hu - cir - stayed taught man cum - be - Your Sav - each went led Mo - al - Law, all cised sm, of thanks as and the for Lord, Child, The This For the

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Dive Liturgy Propers, January 1, 2012 SUNDAY BEFORE THEOPHANY Circumcision of Our Lord, God Savior Jesus Christ Our Holy Far Basil Great, Archbishop of Caesarea Hymn & # 1. In 2. For 3. But 4. For His love each of when y Ba - sil, for us left, too, is He hu - cir - stayed taught man cum - be - Y race, cised hd; Church, y Sav - each went led melody: Pod tvo prokrov ior with to Y came to Christ has tem - ple, flock with & #. earth, died where, care, af - ter ss a - busi - ness deeds so was eith we birth. side! re. fair! cir - cum - Bap - ti - doc - tors give You & #.. The This For You cised sm, of thanks Lord, Child, as for Mar - crown with - y, Mo - al - Law, all ses so He he Mak - Moth - year er His er with taught rose; spoke did, His for of par - ents of good- ness, eighth put Fa - words Law care, God, Lord; day r s ful - was now & # filled filled with pon - dered bless Law s strength com - com - her g. ms grace; heart year, that when all that we, twelve, thgs lov - His con - g could not par - ents nect - ed neigh - bor save with - His her & #.. selves, k Son, God, be brought we we saved Him all live from to s s keep thanks grace de - im - ms. feast. part! fear!

Troparion of Resurrection - Tone 4: W The oy - ful mes-sage of res-ur - rec - tion W was heard by women disci-ples. from an - gel, be - g freed from an - ces - tral curse, y boast - ed.. to a - pos - tles: Death is de-spoiled; Christ God is ris - en, w giv - g great mer - cy to world. Troparion of Circumcision - Tone 1: & # W # O Je - sus, al-though you are seated on a fi - ery throne with e - ter - nal & # W W Fa - r y di-ve Spir - it, you were pleased to be born of a vir-g & # # maid - en, y Moth - er has nev - er known man. There - fore, & # # as man you were al - so cir - cum-cised when you were eight days old. & # # Glo - ry to y most no - ble de - ci - sion! Glo - ry to y sal - va- tion! 2

& # Glo - ry to y hu - mil - i - ty! # w You a - lone love us all. Troparion of Our Holy Far Basil - Tone 1: & # # Y voice re - sounds to le world which has re - ceived y word & # W of struction di-ve dog - mas. # You ex-plaed na- ture of cre - a - tion & # gave rules to or - der hu- man con - duct. W O roy - al priest, O venerable & # fa - r Ba - sil, W # w beg Christ God to grant us his great mer - cy. Cantor Glo - ry to Fa - r, to Son,. to Ho - ly Spir - it. Kontakion of Our Holy Far Basil - Tone 4: W You have ap - peared as unshakea-ble foun - da - tion of Church, W. lead - g all mortals to safe pas - ture Lord, by y teach - gs, con - firm - g m W. w O venerable Basil, reveal-er of heav - en - ly mys - te - ries. 3

Cantor & # Now ev - er for - ev - er. A - - - men. Kontakion of Circumcision - Tone 3: & # The Lord of all en - dures cir - cum - ci - sion be - g good, he & # W cuts away ss of mor - tals. To - day he grants sal - va-tion to world, & # W bish - op Ba - sil, Creator's morng star, re - oic - es; he has been & # W w - i - tiated -to mys - te - ries of Christ. Prokeimenon of Sunday before Theophany - Tone 6 (Psalm 27:9,1): & # # Save y peo - ple, O Lord, bless y - her - i - tance, & # w bless y - her - i - tance. Verse: To you, O Lord, I cry out: My God, be not silent to me. Then, immediately after verse: 4

Prokeimenon of Our Holy Far Basil - Tone 1 (Psalm 48:4): & #. & # J My lips will speak. J. # words of wis - dom; w un - der-st-g will be me of my heart. Alleluia of Sunday before Theophany - Tone 8 (Psalm 79:2; 36:30): & # Al - le - lu - - - ia! w Al - - - le - lu - ia! Verse: Shepherd of Israel, hear us; you lead Joseph s flock. Verse: The mouth of ust will utter wisdom, his tongue will pronounce udgment. Cherubic Hymn Let us, mys - tic - 'ly. ho - ly hymn, life - cre - a - tg Tr - i - ty, w all earth - ly cares. re - pre-sent cher - u - bim, thrice - ho - ly hymn.. w sg thrice - to life - cre - a - tg, now set a - side melody: Divnaa nova. all earth - ly cares, 5

After commemorations:. A - men. That we may re - ceive, w - vis - i - bly.. es - cort - ed may re - ceive Kg of All, w by an - gel - ic hosts.. The Dive Liturgy of Sat Basil Great is celebrated; music for responses can be found on pages 96-103 of people s book for Dive Liturgies. We praise you, we bless you... can be sung to Basil melody, or to followg melody: Anamnesis Acclamation: We praise you, we bless you,. God, we thank you, O Lord, w pray to you, God.. we pray to you, Instead of It is truly proper... : Magnification: (music found on pages 98 / 102) In you, O Woman Full of Grace, all creation reoices: angels ir ranks human race. Sanctified Temple Rational Paradise, Boast of Virgs from m God took flesh became a child while remag God from before all time. He made y womb a throne, settg it apart, a room more spacious than heavens. In you, O Woman Full of Grace, all creation reoices. Glory to you! 6

For Circumcision, Communion Hymn is (Psalm 148:1):. Praise Lord from heav - ens, Refra:. And for a Hierarch, Communion Hymn is (Psalm 111:6,7):. The ust man will be re - mem - bered, e - vil news.. he will not fear, praise him high - est. re - mem-bered for ev - er; he will not fear. melody: Divnaa nova Refra:. 7