The Calling. (Election) you shall be the one to lead and guide the church on -ward!" j œ j. the one mylord and God hascho - sen, ho- ly cap-tain

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Mi b /Sol E b /G. œ œ œ œ. œ œ j. Do m7 Cm7. nos. por

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j œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

Pentecostarion SUNDAY OF THE MYRRH-BEARING WOMEN. Apolytikia. raised up the


B 4 9 1 q = 90 J j j J cap tain (Election) 4 r.... "Why ask me for con so A U T H O R : Noé Ovando Rodríguez T R A N S L A T I O N : Jonathan Meza - - la tion If you'll e con -so - la - tion for my The word of o - ur The word of o - ur The word of o - ur.. R.... #.. j peo -ple! Naa-són, you shall e the one to lead and guide the church on -ward!" The word of our God and Lord! Glo - ry to the Lord! Ho - ly Lord! Glo - ry to the Lord! Ho - ly Lord! He's Naa-són, the one mylord and God hascho - sen, ho- ly cap-tain sa-cred hosts of Lord! Glo - ry to the Lord! Ho - ly and great cap cap - tain of God's hosts! An op - por - tu - ni - - tain of God's hosts! An op - por - tu - ni - God, Con - so - la - tion from the Lord for all His peo ple, a new - of God's hosts! An op - por - tu - ni - r.... Ó Œ J. J. J Ó Œ j. j. j Ó Œ J Ó j Œ j Œ j j j Œ j Œ j Œ Ó j Œ j Œ j j j Œ # j Œ j Œ Œ.......... Ó j Œ j Œ j j j Œ J j J j j J J J J Œ J Œ j j j j J J J # J j Œ j Œ j j j j........ j Œ j Œ J j j j

2 16 J J # J. w ty for all the world! j j ty for all the world! Glo - ry to the Lord! Con- so op - por tu - - ni- ty for all the world! Let's all sing: Glo - ry to the Lord! He's j Œ j j j w ty for all the world!. #. w........ 20.......... Œ la- tion from the Lord for all His peo ple, a new op- por-tu - ni-ty for all the world! Sing.. #.. Ó con - so - la tion - and a new op-por-tu - ni-ty for all the world! 24 Œ w Sing prai-ses to the Lord! prai j Sing prai ses - ses to the King of Kings,and Lord of Lords, and Ó Œ Sing prai - ses to the Kingof Kings,andLord of w j - to the Lord! and raise your voice in sweet

27 Œ w. #. j and raise your voice in song! Pro - claim that there.. j raise your voi -ces insweet and har-mo-nious song! Pro - claim that there. J.. j Lord, raise your voice in song! Pro - claim that there and har-mo nious. j - song to the Lord! We shall pro claim that there 1 Œ..... is a man of God! Oh my Lord, I know that you're the one; my faith tells Œ..... is a man of God! Oh my Lord, I know that you're the one; my faith tells Ó Œ. is a man of God! my faith Ó Œ. is a man of God! my faith tells tells 8....... # me it is you, it's you! God has tes - ti - fied a-out...... # me it is you, it's you! God has tes - ti - fied a-out Ó....... # me it's you, it's you! God has tes - ti - fied a-out...... # me it is you, it's you! God has tes - ti - fied a-out

4 42 souls! It's the work Lord, that's founddeep in our hearts! souls! It's the work Lord, that's found deep in our hearts! Per- fectworkthat the souls! Ó souls! Ó Ó 45 # Ó Work thatgodhasformed in all of o-ur hearts! Ho ly la-or of love Lord ourgodhasformed in allof o-ur hearts! Ho-ly la-or of love that rings peace to our Ó Ho-ly la or of love that rings peace toour j. Ho-lywork of love 48 # that rings peace to our souls, Work that God has formed in all of o - ur souls, souls, Per- fect work that the Lord our God has formed in all of o - ur Per- fect work that the Lord our God has formed in all of o - ur that rings peace to our souls, Work that God has formed in all of o - ur

5 50 56 61 hearts! We'llfirm lymarchto at tle, con - fi-ding in your voice! We shall pro- clam thru Ó Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ hearts! March to at - tle, We'll pro - claim to all that Ó Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ hearts! March to at - tle, We'll pro - claim to all that Ó hearts! March to at tle,con -fi ding Œ. Œ # - in your voice!andwe shall all pro claimthru out the world that your E - lec-tion reigns! Fight with ra - ver - your E - lec - tion reigns! Fight with ra - ver - your E - lec tion - reigns! We'll fol-low you, our Ge-ne- ral, and out the world that your E - lec-tion reigns! We shall fol - low o ur - Gen' -ral y, for vict' - ry is as - sured thru the_a - pos-tle y, for vict' - ry is as - sured thru the_a - pos-tle Œ #. fight with ra - ver - y! Our vict' -ry is as - sured with you, A - pos-tle # and we'll fight with ra ver - - y! Our vict' -ry is as sured #. # Ó Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Ó Œ Œ - with you, A - pos-tle Œ Œ. Ó Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ # Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ

6 66 Œ. w Œ Ó j Lord! The A pos 72 Œ Lord! The A- pos - to - lic mi-ni - stry re - mains pre- sent! Sing pra - ses Lord! The A- pos - to - lic mi-ni - stry re - mains pre- sent! Sing # Œ #. w Œ Ó Œ Lord! The A- pos - to - lic mi-ni - stry re - mains pre- sent! Sing prai-ses to the - - to - lic mi-ni - stry re - mains pre- sent! Sing prai-ses to the to thekingof Kings,and Lordof Lords, and raise your prai Lord!. # Ó Œ. w Œ Ó Ó Œ - ses to the King of Kings,and Lord of Lords, raise yourvoices w Œ w j Lord! And raise your voice with sweet and harmo nioussong to And raise yourvoice in 75 voi. w - ces insweetandhar mo nious song! Pro - claim that there is a man of God!. j. w insweetand har-mo - nious song! Pro claim w. # # w - that there is a man of God! song! Pro - claim that there is a man of God! w the Lord! We shall pro claim that there is a man of God!