lord. Ye have giv en all, O thrice bless ed Fa rs, to kno Trin i ty clear ly by he be'ng 4 Cause of cre October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars his orks, a tion of orld; for by your mys ti cal speech, hav ing called first three Coun cils n four,. ye have ap peared as champ ions of thē Orth o dox ord, prov ing that Trin i ty is ver i ly Cre a tor of four el e ments and of orld. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 For ith Lord re is mer cy, and ith him is U a bun dant re demp tion, and he ill de, liv er Is ra el from all his in iq ui b Ison It ould have suf ties. ficed E li sha Proph et to bend but once to in still dead son of Verse 4 Fast Prosomion 4 ser vant; kneeled and bent 5 Slo October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars but life in b he U sev en times. Thus in his fore vi sion did he proph e b. sy your gath er ing here ith ye re vived thē. In car na tion of Word of God, mor ti fy ing Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 6 October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars A ri us and his co ork Verse 5 Fast Slo U, Praise Lord all ye na tions; praise him all ye peo Prosomion 5 b In is dom, O ven er a ble Fa ye patched. rai ment of torn by bark ing dogs; Christ, ers. ple. rs, for. ye could not pos si bly bear to see his na ked ness, like Shem and Ja pheth, ho of old could not bear to see b na ked ness of ir fa r, thus con found ing him ho smote his on fa fool, and those ho r, namely A ri us styled fol loed his doc U trines. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 6 Verse 6 Fast U, Slo For his mer cy is great t'ard us, truth of Lord en Prosomion 6 and dur eth for ev b The Mac e do ni ans, Nes to ri ans,. fol lo ers of *Eu ty ches, Di os cor us, 7 October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars A pol li na ri us, Sa bel li us, and Se ver us, U er. hav ing turned de vour ing olves in lambs' skins, ye did not ex pel from Sav iour's fold, ye ho are true shep herds. Ver i ly, ye have done ell strip ping thrice retch ed ones na ked; here fore, e be at i fy you. *Eutyches is pronounced: YOOtihkeez. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Glory of Lord I have cried Tone 6 # # Slo 8 Glo ry to Fa r and to October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars Son and to # # # # # # Ho ly Spir Let us ex n tol to day it. those mys ti cal trum pets of Spir it, name ly # # n # # # #. God man tled Fa rs, ho, speak ing of di vine Church n a things, # # # # # # Slo Trin hymn i n n # sang in of b midst of un i fied tones, teach ing ty is One, that dif fer ing in Sub stance or God head, not re fut ing A ri us and con tend ing for n Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Glory of Aposticha Tone 4 9 October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars # # n # # Orth o dox y, ho ev er in ter U Lord to have Ison mer cy on n.. our cede ith souls. No sing "Both no..." in Tone of eek. After Gladsome Light, Prokeimenon, and Litanies, sing Aposticha in Tone of eek. Then sing folloing "Glory..." and "Both no..." for Fars. Tone 4 Glo ry to Fa r and to Son and to Come, ye as Ho ly Spir sem blies of Or tho dox it. y, let us. cel e brate to day in faith and true or ship thē an ni ver sa ry of God man tled Fa rs, ho from hole in hab it ed orld came to geth er in splen did cit y of Ni Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Glory of Aposticha Tone 4. ce a; for those in sa gac i ty of ir pi ous minds did re fute thē im. pi ous be lief hich A ri us retch ed had in vent ed, ban ish ing him by a de cree of Coun cil from ū ni ver sal Church, and in struct ing all to con fess o pen ly. Son of con sub stan tial and co e ter God, that. he. nal ith Fa r be fore e ter ni ty, de 10 October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars cree ing same ith pre ci sion and is Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Glory Tone 4 Both no Tone 4 true or. ship in Can on of Faith. Where fore, fol loing ir di vine doc trines in true faith, let us Son most or ship ith Fa r and U Ho ly Spir it, a Trin i ty, con sub stan tial in one God Both no and Lend ear, head. ev er and un to a ges of a ges. A. U men. O all blame less one, to pe ti tions of thy ser vants. Turn a ay from us