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UHRISTI PRYR OR MSSS WITH HILRN II & V. The Lord be ith you. & R. nd ith your spir it. V. Lift up your hearts. R. lift m up to Lord. & V. Let us give thanks to Lord our od. R. It is right and just. 1. The Lord be ith you. ± nd ith your spirit. Lift up your hearts. ± lift m up to Lord. Let us give thanks to Lord our od. ± It is right and just. od, our loving ar, e are glad to give you thanks and praise because you love us. & With Jesus e sing your praise: ll say: Ó Ho lo san ry od in high na in high to est est. ecause you love us, you gave us this great and beautiful orld. & With Jesus e sing your praise: ll say: Ó Ho lo san ry od in high na in high to est est. II 1

ecause you love us, you sent Jesus your Son to bring us to you and to gar us around him as children of one family. & With Jesus e sing your praise: ll say: Ó Ho lo san ry to od in high na in high est est. or such great love e thank you ith ngels and Saints as y praise you and sing (say): ll say: 4 3. Holy, Ho ly, Ho. san. in comes, Heav'n and. earth.. ly are. Lord od full of your na, ho san na, ho san Ho na, in. high est. less ed ho comes in. is name of of. hosts. glo ry. Ho he. Lord. san na, ho san na, ho san high. na ho est. Ho san na, ho san ho san na in high est. na. II 2

2. The Priest, ith hands extended, says: lessed be Jesus, hom you sent to be friend of children and of poor. He came to sho us ho e can love ar, by loving one anor. He came to take aay sin, hich keeps us from being friends, and hate, hich makes us all unhappy. He promised to send Holy Spirit, to be ith us alays so that e can live as your children. [ll say: lessed is he ho. comes, ho. comes in name of Lord... Ho san na, ho san na, ho san na in high est.. 3. He joins his hands and, holding m extended over offerings, says: od our ar, e no ask you to send your Holy Spirit to change se gifts of bread and ine He joins his hands and makes Sign of ross once over bread and chalice toger, saying: into ody Ñ and lood of Jesus hrist, our Lord. II 3

4. In formulas that follo, ords of Lord should be pronounced clearly and distinctly, as nature of se ords requires. The night before he died, Jesus your Son shoed us ho much you love us. When he as at supper ith his disciples, He takes bread and, holding it slightly raised above altar, continues: he took bread, and gave you thanks and praise. Then he broke bread, gave it to his friends, and said: He bos slightly. Take this, all of and eat of it, for this is my ody, hich ill be given up for you. He shos consecrated host to people [hile all say: Je sus has giv en his life for. us. He places consecrated host on paten and genuflects in adoration. 5. fter this, he continues: When supper as ended, He takes chalice and, holding it slightly raised above altar, continues: Jesus took chalice that as filled ith ine. He thanked gave it to his friends, and said: II 4

He bos slightly. Take this, all of and drink from it, for this is chalice of my lood, lood of ne and eternal covenant, hich ill be poured out for you and for many for forgiveness of sins. He shos chalice to people [hile all say: Je sus has giv en his life for. us. The Priest continues: Then he said to m: o this in memory of me. He places chalice on corporal and genuflects in adoration. 6. Then Priest, ith hands extended, says: & Let us pro claim our faith: or & Let us pro claim our faith: nd people continue, acclaiming: fess. gain, pro your claim your eath, O Lord, and pro. Re. sur rec tion un til you come a un til you come a. gain.. Or: II 5

When e e come eat this read and drink this. up, pro claim your eath, O Lord, un til you.... a gain, until you come a gain.. Or: Save ross. free, us, and Sav iour Re of sur rec tion. you have set. orld, for by your you have set us us.. free. 7. Then Priest, ith hands extended, says: nd so, loving ar, e remember that Jesus died and rose again to save orld. He put himself into our hands to be sacrifice e offer you. ll say:. praise e bless. e. thank. you. II 6

8. Lord our od, listen to our prayer. Send Holy Spirit to all of us ho share in this meal. May this Spirit bring us closer toger in family of hurch, ith N., our Pope, N., our ishop, 2 all or ishops, and all ho serve your people. ll say:. praise e bless. e. thank. you. Remember, ar, our families and friends [N. and N.], and all those e do not love as e should. Remember those ho have died [N. and N.]. ring m home to you to be ith you for ever. ll say:. praise e bless. e. thank. you. 2 Mention may be made here of oadjutor ishop, or uxiliary ishops, as noted in eneral Instruction of Roman Missal, no. 149. II 7

ar us all toger into your kingdom. There e shall be happy for ever ith Virgin Mary, Mor of od and our mor. There all friends of Jesus Lord ill sing a song of joy. ll say:.... praise e bless e thank you. 9. He joins his hands, n takes chalice and paten ith host and, raising both, he says: & # á Through him, and ith him, and in him, O á od, almighty ar, & # á á in unity of Ho ly Spi rit, all glo ry and honour is yours, & # for ev er and ev er. The people acclaim:... men, a men, a.. men. Music 2014, 2015 Martin oster..bearmusic.info xcerpts from nglish translation and chants of The Roman Missal 1975, 2010, 2014 International ommission on nglish in Liturgy orporation. ll rights reserved. The setting has been approved for publication by epartment for hristian Life and Worship. II 8