L1 Never Losing Hope ( 實用技能教材四 )

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L1 Never Losing Hope ( 實用技能教材四 ) A. Matching ( ) 1. dew (A) 接受 ( ) 2. struggle (B) 激勵 ( ) 3. normal (C) 同樣地 ( ) 4. kidding (D) 清醒 ( ) 5. awake (E) 困住 ( ) 6. alive (F) 活著的 ( ) 7. similarly (G) 正常的 ( ) 8. inspire (H) 露水 ( ) 9. stick (I) 奮鬥 ( ) 10. accept (J) 開玩笑 解答 :1. H 2.I 3.G 4.J 5.D 6.F 7.C 8.B 9.E 10.A B. Vocabulary accept inspires alive awake deal 1. It s my turn to. 2. I your invitation to the party. 3. It's lucky to be after the tsunami. 4. A cup of coffee kept me all night. 5. Ah-King's life story people to cherish what they have and work harder to carry out their dreams. 解答 :1. deal 2.accept 3.alive 4.awake 5.inspires C. Multiple Choice 1. We'd better leave it it is. (A) as (B) with (C) by (D) from 2. Don't move. Let me a close look at your cut. (A) make (B) take (C) use (D) do 3. My teachers keep us to study as hard as we can. (A) inspire (B) inspiring (C) inspired (D) to inspire 4. When I went out of the store, I found my bike (A) steal (B) stealing (C) stolen (D) be stolen 5. The person to me is my roommate, William. (A) who speak (B) to speak (C) spoken (D) speaking

6. Let me at the photos you took. (A) look a take (B) took a look (C) take a look (D) taking 7. We'd better. (A) leave it as it is (B) leave is it (C) leave as is it (D) leave is as it is 8. It makes us even stronger to life with some difficulties. (A) study hard (B) stay up (C) take a look (D) go through 9. I will do my best to achieve my goal., I will never give up. (A) On the contrary (B) Therefore (C) In other words (D) In fact 10. You shouldn't so easily. (A) deal (B) normal (C) give up (D) go through 11. alive is the happiest thing in life. (A) Been (B) Be (C) To being (D) Being 12. Whose turn is it to? (A) deal (B) become (C) normal (D) alive 13. Jack: What s the matter? You are crying. Mary: (A) I have just finished my homework. (B) I walked my dog there. (C) My dog just got hit by a car. 14. Jack: No matter what happens, we should always believe in ourselves. Mary: (A) Life is a joke. (B) I agree with you. (C) It is hard to make a living. 解答 :1. A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.B D. Rearrangement 1. more. / couldn t / I / agree / 2. door / When / one /, / shuts / opens. / another / 3. stuck / A / in / throat. / fish-bone / my 解答 : 1. I couldn t agree more. 2. When one door shuts, another opens. 3. A fish-bone stuck in my throat.

L2 Addicted to the Internet A. Matching ( ) 1. anxious (A) 離線的 ( ) 2. schedule (B) 成癮 ( ) 3. horrible (C) 難以置信 ( ) 4. listless (D) 恐怖的 ( ) 5. unbelievable (E) 安排行程 ( ) 6. suffer (F) 挨餓 ( ) 7. starve (G) 患病 ( ) 8. addiction (H) 焦慮的 ( ) 9. disease (I) 疾病 ( ) 10. offline (J) 無精打采的 解答 :1. H 2.E 3.D 4.J 5.C 6.G 7.F 8.B 9.I 10. A B. Vocabulary addicted so fail gotten in the way mess Addiction to the Internet has 1. of many people's lives. Many people spend 2. much time online that they get 3. to it. They 4. in their exams. They fail to finish their work. Their lives become a 5.. 解答 :1. gotten the way 2.so 3.addicted 4.fail 5. mess C. Multiple Choice 1. Peter stayed up late last night. No wonder he looks so. (A) listless (B) worried (C) addicted (D) starving 2. Does his being late have something to do the traffic? (A) in (B) on (C) with (D) about 3. the book, the church was built 500 years ago. (A) In addition to (B) Due to (C) Getting used to (D) According to 4. A man died after online games for 40 hours without rest. (A) play (B) plays (C) played (D) playing 5. A lot of people are suffering depression. (A) at (B) from (C) to (D) in 6. Many people in that boring speech. (A) dozed off (B) addicted (C) failed (D) sleeps