e vil up ris ings and save us from all sor 11 thou a lone art our se cure and our safe ref October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars ros; for uge, and Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Both no Tone 4 12 October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars e, O La dy, have e tak en as our suc cor. Where fore, e shall nev er be dis com fit ed, ho ask e to has ten to those ho be seech and hail e in faith, say ing: Re oice, O La dy, help of all, O oy, shel ter, and sal va tion of our souls. For Apolytikia (Troparia), first sing one for Resurrection in Tone of eek. Then, sing "Glory to Far and to Son and to Holy Spirit" and Troparion on next page for Fars. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Troparion To The Holy Fars Tone 8 13 October 11 17 Sunday of The Holy Fars Tone 8 b Thou, O Christ, art our God of ex ceed ing b praise ho didst es b lu minous b tab lish our ho ly Fa rs as stars on earth, and through m didst guide us un to true Faith, O most mer ci ful One, glo b ry to e. Then sing "Both no and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen" and Theotokion in Tone 8, "Thou ho for our sake..." on page 31 in Matins Byzantine Proect by Kazan. Then conclude ith Dismissal of Vesper Service. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/1/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Exaposteilarion Tone 2 14 October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars Please note: Kazan rote se to Exaposteilaria for Fars in Tone 2, but y are properly to be done in Tone 3, according to melody: "While standing in Temple's courts." The music is added after page 15. Ison geth O Fa rs of heav en ly minds, as sem bled to b er in Sev enth Coun cil, lift up your pe ti tions con stant b ly to Trin i ty to save from ev' her e sy and from e ter nal con dem na ry tion those ho laud your di vine gath er ing, that y may re ceive King dom of heav en. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Exaposteilarion (Anor) Tone 2 By thē in ter ces sions of thy Moth er and those of Fa ho ere as b sem bled in Sev en Coun O Lord of ex rs, cils, ceed ing good ness, es tab lish thou thy Church, con Faith, and make us 15 all part ners king dom of heav en, hen thou com est to October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars firm of earth to udge hole cre a tion. Then e sing Praises in Tone of eek, first four being for Resurrection, and last four as follos. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

October 1117 HOLY FATHERS OF THE SEVENTH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL Exaposteilaria Byzantine Tone 3 Special Melody: While standing in temple's courts D C F 1. O 2. O n Fa rs of ce les tial mind of Great Sev Lord, Thou Who art more than good, through prayers of enth Thy D Coun Moth cil, er ith and fer of vor pray Fa rs Trin ho i ty con vened C F G n n for in us sing sev ing en great prais Coun es of your di cils, es tab lish vine and and build ven up F G C F 'ra n ble and all laud ed gath Church and make firm ho er ly ing, Faith; E F D C F b n that sho e us may all all forth be as de par liv tak ered ers from of he ret King i dom cal of G n er Heav ror en and hen from to udg earth ment ē Thou re ter turn nal, est C. and to F find udge 1. King dom of Heav en. hole of 2. C Un. F. cre a tion. Used ith permission. Text music copyright, 2005. Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA. Offered by Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Rev. 0, 10/7/15, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 6 16 Verse 5 Fast U, Praise him ith tim brel and dance, Slo October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars praise him ith stringed in stru ments and or Prosomion 1 Special Tone: Having laid up all ir hope Ison U Hav ing in dit ed gans. hole knol edge of soul and con sid ered it care ful ly in Ho ly Spir it, ven er a ble, glo ri fied, and all bless ed U. Fa rs in scribed in di vine rit hon' b. ra ble and heav'nly Can on, in hich y clear ly teach that and Word con is U ing thē b co e ter sub stan tial ith Fa nal r. