יומא דף נב ?רבי יוסי (B

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Email your בחינה to dafaweek@gmail.com or fax it to (973) 860-1661 within one week of its release and we ll send it back marked, 'נ.בל If you prefer to mark your own test, email us or call for a copy of the answer key. All scores over 90 will receive a stipend in the form of a gift certificate. Please write clearly and use only black ink. Any comments, suggestions or corrections would be appreciated..גמרא \רש''י Unless otherwise indicated, all questions are based on.דף נא: on משנה This week s test starts from the היכל which separated the,אמה טרקסין there was a solid wall, called the בית המקדש 1. In the first and the קדשים.קדשי What took its place in the second בית המקדש and where were its entrances according to?תנא קמא (A the Answers: Two פרוכת which were separated by an.אמה The entrance to the outer פרוכת was on the southern side. The entrance to the inner פרוכת was on the northern side.?רבי יוסי (B Answer: A single פרוכת with its entrance on the northern side. 2. What was יוסי s רבי reasoning for his opinion, and why did the תנא קמא disagree? Answer: רבי יוסי modeled the פרוכת of the בית שני after the פרוכת in the.משכן We see from the ונתתה את הפרכת תחת הקרסים והבאת שמה מבית לפרכת את ארון העדות והבדילה הפרכת לכם פסוק תנא The.פרכת there was only a single משכן that in the בין הקדש ובין קדש הקדשים )שמות כו:לג ) אמה טרקסין inherently agreed with this, but because he was in doubt whether the space of the קמא only had the קדושה of the היכל or the full קדושה of the קדשים,קדשי he required two separate which area definitely had,קדושת קדשי קדשים so it would be clear which area definitely had פרוכות for תוס ' See seems to be explaining. רש '' י and which area was in doubt. This is what קדושת ההיכל an alternate explanation.?בית המקדש in the second אמה טרקסין 3. Why didn t they use the Answer: The second בית המקדש was built taller than the first. It had a height אמות of 100 (or according to others 40). Structurally, it was not possible to make an אמה thick wall that high. Page 1 of 5

4. From south to north the היכל had the southern wall, the,מנורה the inner,מזבח the,שלחן the היכל through the קטורת took when bringing the כהן גדול northern wall. Describe the path the into the קדשי קדשים and the reasoning for the path according to?רבי יהודה (A Answer: רבי יהודה said that he walked between the מזבח and the.מנורה This follows the opinion of.פרוכת had to get to the southern entrance of the outer כהן גדול that the משנה of our תנא קמא the מנורה because the smoke from the מנורה He didn t want to go between the southern wall and the blackened the wall and would dirty the גדול s כהן clothing.?רבי מאיר (B Answer: רבי מאיר said that he walked between the שולחן and the.מזבח This follows the opinion of The.פרוכת (single) had to get to the northern entrance of the כהן גדול that the משנה of our רבי יוסי One.מנורה offers two possible reasons why he didn t go between the northern wall and the גמרא possibility was because רבי מאיר was of the opinion that the ten tables that שלמה המלך added in the went from north to south (in two rows of five). This blocked the area between the northern היכל wall and the.שולחן Another possibility was that it was a lack of respect to walk directly towards the north. opposite the open entrance on the קדשי קדשים?יש אומרים (C the Answer: The יש אומרים say that the כהן גדול walked between the שולחן and the northern wall of the רב חסדא.היכל says that the יש אומרים is רבי יוסי of our.משנה Therefore the כהן גדול needs to שלמה המלך that שולחנות He holds that the ten.פרוכת get to the entrance at the northern end of the added to the היכל go from east to west and would not block the גדול.כהן He also does not קדשי קדשים subscribe to the opinion that walking directly across from the northern entrance to the is inappropriate because of Hashem s deep love for ישראל,כלל He does not require such a formal.רבינו חננאל etiquette. See an alternate explanation in 5. According to the conclusion of our,גמרא what is the distance between the inner eastern wall of?קדשי קדשים and the inner western wall the היכל the.אמות Answer: 61 Page 2 of 5