7. We were anxious her safety when we lost track of her for 3 days. (A) with (B) about (C) off (D) for 8. Your room is a mess. You'd better it. (A) give up (B) stay out (C) clean up (D) put on 9. We are the schedule. (A) happening to (B) falling behind (C) passing by (D) staying up 10. She always sticks her friends no matter what happens. (A) in (B) on (C) to (D) about 11. His efforts nothing in the end. (A) turned into (B) stay out (C) fell behind (D) gave up 12. Tom: Why did John get fired? Mary: (A) I think it had something to do with his laziness. (B) The firemen came and saved him. (C) Yes, he got fired. 13. Tom: How long have you been teaching here? Mary: (A) It is four feet long. (B) Next year. (C) Four years. 14. Tim: Did you hear that Peter broke his leg yesterday? Gary: (A) No, he is my friend. (B) Yes, he won the contest. (C) No, what happened? 解答 :1. A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.C D. Rearrangement 1. a / Your / room / mess. / is / 2. They / the / game. / up / stayed / to / watch / 3. schedule. / We / the / behind / are / falling 解答 : 1. Your room is a mess. 2. They stayed up to watch the game. 3. We are falling behind the schedule.

L3 Saving Umbilical Cord Blood A. Matching ( ) 1. consider (A) 包含 ( ) 2. heal (B) 新出生的 ( ) 3. contain (C) 獲得 ( ) 4. obtain (D) 恢復 ( ) 5. regain (E) 治癒 ( ) 6. pregnant (F) 奇蹟 ( ) 7. patient (G) 懷孕的 ( ) 8. store (H) 儲存 ( ) 9. miracle (I) 病人 ( ) 10. newborn (J) 考慮 解答 :1. J 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.G 7.I 8.H 9.F 10.B B. Vocabulary contain regained illness stored blood 1. Tom died of a serious. 2. The soldiers food and water for another battle. 3. The little girl her eyesight after the six-hour treatment. 4. Because of the shortage of, the patient is waiting for other people's donation. 5. Fruits rich vitamins. 解答 :1. illness 2.stored 3.regained 4.blood 5. contain C. Multiple Choice 1. Stem cells can be after birth from the newborn baby's umbilical cord blood. (A) healed (B) obtained (C) suffered (D) considered 2. The museum is a visit. (A) illness (B) consider (C) worth (D) blood 3. For some people, stem cell technology could be a life- miracle. (A) saving (B) saved (C) save (D) saves 4. Judy is a student. If she a teacher, she would teach the way she likes. (A) be (B) is (C) are (D) were

5. What would you do if you 10 million dollars in the lottery? (A) win (B) won (C) are winning (D) have won 6. After the treatment, the girl regained her sight. (A) receive (B) receiving (C) to receive (D) receives 7. Doctors and nurses patients in the hospital. (A) give up (B) fall behind (C) take care of 8. Tina often suffers headaches. (A) from (B) for (C) of (D) to 9. Joe a scholarship when he was studying overseas. (A) listless 10. Tom: You look tired. Why? (B) obtained (C) healed (D) worth Mary: (A) I ll never be tired of playing computer games. (B) I was up all night last night. (C) I got a flat tire. 11. Gary: I am concerned about my sister. Mary: (A) Why? What s wrong with her? (B) It s none of your business. (C) As far as I am concerned, I am against it. 12. Coco: I just can t stop playing online games. Mary: (A) A lot of people are suffering from depression. (B) Oh, no. Don t get addicted to online games. (C) I can teach you how to play. D. Rearrangement 1. students / Lots / blood. / of / donate (D) look forward to 解答 :1. B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.B 2. doctor / The / Nancy s / healed / grandmother. 3. grandfather / May s / a / illness. / has / serious 解答 : 1. Lots of students donate blood. 2. The doctor healed Nancy s grandmother. 3. May s grandfather has a serious illness.

