A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

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A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

A Congregation of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

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Lord s Service July 31, 2016 trityeastaycom A Congregation Communion Reformed Evangelical Churches

THE BAPTSM OF CLARE KATHLEEN WETMORE THE ENTRANCE HYMN Mister: n name Far, and Son, and Holy Spirit, let us orship God Lorica n unison, ith energy 2 3 1 2 *3 *4 *5 2 3 2 3 d d d d d un this un un un day self me self self self for day ev po day day er, er By Of ẇ ẇ ẇ strong er po vir po er Name great tues 1 2 3 4 5 faith, love God 's Tri n cher star hold ni car u lit and ty, nation; im; heav'n, lead, By ap seet glo eye vo tism ca tion "Well rious done" sun's atch, life his 1 2 3 4 5 Jor judg giv might dan ment g same riv er; hour; ray, stay, Three death ser hite ear on vice ness + Stanza 1 ends here * follog stanzas contue on next page Congregation ill please stand One cross heark and for en One ser moon sal a at Three+ vation; phim; even, need;

2 3 4 5 n Con urst fess flash is g ors' g dom from faith, a spi pos light God ced tles' ng m; ord, free, teach, n ri pa hirl hand dg triarchs' g 2 3 4 5 up prayers, d's guide, tem his heav'n ly pro pes shield phets' tuous ay; scrolls; shocks, ard; All com good sta ord g deeds le at done earth, God un 2 3 4 5 day deep give salt me doom: Lord, sea, speech, And A d pu round heav'n 143 un ri ly ty old host en self vir dur e g g day souls rocks guard n n # ẇ n n # n n # Congregation ill please stand

& # Broader, slightly sloer j j J J 6?# j J e ith me, e neath me, ith a j J ove me, me, j J e hd qui j J me, et, j J e fore dan me ger, j J & # U n j J j J j J j J e side hearts me, all that love me, me, com fort mouth and friend re sre and stran?# j j n J J j J j J me ger 7 n unison, first tempo d un self Name, strong Name ẇ ẇ ẇ Tri ni ty; By vo ca tion 144 Congregation ill please stand

same; Three One, and One Three ẇ n Of hom all na ture hath cre a tion; E ter nal n ẇ Fa r, Spir it, Word: Praise Lord sal va tion, Sal va tion is Lord ẇ Ascried St Patrick 372466 Tr Cecil F H Alexander 1889 LMD ST PATRCK Charles Villiers Stanford, 1902 Congregation ill please stand

SALUTATON Mister: Grace you and peace, name Far, and Son, and Holy Spirit Lord e ith you Cong: Lord less you Mister: Our Help is name Lord!!!! Psalm 124:8a Cong: Maker heaven and earth!!!!!!! Psalm 124:8 Mister: rejoiced hen y said me, Let us go house Lord!! Psalm 122:1! Cong: Our feet are standg ith your gates, O Jerusalem!!!! Psalm 122:2 Mister: Let us pray THE COLLECT FOR PURTY Cong: Almighty God, un hom all hearts are open, all desires knon, and from hom no secrets are hid, cleanse thoughts our hearts y spiration Your Holy Spirit, that e may perfectly love You, and orthily magnify Your glorious Name, through Jesus our Lord Amen CONFESSON AND ABSOLUTON Mister: (Call Confession) Come let us orship and o don!! Cong: And kneel efore Lord our Maker!! Psalm 95:6 ~ Let all ho are ale, KNEEL ~ Cong: O God, our heavenly Far, We confess You that e have grievously sned agast You thought, ord, and deed; Not only outard transgressions, But also secret thoughts and desires that e are unale fully understand, But hich are all knon You We are need deliverance from Your enemies and our firmities For this reason e flee for refuge Your fite mercy, Seekg and implorg Your forgiveness and deliverance, Through our Lord, Jesus Amen Mister: Arise and hear good nes God s forgiveness: Almighty God, mercy, has given Son die for you, and for sake forgives you all your ss name Far and Son and Holy Spirit Congregation ill please stand

ACCLAMATON &? Ï Hal le lu yah! 3 Praise God Fa r, Son, &? j and Ho ly Spi rit 3 Glo ry You, O Lord, &? 3 oth no and for ev er j Hal le lu yah! Mister: Lift up your hearts! &? Congregation: We lift m up Lord Mister: Let us give thanks un Lord our God &? Congregation: t is pro per and right do so Congregation ill please stand

Mister: t is truly proper, right, and eneficial, that e should at all times, and all places give thanks un You, O Lord, Holy Far, Almighty and Everlastg God refore ith angels and archangels, and ith all company heaven, and hole church on earth, e laud and magnify your glorious name; evermore praisg you, and sayg: THE SANCTUS Ho ly! Ho ly! Ho ly! Lord, God Hosts 3 Hea ven and earth are full Your glo ry! Ho san na High est! 3 Bless ed is he ho comes name Lord Ho san na High est! Congregation ill please stand