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 6 (Let us glo ri fy faith ful ly strength en our be fol lo ing un mis tak a n teach ings of thē A pos Verse 6 Fast,. m. lief,). bly U. tles. ho thus Praise him up on loud cym bals, praise him up on U, high sound ing cym bals, let ev' ry thing that Verse 7 Fast U, hath breath praise Lord. A rise, O my God, lift up thine hand, and for get not hum Prosomion 2 When bless ed Christ hol ly y spoke ith di Slo 17 preach torch of. ers re ceived Ho ly Spir ble. vine in tu i tion, ith October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars After completing Verse 6, repeat Prosomion 1, "Having indited," n continue ith Verse 7 as belo. Slo it, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 6 18 October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars. su per nat u ral in spir a fe ords and much. tion b mean of ing, bring ing to front thē e van gel i cal doc trines and tra di tions of true or ship, hich, hen y ere clear. ly re vealed to n m from on. high, y n ere il lu mi nat ed re ith, es. tab lish ing Faith y had re ceived from God. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 6 Verse 8 Fast U, I ill praise e, O Lord, ith my hole heart, Slo I ill Prosomion 3 sho all thy 19 b mar vel ous October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars orks. Ver i ly, di vine shep herds, be ing fa voured ser vants of God and all hon oured in i ti ates of di vine preach ing, hav ing at tained ful ly thē ex per i ence of shep herd ing,. and hav ing no most ust roth, in a. ly axed udg ment of truth, ex pelled from per fec tion of Church de vour ing, destruc tive olves, and stoned m ith Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises, Tone 6 Glory, Tone 8 20 October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars b. sling shot of Spir it.. Where n fell blight n as un to. death; fore, for y ed ith an in cur a ble dis y ease. ere Tone 8 Glo ry to Fa r and. to Son, and to Ho ly Spir it. When rank of ho ly Fa rs flocked from thē ends of thē in hab it ed orld, y be n lieved in one Sub stance and one Na ture of Fa r, Son and Ho ly Spir it, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Glory Tone 8 21 October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars de liv er ing plain ly to Church mys t'ry of dis cours ing in ol o Where fore, in that e laud m in faith, e be gy. at i fy m, say ing: What a di vine ar my, ye God in spired sol diers of, J J camp of Lord, ye most bril liant lu mi nar ies in su per sen su ous firm a ment, ye im # preg na ble to ers of mys ti cal n Zi on, ye scented flo ers of par a dise, golden Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Glory Tone 8 22 October 11 17 Sunday Of The Holy Fars lights of Word, * boast of Ni ce a, and de light of hole ū ni verse, in ter cede cease less ly for our souls. (*This additional phrase of " boast of Nicea" is in Arabic translation, but as not included in Nassar's translation.) Sing "Both no..." and "Most blessed art thou, O Virgin Theotokos...," as in Byzantine Matins Proect by Kazan, pages 198 199, folloed by "The Great Doxology" in Tone 8 on page 235 of Byzantine Matins Proect. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 10/12/15, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Troparion Tone 4 23 October 23 James The Bror Of The Lord c Ison Since thou art a Dis ci ple of Lord, thou didst re ceive Gos pel, O right eous one, and since thou art a Mar tyr thou art nev er re ect ed, and since thou art a broth er of God, thou art priv i leged, and since thou art a High Priest, it is thine to in ter. cede. Where fore, be seech thou Christ. God to save our souls. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 3/10/13, Rev 1, DA, CAH

Pages 25 Thru 42 24 NOTE: If this feast falls on a Sunday, follo rubrics on page 317 of The Divine Prayers Services by Nassar. Orise, do as follos. Follo normal Vesper Service up to "O Lord, to e have I cried," n sing six (6) Prosomia for Saint in Tone 8, as on pages 25 through 31 of this book. Then sing "Glory" in Tone 6, as on bottom of page 31 through 33 in this book. Then sing "Both no," as on bottom of page 33 and all of page 34 in this book. Follo Vesper Service from "Gladsome Light" to Aposticha, n sing Aposticha in Tone 2 as on pages 35 through 38 of this book. For "Glory" of Aposticha, sing from bottom of page 38 in Tone 8 through page 39 of this book. Then sing "Both