יוסף איש הוצל did ספק What.ודביר בתוך הבית מפנימה הכין לתתן שם את ארון ברית ד ' )מלכים א ו:יט(.6?משנה and how does it relate to our פסוק have regarding this Answer: Do we understand the פסוק to be saying בתוך הבית,ודביר a partition was placed within the (שלמה המלך) and, inside of it, he קדשי קדשים and the היכל to divide between the בית המקדש prepared a place for the.ארון This would indicate that the,דביר partition, was outside the place for ודביר בתוך הבית מפנימה saying, to be פסוק Or do we understand the.קדשי קדשים the,ארון the the wall was inside the קדשים.קדש This is the same ספק that the תנא קמא had in our משנה of whether the area of the טרקסין had the קדושה of the קדשי קדשים or not and therefore required the.פרוכות two איסי בן יהודה אומר, חמש מקראות בתורה אין להן הכרע שאת משוקדים מחר,ברייתא quotes a גמרא.7 Our?גמרא problematic to our ברייתא and how was this איסי בן יהודה Who is.ארור וקם Answer: איסי בן יהודה is איש הוצל.יוסף The ברייתא indicates that there are only five פסוקים which ודביר of פסוק But we should be able to add the.פסוק was unclear how to parse the איסי בן יהודה 6). to the list (see question בתוך הבית מפנימה...?ברייתא resolve the problem from the abovementioned גמרא 8. How did the.נביאים from פסוקים and not תורה from the פסוקים was only speaking about ברייתא Answer: The הלוא אם תיטיב שאת ואם לא תיטיב לפתח חטאת רבץ ואליך תשוקתו states תורה the,הבל killed קין.9 After had to read the איסי בן יהודה What are the two possible ways that.ואתה תמשל בו )בראשית ד:ז )?פסוק and how to understand this שאת word Answer: One way to understand the word שאת is to forgive and it is a continuation of the beginning of the אם תיטיב,פסוק,הלוא if you improve yourself, you will be,שאת forgiven. The other way to ואם לא תיטיב follow, is to carry the sin, and it is a continuation of the words that שאת understand (רש "י ( sin. carry the,שאת you shall Page 3 of 5

What are the two possible ways that.ובמנרה ארבעה גבעים משקדים כפתריה ופרחיה )שמות כה:לד(.10?פסוק and how to understand this משקדים had to read the word איסי בן יהודה ובמנרה ארבעה,פסוק Answer: It could be understood as being connected to the beginning of the almonds. Or it could be understood,שקדים cups were engraved like,גבעים that the,גבעים משקדים as being connected to the end of the כפתריה ופרחיה,פסוק,משקדים that the ופרחיה,כפתריה knobs and flowers were engraved like almonds. ויאמר משה אל יהושע בחר לנו says, תורה the,עמלק into battle against יהושע sending משה.11 Regarding What are the.אנשים וצא הלחם בעמלק מחר אנכי נצב על ראש הגבעה ומטה הא-לקים בידי )שמות יז:ט( two possible ways that איסי בן יהודה had to read the word מחר and how to understand this?פסוק וצא הלחם בעמלק,פסוק Answer: It could be understood as being connected to the beginning of the should go out to battle tomorrow. Or it could be interpreted as being connected to יהושע that,מחר the end of the אנכי נצב על ראש הגבעה,פסוק,מחר go out to battle today and tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill and pray. דם אל תבא נפשי בקהלם אל תחד כבודי כי באפם says, תורה the,שמעון ולוי to ברכה s יעקב.12 Regarding הרגו איש וברצנם עקרו שור. ארור אפם כי עז ועברתם כי קשתה אחלקם ביעקב ואפיצם בישראל )בראשית and how to ארור had to read the word איסי בן יהודה What are the two possible ways that.מט:ו-ז )?פסוק understand this וברצנם עקרו,פסוק Answer: It could be understood as being connected to the end of the previous Or it could be connected.(שכם) at their will, they hamstrung the ox belonging the cursed,שור ארור.לוי and שמעון curse the anger of,ארור אפם...,פסוק ז to the continuation of Page 4 of 5

ויאמר ד' אל משה הנך שכב עם אבתיך וקם העם הזה him, said to 'ד life, s משה רבינו.13 Towards the end of.וזנה אחרי אלהי נכר הארץ אשר הוא בא שמה בקרבו ועזבני והפר את בריתי אשר כרתי אתו )דברים לא:טז( What are the two possible ways that איסי בן יהודה had to read the word קם and how to?פסוק understand this הנך שכב עם אבתיך,פסוק Answer: One possible reading is that it is connected to the beginning of the Or it.תחיית המתים will be buried with his forefathers, but he will be resurrected at משה that,וקם וקם העם הזה וזנה אחרי אלהי,פסוק could be understood to be connected to the continuation of the land. that the nation will rise up and follow the gods of foreigners of the,נכר הארץ :הערות Please feel free to add any questions/answers and/or As a follow up to Rabbi Goldhar s lecture on remembering the,דף Please list a few headlines of the key סוגיות from this week s דף in a concise manner. We hope to share these ideas with the :חבורה :דף Times reviewed the Please Circle One: Open גמרא / Closed גמרא Copies of these tests can be obtained by contacting us directly at (718 ( 376-9663 or or download at www.dafaweek.com/dafaweektests.php. Initially, the questions only test will be posted. A few weeks later, we will post the question/answer sheet. Page 5 of 5