A. Matching L4 A Day of Beauty and Wisdom ( ) 1. hold (A) 傳統 ( ) 2. activity (B) 美麗 ( ) 3. knowledge (C) 武士 ( ) 4. wisdom (D) 龍 ( ) 5. represent (E) 舉行 ( ) 6. dragon (F) 知識 ( ) 7. beauty (G) 代表 ( ) 8. knight (H) 取悅 ( ) 9. tradition (I) 活動 ( ) 10. please (J) 智慧 解答 :1. E 2.I 3.F 4.J 5.G 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.H B. Vocabulary please traditions held encourage represent 1. Every country has its own. 2. It's not necessary to everyone around you. 3. Mary will her class to take part in the speech contest. 4. My parents me to study hard. 5. A series of activities will be to celebrate our National Day. 解答 :1. traditions 2.please 3.represent 4.encourage 5. held C. Multiple Choice 1. What does the color red possibly stand? (A) out (B) for (C) up (D) to 2. I am looking forward to from you. (A) hear (B) heard (C) hearing (D) be hearing 3. I happened be there when the accident happened. (A) to (B) with (C) by (D) X 4. Please help me with my English homework and I will cook you a delicious meal return. (A) for (B) in (C) with (D) by

5. A series concerts will be held to raise money for the orphanage. (A) at (B) with (C) for (D) of 6. I am looking forward to from you. (A) hear (B) heard (C) hearing (D) hears 7. Many people come here to enjoy. (A) the sunset of the beauty (B) beauty of sunset (C) the beauty of the sunset (D) sunset of beauty 8. I helped Tom with homework, and he fixed my computer. (A) in return (B) happen to (C) suffer from (D) in other words 9. I will pass the store on my way home. (A) out (B) away (C) by (D) of 10. Books knowledge, and knowledge is. (A) stand / traditions (B) represents / cultures (C) represent / power (D) stands for / power 11. Coco: What are you going to do on World Book Day? Mary: (A) I am going to by my girlfriend roses. (B) I ate with my girlfriend at a nice restaurant. (C) I bought a new car last week. 12. Julia: What activity will the school library hold tomorrow? Jim: (A) Shopping. (B) A book fair. (C) A 3-to-3 basketball game. 13. Bear: Why are you reading all the time? Owl: (A) I like to play computer games. (B) I don t know you love reading too. (C) Because I enjoy reading. 14. Bell: I got the job! Owen: (A) I am sorry to hear that. (B) Sure, here you are. (C) That s great. Congratulations! 解答 :1. B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C D. Rearrangement 1. us / happy. / Learning English / makes 2. New Year / the / corner. / is / around 3. happened / I / library. / to / the / Peter / see / at 解答 : 1. Learning English makes us happy. 2. New Year is around the corner. 3. I happened to see Peter at the library.

A. Matching L5 Getting to Know Jimmy Liao ( ) 1. add (A) 角色 ( ) 2. male (B) 細節 ( ) 3. female (C) 命運 ( ) 4. somehow (D) 男性的 ( ) 5. adapt (E) 女性的 ( ) 6. parallel (F) 改編 ( ) 7. fate (G) 增加 ( ) 8. sketch (H) 不知怎麼的 ( ) 9. detail (I) 平行的 ( ) 10. character (J) 素描 解答 :1. G 2.D 3.E 4.H 5.F 6.I 7.C 8.J 9.B 10.A B. Vocabulary peaceful observed published characters inspired 1. I love the country life. 2. The publishing company has many books. 3. The leader's words have these workers a lot. 4. The two main in this play are celebrities. 5. They took care of the larva and carefully their changes. 解答 :1. peaceful 2.published 3.inspired 4.characters 5. observed C. Multiple Choice 1. Fate seems to keep the female translator and the male violinist apart. (A) someday (B) somehow (C) someone (D) somewhere 2. He university and worked in an advertising company. (A) graduated from (B) suffered from (C) kept apart (D) seemed to 3. I first, draw the outline, and then the details. (A) translate, publish (B) inspire, obtain (C) observe, add (D) adapt, regain 4. When do you think her ex-boyfriend last night? (A) Linda met (B) did Linda meet (C) was Linda meeting (D) Linda was meeting 5. Jimmy's books have been for theater, movie, television and animation. (A) regained (B) added (C) attended (D) adapted