no" in Tone 8, as on page 40 of this book. For troparia, sing Troparion of Saint in Tone 3, as on page 41, folloed by "Troparion of Earthquake," as on page 42 of this book.. MATINS MENAION OCTOBER 26 PAGES 43 THRU 56 DEMETRIUS Follo Matins Service as usual, and after Six Psalms sing Troparion to Saint and Troparion of Earthquake, as on pages 41 and 42 of this book. Then read Kathismata, as on pages 321 and 322 of The Divine Prayers Services by Nassar. Then sing Anabathmoi, "From my youth up," as on pages 6364 of Matins Byzantine Proect by Kazan, folloed by Prokeimenon, as on page 43 of this book. After Gospel and reading of Psalm 50, n sing "Glory," "Through intercessions of fightbearing," "Both no," "Through intercessions of Theotokos..." and "Have mercy upon me, O God," "Christ God...," as on pages 43 through 45 of this book. No Katavasiae, "I shall open my mouth...," as on pages 72 through 80 of Matins Byzantine Proect by Kazan. No sing Exaposteilaria of Feast, as on pages 46 and 47 of this book. No sing Praises, "Let everything that hath breath..." in Tone 5, and special Prosomia as on pages 48 through 52 of this book. No sing "Glory" in Tone 4, as on pages 53, 54 and top of 55 of this book, folloed by "Both no" in Tone 4, as on pages 5556 of this book. No sing Great Doxology in Tone 4, as on pages 215 thru 219 in Matins Byzantine Proect by Kazan, folloed by Troparion of St., as on page 41 of this book. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 8 Verse 1 Fast U, Ison If thou, O Lord, should'st mark in iq ui ties, O Lord, ho shall stand, Slo for ith e re Ho strange 25 Prosomion 1: Special melody O strange onder is for give ness. that to day hath ly on drous. shon forth de light in heav en and de light on earth in mem o ry of De me tri us Mar tyr; for ver i ly he songs of praise from thē pae. an. is croned ith and re ceiv eth gels ans from men. What a con tend er!, ho fought good fight, and through hom deceitful en e my did fall, ov er come for Christ. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 8 Verse 2 Fast Be cause of thy name have I ait ed for e U U, O Lord, my soul hath ait ed up on thy ord, my Slo soul Prosomion 2 hath hoped in Ho strange Lord. on drous that De ly me tri us doth ev er shine in all quar ters of thē rays of light of true. night, Light de. earth mir a cles more bril liant than. sun, re ceiv ing that is suc light from ith ceed ed not by. light ing in Light that set teth. not, by 26 hose il lu mi na tion Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 8 27 clouds of bar ba ris m ere cleared a ay, dis eas es dis persed, and Sa tans van quished. Verse 3 Fast U, Slo From morn ing atch un til night, from morn ing atch, let Is ra el trust in Lord. Prosomion 3 Ho strange ly on drous that, hen thrice be at i fied De me tri us as. pierced for his Lord Christ's sake, he as ev er man i fest as a sord of dou ble edge to his en e mies, reap ing reith haugh ti ness of his en e mies, and de Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 8 28 stroy ing thē at tacks of Sa. Where fore, let us ac claim him, say ing,.. tan. Saint De me tri us fold us in thy pro tec tion, ho cel e brate thy ev er hon oured mem o O For ith Lord re is mer cy, and ith him is Slo U a bun dant re demp tion, and he ill de, ry. iq ui ties. liv er Is ra el from all his in Verse 4 Fast Prosomion 4 Thou. hast become a to er of cure ly found ed on true or ship, se rock of. faith, un clov en by temp ta tions and un shak en by Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 8 29 trib u la tions; for hen. aves of a thē is m dashed a gainst tor rent and great tem. did not break stead fast ness; for to be a Verse 5 Fast don thine in. pest, e in a great. y dom i ta ble thou dorned ith cron of mar tyr U, didst de sire Praise Lord all ye na tions; praise him all ye peo Prosomion 5 O fight dom. U bear ing De me tri us, Slo ple. hav ing re sem bled in thy pas sion thē en liv' ning Pas sion of. Christ, thou didst re ceive from. him gift of Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Verses and Prosomia Tone 8. onderork ing. Where fore, thou dost 30 save those ho has ten to e, sav ing ma ny trib u la tions; for.. m from thou art, O. glo ri ous one, ell fav Christ, be day, full of Verse 6 Fast fore hom thou glo U, oured by stand est all ry. For his mer cy is great t'ard us, and truth of Slo Lord en Prosomion 6 By me tri us, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH dur eth for ev shed ding of thy blood, O De er. thou didst