Congregation ill please stand

(THE CONGREGATON S SEATED) THE READNG OF THE LESSON THE LESSON!!!!!!!! Ecclesiastes 1:2, 1214; 2:1826 Mister: Word Lord Cong: Thanks e God! THE READNG OF THE EPSTLE THE EPSTLE!!!!!!!! Colossians 3:111 Mister: Word Lord Cong: Thanks e God THE READNG OF THE GOSPEL (All STAND) Mister: No hear Gospel our Lord Jesus, accordg St Luke, chapter 12, verse 13 verse 21! Mister: Gospel our Lord Cong: Praise e You O ~ n Gospel shall e read~ THE READNG OF THE SERMON TEXT (REMAN STANDNG) THE TEXT 1 Samuel 910 Mister: Word Lord Cong: Thanks e God NCENE CREED: WE BELEVE N ONE GOD, THE FATHER ALMGHTY; Maker heaven and earth, and all thgs visile and visile AND N ONE LORD JESUS CHRST, only egotten Son God, egotten Far efore all orlds; God God; Light Light, very God very God; egotten, not made; eg one sustance ith Far, y hom all thgs ere made; Who for us men, and for our salvation, came don from heaven; And as carnate y Holy Ghost Virg Mary, and as made man; And as crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate He suffered and as uried; And third day he rose aga accordg Scriptures; And ascended heaven; And sits on right hand Far And he shall come aga ith glory judge oth quick and dead; Whose kgdom shall have no end AND WE BELEVE N THE HOLY GHOST; Lord and Giver life; ho proceeds from Far and Son; ho ith Far and Son ger is orshiped and glorified; ho spoke y prophets and one holy catholic and aposlic Church We acknoledge one aptism for remission ss And e look for resurrection dead; And life orld come Amen THE SERMON PRAYER OF CONSECRATON GVNG OF TTHES AND OFFERNGS Congregation ill please stand

Doxology (We lift our hearts, voices, and hands praise God) PRAYER OF THANKSGVNG Congregation ill please stand

Rise Aga, Ye LionHearted & 4 n # 1 Rise 2 se 3 Great 4 Would? 4 a ga men heart, God ye y y that li fear kno on un no heart shak turn might e ed en, g, ven Sats Fac Hon As # g or, ear dan gold, mar ly ger y tyred Chris daunt laugh sats ten less dom ly; scorn; old, & n #? Whith se Quench With er no is de itch sires help your g ith g strength lust hand de hath m part tak urn Heav ed, en, g, en, Whith Lust By Stead # er that no fast gone lures earth stand your ly mar van pas at tyr i sion tle dom? ty rn old! & n? Lo, 'Mid 'Mid O love's light roar li God, is and on's on rat roar pray m, tle g e, # Glo Of Songs n ry's flame tu mul praise com up tuous out at on at pour stay m, tle g, me & n #? And n Joy Grant ir de ous that ill sire ly y y may die soar take ev doth a ir er quell ove stand e # E'en All On Loy that th'a al, lord earth re staunch, and ould na's and prce have lood true m y hell love sand e Author unknon, 1712, cen Tr, Mart Franzmann, 1940 87 87 66 77 LÖWEN, LASST EUCH WEDERFNDEN Bernhard Kle, 1817, arr James B Jodan (1949 ) Congregation ill please stand

THE PRAYER OF THE CHURCH Mister: Let us stand for prayer! Whenever mister shall say: Lord, hear our prayer!! congregation shall respond: For you are gracious Mister: And no he has taught us, e are old pray: THE LORD S PRAYER THE LORD S SUPPER (all seated) At Trity Church East Bay e vite tale all those ho have een aptized Name Far, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and ho are livg sumission Jesus and Church, regardless age or mental capacity After example our Lord, e drk real e and e eat read, and drk e as y are passed Thanksgivg for Bread and Words nstitution (Communion Hymn next page) Congregation ill please stand

&2 3 1 2 3 4 5? 2 3 At name At his voice Hum led for n your heart Broth ers, this cre a en Lord At Name Jesus Advent Je a sea throne Je sus tion son him; sus ev 'ry knee at once re ceive let him re turn sprang re shall shall a su a o; sight, name due ga, &? ev all from all ith 'ry ngue that his an lips is Fa con gel not r's fess fac s ho glo him es, ners ly, ry, Kg all un all ith that his glo hosts hom is an ry he not gel no, light, came, true; tra; &? 'Tis Fa r's thrones and dom i faith ful cron him ly as he your for all reaths pleas na ore Cap em ẇ ure tions, it ta pire e stars spot meet should up less temp up call on ta on n him ir tion's his Lord, ay, last, hour; ro, & ho all rought let and? from it his our heav'n ack ill hearts e ly vic en con g or fold fess ng ders rious you him as hen Kg ir from its might great death light glo y ar he and ry Word ray passed po'r no Carole Maria Noel (18171877) alt 65 65 D KNG'S WESTON Ralph Vaughan Williams (18721958) 4 Congregation ill please stand

Thanksgivg for We and Words nstitution At TCEB, e don t thk Lord s supper is a time gloom and trospection t is family meal s people, here himself vites us sit at tale t is a joyous feast, here e commune ith and ody, Church refore e encourage you greet and speak those around you, peace, as e is passed Mister: Body and Blood our Lord strengn and preserve you steadfast true faith un life everlastg; Name Far, and Son, and Holy Spirit Amen THE SONG OF SMEON!!!!!!!! Luke 2:3032 & # # smoothly unison Lord, no lettestthouthy ser vant depart peace; accordg Thy ord;?# # & # #?# # For me eyes have seen thy sal va tion: hich thou hast pre pared & # #?# # e fore face all peo ple; A light light en Gentiles: & # #?# # and glo ry Thy peo ple s ra el Congregation ill please stand

& # #?# # Glo ry e Fa r, and Son, and Ho ly Ghost: & # #?# # As it as e gng, is no,and ev er shall e, orld ith out end A men CHARGE:!!!!!!! Mat 28:1820 BENEDCTON:!!!!!! Numers 6:2426 THREEFOLD AMEN POSTLUDE Announcements This morng e are celeratg aptism Claire Kathleen Wetmore Congregation ill please stand