6. John graduated National Taiwan University in 2000. (A) at (B) from (C) of (D) with 7. The teacher tried to the two noisy boys. (A) happen / to (B) suffer / from (C) keep / apart (D) stick / to 8. The author is going to his play for television. (A) adapt (B) sew (C) fate (D) observe 9. Have you ever heard Jimmy s picture books? (A) No, I have read none of his picture books. (B) Yes, I have seen the movies adapted from his books. (C) No, I have never seen any pictures in his books. 10. By the way, who do you think that man is? (A) He is handsome. (B) He is a student. (C) He is my boss. 11. Which jacket do you guess Michael bought last weekend? (A) I guess he bought the black one. (B) I guess he went boating last weekend. (C) I guess he wore the jacket last weekend. 12. Who do you think went to the National Palace Museum with Jenny? (A) I have a lot to say. (B) No one, she went there by herself. (C) Her family went to the National Museum of History with Jenny. 13. Gina: Why do teachers give books as gifts to students? Kate: (A) All students love eating out. (B) They like singing together. (C) It is because books stand for knowledge. 解答 :1. B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.C D. Guided Translation 1. 你猜昨晚發生麼事? What do you last night? 2. 你認為昨晚這位超級巨星去見誰? do you this superstar met last night? 3. 他們似乎是最適合彼此的, 但命運不知怎麼地總是不讓它們遇到彼此 They seem to be perfect for each other, but somehow keeps them. 4. 很多幾米的書已經譯成多國語言, 改編成戲劇 電影 及動畫 Many of Jimmy s books have been into many languages and for theater, movie, and animation. 解答 :1. guess / happened 2.Who / think 3.fate / apart 4.translated / adapted

L6 Saying Hello from Alishan A. Matching ( ) 1. emerge (A) 日出 ( ) 2. neat (B) 操作 ( ) 3. path (C) 小徑 ( ) 4. sunrise (D) 自助餐廳 ( ) 5. performer (E) 散步 ( ) 6. landmark (F) 出現 ( ) 7. breathtaking (G) 很棒的 ( ) 8. operate (H) 表演者 ( ) 9. cafeteria (I) 地標 ( )10. stroll (J) 驚人的, 壯麗的 解答 :1. F 2.G 3.C 4.A 5.H 6.I 7.J 8.B 9.D 10.E B. Vocabulary performer landmark strolling cafeteria operate 1. The new worker is learning how to the machine. 2. The couples are along the beach. 3. He is a great street. 4. The is popular with students because of its low price. 5. Taipei 101 is a beautiful of Taipei. 解答 :1. operate 2.strolling 3.performer 4.cafeteria 5. landmark C. Multiple Choice 1 My father gave a bicycle me as a birthday present. (A) of (B) to (C) for (D) from 2. I have never so many different kinds of cherry blossoms in my life. (A) see (B) saw (C) seen (D) seeing 3. The most amazing thing my trip was seeing the sea lions. (A) on (B) to (C) for (D) from 4. The kind teacher bought books the poor boy. (A) of (B) for (C) with (D) from 5. The old locomotive is one of the most famous alpine railways still in the world today. (A) operating (B) being operated (C) operated (D) operate

6. The fans went to the concert joy. (A) with (B) of (C) at (D) in 7., Terry is a professor at this university. (A) Believes it or not (B) Believe or not (C) Believe it or not (D) Believing it not 8. My family and I enjoy down the cherry lane after a tiring day. (A) strolling (B) stroll (C) strolls (D) to stroll 9. ( 選出正確句子 ) (A) How a breathtaking view it is! (B) How breathtaking is it! (C) What a breathtaking view is it! (D) What a breathtaking view it is! 10. Where does the postcard come from? (A) There is no stamp on it. (B) It s from Australia. (C) You can buy postcards at the post office. 11. Have you ever been to Alishan? (A) No way. (B) Sorry, I am not driving. (C) Yes, twice. 12. What did your pen pal write on the post card? (A) Pen pals are always good. (B) He looks pale. (C) He invited me to visit his hometown. 13. How often do you write to your family? (A) Once a month. (B) About 30 dollars. (C) It takes me twenty minutes. 14. Where did you buy the beautiful postcards? (A) I am not sure. (B) At Harry Bookstore. (C) They don t sell postcards. 解答 :1. B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B D. Guided Translation 1. 我們以充滿喜悅的心歡迎遠自西雅圖來的訪客 We welcomed the quest from Seattle. 2. 阿里山的老火車頭被視為台灣珍貴的文化寶藏之一 The old locomotive of Alishan one of Taiwan s precious cultural treasures. 3. 為了趕上今晨第一班火車, 傑瑞 5:30 醒來 Jerry at 5:30 this morning in order to catch the first train. 解答 :1. with / joy 2. is / considered 3.woke / up