Verses and Prosomia Tone 8 Glory Tone 6 31 come be. fore life giv ing Christ, ho. shed his on pre cious blood for thy. sake,. mak ing e a par tak er in his glo ry and his king o ver thē in dom, since thou didst pre vail iq ui tous, one, an nul ling all his e vil iles. No sing "Glory" in Tone 6 as belo. # # # # # # Glo ry to Fa r and to Slo. To Son and to Ho ly Spir day doth gen er al as sem bly of it. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Glory Tone 6 # # # # # # b fight bear ing one call us. Has ten ye, b re fore, O feast lov ers, let us cel e brate his mem o ry in oy, say # # n # # # # # # ho didst brave. ing: n tear robe of n Hail to e, false ly, put ting on Spir Hail to e la ho didst an trans gres sors by po er grant ed # # God # # n # # a b lone. hood it. nul spite of. e Hail to e, hose mem bers ere pierced, de pict ing in spir 32 it bless ed Pas sion of by b Christ. U Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Glory Both no Tone 6 # # # # Where fore, O De me tri us, com li ness of strug glers, be # # from our in # # save seech him to save vis i ble en e mies, and to. our 33 us souls. # # No sing "Both no" in Tone 6 as belo. Both no and ev er, and un to a ges of # # a ges. A b men. # # We im plore e, O all ho ly La n. dy, # # # # help of tians, and seek of e orld and no, O good n hope of Chris one, to Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Both no Tone 6 # # # # # # n plead ith thy Son to kos, for us des pair ing sin thou art # # # # ter nal priv i n our n. Lord, O The o ners; a ble thus to do by us ing thy ma n b. lege 34 ith n for Ap prē hend us, O un de filed one, ap prē him. # # # # hend us, mē di ate and save thy peo ple b from pend ing threat. And for com pas # # n thy mer cies turn not a ay sion of those ho # #. praise e. n No continue ith "O Gladsome Light," Daily Prokeimenon, and Litanies, and n Aposticha on folloing page. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

The Aposticha Tone 2 When thē earth 35 trem bled be C cause of fear of thy rath, O Lord, hills and moun tains. shook. Where fore as thou look est don up on us ith thine eye of com pas sion, be not in dig nant ith us in thy rath, but have com pas sion on cre a tion of thy hands, and de liv er us from fear ful threat of earth. quakes; for thou of art man good and b kind. Lov U er Stichos Thou hast moved thē earth and thou hast trou bled it. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

The Aposticha Tone 2 36 Thou ust rath? art ae some, O Who shall be Lord; ho can bear thy seech e, or ho shall im plore e, O good One, on be half of a des pair ing and sin ful peo Ver i ly, heav'n ly myr i ads, thē an gels, prin ci pal i ties, po ers, thrones, b cher u bim and ser a phim, for our. sake: ple?. lords, cry to e Ho ly! Ho ly! Ho ly! art thou, O Lord. Turn not a. ay, O good b. One, from orks of thy Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

The Aposticha Tone 2 37 hands, but thy mer by com pas sion of cies save a cit threat ened ith dan Stichos Fast. He look eth up on thē earth, and mak eth it trem The Slo ger. y peo ple of Nin e vah, be cause of ir short ble. com ings, heard of threat of thē earth quake. But by means of sign of hale, hich made called to re clear to m Res ur rec tion, y ere pen tance through Jo Where fore, as thou didst hear ken to m, nah. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

The Aposticha, Tone 2 Glory, To The Saint, Tone 8 38 hear ken al so to cries of thy peo ple, ith b babes and beasts, and have com pas sion on us ho are chas Pit b tised. y us for sake of thy third Res ur rec tion, and have mer cy up. on us. day Glory, Slo, Tone 8 Glory to Fa r and to Son and to Ho ly Spir. it. Slo. Thy divine and blameless soul, O De metri us of ev er constant memo ry, hath heav en ly Je ru sa lem for its a bode, hose alls ere or dained by hands of thē in vis i ble Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Glory, To The Saint Tone 8 39 God. But thine all honoured bod y, having strug gled ex ceeding ly, hath on earth this re noned tem ple, a trea sure house of mir a cles that can not be robbed, a flock and re healling for af flic tions to hich thē af flic ted. ceive heal ing. Where fore, O all ex tolled one, preserve cit y hich doth magni fy. e from thē attacks of ad versar ies; for thou art fav oured by Christ ho did glo ri fy e. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Both no Tone 8 40 Both no and ev er, and un to a ges of a ges. A men. O groomless Vir gin and all blame less,. Mother of high God, ho didst con ceive God in flesh in an in ex pli ca ble man ner, re ceive thou pe ti tions of thy ser vants, ho grant est to all pu ri fi ca tion of sins, and in ac cept ing no our pray'rs, im plore sal va tion of us. all. (Folloing St. Simeon's Prayer and Trisagion Prayers, sing folloing Troparion of Saint in Tone 3.) Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Troparion To The Saint Tone 3 Troparion of Saint, Tone 3 Special Melody: Thy confession b 4 3 Ison Ver 41 i ly, thē in hab it ed orld (Adapted by Holey) found b e a great b suc cour in trib u la van quish er of na tions, O fight bear ing b tions and a. Wherefore, as thou didst de mol ish thē ar ro gance of one. b La hosh, and on bat tle field didst heart en b Nes tor, be seech, O Saint, b Christ. God to grant us Great Mer cy. After singing this Troparion tice (2x), sing Troparion of Earthquake as on next page. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Troparion For Earthquake Tone 8 42 Troparion, Tone 8 b O thou ho dost look up on thē earth and b make it trem ble, de liv er us from b fear ful threat of earth quake, O b Christ our God, and send up on us thy rich mer cies by thē in ter b cessions of The o to kos, thou on ly Lov b. of man kind. er Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 9/29/14, Rev 3, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Prokeimenon Tone 4 43... Ison Won der ful is God in his saints. Wonder ful is God in his saints. After Matins Gospel and Psalm 50, sing folloing. Glo ry to Fa r and to. Son and to Ho ly Spir it. Thru thē in ter ces sions of fight bear ing De me tri us, O thou ho art mer ci ful, blot out all mul ti tude of. J our transgres sions. Both no and ev er, and un to a ges of a ges. A men. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Idiomelons Tone 2 Through thē in ter ces sions of The o to kos, O thou ho art mer ci ful, blot out all. mul ti tude of our transgres J Have mer cy up on me, O God, ac cord ing to thy lov ing U kindness, ac cord ing to mul ti tude of thy ten der mer cies, blot out my trans No sing Idiomelon in Tone 2 as belo. Slo Christ God, O ise blameless soul un to a bōdes more sub thou didst be gres " sions. sion Mar tyr De me tri us, did of fer thy lime than U,. earth; come a con ten der for Trin i ty, 44 tak ing to bat tle field ith for ti tude ad a mantine as a for Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Idiomelons Tone 2 dia 45 mond; and hen thy pure side as pierced, O most ven er a ble. one, re sem bling him ho as stretched on. Tree for sal va tion of hole orld, thou didst re ceive gift of mir a cle ork ing, grant ing mankind heal ing ith boun ty. Wherefore, as e. cel e brate to day thy con vey ance as is meet, e glo ri fy Lord ho b glo ri fied e. No sing Katavasiae in Matins Byzantine Proect by Kazan, on pages 72 through 80. Then sing Exaposteilarion in Tone 2, on next page in this book. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Exaposteilarion Tone 2 Ison O as by di Mar tyr of Christ, De me tri vine grace thou didst crush a 46 fore time thē ar ro gance of La us, hosh and might of his chiv al ry, heart en ing in bat tle field brave Nes tor by po'r of Cross, al so by thy pe ti tions, O fight bear ing one, take thou my side al ays a gainst sa and a gainst soul cor rupt ing pas tans sions. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Exaposteilarion "To our Lady" Tone 2 47 Cease not, O un de filed Vir gin, to im plore Lord, in car nate from thy pure blood, for our sakes, that e thy ser vants may find grace and suc cour of good ac cess in day of trib u la J J tion, de liv er ing race moth er ly inter ces sion from ter ri ble of men by thy threat of earth quake and from dan ger. No sing page 135 in Matins Byzantine Proect by Kazan, "Let everything that hath breath...", in Tone 5, and n continue ith "The Praises," as on folloing pages. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 5 Verse 1 Fast b, Praise God in his sanc tu ar y, b firm a ment of his Prosomion 1 Special melody: Reoice b Ison Hast en to us ho be b praise him in po'r.. seech e, O Mar tyr of Christ, by thy pit y ing vis i b ta tion. De liv b 48 er Slo those ho are in mis er y from threat' nings of ū sur pers b and from vile fol ly of her e tics, b ho per se cute us like na b cap tives ev er driv. J en from place to place, b. an der ing in caves and moun tains. ked Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 5 49 b n n Where fore, O all ex tolled one, have com b. pas sion and grant us b. rest. Still. tem pest and put don b. rath that rīs eth a gainst us, im b plor ing God to grant orld Great Mer cy. Verse b 2 Fast, Praise him for his might y acts, praise him ac b Slo U cord ing to his ex cel lent great ness. After singing Verse 2, repeat Prosomion 1, "Hasten to us ho beseech e...", and n sing Verse 3 and continue. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 5 50 Verse 3 Fast b, Praise him ith sound of trum pet, b psal ter y and Slo praise him ith harp. b Ver i ly, thou hast been giv en un to b O Deme tri us, as a for ti fied b. all us, hich fear eth not thē im pacts of its en e mies, an b nul ling thē at tacks of Bar bar i ans and all b b Ó symp toms of dis ease. Wherefore, thou hast re mained for thy cit y a firm pil lar, and un b. Prosomion 2 J shak en foun da tion, a keep er, a b lead er, and a con tend er re for. Ó Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 5 51 b n n n Where fore, since no it is en com passed by b n dan ger and pressed hard by mis er y, b by thine in ter ces sions, O all bless ed b one, save it, im plor ing. Christ ho b grant eth orld Great Mer cy. Verse 4 Fast b Praise him ith tim brel and dance, b, Slo praise him ith stringed in stru ments and or gans. Prosomion 4 b The b rank of fight bear ing ones, as re vealed as pos ses sor of ev' ry vir. tue. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion The Praises Tone 5 52 b J J Where fore, ac cord ing to ir orth i ness, y have in b b her it ed bliss and hap pi ness of im mor tal life. And b since thou, O De me tri us, orth y of. praise, dost en oy that life, ex ult ing in thy re b. J sem blance to Christ and prid ing thy b b him thou ast n thou b b pierced ith a spear, re self n that like fore, seek ceasless ly, that e, ho hon our e, be de liv ered from suf fer ings and se vere hard ships, be seech ing him fer vent ly ho doth b grant orld Great Mer cy. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Glory Tone 4 Slo Glo ry to Fa Ho r and to ly Spir Ó Let us 53 No sing "Glory" in Tone 4. Son and to. (or stay on D*) hon our thē all ise teach er, per it. fect ed a mong Mar tyrs, ho by spear did in her it grace of sav ing side pierced by a spear, from hich Sav. iour did cause to flo for us a ters of. life and in cor rup tion, (or stay on D*) (*For Tone 4, it is more proper for ison to stay on D at end of this type of phrase, instead of going from D to E.) Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Glory Tone 4 54 ev en De me tri us ho fin. strug ished his course of gle by blood, spark ling ith mir a cles un to all thē in hab it ed orld, thē em u la tor of Mas ter, lov er of poor, pit y ing lead er of peo ple of Thes sa lon i ca, and ir cham pion in.. man y se vere hard (or stay on D*) ships. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Glory Both No Tone 4 55 Where fore, as e cel e brate his an nu al... mem o ry, e glo ri fy Christ. God ho grant eth through him heal ing to all. Both no and ever in Tone 4 Both no and ev er, and un to a ges of a ges. A men. O Moth er of Christ God, ho didst give birth to Cre a tor of all, de liv er thou us Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH

Matins Menaion Both No Tone 4 56 from our trib u la tions, ho cry to. e:. Hail, O thou ho a lone art thē in ter ces sor for our souls. No sing Great Doxology in Tone 4, as in Matins Byzantine Proect by Kazan, on pages 215219. After Doxology, sing Troparion of St. in special Tone 3 as found on page 41 of this book. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, 5/10/13, Rev 2, DA, CAH